S.B. NO. |
613 |
relating to the hawaiian language.
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that olelo Hawaii, the Hawaiian language, is the native language of the Native Hawaiian people. Once spoken throughout Hawaii by Native Hawaiians and foreigners alike, olelo Hawaii was considered to be nearly extinct by the 1980s, with fewer than fifty fluent speakers under the age of eighteen left. A major reason for the deterioration of the Hawaiian language was an 1896 law that required English instruction in Hawaii schools. In practice, this law functioned to "ban" students from speaking olelo Hawaii at their schools.
To save the Hawaiian language, a number of historic initiatives were launched, including Aha Punana Leo's Hawaiian language immersion preschools, the department of education's Hawaiian language immersion program, and the Hawaiian language programs of the university of Hawaii system.
In addition, in 1978, the Hawaii constitution was amended to recognize the Hawaiian language as one of the two official languages of the State.
Furthermore, several important gubernatorial proclamations on olelo Hawaii were issued in the 1990s. In 1994 and 1995, gubernatorial proclamations, written in both Hawaiian and English, were issued recognizing February 1994 and February 1995 as "Hawaiian Language Month in Hawaii." The proclamations urged people to participate in the Hawaiian language activities held in February.
While the Hawaiian language revitalization movement has made major strides in the last thirty years, for olelo Hawaii to not just survive, but to also thrive, more people need to speak Hawaiian.
Accordingly, the purpose of this Act is to require students of Hawaii's public high schools to learn the Hawaiian language and to establish a pilot program at Noelani elementary school and Nanakuli high and intermediate school to encourage the learning and practice of the Hawaiian language.
"§302A- Hawaiian language instruction required. Beginning with high school diplomas awarded at the conclusion of the 2026-2027 school year, each student shall complete course work for two credits of Hawaiian language instruction as a requirement for a high school diploma."
(a) The department of education
(1) Design and establish a two-year Hawaiian language pilot program at Noelani elementary school and Nanakuli high and intermediate school that enables students to learn and practice the Hawaiian language;
(2) Award a certificate to each student of Noelani elementary school who completed the Hawaiian language pilot program, and recognize the credits earned from the pilot program by students of Nanakuli high and intermediate school for a high school diploma;
(3) Assess and analyze the progress made by the students based on standards set forth by the department; and
(4) Make recommendations that address the requirement of two credits of Hawaiian language instruction for a high school diploma.
(b) Based on the department of education's assessment of the pilot program, the department shall determine whether to continue, expand, or end the pilot program.
(c) No later than thirty days before the convening of the regular session of 2028, the department of education shall submit to the legislature a report of its findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation.
There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii
the sum of $ or so much thereof
as may be necessary for fiscal year 2025-2026, and the same sum or so much
thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2026-2027 for the purposes of this
The sums appropriated shall be expended by
the department of education.
SECTION 5. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2025.
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Report Title:
Hawaiian Language; DOE; Graduation Requirement; Pilot Program; Appropriations
Requires that each Department of Education public school student earn 2 credits in Hawaiian language for a high school diploma. Establishes a 2-year pilot program for Hawaiian language instruction at Noelani Elementary School and Nanakuli High and Intermediate School. Appropriates moneys.
The summary description
of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.