Rep. Camille Y. Lilly

Filed: 4/8/2021

10200HB3071ham001LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3071 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing
5Sections 2-3.62, 27-9.1, and 27-9.2 as follows:
6 (105 ILCS 5/2-3.62) (from Ch. 122, par. 2-3.62)
7 Sec. 2-3.62. Educational service centers.
8 (a) A regional network of educational service centers
9shall be established by the State Board of Education to
10coordinate and combine existing services in a manner which is
11practical and efficient and to provide new services to schools
12as provided in this Section. Services to be made available by
13such centers shall include the planning, implementation and
14evaluation of:
15 (1) (blank);
16 (2) computer technology education;

10200HB3071ham001- 2 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1 (3) mathematics, science and reading resources for
2 teachers including continuing education, inservice
3 training and staff development.
4 The centers may provide training, technical assistance,
5coordination and planning in other program areas such as
6school improvement, school accountability, financial planning,
7consultation, and services, career guidance, early childhood
8education, alcohol/drug education and prevention, family life -
9 sexual health sex education, electronic transmission of data
10from school districts to the State, alternative education and
11regional special education, and telecommunications systems
12that provide distance learning. Such telecommunications
13systems may be obtained through the Department of Central
14Management Services pursuant to Section 405-270 of the
15Department of Central Management Services Law (20 ILCS
16405/405-270). The programs and services of educational service
17centers may be offered to private school teachers and private
18school students within each service center area provided
19public schools have already been afforded adequate access to
20such programs and services.
21 Upon the abolition of the office, removal from office,
22disqualification for office, resignation from office, or
23expiration of the current term of office of the regional
24superintendent of schools, whichever is earlier, the chief
25administrative officer of the centers serving that portion of
26a Class II county school unit outside of a city of 500,000 or

10200HB3071ham001- 3 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1more inhabitants shall have and exercise, in and with respect
2to each educational service region having a population of
32,000,000 or more inhabitants and in and with respect to each
4school district located in any such educational service
5region, all of the rights, powers, duties, and
6responsibilities theretofore vested by law in and exercised
7and performed by the regional superintendent of schools for
8that area under the provisions of this Code or any other laws
9of this State.
10 The State Board of Education shall promulgate rules and
11regulations necessary to implement this Section. The rules
12shall include detailed standards which delineate the scope and
13specific content of programs to be provided by each
14Educational Service Center, as well as the specific planning,
15implementation and evaluation services to be provided by each
16Center relative to its programs. The Board shall also provide
17the standards by which it will evaluate the programs provided
18by each Center.
19 (b) Centers serving Class 1 county school units shall be
20governed by an 11-member board, 3 members of which shall be
21public school teachers nominated by the local bargaining
22representatives to the appropriate regional superintendent for
23appointment and no more than 3 members of which shall be from
24each of the following categories, including but not limited to
25superintendents, regional superintendents, school board
26members and a representative of an institution of higher

10200HB3071ham001- 4 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1education. The members of the board shall be appointed by the
2regional superintendents whose school districts are served by
3the educational service center. The composition of the board
4will reflect the revisions of this amendatory Act of 1989 as
5the terms of office of current members expire.
6 (c) The centers shall be of sufficient size and number to
7assure delivery of services to all local school districts in
8the State.
9 (d) From monies appropriated for this program the State
10Board of Education shall provide grants paid from the Personal
11Property Tax Replacement Fund to qualifying Educational
12Service Centers applying for such grants in accordance with
13rules and regulations promulgated by the State Board of
14Education to implement this Section.
15 (e) The governing authority of each of the 18 regional
16educational service centers shall appoint a family life -
17sexual health sex education advisory board consisting of 2
18parents, 2 teachers, 2 school administrators, 2 school board
19members, 2 health care professionals, one library system
20representative, and the director of the regional educational
21service center who shall serve as chairperson of the advisory
22board so appointed. Members of the family life - sexual health
23sex education advisory boards shall serve without
24compensation. Each of the advisory boards appointed pursuant
25to this subsection shall develop a plan for regional
26teacher-parent family life - sexual health sex education

