Senate File 451 - Introduced SENATE FILE 451 BY COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION (SUCCESSOR TO SF 247) A BILL FOR An Act relating to the allowable uses for modified allowable 1 growth for programs for returning dropouts and dropout 2 prevention. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 1558SV (2) 84 kh/sc
S.F. 451 Section 1. Section 257.41, Code 2011, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 257.41 Funding for programs for returning dropouts and 3 dropout prevention. 4 1. Budget. The budget of an approved program for returning 5 dropouts and dropout prevention for a school district, after 6 subtracting funds received from other sources for that purpose, 7 shall be funded annually on a basis of one-fourth or more 8 from the district cost of the school district and up to 9 three-fourths by an increase in allowable growth as defined in 10 section 257.8 . Annually, the department of management shall 11 establish a modified allowable growth for each such school 12 district equal to the difference between the approved budget 13 for the program for returning dropouts and dropout prevention 14 for that district and the sum of the amount funded from the 15 district cost of the school district plus funds received from 16 other sources. 17 2. Appropriate uses of funding. Appropriate uses of the 18 returning dropout and dropout prevention program funding 19 include but are not limited to the following: 20 a. Salary and benefits for teachers, nurses, para-educators, 21 and guidance counselors working with students participating 22 in the dropout prevention programs, alternative programs, and 23 alternative schools if the teacher, nurse, para-educator, or 24 guidance counselor is dedicated to working with returning 25 dropouts or students who are deemed, at anytime during the 26 school year, to be at risk of dropping out, to provide services 27 beyond those provided by the school district to students who 28 are not identified as at risk of becoming dropouts. However, 29 if the teacher, nurse, para-educator, or guidance counselor is 30 a part-time returning dropout and dropout prevention teacher, 31 nurse, para-educator, or guidance counselor and a part-time 32 regular classroom teacher or counselor, only the portion of 33 time that is related to the returning dropout and dropout 34 prevention program may be charged to the program. 35 -1- LSB 1558SV (2) 84 kh/sc 1/ 2
S.F. 451 b. Professional development for all teachers and staff 1 working with at-risk students and programs involving dropout 2 prevention strategies. 3 c. Research-based resources, materials, software, supplies, 4 and purchased services that meet all of the following criteria: 5 (1) Meet the needs of kindergarten through grade twelve 6 students identified as at risk of dropping out and of returning 7 dropouts. 8 (2) Are beyond those provided by the regular school program. 9 (3) Are necessary to provide the services listed in the 10 school district’s dropout prevention plan. 11 (4) Will remain with the kindergarten through grade twelve 12 returning dropout and dropout prevention program. 13 EXPLANATION 14 This bill specifies the appropriate uses of the returning 15 dropout and dropout prevention program funding for school 16 districts. 17 Appropriate uses of funding as specified by the bill include 18 salary and benefits for teachers, nurses, para-educators, and 19 guidance counselors when those persons are dedicated to working 20 with returning dropouts or students who are deemed, at anytime 21 during the school year, to be at risk of dropping out, to 22 provide services beyond those provided by the school district 23 to students generally; professional development for all 24 teachers and staff working with at-risk students and programs 25 involving dropout prevention strategies; and research-based 26 resources, materials, software, supplies, and purchased 27 services that meet criteria specified in the bill. 28 -2- LSB 1558SV (2) 84 kh/sc 2/ 2