Senate File 2381 - Introduced SENATE FILE BY COMMITTEE ON STATE GOVERNMENT (SUCCESSOR TO SSB 3188) A BILL FOR 1 An Act relating to the expenditure of public funds and funds 2 held in trust by statewide elected officials, members of the 3 general assembly, or local officials on certain forms of 4 advertisement and imposing penalties. 5 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: TLSB 6179SV (1) 87 ss/rj PAG LIN 1 1 Section 1. NEW SECTION. 68A.405A Advertising expenditures 1 2 prior to elections prohibited. 1 3 1. For the purposes of this section: 1 4 a. "Designated communication" means a public advertisement 1 5 or promotion delivered through a paid direct mailing, a paid 1 6 radio communication, or a paid television communication funded 1 7 in whole or in part with public moneys or moneys held in a 1 8 private trust fund as defined by section 8.2, or a trust 1 9 fund controlled by a political subdivision of the state, if 1 10 such paid direct mailing, paid radio communication, or paid 1 11 television communication bears the written name, likeness, or 1 12 voice of a statewide elected official, a member of the general 1 13 assembly, or a local official. "Designated communication" does 1 14 not mean any of the following: 1 15 (1) A report, record, letter, memorandum, document, 1 16 envelope, cover sheet, certificate, constituent correspondence, 1 17 routine ministerial material, or ceremonial material bearing 1 18 the name, official logo, or official letterhead of the office 1 19 of a statewide elected official, a member of the general 1 20 assembly, or local official, provided that such report, 1 21 record, letter, memorandum, document, envelope, cover sheet, 1 22 certificate, routine ministerial material, or ceremonial 1 23 material is used or generated in the course of the statewide 1 24 elected official's, member of the general assembly's, or local 1 25 official's duties. 1 26 (2) A depiction of the great seal of the state of Iowa 1 27 through any medium when such depiction has been approved by the 1 28 office of the governor. 1 29 (3) Official press releases or press advisories issued by 1 30 the office of a statewide elected official, a member of the 1 31 general assembly, or a local official in any form. 1 32 (4) A publication, literature, or other medium of 1 33 communication designed to further the purposes of section 1 34 29C.3. 1 35 (5) A payment made by the office of a statewide elected 2 1 official, the general assembly, or a local official to the 2 2 management of a fair in order to reserve a physical floor space 2 3 at a fairground or grounds as defined by section 174.1 for use 2 4 by the statewide elected official, the general assembly, or 2 5 the local official for a booth or display at a fair event as 2 6 defined in section 174.1. 2 7 b. "Designated exhibit expenditure" means a billboard, 2 8 placard, banner, table skirt, sign, display, or other physical 2 9 structure in excess of one hundred fifty square inches funded 2 10 in whole or in part with public moneys or moneys held in a 2 11 private trust fund as defined in section 8.2, or a trust fund 2 12 controlled by a political subdivision of the state, and placed 2 13 or displayed within or upon a defined physical booth space 2 14 located at a fairground or grounds as defined in section 174.1 2 15 bearing the written name, likeness, or voice of a statewide 2 16 elected official, a member of the general assembly, or a local 2 17 official. "Designated exhibit expenditure" does not mean any 2 18 of the following: 2 19 (1) A report, record, letter, memorandum, document, 2 20 envelope, cover sheet, certificate, constituent correspondence, 2 21 routine ministerial material, or ceremonial material bearing 2 22 the name, official logo, or official letterhead of the office 2 23 of a statewide elected official, a member of the general 2 24 assembly, or local official, provided that such report, 2 25 record, letter, memorandum, document, envelope, cover sheet, 2 26 certificate, routine ministerial material, or ceremonial 2 27 material is used or generated in the course of the statewide 2 28 elected official's, member of the general assembly's, or local 2 29 official's duties. 2 30 (2) A depiction of the great seal of the state of Iowa 2 31 through any medium when such depiction has been approved by the 2 32 office of the governor. 2 33 (3) Official press releases or press advisories issued by 2 34 the office of a statewide elected official, a member of the 2 35 general assembly, or a local official in any form. 3 1 (4) A publication, literature, or other medium of 3 2 communication designed to further the purposes of section 3 3 29C.3. 