Rep. Michael J. Zalewski

Filed: 11/12/2019

10100SB0119ham001LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 119 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
5 Section 5-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the
6Second FY2020 Budget Implementation Act.
7 Section 5-5. Purpose. It is the purpose of this Article to
8make additional changes in State programs that are necessary to
9implement the State operating and capital budgets for State
10fiscal year 2020.
11 Section 5-10. The Department of Commerce and Economic
12Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is
13amended by renumbering and changing Section 605-1025 as added
14by Public Act 101-10 as follows:

10100SB0119ham001- 2 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (20 ILCS 605/605-1030)
2 Sec. 605-1030 605-1025. Human Services Capital Investment
3Grant Program.
4 (a) The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, in
5coordination with the Department of Human Services, shall
6establish a Human Services Capital Investment Grant Program.
7The Department shall, subject to appropriation, make capital
8improvement grants to human services providers serving
9low-income or marginalized populations. The Build Illinois
10Bond Fund and the Rebuild Illinois Projects Fund shall be the
11sources source of funding for the program. Eligible grant
12recipients shall be human services providers that offer
13facilities and services in a manner that supports and fulfills
14the mission of Department of Human Services. Eligible grant
15recipients include, but are not limited to, domestic violence
16shelters, rape crisis centers, comprehensive youth services,
17teen REACH providers, supportive housing providers,
18developmental disability community providers, behavioral
19health providers, and other community-based providers.
20Eligible grant recipients have no entitlement to a grant under
21this Section.
22 (b) The Department, in consultation with the Department of
23Human Services, shall adopt rules to implement this Section and
24shall create a competitive application procedure for grants to
25be awarded. The rules shall specify the manner of applying for

10100SB0119ham001- 3 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1grants; grantee eligibility requirements; project eligibility
2requirements; restrictions on the use of grant moneys; the
3manner in which grantees must account for the use of grant
4moneys; and any other provision that the Department of Commerce
5and Economic Opportunity or Department of Human Services
6determine to be necessary or useful for the administration of
7this Section. Rules may include a requirement for grantees to
8provide local matching funds in an amount equal to a specific
9percentage of the grant.
10 (c) The Department of Human Services shall establish
11standards for determining the priorities concerning the
12necessity for capital facilities for the provision of human
13services based on data available to the Department.
14 (d) No portion of a human services capital investment grant
15awarded under this Section may be used by a grantee to pay for
16any on-going operational costs or outstanding debt.
17(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; revised 10-18-19.)
18 Section 5-15. The Capital Development Board Act is amended
19by changing Section 20 as follows:
20 (20 ILCS 3105/20)
21 Sec. 20. Hospital and Healthcare Transformation Capital
22Investment Grant Program.
23 (a) The Capital Development Board, in coordination with the
24Department of Healthcare and Family Services, shall establish a

10100SB0119ham001- 4 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Hospital and Healthcare Transformation Capital Investment
2Grant Program. The Board shall, subject to appropriation, make
3capital improvement grants to Illinois hospitals licensed
4under the Hospital Licensing Act and other qualified healthcare
5providers serving the people of Illinois. The Build Illinois
6Bond Fund and the Capital Development Fund shall be the sources
7source of funding for the program. Eligible grant recipients
8shall be hospitals and other healthcare providers that offer
9facilities and services in a manner that supports and fulfills
10the mission of the Department of Healthcare and Family
11Services. Eligible grant recipients have no entitlement to a
12grant under this Section.
13 (b) The Capital Development Board, in consultation with the
14Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall adopt rules
15to implement this Section and shall create a competitive
16application procedure for grants to be awarded. The rules shall
17specify: the manner of applying for grants; grantee eligibility
18requirements; project eligibility requirements; restrictions
19on the use of grant moneys; the manner in grantees must account
20for the use of grant moneys; and any other provision that the
21Capital Development Board or Department of Healthcare and
22Family Services determine to be necessary or useful for the
23administration of this Section. Rules may include a requirement
24for grantees to provide local matching funds in an amount equal
25to a certain percentage of the grant.
26 (c) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall

10100SB0119ham001- 5 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1establish standards for the determination of priority needs
2concerning health care transformation based on projects
3located in communities in the State with the greatest
4utilization of Medicaid services or underserved communities,
5including, but not limited to Safety Net Hospitals and Critical
6Access Hospitals, utilizing data available to the Department.
7 (d) Nothing in this Section shall exempt nor relieve any
8healthcare provider receiving a grant under this Section from
9any requirement of the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act.
10 (e) No portion of a healthcare transformation capital
11investment program grant awarded under this Section may be used
12by a hospital or other healthcare provider to pay for any
13on-going operational costs, pay outstanding debt, or be
14allocated to an endowment or other invested fund.
15(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; revised 7-16-19.)
16 Section 5-20. The State Finance Act is amended by changing
17Section 6z-78 as follows:
18 (30 ILCS 105/6z-78)
19 Sec. 6z-78. Capital Projects Fund; bonded indebtedness;
20transfers. Money in the Capital Projects Fund shall, if and
21when the State of Illinois incurs any bonded indebtedness using
22the bond authorizations for capital projects enacted in Public
23Act 96-36, Public Act 96-1554, Public Act 97-771, Public Act
2498-94, and using the general obligation bond authorizations for

10100SB0119ham001- 6 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1capital projects enacted in Public Act 101-30 and this
2amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly, be set aside and
3used for the purpose of paying and discharging annually the
4principal and interest on that bonded indebtedness then due and
6 In addition to other transfers to the General Obligation
7Bond Retirement and Interest Fund made pursuant to Section 15
8of the General Obligation Bond Act, upon each delivery of
9general obligation bonds for capital projects using bond
10authorizations enacted in Public Act 96-36, Public Act 96-1554,
11Public Act 97-771, Public Act 98-94, and Public Act 101-30 this
12amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly (except for
13amounts in Public Act 101-30 this amendatory Act of the 101st
14General Assembly that increase bond authorization under
15paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Section 4 and subsection (e)
16of Section 4 of the General Obligation Bond Act), the State
17Comptroller shall compute and certify to the State Treasurer
18the total amount of principal of, interest on, and premium, if
19any, on such bonds during the then current and each succeeding
20fiscal year. With respect to the interest payable on variable
21rate bonds, such certifications shall be calculated at the
22maximum rate of interest that may be payable during the fiscal
23year, after taking into account any credits permitted in the
24related indenture or other instrument against the amount of
25such interest required to be appropriated for the period.
26 (a) Except as provided for in subsection (b), on or before

10100SB0119ham001- 7 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the last day of each month, the State Treasurer and State
2Comptroller shall transfer from the Capital Projects Fund to
3the General Obligation Bond Retirement and Interest Fund an
4amount sufficient to pay the aggregate of the principal of,
5interest on, and premium, if any, on the bonds payable on their
6next payment date, divided by the number of monthly transfers
7occurring between the last previous payment date (or the
8delivery date if no payment date has yet occurred) and the next
9succeeding payment date. Interest payable on variable rate
10bonds shall be calculated at the maximum rate of interest that
11may be payable for the relevant period, after taking into
12account any credits permitted in the related indenture or other
13instrument against the amount of such interest required to be
14appropriated for that period. Interest for which moneys have
15already been deposited into the capitalized interest account
16within the General Obligation Bond Retirement and Interest Fund
17shall not be included in the calculation of the amounts to be
18transferred under this subsection.
19 (b) On or before the last day of each month, the State
20Treasurer and State Comptroller shall transfer from the Capital
21Projects Fund to the General Obligation Bond Retirement and
22Interest Fund an amount sufficient to pay the aggregate of the
23principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on the bonds
24issued prior to January 1, 2012 pursuant to Section 4(d) of the
25General Obligation Bond Act payable on their next payment date,
26divided by the number of monthly transfers occurring between

10100SB0119ham001- 8 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the last previous payment date (or the delivery date if no
2payment date has yet occurred) and the next succeeding payment
3date. If the available balance in the Capital Projects Fund is
4not sufficient for the transfer required in this subsection,
5the State Treasurer and State Comptroller shall transfer the
6difference from the Road Fund to the General Obligation Bond
7Retirement and Interest Fund; except that such Road Fund
8transfers shall constitute a debt of the Capital Projects Fund
9which shall be repaid according to subsection (c). Interest
10payable on variable rate bonds shall be calculated at the
11maximum rate of interest that may be payable for the relevant
12period, after taking into account any credits permitted in the
13related indenture or other instrument against the amount of
14such interest required to be appropriated for that period.
15Interest for which moneys have already been deposited into the
16capitalized interest account within the General Obligation
17Bond Retirement and Interest Fund shall not be included in the
18calculation of the amounts to be transferred under this
20 (c) On the first day of any month when the Capital Projects
21Fund is carrying a debt to the Road Fund due to the provisions
22of subsection (b), the State Treasurer and State Comptroller
23shall transfer from the Capital Projects Fund to the Road Fund
24an amount sufficient to discharge that debt. These transfers to
25the Road Fund shall continue until the Capital Projects Fund
26has repaid to the Road Fund all transfers made from the Road

10100SB0119ham001- 9 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Fund pursuant to subsection (b). Notwithstanding any other law
2to the contrary, transfers to the Road Fund from the Capital
3Projects Fund shall be made prior to any other expenditures or
4transfers out of the Capital Projects Fund.
5(Source: P.A. 101-30, eff. 6-28-19.)
6 Section 5-25. The General Obligation Bond Act is amended by
7changing Section 7.6 as follows:
8 (30 ILCS 330/7.6)
9 Sec. 7.6. Income Tax Proceed Bonds.
10 (a) As used in this Act, "Income Tax Proceed Bonds" means
11Bonds (i) authorized by this amendatory Act of the 100th
12General Assembly or any other Public Act of the 100th General
13Assembly authorizing the issuance of Income Tax Proceed Bonds
14and (ii) used for the payment of unpaid obligations of the
15State as incurred from time to time and as authorized by the
16General Assembly.
17 (b) Income Tax Proceed Bonds in the amount of
18$6,000,000,000 are hereby authorized to be used for the purpose
19of paying vouchers incurred by the State prior to July 1, 2017.
20Additional Income Tax Proceed Bonds in the amount of
21$1,200,000,000 are hereby authorized to be used for the purpose
22of paying vouchers incurred by the State and accruing interest
23payable by the State more than 90 days prior to the date on
24which the Income Tax Proceed Bonds are issued.

10100SB0119ham001- 10 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (c) The Income Tax Bond Fund is hereby created as a special
2fund in the State treasury. All moneys from the proceeds of the
3sale of the Income Tax Proceed Bonds, less the amounts
4authorized in the Bond Sale Order to be directly paid out for
5bond sale expenses under Section 8, shall be deposited into the
6Income Tax Bond Fund. All moneys in the Income Tax Bond Fund
7shall be used for the purpose of paying vouchers incurred by
8the State prior to July 1, 2017 or for paying vouchers incurred
9by the State more than 90 days prior to the date on which the
10Income Tax Proceed Bonds are issued. For the purpose of paying
11such vouchers, the Comptroller has the authority to transfer
12moneys from the Income Tax Bond Fund to general funds and the
13Health Insurance Reserve Fund. "General funds" has the meaning
14provided in Section 50-40 of the State Budget Law.
15(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 101-30, eff. 6-28-19.)
16 Section 5-30. The Private Colleges and Universities
17Capital Distribution Formula Act is amended by changing Section
1825-7 as follows:
19 (30 ILCS 769/25-7)
20 Sec. 25-7. Capital Investment Grant Program.
21 (a) The Board of Higher Education, jointly Capital
22Development Board, in coordination with the Capital
23Development Board of Higher Education, shall establish a
24Capital Investment Grant Program for independent colleges. The

10100SB0119ham001- 11 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Capital Development Board shall, subject to appropriation, and
2subject to direction by the Board of Higher Education, make
3capital improvement grants to independent colleges in
4Illinois. The Build Illinois Bond Fund shall be the source of
5funding for the program. Eligible grant recipients shall be
6independent colleges that offer facilities and services in a
7manner that supports and fulfills the mission of the Board of
8Higher Education. Eligible grant recipients have no
9entitlement to a grant under this Section.
10 (b) Board of Higher Education, jointly The Capital
11Development Board, in consultation with the Capital
12Development Board of Higher Education, shall adopt rules to
13implement this Section and shall create an application
14procedure for grants to be awarded. The rules shall specify:
15the manner of applying for grants; grantee eligibility
16requirements; project eligibility requirements; restrictions
17on the use of grant moneys; the manner in which grantees must
18account for the use of grant moneys; and any other provision
19that the Capital Development Board or Board of Higher Education
20determine to be necessary or useful for the administration of
21this Section.
22 (c) No portion of an independent college capital investment
23program grant awarded under this Section may be used by an
24independent college to pay for any on-going operational costs,
25pay outstanding debt, or be allocated to an endowment or other
26invested fund.

10100SB0119ham001- 12 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; revised 7-22-19.)
2 Section 5-35. The Motor Fuel Tax Law is amended by changing
3Section 8b as follows:
4 (35 ILCS 505/8b)
5 Sec. 8b. Transportation Renewal Fund; creation;
6distribution of proceeds.
7 (a) The Transportation Renewal Fund is hereby created as a
8special fund in the State treasury. Moneys in the Fund shall be
9used as provided in this Section:
10 (1) 80% of the moneys in the Fund shall be used for
11 highway maintenance, highway construction, bridge repair,
12 congestion relief, and construction of aviation
13 facilities; of that 80%:
14 (A) the State Comptroller shall order transferred
15 and the State Treasurer shall transfer 60% to the State
16 Construction Account Fund; those moneys shall be used
17 solely for construction, reconstruction, improvement,
18 repair, maintenance, operation, and administration of
19 highways and are limited to payments made pursuant to
20 design and construction contracts awarded by the
21 Department of Transportation;
22 (B) 40% shall be distributed by the Department of
23 Transportation to municipalities, counties, and road
24 districts of the State using the percentages set forth

10100SB0119ham001- 13 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 in subdivisions (A), (B), (C), and (D) of paragraph (2)
2 of subsection (e) of Section 8; distributions to
3 particular municipalities, counties, and road
4 districts under this subdivision (B) shall be made
5 according to the allocation procedures described for
6 municipalities, counties, and road districts in
7 subsection (e) of Section 8 and shall be subject to the
8 same requirements and limitations described in that
9 subsection; and as follows:
10 (i)49.10% to the municipalities of the State;
11 (ii) 16.74% to the counties of the State having
12 1,000,000 or more inhabitants;
13 (iii)18.27% to the counties of the State
14 having less than 1,000,000 inhabitants; and
15 (iv) 15.89% to the road districts of the State;
16 and
17 (2) 20% of the moneys in the Fund shall be used for
18 projects related to rail facilities and mass transit
19 facilities, as defined in Section 2705-305 of the
20 Department of Transportation Law of the Civil
21 Administrative Code of Illinois, including rapid transit,
22 rail, high-speed rail, bus and other equipment in
23 connection with the State or a unit of local government,
24 special district, municipal corporation, or other public
25 agency authorized to provide and promote public
26 transportation within the State; of that 20%:

10100SB0119ham001- 14 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (A) 90% shall be deposited into the Regional
2 Transportation Authority Capital Improvement Fund, a
3 special fund created in the State Treasury; moneys in
4 the Regional Transportation Authority Capital
5 Improvement Fund shall be used by the Regional
6 Transportation Authority for construction,
7 improvements, and deferred maintenance on mass transit
8 facilities and acquisition of buses and other
9 equipment; and
10 (B) 10% shall be deposited into the Downstate Mass
11 Transportation Capital Improvement Fund, a special
12 fund created in the State Treasury; moneys in the
13 Downstate Mass Transportation Capital Improvement Fund
14 shall be used by local mass transit districts other
15 than the Regional Transportation Authority for
16 construction, improvements, and deferred maintenance
17 on mass transit facilities and acquisition of buses and
18 other equipment.
19 (b)Beginning on July 1, 2020, the Auditor General shall
20conduct an annual financial audit of the obligations,
21expenditures, receipt, and use of the funds deposited into the
22Transportation Renewal Reform Fund and provide specific
23recommendations to help ensure compliance with State and
24federal statutes, rules, and regulations.
25(Source: P.A. 101-32, eff. 6-28-19.)

10100SB0119ham001- 15 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
2 Section 10-5. The New Markets Development Program Act is
3amended by changing Section 25 as follows:
4 (20 ILCS 663/25)
5 Sec. 25. Certification of qualified equity investments.
6 (a) A qualified community development entity that seeks to
7have an equity investment or long-term debt security designated
8as a qualified equity investment and eligible for tax credits
9under this Section shall apply to the Department. The qualified
10community development entity must submit an application on a
11form that the Department provides that includes:
12 (1) The name, address, tax identification number of the
13 entity, and evidence of the entity's certification as a
14 qualified community development entity.
15 (2) A copy of the allocation agreement executed by the
16 entity, or its controlling entity, and the Community
17 Development Financial Institutions Fund.
18 (3) A certificate executed by an executive officer of
19 the entity attesting that the allocation agreement remains
20 in effect and has not been revoked or cancelled by the
21 Community Development Financial Institutions Fund.
22 (4) A description of the proposed amount, structure,
23 and purchaser of the equity investment or long-term debt
24 security.

10100SB0119ham001- 16 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (5) The name and tax identification number of any
2 taxpayer eligible to utilize tax credits earned as a result
3 of the issuance of the qualified equity investment.
4 (6) Information regarding the proposed use of proceeds
5 from the issuance of the qualified equity investment.
6 (7) A nonrefundable application fee of $5,000. This fee
7 shall be paid to the Department and shall be required of
8 each application submitted.
9 (8) With respect to qualified equity investments made
10 on or after January 1, 2017, the amount of qualified equity
11 investment authority the applicant agrees to designate as a
12 federal qualified equity investment under Section 45D of
13 the Internal Revenue Code, including a copy of the screen
14 shot from the Community Development Financial Institutions
15 Fund's Allocation Tracking System of the applicant's
16 remaining federal qualified equity investment authority.
17 (b) Within 30 days after receipt of a completed application
18containing the information necessary for the Department to
19certify a potential qualified equity investment, including the
20payment of the application fee, the Department shall grant or
21deny the application in full or in part. If the Department
22denies any part of the application, it shall inform the
23qualified community development entity of the grounds for the
24denial. If the qualified community development entity provides
25any additional information required by the Department or
26otherwise completes its application within 15 days of the

10100SB0119ham001- 17 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1notice of denial, the application shall be considered completed
2as of the original date of submission. If the qualified
3community development entity fails to provide the information
4or complete its application within the 15-day period, the
5application remains denied and must be resubmitted in full with
6a new submission date.
7 (c) If the application is deemed complete, the Department
8shall certify the proposed equity investment or long-term debt
9security as a qualified equity investment that is eligible for
10tax credits under this Section, subject to the limitations
11contained in Section 20. The Department shall provide written
12notice of the certification to the qualified community
13development entity. The notice shall include the names of those
14taxpayers who are eligible to utilize the credits and their
15respective credit amounts. If the names of the taxpayers who
16are eligible to utilize the credits change due to a transfer of
17a qualified equity investment or a change in an allocation
18pursuant to Section 15, the qualified community development
19entity shall notify the Department of such change.
20 (d) With respect to applications received before January 1,
212017, the Department shall certify qualified equity
22investments in the order applications are received by the
23Department. Applications received on the same day shall be
24deemed to have been received simultaneously. For applications
25received on the same day and deemed complete, the Department
26shall certify, consistent with remaining tax credit capacity,

10100SB0119ham001- 18 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1qualified equity investments in proportionate percentages
2based upon the ratio of the amount of qualified equity
3investment requested in an application to the total amount of
4qualified equity investments requested in all applications
5received on the same day.
6 (d-5) With respect to applications received on or after
7January 1, 2017, the Department shall certify applications by
8applicants that agree to designate qualified equity
9investments as federal qualified equity investments in
10accordance with item (8) of subsection (a) of this Section in
11proportionate percentages based upon the ratio of the amount of
12qualified equity investments requested in an application to be
13designated as federal qualified equity investments to the total
14amount of qualified equity investments to be designated as
15federal qualified equity investments requested in all
16applications received on the same day.
17 (d-10) With respect to applications received on or after
18January 1, 2017, after complying with subsection (d-5), the
19Department shall certify the qualified equity investments of
20all other applicants, including the remaining qualified equity
21investment authority requested by applicants not designated as
22federal qualified equity investments in accordance with item
23(8) of subsection (a) of this Section, in proportionate
24percentages based upon the ratio of the amount of qualified
25equity investments requested in the applications to the total
26amount of qualified equity investments requested in all

10100SB0119ham001- 19 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1applications received on the same day.
2 (e) Once the Department has certified qualified equity
3investments that, on a cumulative basis, are eligible for
4$20,000,000 in tax credits, the Department may not certify any
5more qualified equity investments. If a pending request cannot
6be fully certified, the Department shall certify the portion
7that may be certified unless the qualified community
8development entity elects to withdraw its request rather than
9receive partial credit.
10 (f) Within 30 days after receiving notice of certification,
11the qualified community development entity shall (i) issue the
12qualified equity investment and receive cash in the amount of
13the certified amount and (ii) with respect to qualified equity
14investments made on or after January 1, 2017, if applicable,
15designate the required amount of qualified equity investment
16authority as a federal qualified equity investment. The
17qualified community development entity must provide the
18Department with evidence of the receipt of the cash investment
19within 10 business days after receipt and, with respect to
20qualified equity investments made on or after January 1, 2017,
21if applicable, provide evidence that the required amount of
22qualified equity investment authority was designated as a
23federal qualified equity investment. If the qualified
24community development entity does not receive the cash
25investment and issue the qualified equity investment within 30
26days following receipt of the certification notice, the

10100SB0119ham001- 20 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1certification shall lapse and the entity may not issue the
2qualified equity investment without reapplying to the
3Department for certification. A certification that lapses
4reverts back to the Department and may be reissued only in
5accordance with the application process outline in this Section
7 (g) Allocation rounds enabled by this Act shall be applied
8for according to the following schedule:
9 (1) on January 2, 2019, $125,000,000 of qualified
10 equity investments; and
11 (2) not less than 45 days after but not more than 90
12 days after the Community Development Financial
13 Institutions Fund of the United States Department of the
14 Treasury announces allocation awards under a Notice of
15 Funding Availability that is published in the Federal
16 Register after September 6, 2019, on January 2, 2020,
17 $125,000,000 of qualified equity investments.
18(Source: P.A. 100-408, eff. 8-25-17.)
19 Section 10-10. The Department of Commerce and Economic
20Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is
21amended by changing Section 605-1025 as follows:
22 (20 ILCS 605/605-1025)
23 Sec. 605-1025. Data center investment.
24 (a) The Department shall issue certificates of exemption

10100SB0119ham001- 21 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1from the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, the
2Service Use Tax Act, and the Service Occupation Tax Act, all
3locally-imposed retailers' occupation taxes administered and
4collected by the Department, the Chicago non-titled Use Tax,
5the Electricity Excise Tax Act, and a credit certification
6against the taxes imposed under subsections (a) and (b) of
7Section 201 of the Illinois Income Tax Act to qualifying
8Illinois data centers.
9 (b) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1,
102019, the Department shall award credits against the taxes
11imposed under subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 of the
12Illinois Income Tax Act as provided in Section 229 of the
13Illinois Income Tax Act.
14 (c) For purposes of this Section:
15 "Data center" means a facility: (1) whose primary
16 services are the storage, management, and processing of
17 digital data; and (2) that is used to house (i) computer
18 and network systems, including associated components such
19 as servers, network equipment and appliances,
20 telecommunications, and data storage systems, (ii) systems
21 for monitoring and managing infrastructure performance,
22 (iii) Internet-related equipment and services, (iv) data
23 communications connections, (v) environmental controls,
24 (vi) fire protection systems, and (vii) security systems
25 and services.
26 "Qualifying Illinois data center" means a new or

10100SB0119ham001- 22 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 existing data center that:
2 (1) is located in the State of Illinois;
3 (2) in the case of an existing data center, made a
4 capital investment of at least $250,000,000
5 collectively by the data center operator and the
6 tenants of the data center all of its data centers over
7 the 60-month period immediately prior to January 1,
8 2020 or committed to make a capital investment of at
9 least $250,000,000 over a 60-month period commencing
10 before January 1, 2020 and ending after January 1,
11 2020; or
12 (3) in the case of a new data center, or an
13 existing data center making an upgrade, makes a capital
14 investment of at least $250,000,000 over a 60-month
15 period beginning on or after January 1, 2020; and
16 (4) in the case of both existing and new data
17 centers, results in the creation of at least 20
18 full-time or full-time equivalent new jobs over a
19 period of 60 months by the data center operator and the
20 tenants of the data center, collectively, associated
21 with the operation or maintenance of the data center;
22 those jobs must have a total compensation equal to or
23 greater than 120% of the average median wage paid to
24 full-time employees in the county where the data center
25 is located, as determined by the U.S. Bureau of Labor
26 Statistics; and

10100SB0119ham001- 23 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (5) within 90 days after being placed in service,
2 certifies to the Department that it is carbon neutral
3 or has attained attains certification under one or more
4 of the following green building standards:
5 (A) BREEAM for New Construction or BREEAM
6 In-Use;
8 (C) Envision;
9 (D) ISO 50001-energy management;
10 (E) LEED for Building Design and Construction
11 or LEED for Operations and Maintenance;
12 (F) Green Globes for New Construction or Green
13 Globes for Existing Buildings;
14 (G) UL 3223; or
15 (H) an equivalent program approved by the
16 Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
17 "Full-time equivalent job" means a job in which the new
18 employee works for the owner, operator, contractor, or
19 tenant of a data center or for a corporation under contract
20 with the owner, operator or tenant of a data center at a
21 rate of at least 35 hours per week. An owner, operator or
22 tenant who employs labor or services at a specific site or
23 facility under contract with another may declare one
24 full-time, permanent job for every 1,820 man hours worked
25 per year under that contract. Vacations, paid holidays, and
26 sick time are included in this computation. Overtime is not

10100SB0119ham001- 24 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 considered a part of regular hours.
2 "Qualified tangible personal property" means:
3 electrical systems and equipment; climate control and
4 chilling equipment and systems; mechanical systems and
5 equipment; monitoring and secure systems; emergency
6 generators; hardware; computers; servers; data storage
7 devices; network connectivity equipment; racks; cabinets;
8 telecommunications cabling infrastructure; raised floor
9 systems; peripheral components or systems; software;
10 mechanical, electrical, or plumbing systems; battery
11 systems; cooling systems and towers; temperature control
12 systems; other cabling; and other data center
13 infrastructure equipment and systems necessary to operate
14 qualified tangible personal property, including fixtures;
15 and component parts of any of the foregoing, including
16 installation, maintenance, repair, refurbishment, and
17 replacement of qualified tangible personal property to
18 generate, transform, transmit, distribute, or manage
19 electricity necessary to operate qualified tangible
20 personal property; and all other tangible personal
21 property that is essential to the operations of a computer
22 data center. "Qualified tangible personal property" also
23 includes building materials physically incorporated in to
24 the qualifying data center.
25 To document the exemption allowed under this Section, the
26retailer must obtain from the purchaser a copy of the

10100SB0119ham001- 25 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1certificate of eligibility issued by the Department.
2 (d) New and existing data centers seeking a certificate of
3exemption for new or existing facilities shall apply to the
4Department in the manner specified by the Department. The
5Department shall determine the duration of the certificate of
6exemption awarded under this Act. The duration of the
7certificate of exemption may not exceed 20 calendar years. The
8Department and any data center seeking the exemption, including
9a data center operator on behalf of itself and its tenants,
10must enter into a memorandum of understanding that at a minimum
12 (1) the details for determining the amount of capital
13 investment to be made;
14 (2) the number of new jobs created;
15 (3) the timeline for achieving the capital investment
16 and new job goals;
17 (4) the repayment obligation should those goals not be
18 achieved and any conditions under which repayment by the
19 qualifying data center or data center tenant claiming the
20 exemption will be required;
21 (5) the duration of the exemption; and
22 (6) other provisions as deemed necessary by the
23 Department.
24 (e) Beginning July 1, 2021, and each year thereafter, the
25Department shall annually report to the Governor and the
26General Assembly on the outcomes and effectiveness of Public

10100SB0119ham001- 26 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Act 101-31 this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly
2that shall include the following:
3 (1) the name of each recipient business;
4 (2) the location of the project;
5 (3) the estimated value of the credit;
6 (4) the number of new jobs and, if applicable, retained
7 jobs pledged as a result of the project; and
8 (5) whether or not the project is located in an
9 underserved area.
10 (f) New and existing data centers seeking a certificate of
11exemption related to the rehabilitation or construction of data
12centers in the State shall require the contractor and all
13subcontractors to comply with the requirements of Section 30-22
14of the Illinois Procurement Code as they apply to responsible
15bidders and to present satisfactory evidence of that compliance
16to the Department.
17 (g) New and existing data centers seeking a certificate of
18exemption for the rehabilitation or construction of data
19centers in the State shall require the contractor to enter into
20a project labor agreement approved by the Department.
21 (h) Any qualifying data center issued a certificate of
22exemption under this Section must annually report to the
23Department the total data center tax benefits that are received
24by the business. Reports are due no later than May 31 of each
25year and shall cover the previous calendar year. The first
26report is for the 2019 calendar year and is due no later than

10100SB0119ham001- 27 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1May 31, 2020.
2 To the extent that a business issued a certificate of
3exemption under this Section has obtained an Enterprise Zone
4Building Materials Exemption Certificate or a High Impact
5Business Building Materials Exemption Certificate, no
6additional reporting for those building materials exemption
7benefits is required under this Section.
8 Failure to file a report under this subsection (h) may
9result in suspension or revocation of the certificate of
10exemption. The Department shall adopt rules governing
11suspension or revocation of the certificate of exemption,
12including the length of suspension. Factors to be considered in
13determining whether a data center certificate of exemption
14shall be suspended or revoked include, but are not limited to,
15prior compliance with the reporting requirements, cooperation
16in discontinuing and correcting violations, the extent of the
17violation, and whether the violation was willful or
19 (i) The Department shall not issue any new certificates of
20exemption under the provisions of this Section after July 1,
212029. This sunset shall not affect any existing certificates of
22exemption in effect on July 1, 2029.
23 (j) The Department shall adopt rules to implement and
24administer this Section.
25(Source: P.A. 101-31, eff. 6-28-19; revised 10-18-19.)

10100SB0119ham001- 28 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Section 10-15. The State Finance Act is amended by adding
2Section 8.53 as follows:
3 (30 ILCS 105/8.53 new)
4 Sec. 8.53. Fund transfers. As soon as practical after the
5effective date of this amendatory Act of the 101st General
6Assembly, for Fiscal Year 2020 only, the State Comptroller
7shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer the amount
8of $1,500,000 from the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund to
9the Sound-Reducing Windows and Doors Replacement Fund. Any
10amounts transferred under this Section shall be repaid no later
11than June 30, 2020.
12 Section 10-20. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by
13changing Section 229 as follows:
14 (35 ILCS 5/229)
15 Sec. 229. Data center construction employment tax credit.
16 (a) A taxpayer who has been awarded a credit by the
17Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity under Section
18605-1025 of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
19Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is entitled to
20a credit against the taxes imposed under subsections (a) and
21(b) of Section 201 of this Act. The amount of the credit shall
22be 20% of the wages paid during the taxable year to a full-time
23or part-time employee of a construction contractor employed by

10100SB0119ham001- 29 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1a certified data center if those wages are paid for the
2construction of a new data center in a geographic area that
3meets any one of the following criteria:
4 (1) the area has a poverty rate of at least 20%,
5 according to the U.S. Census Bureau American Community
6 Survey 5-Year Estimates latest federal decennial census;
7 (2) 75% or more of the children in the area participate
8 in the federal free lunch program, according to reported
9 statistics from the State Board of Education;
10 (3) 20% or more of the households in the area receive
11 assistance under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
12 Program (SNAP), according to data from the U.S. Census
13 Bureau American Community Survey 5-year Estimates; or
14 (4) the area has an average unemployment rate, as
15 determined by the Department of Employment Security, that
16 is more than 120% of the national unemployment average, as
17 determined by the U.S. Department of Labor, for a period of
18 at least 2 consecutive calendar years preceding the date of
19 the application.
20 If the taxpayer is a partnership, a Subchapter S
21corporation, or a limited liability company that has elected
22partnership tax treatment, the credit shall be allowed to the
23partners, shareholders, or members in accordance with the
24determination of income and distributive share of income under
25Sections 702 and 704 and subchapter S of the Internal Revenue
26Code, as applicable. The Department, in cooperation with the

10100SB0119ham001- 30 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, shall adopt
2rules to enforce and administer this Section. This Section is
3exempt from the provisions of Section 250 of this Act.
4 (b) In no event shall a credit under this Section reduce
5the taxpayer's liability to less than zero. If the amount of
6the credit exceeds the tax liability for the year, the excess
7may be carried forward and applied to the tax liability of the
85 taxable years following the excess credit year. The tax
9credit shall be applied to the earliest year for which there is
10a tax liability. If there are credits for more than one year
11that are available to offset a liability, the earlier credit
12shall be applied first.
13 (c) No credit shall be allowed with respect to any
14certification for any taxable year ending after the revocation
15of the certification by the Department of Commerce and Economic
16Opportunity. Upon receiving notification by the Department of
17Commerce and Economic Opportunity of the revocation of
18certification, the Department shall notify the taxpayer that no
19credit is allowed for any taxable year ending after the
20revocation date, as stated in such notification. If any credit
21has been allowed with respect to a certification for a taxable
22year ending after the revocation date, any refund paid to the
23taxpayer for that taxable year shall, to the extent of that
24credit allowed, be an erroneous refund within the meaning of
25Section 912 of this Act.
26(Source: P.A. 101-31, eff. 6-28-19.)

