S.R. NO.













AMENDING rule 23 of the rules of the senate of the twenty-ninTH legislature, regular session of 2017, of the state of hawaii.



     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-ninth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2017, that the Rules of the Senate be amended by amending Senate Rule 23 Public Hearings on Bills to read as follows:


"Rule 23 Public Hearings on Bills.


            (1)        Subject to this rule, the selection and scheduling of a bill for public hearing shall be at the discretion of the chair of the committee having jurisdiction over the bill.


            (2)        The chair's determination that a bill will have a public hearing shall be final notwithstanding the opposition of a majority of the members of the committee.


            (3)        At the written request of a majority of the members of the committee, the chair shall schedule a bill for public hearing.


            (4)        For any bill scheduled for public hearing, oral testimony on the bill may be allowed at the chair's discretion.  If oral testimony is allowed, the chair shall afford all testifiers an equal opportunity to testify orally on the bill.  If the chair determines that a time limit for oral testimony is warranted, the chair shall state at the beginning of the discussion on the bill, the maximum time that will be allowed for the presentation of each testifier's oral testimony, which shall be the same amount of time allowed for each testifier.


            [(4)] (5)            If a bill:


                        (A)       Has been referred to more than one standing committee and at least one committee hearing is required for passage of the bill out of the Senate;


                        (B)       Contains any significant or substantial amendment made by a committee other than the last standing committee to which the bill has been referred; and


                        (C)       The public has not been provided with an opportunity to submit testimony on the significant or substantial amendment;


then, prior to reporting the bill out of the last standing committee, the last standing committee to which the bill was referred shall hold a public hearing to provide the public with the opportunity to testify on the bill. 


            (6)        Each standing committee shall publish all testimony; provided that the testifier ensures that the testifier's testimony conforms to the law, these Rules, and policies and procedures of the Senate."; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Senate Rule material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken and new Senate Rule material is underscored; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amendments made to the Senate Rules by this Resolution take effect upon the adoption of this Resolution.









Report Title: 

Senate Rules; Rule 23; Amendment; Adoption