House File 62 - Introduced HOUSE FILE BY GASKILL A BILL FOR 1 An Act providing for the segregation of financial and related 2 duties by soil and water conservation commissioners. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: TLSB 1094YH (6) 86 da/sc PAG LIN 1 1 Section 1. Section 161A.6, Code 2015, is amended by adding 1 2 the following new unnumbered paragraph after unnumbered 1 3 paragraph 2: 1 4 NEW UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH The commissioners shall segregate 1 5 financial duties relating to receipts, disbursements, and 1 6 payroll as determined by the commissioners. Bank account 1 7 reports including bank statements and other financial records 1 8 shall be delivered and opened by a commissioner, or by an 1 9 agent or employee, as appointed by the commissioners. The 1 10 person appointed to perform this task shall have no segregated 1 11 financial duties. The minutes of the first commissioners 1 12 meeting held following such appointment shall state the name of 1 13 the commissioner, agent, or employee. Financial records shall 1 14 be reviewed by the commissioners on a quarterly basis. 1 15 EXPLANATION 1 16 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 1 17 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly. 1 18 This bill provides that the commissioners of a soil and 1 19 water conservation district must segregate duties relating 1 20 to receipts, disbursements, and payroll. The commissioners 1 21 determine how the segregation is to occur. Financial 1 22 records such as bank account reports are to be opened by a 1 23 commissioner, or by an agent or employee of the commission, who 1 24 has no segregated financial duties. The name of such person 1 25 shall be included in the commissioners meeting minutes. The 1 26 commissioners must review the financial records on a quarterly 1 27 basis. LSB 1094YH (6) 86 da/sc