10100SB0119ham001- 31 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Section 10-25. The Use Tax Act is amended by changing
2Sections 3-50 and 9 as follows:
3 (35 ILCS 105/3-50) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.3-50)
4 Sec. 3-50. Manufacturing and assembly exemption. The
5manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment exemption
6includes machinery and equipment that replaces machinery and
7equipment in an existing manufacturing facility as well as
8machinery and equipment that are for use in an expanded or new
9manufacturing facility. The machinery and equipment exemption
10also includes machinery and equipment used in the general
11maintenance or repair of exempt machinery and equipment or for
12in-house manufacture of exempt machinery and equipment.
13Beginning on July 1, 2017, the manufacturing and assembling
14machinery and equipment exemption also includes graphic arts
15machinery and equipment, as defined in paragraph (6) of Section
163-5. The machinery and equipment exemption does not include
17machinery and equipment used in (i) the generation of
18electricity for wholesale or retail sale; (ii) the generation
19or treatment of natural or artificial gas for wholesale or
20retail sale that is delivered to customers through pipes,
21pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of water for
22wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers through
23pipes, pipelines, or mains. The provisions of this amendatory
24Act of the 98th General Assembly are declaratory of existing

10100SB0119ham001- 32 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1law as to the meaning and scope of this exemption. For the
2purposes of this exemption, terms have the following meanings:
3 (1) "Manufacturing process" means the production of an
4 article of tangible personal property, whether the article
5 is a finished product or an article for use in the process
6 of manufacturing or assembling a different article of
7 tangible personal property, by a procedure commonly
8 regarded as manufacturing, processing, fabricating, or
9 refining that changes some existing material into a
10 material with a different form, use, or name. In relation
11 to a recognized integrated business composed of a series of
12 operations that collectively constitute manufacturing, or
13 individually constitute manufacturing operations, the
14 manufacturing process commences with the first operation
15 or stage of production in the series and does not end until
16 the completion of the final product in the last operation
17 or stage of production in the series. For purposes of this
18 exemption, photoprocessing is a manufacturing process of
19 tangible personal property for wholesale or retail sale.
20 (2) "Assembling process" means the production of an
21 article of tangible personal property, whether the article
22 is a finished product or an article for use in the process
23 of manufacturing or assembling a different article of
24 tangible personal property, by the combination of existing
25 materials in a manner commonly regarded as assembling that
26 results in an article or material of a different form, use,

10100SB0119ham001- 33 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 or name.
2 (3) "Machinery" means major mechanical machines or
3 major components of those machines contributing to a
4 manufacturing or assembling process.
5 (4) "Equipment" includes an independent device or tool
6 separate from machinery but essential to an integrated
7 manufacturing or assembly process; including computers
8 used primarily in a manufacturer's computer assisted
9 design, computer assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system;
10 any subunit or assembly comprising a component of any
11 machinery or auxiliary, adjunct, or attachment parts of
12 machinery, such as tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, patterns,
13 and molds; and any parts that require periodic replacement
14 in the course of normal operation; but does not include
15 hand tools. Equipment includes chemicals or chemicals
16 acting as catalysts but only if the chemicals or chemicals
17 acting as catalysts effect a direct and immediate change
18 upon a product being manufactured or assembled for
19 wholesale or retail sale or lease.
20 (5) "Production related tangible personal property"
21 means all tangible personal property that is used or
22 consumed by the purchaser in a manufacturing facility in
23 which a manufacturing process takes place and includes,
24 without limitation, tangible personal property that is
25 purchased for incorporation into real estate within a
26 manufacturing facility, supplies and consumables used in a

10100SB0119ham001- 34 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 manufacturing facility including fuels, coolants,
2 solvents, oils, lubricants, and adhesives, hand tools,
3 protective apparel, and fire and safety equipment used or
4 consumed within a manufacturing facility, and tangible
5 personal property that is used or consumed in activities
6 such as research and development, preproduction material
7 handling, receiving, quality control, inventory control,
8 storage, staging, and packaging for shipping and
9 transportation purposes. "Production related tangible
10 personal property" does not include (i) tangible personal
11 property that is used, within or without a manufacturing
12 facility, in sales, purchasing, accounting, fiscal
13 management, marketing, personnel recruitment or selection,
14 or landscaping or (ii) tangible personal property that is
15 required to be titled or registered with a department,
16 agency, or unit of federal, State, or local government.
17 The manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment
18exemption includes production related tangible personal
19property that is purchased on or after July 1, 2007 and on or
20before June 30, 2008 and on or after July 1, 2019. The
21exemption for production related tangible personal property
22purchased on or after July 1, 2007 and on or before June 30,
232008 is subject to both of the following limitations:
24 (1) The maximum amount of the exemption for any one
25 taxpayer may not exceed 5% of the purchase price of
26 production related tangible personal property that is

10100SB0119ham001- 35 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 purchased on or after July 1, 2007 and on or before June
2 30, 2008. A credit under Section 3-85 of this Act may not
3 be earned by the purchase of production related tangible
4 personal property for which an exemption is received under
5 this Section.
6 (2) The maximum aggregate amount of the exemptions for
7 production related tangible personal property purchased on
8 or after July 1, 2007 and on or before June 30, 2008
9 awarded under this Act and the Retailers' Occupation Tax
10 Act to all taxpayers may not exceed $10,000,000. If the
11 claims for the exemption exceed $10,000,000, then the
12 Department shall reduce the amount of the exemption to each
13 taxpayer on a pro rata basis.
14The Department shall adopt rules to implement and administer
15the exemption for production related tangible personal
17 The manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment
18exemption includes the sale of materials to a purchaser who
19produces exempted types of machinery, equipment, or tools and
20who rents or leases that machinery, equipment, or tools to a
21manufacturer of tangible personal property. This exemption
22also includes the sale of materials to a purchaser who
23manufactures those materials into an exempted type of
24machinery, equipment, or tools that the purchaser uses himself
25or herself in the manufacturing of tangible personal property.
26This exemption includes the sale of exempted types of machinery

10100SB0119ham001- 36 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1or equipment to a purchaser who is not the manufacturer, but
2who rents or leases the use of the property to a manufacturer.
3The purchaser of the machinery and equipment who has an active
4resale registration number shall furnish that number to the
5seller at the time of purchase. A purchaser user of the
6machinery, equipment, or tools without an active resale
7registration number shall prepare a certificate of exemption
8for each transaction stating facts establishing the exemption
9for that transaction, and that certificate shall be available
10to the Department for inspection or audit. The Department shall
11prescribe the form of the certificate. Informal rulings,
12opinions, or letters issued by the Department in response to an
13inquiry or request for an opinion from any person regarding the
14coverage and applicability of this exemption to specific
15devices shall be published, maintained as a public record, and
16made available for public inspection and copying. If the
17informal ruling, opinion, or letter contains trade secrets or
18other confidential information, where possible, the Department
19shall delete that information before publication. Whenever
20informal rulings, opinions, or letters contain a policy of
21general applicability, the Department shall formulate and
22adopt that policy as a rule in accordance with the Illinois
23Administrative Procedure Act.
24 The manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment
25exemption is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-90.
26(Source: P.A. 100-22, eff. 7-6-17; 101-9, eff. 6-5-19.)

10100SB0119ham001- 37 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (35 ILCS 105/9) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.9)
2 Sec. 9. Except as to motor vehicles, watercraft, aircraft,
3and trailers that are required to be registered with an agency
4of this State, each retailer required or authorized to collect
5the tax imposed by this Act shall pay to the Department the
6amount of such tax (except as otherwise provided) at the time
7when he is required to file his return for the period during
8which such tax was collected, less a discount of 2.1% prior to
9January 1, 1990, and 1.75% on and after January 1, 1990, or $5
10per calendar year, whichever is greater, which is allowed to
11reimburse the retailer for expenses incurred in collecting the
12tax, keeping records, preparing and filing returns, remitting
13the tax and supplying data to the Department on request. The
14discount under this Section is not allowed for the 1.25%
15portion of taxes paid on aviation fuel that is subject to the
16revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
1747133 are deposited into the State Aviation Program Fund under
18this Act. In the case of retailers who report and pay the tax
19on a transaction by transaction basis, as provided in this
20Section, such discount shall be taken with each such tax
21remittance instead of when such retailer files his periodic
22return. The discount allowed under this Section is allowed only
23for returns that are filed in the manner required by this Act.
24The Department may disallow the discount for retailers whose
25certificate of registration is revoked at the time the return

10100SB0119ham001- 38 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1is filed, but only if the Department's decision to revoke the
2certificate of registration has become final. A retailer need
3not remit that part of any tax collected by him to the extent
4that he is required to remit and does remit the tax imposed by
5the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, with respect to the sale of
6the same property.
7 Where such tangible personal property is sold under a
8conditional sales contract, or under any other form of sale
9wherein the payment of the principal sum, or a part thereof, is
10extended beyond the close of the period for which the return is
11filed, the retailer, in collecting the tax (except as to motor
12vehicles, watercraft, aircraft, and trailers that are required
13to be registered with an agency of this State), may collect for
14each tax return period, only the tax applicable to that part of
15the selling price actually received during such tax return
17 Except as provided in this Section, on or before the
18twentieth day of each calendar month, such retailer shall file
19a return for the preceding calendar month. Such return shall be
20filed on forms prescribed by the Department and shall furnish
21such information as the Department may reasonably require. On
22and after January 1, 2018, except for returns for motor
23vehicles, watercraft, aircraft, and trailers that are required
24to be registered with an agency of this State, with respect to
25retailers whose annual gross receipts average $20,000 or more,
26all returns required to be filed pursuant to this Act shall be

10100SB0119ham001- 39 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1filed electronically. Retailers who demonstrate that they do
2not have access to the Internet or demonstrate hardship in
3filing electronically may petition the Department to waive the
4electronic filing requirement.
5 The Department may require returns to be filed on a
6quarterly basis. If so required, a return for each calendar
7quarter shall be filed on or before the twentieth day of the
8calendar month following the end of such calendar quarter. The
9taxpayer shall also file a return with the Department for each
10of the first two months of each calendar quarter, on or before
11the twentieth day of the following calendar month, stating:
12 1. The name of the seller;
13 2. The address of the principal place of business from
14 which he engages in the business of selling tangible
15 personal property at retail in this State;
16 3. The total amount of taxable receipts received by him
17 during the preceding calendar month from sales of tangible
18 personal property by him during such preceding calendar
19 month, including receipts from charge and time sales, but
20 less all deductions allowed by law;
21 4. The amount of credit provided in Section 2d of this
22 Act;
23 5. The amount of tax due;
24 5-5. The signature of the taxpayer; and
25 6. Such other reasonable information as the Department
26 may require.

10100SB0119ham001- 40 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Each Beginning on January 1, 2020, each retailer required
2or authorized to collect the tax imposed by this Act on
3aviation fuel sold at retail in this State during the preceding
4calendar month shall, instead of reporting and paying tax on
5aviation fuel as otherwise required by this Section, report
6file and pay such tax to the Department on a separate an
7aviation fuel tax return, on or before the twentieth day of
8each calendar month. The requirements related to the return
9shall be as otherwise provided in this Section. Notwithstanding
10any other provisions of this Act to the contrary, retailers
11collecting tax on aviation fuel shall file all aviation fuel
12tax returns and shall make all aviation fuel tax fee payments
13by electronic means in the manner and form required by the
14Department. For purposes of this Section paragraph, "aviation
15fuel" means jet fuel and aviation gasoline a product that is
16intended for use or offered for sale as fuel for an aircraft.
17 If a taxpayer fails to sign a return within 30 days after
18the proper notice and demand for signature by the Department,
19the return shall be considered valid and any amount shown to be
20due on the return shall be deemed assessed.
21 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the
22contrary, retailers subject to tax on cannabis shall file all
23cannabis tax returns and shall make all cannabis tax payments
24by electronic means in the manner and form required by the
26 Beginning October 1, 1993, a taxpayer who has an average

10100SB0119ham001- 41 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1monthly tax liability of $150,000 or more shall make all
2payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
3funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 1994, a taxpayer who has
4an average monthly tax liability of $100,000 or more shall make
5all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
6funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 1995, a taxpayer who has
7an average monthly tax liability of $50,000 or more shall make
8all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
9funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 2000, a taxpayer who has
10an annual tax liability of $200,000 or more shall make all
11payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
12funds transfer. The term "annual tax liability" shall be the
13sum of the taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and under all
14other State and local occupation and use tax laws administered
15by the Department, for the immediately preceding calendar year.
16The term "average monthly tax liability" means the sum of the
17taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and under all other
18State and local occupation and use tax laws administered by the
19Department, for the immediately preceding calendar year
20divided by 12. Beginning on October 1, 2002, a taxpayer who has
21a tax liability in the amount set forth in subsection (b) of
22Section 2505-210 of the Department of Revenue Law shall make
23all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
24funds transfer.
25 Before August 1 of each year beginning in 1993, the
26Department shall notify all taxpayers required to make payments

10100SB0119ham001- 42 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1by electronic funds transfer. All taxpayers required to make
2payments by electronic funds transfer shall make those payments
3for a minimum of one year beginning on October 1.
4 Any taxpayer not required to make payments by electronic
5funds transfer may make payments by electronic funds transfer
6with the permission of the Department.
7 All taxpayers required to make payment by electronic funds
8transfer and any taxpayers authorized to voluntarily make
9payments by electronic funds transfer shall make those payments
10in the manner authorized by the Department.
11 The Department shall adopt such rules as are necessary to
12effectuate a program of electronic funds transfer and the
13requirements of this Section.
14 Before October 1, 2000, if the taxpayer's average monthly
15tax liability to the Department under this Act, the Retailers'
16Occupation Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, the Service
17Use Tax Act was $10,000 or more during the preceding 4 complete
18calendar quarters, he shall file a return with the Department
19each month by the 20th day of the month next following the
20month during which such tax liability is incurred and shall
21make payments to the Department on or before the 7th, 15th,
2222nd and last day of the month during which such liability is
23incurred. On and after October 1, 2000, if the taxpayer's
24average monthly tax liability to the Department under this Act,
25the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax
26Act, and the Service Use Tax Act was $20,000 or more during the

10100SB0119ham001- 43 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1preceding 4 complete calendar quarters, he shall file a return
2with the Department each month by the 20th day of the month
3next following the month during which such tax liability is
4incurred and shall make payment to the Department on or before
5the 7th, 15th, 22nd and last day of the month during which such
6liability is incurred. If the month during which such tax
7liability is incurred began prior to January 1, 1985, each
8payment shall be in an amount equal to 1/4 of the taxpayer's
9actual liability for the month or an amount set by the
10Department not to exceed 1/4 of the average monthly liability
11of the taxpayer to the Department for the preceding 4 complete
12calendar quarters (excluding the month of highest liability and
13the month of lowest liability in such 4 quarter period). If the
14month during which such tax liability is incurred begins on or
15after January 1, 1985, and prior to January 1, 1987, each
16payment shall be in an amount equal to 22.5% of the taxpayer's
17actual liability for the month or 27.5% of the taxpayer's
18liability for the same calendar month of the preceding year. If
19the month during which such tax liability is incurred begins on
20or after January 1, 1987, and prior to January 1, 1988, each
21payment shall be in an amount equal to 22.5% of the taxpayer's
22actual liability for the month or 26.25% of the taxpayer's
23liability for the same calendar month of the preceding year. If
24the month during which such tax liability is incurred begins on
25or after January 1, 1988, and prior to January 1, 1989, or
26begins on or after January 1, 1996, each payment shall be in an

10100SB0119ham001- 44 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1amount equal to 22.5% of the taxpayer's actual liability for
2the month or 25% of the taxpayer's liability for the same
3calendar month of the preceding year. If the month during which
4such tax liability is incurred begins on or after January 1,
51989, and prior to January 1, 1996, each payment shall be in an
6amount equal to 22.5% of the taxpayer's actual liability for
7the month or 25% of the taxpayer's liability for the same
8calendar month of the preceding year or 100% of the taxpayer's
9actual liability for the quarter monthly reporting period. The
10amount of such quarter monthly payments shall be credited
11against the final tax liability of the taxpayer's return for
12that month. Before October 1, 2000, once applicable, the
13requirement of the making of quarter monthly payments to the
14Department shall continue until such taxpayer's average
15monthly liability to the Department during the preceding 4
16complete calendar quarters (excluding the month of highest
17liability and the month of lowest liability) is less than
18$9,000, or until such taxpayer's average monthly liability to
19the Department as computed for each calendar quarter of the 4
20preceding complete calendar quarter period is less than
21$10,000. However, if a taxpayer can show the Department that a
22substantial change in the taxpayer's business has occurred
23which causes the taxpayer to anticipate that his average
24monthly tax liability for the reasonably foreseeable future
25will fall below the $10,000 threshold stated above, then such
26taxpayer may petition the Department for change in such

10100SB0119ham001- 45 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1taxpayer's reporting status. On and after October 1, 2000, once
2applicable, the requirement of the making of quarter monthly
3payments to the Department shall continue until such taxpayer's
4average monthly liability to the Department during the
5preceding 4 complete calendar quarters (excluding the month of
6highest liability and the month of lowest liability) is less
7than $19,000 or until such taxpayer's average monthly liability
8to the Department as computed for each calendar quarter of the
94 preceding complete calendar quarter period is less than
10$20,000. However, if a taxpayer can show the Department that a
11substantial change in the taxpayer's business has occurred
12which causes the taxpayer to anticipate that his average
13monthly tax liability for the reasonably foreseeable future
14will fall below the $20,000 threshold stated above, then such
15taxpayer may petition the Department for a change in such
16taxpayer's reporting status. The Department shall change such
17taxpayer's reporting status unless it finds that such change is
18seasonal in nature and not likely to be long term. If any such
19quarter monthly payment is not paid at the time or in the
20amount required by this Section, then the taxpayer shall be
21liable for penalties and interest on the difference between the
22minimum amount due and the amount of such quarter monthly
23payment actually and timely paid, except insofar as the
24taxpayer has previously made payments for that month to the
25Department in excess of the minimum payments previously due as
26provided in this Section. The Department shall make reasonable

10100SB0119ham001- 46 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1rules and regulations to govern the quarter monthly payment
2amount and quarter monthly payment dates for taxpayers who file
3on other than a calendar monthly basis.
4 If any such payment provided for in this Section exceeds
5the taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, the Retailers'
6Occupation Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act and the
7Service Use Tax Act, as shown by an original monthly return,
8the Department shall issue to the taxpayer a credit memorandum
9no later than 30 days after the date of payment, which
10memorandum may be submitted by the taxpayer to the Department
11in payment of tax liability subsequently to be remitted by the
12taxpayer to the Department or be assigned by the taxpayer to a
13similar taxpayer under this Act, the Retailers' Occupation Tax
14Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act or the Service Use Tax Act,
15in accordance with reasonable rules and regulations to be
16prescribed by the Department, except that if such excess
17payment is shown on an original monthly return and is made
18after December 31, 1986, no credit memorandum shall be issued,
19unless requested by the taxpayer. If no such request is made,
20the taxpayer may credit such excess payment against tax
21liability subsequently to be remitted by the taxpayer to the
22Department under this Act, the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act,
23the Service Occupation Tax Act or the Service Use Tax Act, in
24accordance with reasonable rules and regulations prescribed by
25the Department. If the Department subsequently determines that
26all or any part of the credit taken was not actually due to the

10100SB0119ham001- 47 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1taxpayer, the taxpayer's 2.1% or 1.75% vendor's discount shall
2be reduced by 2.1% or 1.75% of the difference between the
3credit taken and that actually due, and the taxpayer shall be
4liable for penalties and interest on such difference.
5 If the retailer is otherwise required to file a monthly
6return and if the retailer's average monthly tax liability to
7the Department does not exceed $200, the Department may
8authorize his returns to be filed on a quarter annual basis,
9with the return for January, February, and March of a given
10year being due by April 20 of such year; with the return for
11April, May and June of a given year being due by July 20 of such
12year; with the return for July, August and September of a given
13year being due by October 20 of such year, and with the return
14for October, November and December of a given year being due by
15January 20 of the following year.
16 If the retailer is otherwise required to file a monthly or
17quarterly return and if the retailer's average monthly tax
18liability to the Department does not exceed $50, the Department
19may authorize his returns to be filed on an annual basis, with
20the return for a given year being due by January 20 of the
21following year.
22 Such quarter annual and annual returns, as to form and
23substance, shall be subject to the same requirements as monthly
25 Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act concerning
26the time within which a retailer may file his return, in the

10100SB0119ham001- 48 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1case of any retailer who ceases to engage in a kind of business
2which makes him responsible for filing returns under this Act,
3such retailer shall file a final return under this Act with the
4Department not more than one month after discontinuing such
6 In addition, with respect to motor vehicles, watercraft,
7aircraft, and trailers that are required to be registered with
8an agency of this State, except as otherwise provided in this
9Section, every retailer selling this kind of tangible personal
10property shall file, with the Department, upon a form to be
11prescribed and supplied by the Department, a separate return
12for each such item of tangible personal property which the
13retailer sells, except that if, in the same transaction, (i) a
14retailer of aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicles or trailers
15transfers more than one aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicle or
16trailer to another aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicle or
17trailer retailer for the purpose of resale or (ii) a retailer
18of aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicles, or trailers transfers
19more than one aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicle, or trailer
20to a purchaser for use as a qualifying rolling stock as
21provided in Section 3-55 of this Act, then that seller may
22report the transfer of all the aircraft, watercraft, motor
23vehicles or trailers involved in that transaction to the
24Department on the same uniform invoice-transaction reporting
25return form. For purposes of this Section, "watercraft" means a
26Class 2, Class 3, or Class 4 watercraft as defined in Section

10100SB0119ham001- 49 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
13-2 of the Boat Registration and Safety Act, a personal
2watercraft, or any boat equipped with an inboard motor.
3 In addition, with respect to motor vehicles, watercraft,
4aircraft, and trailers that are required to be registered with
5an agency of this State, every person who is engaged in the
6business of leasing or renting such items and who, in
7connection with such business, sells any such item to a
8retailer for the purpose of resale is, notwithstanding any
9other provision of this Section to the contrary, authorized to
10meet the return-filing requirement of this Act by reporting the
11transfer of all the aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicles, or
12trailers transferred for resale during a month to the
13Department on the same uniform invoice-transaction reporting
14return form on or before the 20th of the month following the
15month in which the transfer takes place. Notwithstanding any
16other provision of this Act to the contrary, all returns filed
17under this paragraph must be filed by electronic means in the
18manner and form as required by the Department.
19 The transaction reporting return in the case of motor
20vehicles or trailers that are required to be registered with an
21agency of this State, shall be the same document as the Uniform
22Invoice referred to in Section 5-402 of the Illinois Vehicle
23Code and must show the name and address of the seller; the name
24and address of the purchaser; the amount of the selling price
25including the amount allowed by the retailer for traded-in
26property, if any; the amount allowed by the retailer for the

10100SB0119ham001- 50 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1traded-in tangible personal property, if any, to the extent to
2which Section 2 of this Act allows an exemption for the value
3of traded-in property; the balance payable after deducting such
4trade-in allowance from the total selling price; the amount of
5tax due from the retailer with respect to such transaction; the
6amount of tax collected from the purchaser by the retailer on
7such transaction (or satisfactory evidence that such tax is not
8due in that particular instance, if that is claimed to be the
9fact); the place and date of the sale; a sufficient
10identification of the property sold; such other information as
11is required in Section 5-402 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, and
12such other information as the Department may reasonably
14 The transaction reporting return in the case of watercraft
15and aircraft must show the name and address of the seller; the
16name and address of the purchaser; the amount of the selling
17price including the amount allowed by the retailer for
18traded-in property, if any; the amount allowed by the retailer
19for the traded-in tangible personal property, if any, to the
20extent to which Section 2 of this Act allows an exemption for
21the value of traded-in property; the balance payable after
22deducting such trade-in allowance from the total selling price;
23the amount of tax due from the retailer with respect to such
24transaction; the amount of tax collected from the purchaser by
25the retailer on such transaction (or satisfactory evidence that
26such tax is not due in that particular instance, if that is

10100SB0119ham001- 51 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1claimed to be the fact); the place and date of the sale, a
2sufficient identification of the property sold, and such other
3information as the Department may reasonably require.
4 Such transaction reporting return shall be filed not later
5than 20 days after the date of delivery of the item that is
6being sold, but may be filed by the retailer at any time sooner
7than that if he chooses to do so. The transaction reporting
8return and tax remittance or proof of exemption from the tax
9that is imposed by this Act may be transmitted to the
10Department by way of the State agency with which, or State
11officer with whom, the tangible personal property must be
12titled or registered (if titling or registration is required)
13if the Department and such agency or State officer determine
14that this procedure will expedite the processing of
15applications for title or registration.
16 With each such transaction reporting return, the retailer
17shall remit the proper amount of tax due (or shall submit
18satisfactory evidence that the sale is not taxable if that is
19the case), to the Department or its agents, whereupon the
20Department shall issue, in the purchaser's name, a tax receipt
21(or a certificate of exemption if the Department is satisfied
22that the particular sale is tax exempt) which such purchaser
23may submit to the agency with which, or State officer with
24whom, he must title or register the tangible personal property
25that is involved (if titling or registration is required) in
26support of such purchaser's application for an Illinois

10100SB0119ham001- 52 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1certificate or other evidence of title or registration to such
2tangible personal property.
3 No retailer's failure or refusal to remit tax under this
4Act precludes a user, who has paid the proper tax to the
5retailer, from obtaining his certificate of title or other
6evidence of title or registration (if titling or registration
7is required) upon satisfying the Department that such user has
8paid the proper tax (if tax is due) to the retailer. The
9Department shall adopt appropriate rules to carry out the
10mandate of this paragraph.
11 If the user who would otherwise pay tax to the retailer
12wants the transaction reporting return filed and the payment of
13tax or proof of exemption made to the Department before the
14retailer is willing to take these actions and such user has not
15paid the tax to the retailer, such user may certify to the fact
16of such delay by the retailer, and may (upon the Department
17being satisfied of the truth of such certification) transmit
18the information required by the transaction reporting return
19and the remittance for tax or proof of exemption directly to
20the Department and obtain his tax receipt or exemption
21determination, in which event the transaction reporting return
22and tax remittance (if a tax payment was required) shall be
23credited by the Department to the proper retailer's account
24with the Department, but without the 2.1% or 1.75% discount
25provided for in this Section being allowed. When the user pays
26the tax directly to the Department, he shall pay the tax in the

10100SB0119ham001- 53 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1same amount and in the same form in which it would be remitted
2if the tax had been remitted to the Department by the retailer.
3 Where a retailer collects the tax with respect to the
4selling price of tangible personal property which he sells and
5the purchaser thereafter returns such tangible personal
6property and the retailer refunds the selling price thereof to
7the purchaser, such retailer shall also refund, to the
8purchaser, the tax so collected from the purchaser. When filing
9his return for the period in which he refunds such tax to the
10purchaser, the retailer may deduct the amount of the tax so
11refunded by him to the purchaser from any other use tax which
12such retailer may be required to pay or remit to the
13Department, as shown by such return, if the amount of the tax
14to be deducted was previously remitted to the Department by
15such retailer. If the retailer has not previously remitted the
16amount of such tax to the Department, he is entitled to no
17deduction under this Act upon refunding such tax to the
19 Any retailer filing a return under this Section shall also
20include (for the purpose of paying tax thereon) the total tax
21covered by such return upon the selling price of tangible
22personal property purchased by him at retail from a retailer,
23but as to which the tax imposed by this Act was not collected
24from the retailer filing such return, and such retailer shall
25remit the amount of such tax to the Department when filing such

10100SB0119ham001- 54 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 If experience indicates such action to be practicable, the
2Department may prescribe and furnish a combination or joint
3return which will enable retailers, who are required to file
4returns hereunder and also under the Retailers' Occupation Tax
5Act, to furnish all the return information required by both
6Acts on the one form.
7 Where the retailer has more than one business registered
8with the Department under separate registration under this Act,
9such retailer may not file each return that is due as a single
10return covering all such registered businesses, but shall file
11separate returns for each such registered business.
12 Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall
13pay into the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund, a special
14fund in the State Treasury which is hereby created, the net
15revenue realized for the preceding month from the 1% tax
16imposed under this Act.
17 Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall
18pay into the County and Mass Transit District Fund 4% of the
19net revenue realized for the preceding month from the 6.25%
20general rate on the selling price of tangible personal property
21which is purchased outside Illinois at retail from a retailer
22and which is titled or registered by an agency of this State's
24 Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall
25pay into the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund, a special
26fund in the State Treasury, 20% of the net revenue realized for

10100SB0119ham001- 55 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on the selling
2price of tangible personal property, other than (i) tangible
3personal property which is purchased outside Illinois at retail
4from a retailer and which is titled or registered by an agency
5of this State's government and (ii) aviation fuel sold on or
6after December 1, 2019. This exception for aviation fuel only
7applies for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
8U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
9 For aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, each
10month the Department shall pay into the State Aviation Program
11Fund 20% of the net revenue realized for the preceding month
12from the 6.25% general rate on the selling price of aviation
13fuel, less an amount estimated by the Department to be required
14for refunds of the 20% portion of the tax on aviation fuel
15under this Act, which amount shall be deposited into the
16Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund. The Department shall only
17pay moneys into the State Aviation Program Fund and the
18Aviation Fuels Sales Tax Refund Fund under this Act for so long
19as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49
20U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
21 Beginning August 1, 2000, each month the Department shall
22pay into the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund 100% of the
23net revenue realized for the preceding month from the 1.25%
24rate on the selling price of motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning
25September 1, 2010, each month the Department shall pay into the
26State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund 100% of the net revenue

10100SB0119ham001- 56 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1realized for the preceding month from the 1.25% rate on the
2selling price of sales tax holiday items.
3 Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall
4pay into the Local Government Tax Fund 16% of the net revenue
5realized for the preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on
6the selling price of tangible personal property which is
7purchased outside Illinois at retail from a retailer and which
8is titled or registered by an agency of this State's
10 Beginning October 1, 2009, each month the Department shall
11pay into the Capital Projects Fund an amount that is equal to
12an amount estimated by the Department to represent 80% of the
13net revenue realized for the preceding month from the sale of
14candy, grooming and hygiene products, and soft drinks that had
15been taxed at a rate of 1% prior to September 1, 2009 but that
16are now taxed at 6.25%.
17 Beginning July 1, 2011, each month the Department shall pay
18into the Clean Air Act Permit Fund 80% of the net revenue
19realized for the preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on
20the selling price of sorbents used in Illinois in the process
21of sorbent injection as used to comply with the Environmental
22Protection Act or the federal Clean Air Act, but the total
23payment into the Clean Air Act Permit Fund under this Act and
24the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall not exceed $2,000,000
25in any fiscal year.
26 Beginning July 1, 2013, each month the Department shall pay

10100SB0119ham001- 57 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1into the Underground Storage Tank Fund from the proceeds
2collected under this Act, the Service Use Tax Act, the Service
3Occupation Tax Act, and the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act an
4amount equal to the average monthly deficit in the Underground
5Storage Tank Fund during the prior year, as certified annually
6by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, but the total
7payment into the Underground Storage Tank Fund under this Act,
8the Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and
9the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall not exceed $18,000,000
10in any State fiscal year. As used in this paragraph, the
11"average monthly deficit" shall be equal to the difference
12between the average monthly claims for payment by the fund and
13the average monthly revenues deposited into the fund, excluding
14payments made pursuant to this paragraph.
15 Beginning July 1, 2015, of the remainder of the moneys
16received by the Department under this Act, the Service Use Tax
17Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and the Retailers'
18Occupation Tax Act, each month the Department shall deposit
19$500,000 into the State Crime Laboratory Fund.
20 Of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department
21pursuant to this Act, (a) 1.75% thereof shall be paid into the
22Build Illinois Fund and (b) prior to July 1, 1989, 2.2% and on
23and after July 1, 1989, 3.8% thereof shall be paid into the
24Build Illinois Fund; provided, however, that if in any fiscal
25year the sum of (1) the aggregate of 2.2% or 3.8%, as the case
26may be, of the moneys received by the Department and required

10100SB0119ham001- 58 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1to be paid into the Build Illinois Fund pursuant to Section 3
2of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, Section 9 of the Use Tax
3Act, Section 9 of the Service Use Tax Act, and Section 9 of the
4Service Occupation Tax Act, such Acts being hereinafter called
5the "Tax Acts" and such aggregate of 2.2% or 3.8%, as the case
6may be, of moneys being hereinafter called the "Tax Act
7Amount", and (2) the amount transferred to the Build Illinois
8Fund from the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund shall be
9less than the Annual Specified Amount (as defined in Section 3
10of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), an amount equal to the
11difference shall be immediately paid into the Build Illinois
12Fund from other moneys received by the Department pursuant to
13the Tax Acts; and further provided, that if on the last
14business day of any month the sum of (1) the Tax Act Amount
15required to be deposited into the Build Illinois Bond Account
16in the Build Illinois Fund during such month and (2) the amount
17transferred during such month to the Build Illinois Fund from
18the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund shall have been less
19than 1/12 of the Annual Specified Amount, an amount equal to
20the difference shall be immediately paid into the Build
21Illinois Fund from other moneys received by the Department
22pursuant to the Tax Acts; and, further provided, that in no
23event shall the payments required under the preceding proviso
24result in aggregate payments into the Build Illinois Fund
25pursuant to this clause (b) for any fiscal year in excess of
26the greater of (i) the Tax Act Amount or (ii) the Annual

10100SB0119ham001- 59 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Specified Amount for such fiscal year; and, further provided,
2that the amounts payable into the Build Illinois Fund under
3this clause (b) shall be payable only until such time as the
4aggregate amount on deposit under each trust indenture securing
5Bonds issued and outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois
6Bond Act is sufficient, taking into account any future
7investment income, to fully provide, in accordance with such
8indenture, for the defeasance of or the payment of the
9principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds
10secured by such indenture and on any Bonds expected to be
11issued thereafter and all fees and costs payable with respect
12thereto, all as certified by the Director of the Bureau of the
13Budget (now Governor's Office of Management and Budget). If on
14the last business day of any month in which Bonds are
15outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois Bond Act, the
16aggregate of the moneys deposited in the Build Illinois Bond
17Account in the Build Illinois Fund in such month shall be less
18than the amount required to be transferred in such month from
19the Build Illinois Bond Account to the Build Illinois Bond
20Retirement and Interest Fund pursuant to Section 13 of the
21Build Illinois Bond Act, an amount equal to such deficiency
22shall be immediately paid from other moneys received by the
23Department pursuant to the Tax Acts to the Build Illinois Fund;
24provided, however, that any amounts paid to the Build Illinois
25Fund in any fiscal year pursuant to this sentence shall be
26deemed to constitute payments pursuant to clause (b) of the

10100SB0119ham001- 60 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1preceding sentence and shall reduce the amount otherwise
2payable for such fiscal year pursuant to clause (b) of the
3preceding sentence. The moneys received by the Department
4pursuant to this Act and required to be deposited into the
5Build Illinois Fund are subject to the pledge, claim and charge
6set forth in Section 12 of the Build Illinois Bond Act.
7 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund
8as provided in the preceding paragraph or in any amendment
9thereto hereafter enacted, the following specified monthly
10installment of the amount requested in the certificate of the
11Chairman of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority
12provided under Section 8.25f of the State Finance Act, but not
13in excess of the sums designated as "Total Deposit", shall be
14deposited in the aggregate from collections under Section 9 of
15the Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Use Tax Act, Section
169 of the Service Occupation Tax Act, and Section 3 of the
17Retailers' Occupation Tax Act into the McCormick Place
18Expansion Project Fund in the specified fiscal years.
19Fiscal YearTotal Deposit
201993 $0
211994 53,000,000
221995 58,000,000
231996 61,000,000
241997 64,000,000
251998 68,000,000
261999 71,000,000

