H.C.R. NO.














requesting the honolulu city council to consider a ban or size restriction oN TARPS and canopies on public beaches.




     WHEREAS, Hawaii's beaches are a source of recreation for the general public and visitors to the state and should be easily accessible for all to enjoy; and


     WHEREAS, however, beaches are sometimes cluttered with tarps and other temporary canopies that pose obstructions to other beach-goers and, in some cases, prevent easy access to beaches; and


     WHEREAS, in 2010, the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu were amended through Ordinance 10-4 to ban tents from being erected during specified times in certain public parks, including beaches; and


     WHEREAS, "tent" is defined under the ordinances as a collapsible structure with more than one wall, which includes a partition or divider; and


     WHEREAS, tarps and other canopies have continued to be a blight on Hawaii's beaches and sometimes obstruct access to beach-goers; and


     WHEREAS, these tarps and canopies appear to be permissible because they do not fall within the definition of a tent because there are no "walls"; and


     WHEREAS, while it is reasonable for beach-goers to protect themselves from the elements, this need should be balanced with the rights of others to access and enjoy the beach; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-sixth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2012, the Senate concurring, that the Honolulu City Council is requested to consider expanding the ban on tents on beaches to include tarps and canopies, or to restrict the size of the tarps and canopies allowed to be erected on public beaches; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to each member of the Honolulu City Council.









Report Title: 

Tarps and Canopies; Ban or Restriction on Public Beaches