H.B. NO. |
2159 |
H.D. 1 |
S.D. 1 |
SECTION 1. Chapter 202, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending its title to read as follows:
SECTION 2. Section 202-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§202-1 [Council;] Hawaii workforce
development board; appointment; tenure. [[](a)[] The advisory commission on employment and
human resources is hereby constituted as the workforce development council.] There is established within the department
of labor and industrial relations for administrative purposes only, the Hawaii workforce
development board. The [council]
Hawaii workforce development board shall [also] fulfill the
functions of the state workforce development board for purposes of the federal
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, P.L. No. 113-128[.] (29
U.S.C. 3101 et. seq.).
(b) Except for the ex officio members or their
designees, the [council] board members shall be appointed by the
governor for four-year staggered terms as provided for in section 26-34. The governor shall appoint the chairperson of
the [council.] board as provided in section 26-34. The [council] board shall be
constituted as provided by the federal Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act of 2014, P.L. 113-128 (29 U.S.C. 3111), of the following members:
(1) The directors of labor and industrial relations and of business, economic development, and tourism; the superintendent of education; and the president of the University of Hawaii or their designees, as ex officio, voting members;
(2) The administrator of the division of vocational
rehabilitation, department of human services, as an ex officio, voting member;
(3) The private sector chairpersons of the four [county] local
workforce development boards, or their designees from the private sector membership
of their respective boards, as ex officio, voting members;
(4) Seventeen representatives from the private sector, including
nonprofit organizations and businesses in the State, appointed from individuals
nominated by state business organizations and business trade associations;
(5) Eight representatives from labor organizations and workforce
training organizations, two or more of whom shall be representatives of labor
organizations who have been nominated by state labor federations, and one of whom
shall be a labor representative from a community-based native Hawaiian
organization that operates workforce development programs;
(6) A member of each house of the legislature, for two-year terms
beginning in January of odd-numbered years, appointed by the appropriate
presiding officer of each house, as ex officio, voting members;
(7) The four mayors or their designees, as ex officio, voting
members; and
(8) The governor or the governor's designee.
[[](c)[] Council] Board members shall
serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for travel expenses
necessary for the performance of their duties.
[[(d)] From June 6, 2016, and until such time that
the council has forty-one members, sixteen council members shall constitute a
quorum to do business, and the concurrence of at least sixteen council members
shall be necessary to make any action of the council valid.
[(e)]] (d) All [council] board members may
continue to serve on the [council] board until their respective
successors have been appointed. A person
appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve the remainder of the term of the person's
SECTION 3. Section 202-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
amended to read as follows:
"§202-3 Powers of [council.] board. (a) The
[workforce development council] governor shall appoint [and
fix the] an executive director of the board from a list of three nominees
submitted by the board. The governor shall
set the compensation of [an] the executive director, who
shall be exempt from [chapter] chapters 76[, and may employ
any other personnel as it deems advisable within chapter 76.] and 89.
(b) The [council,] board, or on the
authorization of the [council,] board, any subcommittee or panel
thereof, may, for the purpose of carrying out its functions and duties, hold
such hearings and sit and act at such times and places as the [council] board
may deem advisable.
[(c) The council may negotiate and enter into
contracts with public agencies or private organizations to carry out its
studies and to prepare reports that the council determines to be necessary to
the fulfillment of its duties.
(d)] (c) The [council] board may secure
through the governor's office, any information from any executive department,
agency, or independent instrumentality of the State it deems necessary to carry
out its functions.
[(e)] (d) The [council] board may convene
such public conferences and forums as it deems useful to keep the public
informed of workforce development needs, developments, and initiatives.
[(f) The council may administer funds allocated
for its work and may accept, disburse, and allocate funds which may become
available from other governmental and private sources; provided that all the
funds shall be disbursed or allocated in compliance with the objectives set
forth herein, and applicable laws.]"
SECTION 4. Section 202-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
"[§202-5 Organizational relationships. The workforce development council is placed
within the department of labor and industrial relations for administrative
purposes and shall act in an advisory capacity to the governor.]"
SECTION 5. Sections 202-2, 202-4, and 202-10, Hawaii
Revised Statutes, are amended by substituting the word "board" wherever
the word "council" appears, as the context requires.
SECTION 6. All rules, policies, procedures, guidelines,
and other material adopted or developed by the workforce development council to
implement provisions of the Hawaii Revised Statutes that are reenacted or made
applicable to the department of labor and industrial relations by this Act
shall remain in full force and effect until amended or repealed by the
department of labor and industrial relations pursuant to chapter 91, Hawaii
Revised Statutes. In the interim, every
reference to the workforce development council in those rules, policies,
procedures, guidelines, and other material is amended to refer to the board or the
department of labor and industrial relations, as appropriate.
SECTION 7. All deeds, leases, contracts, loans,
agreements, permits, or other documents executed or entered into by or on
behalf of the workforce development council, pursuant to the provisions of the
Hawaii Revised Statutes, that are reenacted or made applicable to the department
of labor and industrial relations by this Act shall remain in full force and
effect. Upon the effective date of this
Act, every reference to the workforce development council or the executive
director of the workforce development council in those deeds, leases, contracts,
loans, agreements, permits, or other documents shall be construed as a
reference to the board, the executive director of the board, or the department
of labor and industrial relations, as appropriate.
"§202- Conflict of interest. No member of the Hawaii workforce
development board or local workforce development boards shall engage in any activity
determined by the governor to constitute a conflict of interest as established by
the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, P.L. 113-128 (29
U.S.C. 3111(f) and 3122(h)) or pursuant to chapter 84."
SECTION 9. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 10. This Act shall take effect on December 25, 2040.
Report Title:
Hawaii Workforce Development Council; Hawaii Workforce Development Board; Conflict of Interest
Renames the Hawaii Workforce Development Council as the Hawaii Workforce Development Board. Requires the Governor to appoint an Executive Director of the Board from a list of three nominees submitted by the Board. Prohibits members of the Hawaii Workforce Development Board and local workforce development boards from engaging in any activity determined by the Governor to constitute a conflict of interest. Effective 12/25//2040. (SD1)
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