Report Title:

Hawaii Grown Produce



Establishes the farm-to-school program in the department of education to increase the procurement of locally-grown fruits and vegetables.  Establishes the Hawaii-grown fresh fruit and vegetable program to increase schoolchildren's access to Hawaii produce.  Establishes the farmers to food banks program.



H.B. NO.














relating to HAWAII GROWN produce.





SECTION 1.  Chapter 302A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§302A-A  Farm-to-school program.  (a)  There is established in the department of education a farm-to-school program.  The purpose of the program is to increase procurement of locally-grown fruits and vegetables by public schools.

     (b)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the farm-to-school program, in consultation as necessary with the departments of health, accounting and general services, and agriculture, shall:

(1)  Coordinate the identification and development of policies and procedures to implement and evaluate the program;

(2)  Assist food growers and distributors to market Hawaii-grown produce to schools by informing them of food procurement opportunities, bid procedures, school purchasing criteria, and other requirements;

(3)  Assist schools to connect with local growers and distributors by informing the schools of the sources and availability of Hawaii-grown produce as well as the nutritional, environmental, and economic benefits of purchasing Hawaii-grown produce;

(4)  Identify and recommend mechanisms that will increase the predictability of sales for producers and the adequacy of supply for purchasers;

(5)  Identify and encourage the use of existing curricula, programs, and publications to educate students on the nutritional, environmental, and economic benefits of preparing and consuming Hawaii-grown produce;

(6)  Support efforts to advance other farm-to-school connections such as farmers markets on school grounds, school gardens, and community-supported agriculture; and

(7)  Seek additional private and public sector funds to leverage any appropriations.

     (c)  As used in this section, "Hawaii-grown produce" means fruits and vegetables grown or raised in the State that are unprocessed, minimally processed, flash frozen, or otherwise prepared and handled to maintain its fresh nature while providing convenience to the user.  Producing minimally processed foods means cleaning, washing, cutting, or portioning.

§302A-B  Hawaii-grown fresh fruit and vegetable program.  (a)  The Hawaii-grown fresh fruit and vegetable program is created in the department of education.  The purpose of the program is to facilitate consumption of locally produced nutritious snacks in order to improve student health and expand the market for locally grown fresh produce.

(b)  As used in this section, "Hawaii-grown fresh fruits and vegetables" means fruits and vegetables grown or raised in this State that are unprocessed, minimally processed, flash frozen, or otherwise prepared and handled to maintain the fresh nature of the fruits and vegetables while providing convenience to the user.  Producing minimally processed foods means cleaning, washing, cutting, or portioning.

(c)  The program shall increase the number of school children with access to Hawaii-grown fresh fruits and vegetables and shall be modeled after the United States Department of Agriculture fresh fruit and vegetable program, as described in 42 United States Code section 1769(g).  Schools receiving funds under the federal fresh fruit and vegetable program are not eligible for grants under the Hawaii-grown fresh fruit and vegetable program.

(d)  (1)  To the extent that state funds are appropriated specifically for this purpose, the department shall solicit applications, conduct a competitive process, and make one- or two-year grants to schools to enable eligible schools to provide free locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the school day;

(2)  When evaluating applications and selecting grantees, the department shall consider and prioritize the following factors:

(A)  The applicant's plan for ensuring the use of Hawaii-grown fruits and vegetables within the program;

(B)  The applicant's plan for incorporating nutrition and related agricultural stewardship and environmental education into the curriculum; and

(C)  The applicant's plan for establishing partnerships with state, local, and private entities to further the program's objectives, such as helping the school acquire, handle, store, and distribute fresh fruits and vegetables, and developing educational components around nutrition and agricultural stewardship.

(e)  The department:

     (1)  Shall give funding priority to applicant schools with any of grades kindergarten through eight that participate in the national school lunch program and have fifty per cent or more of their students eligible for free or reduced price meals under the federal National School Lunch Act;

     (2)  May award grants to applicant schools with less than fifty per cent of the students eligible for free or reduced price meals if any funds remain after all eligible priority applicant schools have been awarded grants, the department.

(f)  The department shall develop and track specific, quantifiable outcome measures of the grant program, such as the number of students served by the program and the dollar value of purchase orders to local farmers resulting from the program.  With assistance from the department of agriculture, the department shall track the development of farm-to-school partnerships that extend beyond the cafeteria.

     §302A-C  School gardens.  (a)  All schools are authorized to grow food in school gardens for consumption in their school lunch and as part of Hawaii-grown fresh fruit and vegetable programs.

     (b)  The department may adopt rules under chapter 91 to facilitate the implementation of this section.

     (c)  Every school garden program shall educate students about organic and conventional growing methods."

     SECTION 2.  Chapter 346, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§346-    Farmers to food banks pilot program.  (a)  The department of human services shall establish a pilot program in cooperation with the department of agriculture to contract with local farmers to provide Hawaii-grown produce to low-income people through designated food banks.  The pilot program shall operate in select pilot site communities statewide.

     (b)  The department of human services shall select the pilot communities that shall participate in the project.  The selection of pilot communities shall be based on:

(1)  The percentage of the population suffering from hunger and food insecurity;

(2)  The existence and success of the local food bank program;

(3)  The potential to engage and contract with local farmers; and

(4)  The capacity to leverage private sector funding and in-kind contributions.

(c)  Any funds appropriated by the legislature shall be used by the pilot program to contract with local farmers to provide fruits and vegetables for distribution to low-income people at designated food banks.

(d)  The department of human services shall report to the legislature at least twenty days prior to the convening of the 2010 and 2011 regular sessions regarding the progress of the pilot program."

     SECTION 3.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.


