S.R. NO.













requesting the department of land and natural resources to waive any costs associated with a right-of-entry permit to any nonprofit entity for purposes of holding an ocean recreation-related tournament, including any ancillary services.



     WHEREAS, due to its premier location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii is known worldwide as one of the best places for ocean fishing; and


     WHEREAS, every year, Hawaii is host to numerous fishing tournaments that attract teams and spectators from all over the world along with many planned events that spotlight Hawaii's unique culture and scenic beauty, thereby generating revenue for the State; and


     WHEREAS, as a landowner, the Department of Land and Natural Resources (Department) receives numerous requests for short-term temporary use of lands for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to beach activities, such as surf meets, volleyball tournaments, canoe races, and fishing tournaments; and


     WHEREAS, the Department issues rights-of-entry permits for the right to enter unencumbered public lands for a minor, temporary use that does not involve a land disposition for entry; and


     WHEREAS, for fishing tournaments held in state waters, it is necessary to temporarily have the exclusive use of certain water areas for the purposes of engaging in competitive fishing; these water areas include areas along the shoreline, use of small boat harbors, and offshore mooring to facilitate the fishing tournaments; and


     WHEREAS, accordingly, fishing tournament organizers are required to apply for a right-of-entry permit for the temporary, exclusive use of certain areas within state waters, shorelines, and small boat harbors; and


     WHEREAS, the Department is authorized to charge a fee for the right-of-entry permit; and


     WHEREAS, permit fees may be cost prohibitive for some nonprofit entities, which may discourage these entities from holding these tournaments in Hawaii; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-ninth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2018, that the Department of Land and Natural Resources is requested to waive any costs associated with a right-of-entry permit to any nonprofit entity for purposes of holding an ocean recreation-related tournament, including any ancillary services; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources.

























Report Title: 

Right-of-Entry Permits; Fishing Tournaments; Fees; Department of Land and Natural Resources