H.R. NO.













Urging the board of education to create guidelines for incorporation of climate change education into the curriculum of hawaii's public schools.




     WHEREAS, climate change is a human created problem; and


     WHEREAS, hotter air increases evaporation and a warmer atmosphere can hold more water and intensify weather; and


     WHEREAS, marine life is migrating to the north and south poles due to warmer water, affecting local food sources and economies, etc.; and


     WHEREAS, some coastal cities will flood due to sea level rise; and


     WHEREAS, marine ecosystems will be negatively affected; and


     WHEREAS, higher temperatures will cause drought and fires; and


     WHEREAS, use of fossil fuels creates CO2, endangering our atmosphere; and


     WHEREAS, warmer waters will stress corals and allow allergens to grow, killing coral; and


     WHEREAS, the Arctic Ocean will be ice-free before the mid-century; and


     WHEREAS, climate change may allow for increased mosquito breeding and increased disease; and


     WHEREAS, sea levels may rise one to three feet by 2100; and

     WHEREAS, rising sea levels due to climate change can cause flooding and erosion along coastal areas; and


     WHEREAS, more droughts brought on by climate change will reduce freshwater sources; and


     WHEREAS, Greenland has lost between 150 and 250 cubic kilometers of snow and ice; and


     WHEREAS, the warming temperatures of oceans are causing coral to bleach; and


     WHEREAS, the younger generations are experiencing the effects of climate change, and education on the topic will assist them in adapting, as well as encouraging them to think about solutions; and


     WHEREAS, Act 286, passed in 2012, addresses the need for climate change education; and


     WHEREAS, there are currently no guidelines for teachers regarding the incorporation of climate change education into the current curriculum; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-ninth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2017, that the Board of Education is urged to create guidelines for the incorporation of climate change education into the curriculum of Hawaii's public schools; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Board of Education.









Report Title:

Urging the Board of Education to create guidelines for incorporation of climate change education into the curriculum of Hawaii's public schools