House File 2116 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 2116 BY WILLS A BILL FOR An Act concerning persons appointed to a convention called 1 by the United States Congress to propose amendments to 2 the United States Constitution, providing penalties, and 3 including effective date provisions. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 5 TLSB 5221YH (2) 90 as/js
H.F. 2116 Section 1. NEW SECTION . 38.1 Definitions. 1 For purposes of this chapter, unless the context otherwise 2 requires: 3 1. “Article V convention” means a convention called by the 4 United States Congress pursuant to Article V of the United 5 States Constitution upon application of the legislatures of at 6 least two-thirds of the states to propose amendments to the 7 United States Constitution. 8 2. “Commissioner” means a person selected to represent the 9 state at an Article V convention. 10 3. “Unauthorized amendment” means a proposed amendment 11 to be considered at an Article V convention that is outside 12 the subject matter of the state’s joint resolution applying 13 to Congress to call the Article V convention or that is in 14 contravention of any instructions provided to commissioners by 15 the state. 16 4. “Unauthorized rule” means a proposed rule for governing 17 the Article V convention that is in conflict with a rule 18 that each state be granted one vote and that a majority vote 19 is required to propose an amendment to the United States 20 Constitution. 21 Sec. 2. NEW SECTION . 38.2 Commissioner prohibitions —— 22 removal —— penalty. 23 1. A commissioner shall not have the authority at an Article 24 V convention to vote to allow consideration of or vote to 25 approve an unauthorized amendment or an unauthorized rule. 26 2. Every commissioner shall be required to take the 27 following oath: 28 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that to the best of 29 my abilities, I will, as a commissioner to an Article V 30 convention, uphold the Constitution and laws of the United 31 States of America and the State of Iowa. I will not vote to 32 allow consideration of or to approve any unauthorized amendment 33 or unauthorized rule. I acknowledge that a violation of this 34 oath may result in my recall and replacement as a commissioner 35 -1- LSB 5221YH (2) 90 as/js 1/ 3
H.F. 2116 and shall constitute a simple misdemeanor. 1 3. A commissioner violating the provisions of subsection 2 1 or of the oath as provided in subsection 2 shall be subject 3 to removal and replacement as a commissioner by the state and 4 shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor. 5 Sec. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act, being deemed of immediate 6 importance, takes effect upon enactment. 7 EXPLANATION 8 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 9 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 10 This bill relates to persons selected by the general 11 assembly to represent the state at a convention called by the 12 United States Congress to propose amendments to the United 13 States Constitution. 14 The bill defines an Article V convention as a convention 15 called by the United States Congress as provided by Article 16 V of the United States Constitution upon application of the 17 legislatures of at least two-thirds of the states to propose 18 amendments to the United States Constitution. “Commissioner” 19 is defined to mean a person selected to represent the state at 20 an Article V convention. The bill also defines an unauthorized 21 amendment as a proposed amendment at an Article V convention 22 that is outside the subject matter of the state’s joint 23 resolution calling for the convention or is in contravention 24 of any instructions provided to commissioners by the state. 25 Finally, the bill defines an unauthorized rule as a proposed 26 rule for governing the Article V convention that is in conflict 27 with a rule that each state be granted one vote and that a 28 majority vote is required to propose an amendment to the United 29 States Constitution. 30 The bill provides that a commissioner shall not propose or 31 vote to approve an unauthorized amendment or an unauthorized 32 rule at an Article V convention. The bill also requires a 33 commissioner to take an oath recognizing these prohibitions. 34 The bill provides that a commissioner violating the provisions 35 -2- LSB 5221YH (2) 90 as/js 2/ 3
H.F. 2116 of the bill shall be subject to removal and replacement as 1 a commissioner by the state and shall be guilty of a simple 2 misdemeanor. A simple misdemeanor is punishable by confinement 3 for no more than 30 days and a fine of at least $105 but not 4 more than $855. 5 The bill takes effect upon enactment. 6 -3- LSB 5221YH (2) 90 as/js 3/ 3