Senate File 55 - Introduced SENATE FILE 55 BY EVANS A BILL FOR An Act authorizing the issuance of fire fighter special 1 registration plates for vehicles owned by certain revocable 2 trusts. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 1782XS (3) 91 th/ns
S.F. 55 Section 1. Section 321.34, subsection 10, paragraph a, Code 1 2025, is amended to read as follows: 2 a. Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the 3 director may issue fire fighter plates to the owner of a 4 motor vehicle subject to registration under section 321.109, 5 subsection 1 , autocycle, motor truck, motor home, multipurpose 6 vehicle, motorcycle, trailer, or travel trailer if the owner 7 is a current or retired member of a paid or volunteer fire 8 department , or if the owner is a revocable trust, as defined 9 in section 9H.1, and the grantor, as defined in section 9H.1, 10 is a current or retired member of a paid or volunteer fire 11 department . The special registration plates, designed by the 12 department in cooperation with representatives designated 13 by the Iowa fire fighters’ associations, signify that the 14 applicant is a current or retired member of a paid or volunteer 15 fire department. 16 EXPLANATION 17 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 18 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 19 Under current law, the department of transportation (DOT) 20 is authorized to issue fire fighter special registration 21 plates to an owner who is a current or retired member of a fire 22 department (fire fighter plates). An application for fire 23 fighter plates must be approved by the DOT in consultation 24 with representatives designated by the Iowa fire fighters’ 25 associations. For purposes of Code chapter 321 (motor vehicles 26 and law of the road), “owner” means a person who holds the 27 legal title of a vehicle, or in the event a vehicle is the 28 subject of a security agreement with an immediate right of 29 possession vested in the debtor, then such debtor is deemed 30 the owner. A person is considered to be retired from a fire 31 department if the person is recognized on record, by the 32 chief of the fire department where the individual served, as 33 officially retired from the fire department. 34 This bill authorizes the DOT to issue fire fighter plates to 35 -1- LSB 1782XS (3) 91 th/ns 1/ 2
S.F. 55 a vehicle owner that is a revocable trust if the grantor is a 1 current or retired member of a fire department. The special 2 fee for fire fighter plates is $25 (plus $5 for personalized 3 plates), in addition to the regular registration fee. The 4 treasurer of state is required to transfer moneys, equal to the 5 amount the road use tax fund receives from special fees for 6 fire fighter plates, each month from the statutory allocations 7 fund to the Paul Ryan memorial fire fighter safety training 8 fund. 9 When used in the bill, “revocable trust” means a trust which 10 provides that the grantor retains the power to amend, modify, 11 or revoke the trust at any time prior to the death of the 12 grantor, regardless of whether, subsequent to the execution of 13 the revocable trust and at any time prior to death, the grantor 14 is legally competent to exercise the power to amend, modify, or 15 revoke the trust and regardless of when the trust is created; 16 and “grantor” means a natural person, other than a nonresident 17 alien as defined under Code section 9H.1, who is the creator of 18 a revocable trust or a trust. 19 -2- LSB 1782XS (3) 91 th/ns 2/ 2