House Study Bill 50 - Introduced HOUSE FILE _____ BY (PROPOSED COMMITTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION BILL BY CHAIRPERSON COLLINS) A BILL FOR An Act providing for a review by the state board of regents of 1 academic programs offered at regents institutions. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 1432YC (2) 91 je/jh
H.F. _____ Section 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act shall be known and may be 1 cited as the “Workforce First Act”. 2 Sec. 2. INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION GOVERNED BY THE 3 STATE BOARD OF REGENTS —— REVIEW OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMS. 4 1. No later than the first meeting of the state board of 5 regents occurring on or after November 1, 2025, the board shall 6 complete a review of all undergraduate and graduate academic 7 programs offered at institutions of higher education governed 8 by the board. The purpose of the review shall be to determine 9 whether and to what extent each academic program aligns with 10 current and future workforce needs in this state. The board 11 shall conduct the review in consultation with the department of 12 education and the department of workforce development. 13 2. The board shall submit a report on the results of the 14 review to the governor and the general assembly no later than 15 November 30, 2025. For each academic program reviewed, the 16 report shall recommend that the program remain unchanged, 17 recommend that the program be eliminated, or recommend that the 18 program be changed and describe recommended changes. 19 EXPLANATION 20 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 21 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 22 This bill requires the state board of regents to complete 23 a review of all undergraduate and graduate academic programs 24 offered at institutions of higher education governed by the 25 board. The purpose of the review shall be to determine whether 26 and to what extent each academic program aligns with current 27 and future workforce needs in Iowa. The board shall conduct 28 the review in consultation with the department of education 29 and the department of workforce development. The review shall 30 be completed no later than the first meeting of the board 31 occurring on or after November 1, 2025. 32 The bill requires the board to submit a report on the results 33 of the review to the governor and the general assembly no later 34 than November 30, 2025. For each academic program reviewed, 35 -1- LSB 1432YC (2) 91 je/jh 1/ 2
H.F. _____ the report shall recommend that the program remain unchanged, 1 recommend that the program be eliminated, or recommend that the 2 program be changed and describe recommended changes. 3 -2- LSB 1432YC (2) 91 je/jh 2/ 2