10100SB0119ham001- 61 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
12000 75,000,000
22001 80,000,000
32002 93,000,000
42003 99,000,000
252024 275,000,000
262025 275,000,000

10100SB0119ham001- 62 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
12026 279,000,000
22027 292,000,000
32028 307,000,000
42029 322,000,000
52030 338,000,000
62031 350,000,000
72032 350,000,000
9each fiscal year
10thereafter that bonds
11are outstanding under
12Section 13.2 of the
13Metropolitan Pier and
14Exposition Authority Act,
15but not after fiscal year 2060.
16 Beginning July 20, 1993 and in each month of each fiscal
17year thereafter, one-eighth of the amount requested in the
18certificate of the Chairman of the Metropolitan Pier and
19Exposition Authority for that fiscal year, less the amount
20deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund by
21the State Treasurer in the respective month under subsection
22(g) of Section 13 of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition
23Authority Act, plus cumulative deficiencies in the deposits
24required under this Section for previous months and years,
25shall be deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion Project
26Fund, until the full amount requested for the fiscal year, but

10100SB0119ham001- 63 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1not in excess of the amount specified above as "Total Deposit",
2has been deposited.
3 Subject to payment of amounts into the Capital Projects
4Fund, the Clean Air Act Permit Fund, the Build Illinois Fund,
5and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the
6preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
7enacted, for aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019,
8the Department shall each month deposit into the Aviation Fuel
9Sales Tax Refund Fund an amount estimated by the Department to
10be required for refunds of the 80% portion of the tax on
11aviation fuel under this Act. The Department shall only deposit
12moneys into the Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund under this
13paragraph for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
14U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
15 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund
16and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the
17preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
18enacted, beginning July 1, 1993 and ending on September 30,
192013, the Department shall each month pay into the Illinois Tax
20Increment Fund 0.27% of 80% of the net revenue realized for the
21preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on the selling
22price of tangible personal property.
23 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund
24and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the
25preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
26enacted, beginning with the receipt of the first report of

10100SB0119ham001- 64 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1taxes paid by an eligible business and continuing for a 25-year
2period, the Department shall each month pay into the Energy
3Infrastructure Fund 80% of the net revenue realized from the
46.25% general rate on the selling price of Illinois-mined coal
5that was sold to an eligible business. For purposes of this
6paragraph, the term "eligible business" means a new electric
7generating facility certified pursuant to Section 605-332 of
8the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the
9Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.
10 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund,
11the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
12Increment Fund, and the Energy Infrastructure Fund pursuant to
13the preceding paragraphs or in any amendments to this Section
14hereafter enacted, beginning on the first day of the first
15calendar month to occur on or after August 26, 2014 (the
16effective date of Public Act 98-1098), each month, from the
17collections made under Section 9 of the Use Tax Act, Section 9
18of the Service Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Occupation
19Tax Act, and Section 3 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act,
20the Department shall pay into the Tax Compliance and
21Administration Fund, to be used, subject to appropriation, to
22fund additional auditors and compliance personnel at the
23Department of Revenue, an amount equal to 1/12 of 5% of 80% of
24the cash receipts collected during the preceding fiscal year by
25the Audit Bureau of the Department under the Use Tax Act, the
26Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, the

10100SB0119ham001- 65 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and associated local occupation
2and use taxes administered by the Department (except the amount
3collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019).
4 Subject to payments of amounts into the Build Illinois
5Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois
6Tax Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
7Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
8beginning on July 1, 2018 the Department shall pay each month
9into the Downstate Public Transportation Fund the moneys
10required to be so paid under Section 2-3 of the Downstate
11Public Transportation Act.
12 Subject to successful execution and delivery of a
13public-private public private agreement between the public
14agency and private entity and completion of the civic build,
15beginning on July 1, 2023, of the remainder of the moneys
16received by the Department under the Use Tax Act, the Service
17Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and this Act, the
18Department shall deposit the following specified deposits in
19the aggregate from collections under the Use Tax Act, the
20Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and the
21Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, as required under Section 8.25g
22of the State Finance Act for distribution consistent with the
23Public-Private Partnership for Civic and Transit
24Infrastructure Project Act. The moneys received by the
25Department pursuant to this Act and required to be deposited
26into the Civic and Transit Infrastructure Fund are subject to

10100SB0119ham001- 66 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the pledge, claim, and charge set forth in Section 25-55 55 of
2the Public-Private Partnership for Civic and Transit
3Infrastructure Project Act. As used in this paragraph, "civic
4build", "private entity", "public-private private public
5agreement", and "public agency" have the meanings provided in
6Section 25-10 of the Public-Private Partnership for Civic and
7Transit Infrastructure Project Act.
8 Fiscal Year............................Total Deposit
9 2024....................................$200,000,000
10 2025....................................$206,000,000
11 2026....................................$212,200,000
12 2027....................................$218,500,000
13 2028....................................$225,100,000
14 2029....................................$288,700,000
15 2030....................................$298,900,000
16 2031....................................$309,300,000
17 2032....................................$320,100,000
18 2033....................................$331,200,000
19 2034....................................$341,200,000
20 2035....................................$351,400,000
21 2036....................................$361,900,000
22 2037....................................$372,800,000
23 2038....................................$384,000,000
24 2039....................................$395,500,000
25 2040....................................$407,400,000
26 2041....................................$419,600,000

10100SB0119ham001- 67 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 2042....................................$432,200,000
2 2043....................................$445,100,000
3 Beginning July 1, 2021 and until July 1, 2022, subject to
4the payment of amounts into the State and Local Sales Tax
5Reform Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place
6Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax Increment Fund, the
7Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax Compliance and
8Administration Fund as provided in this Section, the Department
9shall pay each month into the Road Fund the amount estimated to
10represent 16% of the net revenue realized from the taxes
11imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning July 1, 2022 and
12until July 1, 2023, subject to the payment of amounts into the
13State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund, the Build Illinois Fund,
14the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
15Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
16Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
17the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the
18amount estimated to represent 32% of the net revenue realized
19from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning
20July 1, 2023 and until July 1, 2024, subject to the payment of
21amounts into the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund, the
22Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project
23Fund, the Illinois Tax Increment Fund, the Energy
24Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax Compliance and Administration
25Fund as provided in this Section, the Department shall pay each
26month into the Road Fund the amount estimated to represent 48%

10100SB0119ham001- 68 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1of the net revenue realized from the taxes imposed on motor
2fuel and gasohol. Beginning July 1, 2024 and until July 1,
32025, subject to the payment of amounts into the State and
4Local Sales Tax Reform Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the
5McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
6Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
7Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
8the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the
9amount estimated to represent 64% of the net revenue realized
10from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning on
11July 1, 2025, subject to the payment of amounts into the State
12and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the
13McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
14Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
15Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
16the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the
17amount estimated to represent 80% of the net revenue realized
18from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. As used in
19this paragraph "motor fuel" has the meaning given to that term
20in Section 1.1 of the Motor Fuel Tax Act, and "gasohol" has the
21meaning given to that term in Section 3-40 of this Act.
22 Of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department
23pursuant to this Act, 75% thereof shall be paid into the State
24Treasury and 25% shall be reserved in a special account and
25used only for the transfer to the Common School Fund as part of
26the monthly transfer from the General Revenue Fund in

10100SB0119ham001- 69 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1accordance with Section 8a of the State Finance Act.
2 As soon as possible after the first day of each month, upon
3certification of the Department of Revenue, the Comptroller
4shall order transferred and the Treasurer shall transfer from
5the General Revenue Fund to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund an amount
6equal to 1.7% of 80% of the net revenue realized under this Act
7for the second preceding month. Beginning April 1, 2000, this
8transfer is no longer required and shall not be made.
9 Net revenue realized for a month shall be the revenue
10collected by the State pursuant to this Act, less the amount
11paid out during that month as refunds to taxpayers for
12overpayment of liability.
13 For greater simplicity of administration, manufacturers,
14importers and wholesalers whose products are sold at retail in
15Illinois by numerous retailers, and who wish to do so, may
16assume the responsibility for accounting and paying to the
17Department all tax accruing under this Act with respect to such
18sales, if the retailers who are affected do not make written
19objection to the Department to this arrangement.
20(Source: P.A. 100-303, eff. 8-24-17; 100-363, eff. 7-1-18;
21100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, Article
2215, Section 15-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-10, Article 25, Section
2325-105, eff. 6-5-19; 101-27, eff. 6-25-19; 101-32, eff.
246-28-19; revised 7-29-19.)
25 Section 10-30. The Service Use Tax Act is amended by

10100SB0119ham001- 70 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1changing Sections 2 and 9 as follows:
2 (35 ILCS 110/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.32)
3 Sec. 2. Definitions. In this Act:
4 "Use" means the exercise by any person of any right or
5power over tangible personal property incident to the ownership
6of that property, but does not include the sale or use for
7demonstration by him of that property in any form as tangible
8personal property in the regular course of business. "Use" does
9not mean the interim use of tangible personal property nor the
10physical incorporation of tangible personal property, as an
11ingredient or constituent, into other tangible personal
12property, (a) which is sold in the regular course of business
13or (b) which the person incorporating such ingredient or
14constituent therein has undertaken at the time of such purchase
15to cause to be transported in interstate commerce to
16destinations outside the State of Illinois.
17 "Purchased from a serviceman" means the acquisition of the
18ownership of, or title to, tangible personal property through a
19sale of service.
20 "Purchaser" means any person who, through a sale of
21service, acquires the ownership of, or title to, any tangible
22personal property.
23 "Cost price" means the consideration paid by the serviceman
24for a purchase valued in money, whether paid in money or
25otherwise, including cash, credits and services, and shall be

10100SB0119ham001- 71 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1determined without any deduction on account of the supplier's
2cost of the property sold or on account of any other expense
3incurred by the supplier. When a serviceman contracts out part
4or all of the services required in his sale of service, it
5shall be presumed that the cost price to the serviceman of the
6property transferred to him or her by his or her subcontractor
7is equal to 50% of the subcontractor's charges to the
8serviceman in the absence of proof of the consideration paid by
9the subcontractor for the purchase of such property.
10 "Selling price" means the consideration for a sale valued
11in money whether received in money or otherwise, including
12cash, credits and service, and shall be determined without any
13deduction on account of the serviceman's cost of the property
14sold, the cost of materials used, labor or service cost or any
15other expense whatsoever, but does not include interest or
16finance charges which appear as separate items on the bill of
17sale or sales contract nor charges that are added to prices by
18sellers on account of the seller's duty to collect, from the
19purchaser, the tax that is imposed by this Act.
20 "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
21 "Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership,
22association, joint stock company, joint venture, public or
23private corporation, limited liability company, and any
24receiver, executor, trustee, guardian or other representative
25appointed by order of any court.
26 "Sale of service" means any transaction except:

10100SB0119ham001- 72 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (1) a retail sale of tangible personal property taxable
2 under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under the Use
3 Tax Act.
4 (2) a sale of tangible personal property for the
5 purpose of resale made in compliance with Section 2c of the
6 Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
7 (3) except as hereinafter provided, a sale or transfer
8 of tangible personal property as an incident to the
9 rendering of service for or by any governmental body, or
10 for or by any corporation, society, association,
11 foundation or institution organized and operated
12 exclusively for charitable, religious or educational
13 purposes or any not-for-profit corporation, society,
14 association, foundation, institution or organization which
15 has no compensated officers or employees and which is
16 organized and operated primarily for the recreation of
17 persons 55 years of age or older. A limited liability
18 company may qualify for the exemption under this paragraph
19 only if the limited liability company is organized and
20 operated exclusively for educational purposes.
21 (4) (blank).
22 (4a) a sale or transfer of tangible personal property
23 as an incident to the rendering of service for owners,
24 lessors, or shippers of tangible personal property which is
25 utilized by interstate carriers for hire for use as rolling
26 stock moving in interstate commerce so long as so used by

10100SB0119ham001- 73 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 interstate carriers for hire, and equipment operated by a
2 telecommunications provider, licensed as a common carrier
3 by the Federal Communications Commission, which is
4 permanently installed in or affixed to aircraft moving in
5 interstate commerce.
6 (4a-5) on and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30,
7 2004, a sale or transfer of a motor vehicle of the second
8 division with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 8,000
9 pounds as an incident to the rendering of service if that
10 motor vehicle is subject to the commercial distribution fee
11 imposed under Section 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
12 Beginning on July 1, 2004 and through June 30, 2005, the
13 use in this State of motor vehicles of the second division:
14 (i) with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 8,000
15 pounds; (ii) that are subject to the commercial
16 distribution fee imposed under Section 3-815.1 of the
17 Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) that are primarily used
18 for commercial purposes. Through June 30, 2005, this
19 exemption applies to repair and replacement parts added
20 after the initial purchase of such a motor vehicle if that
21 motor vehicle is used in a manner that would qualify for
22 the rolling stock exemption otherwise provided for in this
23 Act. For purposes of this paragraph, "used for commercial
24 purposes" means the transportation of persons or property
25 in furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise
26 whether for-hire or not.

10100SB0119ham001- 74 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (5) a sale or transfer of machinery and equipment used
2 primarily in the process of the manufacturing or
3 assembling, either in an existing, an expanded or a new
4 manufacturing facility, of tangible personal property for
5 wholesale or retail sale or lease, whether such sale or
6 lease is made directly by the manufacturer or by some other
7 person, whether the materials used in the process are owned
8 by the manufacturer or some other person, or whether such
9 sale or lease is made apart from or as an incident to the
10 seller's engaging in a service occupation and the
11 applicable tax is a Service Use Tax or Service Occupation
12 Tax, rather than Use Tax or Retailers' Occupation Tax. The
13 exemption provided by this paragraph (5) includes
14 production related tangible personal property, as defined
15 in Section 3-50 of the Use Tax Act, purchased on or after
16 July 1, 2019. The exemption provided by this paragraph (5)
17 does not include machinery and equipment used in (i) the
18 generation of electricity for wholesale or retail sale;
19 (ii) the generation or treatment of natural or artificial
20 gas for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to
21 customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the
22 treatment of water for wholesale or retail sale that is
23 delivered to customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains.
24 The provisions of Public Act 98-583 are declaratory of
25 existing law as to the meaning and scope of this exemption.
26 The exemption under this paragraph (5) is exempt from the

10100SB0119ham001- 75 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 provisions of Section 3-75.
2 (5a) the repairing, reconditioning or remodeling, for
3 a common carrier by rail, of tangible personal property
4 which belongs to such carrier for hire, and as to which
5 such carrier receives the physical possession of the
6 repaired, reconditioned or remodeled item of tangible
7 personal property in Illinois, and which such carrier
8 transports, or shares with another common carrier in the
9 transportation of such property, out of Illinois on a
10 standard uniform bill of lading showing the person who
11 repaired, reconditioned or remodeled the property to a
12 destination outside Illinois, for use outside Illinois.
13 (5b) a sale or transfer of tangible personal property
14 which is produced by the seller thereof on special order in
15 such a way as to have made the applicable tax the Service
16 Occupation Tax or the Service Use Tax, rather than the
17 Retailers' Occupation Tax or the Use Tax, for an interstate
18 carrier by rail which receives the physical possession of
19 such property in Illinois, and which transports such
20 property, or shares with another common carrier in the
21 transportation of such property, out of Illinois on a
22 standard uniform bill of lading showing the seller of the
23 property as the shipper or consignor of such property to a
24 destination outside Illinois, for use outside Illinois.
25 (6) until July 1, 2003, a sale or transfer of
26 distillation machinery and equipment, sold as a unit or kit

10100SB0119ham001- 76 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 and assembled or installed by the retailer, which machinery
2 and equipment is certified by the user to be used only for
3 the production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for
4 consumption as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel
5 for the personal use of such user and not subject to sale
6 or resale.
7 (7) at the election of any serviceman not required to
8 be otherwise registered as a retailer under Section 2a of
9 the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, made for each fiscal
10 year sales of service in which the aggregate annual cost
11 price of tangible personal property transferred as an
12 incident to the sales of service is less than 35%, or 75%
13 in the case of servicemen transferring prescription drugs
14 or servicemen engaged in graphic arts production, of the
15 aggregate annual total gross receipts from all sales of
16 service. The purchase of such tangible personal property by
17 the serviceman shall be subject to tax under the Retailers'
18 Occupation Tax Act and the Use Tax Act. However, if a
19 primary serviceman who has made the election described in
20 this paragraph subcontracts service work to a secondary
21 serviceman who has also made the election described in this
22 paragraph, the primary serviceman does not incur a Use Tax
23 liability if the secondary serviceman (i) has paid or will
24 pay Use Tax on his or her cost price of any tangible
25 personal property transferred to the primary serviceman
26 and (ii) certifies that fact in writing to the primary

10100SB0119ham001- 77 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 serviceman.
2 Tangible personal property transferred incident to the
3completion of a maintenance agreement is exempt from the tax
4imposed pursuant to this Act.
5 Exemption (5) also includes machinery and equipment used in
6the general maintenance or repair of such exempt machinery and
7equipment or for in-house manufacture of exempt machinery and
8equipment. On and after July 1, 2017, exemption (5) also
9includes graphic arts machinery and equipment, as defined in
10paragraph (5) of Section 3-5. The machinery and equipment
11exemption does not include machinery and equipment used in (i)
12the generation of electricity for wholesale or retail sale;
13(ii) the generation or treatment of natural or artificial gas
14for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers
15through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of
16water for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to
17customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains. The provisions of
18Public Act 98-583 are declaratory of existing law as to the
19meaning and scope of this exemption. For the purposes of
20exemption (5), each of these terms shall have the following
21meanings: (1) "manufacturing process" shall mean the
22production of any article of tangible personal property,
23whether such article is a finished product or an article for
24use in the process of manufacturing or assembling a different
25article of tangible personal property, by procedures commonly
26regarded as manufacturing, processing, fabricating, or

10100SB0119ham001- 78 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1refining which changes some existing material or materials into
2a material with a different form, use or name. In relation to a
3recognized integrated business composed of a series of
4operations which collectively constitute manufacturing, or
5individually constitute manufacturing operations, the
6manufacturing process shall be deemed to commence with the
7first operation or stage of production in the series, and shall
8not be deemed to end until the completion of the final product
9in the last operation or stage of production in the series; and
10further, for purposes of exemption (5), photoprocessing is
11deemed to be a manufacturing process of tangible personal
12property for wholesale or retail sale; (2) "assembling process"
13shall mean the production of any article of tangible personal
14property, whether such article is a finished product or an
15article for use in the process of manufacturing or assembling a
16different article of tangible personal property, by the
17combination of existing materials in a manner commonly regarded
18as assembling which results in a material of a different form,
19use or name; (3) "machinery" shall mean major mechanical
20machines or major components of such machines contributing to a
21manufacturing or assembling process; and (4) "equipment" shall
22include any independent device or tool separate from any
23machinery but essential to an integrated manufacturing or
24assembly process; including computers used primarily in a
25manufacturer's computer assisted design, computer assisted
26manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system; or any subunit or assembly

10100SB0119ham001- 79 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1comprising a component of any machinery or auxiliary, adjunct
2or attachment parts of machinery, such as tools, dies, jigs,
3fixtures, patterns and molds; or any parts which require
4periodic replacement in the course of normal operation; but
5shall not include hand tools. Equipment includes chemicals or
6chemicals acting as catalysts but only if the chemicals or
7chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct and immediate
8change upon a product being manufactured or assembled for
9wholesale or retail sale or lease. The purchaser of such
10machinery and equipment who has an active resale registration
11number shall furnish such number to the seller at the time of
12purchase. The purchaser user of such machinery and equipment
13and tools without an active resale registration number shall
14prepare a certificate of exemption for each transaction stating
15facts establishing the exemption for that transaction, which
16certificate shall be available to the Department for inspection
17or audit. The Department shall prescribe the form of the
19 Any informal rulings, opinions or letters issued by the
20Department in response to an inquiry or request for any opinion
21from any person regarding the coverage and applicability of
22exemption (5) to specific devices shall be published,
23maintained as a public record, and made available for public
24inspection and copying. If the informal ruling, opinion or
25letter contains trade secrets or other confidential
26information, where possible the Department shall delete such

10100SB0119ham001- 80 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1information prior to publication. Whenever such informal
2rulings, opinions, or letters contain any policy of general
3applicability, the Department shall formulate and adopt such
4policy as a rule in accordance with the provisions of the
5Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
6 On and after July 1, 1987, no entity otherwise eligible
7under exemption (3) of this Section shall make tax-free
8purchases unless it has an active exemption identification
9number issued by the Department.
10 The purchase, employment and transfer of such tangible
11personal property as newsprint and ink for the primary purpose
12of conveying news (with or without other information) is not a
13purchase, use or sale of service or of tangible personal
14property within the meaning of this Act.
15 "Serviceman" means any person who is engaged in the
16occupation of making sales of service.
17 "Sale at retail" means "sale at retail" as defined in the
18Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
19 "Supplier" means any person who makes sales of tangible
20personal property to servicemen for the purpose of resale as an
21incident to a sale of service.
22 "Serviceman maintaining a place of business in this State",
23or any like term, means and includes any serviceman:
24 (1) having or maintaining within this State, directly
25 or by a subsidiary, an office, distribution house, sales
26 house, warehouse or other place of business, or any agent

10100SB0119ham001- 81 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 or other representative operating within this State under
2 the authority of the serviceman or its subsidiary,
3 irrespective of whether such place of business or agent or
4 other representative is located here permanently or
5 temporarily, or whether such serviceman or subsidiary is
6 licensed to do business in this State;
7 (1.1) having a contract with a person located in this
8 State under which the person, for a commission or other
9 consideration based on the sale of service by the
10 serviceman, directly or indirectly refers potential
11 customers to the serviceman by providing to the potential
12 customers a promotional code or other mechanism that allows
13 the serviceman to track purchases referred by such persons.
14 Examples of mechanisms that allow the serviceman to track
15 purchases referred by such persons include but are not
16 limited to the use of a link on the person's Internet
17 website, promotional codes distributed through the
18 person's hand-delivered or mailed material, and
19 promotional codes distributed by the person through radio
20 or other broadcast media. The provisions of this paragraph
21 (1.1) shall apply only if the cumulative gross receipts
22 from sales of service by the serviceman to customers who
23 are referred to the serviceman by all persons in this State
24 under such contracts exceed $10,000 during the preceding 4
25 quarterly periods ending on the last day of March, June,
26 September, and December; a serviceman meeting the

10100SB0119ham001- 82 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 requirements of this paragraph (1.1) shall be presumed to
2 be maintaining a place of business in this State but may
3 rebut this presumption by submitting proof that the
4 referrals or other activities pursued within this State by
5 such persons were not sufficient to meet the nexus
6 standards of the United States Constitution during the
7 preceding 4 quarterly periods;
8 (1.2) beginning July 1, 2011, having a contract with a
9 person located in this State under which:
10 (A) the serviceman sells the same or substantially
11 similar line of services as the person located in this
12 State and does so using an identical or substantially
13 similar name, trade name, or trademark as the person
14 located in this State; and
15 (B) the serviceman provides a commission or other
16 consideration to the person located in this State based
17 upon the sale of services by the serviceman.
18 The provisions of this paragraph (1.2) shall apply only if
19 the cumulative gross receipts from sales of service by the
20 serviceman to customers in this State under all such
21 contracts exceed $10,000 during the preceding 4 quarterly
22 periods ending on the last day of March, June, September,
23 and December;
24 (2) soliciting orders for tangible personal property
25 by means of a telecommunication or television shopping
26 system (which utilizes toll free numbers) which is intended

10100SB0119ham001- 83 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 by the retailer to be broadcast by cable television or
2 other means of broadcasting, to consumers located in this
3 State;
4 (3) pursuant to a contract with a broadcaster or
5 publisher located in this State, soliciting orders for
6 tangible personal property by means of advertising which is
7 disseminated primarily to consumers located in this State
8 and only secondarily to bordering jurisdictions;
9 (4) soliciting orders for tangible personal property
10 by mail if the solicitations are substantial and recurring
11 and if the retailer benefits from any banking, financing,
12 debt collection, telecommunication, or marketing
13 activities occurring in this State or benefits from the
14 location in this State of authorized installation,
15 servicing, or repair facilities;
16 (5) being owned or controlled by the same interests
17 which own or control any retailer engaging in business in
18 the same or similar line of business in this State;
19 (6) having a franchisee or licensee operating under its
20 trade name if the franchisee or licensee is required to
21 collect the tax under this Section;
22 (7) pursuant to a contract with a cable television
23 operator located in this State, soliciting orders for
24 tangible personal property by means of advertising which is
25 transmitted or distributed over a cable television system
26 in this State;

10100SB0119ham001- 84 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (8) engaging in activities in Illinois, which
2 activities in the state in which the supply business
3 engaging in such activities is located would constitute
4 maintaining a place of business in that state; or
5 (9) beginning October 1, 2018, making sales of service
6 to purchasers in Illinois from outside of Illinois if:
7 (A) the cumulative gross receipts from sales of
8 service to purchasers in Illinois are $100,000 or more;
9 or
10 (B) the serviceman enters into 200 or more separate
11 transactions for sales of service to purchasers in
12 Illinois.
13 The serviceman shall determine on a quarterly basis,
14 ending on the last day of March, June, September, and
15 December, whether he or she meets the criteria of either
16 subparagraph (A) or (B) of this paragraph (9) for the
17 preceding 12-month period. If the serviceman meets the
18 criteria of either subparagraph (A) or (B) for a 12-month
19 period, he or she is considered a serviceman maintaining a
20 place of business in this State and is required to collect
21 and remit the tax imposed under this Act and file returns
22 for one year. At the end of that one-year period, the
23 serviceman shall determine whether the serviceman met the
24 criteria of either subparagraph (A) or (B) during the
25 preceding 12-month period. If the serviceman met the
26 criteria in either subparagraph (A) or (B) for the

10100SB0119ham001- 85 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 preceding 12-month period, he or she is considered a
2 serviceman maintaining a place of business in this State
3 and is required to collect and remit the tax imposed under
4 this Act and file returns for the subsequent year. If at
5 the end of a one-year period a serviceman that was required
6 to collect and remit the tax imposed under this Act
7 determines that he or she did not meet the criteria in
8 either subparagraph (A) or (B) during the preceding
9 12-month period, the serviceman subsequently shall
10 determine on a quarterly basis, ending on the last day of
11 March, June, September, and December, whether he or she
12 meets the criteria of either subparagraph (A) or (B) for
13 the preceding 12-month period.
14 Beginning January 1, 2020, neither the gross receipts
15 from nor the number of separate transactions for sales of
16 service to purchasers in Illinois that a serviceman makes
17 through a marketplace facilitator and for which the
18 serviceman has received a certification from the
19 marketplace facilitator pursuant to Section 2d of this Act
20 shall be included for purposes of determining whether he or
21 she has met the thresholds of this paragraph (9).
22 (10) Beginning January 1, 2020, a marketplace
23 facilitator, as defined in Section 2d of this Act.
24(Source: P.A. 100-22, eff. 7-6-17; 100-321, eff. 8-24-17;
25100-587, eff. 6-4-18; 100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 101-9, Article 10,
26Section 10-15, eff. 6-5-19; 101-9, Article 25, Section 25-10,

10100SB0119ham001- 86 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1eff. 6-5-19; revised 7-10-19.)
2 (35 ILCS 110/9) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.39)
3 Sec. 9. Each serviceman required or authorized to collect
4the tax herein imposed shall pay to the Department the amount
5of such tax (except as otherwise provided) at the time when he
6is required to file his return for the period during which such
7tax was collected, less a discount of 2.1% prior to January 1,
81990 and 1.75% on and after January 1, 1990, or $5 per calendar
9year, whichever is greater, which is allowed to reimburse the
10serviceman for expenses incurred in collecting the tax, keeping
11records, preparing and filing returns, remitting the tax and
12supplying data to the Department on request. The discount under
13this Section is not allowed for the 1.25% portion of taxes paid
14on aviation fuel that is subject to the revenue use
15requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are
16deposited into the State Aviation Program Fund under this Act.
17The discount allowed under this Section is allowed only for
18returns that are filed in the manner required by this Act. The
19Department may disallow the discount for servicemen whose
20certificate of registration is revoked at the time the return
21is filed, but only if the Department's decision to revoke the
22certificate of registration has become final. A serviceman need
23not remit that part of any tax collected by him to the extent
24that he is required to pay and does pay the tax imposed by the
25Service Occupation Tax Act with respect to his sale of service

10100SB0119ham001- 87 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1involving the incidental transfer by him of the same property.
2 Except as provided hereinafter in this Section, on or
3before the twentieth day of each calendar month, such
4serviceman shall file a return for the preceding calendar month
5in accordance with reasonable Rules and Regulations to be
6promulgated by the Department. Such return shall be filed on a
7form prescribed by the Department and shall contain such
8information as the Department may reasonably require. On and
9after January 1, 2018, with respect to servicemen whose annual
10gross receipts average $20,000 or more, all returns required to
11be filed pursuant to this Act shall be filed electronically.
12Servicemen who demonstrate that they do not have access to the
13Internet or demonstrate hardship in filing electronically may
14petition the Department to waive the electronic filing
16 The Department may require returns to be filed on a
17quarterly basis. If so required, a return for each calendar
18quarter shall be filed on or before the twentieth day of the
19calendar month following the end of such calendar quarter. The
20taxpayer shall also file a return with the Department for each
21of the first two months of each calendar quarter, on or before
22the twentieth day of the following calendar month, stating:
23 1. The name of the seller;
24 2. The address of the principal place of business from
25 which he engages in business as a serviceman in this State;
26 3. The total amount of taxable receipts received by him

10100SB0119ham001- 88 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 during the preceding calendar month, including receipts
2 from charge and time sales, but less all deductions allowed
3 by law;
4 4. The amount of credit provided in Section 2d of this
5 Act;
6 5. The amount of tax due;
7 5-5. The signature of the taxpayer; and
8 6. Such other reasonable information as the Department
9 may require.
10 Each Beginning on January 1, 2020, each serviceman required
11or authorized to collect the tax imposed by this Act on
12aviation fuel transferred as an incident of a sale of service
13in this State during the preceding calendar month shall,
14instead of reporting and paying tax on aviation fuel as
15otherwise required by this Section, report and pay such the tax
16on a separate by filing an aviation fuel tax return with the
17Department on or before the twentieth day of each calendar
18month. The requirements related to the return shall be as
19otherwise provided in this Section. Notwithstanding any other
20provisions of this Act to the contrary, servicemen collecting
21tax on aviation fuel shall file all aviation fuel tax returns
22and shall make all aviation fuel tax payments by electronic
23means in the manner and form required by the Department. For
24purposes of this Section paragraph, "aviation fuel" means jet
25fuel and aviation gasoline a product that is intended for use
26or offered for sale as fuel for an aircraft.

10100SB0119ham001- 89 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 If a taxpayer fails to sign a return within 30 days after
2the proper notice and demand for signature by the Department,
3the return shall be considered valid and any amount shown to be
4due on the return shall be deemed assessed.
5 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the
6contrary, servicemen subject to tax on cannabis shall file all
7cannabis tax returns and shall make all cannabis tax payments
8by electronic means in the manner and form required by the
10 Beginning October 1, 1993, a taxpayer who has an average
11monthly tax liability of $150,000 or more shall make all
12payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
13funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 1994, a taxpayer who has
14an average monthly tax liability of $100,000 or more shall make
15all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
16funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 1995, a taxpayer who has
17an average monthly tax liability of $50,000 or more shall make
18all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
19funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 2000, a taxpayer who has
20an annual tax liability of $200,000 or more shall make all
21payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
22funds transfer. The term "annual tax liability" shall be the
23sum of the taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and under all
24other State and local occupation and use tax laws administered
25by the Department, for the immediately preceding calendar year.
26The term "average monthly tax liability" means the sum of the

10100SB0119ham001- 90 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and under all other
2State and local occupation and use tax laws administered by the
3Department, for the immediately preceding calendar year
4divided by 12. Beginning on October 1, 2002, a taxpayer who has
5a tax liability in the amount set forth in subsection (b) of
6Section 2505-210 of the Department of Revenue Law shall make
7all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
8funds transfer.
9 Before August 1 of each year beginning in 1993, the
10Department shall notify all taxpayers required to make payments
11by electronic funds transfer. All taxpayers required to make
12payments by electronic funds transfer shall make those payments
13for a minimum of one year beginning on October 1.
14 Any taxpayer not required to make payments by electronic
15funds transfer may make payments by electronic funds transfer
16with the permission of the Department.
17 All taxpayers required to make payment by electronic funds
18transfer and any taxpayers authorized to voluntarily make
19payments by electronic funds transfer shall make those payments
20in the manner authorized by the Department.
21 The Department shall adopt such rules as are necessary to
22effectuate a program of electronic funds transfer and the
23requirements of this Section.
24 If the serviceman is otherwise required to file a monthly
25return and if the serviceman's average monthly tax liability to
26the Department does not exceed $200, the Department may

10100SB0119ham001- 91 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1authorize his returns to be filed on a quarter annual basis,
2with the return for January, February and March of a given year
3being due by April 20 of such year; with the return for April,
4May and June of a given year being due by July 20 of such year;
5with the return for July, August and September of a given year
6being due by October 20 of such year, and with the return for
7October, November and December of a given year being due by
8January 20 of the following year.
9 If the serviceman is otherwise required to file a monthly
10or quarterly return and if the serviceman's average monthly tax
11liability to the Department does not exceed $50, the Department
12may authorize his returns to be filed on an annual basis, with
13the return for a given year being due by January 20 of the
14following year.
15 Such quarter annual and annual returns, as to form and
16substance, shall be subject to the same requirements as monthly
18 Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act concerning
19the time within which a serviceman may file his return, in the
20case of any serviceman who ceases to engage in a kind of
21business which makes him responsible for filing returns under
22this Act, such serviceman shall file a final return under this
23Act with the Department not more than 1 month after
24discontinuing such business.
25 Where a serviceman collects the tax with respect to the
26selling price of property which he sells and the purchaser

10100SB0119ham001- 92 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1thereafter returns such property and the serviceman refunds the
2selling price thereof to the purchaser, such serviceman shall
3also refund, to the purchaser, the tax so collected from the
4purchaser. When filing his return for the period in which he
5refunds such tax to the purchaser, the serviceman may deduct
6the amount of the tax so refunded by him to the purchaser from
7any other Service Use Tax, Service Occupation Tax, retailers'
8occupation tax or use tax which such serviceman may be required
9to pay or remit to the Department, as shown by such return,
10provided that the amount of the tax to be deducted shall
11previously have been remitted to the Department by such
12serviceman. If the serviceman shall not previously have
13remitted the amount of such tax to the Department, he shall be
14entitled to no deduction hereunder upon refunding such tax to
15the purchaser.
16 Any serviceman filing a return hereunder shall also include
17the total tax upon the selling price of tangible personal
18property purchased for use by him as an incident to a sale of
19service, and such serviceman shall remit the amount of such tax
20to the Department when filing such return.
21 If experience indicates such action to be practicable, the
22Department may prescribe and furnish a combination or joint
23return which will enable servicemen, who are required to file
24returns hereunder and also under the Service Occupation Tax
25Act, to furnish all the return information required by both
26Acts on the one form.

