Rep. Jay Hoffman

Filed: 11/9/2015

09900HB0740ham001LRB099 04545 AWJ 39633 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 740 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Kaskaskia Regional Port District Act is
5amended by changing Sections 1.1, 3, 6, 7.1, 14, and 20.2 as
7 (70 ILCS 1830/1.1)
8 Sec. 1.1. Purpose. The General Assembly declares that the
9main purpose of this Act is to promote industrial, commercial,
10transportation, homeland security, recreation, water supply,
11flood control, and economic activities thereby reducing the
12evils attendant upon unemployment and enhancing the public
13health, safety, and welfare of this State.
14(Source: P.A. 90-785, eff. 1-1-99.)
15 (70 ILCS 1830/3) (from Ch. 19, par. 503)

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1 Sec. 3. There is created a political subdivision body
2politic and municipal corporation, named "Kaskaskia Regional
3Port District" embracing all of Monroe and Randolph Counties
4and Freeburg, Millstadt, Smithton, Prairie Du Long, New Athens,
5Marissa, Fayetteville, Engleman, Mascoutah, Shiloh Valley and
6Lenzburg Townships of St. Clair County. The Port District may
7sue and be sued in its corporate name but execution shall not
8in any case issue against any property owned by the Port
9District except for Port District property that the Port
10District pledged as collateral to a bank or other financial
11institution to secure a bank loan. It may adopt a common seal
12and change the same at pleasure. The principal office of the
13Port District shall be in the city of Red Bud Chester,
15 No rights, duties or privileges of such District, or those
16of any person, existing before the change of name shall be
17affected by the change provided by this amendatory Act of 1967.
18All proceedings pending in any court in favor of or against
19such District may continue to final consummation under the name
20in which they were commenced.
21(Source: P.A. 80-1495.)
22 (70 ILCS 1830/6) (from Ch. 19, par. 506)
23 Sec. 6. The Port District has the following functions,
24powers and duties:
25 (a) to study the existing harbor facilities within the area

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1of the Port District and to recommend to an appropriate
2governmental agency, including the General Assembly of
3Illinois, such changes and modifications as may from time to
4time be required for continuing development therein and to meet
5changing business and commercial needs;
6 (b) to make an investigation of conditions within the Port
7District and to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan for the
8development of port facilities for the Port District. In
9preparing and recommending changes and modifications in
10existing harbor facilities, or a comprehensive plan for the
11development of such port facilities, as above provided, the
12Port District if it deems desirable may set aside and allocate
13an area or areas, within the lands owned by it, to be leased to
14private parties for industrial, manufacturing, commercial, or
15harbor purposes, where such area or areas in the opinion of the
16Board, are not required for primary purposes in the development
17of harbor and port facilities for the use of public water and
18land transportation, or will not be needed immediately for such
19purposes, and where such leasing in the opinion of the Board
20will aid and promote the development of terminal and port
22 (c) to study and make recommendations to the proper
23authority for the improvement of terminal, lighterage,
24wharfage, warehousing, anchorage, transfer and other
25facilities necessary for the promotion of commerce and the
26interchange of traffic within, to and from the Port District;

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1 (d) to study, prepare and recommend by specific proposals
2to the General Assembly of Illinois changes in the jurisdiction
3of the Port District;
4 (e) to petition any federal, state, municipal or local
5authority, administrative, judicial and legislative, having
6jurisdiction in the premises, for the adoption and execution of
7any physical improvement, change in method, system of handling
8freight, warehousing, docking, lightering and transfer of
9freight, which in the opinion of the Board are designed to
10improve or better the handling of commerce in and through the
11Port District or improve terminal or transportation facilities
12therein; and .
13 (f) to petition any federal, state, or local authority,
14including administrative, judicial, and legislative branches,
15having jurisdiction for the adoption and execution of any
16physical improvement or operation related to the management of
17fish and wildlife, recreation, water supply, or flood control
18which in the opinion of the Board is for the purpose of
19improving or bettering the quality of life in the Port District
20or add to the diversity of amenities related to that purpose.
21(Source: Laws 1965, p. 1013.)
22 (70 ILCS 1830/7.1) (from Ch. 19, par. 507.1)
23 Sec. 7.1. Additional rights and powers. The Port District
24has the following additional rights and powers:
25 (a) To issue permits for the construction of all wharves,

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1piers, dolphins, booms, weirs, breakwaters, bulkheads,
2jetties, bridges or other structures of any kind, over, under,
3in, or within 40 feet of any navigable waters within the Port
4District, for the deposit of rock, earth, sand or other
5material, or any matter of any kind or description in such
7 (b) To prevent and remove obstructions in navigable waters,
8including the removal of wrecks or vessels; to recover damages,
9including attorney fees, for the removal and clean-up of the
10site or sites and the surrounding or downstream environment;
11these rights and powers shall include, but are not limited to,
12emergency powers to seize wrecks or vessels, remediate damages,
13and provide for the disposition of the wrecks or vessels;
14 (c) To locate and establish dock lines and shore or harbor
16 (d) To regulate the anchorage, moorage and speed of water
17borne vessels and to establish and enforce regulations for the
18operation of bridges;
19 (e) To acquire, own, construct, lease, operate and maintain
20terminals, terminal facilities, port facilities,
21transportation equipment facilities, railroads and marinas,
22and airport facilities and systems, and to fix and collect
23just, reasonable, and non-discriminatory charges for use of
24such facilities, equipment and systems. The charges so
25collected shall be used to defray the reasonable expenses of
26the Port District, and to pay the principal of and interest on

