Senate File 356 - Introduced

                                 SENATE FILE       
                                 BY  MATHIS

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to the development and administration of Iowa
  2    innovation learning spaces by the science, technology,
  3    engineering, and mathematics collaborative initiative at the
  4    university of northern Iowa.
    TLSB 1373XS (2) 86


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 268.7, subsection 3, Code 2015, is
  1  2 amended by adding the following new paragraph:
  1  3    NEW PARAGRAPH.  d.  Iowa innovation learning spaces that
  1  4 are developed and maintained for local community members,
  1  5 including but not limited to children, students, inventors,
  1  6 entrepreneurs, and artists, to gather and share skills and
  1  7 knowledge relating to science, technology, engineering,
  1  8 applied arts, and mathematics.  The initiative may partner
  1  9 with employers, educators, community leaders, and political
  1 10 subdivisions to create and support Iowa innovation learning
  1 11 spaces. Iowa innovation learning spaces may include but are
  1 12 not limited to resources facilitating interactive science
  1 13 education for Iowa's children; environments cultivated
  1 14 as learning spaces where children and adults gain skills
  1 15 and knowledge from area professionals; community centers
  1 16 that foster inventions; skill=sharing activities for local
  1 17 community members; inter=generational projects; demonstrations,
  1 18 workshops, and classes for adults; career camps for students
  1 19 and adults; summer camps and classes primarily for young
  1 20 children; and efforts that encourage prototype and concept
  1 21 development activities relating to new business ventures.
  1 22                           EXPLANATION
  1 23 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  1 24 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  1 25    This bill directs the science, technology, engineering,
  1 26 and mathematics collaborative initiative established at the
  1 27 university of northern Iowa, subject to an appropriation of
  1 28 funds by the general assembly, to administer Iowa innovation
  1 29 learning spaces, developed and maintained for local community
  1 30 members, including but not limited to children, students,
  1 31 inventors, entrepreneurs, and artists, to gather and share
  1 32 skills and knowledge relating to science, technology,
  1 33 engineering, applied arts, and mathematics.  The initiative
  1 34 may partner with employers, educators, community leaders, and
  1 35 political subdivisions to create and support Iowa innovation
  2  1 learning spaces. Iowa innovation learning spaces may include
  2  2 but are not limited to resources facilitating interactive
  2  3 science education for Iowa's children; environments cultivated
  2  4 as learning spaces where children and adults gain skills
  2  5 and knowledge from area professionals; community centers
  2  6 that foster inventions; skill=sharing activities for local
  2  7 community members; inter=generational projects; demonstrations,
  2  8 workshops, and classes for adults; career camps for students
  2  9 and adults; summer camps and classes primarily for young
  2 10 children; and efforts that encourage prototype and concept
  2 11 development activities relating to new business ventures.
       LSB 1373XS (2) 86