Senate File 443 - Introduced SENATE FILE BY COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION (SUCCESSOR TO SSB 1114) A BILL FOR 1 An Act relating to children's residential facility 2 certification requirements and care furnished by bona 3 fide religious institutions, and including effective date 4 provisions. 5 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: TLSB 1316SV (2) 87 kh/rj PAG LIN 1 1 Section 1. Section 282.34, Code 2017, is amended by adding 1 2 the following new subsection: 1 3 NEW SUBSECTION. 4A. Subsection 1, paragraph "a", relating 1 4 to the provision of an educational program and appropriate 1 5 education services, shall not apply to a children's residential 1 6 facility operated by a bona fide religious institution if the 1 7 facility was in operation prior to the effective date of this 1 8 Act. 1 9 Sec. 2. EFFECTIVE UPON ENACTMENT. This Act, being deemed of 1 10 immediate importance, takes effect upon enactment. 1 11 EXPLANATION 1 12 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 1 13 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly. 1 14 This bill exempts certain bona fide religious institutions 1 15 operating children's residential facilities from a requirement 1 16 that such facilities provide an educational program and 1 17 appropriate education services to children residing in the 1 18 facility by contracting with the school district in which the 1 19 facility is located, or with an accredited nonpublic school, or 1 20 becoming accredited as a nonpublic school. 1 21 The exemption applies to a children's residential facility 1 22 operated by a bona fide religious institution only if the 1 23 facility was in operation prior to the effective date of the 1 24 bill. 1 25 The bill takes effect upon enactment. LSB 1316SV (2) 87 kh/rj