House File 2237 - Introduced HOUSE FILE BY COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 583) A BILL FOR 1 An Act relating to matters involving insurance and the 2 insurance division of the department of commerce to reflect 3 current practices and resolve inconsistencies. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: TLSB 5280HV (1) 87 ko/rj PAG LIN 1 1 Section 1. Section 507B.4, subsection 1, Code 2018, is 1 2 amended to read as follows: 1 3 1. For purposes of subsection 3, paragraph "p", "insurer" 1 4 means an entity providing a plan of health insurance, health 1 5 care benefits, or health care services, or an entity subject 1 6 to the jurisdiction of the commissioner performing utilization 1 7 review, including an insurance company offering sickness and 1 8 accident plans, a health maintenance organization, a nonprofit 1 9 health service corporation, a plan established pursuant 1 10 to chapter 509A for public employees, or any other entity 1 11 providing a plan of health insurance, health care benefits, 1 12 or health care services. However, "insurer" does not include 1 13 an entity that sells disability incomeor long=term care1 14 insurance. 1 15 Sec. 2. REPEAL. Section 505.32, Code 2018, is repealed. 1 16 EXPLANATION 1 17 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 1 18 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly. 1 19 This bill relates to matters involving insurance and the 1 20 insurance division of the department of commerce to reflect 1 21 current practices and resolve inconsistencies. 1 22 Code section 507B.4(1) is amended to provide that an entity 1 23 that sells long=term care insurance is an "insurer" for 1 24 purposes of requiring payment of interest on specified health 1 25 insurance claims. This amendment is consistent with provisions 1 26 of Code section 514G.102 relating to long=term care insurance 1 27 policies. 1 28 Code section 505.32 is repealed, eliminating the requirement 1 29 that the commissioner of insurance establish an information 1 30 clearinghouse on the insurance division's internet site for 1 31 Iowans to obtain information related to health care coverage 1 32 available in this state. LSB 5280HV (1) 87 ko/rj