House File 2301 - Introduced
1 An Act concerning the contract bidding process for public
2 improvement projects conducted by the state board of
3 regents.
TLSB 5196HV (1) 87
1 1 Section 1. Section 262.34, subsection 1, Code 2018, is
1 2 amended to read as follows:
1 3 1. a. When the estimated cost of construction, repairs, or
1 4 improvement of buildings or grounds under charge of the state
1 5 board of regents exceeds one hundred thousand dollars, the
1 6 board shall advertise do all of the following:
1 7 (1) Advertise for bids for the contemplated improvement or
1 8 construction and shall let by publishing a notice to bidders.
1 9 The notice to bidders shall be published at least once, not
1 10 less than thirteen days and not more than forty=five days
1 11 before the date for filing bids, in a newspaper published
1 12 at least once weekly and having general circulation in the
1 13 geographic area of contemplated improvement or construction.
1 14 The board may also publish a notice in a relevant contractor
1 15 organization publication or relevant contractor plan room
1 16 service with statewide circulation if a notice is posted on an
1 17 internet site sponsored by the board.
1 18 (2) Have an engineer licensed under chapter 542B, a
1 19 landscape architect licensed under chapter 544B, or an
1 20 architect registered under chapter 544A prepare plans and
1 21 specifications and calculate the estimated total cost of
1 22 the contemplated improvement or construction. The board
1 23 shall ensure that a sufficient number of printed copies of
1 24 the project's contract documents, including but not limited
1 25 to all drawings, plans, specifications, and estimated total
1 26 costs of the proposed improvement or construction, are made
1 27 available for distribution at no charge to prospective bidders,
1 28 subcontractor bidders, suppliers, and contractor plan room
1 29 services.
1 30 (3) Let the work to the lowest responsible bidder. However,
1 31 if
1 32 b. If, in the judgment of the board, bids received are
1 33 not acceptable, the board may reject all bids, after making a
1 34 specific finding identifying the basis for the rejection of
1 35 each bid received, and proceed with the construction, repair,
2 1 or improvement by a method as the board may determine. All
2 2 plans and specifications for repairs or construction, together
2 3 with bids on the plans or specifications, shall be filed by the
2 4 board and be open for public inspection. All bids submitted
2 5 under this section shall be accompanied by a deposit of money,
2 6 a certified check, or a credit union certified share draft in
2 7 an amount as the board may prescribe.
2 9 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
2 10 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
2 11 This bill modifies the contract bidding process conducted
2 12 by the state board of regents.
2 13 Currently, when the estimated cost of construction, repairs,
2 14 or improvement of buildings or grounds under charge of the
2 15 state board of regents exceeds $100,000, the board of regents
2 16 must advertise for bids for the contemplated work and shall
2 17 let the work to the lowest responsible bidder. However, if
2 18 in the judgment of the state board of regents bids received
2 19 are not acceptable, the state board of regents may reject all
2 20 bids and proceed with the work by a method as the state board
2 21 of regents may determine. All plans and specifications for
2 22 repairs or construction, together with bids on the plans or
2 23 specifications, must be filed by the state board of regents and
2 24 be open for public inspection. All bids must be accompanied
2 25 by a deposit of money, a certified check, or a credit union
2 26 certified share draft in an amount as the state board of
2 27 regents may prescribe.
2 28 Under the bill, when the estimated cost of the work exceeds
2 29 $100,000, the state board of regents must advertise for bids by
2 30 publishing notice at least once, not less than 13 and not more
2 31 than 45 days before the date for filing bids, in a newspaper
2 32 published at least weekly with a general circulation in the
2 33 geographical area of the work. The state board of regents
2 34 may also publish notice in a relevant contractor organization
2 35 publication or relevant contractor plan room service with
3 1 statewide circulation, provided that a notice is posted on an
3 2 internet site sponsored by the state board of regents.
3 3 The state board of regents must also have a licensed or
3 4 registered engineer, landscape architect, or architect prepare
3 5 plans and specifications and calculate the estimated total
3 6 cost of the contemplated improvement or construction. The
3 7 state board of regents must ensure that a sufficient number of
3 8 printed copies of the project's contract documents are made
3 9 available for distribution at no charge to prospective bidders,
3 10 subcontractor bidders, suppliers, and contractor plan room
3 11 services.
3 12 If the state board of regents determines that none of the
3 13 bids are acceptable, the board, under the bill, must identify a
3 14 specific reason for rejecting each bid received and may proceed
3 15 with the work by a method as the board may determine, as the law
3 16 currently prescribes.
LSB 5196HV (1) 87