House File 664 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  COMMITTEE ON

                                 (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 252)

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act establishing the state percent of growth.
    TLSB 2679HV (1) 86


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 257.8, subsection 1, Code 2015, is
  1  2 amended to read as follows:
  1  3    1.  State percent of growth.  The state percent of growth
  1  4 for the budget year beginning July 1, 2012, is two percent.
  1  5  The state percent of growth for the budget year beginning July
  1  6 1, 2013, is two percent. The state percent of growth for the
  1  7 budget year beginning July 1, 2014, is four percent.  The
  1  8 state percent of growth for the budget year beginning July 1,
  1  9 2016, is two percent. The state percent of growth for each
  1 10 subsequent budget year shall be established by statute which
  1 11 shall be enacted within thirty days of the submission in the
  1 12 year preceding the base year of the governor's budget under
  1 13 section 8.21. The establishment of the state percent of growth
  1 14 for a budget year shall be the only subject matter of the bill
  1 15 which enacts the state percent of growth for a budget year.
  1 16    Sec. 2.  CODE SECTION 257.8 ==== IMPLEMENTATION.  The
  1 17 requirement of section 257.8, subsection 1, regarding the
  1 18 enactment of bills establishing the regular program state
  1 19 percent of growth within thirty days of the submission in the
  1 20 year preceding the base year of the governor's budget does not
  1 21 apply to this Act.
  1 22                           EXPLANATION
  1 23 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  1 24 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  1 25    This bill establishes a state percent of growth of 2 percent
  1 26 for the school budget year beginning July 1, 2016.
  1 27    The requirement of Code section 257.8(1) regarding the
  1 28 enactment of bills establishing the regular program state
  1 29 percent of growth within 30 days of the submission in the year
  1 30 preceding the base year of the governor's budget does not apply
  1 31 to the bill.
       LSB 2679HV (1) 86