House File 176 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  WESSEL=KROESCHELL

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act providing for the establishment of a twice exceptional
  2    student task force and making an appropriation.
    TLSB 2006YH (2) 86


  1  2 REPORTS.
  1  3    1.  For purposes of this section, "twice exceptional
  1  4 student" means a student who is a gifted and talented child,
  1  5 as defined in section 257.44, and who also has a physical,
  1  6 intellectual, learning, or other disability, including but
  1  7 not limited to a behavioral, emotional, or autism spectrum
  1  8 disorder.
  1  9    2.  The department of education shall establish a twice
  1 10 exceptional student task force to identify best practices for
  1 11 the education of twice exceptional middle and high school
  1 12 students and to promote such practices in Iowa schools. The
  1 13 department may employ consultants to carry out the duties of
  1 14 the task force.
  1 15    3.  a.  Members of the task force shall be appointed by
  1 16 the director of the department of education and shall include
  1 17 school administrators, school board members, middle and high
  1 18 school teachers, area education agency personnel, parents
  1 19 of twice exceptional middle and high school students, and a
  1 20 representative from a teacher preparation program approved
  1 21 by the state board of education pursuant to section 256.7,
  1 22 subsection 3.
  1 23    b.  The task force shall also include two ex officio members
  1 24 of each house of the general assembly. One member each shall
  1 25 be selected by the majority leader of the senate and by the
  1 26 minority leader of the senate, and one member each shall be
  1 27 selected by the speaker of the house of representatives and by
  1 28 the minority leader of the house of representatives. Members
  1 29 of the general assembly shall be entitled to receive per diem
  1 30 and necessary travel and actual expenses pursuant to section
  1 31 2.10, subsection 5, while carrying out their official duties
  1 32 as members of the task force.
  1 33    4.  The task force shall submit a report on its findings to
  1 34 the general assembly by January 30, 2016. The task force shall
  1 35 submit a report on recommended best practices for the education
  2  1 of twice exceptional middle and high school students to the
  2  2 director of the department of education by March 1, 2016. The
  2  3 director shall provide the report electronically to all middle
  2  4 and high schools and area education agencies in this state and
  2  5 shall post the report on the department's internet site.
  2  6    Sec. 2.  APPROPRIATION.  There is appropriated from the
  2  7 general fund of the state to the department of education for
  2  8 the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30,
  2  9 2016, the following amount, or so much thereof as is necessary,
  2 10 to be used for the purposes designated:
  2 11    For the twice exceptional student task force to be
  2 12 established pursuant to this Act:
  2 13 .................................................. $    200,000
  2 14                           EXPLANATION
  2 15 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  2 16 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  2 17    This bill requires the department to establish a twice
  2 18 exceptional student task force to identify best practices for
  2 19 the education of twice exceptional middle and high school
  2 20 students and to promote such practices in Iowa schools.
  2 21    The bill defines "twice exceptional student" as a student
  2 22 who is a gifted and talented child, as defined in Code section
  2 23 257.44, and who also has a physical, intellectual, learning, or
  2 24 other disability, including but not limited to a behavioral,
  2 25 emotional, or autism spectrum disorder.
  2 26    The bill provides for the membership of the task force,
  2 27 which shall be appointed by the director of the department
  2 28 of education. The task force shall also include ex officio
  2 29 legislative members.
  2 30    The task force must submit a report on its findings to the
  2 31 general assembly by January 30, 2016. The task force must
  2 32 submit a report on recommended best practices for the education
  2 33 of twice exceptional middle and high school students to the
  2 34 director of the department of education by March 1, 2016. The
  2 35 director must provide the report to all Iowa middle and high
  3  1 schools and area education agencies and post the report on the
  3  2 department's internet site.
  3  3    The bill appropriates $200,000 to the department in fiscal
  3  4 year 2015=2016 for the task force.
       LSB 2006YH (2) 86