10100SB0119ham001- 93 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Where the serviceman has more than one business registered
2with the Department under separate registration hereunder,
3such serviceman shall not file each return that is due as a
4single return covering all such registered businesses, but
5shall file separate returns for each such registered business.
6 Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall
7pay into the State and Local Tax Reform Fund, a special fund in
8the State Treasury, the net revenue realized for the preceding
9month from the 1% tax imposed under this Act.
10 Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall
11pay into the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund 20% of the
12net revenue realized for the preceding month from the 6.25%
13general rate on transfers of tangible personal property, other
14than (i) tangible personal property which is purchased outside
15Illinois at retail from a retailer and which is titled or
16registered by an agency of this State's government and (ii)
17aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019. This exception
18for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use
19requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are
20binding on the State.
21 For aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, each
22month the Department shall pay into the State Aviation Program
23Fund 20% of the net revenue realized for the preceding month
24from the 6.25% general rate on the selling price of aviation
25fuel, less an amount estimated by the Department to be required
26for refunds of the 20% portion of the tax on aviation fuel

10100SB0119ham001- 94 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1under this Act, which amount shall be deposited into the
2Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund. The Department shall only
3pay moneys into the State Aviation Program Fund and the
4Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund under this Act for so long
5as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49
6U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
7 Beginning August 1, 2000, each month the Department shall
8pay into the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund 100% of the
9net revenue realized for the preceding month from the 1.25%
10rate on the selling price of motor fuel and gasohol.
11 Beginning October 1, 2009, each month the Department shall
12pay into the Capital Projects Fund an amount that is equal to
13an amount estimated by the Department to represent 80% of the
14net revenue realized for the preceding month from the sale of
15candy, grooming and hygiene products, and soft drinks that had
16been taxed at a rate of 1% prior to September 1, 2009 but that
17are now taxed at 6.25%.
18 Beginning July 1, 2013, each month the Department shall pay
19into the Underground Storage Tank Fund from the proceeds
20collected under this Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service
21Occupation Tax Act, and the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act an
22amount equal to the average monthly deficit in the Underground
23Storage Tank Fund during the prior year, as certified annually
24by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, but the total
25payment into the Underground Storage Tank Fund under this Act,
26the Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and the

10100SB0119ham001- 95 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall not exceed $18,000,000 in
2any State fiscal year. As used in this paragraph, the "average
3monthly deficit" shall be equal to the difference between the
4average monthly claims for payment by the fund and the average
5monthly revenues deposited into the fund, excluding payments
6made pursuant to this paragraph.
7 Beginning July 1, 2015, of the remainder of the moneys
8received by the Department under the Use Tax Act, this Act, the
9Service Occupation Tax Act, and the Retailers' Occupation Tax
10Act, each month the Department shall deposit $500,000 into the
11State Crime Laboratory Fund.
12 Of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department
13pursuant to this Act, (a) 1.75% thereof shall be paid into the
14Build Illinois Fund and (b) prior to July 1, 1989, 2.2% and on
15and after July 1, 1989, 3.8% thereof shall be paid into the
16Build Illinois Fund; provided, however, that if in any fiscal
17year the sum of (1) the aggregate of 2.2% or 3.8%, as the case
18may be, of the moneys received by the Department and required
19to be paid into the Build Illinois Fund pursuant to Section 3
20of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, Section 9 of the Use Tax
21Act, Section 9 of the Service Use Tax Act, and Section 9 of the
22Service Occupation Tax Act, such Acts being hereinafter called
23the "Tax Acts" and such aggregate of 2.2% or 3.8%, as the case
24may be, of moneys being hereinafter called the "Tax Act
25Amount", and (2) the amount transferred to the Build Illinois
26Fund from the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund shall be

10100SB0119ham001- 96 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1less than the Annual Specified Amount (as defined in Section 3
2of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), an amount equal to the
3difference shall be immediately paid into the Build Illinois
4Fund from other moneys received by the Department pursuant to
5the Tax Acts; and further provided, that if on the last
6business day of any month the sum of (1) the Tax Act Amount
7required to be deposited into the Build Illinois Bond Account
8in the Build Illinois Fund during such month and (2) the amount
9transferred during such month to the Build Illinois Fund from
10the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund shall have been less
11than 1/12 of the Annual Specified Amount, an amount equal to
12the difference shall be immediately paid into the Build
13Illinois Fund from other moneys received by the Department
14pursuant to the Tax Acts; and, further provided, that in no
15event shall the payments required under the preceding proviso
16result in aggregate payments into the Build Illinois Fund
17pursuant to this clause (b) for any fiscal year in excess of
18the greater of (i) the Tax Act Amount or (ii) the Annual
19Specified Amount for such fiscal year; and, further provided,
20that the amounts payable into the Build Illinois Fund under
21this clause (b) shall be payable only until such time as the
22aggregate amount on deposit under each trust indenture securing
23Bonds issued and outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois
24Bond Act is sufficient, taking into account any future
25investment income, to fully provide, in accordance with such
26indenture, for the defeasance of or the payment of the

10100SB0119ham001- 97 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds
2secured by such indenture and on any Bonds expected to be
3issued thereafter and all fees and costs payable with respect
4thereto, all as certified by the Director of the Bureau of the
5Budget (now Governor's Office of Management and Budget). If on
6the last business day of any month in which Bonds are
7outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois Bond Act, the
8aggregate of the moneys deposited in the Build Illinois Bond
9Account in the Build Illinois Fund in such month shall be less
10than the amount required to be transferred in such month from
11the Build Illinois Bond Account to the Build Illinois Bond
12Retirement and Interest Fund pursuant to Section 13 of the
13Build Illinois Bond Act, an amount equal to such deficiency
14shall be immediately paid from other moneys received by the
15Department pursuant to the Tax Acts to the Build Illinois Fund;
16provided, however, that any amounts paid to the Build Illinois
17Fund in any fiscal year pursuant to this sentence shall be
18deemed to constitute payments pursuant to clause (b) of the
19preceding sentence and shall reduce the amount otherwise
20payable for such fiscal year pursuant to clause (b) of the
21preceding sentence. The moneys received by the Department
22pursuant to this Act and required to be deposited into the
23Build Illinois Fund are subject to the pledge, claim and charge
24set forth in Section 12 of the Build Illinois Bond Act.
25 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund
26as provided in the preceding paragraph or in any amendment

10100SB0119ham001- 98 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1thereto hereafter enacted, the following specified monthly
2installment of the amount requested in the certificate of the
3Chairman of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority
4provided under Section 8.25f of the State Finance Act, but not
5in excess of the sums designated as "Total Deposit", shall be
6deposited in the aggregate from collections under Section 9 of
7the Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Use Tax Act, Section
89 of the Service Occupation Tax Act, and Section 3 of the
9Retailers' Occupation Tax Act into the McCormick Place
10Expansion Project Fund in the specified fiscal years.
11Fiscal YearTotal Deposit
121993 $0
131994 53,000,000
141995 58,000,000
151996 61,000,000
161997 64,000,000
171998 68,000,000
181999 71,000,000
192000 75,000,000
202001 80,000,000
212002 93,000,000
222003 99,000,000

10100SB0119ham001- 99 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
182024 275,000,000
192025 275,000,000
202026 279,000,000
212027 292,000,000
222028 307,000,000
232029 322,000,000
242030 338,000,000
252031 350,000,000
262032 350,000,000

10100SB0119ham001- 100 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
2each fiscal year
3thereafter that bonds
4are outstanding under
5Section 13.2 of the
6Metropolitan Pier and
7Exposition Authority Act,
8but not after fiscal year 2060.
9 Beginning July 20, 1993 and in each month of each fiscal
10year thereafter, one-eighth of the amount requested in the
11certificate of the Chairman of the Metropolitan Pier and
12Exposition Authority for that fiscal year, less the amount
13deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund by
14the State Treasurer in the respective month under subsection
15(g) of Section 13 of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition
16Authority Act, plus cumulative deficiencies in the deposits
17required under this Section for previous months and years,
18shall be deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion Project
19Fund, until the full amount requested for the fiscal year, but
20not in excess of the amount specified above as "Total Deposit",
21has been deposited.
22 Subject to payment of amounts into the Capital Projects
23Fund, the Clean Air Act Permit Fund, the Build Illinois Fund,
24and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the
25preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
26enacted, for aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019,

10100SB0119ham001- 101 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the Department shall each month deposit into the Aviation Fuel
2Sales Tax Refund Fund an amount estimated by the Department to
3be required for refunds of the 80% portion of the tax on
4aviation fuel under this Act. The Department shall only deposit
5moneys into the Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund under this
6paragraph for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
7U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
8 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund
9and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the
10preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
11enacted, beginning July 1, 1993 and ending on September 30,
122013, the Department shall each month pay into the Illinois Tax
13Increment Fund 0.27% of 80% of the net revenue realized for the
14preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on the selling
15price of tangible personal property.
16 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund
17and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the
18preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
19enacted, beginning with the receipt of the first report of
20taxes paid by an eligible business and continuing for a 25-year
21period, the Department shall each month pay into the Energy
22Infrastructure Fund 80% of the net revenue realized from the
236.25% general rate on the selling price of Illinois-mined coal
24that was sold to an eligible business. For purposes of this
25paragraph, the term "eligible business" means a new electric
26generating facility certified pursuant to Section 605-332 of

10100SB0119ham001- 102 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the
2Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.
3 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund,
4the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
5Increment Fund, and the Energy Infrastructure Fund pursuant to
6the preceding paragraphs or in any amendments to this Section
7hereafter enacted, beginning on the first day of the first
8calendar month to occur on or after August 26, 2014 (the
9effective date of Public Act 98-1098), each month, from the
10collections made under Section 9 of the Use Tax Act, Section 9
11of the Service Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Occupation
12Tax Act, and Section 3 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act,
13the Department shall pay into the Tax Compliance and
14Administration Fund, to be used, subject to appropriation, to
15fund additional auditors and compliance personnel at the
16Department of Revenue, an amount equal to 1/12 of 5% of 80% of
17the cash receipts collected during the preceding fiscal year by
18the Audit Bureau of the Department under the Use Tax Act, the
19Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, the
20Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and associated local occupation
21and use taxes administered by the Department (except the amount
22collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019).
23 Subject to payments of amounts into the Build Illinois
24Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois
25Tax Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
26Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,

10100SB0119ham001- 103 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1beginning on July 1, 2018 the Department shall pay each month
2into the Downstate Public Transportation Fund the moneys
3required to be so paid under Section 2-3 of the Downstate
4Public Transportation Act.
5 Subject to successful execution and delivery of a
6public-private public private agreement between the public
7agency and private entity and completion of the civic build,
8beginning on July 1, 2023, of the remainder of the moneys
9received by the Department under the Use Tax Act, the Service
10Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and this Act, the
11Department shall deposit the following specified deposits in
12the aggregate from collections under the Use Tax Act, the
13Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and the
14Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, as required under Section 8.25g
15of the State Finance Act for distribution consistent with the
16Public-Private Partnership for Civic and Transit
17Infrastructure Project Act. The moneys received by the
18Department pursuant to this Act and required to be deposited
19into the Civic and Transit Infrastructure Fund are subject to
20the pledge, claim, and charge set forth in Section 25-55 55 of
21the Public-Private Partnership for Civic and Transit
22Infrastructure Project Act. As used in this paragraph, "civic
23build", "private entity", "public-private private public
24agreement", and "public agency" have the meanings provided in
25Section 25-10 of the Public-Private Partnership for Civic and
26Transit Infrastructure Project Act.

10100SB0119ham001- 104 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Fiscal Year............................Total Deposit
2 2024....................................$200,000,000
3 2025....................................$206,000,000
4 2026....................................$212,200,000
5 2027....................................$218,500,000
6 2028....................................$225,100,000
7 2029....................................$288,700,000
8 2030....................................$298,900,000
9 2031....................................$309,300,000
10 2032....................................$320,100,000
11 2033....................................$331,200,000
12 2034....................................$341,200,000
13 2035....................................$351,400,000
14 2036....................................$361,900,000
15 2037....................................$372,800,000
16 2038....................................$384,000,000
17 2039....................................$395,500,000
18 2040....................................$407,400,000
19 2041....................................$419,600,000
20 2042....................................$432,200,000
21 2043....................................$445,100,000
22 Beginning July 1, 2021 and until July 1, 2022, subject to
23the payment of amounts into the State and Local Sales Tax
24Reform Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place
25Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax Increment Fund, the
26Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax Compliance and

10100SB0119ham001- 105 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Administration Fund as provided in this Section, the Department
2shall pay each month into the Road Fund the amount estimated to
3represent 16% of the net revenue realized from the taxes
4imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning July 1, 2022 and
5until July 1, 2023, subject to the payment of amounts into the
6State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund, the Build Illinois Fund,
7the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
8Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
9Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
10the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the
11amount estimated to represent 32% of the net revenue realized
12from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning
13July 1, 2023 and until July 1, 2024, subject to the payment of
14amounts into the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund, the
15Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project
16Fund, the Illinois Tax Increment Fund, the Energy
17Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax Compliance and Administration
18Fund as provided in this Section, the Department shall pay each
19month into the Road Fund the amount estimated to represent 48%
20of the net revenue realized from the taxes imposed on motor
21fuel and gasohol. Beginning July 1, 2024 and until July 1,
222025, subject to the payment of amounts into the State and
23Local Sales Tax Reform Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the
24McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
25Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
26Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,

10100SB0119ham001- 106 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the
2amount estimated to represent 64% of the net revenue realized
3from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning on
4July 1, 2025, subject to the payment of amounts into the State
5and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the
6McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
7Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
8Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
9the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the
10amount estimated to represent 80% of the net revenue realized
11from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. As used in
12this paragraph "motor fuel" has the meaning given to that term
13in Section 1.1 of the Motor Fuel Tax Act, and "gasohol" has the
14meaning given to that term in Section 3-40 of the Use Tax Act.
15 Of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department
16pursuant to this Act, 75% thereof shall be paid into the
17General Revenue Fund of the State Treasury and 25% shall be
18reserved in a special account and used only for the transfer to
19the Common School Fund as part of the monthly transfer from the
20General Revenue Fund in accordance with Section 8a of the State
21Finance Act.
22 As soon as possible after the first day of each month, upon
23certification of the Department of Revenue, the Comptroller
24shall order transferred and the Treasurer shall transfer from
25the General Revenue Fund to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund an amount
26equal to 1.7% of 80% of the net revenue realized under this Act

10100SB0119ham001- 107 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1for the second preceding month. Beginning April 1, 2000, this
2transfer is no longer required and shall not be made.
3 Net revenue realized for a month shall be the revenue
4collected by the State pursuant to this Act, less the amount
5paid out during that month as refunds to taxpayers for
6overpayment of liability.
7(Source: P.A. 100-303, eff. 8-24-17; 100-363, eff. 7-1-18;
8100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, Article
915, Section 15-15, eff. 6-5-19; 101-10, Article 25, Section
1025-110, eff. 6-5-19; 101-27, eff. 6-25-19; 101-32, eff.
116-28-19; revised 8-20-19.)
12 Section 10-35. The Service Occupation Tax Act is amended by
13changing Sections 2 and 9 as follows:
14 (35 ILCS 115/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.102)
15 Sec. 2. In this Act:
16 "Transfer" means any transfer of the title to property or
17of the ownership of property whether or not the transferor
18retains title as security for the payment of amounts due him
19from the transferee.
20 "Cost Price" means the consideration paid by the serviceman
21for a purchase valued in money, whether paid in money or
22otherwise, including cash, credits and services, and shall be
23determined without any deduction on account of the supplier's
24cost of the property sold or on account of any other expense

10100SB0119ham001- 108 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1incurred by the supplier. When a serviceman contracts out part
2or all of the services required in his sale of service, it
3shall be presumed that the cost price to the serviceman of the
4property transferred to him by his or her subcontractor is
5equal to 50% of the subcontractor's charges to the serviceman
6in the absence of proof of the consideration paid by the
7subcontractor for the purchase of such property.
8 "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
9 "Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership,
10association, joint stock company, joint venture, public or
11private corporation, limited liability company, and any
12receiver, executor, trustee, guardian or other representative
13appointed by order of any court.
14 "Sale of Service" means any transaction except:
15 (a) A retail sale of tangible personal property taxable
16under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under the Use Tax
18 (b) A sale of tangible personal property for the purpose of
19resale made in compliance with Section 2c of the Retailers'
20Occupation Tax Act.
21 (c) Except as hereinafter provided, a sale or transfer of
22tangible personal property as an incident to the rendering of
23service for or by any governmental body or for or by any
24corporation, society, association, foundation or institution
25organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious
26or educational purposes or any not-for-profit corporation,

10100SB0119ham001- 109 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1society, association, foundation, institution or organization
2which has no compensated officers or employees and which is
3organized and operated primarily for the recreation of persons
455 years of age or older. A limited liability company may
5qualify for the exemption under this paragraph only if the
6limited liability company is organized and operated
7exclusively for educational purposes.
8 (d) (Blank).
9 (d-1) A sale or transfer of tangible personal property as
10an incident to the rendering of service for owners, lessors or
11shippers of tangible personal property which is utilized by
12interstate carriers for hire for use as rolling stock moving in
13interstate commerce, and equipment operated by a
14telecommunications provider, licensed as a common carrier by
15the Federal Communications Commission, which is permanently
16installed in or affixed to aircraft moving in interstate
18 (d-1.1) On and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30,
192004, a sale or transfer of a motor vehicle of the second
20division with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 8,000 pounds
21as an incident to the rendering of service if that motor
22vehicle is subject to the commercial distribution fee imposed
23under Section 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. Beginning
24on July 1, 2004 and through June 30, 2005, the use in this
25State of motor vehicles of the second division: (i) with a
26gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 8,000 pounds; (ii)

10100SB0119ham001- 110 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1that are subject to the commercial distribution fee imposed
2under Section 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii)
3that are primarily used for commercial purposes. Through June
430, 2005, this exemption applies to repair and replacement
5parts added after the initial purchase of such a motor vehicle
6if that motor vehicle is used in a manner that would qualify
7for the rolling stock exemption otherwise provided for in this
8Act. For purposes of this paragraph, "used for commercial
9purposes" means the transportation of persons or property in
10furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise whether
11for-hire or not.
12 (d-2) The repairing, reconditioning or remodeling, for a
13common carrier by rail, of tangible personal property which
14belongs to such carrier for hire, and as to which such carrier
15receives the physical possession of the repaired,
16reconditioned or remodeled item of tangible personal property
17in Illinois, and which such carrier transports, or shares with
18another common carrier in the transportation of such property,
19out of Illinois on a standard uniform bill of lading showing
20the person who repaired, reconditioned or remodeled the
21property as the shipper or consignor of such property to a
22destination outside Illinois, for use outside Illinois.
23 (d-3) A sale or transfer of tangible personal property
24which is produced by the seller thereof on special order in
25such a way as to have made the applicable tax the Service
26Occupation Tax or the Service Use Tax, rather than the

10100SB0119ham001- 111 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Retailers' Occupation Tax or the Use Tax, for an interstate
2carrier by rail which receives the physical possession of such
3property in Illinois, and which transports such property, or
4shares with another common carrier in the transportation of
5such property, out of Illinois on a standard uniform bill of
6lading showing the seller of the property as the shipper or
7consignor of such property to a destination outside Illinois,
8for use outside Illinois.
9 (d-4) Until January 1, 1997, a sale, by a registered
10serviceman paying tax under this Act to the Department, of
11special order printed materials delivered outside Illinois and
12which are not returned to this State, if delivery is made by
13the seller or agent of the seller, including an agent who
14causes the product to be delivered outside Illinois by a common
15carrier or the U.S. postal service.
16 (e) A sale or transfer of machinery and equipment used
17primarily in the process of the manufacturing or assembling,
18either in an existing, an expanded or a new manufacturing
19facility, of tangible personal property for wholesale or retail
20sale or lease, whether such sale or lease is made directly by
21the manufacturer or by some other person, whether the materials
22used in the process are owned by the manufacturer or some other
23person, or whether such sale or lease is made apart from or as
24an incident to the seller's engaging in a service occupation
25and the applicable tax is a Service Occupation Tax or Service
26Use Tax, rather than Retailers' Occupation Tax or Use Tax. The

10100SB0119ham001- 112 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1exemption provided by this paragraph (e) includes production
2related tangible personal property, as defined in Section 3-50
3of the Use Tax Act, purchased on or after July 1, 2019. The
4exemption provided by this paragraph (e) does not include
5machinery and equipment used in (i) the generation of
6electricity for wholesale or retail sale; (ii) the generation
7or treatment of natural or artificial gas for wholesale or
8retail sale that is delivered to customers through pipes,
9pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of water for
10wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers through
11pipes, pipelines, or mains. The provisions of Public Act 98-583
12are declaratory of existing law as to the meaning and scope of
13this exemption. The exemption under this subsection (e) is
14exempt from the provisions of Section 3-75.
15 (f) Until July 1, 2003, the sale or transfer of
16distillation machinery and equipment, sold as a unit or kit and
17assembled or installed by the retailer, which machinery and
18equipment is certified by the user to be used only for the
19production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for consumption
20as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel for the personal
21use of such user and not subject to sale or resale.
22 (g) At the election of any serviceman not required to be
23otherwise registered as a retailer under Section 2a of the
24Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, made for each fiscal year sales
25of service in which the aggregate annual cost price of tangible
26personal property transferred as an incident to the sales of

10100SB0119ham001- 113 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1service is less than 35% (75% in the case of servicemen
2transferring prescription drugs or servicemen engaged in
3graphic arts production) of the aggregate annual total gross
4receipts from all sales of service. The purchase of such
5tangible personal property by the serviceman shall be subject
6to tax under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and the Use Tax
7Act. However, if a primary serviceman who has made the election
8described in this paragraph subcontracts service work to a
9secondary serviceman who has also made the election described
10in this paragraph, the primary serviceman does not incur a Use
11Tax liability if the secondary serviceman (i) has paid or will
12pay Use Tax on his or her cost price of any tangible personal
13property transferred to the primary serviceman and (ii)
14certifies that fact in writing to the primary serviceman.
15 Tangible personal property transferred incident to the
16completion of a maintenance agreement is exempt from the tax
17imposed pursuant to this Act.
18 Exemption (e) also includes machinery and equipment used in
19the general maintenance or repair of such exempt machinery and
20equipment or for in-house manufacture of exempt machinery and
21equipment. On and after July 1, 2017, exemption (e) also
22includes graphic arts machinery and equipment, as defined in
23paragraph (5) of Section 3-5. The machinery and equipment
24exemption does not include machinery and equipment used in (i)
25the generation of electricity for wholesale or retail sale;
26(ii) the generation or treatment of natural or artificial gas

10100SB0119ham001- 114 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers
2through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of
3water for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to
4customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains. The provisions of
5Public Act 98-583 are declaratory of existing law as to the
6meaning and scope of this exemption. For the purposes of
7exemption (e), each of these terms shall have the following
8meanings: (1) "manufacturing process" shall mean the
9production of any article of tangible personal property,
10whether such article is a finished product or an article for
11use in the process of manufacturing or assembling a different
12article of tangible personal property, by procedures commonly
13regarded as manufacturing, processing, fabricating, or
14refining which changes some existing material or materials into
15a material with a different form, use or name. In relation to a
16recognized integrated business composed of a series of
17operations which collectively constitute manufacturing, or
18individually constitute manufacturing operations, the
19manufacturing process shall be deemed to commence with the
20first operation or stage of production in the series, and shall
21not be deemed to end until the completion of the final product
22in the last operation or stage of production in the series; and
23further for purposes of exemption (e), photoprocessing is
24deemed to be a manufacturing process of tangible personal
25property for wholesale or retail sale; (2) "assembling process"
26shall mean the production of any article of tangible personal

10100SB0119ham001- 115 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1property, whether such article is a finished product or an
2article for use in the process of manufacturing or assembling a
3different article of tangible personal property, by the
4combination of existing materials in a manner commonly regarded
5as assembling which results in a material of a different form,
6use or name; (3) "machinery" shall mean major mechanical
7machines or major components of such machines contributing to a
8manufacturing or assembling process; and (4) "equipment" shall
9include any independent device or tool separate from any
10machinery but essential to an integrated manufacturing or
11assembly process; including computers used primarily in a
12manufacturer's computer assisted design, computer assisted
13manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system; or any subunit or assembly
14comprising a component of any machinery or auxiliary, adjunct
15or attachment parts of machinery, such as tools, dies, jigs,
16fixtures, patterns and molds; or any parts which require
17periodic replacement in the course of normal operation; but
18shall not include hand tools. Equipment includes chemicals or
19chemicals acting as catalysts but only if the chemicals or
20chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct and immediate
21change upon a product being manufactured or assembled for
22wholesale or retail sale or lease. The purchaser of such
23machinery and equipment who has an active resale registration
24number shall furnish such number to the seller at the time of
25purchase. The purchaser of such machinery and equipment and
26tools without an active resale registration number shall

10100SB0119ham001- 116 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1furnish to the seller a certificate of exemption for each
2transaction stating facts establishing the exemption for that
3transaction, which certificate shall be available to the
4Department for inspection or audit.
5 Except as provided in Section 2d of this Act, the rolling
6stock exemption applies to rolling stock used by an interstate
7carrier for hire, even just between points in Illinois, if such
8rolling stock transports, for hire, persons whose journeys or
9property whose shipments originate or terminate outside
11 Any informal rulings, opinions or letters issued by the
12Department in response to an inquiry or request for any opinion
13from any person regarding the coverage and applicability of
14exemption (e) to specific devices shall be published,
15maintained as a public record, and made available for public
16inspection and copying. If the informal ruling, opinion or
17letter contains trade secrets or other confidential
18information, where possible the Department shall delete such
19information prior to publication. Whenever such informal
20rulings, opinions, or letters contain any policy of general
21applicability, the Department shall formulate and adopt such
22policy as a rule in accordance with the provisions of the
23Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
24 On and after July 1, 1987, no entity otherwise eligible
25under exemption (c) of this Section shall make tax-free
26purchases unless it has an active exemption identification

10100SB0119ham001- 117 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1number issued by the Department.
2 "Serviceman" means any person who is engaged in the
3occupation of making sales of service.
4 "Sale at Retail" means "sale at retail" as defined in the
5Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
6 "Supplier" means any person who makes sales of tangible
7personal property to servicemen for the purpose of resale as an
8incident to a sale of service.
9(Source: P.A. 100-22, eff. 7-6-17; 100-321, eff. 8-24-17;
10100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 101-9, eff. 6-5-19.)
11 (35 ILCS 115/9) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.109)
12 Sec. 9. Each serviceman required or authorized to collect
13the tax herein imposed shall pay to the Department the amount
14of such tax at the time when he is required to file his return
15for the period during which such tax was collectible, less a
16discount of 2.1% prior to January 1, 1990, and 1.75% on and
17after January 1, 1990, or $5 per calendar year, whichever is
18greater, which is allowed to reimburse the serviceman for
19expenses incurred in collecting the tax, keeping records,
20preparing and filing returns, remitting the tax and supplying
21data to the Department on request. The discount under this
22Section is not allowed for the 1.25% portion of taxes paid on
23aviation fuel that is subject to the revenue use requirements
24of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are deposited into
25the State Aviation Program Fund under this Act. The discount

10100SB0119ham001- 118 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1allowed under this Section is allowed only for returns that are
2filed in the manner required by this Act. The Department may
3disallow the discount for servicemen whose certificate of
4registration is revoked at the time the return is filed, but
5only if the Department's decision to revoke the certificate of
6registration has become final.
7 Where such tangible personal property is sold under a
8conditional sales contract, or under any other form of sale
9wherein the payment of the principal sum, or a part thereof, is
10extended beyond the close of the period for which the return is
11filed, the serviceman, in collecting the tax may collect, for
12each tax return period, only the tax applicable to the part of
13the selling price actually received during such tax return
15 Except as provided hereinafter in this Section, on or
16before the twentieth day of each calendar month, such
17serviceman shall file a return for the preceding calendar month
18in accordance with reasonable rules and regulations to be
19promulgated by the Department of Revenue. Such return shall be
20filed on a form prescribed by the Department and shall contain
21such information as the Department may reasonably require. On
22and after January 1, 2018, with respect to servicemen whose
23annual gross receipts average $20,000 or more, all returns
24required to be filed pursuant to this Act shall be filed
25electronically. Servicemen who demonstrate that they do not
26have access to the Internet or demonstrate hardship in filing

10100SB0119ham001- 119 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1electronically may petition the Department to waive the
2electronic filing requirement.
3 The Department may require returns to be filed on a
4quarterly basis. If so required, a return for each calendar
5quarter shall be filed on or before the twentieth day of the
6calendar month following the end of such calendar quarter. The
7taxpayer shall also file a return with the Department for each
8of the first two months of each calendar quarter, on or before
9the twentieth day of the following calendar month, stating:
10 1. The name of the seller;
11 2. The address of the principal place of business from
12 which he engages in business as a serviceman in this State;
13 3. The total amount of taxable receipts received by him
14 during the preceding calendar month, including receipts
15 from charge and time sales, but less all deductions allowed
16 by law;
17 4. The amount of credit provided in Section 2d of this
18 Act;
19 5. The amount of tax due;
20 5-5. The signature of the taxpayer; and
21 6. Such other reasonable information as the Department
22 may require.
23 Each Beginning on January 1, 2020, each serviceman required
24or authorized to collect the tax herein imposed on aviation
25fuel acquired as an incident to the purchase of a service in
26this State during the preceding calendar month shall, instead

10100SB0119ham001- 120 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1of reporting and paying tax as otherwise required by this
2Section, report and pay such tax on a separate file an aviation
3fuel tax return with the Department on or before the twentieth
4day of each calendar month. The requirements related to the
5return shall be as otherwise provided in this Section.
6Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act to the
7contrary, servicemen transferring aviation fuel incident to
8sales of service shall file all aviation fuel tax returns and
9shall make all aviation fuel tax payments by electronic means
10in the manner and form required by the Department. For purposes
11of this Section paragraph, "aviation fuel" means jet fuel and
12aviation gasoline a product that is intended for use or offered
13for sale as fuel for an aircraft.
14 If a taxpayer fails to sign a return within 30 days after
15the proper notice and demand for signature by the Department,
16the return shall be considered valid and any amount shown to be
17due on the return shall be deemed assessed.
18 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the
19contrary, servicemen subject to tax on cannabis shall file all
20cannabis tax returns and shall make all cannabis tax payments
21by electronic means in the manner and form required by the
23 Prior to October 1, 2003, and on and after September 1,
242004 a serviceman may accept a Manufacturer's Purchase Credit
25certification from a purchaser in satisfaction of Service Use
26Tax as provided in Section 3-70 of the Service Use Tax Act if

10100SB0119ham001- 121 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the purchaser provides the appropriate documentation as
2required by Section 3-70 of the Service Use Tax Act. A
3Manufacturer's Purchase Credit certification, accepted prior
4to October 1, 2003 or on or after September 1, 2004 by a
5serviceman as provided in Section 3-70 of the Service Use Tax
6Act, may be used by that serviceman to satisfy Service
7Occupation Tax liability in the amount claimed in the
8certification, not to exceed 6.25% of the receipts subject to
9tax from a qualifying purchase. A Manufacturer's Purchase
10Credit reported on any original or amended return filed under
11this Act after October 20, 2003 for reporting periods prior to
12September 1, 2004 shall be disallowed. Manufacturer's Purchase
13Credit reported on annual returns due on or after January 1,
142005 will be disallowed for periods prior to September 1, 2004.
15No Manufacturer's Purchase Credit may be used after September
1630, 2003 through August 31, 2004 to satisfy any tax liability
17imposed under this Act, including any audit liability.
18 If the serviceman's average monthly tax liability to the
19Department does not exceed $200, the Department may authorize
20his returns to be filed on a quarter annual basis, with the
21return for January, February and March of a given year being
22due by April 20 of such year; with the return for April, May
23and June of a given year being due by July 20 of such year; with
24the return for July, August and September of a given year being
25due by October 20 of such year, and with the return for
26October, November and December of a given year being due by

10100SB0119ham001- 122 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1January 20 of the following year.
2 If the serviceman's average monthly tax liability to the
3Department does not exceed $50, the Department may authorize
4his returns to be filed on an annual basis, with the return for
5a given year being due by January 20 of the following year.
6 Such quarter annual and annual returns, as to form and
7substance, shall be subject to the same requirements as monthly
9 Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act concerning
10the time within which a serviceman may file his return, in the
11case of any serviceman who ceases to engage in a kind of
12business which makes him responsible for filing returns under
13this Act, such serviceman shall file a final return under this
14Act with the Department not more than 1 month after
15discontinuing such business.
16 Beginning October 1, 1993, a taxpayer who has an average
17monthly tax liability of $150,000 or more shall make all
18payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
19funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 1994, a taxpayer who has
20an average monthly tax liability of $100,000 or more shall make
21all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
22funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 1995, a taxpayer who has
23an average monthly tax liability of $50,000 or more shall make
24all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
25funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 2000, a taxpayer who has
26an annual tax liability of $200,000 or more shall make all

10100SB0119ham001- 123 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
2funds transfer. The term "annual tax liability" shall be the
3sum of the taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and under all
4other State and local occupation and use tax laws administered
5by the Department, for the immediately preceding calendar year.
6The term "average monthly tax liability" means the sum of the
7taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and under all other
8State and local occupation and use tax laws administered by the
9Department, for the immediately preceding calendar year
10divided by 12. Beginning on October 1, 2002, a taxpayer who has
11a tax liability in the amount set forth in subsection (b) of
12Section 2505-210 of the Department of Revenue Law shall make
13all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
14funds transfer.
15 Before August 1 of each year beginning in 1993, the
16Department shall notify all taxpayers required to make payments
17by electronic funds transfer. All taxpayers required to make
18payments by electronic funds transfer shall make those payments
19for a minimum of one year beginning on October 1.
20 Any taxpayer not required to make payments by electronic
21funds transfer may make payments by electronic funds transfer
22with the permission of the Department.
23 All taxpayers required to make payment by electronic funds
24transfer and any taxpayers authorized to voluntarily make
25payments by electronic funds transfer shall make those payments
26in the manner authorized by the Department.

