House File 532 - Introduced HOUSE FILE BY COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCES (SUCCESSOR TO HF 322) A BILL FOR 1 An Act relating to prescribing practitioner registration with 2 the drug prescribing and dispensing information program. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: TLSB 2349HV (1) 87 tr/nh PAG LIN 1 1 Section 1. NEW SECTION. 124.551A Prescribing practitioner 1 2 program registration. 1 3 A prescribing practitioner shall register for the program at 1 4 the same time the practitioner applies to the board to register 1 5 or renews registration to prescribe controlled substances as 1 6 required by the board. 1 7 EXPLANATION 1 8 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 1 9 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly. 1 10 This bill requires a prescribing practitioner to register 1 11 for the drug prescribing and dispensing information program, 1 12 also referred to as the Iowa prescription monitoring program, 1 13 at the same time the practitioner applies to the board of 1 14 pharmacy to register or renews registration to prescribe 1 15 controlled substances as required by the board. Code section 1 16 124.550 defines "prescribing practitioner" as a practitioner 1 17 who has prescribed or is contemplating the authorization of 1 18 a prescription for the patient about whom information is 1 19 requested. LSB 2349HV (1) 87 tr/nh