Senate File 2102 - Introduced

                                 SENATE FILE       
                                 BY  BOLKCOM

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to the coverage of direct=acting antiviral
  2    drugs for Medicaid beneficiaries living with a chronic
  3    hepatitis C virus infection.
    TLSB 5753XS (4) 87


  1  3    1.  The department of human services shall adopt rules
  1  4 pursuant to chapter 17A,  shall amend all Medicaid managed care
  1  5 contracts, and shall submit any Medicaid state plan amendments
  1  6 to the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services of the United
  1  7 States department of health and human services (CMS) for
  1  8 approval, as necessary, to require that direct=acting antiviral
  1  9 drugs that are approved by the United States food and drug
  1 10 administration (FDA) for the treatment of chronic HCV=infected
  1 11 patients as a medically accepted indication as defined in 42
  1 12 U.S.C. {1396r=8(k)(6), are a covered outpatient drug under
  1 13 the Medicaid program, and shall be covered consistently for
  1 14 Medicaid beneficiaries under both the fee=for=service and
  1 15 managed care methodologies in accordance with the Medicaid
  1 16 state plan.  The rules adopted, Medicaid managed care contracts
  1 17 amended, and state plan amendment submitted shall comply with
  1 18 all of the following requirements:
  1 19    a.  Coverage for the outpatient drugs shall be provided
  1 20 in accordance with 42 U.S.C. {1396r=8 and with Medicaid drug
  1 21 rebate program notice release No. 172 issued by CMS on November
  1 22 5, 2015.
  1 23    b.  Any limitation on coverage of such drugs, including
  1 24 utilization controls such as prior authorization and placement
  1 25 on the preferred drug list, shall not unreasonably restrict
  1 26 access to these drugs for a medically accepted indication as
  1 27 defined in 42 U.S.C. {1396r=8(k)(6), including that provision
  1 28 of the drugs shall not be based on a beneficiary's Metavir
  1 29 fibrosis score or disease severity, shall not require a  period
  1 30 of abstinence from drug and alcohol abuse, and shall not
  1 31 require prescribing by a specific provider type.
  1 32    c.  Coverage shall be consistent with the guidelines
  1 33 published by the American association for the study of liver
  1 34 diseases (AASLD), the infectious diseases society of America
  1 35 (IDSA), and the international antiviral society=USA (IAS=USA)
  2  1 to the extent consistent with federal law and regulation.
  2  2    d.  If utilization controls are provided, such utilization
  2  3 controls shall ensure that appropriate access to the covered
  2  4 drugs is consistent with 42 C.F.R. {438.210 and specifically
  2  5 must ensure that the drugs are provided in a manner that is
  2  6 sufficient in amount, duration, and scope to reasonably achieve
  2  7 the purpose for which the drugs are furnished and are not
  2  8 arbitrarily denied or reduced in amount, duration, or scope
  2  9 solely because of the diagnosis, type of illness, or condition
  2 10 of the beneficiary.
  2 11    2.  Additionally, the department of human services shall do
  2 12 all of the following:
  2 13    a.  Implement programming to provide patients who are
  2 14 undergoing and who have completed direct=acting antiviral HCV
  2 15 drug treatment with supportive care and surveillance to enhance
  2 16 their adherence to regimens and increase success rates.
  2 17    b.  Collaborate with the department of public health,
  2 18 bureau of HIV, STD, and hepatitis to provide surveillance and
  2 19 determine the return on investment, benefits, and outcomes
  2 20 resulting from the provision of treatment to all chronic
  2 21 HCV=infected Medicaid beneficiaries, including due to averting
  2 22 new infections.
  2 23                           EXPLANATION
  2 24 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  2 25 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  2 26    This bill relates to coverage of direct=acting antivrial
  2 27 drugs for a chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection under the
  2 28 Medicaid programs.
  2 29    The bill requires the department of human services to adopt
  2 30 rules pursuant to Code chapter 17A, amend all Medicaid managed
  2 31 care contracts, and submit any Medicaid state plan amendments
  2 32 to the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services of the United
  2 33 States department of health and human services (CMS) for
  2 34 approval, as necessary, to require that direct=acting antiviral
  2 35 drugs that are approved by the United States food and drug
  3  1 administration (FDA) for the treatment of chronic HCV=infected
  3  2 patients as a medically accepted indication are a covered
  3  3 outpatient drug under the Medicaid program, and shall be
  3  4 covered consistently for Medicaid beneficiaries under both the
  3  5 fee=for=service and managed care methodologies in accordance
  3  6 with the Medicaid state plan.
  3  7    The bill requires that the rules adopted, and state plan
  3  8 amendment submitted, shall comply with all of the following
  3  9 requirements:
  3 10    1.  Coverage for the outpatient drugs shall be provided
  3 11 in accordance with 42 U.S.C. {1396r=8 and with Medicaid drug
  3 12 rebate program notice release No. 172 issued by CMS on November
  3 13 5, 2015.
  3 14    2.  Any limitation on coverage of such drugs, including
  3 15 utilization controls such as prior authorization and placement
  3 16 on the preferred drug list, shall not unreasonably restrict
  3 17 access to these drugs for a medically accepted indication,
  3 18 including that provision of the drugs shall not be based on a
  3 19 beneficiary's Metavir fibrosis score or disease severity, shall
  3 20 not require a  period of abstinence from drug and alcohol abuse,
  3 21 and shall not require prescribing by a specific provider type.
  3 22    3.  Coverage shall be consistent with the guidelines
  3 23 published by the American association for the study of liver
  3 24 diseases (AASLD), the infectious diseases society of America
  3 25 (IDSA), and the international antiviral society=USA (IAS=USA)to
  3 26 the extent consistent with federal law and regulation.
  3 27    4. If utilization controls are provided, such utilization
  3 28 controls shall ensure that appropriate access to the covered
  3 29 drugs is consistent with federal regulations and specifically
  3 30 must ensure that the drugs are provided in a manner that is
  3 31 sufficient in amount, duration, and scope to reasonably achieve
  3 32 the purpose for which the drugs are furnished and are not
  3 33 arbitrarily denied or reduced in amount, duration, or scope
  3 34 solely because of the diagnosis, type of illness, or condition
  3 35 of the beneficiary.
  4  1 The bill also requires DHS to implement programming to
  4  2 provide patients who are undergoing and who have completed
  4  3 direct=acting antiviral HCV drug treatment with supportive care
  4  4 and surveillance to enhance their adherence to regimens and
  4  5 increase success rates, and to collaborate with the department
  4  6 of public health, bureau of HIV, STD, and hepatitis, to provide
  4  7 surveillance and determine the return on investment, benefits,
  4  8 and outcomes resulting from the provision of treatment to all
  4  9 chronic HCV=infected Medicaid beneficiaries, including due to
  4 10 averting new infections.
       LSB 5753XS (4) 87