House File 2462 - Reprinted HOUSE FILE 2462 BY COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 671) (As Amended and Passed by the House April 10, 2012 ) A BILL FOR An Act relating to early school start date provisions, and 1 including effective date and applicability provisions. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 HF 2462 (4) 84 kh/rj/md
H.F. 2462 Section 1. Section 257.17, Code 2011, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 257.17 Aid reduction for early school starts. 3 State aid payments made pursuant to section 257.16 for a 4 fiscal year shall be reduced by one one-hundred-eightieth for 5 each day of that fiscal year for which the school district 6 begins school before the earliest starting date specified in 7 section 279.10, subsection 1 . However, this section does 8 not apply to a school district that has received approval 9 from the director of the department of education under for 10 a pilot program for an innovative school year in accordance 11 with section 279.10, subsection 4 3 , or to commence classes 12 for regularly established elementary and secondary schools in 13 advance of the starting earliest start date established in 14 section 279.10, subsection 1. 15 Sec. 2. Section 279.10, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2011, are 16 amended to read as follows: 17 1. The school year shall begin on the first day of July 18 and each regularly established elementary and secondary school 19 shall begin no sooner than a day during the calendar week in 20 which the first day fourth Monday of September falls August, 21 but no later than the first Monday in December . However, 22 if the first day of September falls on a Sunday, school may 23 begin on a day during the calendar week which immediately 24 precedes the first day of September , unless the school district 25 has received approval from the department of education for 26 a pilot program for an innovative school year in accordance 27 with subsection 3 . The earliest start date specified in this 28 section shall not apply to a school district that maintains a 29 year around three-semester school year. School shall continue 30 for at least one hundred eighty days, except as provided in 31 subsection 3 , and may be maintained during the entire calendar 32 year. However, if the board of directors of a district 33 extends the school calendar because inclement weather caused 34 the district to temporarily close school during the regular 35 -1- HF 2462 (4) 84 kh/rj/md 1/ 2
H.F. 2462 school calendar, the district may excuse a graduating senior 1 who has met district or school requirements for graduation 2 from attendance during the extended school calendar. A school 3 corporation may begin employment of personnel for in-service 4 training and development purposes before the date to begin 5 elementary and secondary school. 6 2. The board of directors shall hold a public hearing on 7 any proposal for a pilot program for an innovative school year 8 prior to submitting it such a request to the department of 9 education for approval pursuant to subsection 3 . 10 Sec. 3. Section 279.10, subsection 4, Code 2011, is amended 11 by striking the subsection. 12 Sec. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act takes effect July 1, 2013. 13 Sec. 5. APPLICABILITY. This Act is applicable to school 14 years beginning on or after July 1, 2013. 15 -2- HF 2462 (4) 84 kh/rj/md 2/ 2