S.C.R. NO.














Requesting the chief information officer, in conjunction with the information technology steering committee, to develop state strategic open data goals and objectives.



     WHEREAS, the commitment of the leadership of the state government to long-term strategic business and information technology transformation is essential to:


     (1)  Successfully harnessing the power of technology to increase service quality and satisfaction for the State's people on any island and at any time;


     (2)  Elevating the State's work force to compete within a twenty-first century economy that provides livable wages;


     (3)  Securing and protecting citizens' data and privacy in the modern era; and


     (4)  Promoting cost-efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency in the use of taxpayer funds; and


     WHEREAS, many states and major municipalities across the United States have adopted open data-driven policies that require government agencies to collect and publish data and promote data collection and sharing in the private sector, in recognition that access to empirical data is critical for decision makers to make informed decisions in the interest of citizens; and


     WHEREAS, the State's long-standing decentralized approach to information technology management places data within individual departments and agencies across the Executive branch, limiting opportunities to integrate systems that would promote the State's open data goal; and


     WHEREAS, the Information Technology Steering Committee was established pursuant to section 27-43(b), Hawaii Revised Statutes, to assist the Chief Information Officer in developing information technology standards and policies; and


     WHEREAS, the Information Technology Steering Committee has a diverse public- and private-sector stakeholder representation; the Committee consists of eleven members representing all three branches of state government, with four members appointed by the President of the Senate, four members appointed by the Speaker of House of Representatives, one member appointed by the Chief Justice, and one member appointed by the Governor, and includes representatives from the Executive branch departments, Judiciary, and Legislature, private individuals, with the Chief Information Officer serving as the chair; and


     WHEREAS, in fiscal year 2018, the Chief Information Officer, in conjunction with the Information Technology Steering Committee, helped each Executive branch department and agency develop and maintain each agency's respective multi-year information technology strategic and tactical plans and road maps, pursuant to section 27-43(a), Hawaii Revised Statutes, and such road maps may inform the development of overall statewide strategic technology plans and strategic data goals and objectives; and


     WHEREAS, each department is already required to make appropriate and existing electronic data sets, maintained by the department, electronically available to the public through the State's open data portal at or a successor website designated by the Chief Information Officer, pursuant to section 27-44, Hawaii Revised Statutes; and


     WHEREAS, in 2013, the Legislature further recognized the importance of open data by passing legislation to expand government data availability and transparency by adding section 27-44.3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, which requires the Chief Information Officer, in consultation with the Office of Information Practices, to develop policies and procedures to implement section 27-44, Hawaii Revised Statutes, including standards to determine which data sets are appropriate for online disclosure, with the goal of making data sets available to the greatest number of users and for the greatest number of applications to ensure government operations are transparent; and


     WHEREAS, the Chief Information Officer, in conjunction, with the Information Technology Steering Committee, is statutorily mandated under section 27-43(a), Hawaii Revised Statutes, to develop, implement, and manage the State information technology strategic plans, as well as report annually to the Governor and the Legislature on the status and implementation of the state information technology strategic plan; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-ninth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2018, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Chief Information Officer is requested to develop state strategic open data goals and objectives; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Information Officer is requested to consider model legislation in other states, as well as commonly accepted best practices, and work with all of the Executive branch departments and agencies to develop and adopt open data strategies in each agency's respective multi-year information technology strategic and tactical plans and road maps to establish the state strategic open data goals and objectives; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Information Officer, in conjunction with the Information Technology Steering Committee, is requested to consult with the Office of Information Practices, as well as other departments with relevant data expertise, in the development of the state strategic open data goals and objectives; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Information Officer, in conjunction with the Information Technology Steering Committee, is requested to submit the state strategic open data goals and objectives, as well as recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2020; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, Comptroller, Chief Information Officer, and Director of the Office of Information Practices.









Report Title: 

State of Hawaii Open Data Goals; Objectives, Chief Information Officer; Information Technology Steering Committee