House Study Bill 137 - Introduced SENATE/HOUSE FILE _____ BY (PROPOSED DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS AND APPEALS BILL) A BILL FOR An Act relating to pari-mutuel wagering, including horse and 1 dog racing medication requirements and the applicability 2 of certain setoff procedures to advance deposit wagering 3 operators. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 5 TLSB 1224XD (6) 87 ec/nh/rn
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ Section 1. Section 99D.25, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 1 2017, is amended to read as follows: 2 b. “Numbing” means the applying of ice or a freezing device 3 or substance to the limbs of a horse or dog within two hours 4 before the start of a race, or a surgical or other procedure 5 which was, at any time, performed in which the nerves of a 6 horse or dog were severed, destroyed, injected, or removed. 7 For purposes of this paragraph, ice is not a freezing device 8 or substance. 9 Sec. 2. Section 99D.25A, subsections 2 and 7, Code 2017, are 10 amended to read as follows: 11 2. Phenylbutazone shall not may be administered to a 12 horse in dosages which would result in concentrations of more 13 than five micrograms of the substance or its metabolites 14 per milliliter of blood dosage amounts as set by rule 15 by the commission . In races recognized as graded stakes 16 thoroughbred races, the commission may establish restrictions 17 on dosage amounts for phenylbutazone which would result in 18 concentrations of less than five micrograms of the substance or 19 its metabolites per milliliter of blood. 20 7. A horse entered to race with furosemide must be treated 21 at least four hours prior to post time. The furosemide shall 22 be administered intravenously by a veterinarian employed by the 23 owner or trainer of the horse issued a current occupational 24 license by the commission . The commission shall adopt rules 25 to ensure that furosemide is administered as provided in this 26 section . The commission shall require that the practicing 27 veterinarian deliver an affidavit signed by the veterinarian 28 which certifies information regarding the treatment of the 29 horse. The affidavit must be delivered to a commission 30 veterinarian within twenty minutes following the treatment. 31 The statement affidavit must at least include the name of the 32 practicing veterinarian, the tattoo number of the horse, the 33 location of the barn and stall where the treatment occurred, 34 the race number of the horse, the name of the trainer, and 35 -1- LSB 1224XD (6) 87 ec/nh/rn 1/ 3
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ the time that the furosemide was administered. Furosemide 1 shall only be administered in a dose level of no less than 2 one hundred fifty milligrams and no more than five hundred 3 milligrams. 4 Sec. 3. Section 99D.28, Code 2017, is amended by adding the 5 following new subsection: 6 NEW SUBSECTION . 8. For purposes of this section, “licensee” 7 shall also include an advance deposit wagering operator. 8 EXPLANATION 9 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 10 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 11 This bill concerns pari-mutuel wagering under Code chapter 12 99D. 13 Code section 99D.25, regulating the drugging or numbing of 14 race horses or dogs, is amended to provide that in defining 15 numbing, ice is not a freezing device or substance. 16 Code section 99D.25A, concerning the administration of 17 furosemide or phenylbutazone to race horses, is amended. The 18 bill provides that phenylbutazone may be administered to 19 a horse in dosage amounts as set by the racing and gaming 20 commission by rule. Current law specifies dosage amounts 21 in Code. The bill also provides that furosemide shall be 22 administered to a horse by a veterinarian licensed by the 23 commission instead of by a veterinarian employed by the owner 24 or trainer of the horse. The bill retains the requirement 25 that the treating veterinarian submit an affidavit about the 26 treatment to a commission veterinarian, but eliminates the 27 requirement that the affidavit be delivered within 20 minutes 28 of the treatment. 29 Code section 99D.28, concerning setoff requirements, is 30 amended. The setoff requirements provide that if a person 31 wins $1,200 or more in one occurrence and owes money to an 32 eligible public agency, the licensee is required to collect 33 from the winnings the full amount of the debt prior to paying 34 any winnings to the person. The bill provides that these 35 -2- LSB 1224XD (6) 87 ec/nh/rn 2/ 3
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ requirements apply to advance deposit wagering operators. 1 -3- LSB 1224XD (6) 87 ec/nh/rn 3/ 3