10100SB0119ham001- 124 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 The Department shall adopt such rules as are necessary to
2effectuate a program of electronic funds transfer and the
3requirements of this Section.
4 Where a serviceman collects the tax with respect to the
5selling price of tangible personal property which he sells and
6the purchaser thereafter returns such tangible personal
7property and the serviceman refunds the selling price thereof
8to the purchaser, such serviceman shall also refund, to the
9purchaser, the tax so collected from the purchaser. When filing
10his return for the period in which he refunds such tax to the
11purchaser, the serviceman may deduct the amount of the tax so
12refunded by him to the purchaser from any other Service
13Occupation Tax, Service Use Tax, Retailers' Occupation Tax or
14Use Tax which such serviceman may be required to pay or remit
15to the Department, as shown by such return, provided that the
16amount of the tax to be deducted shall previously have been
17remitted to the Department by such serviceman. If the
18serviceman shall not previously have remitted the amount of
19such tax to the Department, he shall be entitled to no
20deduction hereunder upon refunding such tax to the purchaser.
21 If experience indicates such action to be practicable, the
22Department may prescribe and furnish a combination or joint
23return which will enable servicemen, who are required to file
24returns hereunder and also under the Retailers' Occupation Tax
25Act, the Use Tax Act or the Service Use Tax Act, to furnish all
26the return information required by all said Acts on the one

10100SB0119ham001- 125 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
2 Where the serviceman has more than one business registered
3with the Department under separate registrations hereunder,
4such serviceman shall file separate returns for each registered
6 Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall
7pay into the Local Government Tax Fund the revenue realized for
8the preceding month from the 1% tax imposed under this Act.
9 Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall
10pay into the County and Mass Transit District Fund 4% of the
11revenue realized for the preceding month from the 6.25% general
12rate on sales of tangible personal property other than aviation
13fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019. This exception for
14aviation fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use
15requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are
16binding on the State.
17 For aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, each
18month the Department shall pay into the State Aviation Program
19Fund 4% of the net revenue realized for the preceding month
20from the 6.25% general rate on the selling price of aviation
21fuel, less an amount estimated by the Department to be required
22for refunds of the 4% portion of the tax on aviation fuel under
23this Act, which amount shall be deposited into the Aviation
24Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund. The Department shall only pay
25moneys into the State Aviation Program Fund and the Aviation
26Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund under this Act for so long as the

10100SB0119ham001- 126 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
247133 are binding on the State.
3 Beginning August 1, 2000, each month the Department shall
4pay into the County and Mass Transit District Fund 20% of the
5net revenue realized for the preceding month from the 1.25%
6rate on the selling price of motor fuel and gasohol.
7 Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall
8pay into the Local Government Tax Fund 16% of the revenue
9realized for the preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on
10transfers of tangible personal property other than aviation
11fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019. This exception for
12aviation fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use
13requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are
14binding on the State.
15 For aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, each
16month the Department shall pay into the State Aviation Program
17Fund 20% 16% of the net revenue realized for the preceding
18month from the 6.25% general rate on the selling price of
19aviation fuel, less an amount estimated by the Department to be
20required for refunds of the 20% 16% portion of the tax on
21aviation fuel under this Act, which amount shall be deposited
22into the Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund. The Department
23shall only pay moneys into the State Aviation Program Fund and
24the Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund under this Act for so
25long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and
2649 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.

10100SB0119ham001- 127 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Beginning August 1, 2000, each month the Department shall
2pay into the Local Government Tax Fund 80% of the net revenue
3realized for the preceding month from the 1.25% rate on the
4selling price of motor fuel and gasohol.
5 Beginning October 1, 2009, each month the Department shall
6pay into the Capital Projects Fund an amount that is equal to
7an amount estimated by the Department to represent 80% of the
8net revenue realized for the preceding month from the sale of
9candy, grooming and hygiene products, and soft drinks that had
10been taxed at a rate of 1% prior to September 1, 2009 but that
11are now taxed at 6.25%.
12 Beginning July 1, 2013, each month the Department shall pay
13into the Underground Storage Tank Fund from the proceeds
14collected under this Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax
15Act, and the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act an amount equal to
16the average monthly deficit in the Underground Storage Tank
17Fund during the prior year, as certified annually by the
18Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, but the total
19payment into the Underground Storage Tank Fund under this Act,
20the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, and the Retailers'
21Occupation Tax Act shall not exceed $18,000,000 in any State
22fiscal year. As used in this paragraph, the "average monthly
23deficit" shall be equal to the difference between the average
24monthly claims for payment by the fund and the average monthly
25revenues deposited into the fund, excluding payments made
26pursuant to this paragraph.

10100SB0119ham001- 128 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Beginning July 1, 2015, of the remainder of the moneys
2received by the Department under the Use Tax Act, the Service
3Use Tax Act, this Act, and the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act,
4each month the Department shall deposit $500,000 into the State
5Crime Laboratory Fund.
6 Of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department
7pursuant to this Act, (a) 1.75% thereof shall be paid into the
8Build Illinois Fund and (b) prior to July 1, 1989, 2.2% and on
9and after July 1, 1989, 3.8% thereof shall be paid into the
10Build Illinois Fund; provided, however, that if in any fiscal
11year the sum of (1) the aggregate of 2.2% or 3.8%, as the case
12may be, of the moneys received by the Department and required
13to be paid into the Build Illinois Fund pursuant to Section 3
14of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, Section 9 of the Use Tax
15Act, Section 9 of the Service Use Tax Act, and Section 9 of the
16Service Occupation Tax Act, such Acts being hereinafter called
17the "Tax Acts" and such aggregate of 2.2% or 3.8%, as the case
18may be, of moneys being hereinafter called the "Tax Act
19Amount", and (2) the amount transferred to the Build Illinois
20Fund from the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund shall be
21less than the Annual Specified Amount (as defined in Section 3
22of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), an amount equal to the
23difference shall be immediately paid into the Build Illinois
24Fund from other moneys received by the Department pursuant to
25the Tax Acts; and further provided, that if on the last
26business day of any month the sum of (1) the Tax Act Amount

10100SB0119ham001- 129 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1required to be deposited into the Build Illinois Account in the
2Build Illinois Fund during such month and (2) the amount
3transferred during such month to the Build Illinois Fund from
4the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund shall have been less
5than 1/12 of the Annual Specified Amount, an amount equal to
6the difference shall be immediately paid into the Build
7Illinois Fund from other moneys received by the Department
8pursuant to the Tax Acts; and, further provided, that in no
9event shall the payments required under the preceding proviso
10result in aggregate payments into the Build Illinois Fund
11pursuant to this clause (b) for any fiscal year in excess of
12the greater of (i) the Tax Act Amount or (ii) the Annual
13Specified Amount for such fiscal year; and, further provided,
14that the amounts payable into the Build Illinois Fund under
15this clause (b) shall be payable only until such time as the
16aggregate amount on deposit under each trust indenture securing
17Bonds issued and outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois
18Bond Act is sufficient, taking into account any future
19investment income, to fully provide, in accordance with such
20indenture, for the defeasance of or the payment of the
21principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds
22secured by such indenture and on any Bonds expected to be
23issued thereafter and all fees and costs payable with respect
24thereto, all as certified by the Director of the Bureau of the
25Budget (now Governor's Office of Management and Budget). If on
26the last business day of any month in which Bonds are

10100SB0119ham001- 130 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois Bond Act, the
2aggregate of the moneys deposited in the Build Illinois Bond
3Account in the Build Illinois Fund in such month shall be less
4than the amount required to be transferred in such month from
5the Build Illinois Bond Account to the Build Illinois Bond
6Retirement and Interest Fund pursuant to Section 13 of the
7Build Illinois Bond Act, an amount equal to such deficiency
8shall be immediately paid from other moneys received by the
9Department pursuant to the Tax Acts to the Build Illinois Fund;
10provided, however, that any amounts paid to the Build Illinois
11Fund in any fiscal year pursuant to this sentence shall be
12deemed to constitute payments pursuant to clause (b) of the
13preceding sentence and shall reduce the amount otherwise
14payable for such fiscal year pursuant to clause (b) of the
15preceding sentence. The moneys received by the Department
16pursuant to this Act and required to be deposited into the
17Build Illinois Fund are subject to the pledge, claim and charge
18set forth in Section 12 of the Build Illinois Bond Act.
19 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund
20as provided in the preceding paragraph or in any amendment
21thereto hereafter enacted, the following specified monthly
22installment of the amount requested in the certificate of the
23Chairman of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority
24provided under Section 8.25f of the State Finance Act, but not
25in excess of the sums designated as "Total Deposit", shall be
26deposited in the aggregate from collections under Section 9 of

10100SB0119ham001- 131 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Use Tax Act, Section
29 of the Service Occupation Tax Act, and Section 3 of the
3Retailers' Occupation Tax Act into the McCormick Place
4Expansion Project Fund in the specified fiscal years.
5Fiscal YearTotal Deposit
61993 $0
71994 53,000,000
81995 58,000,000
91996 61,000,000
101997 64,000,000
111998 68,000,000
121999 71,000,000
132000 75,000,000
142001 80,000,000
152002 93,000,000
162003 99,000,000

10100SB0119ham001- 132 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
122024 275,000,000
132025 275,000,000
142026 279,000,000
152027 292,000,000
162028 307,000,000
172029 322,000,000
182030 338,000,000
192031 350,000,000
202032 350,000,000
22each fiscal year
23thereafter that bonds
24are outstanding under
25Section 13.2 of the
26Metropolitan Pier and

10100SB0119ham001- 133 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Exposition Authority Act,
2but not after fiscal year 2060.
3 Beginning July 20, 1993 and in each month of each fiscal
4year thereafter, one-eighth of the amount requested in the
5certificate of the Chairman of the Metropolitan Pier and
6Exposition Authority for that fiscal year, less the amount
7deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund by
8the State Treasurer in the respective month under subsection
9(g) of Section 13 of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition
10Authority Act, plus cumulative deficiencies in the deposits
11required under this Section for previous months and years,
12shall be deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion Project
13Fund, until the full amount requested for the fiscal year, but
14not in excess of the amount specified above as "Total Deposit",
15has been deposited.
16 Subject to payment of amounts into the Capital Projects
17Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, and the McCormick Place
18Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the preceding paragraphs or
19in any amendments thereto hereafter enacted, for aviation fuel
20sold on or after December 1, 2019, the Department shall each
21month deposit into the Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund an
22amount estimated by the Department to be required for refunds
23of the 80% portion of the tax on aviation fuel under this Act.
24The Department shall only deposit moneys into the Aviation Fuel
25Sales Tax Refund Fund under this paragraph for so long as the
26revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.

10100SB0119ham001- 134 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
147133 are binding on the State.
2 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund
3and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the
4preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
5enacted, beginning July 1, 1993 and ending on September 30,
62013, the Department shall each month pay into the Illinois Tax
7Increment Fund 0.27% of 80% of the net revenue realized for the
8preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on the selling
9price of tangible personal property.
10 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund
11and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the
12preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
13enacted, beginning with the receipt of the first report of
14taxes paid by an eligible business and continuing for a 25-year
15period, the Department shall each month pay into the Energy
16Infrastructure Fund 80% of the net revenue realized from the
176.25% general rate on the selling price of Illinois-mined coal
18that was sold to an eligible business. For purposes of this
19paragraph, the term "eligible business" means a new electric
20generating facility certified pursuant to Section 605-332 of
21the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the
22Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.
23 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund,
24the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
25Increment Fund, and the Energy Infrastructure Fund pursuant to
26the preceding paragraphs or in any amendments to this Section

10100SB0119ham001- 135 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1hereafter enacted, beginning on the first day of the first
2calendar month to occur on or after August 26, 2014 (the
3effective date of Public Act 98-1098), each month, from the
4collections made under Section 9 of the Use Tax Act, Section 9
5of the Service Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Occupation
6Tax Act, and Section 3 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act,
7the Department shall pay into the Tax Compliance and
8Administration Fund, to be used, subject to appropriation, to
9fund additional auditors and compliance personnel at the
10Department of Revenue, an amount equal to 1/12 of 5% of 80% of
11the cash receipts collected during the preceding fiscal year by
12the Audit Bureau of the Department under the Use Tax Act, the
13Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, the
14Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and associated local occupation
15and use taxes administered by the Department (except the amount
16collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019).
17 Subject to payments of amounts into the Build Illinois
18Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois
19Tax Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
20Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
21beginning on July 1, 2018 the Department shall pay each month
22into the Downstate Public Transportation Fund the moneys
23required to be so paid under Section 2-3 of the Downstate
24Public Transportation Act.
25 Subject to successful execution and delivery of a
26public-private public private agreement between the public

10100SB0119ham001- 136 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1agency and private entity and completion of the civic build,
2beginning on July 1, 2023, of the remainder of the moneys
3received by the Department under the Use Tax Act, the Service
4Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and this Act, the
5Department shall deposit the following specified deposits in
6the aggregate from collections under the Use Tax Act, the
7Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and the
8Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, as required under Section 8.25g
9of the State Finance Act for distribution consistent with the
10Public-Private Partnership for Civic and Transit
11Infrastructure Project Act. The moneys received by the
12Department pursuant to this Act and required to be deposited
13into the Civic and Transit Infrastructure Fund are subject to
14the pledge, claim and charge set forth in Section 25-55 55 of
15the Public-Private Partnership for Civic and Transit
16Infrastructure Project Act. As used in this paragraph, "civic
17build", "private entity", "public-private private public
18agreement", and "public agency" have the meanings provided in
19Section 25-10 of the Public-Private Partnership for Civic and
20Transit Infrastructure Project Act.
21 Fiscal Year............................Total Deposit
22 2024....................................$200,000,000
23 2025....................................$206,000,000
24 2026....................................$212,200,000
25 2027....................................$218,500,000
26 2028....................................$225,100,000

10100SB0119ham001- 137 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 2029....................................$288,700,000
2 2030....................................$298,900,000
3 2031....................................$309,300,000
4 2032....................................$320,100,000
5 2033....................................$331,200,000
6 2034....................................$341,200,000
7 2035....................................$351,400,000
8 2036....................................$361,900,000
9 2037....................................$372,800,000
10 2038....................................$384,000,000
11 2039....................................$395,500,000
12 2040....................................$407,400,000
13 2041....................................$419,600,000
14 2042....................................$432,200,000
15 2043....................................$445,100,000
16 Beginning July 1, 2021 and until July 1, 2022, subject to
17the payment of amounts into the County and Mass Transit
18District Fund, the Local Government Tax Fund, the Build
19Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the
20Illinois Tax Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund,
21and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in
22this Section, the Department shall pay each month into the Road
23Fund the amount estimated to represent 16% of the net revenue
24realized from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol.
25Beginning July 1, 2022 and until July 1, 2023, subject to the
26payment of amounts into the County and Mass Transit District

10100SB0119ham001- 138 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Fund, the Local Government Tax Fund, the Build Illinois Fund,
2the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
3Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
4Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
5the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the
6amount estimated to represent 32% of the net revenue realized
7from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning
8July 1, 2023 and until July 1, 2024, subject to the payment of
9amounts into the County and Mass Transit District Fund, the
10Local Government Tax Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the
11McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
12Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
13Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
14the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the
15amount estimated to represent 48% of the net revenue realized
16from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning
17July 1, 2024 and until July 1, 2025, subject to the payment of
18amounts into the County and Mass Transit District Fund, the
19Local Government Tax Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the
20McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
21Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
22Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
23the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the
24amount estimated to represent 64% of the net revenue realized
25from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning on
26July 1, 2025, subject to the payment of amounts into the County

10100SB0119ham001- 139 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1and Mass Transit District Fund, the Local Government Tax Fund,
2the Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project
3Fund, the Illinois Tax Increment Fund, the Energy
4Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax Compliance and Administration
5Fund as provided in this Section, the Department shall pay each
6month into the Road Fund the amount estimated to represent 80%
7of the net revenue realized from the taxes imposed on motor
8fuel and gasohol. As used in this paragraph "motor fuel" has
9the meaning given to that term in Section 1.1 of the Motor Fuel
10Tax Act, and "gasohol" has the meaning given to that term in
11Section 3-40 of the Use Tax Act.
12 Of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department
13pursuant to this Act, 75% shall be paid into the General
14Revenue Fund of the State Treasury and 25% shall be reserved in
15a special account and used only for the transfer to the Common
16School Fund as part of the monthly transfer from the General
17Revenue Fund in accordance with Section 8a of the State Finance
19 The Department may, upon separate written notice to a
20taxpayer, require the taxpayer to prepare and file with the
21Department on a form prescribed by the Department within not
22less than 60 days after receipt of the notice an annual
23information return for the tax year specified in the notice.
24Such annual return to the Department shall include a statement
25of gross receipts as shown by the taxpayer's last Federal
26income tax return. If the total receipts of the business as

10100SB0119ham001- 140 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1reported in the Federal income tax return do not agree with the
2gross receipts reported to the Department of Revenue for the
3same period, the taxpayer shall attach to his annual return a
4schedule showing a reconciliation of the 2 amounts and the
5reasons for the difference. The taxpayer's annual return to the
6Department shall also disclose the cost of goods sold by the
7taxpayer during the year covered by such return, opening and
8closing inventories of such goods for such year, cost of goods
9used from stock or taken from stock and given away by the
10taxpayer during such year, pay roll information of the
11taxpayer's business during such year and any additional
12reasonable information which the Department deems would be
13helpful in determining the accuracy of the monthly, quarterly
14or annual returns filed by such taxpayer as hereinbefore
15provided for in this Section.
16 If the annual information return required by this Section
17is not filed when and as required, the taxpayer shall be liable
18as follows:
19 (i) Until January 1, 1994, the taxpayer shall be liable
20 for a penalty equal to 1/6 of 1% of the tax due from such
21 taxpayer under this Act during the period to be covered by
22 the annual return for each month or fraction of a month
23 until such return is filed as required, the penalty to be
24 assessed and collected in the same manner as any other
25 penalty provided for in this Act.
26 (ii) On and after January 1, 1994, the taxpayer shall

10100SB0119ham001- 141 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 be liable for a penalty as described in Section 3-4 of the
2 Uniform Penalty and Interest Act.
3 The chief executive officer, proprietor, owner or highest
4ranking manager shall sign the annual return to certify the
5accuracy of the information contained therein. Any person who
6willfully signs the annual return containing false or
7inaccurate information shall be guilty of perjury and punished
8accordingly. The annual return form prescribed by the
9Department shall include a warning that the person signing the
10return may be liable for perjury.
11 The foregoing portion of this Section concerning the filing
12of an annual information return shall not apply to a serviceman
13who is not required to file an income tax return with the
14United States Government.
15 As soon as possible after the first day of each month, upon
16certification of the Department of Revenue, the Comptroller
17shall order transferred and the Treasurer shall transfer from
18the General Revenue Fund to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund an amount
19equal to 1.7% of 80% of the net revenue realized under this Act
20for the second preceding month. Beginning April 1, 2000, this
21transfer is no longer required and shall not be made.
22 Net revenue realized for a month shall be the revenue
23collected by the State pursuant to this Act, less the amount
24paid out during that month as refunds to taxpayers for
25overpayment of liability.
26 For greater simplicity of administration, it shall be

10100SB0119ham001- 142 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1permissible for manufacturers, importers and wholesalers whose
2products are sold by numerous servicemen in Illinois, and who
3wish to do so, to assume the responsibility for accounting and
4paying to the Department all tax accruing under this Act with
5respect to such sales, if the servicemen who are affected do
6not make written objection to the Department to this
8(Source: P.A. 100-303, eff. 8-24-17; 100-363, eff. 7-1-18;
9100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, Article
1015, Section 15-20, eff. 6-5-19; 101-10, Article 25, Section
1125-115, eff. 6-5-19; 101-27, eff. 6-25-19; 101-32, eff.
126-28-19; revised 7-23-19.)
13 Section 10-40. The Retailers' Occupation Tax Act is amended
14by changing Sections 2-45 and 3 and by adding Section 2-22 as
16 (35 ILCS 120/2-22 new)
17 Sec. 2-22. Certification of airport-related purpose.
18 (a) Initial certification and annual recertification. If a
19unit of local government has an airport-related purpose, as
20defined in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act, which
21would allow any retailers' occupation tax and service
22occupation tax imposed by the unit of local government and
23administered by the Department to include tax on aviation fuel,
24then, on or before September 1, 2019, and on or before each

10100SB0119ham001- 143 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1April 1 thereafter, the unit of local government must certify
2to the Department of Transportation, in the form and manner
3required by the Department of Transportation, that it has an
4airport-related purpose. All disputes regarding whether or not
5a unit of local government has an airport-related purpose shall
6be resolved by the Department of Transportation.
7 On or before October 1, 2019, and on or before each May 1
8thereafter, the Department of Transportation shall provide to
9the Department a list of units of local government that have
10certified to the Department of Transportation that they have an
11airport-related purpose. If a unit of local government is
12included in the list of units of local government that have
13certified that they have an airport-related purpose that is
14provided by the Department of Transportation to the Department
15on or before October 1, 2019, then, beginning on December 1,
162019, any retailers' occupation tax and service occupation tax
17imposed by the unit of local government and administered by the
18Department shall continue to be collected on aviation fuel sold
19in that unit of local government. Failure by a unit of local
20government to file an initial certification shall be treated as
21confirmation that the unit of local government does not have an
22airport-related purpose, thereby exempting, beginning on
23December 1, 2019, aviation fuel from any retailers' occupation
24tax and service occupation tax imposed by the unit of local
25government and administered by the Department.
26 Beginning in 2020 and in each year thereafter, if a unit of

10100SB0119ham001- 144 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1local government is included in the list of units of local
2government that have certified that they have an
3airport-related purpose that is provided by the Department of
4Transportation to the Department on or before May 1, then any
5retailers' occupation tax and service occupation tax imposed by
6the unit of local government and administered by the Department
7shall continue to be (or begin to be, as the case may be)
8collected on aviation fuel sold in that unit of local
9government beginning on the following July 1. Once a unit of
10local government has certified that it has an airport-related
11purpose, failure during an annual recertification period to
12file a certification that it has an airport-related purpose
13shall be treated as confirmation that it no longer has an
14airport-related purpose, thereby exempting, beginning on July
151 of that year, aviation fuel from any retailers' occupation
16tax and service occupation tax imposed by the unit of local
17government and administered by the Department.
18 (b) Penalties. If a unit of local government certifies that
19it has an airport-related purpose and therefore receives tax
20revenues from a tax imposed by the unit of local government and
21administered by the Department of Revenue on sales of aviation
22fuel, but the Federal Aviation Administration thereafter
23determines that the tax revenues on aviation fuel generated by
24that tax were expended by the unit of local government for a
25purpose other than an airport-related purpose and the Federal
26Aviation Administration imposes a penalty on the State of

10100SB0119ham001- 145 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Illinois as a result, then the State is authorized to pass this
2penalty on to the unit of local government by withholding an
3amount up to the amount of the penalty out of local retailers'
4occupation taxes and service occupation taxes to be allocated
5to the unit of local government by the State.
6 (35 ILCS 120/2-45) (from Ch. 120, par. 441-45)
7 Sec. 2-45. Manufacturing and assembly exemption. The
8manufacturing and assembly machinery and equipment exemption
9includes machinery and equipment that replaces machinery and
10equipment in an existing manufacturing facility as well as
11machinery and equipment that are for use in an expanded or new
12manufacturing facility.
13 The machinery and equipment exemption also includes
14machinery and equipment used in the general maintenance or
15repair of exempt machinery and equipment or for in-house
16manufacture of exempt machinery and equipment. Beginning on
17July 1, 2017, the manufacturing and assembling machinery and
18equipment exemption also includes graphic arts machinery and
19equipment, as defined in paragraph (4) of Section 2-5. The
20machinery and equipment exemption does not include machinery
21and equipment used in (i) the generation of electricity for
22wholesale or retail sale; (ii) the generation or treatment of
23natural or artificial gas for wholesale or retail sale that is
24delivered to customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or
25(iii) the treatment of water for wholesale or retail sale that

10100SB0119ham001- 146 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1is delivered to customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains.
2The provisions of this amendatory Act of the 98th General
3Assembly are declaratory of existing law as to the meaning and
4scope of this exemption. For the purposes of this exemption,
5terms have the following meanings:
6 (1) "Manufacturing process" means the production of an
7 article of tangible personal property, whether the article
8 is a finished product or an article for use in the process
9 of manufacturing or assembling a different article of
10 tangible personal property, by a procedure commonly
11 regarded as manufacturing, processing, fabricating, or
12 refining that changes some existing material or materials
13 into a material with a different form, use, or name. In
14 relation to a recognized integrated business composed of a
15 series of operations that collectively constitute
16 manufacturing, or individually constitute manufacturing
17 operations, the manufacturing process commences with the
18 first operation or stage of production in the series and
19 does not end until the completion of the final product in
20 the last operation or stage of production in the series.
21 For purposes of this exemption, photoprocessing is a
22 manufacturing process of tangible personal property for
23 wholesale or retail sale.
24 (2) "Assembling process" means the production of an
25 article of tangible personal property, whether the article
26 is a finished product or an article for use in the process

10100SB0119ham001- 147 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 of manufacturing or assembling a different article of
2 tangible personal property, by the combination of existing
3 materials in a manner commonly regarded as assembling that
4 results in a material of a different form, use, or name.
5 (3) "Machinery" means major mechanical machines or
6 major components of those machines contributing to a
7 manufacturing or assembling process.
8 (4) "Equipment" includes an independent device or tool
9 separate from machinery but essential to an integrated
10 manufacturing or assembly process; including computers
11 used primarily in a manufacturer's computer assisted
12 design, computer assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system;
13 any subunit or assembly comprising a component of any
14 machinery or auxiliary, adjunct, or attachment parts of
15 machinery, such as tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, patterns,
16 and molds; and any parts that require periodic replacement
17 in the course of normal operation; but does not include
18 hand tools. Equipment includes chemicals or chemicals
19 acting as catalysts but only if the chemicals or chemicals
20 acting as catalysts effect a direct and immediate change
21 upon a product being manufactured or assembled for
22 wholesale or retail sale or lease.
23 (5) "Production related tangible personal property"
24 means all tangible personal property that is used or
25 consumed by the purchaser in a manufacturing facility in
26 which a manufacturing process takes place and includes,

10100SB0119ham001- 148 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 without limitation, tangible personal property that is
2 purchased for incorporation into real estate within a
3 manufacturing facility, supplies and consumables used in a
4 manufacturing facility including fuels, coolants,
5 solvents, oils, lubricants, and adhesives, hand tools,
6 protective apparel, and fire and safety equipment used or
7 consumed within a manufacturing facility, and tangible
8 personal property that is used or consumed in activities
9 such as research and development, preproduction material
10 handling, receiving, quality control, inventory control,
11 storage, staging, and packaging for shipping and
12 transportation purposes. "Production related tangible
13 personal property" does not include (i) tangible personal
14 property that is used, within or without a manufacturing
15 facility, in sales, purchasing, accounting, fiscal
16 management, marketing, personnel recruitment or selection,
17 or landscaping or (ii) tangible personal property that is
18 required to be titled or registered with a department,
19 agency, or unit of federal, State, or local government.
20 The manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment
21exemption includes production related tangible personal
22property that is purchased on or after July 1, 2007 and on or
23before June 30, 2008 and on or after July 1, 2019. The
24exemption for production related tangible personal property
25purchased on or after July 1, 2007 and before June 30, 2008 is
26subject to both of the following limitations:

10100SB0119ham001- 149 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (1) The maximum amount of the exemption for any one
2 taxpayer may not exceed 5% of the purchase price of
3 production related tangible personal property that is
4 purchased on or after July 1, 2007 and on or before June
5 30, 2008. A credit under Section 3-85 of this Act may not
6 be earned by the purchase of production related tangible
7 personal property for which an exemption is received under
8 this Section.
9 (2) The maximum aggregate amount of the exemptions for
10 production related tangible personal property awarded
11 under this Act and the Use Tax Act to all taxpayers may not
12 exceed $10,000,000. If the claims for the exemption exceed
13 $10,000,000, then the Department shall reduce the amount of
14 the exemption to each taxpayer on a pro rata basis.
15The Department shall adopt rules to implement and administer
16the exemption for production related tangible personal
18 The manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment
19exemption includes the sale of materials to a purchaser who
20produces exempted types of machinery, equipment, or tools and
21who rents or leases that machinery, equipment, or tools to a
22manufacturer of tangible personal property. This exemption
23also includes the sale of materials to a purchaser who
24manufactures those materials into an exempted type of
25machinery, equipment, or tools that the purchaser uses himself
26or herself in the manufacturing of tangible personal property.

10100SB0119ham001- 150 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1The purchaser of the machinery and equipment who has an active
2resale registration number shall furnish that number to the
3seller at the time of purchase. A purchaser of the machinery,
4equipment, and tools without an active resale registration
5number shall furnish to the seller a certificate of exemption
6for each transaction stating facts establishing the exemption
7for that transaction, and that certificate shall be available
8to the Department for inspection or audit. Informal rulings,
9opinions, or letters issued by the Department in response to an
10inquiry or request for an opinion from any person regarding the
11coverage and applicability of this exemption to specific
12devices shall be published, maintained as a public record, and
13made available for public inspection and copying. If the
14informal ruling, opinion, or letter contains trade secrets or
15other confidential information, where possible, the Department
16shall delete that information before publication. Whenever
17informal rulings, opinions, or letters contain a policy of
18general applicability, the Department shall formulate and
19adopt that policy as a rule in accordance with the Illinois
20Administrative Procedure Act.
21 The manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment
22exemption is exempt from the provisions of Section 2-70.
23(Source: P.A. 100-22, eff. 7-6-17; 101-9, eff. 6-5-19.)
24 (35 ILCS 120/3) (from Ch. 120, par. 442)
25 Sec. 3. Except as provided in this Section, on or before

10100SB0119ham001- 151 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the twentieth day of each calendar month, every person engaged
2in the business of selling tangible personal property at retail
3in this State during the preceding calendar month shall file a
4return with the Department, stating:
5 1. The name of the seller;
6 2. His residence address and the address of his
7 principal place of business and the address of the
8 principal place of business (if that is a different
9 address) from which he engages in the business of selling
10 tangible personal property at retail in this State;
11 3. Total amount of receipts received by him during the
12 preceding calendar month or quarter, as the case may be,
13 from sales of tangible personal property, and from services
14 furnished, by him during such preceding calendar month or
15 quarter;
16 4. Total amount received by him during the preceding
17 calendar month or quarter on charge and time sales of
18 tangible personal property, and from services furnished,
19 by him prior to the month or quarter for which the return
20 is filed;
21 5. Deductions allowed by law;
22 6. Gross receipts which were received by him during the
23 preceding calendar month or quarter and upon the basis of
24 which the tax is imposed;
25 7. The amount of credit provided in Section 2d of this
26 Act;

10100SB0119ham001- 152 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 8. The amount of tax due;
2 9. The signature of the taxpayer; and
3 10. Such other reasonable information as the
4 Department may require.
5 On and after January 1, 2018, except for returns for motor
6vehicles, watercraft, aircraft, and trailers that are required
7to be registered with an agency of this State, with respect to
8retailers whose annual gross receipts average $20,000 or more,
9all returns required to be filed pursuant to this Act shall be
10filed electronically. Retailers who demonstrate that they do
11not have access to the Internet or demonstrate hardship in
12filing electronically may petition the Department to waive the
13electronic filing requirement.
14 If a taxpayer fails to sign a return within 30 days after
15the proper notice and demand for signature by the Department,
16the return shall be considered valid and any amount shown to be
17due on the return shall be deemed assessed.
18 Each return shall be accompanied by the statement of
19prepaid tax issued pursuant to Section 2e for which credit is
21 Prior to October 1, 2003, and on and after September 1,
222004 a retailer may accept a Manufacturer's Purchase Credit
23certification from a purchaser in satisfaction of Use Tax as
24provided in Section 3-85 of the Use Tax Act if the purchaser
25provides the appropriate documentation as required by Section
263-85 of the Use Tax Act. A Manufacturer's Purchase Credit

10100SB0119ham001- 153 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1certification, accepted by a retailer prior to October 1, 2003
2and on and after September 1, 2004 as provided in Section 3-85
3of the Use Tax Act, may be used by that retailer to satisfy
4Retailers' Occupation Tax liability in the amount claimed in
5the certification, not to exceed 6.25% of the receipts subject
6to tax from a qualifying purchase. A Manufacturer's Purchase
7Credit reported on any original or amended return filed under
8this Act after October 20, 2003 for reporting periods prior to
9September 1, 2004 shall be disallowed. Manufacturer's
10Purchaser Credit reported on annual returns due on or after
11January 1, 2005 will be disallowed for periods prior to
12September 1, 2004. No Manufacturer's Purchase Credit may be
13used after September 30, 2003 through August 31, 2004 to
14satisfy any tax liability imposed under this Act, including any
15audit liability.
16 The Department may require returns to be filed on a
17quarterly basis. If so required, a return for each calendar
18quarter shall be filed on or before the twentieth day of the
19calendar month following the end of such calendar quarter. The
20taxpayer shall also file a return with the Department for each
21of the first two months of each calendar quarter, on or before
22the twentieth day of the following calendar month, stating:
23 1. The name of the seller;
24 2. The address of the principal place of business from
25 which he engages in the business of selling tangible
26 personal property at retail in this State;

10100SB0119ham001- 154 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 3. The total amount of taxable receipts received by him
2 during the preceding calendar month from sales of tangible
3 personal property by him during such preceding calendar
4 month, including receipts from charge and time sales, but
5 less all deductions allowed by law;
6 4. The amount of credit provided in Section 2d of this
7 Act;
8 5. The amount of tax due; and
9 6. Such other reasonable information as the Department
10 may require.
11 Every Beginning on January 1, 2020, every person engaged in
12the business of selling aviation fuel at retail in this State
13during the preceding calendar month shall, instead of reporting
14and paying tax as otherwise required by this Section, report
15and pay such tax on a separate file an aviation fuel tax return
16with the Department on or before the twentieth day of each
17calendar month. The requirements related to the return shall be
18as otherwise provided in this Section. Notwithstanding any
19other provisions of this Act to the contrary, retailers selling
20aviation fuel shall file all aviation fuel tax returns and
21shall make all aviation fuel tax payments by electronic means
22in the manner and form required by the Department. For purposes
23of this Section paragraph, "aviation fuel" means jet fuel and
24aviation gasoline a product that is intended for use or offered
25for sale as fuel for an aircraft.
26 Beginning on October 1, 2003, any person who is not a

10100SB0119ham001- 155 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1licensed distributor, importing distributor, or manufacturer,
2as defined in the Liquor Control Act of 1934, but is engaged in
3the business of selling, at retail, alcoholic liquor shall file
4a statement with the Department of Revenue, in a format and at
5a time prescribed by the Department, showing the total amount
6paid for alcoholic liquor purchased during the preceding month
7and such other information as is reasonably required by the
8Department. The Department may adopt rules to require that this
9statement be filed in an electronic or telephonic format. Such
10rules may provide for exceptions from the filing requirements
11of this paragraph. For the purposes of this paragraph, the term
12"alcoholic liquor" shall have the meaning prescribed in the
13Liquor Control Act of 1934.
14 Beginning on October 1, 2003, every distributor, importing
15distributor, and manufacturer of alcoholic liquor as defined in
16the Liquor Control Act of 1934, shall file a statement with the
17Department of Revenue, no later than the 10th day of the month
18for the preceding month during which transactions occurred, by
19electronic means, showing the total amount of gross receipts
20from the sale of alcoholic liquor sold or distributed during
21the preceding month to purchasers; identifying the purchaser to
22whom it was sold or distributed; the purchaser's tax
23registration number; and such other information reasonably
24required by the Department. A distributor, importing
25distributor, or manufacturer of alcoholic liquor must
26personally deliver, mail, or provide by electronic means to

