Senate
File
Section
1.
Section
461A.35,
Code
2011,
is
amended
to
read
as
follows:
461A.35
Prohibited
destructive
acts.
1.
It
shall
be
unlawful
for
any
person
to
use,
enjoy
the
privileges
of,
destroy,
injure
,
or
deface
plant
life,
trees,
buildings,
or
other
natural
or
material
property,
or
to
construct
or
operate
for
private
or
commercial
purposes
any
structure,
or
to
remove
any
plant
life,
trees,
buildings,
sand,
gravel,
ice,
earth,
stone,
wood
,
or
other
natural
material,
or
to
operate
vehicles,
within
the
boundaries
of
any
state
park,
preserve,
or
stream
or
any
other
lands
or
waters
under
the
jurisdiction
of
the
commission
for
any
purpose
whatsoever,
except
upon
the
terms,
conditions,
limitations
,
and
restrictions
as
set
forth
by
the
commission.
2.
person
who
violates
this
section
commits
a
simple
misdemeanor,
punishable
as
a
scheduled
violation
pursuant
to
section
805.8B,
subsection
6,
paragraph
“c”
.
Senate
File
2283,
p.
Sec.
2.
Section
461A.42,
subsection
2,
Code
2011,
is
amended
to
read
as
follows:
2.
The
use
of
fireworks,
as
defined
in
section
727.2
,
in
state
parks
and
preserves
is
prohibited
except
as
authorized
by
a
permit
issued
by
the
department.
The
commission
shall
establish,
by
rule
adopted
pursuant
to
chapter
17A
,
a
fireworks
permit
system
which
authorizes
the
issuance
of
a
limited
number
of
permits
to
qualified
persons
to
use
or
display
fireworks
in
selected
state
parks
and
preserves.
3.
person
violating
this
subsection
section
is
guilty
of
a
simple
misdemeanor
punishable
as
a
scheduled
violation
pursuant
to
section
805.8B,
subsection
6,
paragraph
“c”
.
In
addition
to
any
other
penalties,
the
punishment
imposed
for
a
violation
of
this
subsection
shall
include
assessment
of
a
fine
of
not
less
than
two
hundred
fifty
dollars.
The
court
shall
order
restitution
if
any
damages
were
caused
by
the
violation
which
may
include,
but
is
not
limited
to,
community
service.
Sec.
3.
Section
461A.57,
Code
2011,
is
amended
to
read
as
follows:
461A.57
Penalties.
Any
person
violating
any
of
the
provisions
of
sections
461A.35
461A.36
to
461A.41,
461A.43,
and
461A.45
to
461A.56
is
guilty
of
a
simple
misdemeanor.
Sec.
4.
Section
481A.1,
subsection
7,
Code
2011,
is
amended
to
read
as
follows:
7.
“Bait”
includes
,
but
is
not
limited
to
,
minnows,
green
sunfish,
orange-spotted
sunfish,
gizzard
shad,
frogs,
crayfish,
and
salamanders
,
and
mussels
.
Sec.
5.
Section
481A.6A,
subsection
1,
Code
2011,
is
amended
to
read
as
follows:
1.
As
used
in
this
section
,
“pen-reared
pheasant”
means
a
Chinese
ring-necked
pheasant
(Phasianus
colchicus
torquatus)
and
its
subspecies
which
originates
from
a
captive
population
and
which
has
been
propagated
and
held
by
a
hatchery.
For
the
purposes
of
this
section
“pen-reared
pheasant”
does
not
include
a
Reeves
(Syrmaticus
reevesii)
or
Lady
Amherst
(Chrysolophus
amherstiae)
pheasant,
a
subspecies
of
the
Chinese
ring-necked
pheasant
such
as
a
Japanese
(Phasianus
vesicolor)
or
a
Black-necked
(P.
colchicus
colchicus)
pheasant,
or
a
melanistic
mutant
(black,
white,
or
other
color
mix)
of
the
Chinese
ring-necked
pheasant.