10200HB3071ham001- 5 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1training sessions and shall file a written report of such plan
2with the governing board of their regional educational service
3center. The directors of each of the regional educational
4service centers shall thereupon meet, review each of the
5reports submitted by the advisory boards and combine those
6reports into a single written report which they shall file
7with the Citizens Council on School Problems prior to the end
8of the regular school term of the 1987-1988 school year.
9 (f) The 14 educational service centers serving Class I
10county school units shall be disbanded on the first Monday of
11August, 1995, and their statutory responsibilities and
12programs shall be assumed by the regional offices of
13education, subject to rules and regulations developed by the
14State Board of Education. The regional superintendents of
15schools elected by the voters residing in all Class I counties
16shall serve as the chief administrators for these programs and
18(Source: P.A. 98-24, eff. 6-19-13; 98-647, eff. 6-13-14;
1999-30, eff. 7-10-15.)
20 (105 ILCS 5/27-9.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 27-9.1)
21 Sec. 27-9.1. Sexual health Sex education.
22 (a) In this Section:
23 "Abstinence" means not engaging in oral, vaginal, or anal
24intercourse or genital skin-to-skin contact.
25 "Adapt" means to modify an evidence-based or

10200HB3071ham001- 6 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1evidence-informed program model for use with a particular
2demographic, ethnic, linguistic, or cultural group.
3 "Age appropriate" means suitable to particular ages or age
4groups of children and adolescents, based on the developing
5cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capacity typical for the
6age or age group.
7 "Anatomy and physiology" means that information that
8provides a foundation for understanding basic human
10 "Characteristics of effective programs" means the aspects
11of evidence-based programs, including the development,
12content, and implementation of such programs, that (i) have
13been shown to be effective in terms of increasing knowledge,
14clarifying values and attitudes, increasing skills, and
15impacting behavior and (ii) are widely recognized by leading
16medical and public health agencies to be effective in changing
17sexual behaviors that lead to sexually transmitted infections,
18including HIV, unintended pregnancy, and dating violence and
19sexual assault among young people.
20 "Comprehensive" means essential information in the
21National Sex Education Standards topic strands that includes,
22but is not limited to, content related to anatomy and
23physiology; healthy relationships; identity; personal safety;
24pregnancy and reproduction; puberty, growth, and adolescent
25development; and sexually transmitted infections, including

10200HB3071ham001- 7 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1 "Consent" means an affirmative, knowing, conscious,
2ongoing, and voluntary agreement to engage in interpersonal,
3physical, or sexual activity, which can be revoked at any
4point, including during the course of interpersonal, physical,
5or sexual activity.
6 "Culturally appropriate" means affirming culturally
7diverse individuals, families, and communities in an
8inclusive, respectful, and effective manner, including
9materials and instruction that are inclusive of race,
10ethnicity, language, cultural background, religion, gender,
11gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, sexual
12behavior, and different abilities.
13 "Evidence-based program" means a program for which
14systematic, empirical research or evaluation has provided
15evidence of effectiveness.
16 "Evidence-informed program" means a program that uses the
17best available research and practice knowledge to guide
18program design and implementation.
19 "Healthy relationships" means that information that helps
20pupils learn how to identify healthy and unhealthy
21relationship behaviors and helps pupils develop the skills to
22navigate changing relationships among family, peers, and
23partners free from shame and stigma.
24 "Identity" means that information that addresses several
25fundamental aspects of people's understanding of how they
26identify their sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or

10200HB3071ham001- 8 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1gender expression without stereotypes, shame, or stigma.
2 "Personal safety" means that information that helps pupils
3develop an awareness about and the skills and confidence to
4respond to discrimination, bullying, harassment, including
5sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault, intimate
6partner violence, incest, rape, and sex trafficking and the
7role that schools play in creating learning environments that
8promote personal safety.
9 "Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)" means medications
10approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration and
11recommended by the United States Public Health Service or the
12federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for HIV
13pre-exposure prophylaxis and related pre-exposure prophylaxis
14services, including, but not limited to, HIV and sexually
15transmitted infection screening, treatment for sexually
16transmitted infections, medical monitoring, laboratory
17services, and sexual health counseling, to reduce the
18likelihood of HIV infection for individuals who are not living
19with HIV but are vulnerable to HIV exposure.
20 "Pregnancy and reproduction" means that information that
21addresses how pregnancy happens, informed decision-making to
22avoid unintended pregnancy through abstinence and
23contraception, prenatal practices and resources that support a
24healthy pregnancy; and information that helps pupils
25understand resources and laws related to pregnancy, adoption,
26abortion, and parenting.

