Senate File 6 - Introduced

                                 SENATE FILE       
                                 BY  QUIRMBACH

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act modifying the supplementary weighting for limited
  2    English proficient students and including effective date and
  3    applicability provisions.
    TLSB 1512XS (2) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 257.31, subsection 5, paragraph j, Code
  1  2 2017, is amended to read as follows:
  1  3    j.  Unusual need to continue providing a program or other
  1  4 special assistance to non=English speaking limited English
  1  5 proficient pupils after the expiration of the five=year period
  1  6 of years specified in section 280.4.
  1  7    Sec. 2.  Section 280.4, subsection 3, Code 2017, is amended
  1  8 to read as follows:
  1  9    3.  a.  In order to provide funds for the excess costs of
  1 10 instruction of limited English proficient students specified
  1 11 in paragraph "b" above the costs of instruction of pupils in
  1 12 a regular curriculum, students identified as limited English
  1 13 proficient shall be assigned an additional weighting of
  1 14 twenty=two hundredths three=tenths, and that weighting shall be
  1 15 included in the weighted enrollment of the school district of
  1 16 residence for a period not exceeding five the period of years
  1 17 specified in paragraph "b". However, the school budget review
  1 18 committee may grant supplemental aid or a modified supplemental
  1 19 amount to a school district to continue funding a program for
  1 20 students after the expiration of the five=year specified period
  1 21 of years.
  1 22    b.  (1)  For students first determined to be limited English
  1 23 proficient for a budget year beginning on or after July
  1 24 1, 2010, but before July 1, 2017, the additional weighting
  1 25 provided under paragraph "a" shall be included in the weighted
  1 26 enrollment of the school district of residence for a cumulative
  1 27 period of time not exceeding five years beginning with the
  1 28 budget year for which the student was first determined to be
  1 29 limited English proficient. The five years of eligibility
  1 30 for the additional weighting need not be consecutive and
  1 31 a student's eligibility for the additional weighting is
  1 32 transferable to another district of residence.
  1 33    (2)  For students first determined to be limited English
  1 34 proficient for the budget year beginning on July 1, 2017, the
  1 35 additional weighting provided under paragraph "a" shall be
  2  1 included in the weighted enrollment of the school district of
  2  2 residence for a period not exceeding six years beginning with
  2  3 the budget year for which the student was first determined to
  2  4 be limited English proficient.
  2  5    (3)  For students first determined to be limited English
  2  6 proficient for a budget year beginning on or after July 1,
  2  7 2018, the additional weighting provided under paragraph "a"
  2  8  shall be included in the weighted enrollment of the school
  2  9 district of residence for a period not exceeding seven years
  2 10 beginning with the budget year for which the student was first
  2 11 determined to be limited English proficient.
  2 12    Sec. 3.  Section 282.18, subsection 7, Code 2017, is amended
  2 13 to read as follows:
  2 14    7.  A pupil participating in open enrollment shall be
  2 15 counted, for state school foundation aid purposes, in the
  2 16 pupil's district of residence. A pupil's residence, for
  2 17 purposes of this section, means a residence under section
  2 18 282.1. The board of directors of the district of residence
  2 19 shall pay to the receiving district the sum of the state cost
  2 20 per pupil for the previous school year plus either the teacher
  2 21 leadership supplement state cost per pupil for the previous
  2 22 fiscal year as provided in section 257.9 or the teacher
  2 23 leadership supplement foundation aid for the previous fiscal
  2 24 year as provided in section 284.13, subsection 1, paragraph "e",
  2 25 if both the district of residence and the receiving district
  2 26 are receiving such supplements, plus any moneys received for
  2 27 the pupil as a result of the non=English speaking limited
  2 28 English proficient weighting under section 280.4, subsection
  2 29 3, for the previous school year multiplied by the state cost
  2 30 per pupil for the previous year. If the pupil participating in
  2 31 open enrollment is also an eligible pupil under section 261E.6,
  2 32 the receiving district shall pay the tuition reimbursement
  2 33 amount to an eligible postsecondary institution as provided in
  2 34 section 261E.7.
  2 35    Sec. 4.  Section 282.18, subsection 15, paragraph a, Code
  3  1 2017, is amended to read as follows:
  3  2    a.  If a request under this section is for transfer to the
  3  3 research and development school, as described in chapter 256G,
  3  4 the student who is the subject of the request shall be included
  3  5 in the basic enrollment of the student's district of residence
  3  6 and the board of directors of the district of residence shall
  3  7 pay to the research and development school the state cost per
  3  8 pupil for the previous school year, plus any moneys received
  3  9 for the pupil as a result of the non=English speaking limited
  3 10 English proficient weighting under section 280.4, subsection
  3 11 3, for the previous school year multiplied by the state cost
  3 12 per pupil for the previous year.
  3 13    Sec. 5.  EFFECTIVE UPON ENACTMENT.  This Act, being deemed of
  3 14 immediate importance, takes effect upon enactment.
  3 15    Sec. 6.  APPLICABILITY.  This Act applies to school budget
  3 16 years beginning on or after July 1, 2017.
  3 17                           EXPLANATION
  3 18 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  3 19 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  3 20    This bill relates to limited English proficient education
  3 21 by modifying the supplementary weighting for limited English
  3 22 proficient students.
  3 23    Current Code section 280.4 provides supplementary weighting
  3 24 for the excess costs of instruction of limited English
  3 25 proficient students.  The current amount of the supplementary
  3 26 weighting for students identified as limited English proficient
  3 27 is 0.22 per student.  The weighting is provided for those
  3 28 students first determined to be limited English proficient for
  3 29 a budget year beginning on or after July 1, 2010, and may be
  3 30 included in the weighted enrollment of the school district for
  3 31 a period not exceeding five years.
  3 32    The bill increases the amount of the supplementary weighting
  3 33 for those students identified as limited English proficient to
  3 34 0.30 per student.
  3 35    The bill also specifies the number of years during which the
  4  1 additional weighting may be included in the school district's
  4  2 weighted enrollment.  For students first determined to be
  4  3 limited English proficient for a budget year beginning on or
  4  4 after July 1, 2010, but before July 1, 2017, the additional
  4  5 weighting may be included for a period not exceeding five
  4  6 years. For students first determined to be limited English
  4  7 proficient for the budget year beginning on July 1, 2017, the
  4  8 additional weighting may be included for a period not exceeding
  4  9 six years.  For students first determined to be limited English
  4 10 proficient for a budget year beginning on or after July 1,
  4 11 2018, the additional weighting may be included for a period not
  4 12 exceeding seven years.
  4 13    The bill also makes statutory changes to provide uniformity
  4 14 in referring to limited English proficient pupils.
  4 15    The bill takes effect upon enactment and applies to school
  4 16 budget years beginning on or after July 1, 2017.
       LSB 1512XS (2) 87