This
subsection
is
not
applicable
to
game
birds
released
for
officially
sanctioned
field
meets
or
trials
and
retriever
meets
or
trials
on
private
land
pursuant
Senate
File
2283,
p.
to
section
481A.22,
pen-raised
game
birds
used
on
private
land
pursuant
to
section
481A.56,
or
game
birds
released
on
hunting
preserves
pursuant
to
chapter
484B.
Sec.
6.
.
481A.17
Target
shooting
sports
program.
The
department
shall
establish
a
target
shooting
sports
program
to
promote
recreational
target
shooting
sports.
The
purposes
of
the
program
shall
be
to
introduce
more
Iowans
to
target
shooting
sports,
promote
existing
target
shooting
programs,
provide
more
target
shooting
facilities,
and
improve
existing
target
shooting
facilities.
The
commission
may
adopt
rules
to
achieve
these
purposes.
Sec.
7.
Section
481A.131,
Code
2011,
is
amended
to
read
as
follows:
481A.131
Judgment
——
execution.
1.
In
each
case
of
conviction
of
unlawfully
taking,
catching,
killing,
injuring,
destroying
,
or
having
in
possession
any
fish,
game
,
or
fur-bearing
animal,
the
court
shall
enter
a
judgment
in
favor
of
the
state
of
Iowa
for
liquidated
damages
in
an
amount
as
provided
in
section
481A.130
,
and
it
shall
be
the
duty
of
the
commission
and
the
prosecuting
attorney
or
attorney
general,
to
collect
the
liquidated
damages
by
execution
or
otherwise
.
If
two
or
more
persons
who
have
acted
together
are
convicted
of
the
unlawful
taking,
catching,
killing,
injuring,
destroying
,
or
having
possession
of
any
fish,
game
,
or
fur-bearing
animal,
the
judgment
shall
be
entered
against
them
jointly.
2.
Any
liquidated
damages
received
assessed
under
this
section
and
section
481A.130
shall
be
remitted
paid
to
the
clerk
of
court.
The
clerk
of
court
shall
remit
the
damages
paid
to
the
treasurer
of
state
who
department
of
natural
resources.
The
department
of
natural
resources
shall
credit
such
damages
to
the
state
fish
and
game
protection
fund.
3.
The
return
of
any
uninjured
fish,
game
,
or
fur-bearing
animal
which
has
been
unlawfully
taken,
caught,
or
possessed,
to
the
place
where
taken
or
caught
or
to
any
other
place
approved
by
the
commission,
shall
constitute
the
discharge
of
any
liquidated
damages
provided
under
section
481A.130
.
4.
Civil
suits
for
the
collection
of
judgments
may
be
prosecuted
by
the
attorney
general
or
by
county
attorneys.
Sec.
8.
Section
481A.142,
subsection
5,
paragraph
a,
Code
2011,
is
amended
to
read
as
follows:
a.
Sell
bait,
including
minnows
,
and
frogs,
and
clams,
Senate
File
2283,
p.
propagated
or
raised
within
the
licensed
unit
without
having
to
obtain
a
bait
dealer’s
license.
However,
aquaculture
units
wishing
to
take
bait
from
areas
other
than
their
licensed
units
must
also
obtain
a
bait
dealer’s
license.
Sec.
9.
Section
481A.144,
subsection
1,
Code
2011,
is
amended
to
read
as
follows:
1.
person
shall
not
sell
minnows,
frogs,
crayfish,
or
salamanders
,
and
mussels
for
fish
bait
without
first
obtaining
a
bait
dealer’s
license
from
the
department
upon
payment
of
the
license
fee.
licensee
shall
comply
with
all
laws
pertaining
to
taking,
possessing,
and
selling
of
bait
handled
by
the
licensee.
