S.C.R. NO.














A CONCURRENT resolution urging the repair of state highways and roads for the safety and comfort of drivers and urging the  removal of trash from state highways and roads to minimize hazards and the flow of the trash through stormwater and into the ocean.



     WHEREAS, the State of Hawaii has an urgent need to remedy the disrepair of state highways and roads; and


     WHEREAS, such repairs have cost the state approximately $57,000 annually in tort liability claims since 2009; and


     WHEREAS, many vehicle owners do not make tort claims despite damage to their cars and tires from potholes and cracks in the roads and state highways;


WHEREAS, as part of the effort to accomplish such repairs, taxpayer funds are appropriated for the maintenance and repair of road including for the purpose of fixing potholes, cracks, bridges, sidewalks, median barriers and guardrails;


WHEREAS, many drivers swerve and steer to avoid the potholes and cracks in the road adding to the unpredictability of fellow drivers actions on the road;


WHEREAS, many drivers drive outside the marked lanes on the highways and roads to avoid damage to their cars from the potholes and cracks in the roads and highways;


WHEREAS, the state highways and roads that are in extreme disrepair with numerous potholes and cracks include, but are not limited to, Kamehameha Highway/Route H-99 between Honomanu St, Aiea and Pearl City; Farrington Highway through Kapolei shopping areas, Nanakuli, Maile and Waianae; Route H-750/Kunia Road and Route H-99 around Schofield Barracks;

WHEREAS, litter and trash, small and large pieces, are seen to line highways and roads often resulting in damage to tires and vehicles in addition to being an eyesore for residents and tourists alike;


WHEREAS, the litter and trash often ends up in the stormwater systems thereby flowing into the ocean; and now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2014, the House of Representatives concurring, that the people of Hawaii demand the Governor set forth a plan with the Chief Highway Administrator at the Department of Transportation Highways Division to accomplish the mission of the department to provide a safe, efficient, and accessible highway system through the utilization of available resources in the maintenance, enhancement and support of land transportation facilities by year end of 2014 and include timelines and benchmarks to complete the work; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the people of Hawaii demand the Governor instruct the Chief Highway Administrator at the Department of Transportation Highways Division to prioritize the repair and or replacement of the surface of above listed roads and highways in all areas where potholes are evident to provide a safe, efficient, smooth and accessible highway and road system by year end of 2016; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Legislature acknowledges the Governor is accountable for oversight of the actions of the Department of Transportation Highways Division, Construction and Maintenance Branch, regarding the timely repair of all potholes on, and the removal of trash from, state highways and roads; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Legislature urges the Governor to exercise such oversight with an intention to reduce the state's liability for vehicle damage claims related to potholes and other highway disrepair, and with the intention to ensure public safety on the state highways and roads and with an intention to reduce and remove trash, all to ensure the people of Hawaii are not exposed to hazardous driving conditions on a day-to-day basis; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , the Governor is reminded to ensure that Hawaii Administrative Rules §19-127.1-25 is strictly implemented, and the Governor is encouraged to amend the rules specific language “Potholes…repaired as soon after they are reported” be updated to read “Potholes...repaired as soon after they are reported or observed”; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , the Governor is reminded to ensure that Hawaii Administrative Rules §19-127.1-27 "Litter...on the roadway should be removed as soon as it is reported or observed" is strictly implemented and the Governor is urged to amend the word "should" to "shall" in this rule. 


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Governor is further reminded to ensure that Hawaii Administrative Rules §19-127.1-34 "All highways, major streets and roads should be swept to remove loose gravel and debris at least once a month." 


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor and the Chief Highways Administrator at the Department of Transportation Highways Division and be made available to members of the public.










Report Title: 

Requesting the repair of potholes and cracks on state highways and roads; requesting the removal of trash from the state highways and roads.