House File 24 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  KOESTER, LANDON, and
                                     R. TAYLOR

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act establishing a school district enrollment supplement
  2    program and making appropriations.
    TLSB 1442YH (7) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 257.13, subsection 1, Code 2017, is
  1  2 amended to read as follows:
  1  3    1.  For the school budget year beginning July 1, 2001, and
  1  4 succeeding budget years, if a district's actual enrollment
  1  5 for the budget year, determined under section 257.6, is
  1  6 greater than its budget enrollment for the budget year, the
  1  7 district shall be eligible to receive an on=time funding budget
  1  8 adjustment. The adjustment shall be in an amount equal to the
  1  9 difference between the actual enrollment for the budget year
  1 10 and the budget enrollment for the budget year, multiplied by
  1 11 the district cost per pupil, and then reduced by the amount
  1 12 received by the district under the school district enrollment
  1 13 supplement program under section 257.13A.
  1 14    Sec. 2.  NEW SECTION.  257.13A  School district enrollment
  1 15 supplement program ==== appropriation.
  1 16    1.  A school district enrollment supplement program is
  1 17 established to provide additional funding for school districts
  1 18 in which the district's actual enrollment for the budget year
  1 19 exceeds the budget enrollment for the budget year. For the
  1 20 school budget year beginning July 1, 2018, and succeeding
  1 21 budget years, if a district's actual enrollment for the budget
  1 22 year is greater than its budget enrollment for the budget year,
  1 23 both as determined under section 257.6, the district may submit
  1 24 a request to the school budget review committee for a school
  1 25 district enrollment supplement. A request for an enrollment
  1 26 supplement pursuant to this section must be received by the
  1 27 school budget review committee by November 1. The school
  1 28 budget review committee shall approve the request for the
  1 29 enrollment supplement in the amount specified in subsection 3
  1 30 if the district meets the requirements of this section.
  1 31    2.  a.  For each fiscal year beginning on or after July
  1 32 1, 2018, there is appropriated from the general fund of the
  1 33 state to the department of education the sum of ten million
  1 34 dollars, or so much thereof as is necessary, to make all school
  1 35 district enrollment supplement payments under this section, as
  2  1 calculated in subsection 3.
  2  2    b.  If the amount appropriated under this subsection is
  2  3 insufficient to pay the entirety of all school district
  2  4 enrollment supplement payments calculated under subsection 3,
  2  5 the department of education shall prorate the amount of the
  2  6 school district enrollment supplement payment provided to each
  2  7 district.
  2  8    3.  The amount of each eligible school district's enrollment
  2  9 supplement shall be the difference between the school
  2 10 district's actual enrollment for the budget year minus the
  2 11 school district's budget enrollment for the budget year
  2 12 multiplied by the school district's regular program foundation
  2 13 aid per pupil for the budget year.
  2 14    4.  School district enrollment supplement payments shall be
  2 15 paid by the department of education in a single payment at the
  2 16 same time as the first monthly installment is paid on or after
  2 17 January 1 of the budget year under section 257.16, subsection
  2 18 2.
  2 19    5.  School district enrollment supplement payments received
  2 20 under this section are miscellaneous income and shall be
  2 21 deposited in the general fund of the school district. However,
  2 22 the school district enrollment supplement amount shall not be
  2 23 included in district cost. An enrollment supplement under this
  2 24 chapter shall not affect the receipt or amount of a budget
  2 25 adjustment received under section 257.14.
  2 26    6.  Except for an adjustment to an amount under section
  2 27 257.31, subsection 5, participation in the school district
  2 28 enrollment supplement program under this section shall not
  2 29 affect a school district's eligibility to receive an amount
  2 30 from the school budget review committee under section 257.31.
  2 31    Sec. 3.  Section 257.31, subsection 5, paragraph a, Code
  2 32 2017, is amended to read as follows:
  2 33    a.  Any unusual increase or decrease in enrollment.  In
  2 34 deciding a school district's need for additional funds under
  2 35 this paragraph "a", the school budget review committee shall
  3  1 consider school district enrollment supplement amounts received
  3  2 by the school district under section 257.13A for the same
  3  3 budget year, and may accordingly adjust amounts granted for the
  3  4 purposes of this paragraph.
  3  5                           EXPLANATION
  3  6 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  3  7 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  3  8    This bill establishes a school district enrollment
  3  9 supplement program to provide additional funding for school
  3 10 districts in which the district's actual enrollment for the
  3 11 budget year exceeds the budget enrollment for the budget
  3 12 year. For the school budget year beginning July 1, 2018, and
  3 13 succeeding budget years, if a district's actual enrollment
  3 14 for the budget year is greater than its budget enrollment for
  3 15 the budget year, the district may submit a request to the
  3 16 school budget review committee for a school district enrollment
  3 17 supplement. The school budget review committee is required
  3 18 to approve the request for the enrollment supplement if the
  3 19 district meets the requirements of the bill.
  3 20    The amount of each eligible school district's enrollment
  3 21 supplement is the difference between the school district's
  3 22 actual enrollment for the budget year minus the school
  3 23 district's budget enrollment for the budget year multiplied by
  3 24 the school district's regular program foundation aid per pupil
  3 25 for the budget year.
  3 26    The bill establishes a $10 million annual appropriation,
  3 27 or so much thereof as is necessary, for each fiscal year
  3 28 beginning on or after July 1, 2018, for the payment of school
  3 29 district enrollment supplement amounts. If the appropriation
  3 30 is insufficient to make all such payments, the department of
  3 31 education is directed to prorate those payment amounts. The
  3 32 bill specifies that school district enrollment supplement
  3 33 payments are miscellaneous income and must be deposited in
  3 34 the school district's general fund. However, the enrollment
  3 35 supplement amount is not to be included in district cost.
  4  1 Code section 257.13 provides that if a school district's
  4  2 actual enrollment for the budget year is greater than its
  4  3 budget enrollment for the budget year, the district shall be
  4  4 eligible to receive an on=time funding budget adjustment. The
  4  5 bill provides that a budget adjustment under Code section
  4  6 257.13 shall be reduced by the amount received by the district
  4  7 under the school district enrollment supplement program.  The
  4  8 bill further specifies that an enrollment supplement does not
  4  9 affect the receipt or amount of a budget adjustment received
  4 10 under Code section 257.14, and, except for an adjustment to
  4 11 the amount, does not affect a school district's eligibility to
  4 12 receive an amount from the school budget review committee under
  4 13 Code section 257.31 based on an increase in enrollment.
       LSB 1442YH (7) 87