H.R. NO.













recognizing the pacific missile range facility for their environmental and cultural resources successes and awards.




     WHEREAS, the Pacific Missile Range Facility, located on the Island of Kauai, is the world's largest instrumented, multi-environment training and test range, encompassing 2.1 million square miles of sea, air, and space; and


     WHEREAS, the Pacific Missile Range Facility's main base is located on Barking Sands, bordered on one side by the Pacific Ocean, and inland by the Mana Plain, a former wetland of approximately 7,000 acres; and


     WHEREAS, the Pacific Missile Range Facility is home to an abundance of natural and native resources, including both Endangered Species Act and Migratory Bird Treaty Act protected species and encompasses some of the most sacred cultural sites on the Island of Kauai; and


     WHEREAS, in 2014, the Pacific Missile Range Facility received the Secretary of the Navy Natural Resources Conservation Environmental Award in the small installation category; the award recognized the Pacific Missile Range Facility's environmental management programs including protecting the nocturnal fledging migratory seabird; the Laysan Albatross surrogate parenting program; the seabird tissue archival and monitoring project; and the eradication of long-thorned kiawe, allowing a zero percent loss of the nocturnal fledgling migratory seabird during the 2013 fallout season; and


     WHEREAS, in 2015, the Pacific Missile Range Facility received both the Secretary of the Navy Cultural Resources Management Award and the Chief Naval Operations Award in the small installation category for their Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan, recognizing the Pacific Missile Range Facility's cultural projects involving the installation of interpretive and education signage throughout the Main Base on Barking Sands and the implementation of physical site protection measures for cultural deposits eroding from the coastal sand dunes; and


     WHEREAS, the Pacific Missile Range Facility worked to recover a Japanese navigational buoy in the Pacific Missile Range Facility's waters that was torn during the 2011 tsunami disaster from the harbor of Kauai's Sister City of Iwaki City, Japan; the recovery of the buoy culminated in an international ceremony and a permanent public display; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-eighth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2015, that this body hereby congratulates the Pacific Missile Range Facility for its environmental and cultural resources successes and awards, and recognizes and applauds the facility for their stewardship of the land and their strong community involvement.









Report Title: 

Pacific Missile Range Facility; Environmental and Cultural Awards