10200HB3071ham001- 9 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1 "Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PeP)" means the medications
2that are recommended by the federal Centers for Disease
3Control and Prevention and other public health authorities to
4help prevent HIV infection after potential occupational or
5non-occupational HIV exposure.
6 Puberty, growth, and adolescent development" means that
7information that addresses a pivotal milestone for every
8person that has an impact on cognitive, emotional, physical,
9sexual and social development.
10 "Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV" means
11that information that provides both content and skills for
12understanding scientifically accepted methods of how to
13prevent and avoid exposure to sexually transmitted infections
14(STIs), including HIV, through abstinence, condoms,
15vaccination, Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), and
16Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), including how they are
17transmitted, their signs, symptoms, and options for screening,
18testing, and treatment, and other medical care.
19 "Medically accurate" means verified or supported by the
20weight of research conducted in compliance with accepted
21scientific methods and published in peer-reviewed journals, if
22applicable, or comprising information recognized as accurate,
23objective, and complete.
24 "Unintended pregnancy" means a pregnancy that is unplanned
25or unwanted (that is, the pregnancy occurred when no children
26or no more children were desired or the pregnancy occurred

10200HB3071ham001- 10 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1earlier than desired).
2 (a-5) No pupil shall be required to take or participate in
3any class or course in comprehensive sexual health sex
4education if that pupil's his parent or guardian submits
5written objection thereto, and refusal to take or participate
6in such course or program shall not be reason for suspension or
7expulsion of such pupil. Each class or course in comprehensive
8sex education offered in any of grades 6 through 12 shall
9include instruction on both abstinence and contraception for
10the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases,
11including HIV/AIDS. Nothing in this Section prohibits
12instruction in sanitation, hygiene or traditional courses in
14 (b) (Blank). All public school classes that teach sex
15education and discuss sexual intercourse in grades 6 through
1612 shall emphasize that abstinence from sexual intercourse is
17a responsible and positive decision and is the only protection
18that is 100% effective against unwanted teenage pregnancy,
19sexually transmitted diseases, and acquired immune deficiency
20syndrome (AIDS) when transmitted sexually.
21 (c) All classes that teach sexual health sex education and
22discuss sexual intercourse in grades 6 through 12 shall
23satisfy the following criteria:
24 (1) Course material and instruction shall be
25 culturally, developmentally, and age appropriate,
26 medically accurate, and comprehensive complete.

10200HB3071ham001- 11 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1 (1.5) Course material and instruction shall replicate
2 evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or
3 substantially incorporate elements of evidence-based
4 programs or evidence-informed programs or characteristics
5 of effective programs.
6 (1.10) On or before August 1, 2022, the State Board of
7 Education, in consultation with youth, parents, sexual
8 health and interpersonal violence prevention experts,
9 health care providers, and advocates and education
10 practitioners, including, but not limited to,
11 administrators, regional superintendents of schools,
12 teachers, and school support personnel, shall develop and
13 adopt rigorous learning standards in the area of sexual
14 health education, which, at a minimum, must comply with
15 all of the National Sex Education Standards: Second
16 Edition as authored by the Future of Sex Education. As the
17 National Sex Education Standards are updated, the State
18 Board of Education shall update these learning standards.
19 (2) (Blank). Course material and instruction shall
20 teach honor and respect for monogamous heterosexual
21 marriage.
22 (3) (Blank). Course material and instruction shall
23 place substantial emphasis on both abstinence, including
24 abstinence until marriage, and contraception for the
25 prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases
26 among youth and shall stress that abstinence is the

10200HB3071ham001- 12 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1 ensured method of avoiding unintended pregnancy, sexually
2 transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS.
3 (4) (Blank). Course material and instruction shall
4 include a discussion of the possible emotional and
5 psychological consequences of preadolescent and adolescent
6 sexual intercourse and the consequences of unwanted
7 adolescent pregnancy.
8 (5) (Blank). Course material and instruction shall
9 stress that sexually transmitted diseases are serious
10 possible hazards of sexual intercourse. Pupils shall be
11 provided with statistics based on the latest medical
12 information citing the failure and success rates of
13 condoms in preventing AIDS and other sexually transmitted
14 diseases.
15 (6) (Blank). Course material and instruction shall
16 advise pupils of the laws pertaining to their financial
17 responsibility to children born in and out of wedlock.
18 (7) (Blank). Course material and instruction shall
19 advise pupils of the circumstances under which it is
20 unlawful for a person to have sexual relations with an
21 individual who is under the age of 17 and for a person who
22 is in a position of trust, authority, or supervision to
23 have sexual relations with an individual who is under the
24 age of 18 pursuant to Article 11 of the Criminal Code of
25 2012.
26 (8) (Blank). Course material and instruction shall

