Senate File 211 - Introduced SENATE FILE BY ZUMBACH A BILL FOR 1 An Act prohibiting the department of transportation and local 2 authorities from requiring permits for the operation of 3 motor vehicles transporting an implement of husbandry 4 between fields, locations for repair, or locations for 5 storage. 6 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: TLSB 1368XS (3) 87 ns/nh PAG LIN 1 1 Section 1. Section 321.453, Code 2017, is amended by adding 1 2 the following new subsection: 1 3 NEW SUBSECTION. 3. Notwithstanding section 321.463, 1 4 321.471, or 321.474, chapter 321E, or any other provision 1 5 of law to the contrary, the department or a local authority 1 6 shall not require a permit for the operation of a motor 1 7 vehicle transporting an implement of husbandry between fields, 1 8 locations for repair, or locations for storage of the implement 1 9 of husbandry. 1 10 EXPLANATION 1 11 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 1 12 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly. 1 13 Code section 321.453 exempts certain motor vehicles and 1 14 equipment from the provisions of Code chapter 321 (motor 1 15 vehicles and law of the road) governing size, weight, and load, 1 16 and the permit requirements of Code chapter 321E (vehicles of 1 17 excessive size and weight). Such motor vehicles and equipment 1 18 include fire apparatus, certain road maintenance equipment, 1 19 implements of husbandry when moved or moving upon a highway 1 20 that is not a portion of the interstate, and certain equipment 1 21 used primarily for construction of permanent conservation 1 22 practices on agricultural land. However, such motor vehicles 1 23 and equipment are not exempt from the provisions of Code 1 24 section 321.463 (maximum gross weight), 321.471 (restrictions 1 25 by local authorities), or 321.474 (restrictions by the 1 26 department of transportation), which include certain permitting 1 27 provisions. 1 28 This bill provides that the department of transportation or 1 29 a local authority shall not require a permit for the operation 1 30 of a motor vehicle transporting an implement of husbandry 1 31 between fields, locations for repair, or locations for storage 1 32 of the implement of husbandry. LSB 1368XS (3) 87 ns/nh