Rep. Curtis J. Tarver, II

Filed: 3/16/2023

10300HB0073ham001LRB103 03589 SPS 59368 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 73 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Consumer Legal Funding Act is amended by
5changing Sections 5 and 55 as follows:
6 (815 ILCS 121/5)
7 Sec. 5. Definitions.
8 "Advertise" means publishing or disseminating any written,
9electronic, or printed communication, or any communication by
10means of recorded telephone messages or transmitted on radio,
11television, the Internet, or similar communications media,
12including film strips, motion pictures, and videos, published,
13disseminated, circulated, or placed before the public,
14directly or indirectly, for the purpose of inducing a consumer
15to enter into a consumer legal funding.
16 "Charges" means the fees, as set forth in Section 25, to be

10300HB0073ham001- 2 -LRB103 03589 SPS 59368 a
1paid to the consumer legal funding company by or on behalf of
2the consumer above the funded amount provided by or on behalf
3of the company to an Illinois consumer pursuant to this Act.
4 "Consumer" means a natural person who has a pending legal
5claim and who resides or is domiciled in Illinois.
6 "Consumer legal funding" or "funding" means a nonrecourse
7transaction in which a company purchases and a consumer
8transfers to the company an unvested, contingent future
9interest in the potential net proceeds of a settlement or
10judgment obtained from the consumer's legal claim; and in
11which, if no proceeds are obtained from the consumer's legal
12claim, the consumer is not required to repay the company the
13consumer legal funding amount or charges.
14 "Consumer legal funding company" or "company" means a
15person or entity that enters into, purchases, or services a
16consumer legal funding transaction with an Illinois consumer.
17"Consumer legal funding company" does not include:
18 (1) an immediate family member of the consumer;
19 (2) a bank, lender, financing entity, or other special
20 purpose entity:
21 (A) that provides financing to a consumer legal
22 funding company; or
23 (B) to which a consumer legal funding company
24 grants a security interest or transfers any rights or
25 interest in a consumer legal funding; or
26 (3) an attorney or accountant who provides services to

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1 a consumer.
2 "Department" means the Department of Financial and
3Professional Regulation.
4 "Funded amount" means the amount of moneys provided to, or
5on behalf of, the consumer in the consumer legal funding.
6"Funded amount" does not include charges except for charges
7that are deducted from the funded amount.
8 "Funding date" means the date on which the funded amount
9is transferred to the consumer by the consumer legal funding
10company either by personal delivery; via wire, ACH, or other
11electronic means; or mailed by insured, certified, or
12registered United States mail.
13 "Immediate family member" means a parent; sibling; child
14by blood, adoption, or marriage; spouse; grandparent; or
16 "Legal claim" means a bona fide civil claim or cause of
18 "Resolution amount" means the funded amount plus the
19agreed-upon charges that are delivered to the consumer legal
20funding company on the resolution date.
21 "Resolution date" means the date the resolution amount is
22delivered to the consumer legal funding company.
23 "Secretary" means the Secretary of Financial and
24Professional Regulation or the Secretary's designee.
25(Source: P.A. 102-987, eff. 5-27-22.)

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1 (815 ILCS 121/55)
2 Sec. 55. Consumer legal funding license scope.
3 (a) It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to
4operate as a consumer legal funding provider in this State
5except as authorized by this Act and without first having
6obtained a license in accordance with this Act. No person or
7entity may engage in any device, subterfuge, or pretense to
8evade the requirements of this Act. However, any company that
9has a license in good standing under the Consumer Installment
10Loan Act on the effective date of this Act shall be entitled to
11make consumer legal fundings under the terms of this Act upon
12the effective date of this Act if that company files an
13application for a consumer legal funding license within 60
14days after the Department issues forms for the filing of that
15application and until the Department approves or denies the
16application for a funding license. Any consumer legal funding
17contract made by any person or entity in violation of this
18subsection shall be null and void and the person or entity who
19entered into the consumer legal funding transaction shall have
20no right to collect, attempt to collect, receive, or retain
21any principal, interest, or charges related to the consumer
22legal funding transaction.
23 (b) The provisions of this Act do not apply to a bank,
24savings bank, savings association, or credit union organized
25under the laws of this State, any other state, or under the
26laws of the United States.

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1 (b-1) The provisions of this Act do not apply to consumer
2legal funding if (i) the amount of funding is greater than
3$500,000 and (ii) the consumer does not use or intend to use
4any of the proceeds for personal, family, or household
6 (c) Any consumer legal funding made by a person not
7licensed under this Act, including a person holding an
8inactive license, and not exempt under this Act shall be null
9and void, and no person or entity shall have any right to
10collect, attempt to collect, receive, or retain any principal,
11fee, interest, or charges related to the funding.
12(Source: P.A. 102-987, eff. 5-27-22.)".