H.C.R. NO.














urging the allocation of additional resources to increase police presence on the waianae coast and the creation of a new police district for waianae that is separate from kapolei and ewa.




     WHEREAS, Waianae is one of the most historic and culturally rich areas of Oahu; and


     WHEREAS, the entire west side of Oahu, including Ewa, Kapolei, Nanakuli, and Waianae, is growing in population; and


     WHEREAS, a new police station opened in Waianae in May 2016, replacing the old station that was built in 1961; and


     WHEREAS, the new police station has 25,172 square feet of space and fourteen holding cells and is more than three times the size of its predecessor; and


     WHEREAS, an existing Waianae Community Policing Team focuses on crime reduction through prevention, reporting, and enforcement, as well as traffic safety awareness and enforcement, and attends neighborhood security watch patrols, community clean-ups, town halls, neighborhood boards, and other community functions; however, increased staffing and resources for the Waianae Coast Community Policing Team are warranted and are needed to serve the growing Waianae area and adequately manage the new police station; and


     WHEREAS, population, security, safety, and infrastructure demands also favor separating the Waianae coast from Ewa and Kapolei, which are currently combined in the Honolulu Police Department's District 8, and creating a new district encompassing the area from Nanakuli through Kaena Point; and


     WHEREAS, according to the Honolulu Police Department Annual Report 2020, there were six murders, fifty-three rapes, one hundred fifteen robberies, two hundred forty-six aggravated assaults, four hundred forty-six burglaries, 2,823 larcenies, and four hundred ninety-one auto thefts reported in 2020 in District 8; and


     WHEREAS, of the crimes reported, District 8 had the highest number of murders and aggravated assaults on Oahu in 2020; and


     WHEREAS, it is important to maintain the safety of Waianae residents, business owners, workers, and patrons and to protect their property and possessions; and


WHEREAS, concern about the recent increase in and severity of criminal activity has prompted local residents and business owners in Waianae to call for a greater police presence in the area; and


WHEREAS, increasing the visible presence of uniformed police officers would improve public safety by deterring criminal activity and providing more immediate assistance to victims once a crime has been committed; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Thirty-first Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2022, the Senate concurring, that this body urges the allocation of additional resources to increase police presence on the Waianae coast and the creation of a new police district for Waianae that is separate from Kapolei and Ewa; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this body urges the new police district to include and be bounded by Nanakuli and Kaena Point; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this body urges an increase in staffing and resources for the Waianae Coast Community Policing Team; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu, Chair of the Honolulu City Council, and Interim Chief of the Honolulu Police Department.







Report Title: 

Waianae Coast; Honolulu Police Department; District 8