House File 2257 - Introduced
1 An Act relating to the gross weight allowed for special trucks
2 and the gross weight information included on registration
3 receipts.
TLSB 5700HH (3) 86
1 1 Section 1. Section 321.1, subsection 75, Code 2016, is
1 2 amended to read as follows:
1 3 75. "Special truck" means a motor truck or truck tractor not
1 4 used for hire with a gross weight registration of six through
1 5 thirty=two thirty=eight and four=tenths tons used by a person
1 6 engaged in farming to transport commodities produced only by
1 7 the owner, or to transport commodities purchased by the owner
1 8 for use in the owner's own farming operation or occasional
1 9 use for charitable purposes. "Special truck" also means a
1 10 motor truck or truck tractor not used for hire with a gross
1 11 weight registration of six through thirty=two thirty=eight
1 12 and four=tenths tons used by a person engaged in farming who
1 13 assists another person engaged in farming through an exchange
1 14 of services. A "special truck" does not include a truck tractor
1 15 operated more than fifteen thousand miles annually.
1 16 Sec. 2. Section 321.24, subsection 1, Code 2016, is amended
1 17 to read as follows:
1 18 1. Upon receipt of the application for title and payment of
1 19 the required fees for a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer,
1 20 the county treasurer or the department shall, when satisfied
1 21 as to the application's genuineness and regularity, and, in
1 22 the case of a mobile home or manufactured home, that taxes
1 23 are not owing under chapter 423 or 435, issue a certificate
1 24 of title and, except for a mobile home or manufactured home,
1 25 a registration receipt, and shall file the application, the
1 26 manufacturer's or importer's certificate, the certificate of
1 27 title, or other evidence of ownership, as prescribed by the
1 28 department. The registration receipt shall be delivered to
1 29 the owner and shall contain upon its face the date issued,
1 30 the name and address of the owner, the registration number
1 31 assigned to the vehicle, the amount of the fee paid, the type
1 32 of fuel used, a description of the vehicle as determined by the
1 33 department, and a form for notice of transfer of the vehicle.
1 34 The name and address of any lessee of the vehicle shall not
1 35 be printed on the registration receipt or certificate of
2 1 title. Up to three owners may be listed on the registration
2 2 receipt and certificate of title. If the registration receipt
2 3 contains information about the gross weight of the vehicle, the
2 4 registration receipt shall display the gross weight for which
2 5 the vehicle was registered and not the gross weight allowable
2 6 for the vehicle under section 321.466, subsection 4.
2 7 Sec. 3. Section 321.121, subsection 1, paragraph d, Code
2 8 2016, is amended to read as follows:
2 9 d. The additional annual registration fee for a special
2 10 truck for a gross weight registration in excess of twenty tons
2 11 is twenty=five dollars for each ton over twenty tons and not
2 12 exceeding thirty=two thirty=eight and four=tenths tons.
2 13 Sec. 4. Section 321.463, subsection 5, paragraph c,
2 14 subparagraph (1), unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2016, is amended
2 15 to read as follows:
2 16 The maximum gross weight allowed to be carried on a
2 17 commercial motor vehicle, other than a special truck, on
2 18 noninterstate highways, provided the vehicle is operated by a
2 19 person with a commercial driver's license valid for the vehicle
2 20 operated unless section 321.176A applies, is as follows:
2 22 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
2 23 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
2 24 Under current law, special trucks for farm use may be
2 25 registered for a gross weight of between 12,000 and 64,000
2 26 pounds. Code section 321.466 provides that the gross weight of
2 27 certain vehicles, including special trucks for farm use, may
2 28 be exceeded by up to 25 percent. As a result, under certain
2 29 circumstances, the maximum gross weight allowed for special
2 30 trucks for farm use is 80,000 pounds.
2 31 This bill provides that special trucks for farm use may be
2 32 registered for a gross weight of up to 76,800 pounds. With
2 33 the 25 percent exemption provided for under current law,
2 34 the bill effectively increases the gross weight allowed for
2 35 special trucks for farm use to 96,000 pounds under certain
3 1 circumstances. Code section 321.463, which is amended to
3 2 include special trucks, allows vehicles with a gross weight
3 3 of between 80,000 and 96,000 pounds to only operate on
3 4 noninterstate highways, and prohibits such vehicles from
3 5 operating on noninterstate highway bridges. Code section
3 6 321.463 also governs the length and number of axles required
3 7 for vehicles of a certain weight.
3 8 The bill also provides that if a registration receipt
3 9 contains information about the gross weight of a vehicle, the
3 10 registration receipt shall display the gross weight for which
3 11 the vehicle was registered and not the gross weight allowable
3 12 for the vehicle with the 25 percent exemption included.
LSB 5700HH (3) 86