House Resolution 13 - Introduced HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 13 BY KELLEY A Resolution in support of extending the federal 1 production tax credit for wind energy. 2 WHEREAS, Iowa is the third largest producer of wind 3 energy in the nation; and 4 WHEREAS, Iowa leads the nation in wind generation as 5 a percentage of total power output; and 6 WHEREAS, it has been estimated that 75 percent of 7 Iowa is suitable for wind energy development with an 8 estimated total wind resource of 570,000 megawatts; and 9 WHEREAS, 1,000 megawatts of energy can power 250,000 10 homes and is equivalent to removing the emissions 11 placed in the atmosphere by 682,000 cars in the state 12 in one year’s time; and 13 WHEREAS, the wind energy industry in Iowa currently 14 employs several thousand full-time workers in 15 manufacturing, operations, and maintenance with a 16 substantial annual payroll; and 17 WHEREAS, the federal production tax credit for wind 18 energy provides a 2.2 percent per kilowatt-hour tax 19 credit for the first 10 years of electricity production 20 from utility-scale wind turbines; and 21 WHEREAS, the production tax credit has repeatedly 22 been allowed to sunset and then extended since 23 its original enactment, which has contributed to 24 a boom-bust cycle of development that has been 25 detrimental to the wind industry; and 26 WHEREAS, the federal production tax credit for 27 wind energy is currently set to expire at the end of 28 -1- LSB 2212HH (2) 85 rn/nh 1/ 2
H.R. 13 2013; NOW THEREFORE, 1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, That 2 the House of Representatives supports the extension of 3 the federal production tax credit applicable to wind 4 energy for an additional two years; and 5 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this 6 resolution be sent to the members of Iowa’s 7 congressional delegation and to the President of the 8 United States. 9 -2- LSB 2212HH (2) 85 rn/nh 2/ 2