H.R. NO.













urging the United States congress to award the congressional medal of honor to john kuulei kauhaihao, of Honaunau, Hawaii.




     WHEREAS, the ultimate sacrifice on the battlefield by the members of the United States military should not go unrecognized; and


     WHEREAS, United States Army First Lieutenant (Infantry) John Kuulei Kauhaihao, of Honaunau, Hawaii, displayed extraordinary heroism in defending the United States and was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross by the President of the United States; and


     WHEREAS, First Lieutenant (Infantry) John Kuulei Kauhaihao, who was born on April 17, 1942, distinguished himself against an armed hostile force while serving with Company B, 2d Battalion, 8th Cavalry, 1st Calvary Division (Airmobile) during a reconnaissance-in-force operation in the Tay Ninh Province in the Republic of Vietnam; and


     WHEREAS, First Lieutenant (Infantry) John Kuulei Kauhaihao led his platoon over thick jungle terrain at the point of their company when a battalion-sized force of North Vietnamese soldiers occupying bunker fortifications fired upon the platoon; and


     WHEREAS, First Lieutenant (Infantry) John Kuulei Kauhaihao quickly directed his men to take cover behind several large, bamboo-covered dirt mounds and, as the rest of the company moved up to lend supporting fire to the pinned-down point element, the enemy in flanking bunkers unleashed a flurry of crossfire; and


     WHEREAS, seizing upon a momentary lull in the exchange of fire, First Lieutenant (Infantry) John Kuulei Kauhaihao hacked an opening through the bamboo growing over the dirt mound and took cover; and


     WHEREAS, in the next 15 minutes, First Lieutenant (Infantry) John Kuulei Kauhaihao hurled more than 30 hand grenades through this opening at the enemy bunkers and drew enemy fire on himself so that his men could sight enemy gunners and bring the enemy under suppressive fire; and


     WHEREAS, after directing the withdrawal of his battered point element, First Lieutenant (Infantry) John Kuulei Kauhaihao crawled over a 100 meters of fire-swept terrain, dragged vital equipment to the rear, and helped wounded soldiers to a position of safety; and


     WHEREAS, while rejoining his men to the company's main force, First Lieutenant (Infantry) John Kuulei Kauhaihao sighted an enemy squad moving up on his tattered platoon, and as he advanced to engage the approaching enemy, First Lieutenant (Infantry) John Kuulei Kauhaihao was mortally wounded by enemy fire; and


     WHEREAS, First Lieutenant (Infantry) John Kuulei Kauhaihao's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty, at the cost of his life, were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2013, that the United States Congress is urged to award the Congressional Medal of Honor to John Kuulei Kauhaihao, of Honaunau, Hawaii, for his ultimate act of valor on the battlefield; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States and the Hawaii Congressional Delegation.







Report Title: 

Congressional Medal of Honor; John Kuulei Kauhaihao