3 4 (5) A payment made by the office of a statewide elected 3 5 official, the general assembly, or a local official to the 3 6 management of a fair in order to reserve a physical floor space 3 7 at a fairground or grounds as defined by section 174.1 for use 3 8 by the statewide elected official, the general assembly, or 3 9 the local official for a booth or display at a fair event as 3 10 defined in section 174.1. 3 11 c. "Local official" means the same as defined in section 3 12 68B.2. 3 13 d. "Statewide elected official" means the same as defined 3 14 in section 68B.2. 3 15 2. A statewide elected official, a member of the general 3 16 assembly, or a local official shall not make or authorize a 3 17 designated communication or designated exhibit expenditure to 3 18 be made within thirty days before a general election. 3 19 3. A statewide elected official, member of the general 3 20 assembly, or local official who makes or authorizes a 3 21 designated communication or designated exhibit expenditure to 3 22 be made more than thirty days before a general election shall 3 23 clearly affix to the designated communication or designated 3 24 exhibit expenditure an attribution statement disclosing the 3 25 source of the public moneys or moneys held in trust used to 3 26 pay for the designated communication or designated exhibit 3 27 expenditure. An attribution statement is not required to be 3 28 affixed to a designated communication or designated exhibit 3 29 expenditure made using a medium substantially similar to those 3 30 listed in section 68A.405, subsection 2. 3 31 4. An attribution statement required by subsection 3 shall 3 32 be displayed or transmitted as follows: 3 33 a. For a designated communication in the form of a paid 3 34 direct mailing, the attribution statement shall be printed on 3 35 the paid direct mailing and shall include the words "paid for 4 1 by" followed by the exact source of the public moneys or moneys 4 2 held in trust so used to pay for the designated communication 4 3 in question. 4 4 b. For a designated communication in the form of a paid 4 5 radio communication, the attribution statement shall be stated 4 6 clearly and in an understandable manner easily ascertainable by 4 7 the listener of such paid radio communication and shall include 4 8 the words "paid for by" followed by the exact source of the 4 9 public moneys or moneys held in trust so used to pay for the 4 10 designated communication. 4 11 c. For a designated communication in the form of a paid 4 12 television communication, the attribution statement shall 4 13 include the words "paid for by" followed by the exact source 4 14 of the public moneys or moneys held in trust so used to pay for 4 15 the designated communication. Such attribution statement shall 4 16 be displayed on the screen in a clearly readable manner for at 4 17 least four seconds. 4 18 d. For a designated exhibit expenditure requiring an 4 19 attribution statement, the attribution statement shall be 4 20 printed on the billboard, placard, banner, table skirt, 4 21 sign, display, or other physical structure and shall include 4 22 the words "paid for by" followed by the exact source of the 4 23 public moneys or moneys held in trust so used to pay for the 4 24 designated exhibit expenditure. 4 25 5. A person who willfully violates this section shall be 4 26 subject to a civil penalty of an amount up to the amount of 4 27 moneys withdrawn from a public account, private trust fund 4 28 as defined in section 8.2, or trust fund controlled by a 4 29 political subdivision of the state used to fund the designated 4 30 communication or designated exhibit expenditure found to be in 4 31 violation of this section by the board. Such penalty shall be 4 32 determined and assessed by the board and paid into the account 4 33 from which such moneys were withdrawn. Additional criminal or 4 34 civil penalties available under section 68A.701 or established 4 35 by the board pursuant to section 68B.32A may also be determined 5 1 and assessed by the board for violations of this section. 