H.R. NO.













Honoring professional engineer stanford yuen.




     WHEREAS, the House of Representatives is proud to recognize those exceptional individuals who generously contribute their skills and expertise in service of both their community and country; and


     WHEREAS, Stanford Yuen has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Hawaii; a Master of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Southern California; and a Master of Business Administration degree from Pepperdine University; and


     WHEREAS, he also holds two professional engineering licenses, one in Mechanical Engineering and the other in Industrial Engineering; and


     WHEREAS, through his service in partnership with the United States Navy, Stanford Yuen spearheaded an ambitious and multifaceted effort to develop and modernize military facilities in Hawaii which has provided enormous benefits for Hawaii’s citizens and service members; and


     WHEREAS, Stanford Yuen has received commendations from the Vice Admiral of the United States Navy, United States Senator Mazie Hirono, the late United States Senator Daniel Inouye, and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard; and


     WHEREAS, over the course of his 45-year career in both the public and private sectors, Stanford Yuen has made numerous and substantial contributions to Hawaii’s engineering community as both an innovator and mentor; and


     WHEREAS, Stanford Yuen has accumulated a wide-ranging  and laudable record of public and community service, including four Civilian Meritorious Service Awards from the United States Navy, a seat on the Honolulu Ethics Commission, and service on civic and state task forces and committees too numerous to name individually; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2014, that this body hereby commends and applauds STANFORD YUEN for his steadfast and continued service to his country and the people of Hawaii, and extends to him its warmest aloha and best wishes for continued success in all future endeavors.









Report Title: 

Honoring Stanford Yuen