10100SB0119ham001- 156 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1each retailer listed on the monthly statement a report
2containing a cumulative total of that distributor's, importing
3distributor's, or manufacturer's total sales of alcoholic
4liquor to that retailer no later than the 10th day of the month
5for the preceding month during which the transaction occurred.
6The distributor, importing distributor, or manufacturer shall
7notify the retailer as to the method by which the distributor,
8importing distributor, or manufacturer will provide the sales
9information. If the retailer is unable to receive the sales
10information by electronic means, the distributor, importing
11distributor, or manufacturer shall furnish the sales
12information by personal delivery or by mail. For purposes of
13this paragraph, the term "electronic means" includes, but is
14not limited to, the use of a secure Internet website, e-mail,
15or facsimile.
16 If a total amount of less than $1 is payable, refundable or
17creditable, such amount shall be disregarded if it is less than
1850 cents and shall be increased to $1 if it is 50 cents or more.
19 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the
20contrary, retailers subject to tax on cannabis shall file all
21cannabis tax returns and shall make all cannabis tax payments
22by electronic means in the manner and form required by the
24 Beginning October 1, 1993, a taxpayer who has an average
25monthly tax liability of $150,000 or more shall make all
26payments required by rules of the Department by electronic

10100SB0119ham001- 157 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 1994, a taxpayer who has
2an average monthly tax liability of $100,000 or more shall make
3all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
4funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 1995, a taxpayer who has
5an average monthly tax liability of $50,000 or more shall make
6all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
7funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 2000, a taxpayer who has
8an annual tax liability of $200,000 or more shall make all
9payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
10funds transfer. The term "annual tax liability" shall be the
11sum of the taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and under all
12other State and local occupation and use tax laws administered
13by the Department, for the immediately preceding calendar year.
14The term "average monthly tax liability" shall be the sum of
15the taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and under all other
16State and local occupation and use tax laws administered by the
17Department, for the immediately preceding calendar year
18divided by 12. Beginning on October 1, 2002, a taxpayer who has
19a tax liability in the amount set forth in subsection (b) of
20Section 2505-210 of the Department of Revenue Law shall make
21all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic
22funds transfer.
23 Before August 1 of each year beginning in 1993, the
24Department shall notify all taxpayers required to make payments
25by electronic funds transfer. All taxpayers required to make
26payments by electronic funds transfer shall make those payments

10100SB0119ham001- 158 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1for a minimum of one year beginning on October 1.
2 Any taxpayer not required to make payments by electronic
3funds transfer may make payments by electronic funds transfer
4with the permission of the Department.
5 All taxpayers required to make payment by electronic funds
6transfer and any taxpayers authorized to voluntarily make
7payments by electronic funds transfer shall make those payments
8in the manner authorized by the Department.
9 The Department shall adopt such rules as are necessary to
10effectuate a program of electronic funds transfer and the
11requirements of this Section.
12 Any amount which is required to be shown or reported on any
13return or other document under this Act shall, if such amount
14is not a whole-dollar amount, be increased to the nearest
15whole-dollar amount in any case where the fractional part of a
16dollar is 50 cents or more, and decreased to the nearest
17whole-dollar amount where the fractional part of a dollar is
18less than 50 cents.
19 If the retailer is otherwise required to file a monthly
20return and if the retailer's average monthly tax liability to
21the Department does not exceed $200, the Department may
22authorize his returns to be filed on a quarter annual basis,
23with the return for January, February and March of a given year
24being due by April 20 of such year; with the return for April,
25May and June of a given year being due by July 20 of such year;
26with the return for July, August and September of a given year

10100SB0119ham001- 159 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1being due by October 20 of such year, and with the return for
2October, November and December of a given year being due by
3January 20 of the following year.
4 If the retailer is otherwise required to file a monthly or
5quarterly return and if the retailer's average monthly tax
6liability with the Department does not exceed $50, the
7Department may authorize his returns to be filed on an annual
8basis, with the return for a given year being due by January 20
9of the following year.
10 Such quarter annual and annual returns, as to form and
11substance, shall be subject to the same requirements as monthly
13 Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act concerning
14the time within which a retailer may file his return, in the
15case of any retailer who ceases to engage in a kind of business
16which makes him responsible for filing returns under this Act,
17such retailer shall file a final return under this Act with the
18Department not more than one month after discontinuing such
20 Where the same person has more than one business registered
21with the Department under separate registrations under this
22Act, such person may not file each return that is due as a
23single return covering all such registered businesses, but
24shall file separate returns for each such registered business.
25 In addition, with respect to motor vehicles, watercraft,
26aircraft, and trailers that are required to be registered with

10100SB0119ham001- 160 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1an agency of this State, except as otherwise provided in this
2Section, every retailer selling this kind of tangible personal
3property shall file, with the Department, upon a form to be
4prescribed and supplied by the Department, a separate return
5for each such item of tangible personal property which the
6retailer sells, except that if, in the same transaction, (i) a
7retailer of aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicles or trailers
8transfers more than one aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicle or
9trailer to another aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicle
10retailer or trailer retailer for the purpose of resale or (ii)
11a retailer of aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicles, or trailers
12transfers more than one aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicle, or
13trailer to a purchaser for use as a qualifying rolling stock as
14provided in Section 2-5 of this Act, then that seller may
15report the transfer of all aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicles
16or trailers involved in that transaction to the Department on
17the same uniform invoice-transaction reporting return form.
18For purposes of this Section, "watercraft" means a Class 2,
19Class 3, or Class 4 watercraft as defined in Section 3-2 of the
20Boat Registration and Safety Act, a personal watercraft, or any
21boat equipped with an inboard motor.
22 In addition, with respect to motor vehicles, watercraft,
23aircraft, and trailers that are required to be registered with
24an agency of this State, every person who is engaged in the
25business of leasing or renting such items and who, in
26connection with such business, sells any such item to a

10100SB0119ham001- 161 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1retailer for the purpose of resale is, notwithstanding any
2other provision of this Section to the contrary, authorized to
3meet the return-filing requirement of this Act by reporting the
4transfer of all the aircraft, watercraft, motor vehicles, or
5trailers transferred for resale during a month to the
6Department on the same uniform invoice-transaction reporting
7return form on or before the 20th of the month following the
8month in which the transfer takes place. Notwithstanding any
9other provision of this Act to the contrary, all returns filed
10under this paragraph must be filed by electronic means in the
11manner and form as required by the Department.
12 Any retailer who sells only motor vehicles, watercraft,
13aircraft, or trailers that are required to be registered with
14an agency of this State, so that all retailers' occupation tax
15liability is required to be reported, and is reported, on such
16transaction reporting returns and who is not otherwise required
17to file monthly or quarterly returns, need not file monthly or
18quarterly returns. However, those retailers shall be required
19to file returns on an annual basis.
20 The transaction reporting return, in the case of motor
21vehicles or trailers that are required to be registered with an
22agency of this State, shall be the same document as the Uniform
23Invoice referred to in Section 5-402 of the Illinois Vehicle
24Code and must show the name and address of the seller; the name
25and address of the purchaser; the amount of the selling price
26including the amount allowed by the retailer for traded-in

10100SB0119ham001- 162 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1property, if any; the amount allowed by the retailer for the
2traded-in tangible personal property, if any, to the extent to
3which Section 1 of this Act allows an exemption for the value
4of traded-in property; the balance payable after deducting such
5trade-in allowance from the total selling price; the amount of
6tax due from the retailer with respect to such transaction; the
7amount of tax collected from the purchaser by the retailer on
8such transaction (or satisfactory evidence that such tax is not
9due in that particular instance, if that is claimed to be the
10fact); the place and date of the sale; a sufficient
11identification of the property sold; such other information as
12is required in Section 5-402 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, and
13such other information as the Department may reasonably
15 The transaction reporting return in the case of watercraft
16or aircraft must show the name and address of the seller; the
17name and address of the purchaser; the amount of the selling
18price including the amount allowed by the retailer for
19traded-in property, if any; the amount allowed by the retailer
20for the traded-in tangible personal property, if any, to the
21extent to which Section 1 of this Act allows an exemption for
22the value of traded-in property; the balance payable after
23deducting such trade-in allowance from the total selling price;
24the amount of tax due from the retailer with respect to such
25transaction; the amount of tax collected from the purchaser by
26the retailer on such transaction (or satisfactory evidence that

10100SB0119ham001- 163 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1such tax is not due in that particular instance, if that is
2claimed to be the fact); the place and date of the sale, a
3sufficient identification of the property sold, and such other
4information as the Department may reasonably require.
5 Such transaction reporting return shall be filed not later
6than 20 days after the day of delivery of the item that is
7being sold, but may be filed by the retailer at any time sooner
8than that if he chooses to do so. The transaction reporting
9return and tax remittance or proof of exemption from the
10Illinois use tax may be transmitted to the Department by way of
11the State agency with which, or State officer with whom the
12tangible personal property must be titled or registered (if
13titling or registration is required) if the Department and such
14agency or State officer determine that this procedure will
15expedite the processing of applications for title or
17 With each such transaction reporting return, the retailer
18shall remit the proper amount of tax due (or shall submit
19satisfactory evidence that the sale is not taxable if that is
20the case), to the Department or its agents, whereupon the
21Department shall issue, in the purchaser's name, a use tax
22receipt (or a certificate of exemption if the Department is
23satisfied that the particular sale is tax exempt) which such
24purchaser may submit to the agency with which, or State officer
25with whom, he must title or register the tangible personal
26property that is involved (if titling or registration is

10100SB0119ham001- 164 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1required) in support of such purchaser's application for an
2Illinois certificate or other evidence of title or registration
3to such tangible personal property.
4 No retailer's failure or refusal to remit tax under this
5Act precludes a user, who has paid the proper tax to the
6retailer, from obtaining his certificate of title or other
7evidence of title or registration (if titling or registration
8is required) upon satisfying the Department that such user has
9paid the proper tax (if tax is due) to the retailer. The
10Department shall adopt appropriate rules to carry out the
11mandate of this paragraph.
12 If the user who would otherwise pay tax to the retailer
13wants the transaction reporting return filed and the payment of
14the tax or proof of exemption made to the Department before the
15retailer is willing to take these actions and such user has not
16paid the tax to the retailer, such user may certify to the fact
17of such delay by the retailer and may (upon the Department
18being satisfied of the truth of such certification) transmit
19the information required by the transaction reporting return
20and the remittance for tax or proof of exemption directly to
21the Department and obtain his tax receipt or exemption
22determination, in which event the transaction reporting return
23and tax remittance (if a tax payment was required) shall be
24credited by the Department to the proper retailer's account
25with the Department, but without the 2.1% or 1.75% discount
26provided for in this Section being allowed. When the user pays

10100SB0119ham001- 165 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the tax directly to the Department, he shall pay the tax in the
2same amount and in the same form in which it would be remitted
3if the tax had been remitted to the Department by the retailer.
4 Refunds made by the seller during the preceding return
5period to purchasers, on account of tangible personal property
6returned to the seller, shall be allowed as a deduction under
7subdivision 5 of his monthly or quarterly return, as the case
8may be, in case the seller had theretofore included the
9receipts from the sale of such tangible personal property in a
10return filed by him and had paid the tax imposed by this Act
11with respect to such receipts.
12 Where the seller is a corporation, the return filed on
13behalf of such corporation shall be signed by the president,
14vice-president, secretary or treasurer or by the properly
15accredited agent of such corporation.
16 Where the seller is a limited liability company, the return
17filed on behalf of the limited liability company shall be
18signed by a manager, member, or properly accredited agent of
19the limited liability company.
20 Except as provided in this Section, the retailer filing the
21return under this Section shall, at the time of filing such
22return, pay to the Department the amount of tax imposed by this
23Act less a discount of 2.1% prior to January 1, 1990 and 1.75%
24on and after January 1, 1990, or $5 per calendar year,
25whichever is greater, which is allowed to reimburse the
26retailer for the expenses incurred in keeping records,

10100SB0119ham001- 166 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1preparing and filing returns, remitting the tax and supplying
2data to the Department on request. The discount under this
3Section is not allowed for the 1.25% portion of taxes paid on
4aviation fuel that is subject to the revenue use requirements
5of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are deposited into
6the State Aviation Program Fund under this Act. Any prepayment
7made pursuant to Section 2d of this Act shall be included in
8the amount on which such 2.1% or 1.75% discount is computed. In
9the case of retailers who report and pay the tax on a
10transaction by transaction basis, as provided in this Section,
11such discount shall be taken with each such tax remittance
12instead of when such retailer files his periodic return. The
13discount allowed under this Section is allowed only for returns
14that are filed in the manner required by this Act. The
15Department may disallow the discount for retailers whose
16certificate of registration is revoked at the time the return
17is filed, but only if the Department's decision to revoke the
18certificate of registration has become final.
19 Before October 1, 2000, if the taxpayer's average monthly
20tax liability to the Department under this Act, the Use Tax
21Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and the Service Use Tax
22Act, excluding any liability for prepaid sales tax to be
23remitted in accordance with Section 2d of this Act, was $10,000
24or more during the preceding 4 complete calendar quarters, he
25shall file a return with the Department each month by the 20th
26day of the month next following the month during which such tax

10100SB0119ham001- 167 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1liability is incurred and shall make payments to the Department
2on or before the 7th, 15th, 22nd and last day of the month
3during which such liability is incurred. On and after October
41, 2000, if the taxpayer's average monthly tax liability to the
5Department under this Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service
6Occupation Tax Act, and the Service Use Tax Act, excluding any
7liability for prepaid sales tax to be remitted in accordance
8with Section 2d of this Act, was $20,000 or more during the
9preceding 4 complete calendar quarters, he shall file a return
10with the Department each month by the 20th day of the month
11next following the month during which such tax liability is
12incurred and shall make payment to the Department on or before
13the 7th, 15th, 22nd and last day of the month during which such
14liability is incurred. If the month during which such tax
15liability is incurred began prior to January 1, 1985, each
16payment shall be in an amount equal to 1/4 of the taxpayer's
17actual liability for the month or an amount set by the
18Department not to exceed 1/4 of the average monthly liability
19of the taxpayer to the Department for the preceding 4 complete
20calendar quarters (excluding the month of highest liability and
21the month of lowest liability in such 4 quarter period). If the
22month during which such tax liability is incurred begins on or
23after January 1, 1985 and prior to January 1, 1987, each
24payment shall be in an amount equal to 22.5% of the taxpayer's
25actual liability for the month or 27.5% of the taxpayer's
26liability for the same calendar month of the preceding year. If

10100SB0119ham001- 168 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the month during which such tax liability is incurred begins on
2or after January 1, 1987 and prior to January 1, 1988, each
3payment shall be in an amount equal to 22.5% of the taxpayer's
4actual liability for the month or 26.25% of the taxpayer's
5liability for the same calendar month of the preceding year. If
6the month during which such tax liability is incurred begins on
7or after January 1, 1988, and prior to January 1, 1989, or
8begins on or after January 1, 1996, each payment shall be in an
9amount equal to 22.5% of the taxpayer's actual liability for
10the month or 25% of the taxpayer's liability for the same
11calendar month of the preceding year. If the month during which
12such tax liability is incurred begins on or after January 1,
131989, and prior to January 1, 1996, each payment shall be in an
14amount equal to 22.5% of the taxpayer's actual liability for
15the month or 25% of the taxpayer's liability for the same
16calendar month of the preceding year or 100% of the taxpayer's
17actual liability for the quarter monthly reporting period. The
18amount of such quarter monthly payments shall be credited
19against the final tax liability of the taxpayer's return for
20that month. Before October 1, 2000, once applicable, the
21requirement of the making of quarter monthly payments to the
22Department by taxpayers having an average monthly tax liability
23of $10,000 or more as determined in the manner provided above
24shall continue until such taxpayer's average monthly liability
25to the Department during the preceding 4 complete calendar
26quarters (excluding the month of highest liability and the

10100SB0119ham001- 169 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1month of lowest liability) is less than $9,000, or until such
2taxpayer's average monthly liability to the Department as
3computed for each calendar quarter of the 4 preceding complete
4calendar quarter period is less than $10,000. However, if a
5taxpayer can show the Department that a substantial change in
6the taxpayer's business has occurred which causes the taxpayer
7to anticipate that his average monthly tax liability for the
8reasonably foreseeable future will fall below the $10,000
9threshold stated above, then such taxpayer may petition the
10Department for a change in such taxpayer's reporting status. On
11and after October 1, 2000, once applicable, the requirement of
12the making of quarter monthly payments to the Department by
13taxpayers having an average monthly tax liability of $20,000 or
14more as determined in the manner provided above shall continue
15until such taxpayer's average monthly liability to the
16Department during the preceding 4 complete calendar quarters
17(excluding the month of highest liability and the month of
18lowest liability) is less than $19,000 or until such taxpayer's
19average monthly liability to the Department as computed for
20each calendar quarter of the 4 preceding complete calendar
21quarter period is less than $20,000. However, if a taxpayer can
22show the Department that a substantial change in the taxpayer's
23business has occurred which causes the taxpayer to anticipate
24that his average monthly tax liability for the reasonably
25foreseeable future will fall below the $20,000 threshold stated
26above, then such taxpayer may petition the Department for a

10100SB0119ham001- 170 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1change in such taxpayer's reporting status. The Department
2shall change such taxpayer's reporting status unless it finds
3that such change is seasonal in nature and not likely to be
4long term. If any such quarter monthly payment is not paid at
5the time or in the amount required by this Section, then the
6taxpayer shall be liable for penalties and interest on the
7difference between the minimum amount due as a payment and the
8amount of such quarter monthly payment actually and timely
9paid, except insofar as the taxpayer has previously made
10payments for that month to the Department in excess of the
11minimum payments previously due as provided in this Section.
12The Department shall make reasonable rules and regulations to
13govern the quarter monthly payment amount and quarter monthly
14payment dates for taxpayers who file on other than a calendar
15monthly basis.
16 The provisions of this paragraph apply before October 1,
172001. Without regard to whether a taxpayer is required to make
18quarter monthly payments as specified above, any taxpayer who
19is required by Section 2d of this Act to collect and remit
20prepaid taxes and has collected prepaid taxes which average in
21excess of $25,000 per month during the preceding 2 complete
22calendar quarters, shall file a return with the Department as
23required by Section 2f and shall make payments to the
24Department on or before the 7th, 15th, 22nd and last day of the
25month during which such liability is incurred. If the month
26during which such tax liability is incurred began prior to

10100SB0119ham001- 171 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1September 1, 1985 (the effective date of Public Act 84-221),
2each payment shall be in an amount not less than 22.5% of the
3taxpayer's actual liability under Section 2d. If the month
4during which such tax liability is incurred begins on or after
5January 1, 1986, each payment shall be in an amount equal to
622.5% of the taxpayer's actual liability for the month or 27.5%
7of the taxpayer's liability for the same calendar month of the
8preceding calendar year. If the month during which such tax
9liability is incurred begins on or after January 1, 1987, each
10payment shall be in an amount equal to 22.5% of the taxpayer's
11actual liability for the month or 26.25% of the taxpayer's
12liability for the same calendar month of the preceding year.
13The amount of such quarter monthly payments shall be credited
14against the final tax liability of the taxpayer's return for
15that month filed under this Section or Section 2f, as the case
16may be. Once applicable, the requirement of the making of
17quarter monthly payments to the Department pursuant to this
18paragraph shall continue until such taxpayer's average monthly
19prepaid tax collections during the preceding 2 complete
20calendar quarters is $25,000 or less. If any such quarter
21monthly payment is not paid at the time or in the amount
22required, the taxpayer shall be liable for penalties and
23interest on such difference, except insofar as the taxpayer has
24previously made payments for that month in excess of the
25minimum payments previously due.
26 The provisions of this paragraph apply on and after October

10100SB0119ham001- 172 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
11, 2001. Without regard to whether a taxpayer is required to
2make quarter monthly payments as specified above, any taxpayer
3who is required by Section 2d of this Act to collect and remit
4prepaid taxes and has collected prepaid taxes that average in
5excess of $20,000 per month during the preceding 4 complete
6calendar quarters shall file a return with the Department as
7required by Section 2f and shall make payments to the
8Department on or before the 7th, 15th, 22nd and last day of the
9month during which the liability is incurred. Each payment
10shall be in an amount equal to 22.5% of the taxpayer's actual
11liability for the month or 25% of the taxpayer's liability for
12the same calendar month of the preceding year. The amount of
13the quarter monthly payments shall be credited against the
14final tax liability of the taxpayer's return for that month
15filed under this Section or Section 2f, as the case may be.
16Once applicable, the requirement of the making of quarter
17monthly payments to the Department pursuant to this paragraph
18shall continue until the taxpayer's average monthly prepaid tax
19collections during the preceding 4 complete calendar quarters
20(excluding the month of highest liability and the month of
21lowest liability) is less than $19,000 or until such taxpayer's
22average monthly liability to the Department as computed for
23each calendar quarter of the 4 preceding complete calendar
24quarters is less than $20,000. If any such quarter monthly
25payment is not paid at the time or in the amount required, the
26taxpayer shall be liable for penalties and interest on such

10100SB0119ham001- 173 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1difference, except insofar as the taxpayer has previously made
2payments for that month in excess of the minimum payments
3previously due.
4 If any payment provided for in this Section exceeds the
5taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, the Use Tax Act, the
6Service Occupation Tax Act and the Service Use Tax Act, as
7shown on an original monthly return, the Department shall, if
8requested by the taxpayer, issue to the taxpayer a credit
9memorandum no later than 30 days after the date of payment. The
10credit evidenced by such credit memorandum may be assigned by
11the taxpayer to a similar taxpayer under this Act, the Use Tax
12Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act or the Service Use Tax Act,
13in accordance with reasonable rules and regulations to be
14prescribed by the Department. If no such request is made, the
15taxpayer may credit such excess payment against tax liability
16subsequently to be remitted to the Department under this Act,
17the Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act or the Service
18Use Tax Act, in accordance with reasonable rules and
19regulations prescribed by the Department. If the Department
20subsequently determined that all or any part of the credit
21taken was not actually due to the taxpayer, the taxpayer's 2.1%
22and 1.75% vendor's discount shall be reduced by 2.1% or 1.75%
23of the difference between the credit taken and that actually
24due, and that taxpayer shall be liable for penalties and
25interest on such difference.
26 If a retailer of motor fuel is entitled to a credit under

10100SB0119ham001- 174 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Section 2d of this Act which exceeds the taxpayer's liability
2to the Department under this Act for the month which the
3taxpayer is filing a return, the Department shall issue the
4taxpayer a credit memorandum for the excess.
5 Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall
6pay into the Local Government Tax Fund, a special fund in the
7State treasury which is hereby created, the net revenue
8realized for the preceding month from the 1% tax imposed under
9this Act.
10 Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall
11pay into the County and Mass Transit District Fund, a special
12fund in the State treasury which is hereby created, 4% of the
13net revenue realized for the preceding month from the 6.25%
14general rate other than aviation fuel sold on or after December
151, 2019. This exception for aviation fuel only applies for so
16long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and
1749 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
18 For aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, each
19month the Department shall pay into the State Aviation Program
20Fund 4% of the net revenue realized for the preceding month
21from the 6.25% general rate on the selling price of aviation
22fuel, less an amount estimated by the Department to be required
23for refunds of the 4% portion of the tax on aviation fuel under
24this Act, which amount shall be deposited into the Aviation
25Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund. The Department shall only pay
26moneys into the State Aviation Program Fund and the Aviation

10100SB0119ham001- 175 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund under this Act for so long as the
2revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
347133 are binding on the State.
4 Beginning August 1, 2000, each month the Department shall
5pay into the County and Mass Transit District Fund 20% of the
6net revenue realized for the preceding month from the 1.25%
7rate on the selling price of motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning
8September 1, 2010, each month the Department shall pay into the
9County and Mass Transit District Fund 20% of the net revenue
10realized for the preceding month from the 1.25% rate on the
11selling price of sales tax holiday items.
12 Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall
13pay into the Local Government Tax Fund 16% of the net revenue
14realized for the preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on
15the selling price of tangible personal property other than
16aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019. This exception
17for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use
18requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are
19binding on the State.
20 For aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, each
21month the Department shall pay into the State Aviation Program
22Fund 20% 16% of the net revenue realized for the preceding
23month from the 6.25% general rate on the selling price of
24aviation fuel, less an amount estimated by the Department to be
25required for refunds of the 20% 16% portion of the tax on
26aviation fuel under this Act, which amount shall be deposited

10100SB0119ham001- 176 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1into the Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund. The Department
2shall only pay moneys into the State Aviation Program Fund and
3the Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund under this Act for so
4long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and
549 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
6 Beginning August 1, 2000, each month the Department shall
7pay into the Local Government Tax Fund 80% of the net revenue
8realized for the preceding month from the 1.25% rate on the
9selling price of motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning September 1,
102010, each month the Department shall pay into the Local
11Government Tax Fund 80% of the net revenue realized for the
12preceding month from the 1.25% rate on the selling price of
13sales tax holiday items.
14 Beginning October 1, 2009, each month the Department shall
15pay into the Capital Projects Fund an amount that is equal to
16an amount estimated by the Department to represent 80% of the
17net revenue realized for the preceding month from the sale of
18candy, grooming and hygiene products, and soft drinks that had
19been taxed at a rate of 1% prior to September 1, 2009 but that
20are now taxed at 6.25%.
21 Beginning July 1, 2011, each month the Department shall pay
22into the Clean Air Act Permit Fund 80% of the net revenue
23realized for the preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on
24the selling price of sorbents used in Illinois in the process
25of sorbent injection as used to comply with the Environmental
26Protection Act or the federal Clean Air Act, but the total

10100SB0119ham001- 177 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1payment into the Clean Air Act Permit Fund under this Act and
2the Use Tax Act shall not exceed $2,000,000 in any fiscal year.
3 Beginning July 1, 2013, each month the Department shall pay
4into the Underground Storage Tank Fund from the proceeds
5collected under this Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax
6Act, and the Service Occupation Tax Act an amount equal to the
7average monthly deficit in the Underground Storage Tank Fund
8during the prior year, as certified annually by the Illinois
9Environmental Protection Agency, but the total payment into the
10Underground Storage Tank Fund under this Act, the Use Tax Act,
11the Service Use Tax Act, and the Service Occupation Tax Act
12shall not exceed $18,000,000 in any State fiscal year. As used
13in this paragraph, the "average monthly deficit" shall be equal
14to the difference between the average monthly claims for
15payment by the fund and the average monthly revenues deposited
16into the fund, excluding payments made pursuant to this
18 Beginning July 1, 2015, of the remainder of the moneys
19received by the Department under the Use Tax Act, the Service
20Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and this Act, each
21month the Department shall deposit $500,000 into the State
22Crime Laboratory Fund.
23 Of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department
24pursuant to this Act, (a) 1.75% thereof shall be paid into the
25Build Illinois Fund and (b) prior to July 1, 1989, 2.2% and on
26and after July 1, 1989, 3.8% thereof shall be paid into the

10100SB0119ham001- 178 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Build Illinois Fund; provided, however, that if in any fiscal
2year the sum of (1) the aggregate of 2.2% or 3.8%, as the case
3may be, of the moneys received by the Department and required
4to be paid into the Build Illinois Fund pursuant to this Act,
5Section 9 of the Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Use Tax
6Act, and Section 9 of the Service Occupation Tax Act, such Acts
7being hereinafter called the "Tax Acts" and such aggregate of
82.2% or 3.8%, as the case may be, of moneys being hereinafter
9called the "Tax Act Amount", and (2) the amount transferred to
10the Build Illinois Fund from the State and Local Sales Tax
11Reform Fund shall be less than the Annual Specified Amount (as
12hereinafter defined), an amount equal to the difference shall
13be immediately paid into the Build Illinois Fund from other
14moneys received by the Department pursuant to the Tax Acts; the
15"Annual Specified Amount" means the amounts specified below for
16fiscal years 1986 through 1993:
17Fiscal YearAnnual Specified Amount
26and means the Certified Annual Debt Service Requirement (as

10100SB0119ham001- 179 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1defined in Section 13 of the Build Illinois Bond Act) or the
2Tax Act Amount, whichever is greater, for fiscal year 1994 and
3each fiscal year thereafter; and further provided, that if on
4the last business day of any month the sum of (1) the Tax Act
5Amount required to be deposited into the Build Illinois Bond
6Account in the Build Illinois Fund during such month and (2)
7the amount transferred to the Build Illinois Fund from the
8State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund shall have been less than
91/12 of the Annual Specified Amount, an amount equal to the
10difference shall be immediately paid into the Build Illinois
11Fund from other moneys received by the Department pursuant to
12the Tax Acts; and, further provided, that in no event shall the
13payments required under the preceding proviso result in
14aggregate payments into the Build Illinois Fund pursuant to
15this clause (b) for any fiscal year in excess of the greater of
16(i) the Tax Act Amount or (ii) the Annual Specified Amount for
17such fiscal year. The amounts payable into the Build Illinois
18Fund under clause (b) of the first sentence in this paragraph
19shall be payable only until such time as the aggregate amount
20on deposit under each trust indenture securing Bonds issued and
21outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois Bond Act is
22sufficient, taking into account any future investment income,
23to fully provide, in accordance with such indenture, for the
24defeasance of or the payment of the principal of, premium, if
25any, and interest on the Bonds secured by such indenture and on
26any Bonds expected to be issued thereafter and all fees and

10100SB0119ham001- 180 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1costs payable with respect thereto, all as certified by the
2Director of the Bureau of the Budget (now Governor's Office of
3Management and Budget). If on the last business day of any
4month in which Bonds are outstanding pursuant to the Build
5Illinois Bond Act, the aggregate of moneys deposited in the
6Build Illinois Bond Account in the Build Illinois Fund in such
7month shall be less than the amount required to be transferred
8in such month from the Build Illinois Bond Account to the Build
9Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund pursuant to Section
1013 of the Build Illinois Bond Act, an amount equal to such
11deficiency shall be immediately paid from other moneys received
12by the Department pursuant to the Tax Acts to the Build
13Illinois Fund; provided, however, that any amounts paid to the
14Build Illinois Fund in any fiscal year pursuant to this
15sentence shall be deemed to constitute payments pursuant to
16clause (b) of the first sentence of this paragraph and shall
17reduce the amount otherwise payable for such fiscal year
18pursuant to that clause (b). The moneys received by the
19Department pursuant to this Act and required to be deposited
20into the Build Illinois Fund are subject to the pledge, claim
21and charge set forth in Section 12 of the Build Illinois Bond
23 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund
24as provided in the preceding paragraph or in any amendment
25thereto hereafter enacted, the following specified monthly
26installment of the amount requested in the certificate of the

10100SB0119ham001- 181 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Chairman of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority
2provided under Section 8.25f of the State Finance Act, but not
3in excess of sums designated as "Total Deposit", shall be
4deposited in the aggregate from collections under Section 9 of
5the Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Use Tax Act, Section
69 of the Service Occupation Tax Act, and Section 3 of the
7Retailers' Occupation Tax Act into the McCormick Place
8Expansion Project Fund in the specified fiscal years.
9Fiscal YearTotal Deposit
101993 $0
111994 53,000,000
121995 58,000,000
131996 61,000,000
141997 64,000,000
151998 68,000,000
161999 71,000,000
172000 75,000,000
182001 80,000,000
192002 93,000,000
202003 99,000,000

10100SB0119ham001- 182 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
162024 275,000,000
172025 275,000,000
182026 279,000,000
192027 292,000,000
202028 307,000,000
212029 322,000,000
222030 338,000,000
232031 350,000,000
242032 350,000,000
26each fiscal year

10100SB0119ham001- 183 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1thereafter that bonds
2are outstanding under
3Section 13.2 of the
4Metropolitan Pier and
5Exposition Authority Act,
6but not after fiscal year 2060.
7 Beginning July 20, 1993 and in each month of each fiscal
8year thereafter, one-eighth of the amount requested in the
9certificate of the Chairman of the Metropolitan Pier and
10Exposition Authority for that fiscal year, less the amount
11deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund by
12the State Treasurer in the respective month under subsection
13(g) of Section 13 of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition
14Authority Act, plus cumulative deficiencies in the deposits
15required under this Section for previous months and years,
16shall be deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion Project
17Fund, until the full amount requested for the fiscal year, but
18not in excess of the amount specified above as "Total Deposit",
19has been deposited.
20 Subject to payment of amounts into the Capital Projects
21Fund, the Clean Air Act Permit Fund, the Build Illinois Fund,
22and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the
23preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
24enacted, for aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019,
25the Department shall each month deposit into the Aviation Fuel
26Sales Tax Refund Fund an amount estimated by the Department to

10100SB0119ham001- 184 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1be required for refunds of the 80% portion of the tax on
2aviation fuel under this Act. The Department shall only deposit
3moneys into the Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund under this
4paragraph for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
5U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
6 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund
7and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the
8preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
9enacted, beginning July 1, 1993 and ending on September 30,
102013, the Department shall each month pay into the Illinois Tax
11Increment Fund 0.27% of 80% of the net revenue realized for the
12preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on the selling
13price of tangible personal property.
14 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund
15and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the
16preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
17enacted, beginning with the receipt of the first report of
18taxes paid by an eligible business and continuing for a 25-year
19period, the Department shall each month pay into the Energy
20Infrastructure Fund 80% of the net revenue realized from the
216.25% general rate on the selling price of Illinois-mined coal
22that was sold to an eligible business. For purposes of this
23paragraph, the term "eligible business" means a new electric
24generating facility certified pursuant to Section 605-332 of
25the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the
26Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.

