H.R. NO.













endorsing taiwan's participation as an observer in the united nations framework convention on climate change, international civil aviation organization, world health organization, and international criminal police organization; ENCOURAGING A u.s.-Taiwan bilateral trade agreement; and celebrating the state of hawaii's twenty-fifth anniversary of sister-state relations with taiwan.



     WHEREAS, as a global citizen, Taiwan upholds the universal values of peace, freedom, democracy, and human rights; and


     WHEREAS, Taiwan is a committed provider of humanitarian aid; from malaria prevention programs in Africa, to agricultural projects in Latin America and the Caribbean; from medical missions in the South Pacific, to disaster relief in Asia; these are a few examples of how Taiwan has consistently strived to make a real difference throughout the world; and


     WHEREAS, for years, Taiwan has actively engaged in climate change research, supported anti-terrorism cooperation, and worked with its partners to tackle transnational crime; and


     WHEREAS, through its participation in its annual World Health Assembly since April of 2009, Taiwan has shared its renowned expertise in disease control and prevention; and


     WHEREAS, Taiwan's meaningful participation in international bodies such as the World Health Organization, International Criminal Police Organization, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and International Civil Aviation Organization would make international mechanisms truly global; and


     WHEREAS, Hawaii has a strong cultural, historical, and economic relationship with Taiwan since sister-state relations were established on December 19, 1993, and the bonds of true friendship and a steadfast trade partnership have strengthened over the past twenty-five years; and


     WHEREAS, Taiwan is the tenth largest trading partner of the United States with more than $65,000,000,000 in goods traded between the United States and Taiwan in 2016, and the United States is the leading country for foreign direct investment in Taiwan; and


     WHEREAS, the deep economic relationship between the United States and Taiwan has created hundreds of thousands of jobs in the United States that rely on exports to Taiwan; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-ninth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2018, that this body joins the United States in endorsing the participation of Taiwan as an observer in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, International Civil Aviation Organization, World Health Organization, and International Criminal Police Organization; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this body also joins the United States House of Representatives in encouraging the United States Trade Representative to commence negotiations to enter into a bilateral trade agreement with Taiwan; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this body supports the State of Hawaii's twenty-fifth anniversary of sister-state relations with Taiwan; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States; President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate; Speaker of the United States House of Representatives; United States Secretary of State; members of Hawaii's congressional delegation; Governor; and Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism.









Report Title: 

Taiwan; International Organizations; Observer; Twenty-fifth Anniversary; Sister-State