House File 106 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  PETTENGILL

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to the allocation of fund proceeds of the Iowa
  2    resources enhancement and protection fund, and requiring a
  3    report to the general assembly.
    TLSB 1558YH (2) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 455A.19, subsection 1, paragraph a,
  1  2 subparagraph (1), Code 2017, is amended to read as follows:
  1  3    (1)  Twenty=eight Nine percent shall be allocated to the open
  1  4 spaces account. At least ten percent of the allocations to
  1  5 the account shall be made available to match private funds for
  1  6 open space projects on the cost=share basis of not less than
  1  7 twenty=five percent private funds pursuant to the rules adopted
  1  8 by the natural resource commission. Five percent of the funds
  1  9 allocated to the open spaces account shall be used to fund the
  1 10 protected waters program. This account shall be used by the
  1 11 department to implement the statewide open space acquisition,
  1 12 protection, and development programs.
  1 13    Sec. 2.  Section 455A.19, subsection 1, paragraph e, Code
  1 14 2017, is amended to read as follows:
  1 15    e.  Nine Twenty=eight percent shall be allocated to the
  1 16 state land management account. The department shall use the
  1 17 moneys allocated to this account for maintenance and expansion
  1 18 of state lands and related facilities under its jurisdiction.
  1 19 The authority to expand state lands and facilities under this
  1 20 paragraph is limited to expansion of the state lands and
  1 21 facilities already owned by the state. There is appropriated
  1 22 from the state land management account to the department the
  1 23 moneys in that account, or so much thereof as is necessary,
  1 24 to implement a maintenance and expansion program for state
  1 25 lands and related facilities under the jurisdiction of the
  1 26 department.
  1 28 == OPEN SPACES ACCOUNT REPORT.  The department of natural
  1 29 resources shall prepare a report that itemizes the properties
  1 30 that have been acquired to implement the statewide open
  1 31 spaces acquisition program with funds allocated to the open
  1 32 spaces account, including all such properties acquired from
  1 33 the inception of the open spaces account through June 30,
  1 34 2017.  The report shall include the location of the properties
  1 35 acquired, from whom the properties were acquired, the date of
  2  1 acquisition, and the amount of funding from the open spaces
  2  2 account that was used to make the acquisition.  The department
  2  3 shall deliver the report to the secretary of the senate and
  2  4 chief clerk of the house of representatives no later than
  2  5 December 31, 2017.
  2  6                           EXPLANATION
  2  7 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  2  8 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  2  9    This bill relates to the allocation of fund proceeds to
  2 10 accounts within the Iowa resources enhancement and protection
  2 11 (REAP) fund, and requires a report to the general assembly.
  2 12    The bill provides that the current allocation of 28 percent
  2 13 of REAP fund moneys to the open spaces account be reduced to 9
  2 14 percent and the current allocation of 9 percent of REAP fund
  2 15 moneys to the state land management account be increased to 28
  2 16 percent.
  2 17    The bill also requires the department of natural resources
  2 18 to prepare a report that itemizes the properties that have been
  2 19 acquired to implement the statewide open space acquisition
  2 20 program with funds allocated to the open spaces account,
  2 21 including all such properties acquired from the inception of
  2 22 the open spaces account through June 30, 2017.  The report
  2 23 shall include the location of the properties acquired, from
  2 24 whom the properties were acquired, the date of acquisition, and
  2 25 the amount of funding from the open spaces account that was
  2 26 used to make the acquisition.  The report must be delivered to
  2 27 the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house no
  2 28 later than December 31, 2017.
       LSB 1558YH (2) 87