If
convicted
of
violating
a
provision
of
this
chapter
or
a
rule
adopted
pursuant
to
this
chapter
,
a
licensee
shall
forfeit
the
licensee’s
bait
dealer
license
upon
demand
of
the
director.
Sec.
10.
Section
482.4,
subsection
3,
Code
2011,
is
amended
to
read
as
follows:
3.
Commercial
fishers
and
commercial
turtle
harvesters
shall
purchase
gear
tags
from
the
commission
to
be
affixed
provide
and
affix
weather-resistant
gear
tags
to
each
piece
of
gear
in
use.
Notwithstanding
the
fee
rates
for
gear
tags
under
subsection
,
the
minimum
fee
is
five
dollars.
All
tags
are
valid
for
ten
years
from
the
date
of
issue.
In
addition
to
the
gear
tags,
all
gear
shall
be
tagged
with
a
Each
weather-resistant
gear
tag
showing
shall
plainly
show
the
name
and
,
address
,
and
commercial
license
number
of
the
licensee
and
whether
the
gear
is
fish
or
turtle
gear.
Sec.
11.
Section
482.4,
subsection
4,
Code
2011,
is
amended
by
striking
the
subsection.
Sec.
12.
Section
482.4,
subsection
6,
Code
2011,
is
amended
by
striking
the
subsection
and
inserting
in
lieu
thereof
the
following:
6.
Commercial
fish
and
turtle
gear
tags
are
required
on
the
following
units
of
commercial
gear:
a.
Seine.
b.
Trammel
net.
c.
Gill
net.
d.
Entrapment
nets.
e.
Commercial
trotline.
f.
Commercial
turtle
trap.
Sec.
13.
Section
482.4,
subsection
7,
Code
2011,
is
amended
by
striking
the
subsection.
Sec.
14.
Section
483A.1,
subsection
2,
paragraph
s,
Code
Senate
File
2283,
p.
2011,
is
amended
by
striking
the
paragraph.
Sec.
15.
Section
484B.1,
Code
2011,
is
amended
by
adding
the
following
new
subsection:
.
3A.
“Elk”
means
an
animal
belonging
to
the
cervidae
family
and
classified
as
part
of
the
canadensis
species
of
the
cervus
genus.
Sec.
16.
.
484B.4A
Minimum
enclosed
acreage
——
exceptions.
1.
hunting
preserve
on
which
elk
are
kept
must
include
at
least
three
hundred
twenty
contiguous
acres
which
are
enclosed
by
a
fence
as
required
pursuant
to
section
484B.5.
However,
a
person
may
keep
elk
only
on
a
hunting
preserve
that
includes
a
fewer
number
of
enclosed
acres
if
either
of
the
following
applies:
a.
The
commission
grants
a
waiver
for
the
hunting
preserve
according
to
terms
and
conditions
required
by
the
commission.
The
hunting
preserve
must
include
at
least
one
hundred
sixty
contiguous
acres.
b.
(1)
The
hunting
preserve
was
operated
as
a
business
on
January
1,
2005.
(2)
If
the
hunting
preserve
operated
as
a
business
on
January
1,
2005,
the
landowner
or
the
landowner’s
successor
in
interest
may
sell
or
otherwise
transfer
ownership
of
the
hunting
preserve
to
another
person
who
may
continue
to
operate
the
hunting
preserve
in
the
same
manner
as
the
landowner.
However,
this
subparagraph
shall
not
apply
if
the
owner
of
the
hunting
preserve
or
any
successor
in
interest
fails
to
meet
the
licensing
requirements
of
section
484B.4
each
year.
Sec.
17.
Section
484C.1,
Code
2011,
is
amended
by
adding
the
following
new
subsection:
.
3A.
“Elk”
means
an
animal
belonging
to
the
cervidae
family
and
classified
as
part
of
the
canadensis
species
of
the
cervus
genus.
Sec.
18.