5 2 6. This section shall not apply to any physically printed or 5 3 electronically printed, published, or disseminated materials or 5 4 literature generated by a statewide elected official, member of 5 5 the general assembly, or local official prior to the effective 5 6 date of this Act. 5 7 EXPLANATION 5 8 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 5 9 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly. 5 10 This bill prohibits a statewide elected official, defined 5 11 as the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, 5 12 treasurer of state, auditor of state, attorney general, or 5 13 secretary of agriculture; member of the general assembly; or 5 14 local official from expending public moneys or moneys held in 5 15 a trust controlled by the state or a political subdivision on 5 16 designated communications or designated exhibit expenditures 5 17 within 30 days before a general election. The bill defines 5 18 designated communication as a public advertisement or 5 19 promotion delivered through a paid direct mailing, a paid radio 5 20 communication, or a paid television communication if such 5 21 advertisement or promotion bears the written name, likeness, or 5 22 voice of a statewide elected official, member of the general 5 23 assembly, or local official. The bill defines designated 5 24 exhibit expenditure as a billboard, placard, banner, table 5 25 skirt, sign, display, or other physical structure in excess 5 26 of 150 square inches placed or displayed within or upon a 5 27 defined physical booth space located at a fairground or grounds 5 28 as defined in Code section 174.1 bearing the written name, 5 29 likeness, or voice of a statewide elected official, member of 5 30 the general assembly, or local official. 5 31 The bill excludes from the definitions of designated 5 32 communication and designated exhibit expenditure all of the 5 33 following: a report, record, letter, memorandum, document, 5 34 envelope, cover sheet, certificate, constituent correspondence, 5 35 routine ministerial material, or ceremonial material bearing 6 1 the name, official logo, or official letterhead of the office 6 2 of a statewide elected official, a member of the general 6 3 assembly, or local official, provided that such report, 6 4 record, letter, memorandum, document, envelope, cover sheet, 6 5 certificate, routine ministerial material, or ceremonial 6 6 material is used or generated in the course of the statewide 6 7 elected official's, member of the general assembly's, or 6 8 local official's duties; a depiction of the great seal of the 6 9 state of Iowa through any medium when such depiction has been 6 10 approved by the office of the governor; official press releases 6 11 or press advisories issued by the office of a statewide elected 6 12 official, a member of the general assembly, or a local official 6 13 in any form; a publication, literature, or other medium of 6 14 communication related to a proclamation of a state of public 6 15 disorder by the governor; and a payment made by the office of a 6 16 statewide elected official, the general assembly, or a local 6 17 official to the management of a fair in order to reserve a 6 18 physical floor space at a fairground or grounds for use by the 6 19 statewide elected official, the general assembly, or the local 6 20 official for a booth or display at a fair event. 6 21 The bill requires any designated communication or designated 6 22 exhibit expenditure made more than 30 days before a general 6 23 election to include an attribution statement disclosing 6 24 the source of the moneys used to pay for the designated 6 25 communication or designated exhibit expenditure, unless the 6 26 designated communication or designated exhibit expenditure uses 6 27 a medium substantially similar to those found in Code section 6 28 68A.405. 6 29 A person who willfully violates the bill shall be subject 6 30 to a civil penalty of an amount up to the amount of moneys 6 31 withdrawn from a public account, private trust fund as 6 32 defined in Code section 8.2, or trust fund controlled by a 6 33 political subdivision of the state used to fund the designated 6 34 communication or designated exhibit expenditure as found by 6 35 the board. Such penalty shall be determined and assessed by 7 1 the board and paid into the account from which such moneys 7 2 were withdrawn. Any additional criminal or civil penalties 7 3 available under Code section 68A.701 or established by the 7 4 board pursuant to Code section 68B.32A may also be determined 7 5 and assessed by the board for violations of the bill. 7 6 The bill does not apply to any physically printed or 7 7 electronically printed, published, or disseminated materials or 7 8 literature generated by a statewide elected official, member of 7 9 the general assembly, or local official prior to the effective 7 10 date of the bill. LSB 6179SV (1) 87 ss/rj