House File 2185 - Introduced
1 An Act relating to third=party commercial driver's license
2 testers and skills test examiners.
TLSB 5929YH (1) 86
1 1 Section 1. Section 321.187, Code 2016, is amended to read
1 2 as follows:
1 3 321.187 Examiners.
1 4 1. The department shall examine applicants for driver's
1 5 licenses. Examiners of the department shall wear an
1 6 identifying badge and uniform provided by the department.
1 7 2. The department may by rule designate community colleges
1 8 established under chapter 260C and other third=party testers to
1 9 administer the driving skills test required for a commercial
1 10 driver's license, provided that all of the following occur:
1 11 a. The driving skills test is the same as that which would
1 12 otherwise be administered by the state.
1 13 b. The third=party tester contractually agrees to comply
1 14 with the requirements of 49 C.F.R. {383.75 as adopted by rule
1 15 by the department.
1 16 c. Any third=party skills test examiner used by the
1 17 third=party tester shall meet the requirements of 49 C.F.R.
1 18 {383.75 and 49 C.F.R. {384.228, as adopted by rule by the
1 19 department. The department shall adopt rules requiring that a
1 20 third=party tester, other than a community college established
1 21 under chapter 260C, shall be an Iowa=based motor carrier, or
1 22 its subsidiary, that has its principal office place of business
1 23 within this state and operates a permanent commercial driver
1 24 training or testing facility in this state. The rules may also
1 25 provide that a third=party tester conduct a number of skills
1 26 test examinations above the number required under 49 C.F.R.
1 27 {383.75 in order to remain qualified as a third=party tester
1 28 under this section.
1 29 3. A community college or other third=party tester
1 30 authorized to administer driving skills tests pursuant to this
1 31 section may charge a fee to a license applicant for the driving
1 32 skills test administered to the applicant pursuant to this
1 33 section.
1 34 3. 4. As used in this section, "third=party tester" and
1 35 "third=party skills test examiner" mean as defined in 49 C.F.R.
2 1 {383.5.
2 2 Sec. 2. REPEAL. 2014 Iowa Acts, chapter 1123, section 23,
2 3 is repealed.
2 5 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
2 6 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
2 7 Under Code section 321.187, two types of entities can be
2 8 authorized by the department of transportation (DOT) to act as
2 9 third=party commercial driver's license testers: community
2 10 colleges established under Code chapter 260C and Iowa=based
2 11 motor carriers.
2 12 This bill allows a third=party tester to charge a fee to
2 13 a license applicant for the driving skills test administered
2 14 by the tester. In addition, the bill strikes a provision
2 15 requiring DOT examiners to wear an identifying badge and
2 16 uniform provided by the DOT.
2 17 When Code section 321.187 was amended in 2014 to authorize
2 18 third=party testers, the general assembly included a future
2 19 repeal date of July 1, 2019, for the amendments. The bill
2 20 repeals that future repeal provision.
LSB 5929YH (1) 86