House File 145 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 145 BY JONES A BILL FOR An Act relating to charter schools and nonpublic schools 1 and sexual exploitation by a school employee, and making 2 penalties applicable. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 1063YH (8) 91 as/js
H.F. 145 Section 1. Section 709.15, subsection 1, Code 2025, is 1 amended by adding the following new paragraphs: 2 NEW PARAGRAPH . 0b. “Charter school” means a school 3 established under chapter 256E or 256F. 4 NEW PARAGRAPH . 0f. “Nonpublic school” means any school, 5 other than a public school, that is accredited pursuant to 6 section 256.11. 7 Sec. 2. Section 709.15, subsection 1, paragraph g, 8 subparagraph (1), subparagraph divisions (c), (d), and (e), 9 Code 2025, are amended to read as follows: 10 (c) A person employed by a school district , charter school, 11 or nonpublic school full-time, part-time, or as a substitute. 12 (d) A person who performs services as a volunteer for a 13 school district , charter school, or nonpublic school and who 14 has direct supervisory authority over the student with whom 15 the person engages in conduct prohibited under subsection 3 , 16 paragraph “a” . 17 (e) A person who provides services under a contract for such 18 services to a school district , charter school, or nonpublic 19 school and who has direct supervisory authority over the 20 student with whom the person engages in conduct prohibited 21 under subsection 3 , paragraph “a” . 22 EXPLANATION 23 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 24 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 25 This bill relates to charter schools and nonpublic schools 26 and sexual exploitation by a school employee. 27 Current law does not include employees or contractors 28 of charter schools or accredited nonpublic schools in the 29 definition of “school employee” for purposes of criminalizing 30 sexual exploitation of a student by a school employee. 31 The bill provides that the following are “school employees” 32 for purposes of Code section 709.15: a person employed by a 33 school district, charter school, or nonpublic school full-time, 34 part-time, or as a substitute; a person who performs services 35 -1- LSB 1063YH (8) 91 as/js 1/ 2
H.F. 145 as a volunteer for a school district, charter school, or 1 nonpublic school and who has direct supervisory authority over 2 the student with whom the person engages in prohibited conduct; 3 and a person who provides services under a contract for such 4 services to a school district, charter school, or nonpublic 5 school and who has direct supervisory authority over the 6 student with whom the person engages in prohibited conduct. 7 A school employee who commits sexual exploitation faces 8 penalties ranging from an aggravated misdemeanor to a class “D” 9 felony. An aggravated misdemeanor is punishable by confinement 10 for no more than two years and a fine of at least $855 but 11 not more than $8,540. A class “D” felony is punishable by 12 confinement for no more than five years and a fine of at least 13 $1,025 but not more than $10,245. 14 -2- LSB 1063YH (8) 91 as/js 2/ 2