10100SB0119ham001- 185 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund,
2the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
3Increment Fund, and the Energy Infrastructure Fund pursuant to
4the preceding paragraphs or in any amendments to this Section
5hereafter enacted, beginning on the first day of the first
6calendar month to occur on or after August 26, 2014 (the
7effective date of Public Act 98-1098), each month, from the
8collections made under Section 9 of the Use Tax Act, Section 9
9of the Service Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Occupation
10Tax Act, and Section 3 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act,
11the Department shall pay into the Tax Compliance and
12Administration Fund, to be used, subject to appropriation, to
13fund additional auditors and compliance personnel at the
14Department of Revenue, an amount equal to 1/12 of 5% of 80% of
15the cash receipts collected during the preceding fiscal year by
16the Audit Bureau of the Department under the Use Tax Act, the
17Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, the
18Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and associated local occupation
19and use taxes administered by the Department (except the amount
20collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019).
21 Subject to payments of amounts into the Build Illinois
22Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois
23Tax Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
24Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
25beginning on July 1, 2018 the Department shall pay each month
26into the Downstate Public Transportation Fund the moneys

10100SB0119ham001- 186 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1required to be so paid under Section 2-3 of the Downstate
2Public Transportation Act.
3 Subject to successful execution and delivery of a
4public-private public private agreement between the public
5agency and private entity and completion of the civic build,
6beginning on July 1, 2023, of the remainder of the moneys
7received by the Department under the Use Tax Act, the Service
8Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and this Act, the
9Department shall deposit the following specified deposits in
10the aggregate from collections under the Use Tax Act, the
11Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and the
12Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, as required under Section 8.25g
13of the State Finance Act for distribution consistent with the
14Public-Private Partnership for Civic and Transit
15Infrastructure Project Act. The moneys received by the
16Department pursuant to this Act and required to be deposited
17into the Civic and Transit Infrastructure Fund are subject to
18the pledge, claim and charge set forth in Section 25-55 55 of
19the Public-Private Partnership for Civic and Transit
20Infrastructure Project Act. As used in this paragraph, "civic
21build", "private entity", "public-private private public
22agreement", and "public agency" have the meanings provided in
23Section 25-10 of the Public-Private Partnership for Civic and
24Transit Infrastructure Project Act.
25 Fiscal Year.............................Total Deposit
26 2024.....................................$200,000,000

10100SB0119ham001- 187 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 2025....................................$206,000,000
2 2026....................................$212,200,000
3 2027....................................$218,500,000
4 2028....................................$225,100,000
5 2029....................................$288,700,000
6 2030....................................$298,900,000
7 2031....................................$309,300,000
8 2032....................................$320,100,000
9 2033....................................$331,200,000
10 2034....................................$341,200,000
11 2035....................................$351,400,000
12 2036....................................$361,900,000
13 2037....................................$372,800,000
14 2038....................................$384,000,000
15 2039....................................$395,500,000
16 2040....................................$407,400,000
17 2041....................................$419,600,000
18 2042....................................$432,200,000
19 2043....................................$445,100,000
20 Beginning July 1, 2021 and until July 1, 2022, subject to
21the payment of amounts into the County and Mass Transit
22District Fund, the Local Government Tax Fund, the Build
23Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the
24Illinois Tax Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund,
25and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in
26this Section, the Department shall pay each month into the Road

10100SB0119ham001- 188 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Fund the amount estimated to represent 16% of the net revenue
2realized from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol.
3Beginning July 1, 2022 and until July 1, 2023, subject to the
4payment of amounts into the County and Mass Transit District
5Fund, the Local Government Tax Fund, the Build Illinois Fund,
6the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
7Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
8Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
9the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the
10amount estimated to represent 32% of the net revenue realized
11from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning
12July 1, 2023 and until July 1, 2024, subject to the payment of
13amounts into the County and Mass Transit District Fund, the
14Local Government Tax Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the
15McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
16Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
17Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,
18the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the
19amount estimated to represent 48% of the net revenue realized
20from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning
21July 1, 2024 and until July 1, 2025, subject to the payment of
22amounts into the County and Mass Transit District Fund, the
23Local Government Tax Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the
24McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax
25Increment Fund, the Energy Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax
26Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section,

10100SB0119ham001- 189 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the
2amount estimated to represent 64% of the net revenue realized
3from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning on
4July 1, 2025, subject to the payment of amounts into the County
5and Mass Transit District Fund, the Local Government Tax Fund,
6the Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project
7Fund, the Illinois Tax Increment Fund, the Energy
8Infrastructure Fund, and the Tax Compliance and Administration
9Fund as provided in this Section, the Department shall pay each
10month into the Road Fund the amount estimated to represent 80%
11of the net revenue realized from the taxes imposed on motor
12fuel and gasohol. As used in this paragraph "motor fuel" has
13the meaning given to that term in Section 1.1 of the Motor Fuel
14Tax Act, and "gasohol" has the meaning given to that term in
15Section 3-40 of the Use Tax Act.
16 Of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department
17pursuant to this Act, 75% thereof shall be paid into the State
18Treasury and 25% shall be reserved in a special account and
19used only for the transfer to the Common School Fund as part of
20the monthly transfer from the General Revenue Fund in
21accordance with Section 8a of the State Finance Act.
22 The Department may, upon separate written notice to a
23taxpayer, require the taxpayer to prepare and file with the
24Department on a form prescribed by the Department within not
25less than 60 days after receipt of the notice an annual
26information return for the tax year specified in the notice.

10100SB0119ham001- 190 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Such annual return to the Department shall include a statement
2of gross receipts as shown by the retailer's last Federal
3income tax return. If the total receipts of the business as
4reported in the Federal income tax return do not agree with the
5gross receipts reported to the Department of Revenue for the
6same period, the retailer shall attach to his annual return a
7schedule showing a reconciliation of the 2 amounts and the
8reasons for the difference. The retailer's annual return to the
9Department shall also disclose the cost of goods sold by the
10retailer during the year covered by such return, opening and
11closing inventories of such goods for such year, costs of goods
12used from stock or taken from stock and given away by the
13retailer during such year, payroll information of the
14retailer's business during such year and any additional
15reasonable information which the Department deems would be
16helpful in determining the accuracy of the monthly, quarterly
17or annual returns filed by such retailer as provided for in
18this Section.
19 If the annual information return required by this Section
20is not filed when and as required, the taxpayer shall be liable
21as follows:
22 (i) Until January 1, 1994, the taxpayer shall be liable
23 for a penalty equal to 1/6 of 1% of the tax due from such
24 taxpayer under this Act during the period to be covered by
25 the annual return for each month or fraction of a month
26 until such return is filed as required, the penalty to be

10100SB0119ham001- 191 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 assessed and collected in the same manner as any other
2 penalty provided for in this Act.
3 (ii) On and after January 1, 1994, the taxpayer shall
4 be liable for a penalty as described in Section 3-4 of the
5 Uniform Penalty and Interest Act.
6 The chief executive officer, proprietor, owner or highest
7ranking manager shall sign the annual return to certify the
8accuracy of the information contained therein. Any person who
9willfully signs the annual return containing false or
10inaccurate information shall be guilty of perjury and punished
11accordingly. The annual return form prescribed by the
12Department shall include a warning that the person signing the
13return may be liable for perjury.
14 The provisions of this Section concerning the filing of an
15annual information return do not apply to a retailer who is not
16required to file an income tax return with the United States
18 As soon as possible after the first day of each month, upon
19certification of the Department of Revenue, the Comptroller
20shall order transferred and the Treasurer shall transfer from
21the General Revenue Fund to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund an amount
22equal to 1.7% of 80% of the net revenue realized under this Act
23for the second preceding month. Beginning April 1, 2000, this
24transfer is no longer required and shall not be made.
25 Net revenue realized for a month shall be the revenue
26collected by the State pursuant to this Act, less the amount

10100SB0119ham001- 192 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1paid out during that month as refunds to taxpayers for
2overpayment of liability.
3 For greater simplicity of administration, manufacturers,
4importers and wholesalers whose products are sold at retail in
5Illinois by numerous retailers, and who wish to do so, may
6assume the responsibility for accounting and paying to the
7Department all tax accruing under this Act with respect to such
8sales, if the retailers who are affected do not make written
9objection to the Department to this arrangement.
10 Any person who promotes, organizes, provides retail
11selling space for concessionaires or other types of sellers at
12the Illinois State Fair, DuQuoin State Fair, county fairs,
13local fairs, art shows, flea markets and similar exhibitions or
14events, including any transient merchant as defined by Section
152 of the Transient Merchant Act of 1987, is required to file a
16report with the Department providing the name of the merchant's
17business, the name of the person or persons engaged in
18merchant's business, the permanent address and Illinois
19Retailers Occupation Tax Registration Number of the merchant,
20the dates and location of the event and other reasonable
21information that the Department may require. The report must be
22filed not later than the 20th day of the month next following
23the month during which the event with retail sales was held.
24Any person who fails to file a report required by this Section
25commits a business offense and is subject to a fine not to
26exceed $250.

10100SB0119ham001- 193 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Any person engaged in the business of selling tangible
2personal property at retail as a concessionaire or other type
3of seller at the Illinois State Fair, county fairs, art shows,
4flea markets and similar exhibitions or events, or any
5transient merchants, as defined by Section 2 of the Transient
6Merchant Act of 1987, may be required to make a daily report of
7the amount of such sales to the Department and to make a daily
8payment of the full amount of tax due. The Department shall
9impose this requirement when it finds that there is a
10significant risk of loss of revenue to the State at such an
11exhibition or event. Such a finding shall be based on evidence
12that a substantial number of concessionaires or other sellers
13who are not residents of Illinois will be engaging in the
14business of selling tangible personal property at retail at the
15exhibition or event, or other evidence of a significant risk of
16loss of revenue to the State. The Department shall notify
17concessionaires and other sellers affected by the imposition of
18this requirement. In the absence of notification by the
19Department, the concessionaires and other sellers shall file
20their returns as otherwise required in this Section.
21(Source: P.A. 100-303, eff. 8-24-17; 100-363, eff. 7-1-18;
22100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, Article
2315, Section 15-25, eff. 6-5-19; 101-10, Article 25, Section
2425-120, eff. 6-5-19; 101-27, eff. 6-25-19; 101-32, eff.
256-28-19; revised 7-17-19.)

10100SB0119ham001- 194 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Section 10-45. The Cigarette Tax Act is amended by changing
2Section 2 as follows:
3 (35 ILCS 130/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 453.2)
4 Sec. 2. Tax imposed; rate; collection, payment, and
5distribution; discount.
6 (a) Beginning on July 1, 2019, in place of the aggregate
7tax rate of 99 mills previously imposed by this Act, a tax is
8imposed upon any person engaged in business as a retailer of
9cigarettes at the rate of 149 mills per cigarette sold or
10otherwise disposed of in the course of such business in this
12 (b) The payment of such taxes shall be evidenced by a stamp
13affixed to each original package of cigarettes, or an
14authorized substitute for such stamp imprinted on each original
15package of such cigarettes underneath the sealed transparent
16outside wrapper of such original package, as hereinafter
17provided. However, such taxes are not imposed upon any activity
18in such business in interstate commerce or otherwise, which
19activity may not under the Constitution and statutes of the
20United States be made the subject of taxation by this State.
21 Out of the 149 mills per cigarette tax imposed by
22subsection (a), the revenues received from 4 mills shall be
23paid into the Common School Fund each month, not to exceed
24$9,000,000 per month. Out of the 149 mills per cigarette tax
25imposed by subsection (a), all of the revenues received from 7

10100SB0119ham001- 195 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1mills shall be paid into the Common School Fund each month. Out
2of the 149 mills per cigarette tax imposed by subsection (a),
350 mills per cigarette each month shall be paid into the
4Healthcare Provider Relief Fund.
5 Beginning on July 1, 2006, all of the moneys received by
6the Department of Revenue pursuant to this Act and the
7Cigarette Use Tax Act, other than the moneys that are dedicated
8to the Common School Fund and, beginning on the effective date
9of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, other than
10the moneys from the additional taxes imposed by this amendatory
11Act of the 97th General Assembly that must be paid each month
12into the Healthcare Provider Relief Fund, and other than the
13moneys from the additional taxes imposed by this amendatory Act
14of the 101st General Assembly that must be paid each month
15under subsection (c), shall be distributed each month as
16follows: first, there shall be paid into the General Revenue
17Fund an amount that, when added to the amount paid into the
18Common School Fund for that month, equals $29,200,000; then,
19from the moneys remaining, if any amounts required to be paid
20into the General Revenue Fund in previous months remain unpaid,
21those amounts shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund; then
22from the moneys remaining, $5,000,000 per month shall be paid
23into the School Infrastructure Fund; then, if any amounts
24required to be paid into the School Infrastructure Fund in
25previous months remain unpaid, those amounts shall be paid into
26the School Infrastructure Fund; then the moneys remaining, if

10100SB0119ham001- 196 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1any, shall be paid into the Long-Term Care Provider Fund.
2 (c) Beginning on July 1, 2019, all of the moneys from the
3additional taxes imposed by Public Act 101-31, except for
4moneys received from the tax on electronic cigarettes, this
5amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly received by the
6Department of Revenue pursuant to this Act, and the Cigarette
7Use Tax Act, and the Tobacco Products Tax Act of 1995 shall be
8distributed each month into the Capital Projects Fund.
9 (d) Except for moneys received from the additional taxes
10imposed by Public Act 101-31, moneys Moneys collected from the
11tax imposed on little cigars under Section 10-10 of the Tobacco
12Products Tax Act of 1995 shall be included with the moneys
13collected under the Cigarette Tax Act and the Cigarette Use Tax
14Act when making distributions to the Common School Fund, the
15Healthcare Provider Relief Fund, the General Revenue Fund, the
16School Infrastructure Fund, and the Long-Term Care Provider
17Fund under this Section.
18 (e) If the tax imposed herein terminates or has terminated,
19distributors who have bought stamps while such tax was in
20effect and who therefore paid such tax, but who can show, to
21the Department's satisfaction, that they sold the cigarettes to
22which they affixed such stamps after such tax had terminated
23and did not recover the tax or its equivalent from purchasers,
24shall be allowed by the Department to take credit for such
25absorbed tax against subsequent tax stamp purchases from the
26Department by such distributor.

10100SB0119ham001- 197 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (f) The impact of the tax levied by this Act is imposed
2upon the retailer and shall be prepaid or pre-collected by the
3distributor for the purpose of convenience and facility only,
4and the amount of the tax shall be added to the price of the
5cigarettes sold by such distributor. Collection of the tax
6shall be evidenced by a stamp or stamps affixed to each
7original package of cigarettes, as hereinafter provided. Any
8distributor who purchases stamps may credit any excess payments
9verified by the Department against amounts subsequently due for
10the purchase of additional stamps, until such time as no excess
11payment remains.
12 (g) Each distributor shall collect the tax from the
13retailer at or before the time of the sale, shall affix the
14stamps as hereinafter required, and shall remit the tax
15collected from retailers to the Department, as hereinafter
16provided. Any distributor who fails to properly collect and pay
17the tax imposed by this Act shall be liable for the tax.
18 (h) Any distributor having cigarettes in his or her
19possession on July 1, 2019 to which tax stamps have been
20affixed, and any distributor having stamps in his or her
21possession on July 1, 2019 that have not been affixed to
22packages of cigarettes before July 1, 2019, is required to pay
23the additional tax that begins on July 1, 2019 imposed by this
24amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly to the extent that
25the volume of affixed and unaffixed stamps in the distributor's
26possession on July 1, 2019 exceeds the average monthly volume

10100SB0119ham001- 198 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1of cigarette stamps purchased by the distributor in calendar
2year 2018. This payment, less the discount provided in
3subsection (l), is due when the distributor first makes a
4purchase of cigarette stamps on or after July 1, 2019 or on the
5first due date of a return under this Act occurring on or after
6July 1, 2019, whichever occurs first. Those distributors may
7elect to pay the additional tax on packages of cigarettes to
8which stamps have been affixed and on any stamps in the
9distributor's possession that have not been affixed to packages
10of cigarettes in their possession on July 1, 2019 over a period
11not to exceed 12 months from the due date of the additional tax
12by notifying the Department in writing. The first payment for
13distributors making such election is due when the distributor
14first makes a purchase of cigarette tax stamps on or after July
151, 2019 or on the first due date of a return under this Act
16occurring on or after July 1, 2019, whichever occurs first.
17Distributors making such an election are not entitled to take
18the discount provided in subsection (l) on such payments.
19 (i) Any retailer having cigarettes in its possession on
20July 1, 2019 to which tax stamps have been affixed is not
21required to pay the additional tax that begins on July 1, 2019
22imposed by this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly on
23those stamped cigarettes.
24 (j) Distributors making sales of cigarettes to secondary
25distributors shall add the amount of the tax to the price of
26the cigarettes sold by the distributors. Secondary

10100SB0119ham001- 199 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1distributors making sales of cigarettes to retailers shall
2include the amount of the tax in the price of the cigarettes
3sold to retailers. The amount of tax shall not be less than the
4amount of taxes imposed by the State and all local
5jurisdictions. The amount of local taxes shall be calculated
6based on the location of the retailer's place of business shown
7on the retailer's certificate of registration or
8sub-registration issued to the retailer pursuant to Section 2a
9of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. The original packages of
10cigarettes sold to the retailer shall bear all the required
11stamps, or other indicia, for the taxes included in the price
12of cigarettes.
13 (k) The amount of the Cigarette Tax imposed by this Act
14shall be separately stated, apart from the price of the goods,
15by distributors, manufacturer representatives, secondary
16distributors, and retailers, in all bills and sales invoices.
17 (l) The distributor shall be required to collect the tax
18provided under paragraph (a) hereof, and, to cover the costs of
19such collection, shall be allowed a discount during any year
20commencing July 1st and ending the following June 30th in
21accordance with the schedule set out hereinbelow, which
22discount shall be allowed at the time of purchase of the stamps
23when purchase is required by this Act, or at the time when the
24tax is remitted to the Department without the purchase of
25stamps from the Department when that method of paying the tax
26is required or authorized by this Act.

10100SB0119ham001- 200 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 On and after December 1, 1985, a discount equal to 1.75% of
2the amount of the tax payable under this Act up to and
3including the first $3,000,000 paid hereunder by such
4distributor to the Department during any such year and 1.5% of
5the amount of any additional tax paid hereunder by such
6distributor to the Department during any such year shall apply.
7 Two or more distributors that use a common means of
8affixing revenue tax stamps or that are owned or controlled by
9the same interests shall be treated as a single distributor for
10the purpose of computing the discount.
11 (m) The taxes herein imposed are in addition to all other
12occupation or privilege taxes imposed by the State of Illinois,
13or by any political subdivision thereof, or by any municipal
15(Source: P.A. 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-31, eff. 6-28-19.)
16 Section 10-50. The Motor Fuel Tax Law is amended by
17changing Sections 2, 2a, 2b, and 8a as follows:
18 (35 ILCS 505/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 418)
19 Sec. 2. A tax is imposed on the privilege of operating
20motor vehicles upon the public highways and recreational-type
21watercraft upon the waters of this State.
22 (a) Prior to August 1, 1989, the tax is imposed at the rate
23of 13 cents per gallon on all motor fuel used in motor vehicles
24operating on the public highways and recreational type

10100SB0119ham001- 201 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1watercraft operating upon the waters of this State. Beginning
2on August 1, 1989 and until January 1, 1990, the rate of the
3tax imposed in this paragraph shall be 16 cents per gallon.
4Beginning January 1, 1990 and until July 1, 2019, the rate of
5tax imposed in this paragraph, including the tax on compressed
6natural gas, shall be 19 cents per gallon. Beginning July 1,
72019, the rate of tax imposed in this paragraph shall be 38
8cents per gallon and increased on July 1 of each subsequent
9year by an amount equal to the percentage increase, if any, in
10the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items
11published by the United States Department of Labor for the 12
12months ending in March of each year. The rate shall be rounded
13to the nearest one-tenth of one cent.
14 (b) Until July 1, 2019, the The tax on the privilege of
15operating motor vehicles which use diesel fuel, liquefied
16natural gas, or propane shall be the rate according to
17paragraph (a) plus an additional 2 1/2 cents per gallon.
18Beginning July 1, 2019, the tax on the privilege of operating
19motor vehicles which use diesel fuel, liquefied natural gas, or
20propane rate of tax imposed in this paragraph shall be the rate
21according to subsection (a) plus an additional 7.5 cents per
22gallon. "Diesel fuel" is defined as any product intended for
23use or offered for sale as a fuel for engines in which the fuel
24is injected into the combustion chamber and ignited by pressure
25without electric spark.
26 (c) A tax is imposed upon the privilege of engaging in the

10100SB0119ham001- 202 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1business of selling motor fuel as a retailer or reseller on all
2motor fuel used in motor vehicles operating on the public
3highways and recreational type watercraft operating upon the
4waters of this State: (1) at the rate of 3 cents per gallon on
5motor fuel owned or possessed by such retailer or reseller at
612:01 a.m. on August 1, 1989; and (2) at the rate of 3 cents per
7gallon on motor fuel owned or possessed by such retailer or
8reseller at 12:01 A.M. on January 1, 1990.
9 Retailers and resellers who are subject to this additional
10tax shall be required to inventory such motor fuel and pay this
11additional tax in a manner prescribed by the Department of
13 The tax imposed in this paragraph (c) shall be in addition
14to all other taxes imposed by the State of Illinois or any unit
15of local government in this State.
16 (d) Except as provided in Section 2a, the collection of a
17tax based on gallonage of gasoline used for the propulsion of
18any aircraft is prohibited on and after October 1, 1979, and
19the collection of a tax based on gallonage of special fuel used
20for the propulsion of any aircraft is prohibited on and after
21December 1, 2019.
22 (e) The collection of a tax, based on gallonage of all
23products commonly or commercially known or sold as 1-K
24kerosene, regardless of its classification or uses, is
25prohibited (i) on and after July 1, 1992 until December 31,
261999, except when the 1-K kerosene is either: (1) delivered

10100SB0119ham001- 203 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1into bulk storage facilities of a bulk user, or (2) delivered
2directly into the fuel supply tanks of motor vehicles and (ii)
3on and after January 1, 2000. Beginning on January 1, 2000, the
4collection of a tax, based on gallonage of all products
5commonly or commercially known or sold as 1-K kerosene,
6regardless of its classification or uses, is prohibited except
7when the 1-K kerosene is delivered directly into a storage tank
8that is located at a facility that has withdrawal facilities
9that are readily accessible to and are capable of dispensing
101-K kerosene into the fuel supply tanks of motor vehicles. For
11purposes of this subsection (e), a facility is considered to
12have withdrawal facilities that are not "readily accessible to
13and capable of dispensing 1-K kerosene into the fuel supply
14tanks of motor vehicles" only if the 1-K kerosene is delivered
15from: (i) a dispenser hose that is short enough so that it will
16not reach the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle or (ii) a
17dispenser that is enclosed by a fence or other physical barrier
18so that a vehicle cannot pull alongside the dispenser to permit
20 Any person who sells or uses 1-K kerosene for use in motor
21vehicles upon which the tax imposed by this Law has not been
22paid shall be liable for any tax due on the sales or use of 1-K
24(Source: P.A. 100-9, eff. 7-1-17; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-32,
25eff. 6-28-19; revised 7-12-19.)

10100SB0119ham001- 204 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (35 ILCS 505/2a) (from Ch. 120, par. 418a)
2 Sec. 2a. Except as hereinafter provided, on and after
3January 1, 1990 and before January 1, 2025, a tax of
4three-tenths of a cent per gallon is imposed upon the privilege
5of being a receiver in this State of fuel for sale or use.
6Beginning January 1, 2021, this tax is not imposed on sales of
7aviation fuel for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
8U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
9 The tax shall be paid by the receiver in this State who
10first sells or uses fuel. In the case of a sale, the tax shall
11be stated as a separate item on the invoice.
12 For the purpose of the tax imposed by this Section, being a
13receiver of "motor fuel" as defined by Section 1.1 of this Act,
14and aviation fuels, home heating oil and kerosene, but
15excluding liquified petroleum gases, is subject to tax without
16regard to whether the fuel is intended to be used for operation
17of motor vehicles on the public highways and waters. However,
18no such tax shall be imposed upon the importation or receipt of
19aviation fuels and kerosene at airports with over 300,000
20operations per year, for years prior to 1991, and over 170,000
21operations per year beginning in 1991, located in a city of
22more than 1,000,000 inhabitants for sale to or use by holders
23of certificates of public convenience and necessity or foreign
24air carrier permits, issued by the United States Department of
25Transportation, and their air carrier affiliates, or upon the
26importation or receipt of aviation fuels and kerosene at

10100SB0119ham001- 205 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1facilities owned or leased by those certificate or permit
2holders and used in their activities at an airport described
3above. In addition, no such tax shall be imposed upon the
4importation or receipt of diesel fuel or liquefied natural gas
5sold to or used by a rail carrier registered pursuant to
6Section 18c-7201 of the Illinois Vehicle Code or otherwise
7recognized by the Illinois Commerce Commission as a rail
8carrier, to the extent used directly in railroad operations. In
9addition, no such tax shall be imposed when the sale is made
10with delivery to a purchaser outside this State or when the
11sale is made to a person holding a valid license as a receiver.
12In addition, no tax shall be imposed upon diesel fuel or
13liquefied natural gas consumed or used in the operation of
14ships, barges, or vessels, that are used primarily in or for
15the transportation of property in interstate commerce for hire
16on rivers bordering on this State, if the diesel fuel or
17liquefied natural gas is delivered by a licensed receiver to
18the purchaser's barge, ship, or vessel while it is afloat upon
19that bordering river. A specific notation thereof shall be made
20on the invoices or sales slips covering each sale.
21(Source: P.A. 100-9, eff. 7-1-17.)
22 (35 ILCS 505/2b) (from Ch. 120, par. 418b)
23 Sec. 2b. Receiver's monthly return. In addition to the tax
24collection and reporting responsibilities imposed elsewhere in
25this Act, a person who is required to pay the tax imposed by

10100SB0119ham001- 206 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Section 2a of this Act shall pay the tax to the Department by
2return showing all fuel purchased, acquired or received and
3sold, distributed or used during the preceding calendar month
4including losses of fuel as the result of evaporation or
5shrinkage due to temperature variations, and such other
6reasonable information as the Department may require. Losses of
7fuel as the result of evaporation or shrinkage due to
8temperature variations may not exceed 1% of the total gallons
9in storage at the beginning of the month, plus the receipts of
10gallonage during the month, minus the gallonage remaining in
11storage at the end of the month. Any loss reported that is in
12excess of this amount shall be subject to the tax imposed by
13Section 2a of this Law. On and after July 1, 2001, for each
146-month period January through June, net losses of fuel (for
15each category of fuel that is required to be reported on a
16return) as the result of evaporation or shrinkage due to
17temperature variations may not exceed 1% of the total gallons
18in storage at the beginning of each January, plus the receipts
19of gallonage each January through June, minus the gallonage
20remaining in storage at the end of each June. On and after July
211, 2001, for each 6-month period July through December, net
22losses of fuel (for each category of fuel that is required to
23be reported on a return) as the result of evaporation or
24shrinkage due to temperature variations may not exceed 1% of
25the total gallons in storage at the beginning of each July,
26plus the receipts of gallonage each July through December,

10100SB0119ham001- 207 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1minus the gallonage remaining in storage at the end of each
2December. Any net loss reported that is in excess of this
3amount shall be subject to the tax imposed by Section 2a of
4this Law. For purposes of this Section, "net loss" means the
5number of gallons gained through temperature variations minus
6the number of gallons lost through temperature variations or
7evaporation for each of the respective 6-month periods.
8 The return shall be prescribed by the Department and shall
9be filed between the 1st and 20th days of each calendar month.
10The Department may, in its discretion, combine the returns
11filed under this Section, Section 5, and Section 5a of this
12Act. The return must be accompanied by appropriate
13computer-generated magnetic media supporting schedule data in
14the format required by the Department, unless, as provided by
15rule, the Department grants an exception upon petition of a
16taxpayer. If the return is filed timely, the seller shall take
17a discount of 2% through June 30, 2003 and 1.75% thereafter
18which is allowed to reimburse the seller for the expenses
19incurred in keeping records, preparing and filing returns,
20collecting and remitting the tax and supplying data to the
21Department on request. The discount, however, shall be
22applicable only to the amount of payment which accompanies a
23return that is filed timely in accordance with this Section.
24The discount under this Section is not allowed for taxes paid
25on aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use
26requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are

10100SB0119ham001- 208 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1deposited into the State Aviation Program Fund under this Act.
2 Beginning on January 1, 2020 and ending with returns due on
3January 20, 2021, each person who is required to pay the tax
4imposed under Section 2a of this Act on aviation fuel sold or
5used in this State during the preceding calendar month shall,
6instead of reporting and paying tax on aviation fuel as
7otherwise required by this Section, report and pay such tax on
8a separate aviation fuel tax return or a separate line on the
9return , on or before the twentieth day of each calendar month.
10The requirements related to the return shall be as otherwise
11provided in this Section. Notwithstanding any other provisions
12of this Act to the contrary, a person required to pay the tax
13imposed by Section 2a of this Act on aviation fuel shall file
14all aviation fuel tax returns and shall make all aviation fuel
15tax payments by electronic means in the manner and form
16required by the Department. For purposes of this Law paragraph,
17"aviation fuel" means jet fuel and aviation gasoline a product
18that is intended for use or offered for sale as fuel for an
20 If any payment provided for in this Section exceeds the
21receiver's liabilities under this Act, as shown on an original
22return, the Department may authorize the receiver to credit
23such excess payment against liability subsequently to be
24remitted to the Department under this Act, in accordance with
25reasonable rules adopted by the Department. If the Department
26subsequently determines that all or any part of the credit

10100SB0119ham001- 209 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1taken was not actually due to the receiver, the receiver's
2discount shall be reduced by an amount equal to the difference
3between the discount as applied to the credit taken and that
4actually due, and that receiver shall be liable for penalties
5and interest on such difference.
6(Source: P.A. 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19.)
7 (35 ILCS 505/8a) (from Ch. 120, par. 424a)
8 Sec. 8a. All money received by the Department under Section
92a of this Act, except money received from taxes on aviation
10fuel sold or used on or after December 1, 2019 and through
11December 31, 2020, shall be deposited in the Underground
12Storage Tank Fund created by Section 57.11 of the Environmental
13Protection Act, as now or hereafter amended. All money received
14by the Department under Section 2a of this Act for aviation
15fuel sold or used on or after December 1, 2019, shall be
16deposited into the State Aviation Program Fund. This exception
17for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use
18requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are
19binding on the State. For purposes of this Section, "aviation
20fuel" means jet fuel and aviation gasoline a product that is
21intended for use or offered for sale as fuel for an aircraft.
22(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19.)
23 Section 10-55. The Innovation Development and Economy Act
24is amended by changing Sections 10 and 31 as follows:

10100SB0119ham001- 210 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (50 ILCS 470/10)
2 Sec. 10. Definitions. As used in this Act, the following
3words and phrases shall have the following meanings unless a
4different meaning clearly appears from the context:
5 "Base year" means the calendar year immediately prior to
6the calendar year in which the STAR bond district is
8 "Commence work" means the manifest commencement of actual
9operations on the development site, such as, erecting a
10building, general on-site and off-site grading and utility
11installations, commencing design and construction
12documentation, ordering lead-time materials, excavating the
13ground to lay a foundation or a basement, or work of like
14description which a reasonable person would recognize as being
15done with the intention and purpose to continue work until the
16project is completed.
17 "County" means the county in which a proposed STAR bond
18district is located.
19 "De minimis" means an amount less than 15% of the land area
20within a STAR bond district.
21 "Department of Revenue" means the Department of Revenue of
22the State of Illinois.
23 "Destination user" means an owner, operator, licensee,
24co-developer, subdeveloper, or tenant (i) that operates a
25business within a STAR bond district that is a retail store

10100SB0119ham001- 211 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1having at least 150,000 square feet of sales floor area; (ii)
2that at the time of opening does not have another Illinois
3location within a 70 mile radius; (iii) that has an annual
4average of not less than 30% of customers who travel from at
5least 75 miles away or from out-of-state, as demonstrated by
6data from a comparable existing store or stores, or, if there
7is no comparable existing store, as demonstrated by an economic
8analysis that shows that the proposed retailer will have an
9annual average of not less than 30% of customers who travel
10from at least 75 miles away or from out-of-state; and (iv) that
11makes an initial capital investment, including project costs
12and other direct costs, of not less than $30,000,000 for such
13retail store.
14 "Destination hotel" means a hotel (as that term is defined
15in Section 2 of the Hotel Operators' Occupation Tax Act)
16complex having at least 150 guest rooms and which also includes
17a venue for entertainment attractions, rides, or other
18activities oriented toward the entertainment and amusement of
19its guests and other patrons.
20 "Developer" means any individual, corporation, trust,
21estate, partnership, limited liability partnership, limited
22liability company, or other entity. The term does not include a
23not-for-profit entity, political subdivision, or other agency
24or instrumentality of the State.
25 "Director" means the Director of Revenue, who shall consult
26with the Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity in any

10100SB0119ham001- 212 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1approvals or decisions required by the Director under this Act.
2 "Economic impact study" means a study conducted by an
3independent economist to project the financial benefit of the
4proposed STAR bond project to the local, regional, and State
5economies, consider the proposed adverse impacts on similar
6projects and businesses, as well as municipalities within the
7projected market area, and draw conclusions about the net
8effect of the proposed STAR bond project on the local,
9regional, and State economies. A copy of the economic impact
10study shall be provided to the Director for review.
11 "Eligible area" means any improved or vacant area that (i)
12is contiguous and is not, in the aggregate, less than 250 acres
13nor more than 500 acres which must include only parcels of real
14property directly and substantially benefited by the proposed
15STAR bond district plan, (ii) is adjacent to a federal
16interstate highway, (iii) is within one mile of 2 State
17highways, (iv) is within one mile of an entertainment user, or
18a major or minor league sports stadium or other similar
19entertainment venue that had an initial capital investment of
20at least $20,000,000, and (v) includes land that was previously
21surface or strip mined. The area may be bisected by streets,
22highways, roads, alleys, railways, bike paths, streams,
23rivers, and other waterways and still be deemed contiguous. In
24addition, in order to constitute an eligible area one of the
25following requirements must be satisfied and all of which are
26subject to the review and approval of the Director as provided

10100SB0119ham001- 213 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1in subsection (d) of Section 15:
2 (a) the governing body of the political subdivision
3 shall have determined that the area meets the requirements
4 of a "blighted area" as defined under the Tax Increment
5 Allocation Redevelopment Act; or
6 (b) the governing body of the political subdivision
7 shall have determined that the area is a blighted area as
8 determined under the provisions of Section 11-74.3-5 of the
9 Illinois Municipal Code; or
10 (c) the governing body of the political subdivision
11 shall make the following findings:
12 (i) that the vacant portions of the area have
13 remained vacant for at least one year, or that any
14 building located on a vacant portion of the property
15 was demolished within the last year and that the
16 building would have qualified under item (ii) of this
17 subsection;
18 (ii) if portions of the area are currently
19 developed, that the use, condition, and character of
20 the buildings on the property are not consistent with
21 the purposes set forth in Section 5;
22 (iii) that the STAR bond district is expected to
23 create or retain job opportunities within the
24 political subdivision;
25 (iv) that the STAR bond district will serve to
26 further the development of adjacent areas;

