House File 2228 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 2228 BY COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 526) A BILL FOR An Act relating to requirements for a motor vehicle operator to 1 have control of the vehicle at all times and to reduce speed 2 in specific situations. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 5239HV (2) 84 dea/nh
H.F. 2228 Section 1. Section 321.285, subsection 2, paragraph a, 1 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2011, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 Unless otherwise provided by this section , or except as 4 posted pursuant to sections 262.68 , 321.236, subsection 5 , 5 section 321.288, subsection 6 2, paragraph “f” , sections 6 321.289 , 321.290 , 321.293 , 321.295 , and 461A.36 , the following 7 shall be the lawful speed and any speed in excess thereof shall 8 be unlawful: 9 Sec. 2. Section 321.288, Code 2011, is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 321.288 Control of vehicle —— reduced speed. 12 1. A person operating a motor vehicle shall have the vehicle 13 under control at all times and . 14 2. A person operating a motor vehicle shall reduce the speed 15 to a reasonable and proper rate: 16 1. a. When approaching and passing a person walking in the 17 traveled portion of the public highway. 18 2. b. When approaching and passing an animal which is being 19 led, ridden, or driven upon a public highway. 20 3. c. When approaching and traversing a crossing or 21 intersection of public highways, or a bridge, sharp turn, 22 curve, or steep descent , in a public highway. 23 4. d. When approaching and passing an emergency warning 24 device displayed in accordance with rules adopted under section 25 321.449 , or an emergency vehicle displaying a revolving or 26 flashing light. 27 5. e. When approaching and passing a slow moving vehicle 28 displaying a reflective device or alternative reflective device 29 as provided by section 321.383 . 30 6. f. When approaching and passing through a sign-posted 31 road work zone upon the public highway . 32 EXPLANATION 33 Currently, language in Code section 321.288 requires that 34 a person operating a motor vehicle “have the vehicle under 35 -1- LSB 5239HV (2) 84 dea/nh 1/ 2
H.F. 2228 control at all times”, and in the same sentence, the language 1 goes on to require the operator to “reduce the speed to a 2 reasonable and proper rate” and to list the situations in which 3 the requirement applies. This bill amends that language by 4 separately stating the requirement to have the vehicle under 5 control at all times and the requirement to reduce speed to a 6 reasonable and proper rate under specified circumstances. 7 The current requirement to reduce speed to a reasonable 8 and proper rate when approaching and traversing a bridge 9 is stricken from Code section 321.288. Requirements for 10 controlling a vehicle’s speed when driving on a bridge are 11 addressed with more specificity in Code section 321.295. 12 The requirement to reduce speed to a reasonable and proper 13 rate when approaching and passing through a road work zone 14 is revised to conform to the definition of “road work zone” 15 contained in chapter 321. The bill contains a conforming 16 amendment to Code section 321.285. 17 The existing penalty for a violation of Code section 18 321.288 is not changed by the bill. A violation is a simple 19 misdemeanor, punishable by a scheduled fine of $100. 20 -2- LSB 5239HV (2) 84 dea/nh 2/ 2