House Concurrent Resolution 106 - Introduced HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 106 BY COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE A Concurrent Resolution recognizing National 1 Agriculture Day. 2 WHEREAS, March 8, 2012, is National Agriculture 3 Day, dedicated to increasing the public awareness of 4 agriculture’s vital role in our society and recognizing 5 America’s unique role in producing food and fiber for a 6 growing world population; and 7 WHEREAS, National Agriculture Day, first 8 celebrated in 1973, is a day set aside when producers, 9 agricultural associations, corporations, universities, 10 government agencies, and countless others across 11 America gather to recognize and celebrate the abundance 12 of food and fiber produced by American agriculture; and 13 WHEREAS, National Agriculture Day is an opportunity 14 to encourage persons to understand how food, fuel, 15 fiber, and pharmaceuticals are produced, to appreciate 16 the function of farmers and ranchers in producing 17 abundant and affordable supplies of food, fuel, fiber, 18 and pharmaceuticals, to acknowledge the essential 19 role of agriculture in maintaining a vibrant economy, 20 and to allow the next generation to consider career 21 opportunities in agriculture; and 22 WHEREAS, this year’s theme for National Agriculture 23 Day is “American Agriculture: Abundant —— Affordable 24 —— Amazing”; and 25 WHEREAS, National Agriculture Day is associated 26 with a national essay contest, and a number of events, 27 including events conducted on Capitol Hill and at the 28 -1- LSB 6096HV (2) 84 da/rj 1/ 2
H.C.R. 106 United States Department of Agriculture in the Whitten 1 Building in Washington, D.C.; NOW THEREFORE, 2 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, 3 THE SENATE CONCURRING, That the Iowa General Assembly 4 recognizes March 8, 2012, as National Agriculture 5 Day, and encourages all Iowans as residents of one 6 of the leading agricultural states in the nation, to 7 commemorate and celebrate that date and the invaluable 8 contributions made by Iowa’s farmers; and 9 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this 10 resolution be sent to the Agriculture Council of 11 America. 12 -2- LSB 6096HV (2) 84 da/rj 2/ 2