10200HB3071ham001- 13 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1 teach pupils to not make unwanted physical and verbal
2 sexual advances and how to say no to unwanted sexual
3 advances. Pupils shall be taught that it is wrong to take
4 advantage of or to exploit another person. The material
5 and instruction shall also encourage youth to resist
6 negative peer pressure. The material and instruction shall
7 include discussion on what may be considered sexual
8 harassment or sexual assault.
9 (9) (Blank).
10 (10) (Blank). Course material and instruction shall
11 teach pupils about the dangers associated with drug and
12 alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
13 (11) (Blank). Course material and instruction must
14 include an age-appropriate discussion on the meaning of
15 consent that includes discussion on recognizing all of the
16 following:
17 (A) That consent is a freely given agreement to
18 sexual activity.
19 (B) That consent to one particular sexual activity
20 does not constitute consent to other types of sexual
21 activities.
22 (C) That a person's lack of verbal or physical
23 resistance or submission resulting from the use or
24 threat of force does not constitute consent.
25 (D) That a person's manner of dress does not
26 constitute consent.

10200HB3071ham001- 14 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1 (E) That a person's consent to past sexual
2 activity does not constitute consent to future sexual
3 activity.
4 (F) That a person's consent to engage in sexual
5 activity with one person does not constitute consent
6 to engage in sexual activity with another person.
7 (G) That a person can withdraw consent at any
8 time.
9 (H) That a person cannot consent to sexual
10 activity if that person is unable to understand the
11 nature of the activity or give knowing consent due to
12 certain circumstances that include, but are not
13 limited to, (i) the person is incapacitated due to the
14 use or influence of alcohol or drugs, (ii) the person
15 is asleep or unconscious, (iii) the person is a minor,
16 or (iv) the person is incapacitated due to a mental
17 disability.
18 (12) Course material and instruction shall include
19 information about State laws that apply to minor
20 confidentiality and minor consent, including exceptions.
21 If available, material and instructions shall include
22 local resources that include, but are not limited to, how
23 and where to access local resources; pupils' legal rights
24 to access local resources for sexual and reproductive
25 health care; parenting resources; substance abuse
26 treatment; mental health treatment; emergency medical

10200HB3071ham001- 15 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1 treatment for sexual assault; and resources for assistance
2 with sexual assault, harassment, intimate partner
3 violence, stalking, sex trafficking and suicide
4 prevention. Local resources must be inclusive of gender
5 identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and
6 sexual behavior.
7 (13) Course material and instruction shall encourage
8 pupils to communicate with their parents or guardians,
9 faith, health, and social service professionals, and other
10 trusted adults about sexuality and intimate relationships.
11 (14) Course material and instruction may not
12 deliberately withhold health-promoting or life-saving
13 information about sexuality-related topics, including
14 FDA-approved treatment and options.
15 (15) Course material and instruction may not be
16 medically inaccurate or include information that is
17 scientifically shown to be ineffective.
18 (16) Course material and instruction may not reflect
19 or promote bias against any person on the basis of the
20 person's race, ethnicity, language, cultural background,
21 religion, HIV status, gender, gender identity, gender
22 expression, sexual orientation, sexual behavior, or
23 ability.
24 (17) Course material and instruction may not be
25 insensitive and unresponsive to the needs of pupils based
26 on their status as pregnant or parenting, living with

10200HB3071ham001- 16 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1 STIs, including HIV, sexually active, asexual, or intersex
2 or based on their gender, gender identity, gender
3 expression, sexual orientation, sexual behavior, or
4 ability.
5 (18) Course material and instruction may not be
6 insensitive and unresponsive to the needs of survivors of
7 sexual abuse or assault.
8 (19) Course material and instruction may not be
9 inconsistent with the ethical imperatives of medicine and
10 public health.
11 (20) Course material and instruction shall be
12 sensitive and responsive to the needs of pupils with an
13 intersex variation.
14 (d) An opportunity shall be afforded to individuals,
15including parents or guardians, to review examine the scope
16and sequence of instructional materials to be used in such
17class or course electronically or in person.
18 (e) The State Board of Education shall make available
19resource materials developed in consultation with
20stakeholders, with the cooperation and input of experts that
21provide comprehensive, culturally appropriate sexual health
22education and organizations and entities that promote
23comprehensive, culturally appropriate sexual health education
24policy. the agency that administers grant programs consistent
25with criteria (1) and (1.5) of subsection (c) of this Section,
26for educating children regarding sex education and may take