Section
484C.5,
Code
2011,
is
amended
to
read
as
follows:
484C.5
Minimum
enclosed
acreage
——
exceptions.
1.
hunting
preserve
must
include
at
least
three
hundred
twenty
contiguous
acres
which
are
enclosed
by
a
fence
certified
pursuant
to
section
484C.6
.
However,
the
hunting
preserve
may
include
a
fewer
number
of
enclosed
acres
if
any
of
the
following
applies:
1.
a.
The
commission
grants
a
waiver
for
the
hunting
preserve
according
to
terms
and
conditions
required
by
the
Senate
File
2283,
p.
commission.
The
hunting
preserve
must
include
at
least
one
hundred
sixty
contiguous
acres.
2.
a.
b.
(1)
The
hunting
preserve
was
operated
as
a
business
on
January
1,
2005.
b.
(2)
If
the
hunting
preserve
operated
as
a
business
on
January
1,
2005,
the
landowner
or
the
landowner’s
successor
in
interest
may
sell
or
otherwise
transfer
ownership
of
the
hunting
preserve
to
another
person
who
may
continue
to
operate
the
hunting
preserve
in
the
same
manner
as
the
landowner.
However,
this
paragraph
subparagraph
shall
not
apply
if
the
owner
of
the
hunting
preserve
or
any
successor
in
interest
fails
to
register
with
the
department
as
provided
in
section
484C.7
for
three
or
more
consecutive
years.
3.
a.
c.
(1)
The
hunting
preserve
was
not
operated
as
a
business
on
January
1,
2005,
and
all
of
the
following
apply:
(1)
(a)
The
hunting
preserve
has
at
least
one
hundred
contiguous
acres.
(2)
(b)
The
hunting
preserve’s
fence
is
certified
by
the
department
not
later
than
September
1,
2005.
b.
(2)
If
the
hunting
preserve
complies
with
paragraph
“a”
subparagraph
(1)
,
the
landowner
or
the
landowner’s
successor
in
interest
may
sell
or
otherwise
transfer
ownership
of
the
hunting
preserve
to
another
person
who
may
continue
to
operate
the
hunting
preserve
in
the
same
manner
as
the
landowner.
However,
this
paragraph
subparagraph
shall
not
apply
if
the
owner
of
the
hunting
preserve
or
any
successor
in
interest
fails
to
register
with
the
department
as
provided
in
section
484C.7
for
three
or
more
consecutive
years.
2.
Notwithstanding
any
other
provision
of
this
chapter
or
chapter
484B,
a
person
may
keep
whitetail
and
elk
together
on
a
hunting
preserve
that
includes
less
than
three
hundred
twenty
enclosed
acres
if
the
person
receives
a
waiver
as
provided
in
subsection
1,
paragraph
“a”
or
meets
the
conditions
specified
in
subsection
1,
paragraph
“b”
.
Sec.
19.
Section
805.8B,
subsection
6,
paragraph
c,
Code
2011,
is
amended
to
read
as
follows:
c.
For
violations
of
section
sections
461A.35,
461A.42,
and
461A.44
,
the
scheduled
fine
is
fifty
dollars.
Sec.
20.
Chapter
568,
Code
and
Code
Supplement
2011,
is
repealed.
Sec.
21.
The
following
provision
or
provisions
of
this
Act,
being
deemed
of
immediate
importance,
take
effect
upon
enactment:
Senate
File
2283,
p.
1.
The
sections
of
this
Act
amending
sections
484B.1,
484C.1,
and
484C.5.
2.
The
section
of
this
Act
enacting
section
484B.4A.
______________________________
P.
President
of
the
Senate
______________________________
Speaker
of
the
House
hereby
certify
that
this
bill
originated
in
the
Senate
and
is
known
as
Senate
File
2283,
Eighty-fourth
General
Assembly.
______________________________
E.
Secretary
of
the
Senate
Approved
_______________,
______________________________
E.
Governor