S.B. NO.














relating to teachers.





     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that teachers are the most important component in facilitating student learning.  The national board for professional teaching standards certification is the highest professional distinction available in education for teachers.  According to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, research shows that students of board‑certified teachers learn more than their peers who are not board certified.  Studies have also found that the positive impact of being taught by a board-certified teacher is even greater for racially and economically disadvantaged children.

     The legislature further finds that, according to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, as of January 2023, there are seven hundred seventy-five national board certified teachers in Hawaii.  The legislature established a bonus of $5,000 in 2004 to incentivize teachers to become board-certified through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards' certification program.  The bonus was expanded in 2007 to provide an additional $5,000 for teachers in restructuring schools under the federal No Child Left Behind Act.  In 2015, the additional $5,000 bonus was extended to all teachers who maintain national board certification and who teach at focus, priority, or superintendent's zone schools; schools with a high turnover rate; or hard-to-fill schools.

     The legislature additionally finds that continuing to incentivize national board certification for teachers requires adjusting the bonus for board certification to account for increases in the State's cost of living.  Accordingly, the purpose of this Act is to increase the bonus for all teachers who achieve and maintain national board certification to $15,000 and appropriate funds for the bonus increase.

     SECTION 2.  Section 302A-706, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:

     "(a)  There is established within the department the teacher national board certification incentive program to recognize and support exemplary teaching practice by supporting public school teachers who have achieved national board certification under the certification program of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.  The teacher national board certification incentive program shall provide:

     (1)  A [$5,000] $15,000 bonus per year for each public school teacher who maintains current national board certification;

     (2)  $1,500 upon completing all components of the certification program of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards;

     (3)  A reimbursement of the remainder of the national board certification application fee upon achievement of national board certification; and

     (4)  An additional $5,000 bonus per year for each public school teacher who maintains current national board certification and who teaches at:

          (A)  A school in a focus, priority, or superintendent's zone, or other similar designation, as determined by the department;

          (B)  A school with a high turnover rate, as determined by the department; or

          (C)  A hard-to-fill school, as determined by the department."

     SECTION 3.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $4,000,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2024-2025 to fund the bonus of $15,000 for each teacher who achieves and maintains a national board certification pursuant to section 302A-706, Hawaii Revised Statutes.

     The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of education for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 4.  In accordance with section 9 of article VII of the Hawaii State Constitution and sections 37‑91 and 37‑93, Hawaii Revised Statutes, the legislature has determined that the appropriations contained in H.B. No.    , will cause the state general fund expenditure ceiling for fiscal year 2024‑2025 to be exceeded by $           or      per cent.  In addition, the appropriation contained in this Act will cause the general fund expenditure ceiling for fiscal year 2024‑2025 to be further exceeded by $           or      per cent.  The combined total amount of general fund appropriations contained in only these two Acts will cause the state general fund expenditure ceiling for fiscal year 2024‑2025 to be exceeded by $           or      per cent.  The reasons for exceeding the general fund expenditure ceiling are that:

     (1)  The appropriation made in this Act is necessary to serve the public interest; and

     (2)  The appropriation made in this Act meets the needs addressed by this Act.

     SECTION 5.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 6.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval; provided that section 3 shall take effect on July 1, 2024.








Report Title:

Teachers; Certification; Bonus; Appropriation; Expenditure Ceiling



Increases the bonus for teachers who achieve and maintain a current national board certification from $5,000 to $15,000.  Appropriates funds.




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