10200HB3071ham001- 17 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1into consideration the curriculum on this subject developed by
2other states, as well as any other curricular materials
3suggested by education experts and other groups that work on
4sex education issues. Materials may include, without
5limitation, model sexual health sex education resources
6curriculums and sexual health education programs. The State
7Board of Education shall make these resource materials
8available on its Internet website, in a clearly identified and
9easily accessible place. School districts that do not
10currently provide sexual health sex education are not required
11to teach sexual health sex education. If a sex education class
12or course is offered in any of grades 6 through 12, the school
13district Schools may choose and adapt the culturally,
14developmentally, and age-appropriate, medically accurate,
15evidence-based or evidence-informed, and comprehensive sexual
16health complete sex education curriculum that meets the
17specific needs of its community.
18 (f) The State Board of Education shall, through existing
19reporting mechanisms, if available, direct each school
20district to identify, if instruction on sexual health
21education is provided, whether the instruction was provided by
22a teacher in the school, a consultant, or a community group;
23the number of pupils receiving instruction; the number of
24pupils excused from instruction; and the duration of
25instruction and shall report the results of this inquiry to
26the General Assembly annually for a period of 5 years

10200HB3071ham001- 18 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1beginning one year after the effective date of this amendatory
2Act of the 102nd General Assembly.
3(Source: P.A. 100-684, eff. 8-3-18; 101-579, eff. 1-1-20.)
4 (105 ILCS 5/27-9.2) (from Ch. 122, par. 27-9.2)
5 Sec. 27-9.2. Family Life. If any school district provides
6courses of instruction designed to promote a wholesome and
7comprehensive understanding of the emotional, psychological,
8physiological, hygienic and social responsibility aspects of
9family life, then such courses of instruction shall include
10the teaching of the alternatives to abortion, appropriate to
11the various grade levels; and whenever such courses of
12instruction are provided in any of grades 6 through 12, then
13such courses also shall include instruction on the prevention,
14transmission, screening, and treatment spread of HIV/AIDS
15AIDS. However, no pupil shall be required to take or
16participate in any family life class or course on HIV/AIDS
17AIDS instruction if the pupil's his parent or guardian submits
18written objection thereto, and refusal to take or participate
19in such course or program shall not be reason for suspension or
20expulsion of such pupil.
21 The State Superintendent of Education shall prepare and
22make available to local school districts courses of
23instruction designed to satisfy the requirements of this
25 The State Superintendent of Education shall develop a

10200HB3071ham001- 19 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1procedure for evaluating and measuring the effectiveness of
2the family life courses of instruction in each local school
3district, including the setting of reasonable and equitable
4goals for improved sexual health outcomes, such as reduced
5instances and disparities of sexually transmitted infections
6(STI), including HIV, increased instances of STI screening and
7treatment, including for HIV, especially in community areas
8with high STI, including HIV, diagnoses rates, and decreased
9instances and disparities of sexual assault and unintended
10pregnancy. reduced sexual activity, sexually transmitted
11diseases and premarital pregnancy. The goals shall be set by
12the beginning of the 1991-92 school year. The State
13Superintendent shall distribute a copy of the procedure to
14each local school district. Each local school district may
15develop additional procedures or methods for measuring the
16effectiveness of the family life courses of instruction within
17the district. Before the beginning of the 1993-94 school year,
18the State Superintendent shall collect and evaluate all
19relevant data to determine whether the goals are being
21(Source: P.A. 86-941.)
22 Section 10. The Critical Health Problems and Comprehensive
23Health Education Act is amended by changing Section 3 as

10200HB3071ham001- 20 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1 (105 ILCS 110/3)
2 Sec. 3. Comprehensive Health Education Program. The
3program established under this Act shall include, but not be
4limited to, the following major educational areas as a basis
5for curricula in all elementary and secondary schools in this
6State: human ecology and health, human growth and development,
7the emotional, psychological, physiological, hygienic, and
8social responsibilities of family life, culturally,
9developmentally, and age-appropriate, medically accurate, and
10evidence-based or evidence-informed information regarding
11including sexual abstinence until marriage, prevention and
12control of disease, including instruction in grades 6 through
1312 on the prevention, transmission, and treatment of sexually
14transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS spread of AIDS,
15age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and
16prevention education in grades pre-kindergarten through 12,
17public and environmental health, consumer health, safety
18education and disaster survival, mental health and illness,
19personal health habits, alcohol and , drug use, and abuse,
20including the medical and legal ramifications of alcohol,
21drug, and tobacco use, abuse during pregnancy, evidence-based
22and medically accurate information regarding sexual
23abstinence, tobacco, nutrition, and dental health. The
24instruction on mental health and illness must evaluate the
25multiple dimensions of health by reviewing the relationship
26between physical and mental health so as to enhance student

