Senate File 127 - Introduced SENATE FILE BY ALLEN and SINCLAIR (COMPANION TO LSB 1917HH BY WORTHaN) A BILL FOR 1 An Act increasing the amount of the fees retained by a county 2 treasurer for the issuance or renewal of driver's licenses. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: TLSB 1917SS (5) 86 ns/nh PAG LIN 1 1 Section 1. Section 321M.9, subsection 1, Code 2015, is 1 2 amended to read as follows: 1 3 1. Fees to counties. Notwithstanding any other provision 1 4 in the Code to the contrary, the county treasurer of a county 1 5 authorized to issue driver's licenses under this chapter 1 6 shall retain for deposit in the county general fundseven 1 7ten dollars of fees received for each issuance or renewal of 1 8 driver's licenses and nonoperator's identification cards, but 1 9 shall not retain any moneys for the issuance of any persons 1 10 with disabilities identification devices. The five dollar 1 11 processing fee charged by a county treasurer for collection of 1 12 a civil penalty under section 321.218A, 321A.32A, or 321J.17 1 13 shall be retained for deposit in the county general fund. The 1 14 county treasurer shall remit the balance of fees and all civil 1 15 penalties to the department. 1 16 EXPLANATION 1 17 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 1 18 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly. 1 19 Current law provides that a county treasurer shall retain $7 1 20 of the fees received for each issuance or renewal of a driver's 1 21 license or a nonoperator's identification card. The bill 1 22 increases the amount retained by the county to $10. LSB 1917SS (5) 86 ns/nh