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1any revenue bonds issued by the Port District;
2 (f) To operate, maintain, manage, lease, sub-lease, and to
3make and enter into contracts for the use, operation or
4management of, and to provide rules and regulations for, the
5operation, management or use of, any public port or public port
7 (g) To fix, charge and collect reasonable rentals, tolls,
8fees and charges for the use of any public port, or any part
9thereof, or any public port facility;
10 (h) To establish, maintain, expand and improve roadways,
11railroads, and approaches by land, or water, to any such
12terminal, terminal facility and port facilities, and to
13contract or otherwise provide by condemnation, if necessary,
14for the removal of any port, terminal, terminal facilities and
15port facility hazards or the removal or relocation of all
16private structures, railroads, mains, pipes, conduits, wires,
17poles, and all other facilities and equipment which may
18interfere with the location, expansion, development or
19improvement of ports, terminals, terminal facilities and port
20facilities or with the safe approach thereto, or exit or
21takeoff therefrom by vehicles, vessels, barges and other means
22of transportation, and to pay the cost of removal or
24 (i) To police its physical property only and all waterways
25and to exercise police powers in respect thereto or in respect
26to the enforcement of any rule or regulation provided by the

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1ordinances of the District and to employ and commission police
2officers and other qualified persons to enforce such rules and
3regulations. A regulatory ordinance of the District adopted
4under any provisions of this Section may provide for a
5suspension or revocation of any rights or privileges within the
6control of the District for a violation of any such regulatory
8 (j) To enter into agreements with the corporate authorities
9or governing body of any other municipal corporation or any
10political subdivision of this State to pay the reasonable
11expense of services furnished by such municipal corporation or
12political subdivision for or on account of income producing
13properties of the District;
14 (k) To enter into contracts dealing in any manner with the
15objects and purposes of this Act;
16 (l) To acquire, own, lease, mortgage, sell, or otherwise
17dispose of interests in and to real property and improvements
18situate thereon and in personal property necessary to fulfill
19the purposes of the District;
20 (m) To designate the fiscal year for the District;
21 (n) To engage in any activity or operation which is
22incidental to and in furtherance of efficient operation to
23accomplish the District's primary purpose;
24 (o) To acquire, erect, construct, maintain and operate
25aquariums, museums, planetariums, climatrons and other
26edifices for the collection and display of objects pertaining

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1to natural history or the arts and sciences and to permit the
2directors or trustees of any corporation or society organized
3for the erection, construction, maintenance and operation of an
4aquarium, museum, planetarium, climatron or other such edifice
5to perform such erection, construction, maintenance and
6operation on or within any property now or hereafter owned by
7or under the control or supervision of the District; and to
8contract with any such directors or trustees relative to such
9acquisition, erection, construction, maintenance and operation
10and to charge or authorize such directors or trustees to charge
11an admission fee, the proceeds of which shall be devoted
12exclusively to such erection, construction, maintenance and
14 (p) To do any act which is enumerated in Section 11-74.1-1
15of the "Illinois Municipal Code", in the same manner and form
16as though the District were a "municipality" as referred to in
17such Section;
18 (q) To acquire, erect, construct, reconstruct, improve,
19maintain and operate one or more, or a combination or
20combinations of, industrial buildings, office buildings,
21buildings to be used as a factory, mill shops, processing
22plants, packaging plants, assembly plants, fabricating plants,
23and buildings to be used as warehouses and other storage
25 (r) To acquire, own, construct, lease or contract for any
26period not exceeding 99 years, operate, develop, and maintain

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1Port District water and sewage systems and other utility
2systems and services, including, but not limited to, pipes,
3mains, lines, sewers, pumping stations, settling tanks,
4treatment plants, water purification equipment, wells, storage
5facilities, lines, and all other equipment, material, and
6facilities necessary to those systems, for the use, upon
7payment of reasonable fee set by the District, of any tenant,
8occupant, or user of the District facilities or any person
9engaged in commerce in the District; provided that the District
10shall not acquire, own, construct, lease, operate, develop, and
11maintain the systems and services if those systems and services
12can be provided by an investor-owned public utility offering
13electric or gas services. The public utility shall provide the
14District with a written response, within 30 days after
15receiving a written request from the District for those systems
16or services, stating whether it will or will not be able to
17provide the requested systems or services in accordance with
18the Public Utilities Act.
19(Source: P.A. 90-785, eff. 1-1-99.)
20 (70 ILCS 1830/14) (from Ch. 19, par. 514)
21 Sec. 14. The District has power to acquire and accept by
22purchase, lease, gift, grant or otherwise any property and
23rights useful for its purposes and to provide for the
24development of channels, ports, harbors, airports, airfields,
25terminals, port facilities, terminal facilities, trails, and

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1other transportation facilities within the Port District
2adequate to serve the needs of commerce within the area served
3by the Port District. The Port District may acquire real or
4personal property or any rights therein in the manner, as near
5as may be, as is provided for the exercise of the right of
6eminent domain under the Eminent Domain Act, except that no
7property owned by any municipality within the Port District
8shall be taken or appropriated without first obtaining consent
9of the governing body of such municipality.
10(Source: P.A. 94-1055, eff. 1-1-07.)
11 (70 ILCS 1830/20.2)
12 Sec. 20.2. Authorization to borrow moneys. The District's
13Board may borrow money from any bank or other financial
14institution and may provide appropriate security, including
15mortgaging real estate, for that borrowing, if the money is
16repaid within 20 3 years after the money is borrowed.
17"Financial institution" means any bank subject to the Illinois
18Banking Act, any savings and loan association subject to the
19Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985, any savings bank subject
20to the Savings Bank Act, and any federally chartered commercial
21bank or savings and loan association organized and operated in
22this State pursuant to the laws of the United States.
23(Source: P.A. 94-562, eff. 1-1-06.)
24 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon

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1becoming law.".