10200HB3071ham001- 21 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1understanding, attitudes, and behaviors that promote health,
2well-being, and human dignity. The program shall also provide
3course material and instruction to advise pupils of the
4Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act. The program shall
5include medically accurate information about cancer,
6including, without limitation, types of cancer, signs and
7symptoms, risk factors, the importance of early prevention and
8detection, and information on where to go for help.
9Notwithstanding the above educational areas, the following
10areas may also be included as a basis for curricula in all
11elementary and secondary schools in this State: basic first
12aid (including, but not limited to, cardiopulmonary
13resuscitation and the Heimlich maneuver), heart disease,
14diabetes, stroke, the prevention of child abuse, neglect, and
15suicide, and teen dating violence in grades 7 through 12.
16Beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, training on how to
17properly administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (which
18training must be in accordance with standards of the American
19Red Cross, the American Heart Association, or another
20nationally recognized certifying organization) and how to use
21an automated external defibrillator shall be included as a
22basis for curricula in all secondary schools in this State.
23 The school board of each public elementary and secondary
24school in the State shall encourage all teachers and other
25school personnel to acquire, develop, and maintain the
26knowledge and skills necessary to properly administer

10200HB3071ham001- 22 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1life-saving techniques, including, without limitation, the
2Heimlich maneuver and rescue breathing. The training shall be
3in accordance with standards of the American Red Cross, the
4American Heart Association, or another nationally recognized
5certifying organization. A school board may use the services
6of non-governmental entities whose personnel have expertise in
7life-saving techniques to instruct teachers and other school
8personnel in these techniques. Each school board is encouraged
9to have in its employ, or on its volunteer staff, at least one
10person who is certified, by the American Red Cross or by
11another qualified certifying agency, as qualified to
12administer first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In
13addition, each school board is authorized to allocate
14appropriate portions of its institute or inservice days to
15conduct training programs for teachers and other school
16personnel who have expressed an interest in becoming qualified
17to administer emergency first aid or cardiopulmonary
18resuscitation. School boards are urged to encourage their
19teachers and other school personnel who coach school athletic
20programs and other extracurricular school activities to
21acquire, develop, and maintain the knowledge and skills
22necessary to properly administer first aid and cardiopulmonary
23resuscitation in accordance with standards and requirements
24established by the American Red Cross or another qualified
25certifying agency. Subject to appropriation, the State Board
26of Education shall establish and administer a matching grant

10200HB3071ham001- 23 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1program to pay for half of the cost that a school district
2incurs in training those teachers and other school personnel
3who express an interest in becoming qualified to administer
4cardiopulmonary resuscitation (which training must be in
5accordance with standards of the American Red Cross, the
6American Heart Association, or another nationally recognized
7certifying organization) or in learning how to use an
8automated external defibrillator. A school district that
9applies for a grant must demonstrate that it has funds to pay
10half of the cost of the training for which matching grant money
11is sought. The State Board of Education shall award the grants
12on a first-come, first-serve basis.
13 No pupil shall be required to take or participate in any
14class or course on HIV/AIDS AIDS or family life instruction or
15to receive training on how to properly administer
16cardiopulmonary resuscitation or how to use an automated
17external defibrillator if the pupil's his or her parent or
18guardian submits written objection thereto, and refusal to
19take or participate in the course or program or the training
20shall not be reason for suspension or expulsion of the pupil.
21 Curricula developed under programs established in
22accordance with this Act in the major educational area of
23alcohol and drug use and abuse shall include classroom
24instruction in grades 5 through 12. The instruction, which
25shall include matters relating to both the physical and legal
26effects and ramifications of drug and substance abuse, shall

10200HB3071ham001- 24 -LRB102 13861 CMG 24563 a
1be integrated into existing curricula; and the State Board of
2Education shall develop and make available to all elementary
3and secondary schools in this State instructional materials
4and guidelines which will assist the schools in incorporating
5the instruction into their existing curricula. In addition,
6school districts may offer, as part of existing curricula
7during the school day or as part of an after school program,
8support services and instruction for pupils or pupils whose
9parent, parents, or guardians are chemically dependent.
10(Source: P.A. 101-305, eff. 1-1-20; revised 8-21-20.)
11 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
12becoming law.".