10100SB0119ham001- 214 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (v) that without the availability of STAR bonds,
2 the projects described in the STAR bond district plan
3 would not be possible;
4 (vi) that the master developer meets high
5 standards of creditworthiness and financial strength
6 as demonstrated by one or more of the following: (i)
7 corporate debenture ratings of BBB or higher by
8 Standard & Poor's Corporation or Baa or higher by
9 Moody's Investors Service, Inc.; (ii) a letter from a
10 financial institution with assets of $10,000,000 or
11 more attesting to the financial strength of the master
12 developer; or (iii) specific evidence of equity
13 financing for not less than 10% of the estimated total
14 STAR bond project costs;
15 (vii) that the STAR bond district will strengthen
16 the commercial sector of the political subdivision;
17 (viii) that the STAR bond district will enhance the
18 tax base of the political subdivision; and
19 (ix) that the formation of a STAR bond district is
20 in the best interest of the political subdivision.
21 "Entertainment user" means an owner, operator, licensee,
22co-developer, subdeveloper, or tenant that operates a business
23within a STAR bond district that has a primary use of providing
24a venue for entertainment attractions, rides, or other
25activities oriented toward the entertainment and amusement of
26its patrons, occupies at least 20 acres of land in the STAR

10100SB0119ham001- 215 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1bond district, and makes an initial capital investment,
2including project costs and other direct and indirect costs, of
3not less than $25,000,000 for that venue.
4 "Feasibility study" means a feasibility study as defined in
5subsection (b) of Section 20.
6 "Infrastructure" means the public improvements and private
7improvements that serve the public purposes set forth in
8Section 5 of this Act and that benefit the STAR bond district
9or any STAR bond projects, including, but not limited to,
10streets, drives and driveways, traffic and directional signs
11and signals, parking lots and parking facilities,
12interchanges, highways, sidewalks, bridges, underpasses and
13overpasses, bike and walking trails, sanitary storm sewers and
14lift stations, drainage conduits, channels, levees, canals,
15storm water detention and retention facilities, utilities and
16utility connections, water mains and extensions, and street and
17parking lot lighting and connections.
18 "Local sales taxes" means any locally-imposed locally
19imposed taxes received by a municipality, county, or other
20local governmental entity arising from sales by retailers and
21servicemen within a STAR bond district, including business
22district sales taxes and STAR bond occupation taxes, and that
23portion of the net revenue realized under the Retailers'
24Occupation Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act,
25and the Service Occupation Tax Act from transactions at places
26of business located within a STAR bond district that is

10100SB0119ham001- 216 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1deposited into the Local Government Tax Fund and the County and
2Mass Transit District Fund. For the purpose of this Act, "local
3sales taxes" does not include (i) any taxes authorized pursuant
4to the Local Mass Transit District Act or the Metro-East Park
5and Recreation District Act for so long as the applicable
6taxing district does not impose a tax on real property, (ii)
7county school facility and resources occupation taxes imposed
8pursuant to Section 5-1006.7 of the Counties Code, or (iii) any
9taxes authorized under the Flood Prevention District Act.
10 "Local sales tax increment" means, except as otherwise
11provided in this Section, with respect to local sales taxes
12administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, (i) all of
13the local sales tax paid by destination users, destination
14hotels, and entertainment users that is in excess of the local
15sales tax paid by destination users, destination hotels, and
16entertainment users for the same month in the base year, as
17determined by the Illinois Department of Revenue, (ii) in the
18case of a municipality forming a STAR bond district that is
19wholly within the corporate boundaries of the municipality and
20in the case of a municipality and county forming a STAR bond
21district that is only partially within such municipality, that
22portion of the local sales tax paid by taxpayers that are not
23destination users, destination hotels, or entertainment users
24that is in excess of the local sales tax paid by taxpayers that
25are not destination users, destination hotels, or
26entertainment users for the same month in the base year, as

10100SB0119ham001- 217 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1determined by the Illinois Department of Revenue, and (iii) in
2the case of a county in which a STAR bond district is formed
3that is wholly within a municipality, that portion of the local
4sales tax paid by taxpayers that are not destination users,
5destination hotels, or entertainment users that is in excess of
6the local sales tax paid by taxpayers that are not destination
7users, destination hotels, or entertainment users for the same
8month in the base year, as determined by the Illinois
9Department of Revenue, but only if the corporate authorities of
10the county adopts an ordinance, and files a copy with the
11Department within the same time frames as required for STAR
12bond occupation taxes under Section 31, that designates the
13taxes referenced in this clause (iii) as part of the local
14sales tax increment under this Act. "Local sales tax increment"
15means, with respect to local sales taxes administered by a
16municipality, county, or other unit of local government, that
17portion of the local sales tax that is in excess of the local
18sales tax for the same month in the base year, as determined by
19the respective municipality, county, or other unit of local
20government. If any portion of local sales taxes are, at the
21time of formation of a STAR bond district, already subject to
22tax increment financing under the Tax Increment Allocation
23Redevelopment Act, then the local sales tax increment for such
24portion shall be frozen at the base year established in
25accordance with this Act, and all future incremental increases
26shall be included in the "local sales tax increment" under this

10100SB0119ham001- 218 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Act. Any party otherwise entitled to receipt of incremental
2local sales tax revenues through an existing tax increment
3financing district shall be entitled to continue to receive
4such revenues up to the amount frozen in the base year. Nothing
5in this Act shall affect the prior qualification of existing
6redevelopment project costs incurred that are eligible for
7reimbursement under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment
8Act. In such event, prior to approving a STAR bond district,
9the political subdivision forming the STAR bond district shall
10take such action as is necessary, including amending the
11existing tax increment financing district redevelopment plan,
12to carry out the provisions of this Act. The Illinois
13Department of Revenue shall allocate the local sales tax
14increment only if the local sales tax is administered by the
15Department. "Local sales tax increment" does not include taxes
16and penalties collected on aviation fuel, as defined in Section
173 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax, sold on or after December
181, 2019 and through December 31, 2020.
19 "Market study" means a study to determine the ability of
20the proposed STAR bond project to gain market share locally and
21regionally and to remain profitable past the term of repayment
22of STAR bonds.
23 "Master developer" means a developer cooperating with a
24political subdivision to plan, develop, and implement a STAR
25bond project plan for a STAR bond district. Subject to the
26limitations of Section 25, the master developer may work with

10100SB0119ham001- 219 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1and transfer certain development rights to other developers for
2the purpose of implementing STAR bond project plans and
3achieving the purposes of this Act. A master developer for a
4STAR bond district shall be appointed by a political
5subdivision in the resolution establishing the STAR bond
6district, and the master developer must, at the time of
7appointment, own or have control of, through purchase
8agreements, option contracts, or other means, not less than 50%
9of the acreage within the STAR bond district and the master
10developer or its affiliate must have ownership or control on
11June 1, 2010.
12 "Master development agreement" means an agreement between
13the master developer and the political subdivision to govern a
14STAR bond district and any STAR bond projects.
15 "Municipality" means the city, village, or incorporated
16town in which a proposed STAR bond district is located.
17 "Pledged STAR revenues" means those sales tax and revenues
18and other sources of funds pledged to pay debt service on STAR
19bonds or to pay project costs pursuant to Section 30.
20Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the following
21revenues shall not constitute pledged STAR revenues or be
22available to pay principal and interest on STAR bonds: any
23State sales tax increment or local sales tax increment from a
24retail entity initiating operations in a STAR bond district
25while terminating operations at another Illinois location
26within 25 miles of the STAR bond district. For purposes of this

10100SB0119ham001- 220 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1paragraph, "terminating operations" means a closing of a retail
2operation that is directly related to the opening of the same
3operation or like retail entity owned or operated by more than
450% of the original ownership in a STAR bond district within
5one year before or after initiating operations in the STAR bond
6district, but it does not mean closing an operation for reasons
7beyond the control of the retail entity, as documented by the
8retail entity, subject to a reasonable finding by the
9municipality (or county if such retail operation is not located
10within a municipality) in which the terminated operations were
11located that the closed location contained inadequate space,
12had become economically obsolete, or was no longer a viable
13location for the retailer or serviceman.
14 "Political subdivision" means a municipality or county
15which undertakes to establish a STAR bond district pursuant to
16the provisions of this Act.
17 "Project costs" means and includes the sum total of all
18costs incurred or estimated to be incurred on or following the
19date of establishment of a STAR bond district that are
20reasonable or necessary to implement a STAR bond district plan
21or any STAR bond project plans, or both, including costs
22incurred for public improvements and private improvements that
23serve the public purposes set forth in Section 5 of this Act.
24Such costs include without limitation the following:
25 (a) costs of studies, surveys, development of plans and
26 specifications, formation, implementation, and

10100SB0119ham001- 221 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 administration of a STAR bond district, STAR bond district
2 plan, any STAR bond projects, or any STAR bond project
3 plans, including, but not limited to, staff and
4 professional service costs for architectural, engineering,
5 legal, financial, planning, or other services, provided
6 however that no charges for professional services may be
7 based on a percentage of the tax increment collected and no
8 contracts for professional services, excluding
9 architectural and engineering services, may be entered
10 into if the terms of the contract extend beyond a period of
11 3 years;
12 (b) property assembly costs, including, but not
13 limited to, acquisition of land and other real property or
14 rights or interests therein, located within the boundaries
15 of a STAR bond district, demolition of buildings, site
16 preparation, site improvements that serve as an engineered
17 barrier addressing ground level or below ground
18 environmental contamination, including, but not limited
19 to, parking lots and other concrete or asphalt barriers,
20 the clearing and grading of land, and importing additional
21 soil and fill materials, or removal of soil and fill
22 materials from the site;
23 (c) subject to paragraph (d), costs of buildings and
24 other vertical improvements that are located within the
25 boundaries of a STAR bond district and owned by a political
26 subdivision or other public entity, including without

10100SB0119ham001- 222 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 limitation police and fire stations, educational
2 facilities, and public restrooms and rest areas;
3 (c-1) costs of buildings and other vertical
4 improvements that are located within the boundaries of a
5 STAR bond district and owned by a destination user or
6 destination hotel; except that only 2 destination users in
7 a STAR bond district and one destination hotel are eligible
8 to include the cost of those vertical improvements as
9 project costs;
10 (c-5) costs of buildings; rides and attractions, which
11 include carousels, slides, roller coasters, displays,
12 models, towers, works of art, and similar theme and
13 amusement park improvements; and other vertical
14 improvements that are located within the boundaries of a
15 STAR bond district and owned by an entertainment user;
16 except that only one entertainment user in a STAR bond
17 district is eligible to include the cost of those vertical
18 improvements as project costs;
19 (d) costs of the design and construction of
20 infrastructure and public works located within the
21 boundaries of a STAR bond district that are reasonable or
22 necessary to implement a STAR bond district plan or any
23 STAR bond project plans, or both, except that project costs
24 shall not include the cost of constructing a new municipal
25 public building principally used to provide offices,
26 storage space, or conference facilities or vehicle

10100SB0119ham001- 223 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 storage, maintenance, or repair for administrative, public
2 safety, or public works personnel and that is not intended
3 to replace an existing public building unless the political
4 subdivision makes a reasonable determination in a STAR bond
5 district plan or any STAR bond project plans, supported by
6 information that provides the basis for that
7 determination, that the new municipal building is required
8 to meet an increase in the need for public safety purposes
9 anticipated to result from the implementation of the STAR
10 bond district plan or any STAR bond project plans;
11 (e) costs of the design and construction of the
12 following improvements located outside the boundaries of a
13 STAR bond district, provided that the costs are essential
14 to further the purpose and development of a STAR bond
15 district plan and either (i) part of and connected to
16 sewer, water, or utility service lines that physically
17 connect to the STAR bond district or (ii) significant
18 improvements for adjacent offsite highways, streets,
19 roadways, and interchanges that are approved by the
20 Illinois Department of Transportation. No other cost of
21 infrastructure and public works improvements located
22 outside the boundaries of a STAR bond district may be
23 deemed project costs;
24 (f) costs of job training and retraining projects,
25 including the cost of "welfare to work" programs
26 implemented by businesses located within a STAR bond

10100SB0119ham001- 224 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 district;
2 (g) financing costs, including, but not limited to, all
3 necessary and incidental expenses related to the issuance
4 of obligations and which may include payment of interest on
5 any obligations issued hereunder including interest
6 accruing during the estimated period of construction of any
7 improvements in a STAR bond district or any STAR bond
8 projects for which such obligations are issued and for not
9 exceeding 36 months thereafter and including reasonable
10 reserves related thereto;
11 (h) to the extent the political subdivision by written
12 agreement accepts and approves the same, all or a portion
13 of a taxing district's capital costs resulting from a STAR
14 bond district or STAR bond projects necessarily incurred or
15 to be incurred within a taxing district in furtherance of
16 the objectives of a STAR bond district plan or STAR bond
17 project plans;
18 (i) interest cost incurred by a developer for project
19 costs related to the acquisition, formation,
20 implementation, development, construction, and
21 administration of a STAR bond district, STAR bond district
22 plan, STAR bond projects, or any STAR bond project plans
23 provided that:
24 (i) payment of such costs in any one year may not
25 exceed 30% of the annual interest costs incurred by the
26 developer with regard to the STAR bond district or any

10100SB0119ham001- 225 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 STAR bond projects during that year; and
2 (ii) the total of such interest payments paid
3 pursuant to this Act may not exceed 30% of the total
4 cost paid or incurred by the developer for a STAR bond
5 district or STAR bond projects, plus project costs,
6 excluding any property assembly costs incurred by a
7 political subdivision pursuant to this Act;
8 (j) costs of common areas located within the boundaries
9 of a STAR bond district;
10 (k) costs of landscaping and plantings, retaining
11 walls and fences, man-made lakes and ponds, shelters,
12 benches, lighting, and similar amenities located within
13 the boundaries of a STAR bond district;
14 (l) costs of mounted building signs, site monument, and
15 pylon signs located within the boundaries of a STAR bond
16 district; or
17 (m) if included in the STAR bond district plan and
18 approved in writing by the Director, salaries or a portion
19 of salaries for local government employees to the extent
20 the same are directly attributable to the work of such
21 employees on the establishment and management of a STAR
22 bond district or any STAR bond projects.
23 Except as specified in items (a) through (m), "project
24costs" shall not include:
25 (i) the cost of construction of buildings that are
26 privately owned or owned by a municipality and leased to a

10100SB0119ham001- 226 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 developer or retail user for non-entertainment retail
2 uses;
3 (ii) moving expenses for employees of the businesses
4 locating within the STAR bond district;
5 (iii) property taxes for property located in the STAR
6 bond district;
7 (iv) lobbying costs; and
8 (v) general overhead or administrative costs of the
9 political subdivision that would still have been incurred
10 by the political subdivision if the political subdivision
11 had not established a STAR bond district.
12 "Project development agreement" means any one or more
13agreements, including any amendments thereto, between a master
14developer and any co-developer or subdeveloper in connection
15with a STAR bond project, which project development agreement
16may include the political subdivision as a party.
17 "Projected market area" means any area within the State in
18which a STAR bond district or STAR bond project is projected to
19have a significant fiscal or market impact as determined by the
21 "Resolution" means a resolution, order, ordinance, or
22other appropriate form of legislative action of a political
23subdivision or other applicable public entity approved by a
24vote of a majority of a quorum at a meeting of the governing
25body of the political subdivision or applicable public entity.
26 "STAR bond" means a sales tax and revenue bond, note, or

10100SB0119ham001- 227 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1other obligation payable from pledged STAR revenues and issued
2by a political subdivision, the proceeds of which shall be used
3only to pay project costs as defined in this Act.
4 "STAR bond district" means the specific area declared to be
5an eligible area as determined by the political subdivision,
6and approved by the Director, in which the political
7subdivision may develop one or more STAR bond projects.
8 "STAR bond district plan" means the preliminary or
9conceptual plan that generally identifies the proposed STAR
10bond project areas and identifies in a general manner the
11buildings, facilities, and improvements to be constructed or
12improved in each STAR bond project area.
13 "STAR bond project" means a project within a STAR bond
14district which is approved pursuant to Section 20.
15 "STAR bond project area" means the geographic area within a
16STAR bond district in which there may be one or more STAR bond
18 "STAR bond project plan" means the written plan adopted by
19a political subdivision for the development of a STAR bond
20project in a STAR bond district; the plan may include, but is
21not limited to, (i) project costs incurred prior to the date of
22the STAR bond project plan and estimated future STAR bond
23project costs, (ii) proposed sources of funds to pay those
24costs, (iii) the nature and estimated term of any obligations
25to be issued by the political subdivision to pay those costs,
26(iv) the most recent equalized assessed valuation of the STAR

10100SB0119ham001- 228 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1bond project area, (v) an estimate of the equalized assessed
2valuation of the STAR bond district or applicable project area
3after completion of a STAR bond project, (vi) a general
4description of the types of any known or proposed developers,
5users, or tenants of the STAR bond project or projects included
6in the plan, (vii) a general description of the type,
7structure, and character of the property or facilities to be
8developed or improved, (viii) a description of the general land
9uses to apply to the STAR bond project, and (ix) a general
10description or an estimate of the type, class, and number of
11employees to be employed in the operation of the STAR bond
13 "State sales tax" means all of the net revenue realized
14under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, the
15Service Use Tax Act, and the Service Occupation Tax Act from
16transactions at places of business located within a STAR bond
17district, excluding that portion of the net revenue realized
18under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, the
19Service Use Tax Act, and the Service Occupation Tax Act from
20transactions at places of business located within a STAR bond
21district that is deposited into the Local Government Tax Fund
22and the County and Mass Transit District Fund.
23 "State sales tax increment" means (i) 100% of that portion
24of the State sales tax that is in excess of the State sales tax
25for the same month in the base year, as determined by the
26Department of Revenue, from transactions at up to 2 destination

10100SB0119ham001- 229 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1users, one destination hotel, and one entertainment user
2located within a STAR bond district, which destination users,
3destination hotel, and entertainment user shall be designated
4by the master developer and approved by the political
5subdivision and the Director in conjunction with the applicable
6STAR bond project approval, and (ii) 25% of that portion of the
7State sales tax that is in excess of the State sales tax for
8the same month in the base year, as determined by the
9Department of Revenue, from all other transactions within a
10STAR bond district. If any portion of State sales taxes are, at
11the time of formation of a STAR bond district, already subject
12to tax increment financing under the Tax Increment Allocation
13Redevelopment Act, then the State sales tax increment for such
14portion shall be frozen at the base year established in
15accordance with this Act, and all future incremental increases
16shall be included in the State sales tax increment under this
17Act. Any party otherwise entitled to receipt of incremental
18State sales tax revenues through an existing tax increment
19financing district shall be entitled to continue to receive
20such revenues up to the amount frozen in the base year. Nothing
21in this Act shall affect the prior qualification of existing
22redevelopment project costs incurred that are eligible for
23reimbursement under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment
24Act. In such event, prior to approving a STAR bond district,
25the political subdivision forming the STAR bond district shall
26take such action as is necessary, including amending the

10100SB0119ham001- 230 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1existing tax increment financing district redevelopment plan,
2to carry out the provisions of this Act.
3 "Substantial change" means a change wherein the proposed
4STAR bond project plan differs substantially in size, scope, or
5use from the approved STAR bond district plan or STAR bond
6project plan.
7 "Taxpayer" means an individual, partnership, corporation,
8limited liability company, trust, estate, or other entity that
9is subject to the Illinois Income Tax Act.
10 "Total development costs" means the aggregate public and
11private investment in a STAR bond district, including project
12costs and other direct and indirect costs related to the
13development of the STAR bond district.
14 "Traditional retail use" means the operation of a business
15that derives at least 90% of its annual gross revenue from
16sales at retail, as that phrase is defined by Section 1 of the
17Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, but does not include the
18operations of destination users, entertainment users,
19restaurants, hotels, retail uses within hotels, or any other
20non-retail uses.
21 "Vacant" means that portion of the land in a proposed STAR
22bond district that is not occupied by a building, facility, or
23other vertical improvement.
24(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-455, eff. 8-23-19;
25revised 9-25-19.)

10100SB0119ham001- 231 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (50 ILCS 470/31)
2 Sec. 31. STAR bond occupation taxes.
3 (a) If the corporate authorities of a political subdivision
4have established a STAR bond district and have elected to
5impose a tax by ordinance pursuant to subsection (b) or (c) of
6this Section, each year after the date of the adoption of the
7ordinance and until all STAR bond project costs and all
8political subdivision obligations financing the STAR bond
9project costs, if any, have been paid in accordance with the
10STAR bond project plans, but in no event longer than the
11maximum maturity date of the last of the STAR bonds issued for
12projects in the STAR bond district, all amounts generated by
13the retailers' occupation tax and service occupation tax shall
14be collected and the tax shall be enforced by the Department of
15Revenue in the same manner as all retailers' occupation taxes
16and service occupation taxes imposed in the political
17subdivision imposing the tax. The corporate authorities of the
18political subdivision shall deposit the proceeds of the taxes
19imposed under subsections (b) and (c) into either (i) a special
20fund held by the corporate authorities of the political
21subdivision called the STAR Bonds Tax Allocation Fund for the
22purpose of paying STAR bond project costs and obligations
23incurred in the payment of those costs if such taxes are
24designated as pledged STAR revenues by resolution or ordinance
25of the political subdivision or (ii) the political
26subdivision's general corporate fund if such taxes are not

10100SB0119ham001- 232 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1designated as pledged STAR revenues by resolution or ordinance.
2 The tax imposed under this Section by a municipality may be
3imposed only on the portion of a STAR bond district that is
4within the boundaries of the municipality. For any part of a
5STAR bond district that lies outside of the boundaries of that
6municipality, the municipality in which the other part of the
7STAR bond district lies (or the county, in cases where a
8portion of the STAR bond district lies in the unincorporated
9area of a county) is authorized to impose the tax under this
10Section on that part of the STAR bond district.
11 (b) The corporate authorities of a political subdivision
12that has established a STAR bond district under this Act may,
13by ordinance or resolution, impose a STAR Bond Retailers'
14Occupation Tax upon all persons engaged in the business of
15selling tangible personal property, other than an item of
16tangible personal property titled or registered with an agency
17of this State's government, at retail in the STAR bond district
18at a rate not to exceed 1% of the gross receipts from the sales
19made in the course of that business, to be imposed only in
200.25% increments. The tax may not be imposed on tangible
21personal property taxed at the 1% rate under the Retailers'
22Occupation Tax Act. Beginning December 1, 2019 and through
23December 31, 2020, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation
24fuel unless the tax revenue is expended for airport-related
25purposes. If the District does not have an airport-related
26purpose to which aviation fuel tax revenue is dedicated, then

10100SB0119ham001- 233 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1aviation fuel is excluded from the tax. The municipality must
2comply with the certification requirements for airport-related
3purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax
4Act 8-11-22 of the Illinois Municipal Code. For purposes of
5this Act, "airport-related purposes" has the meaning ascribed
6in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. Beginning January
71, 2021, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel This
8exclusion for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the
9revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
1047133 are binding on the District.
11 The tax imposed under this subsection and all civil
12penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
13collected and enforced by the Department of Revenue. The
14certificate of registration that is issued by the Department to
15a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall permit
16the retailer to engage in a business that is taxable under any
17ordinance or resolution enacted pursuant to this subsection
18without registering separately with the Department under such
19ordinance or resolution or under this subsection. The
20Department of Revenue shall have full power to administer and
21enforce this subsection, to collect all taxes and penalties due
22under this subsection in the manner hereinafter provided, and
23to determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on account
24of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty under this
25subsection. In the administration of, and compliance with, this
26subsection, the Department and persons who are subject to this

10100SB0119ham001- 234 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1subsection shall have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
2immunities, powers, and duties, and be subject to the same
3conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions,
4exemptions, and definitions of terms and employ the same modes
5of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 1, 1a through 1o, 2
6through 2-65 (in respect to all provisions therein other than
7the State rate of tax), 2c through 2h, 3 (except as to the
8disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except that
9the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on
10aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use requirements
11of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 deposited into the
12Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d,
135e, 5f, 5g, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
1413, and 14 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and all
15provisions of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as
16if those provisions were set forth herein.
17 If a tax is imposed under this subsection (b), a tax shall
18also be imposed under subsection (c) of this Section.
19 (c) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a STAR
20Bond Service Occupation Tax shall also be imposed upon all
21persons engaged, in the STAR bond district, in the business of
22making sales of service, who, as an incident to making those
23sales of service, transfer tangible personal property within
24the STAR bond district, either in the form of tangible personal
25property or in the form of real estate as an incident to a sale
26of service. The tax shall be imposed at the same rate as the

10100SB0119ham001- 235 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1tax imposed in subsection (b) and shall not exceed 1% of the
2selling price of tangible personal property so transferred
3within the STAR bond district, to be imposed only in 0.25%
4increments. The tax may not be imposed on tangible personal
5property taxed at the 1% rate under the Service Occupation Tax
6Act. Beginning December 1, 2019 and through December 31, 2020,
7this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the
8tax revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If the
9District does not have an airport-related purpose to which
10aviation fuel tax revenue is dedicated, then aviation fuel is
11excluded from the tax. The municipality must comply with the
12certification requirements for airport-related purposes under
13Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act 8-11-22 of
14the Illinois Municipal Code. For purposes of this Act,
15"airport-related purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section
166z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. Beginning January 1, 2021,
17this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel This
18exclusion for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the
19revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
2047133 are binding on the District.
21 The tax imposed under this subsection and all civil
22penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
23collected and enforced by the Department of Revenue. The
24certificate of registration that is issued by the Department to
25a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under the
26Service Occupation Tax Act shall permit the registrant to

10100SB0119ham001- 236 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1engage in a business that is taxable under any ordinance or
2resolution enacted pursuant to this subsection without
3registering separately with the Department under that
4ordinance or resolution or under this subsection. The
5Department of Revenue shall have full power to administer and
6enforce this subsection, to collect all taxes and penalties due
7under this subsection, to dispose of taxes and penalties so
8collected in the manner hereinafter provided, and to determine
9all rights to credit memoranda arising on account of the
10erroneous payment of tax or penalty under this subsection. In
11the administration of, and compliance with this subsection, the
12Department and persons who are subject to this subsection shall
13have the same rights, remedies, privileges, immunities,
14powers, and duties, and be subject to the same conditions,
15restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions, exemptions,
16and definitions of terms and employ the same modes of procedure
17as are prescribed in Sections 2, 2a through 2d, 3 through 3-50
18(in respect to all provisions therein other than the State rate
19of tax), 4 (except that the reference to the State shall be to
20the STAR bond district), 5, 7, 8 (except that the jurisdiction
21to which the tax shall be a debt to the extent indicated in
22that Section 8 shall be the political subdivision), 9 (except
23as to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and
24except that the returned merchandise credit for this tax may
25not be taken against any State tax, and except that the
26retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on aviation

10100SB0119ham001- 237 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1fuel that are subject to the revenue use requirements of 49
2U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 deposited into the Local
3Government Aviation Trust Fund), 10, 11, 12 (except the
4reference therein to Section 2b of the Retailers' Occupation
5Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference to the State shall mean
6the political subdivision), the first paragraph of Section 15,
7and Sections 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Service Occupation
8Tax Act and all provisions of the Uniform Penalty and Interest
9Act, as fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
10 If a tax is imposed under this subsection (c), a tax shall
11also be imposed under subsection (b) of this Section.
12 (d) Persons subject to any tax imposed under this Section
13may reimburse themselves for their seller's tax liability under
14this Section by separately stating the tax as an additional
15charge, which charge may be stated in combination, in a single
16amount, with State taxes that sellers are required to collect
17under the Use Tax Act, in accordance with such bracket
18schedules as the Department may prescribe.
19 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
20made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a
21credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
22Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
23amount specified and to the person named in the notification
24from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
25Treasurer out of the STAR Bond Retailers' Occupation Tax Fund
26or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.

10100SB0119ham001- 238 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the
2Department shall immediately pay over to the State Treasurer,
3ex officio, as trustee, all taxes, penalties, and interest
4collected under this Section for deposit into the STAR Bond
5Retailers' Occupation Tax Fund. Taxes and penalties collected
6on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, shall be
7immediately paid over by the Department to the State Treasurer,
8ex officio, as trustee, for deposit into the Local Government
9Aviation Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into
10the Local Government State Aviation Trust Program Fund under
11this Section Act for so long as the revenue use requirements of
1249 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
13District. On or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
14Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
15disbursement of stated sums of money to named political
16subdivisions from the STAR Bond Retailers' Occupation Tax Fund,
17the political subdivisions to be those from which retailers
18have paid taxes or penalties under this Section to the
19Department during the second preceding calendar month. The
20amount to be paid to each political subdivision shall be the
21amount (not including credit memoranda and not including taxes
22and penalties collected on aviation fuel sold on or after
23December 1, 2019) collected under this Section during the
24second preceding calendar month by the Department plus an
25amount the Department determines is necessary to offset any
26amounts that were erroneously paid to a different taxing body,

10100SB0119ham001- 239 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1and not including an amount equal to the amount of refunds made
2during the second preceding calendar month by the Department,
3less 3% of that amount, which shall be deposited into the Tax
4Compliance and Administration Fund and shall be used by the
5Department, subject to appropriation, to cover the costs of the
6Department in administering and enforcing the provisions of
7this Section, on behalf of such political subdivision, and not
8including any amount that the Department determines is
9necessary to offset any amounts that were payable to a
10different taxing body but were erroneously paid to the
11political subdivision. Within 10 days after receipt by the
12Comptroller of the disbursement certification to the political
13subdivisions provided for in this Section to be given to the
14Comptroller by the Department, the Comptroller shall cause the
15orders to be drawn for the respective amounts in accordance
16with the directions contained in the certification. The
17proceeds of the tax paid to political subdivisions under this
18Section shall be deposited into either (i) the STAR Bonds Tax
19Allocation Fund by the political subdivision if the political
20subdivision has designated them as pledged STAR revenues by
21resolution or ordinance or (ii) the political subdivision's
22general corporate fund if the political subdivision has not
23designated them as pledged STAR revenues.
24 An ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing the
25tax under this Section or effecting a change in the rate
26thereof shall either (i) be adopted and a certified copy

10100SB0119ham001- 240 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1thereof filed with the Department on or before the first day of
2April, whereupon the Department, if all other requirements of
3this Section are met, shall proceed to administer and enforce
4this Section as of the first day of July next following the
5adoption and filing; or (ii) be adopted and a certified copy
6thereof filed with the Department on or before the first day of
7October, whereupon, if all other requirements of this Section
8are met, the Department shall proceed to administer and enforce
9this Section as of the first day of January next following the
10adoption and filing.
11 The Department of Revenue shall not administer or enforce
12an ordinance imposing, discontinuing, or changing the rate of
13the tax under this Section until the political subdivision also
14provides, in the manner prescribed by the Department, the
15boundaries of the STAR bond district and each address in the
16STAR bond district in such a way that the Department can
17determine by its address whether a business is located in the
18STAR bond district. The political subdivision must provide this
19boundary and address information to the Department on or before
20April 1 for administration and enforcement of the tax under
21this Section by the Department beginning on the following July
221 and on or before October 1 for administration and enforcement
23of the tax under this Section by the Department beginning on
24the following January 1. The Department of Revenue shall not
25administer or enforce any change made to the boundaries of a
26STAR bond district or any address change, addition, or deletion

10100SB0119ham001- 241 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1until the political subdivision reports the boundary change or
2address change, addition, or deletion to the Department in the
3manner prescribed by the Department. The political subdivision
4must provide this boundary change or address change, addition,
5or deletion information to the Department on or before April 1
6for administration and enforcement by the Department of the
7change, addition, or deletion beginning on the following July 1
8and on or before October 1 for administration and enforcement
9by the Department of the change, addition, or deletion
10beginning on the following January 1. The retailers in the STAR
11bond district shall be responsible for charging the tax imposed
12under this Section. If a retailer is incorrectly included or
13excluded from the list of those required to collect the tax
14under this Section, both the Department of Revenue and the
15retailer shall be held harmless if they reasonably relied on
16information provided by the political subdivision.
17 A political subdivision that imposes the tax under this
18Section must submit to the Department of Revenue any other
19information as the Department may require that is necessary for
20the administration and enforcement of the tax.
21 When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to a
22political subdivision under this Section, the Department shall
23increase or decrease the amount by an amount necessary to
24offset any misallocation of previous disbursements. The offset
25amount shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the
26previous 6 months from the time a misallocation is discovered.

10100SB0119ham001- 242 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize the
2political subdivision to impose a tax upon the privilege of
3engaging in any business which under the Constitution of the
4United States may not be made the subject of taxation by this
6 (e) When STAR bond project costs, including, without
7limitation, all political subdivision obligations financing
8STAR bond project costs, have been paid, any surplus funds then
9remaining in the STAR Bonds Tax Allocation Fund shall be
10distributed to the treasurer of the political subdivision for
11deposit into the political subdivision's general corporate
12fund. Upon payment of all STAR bond project costs and
13retirement of obligations, but in no event later than the
14maximum maturity date of the last of the STAR bonds issued in
15the STAR bond district, the political subdivision shall adopt
16an ordinance immediately rescinding the taxes imposed pursuant
17to this Section and file a certified copy of the ordinance with
18the Department in the form and manner as described in this
20(Source: P.A. 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19.)
21 Section 10-60. The Counties Code is amended by changing
22Sections 5-1006, 5-1006.5, 5-1006.7, 5-1007, 5-1008.5, and
235-1035.1 as follows:
24 (55 ILCS 5/5-1006) (from Ch. 34, par. 5-1006)

10100SB0119ham001- 243 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Sec. 5-1006. Home Rule County Retailers' Occupation Tax
2Law. Any county that is a home rule unit may impose a tax upon
3all persons engaged in the business of selling tangible
4personal property, other than an item of tangible personal
5property titled or registered with an agency of this State's
6government, at retail in the county on the gross receipts from
7such sales made in the course of their business. If imposed,
8this tax shall only be imposed in 1/4% increments. On and after
9September 1, 1991, this additional tax may not be imposed on
10tangible personal property taxed at the 1% rate under the
11Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. Beginning December 1, 2019, this
12tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the tax
13revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If the county
14does not have an airport-related purpose to which it dedicates
15aviation fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel is excluded from
16the tax. The county must comply with the certification
17requirements for airport-related purposes under Section 2-22
18of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act 5-1184. For purposes of
19this Section Act, "airport-related purposes" has the meaning
20ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. This
21exclusion for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the
22revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
2347133 are binding on the county. The changes made to this
24Section by this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly
25are a denial and limitation of home rule powers and functions
26under subsection (g) of Section 6 of Article VII of the

10100SB0119ham001- 244 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Illinois Constitution. The tax imposed by a home rule county
2pursuant to this Section and all civil penalties that may be
3assessed as an incident thereof shall be collected and enforced
4by the State Department of Revenue. The certificate of
5registration that is issued by the Department to a retailer
6under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall permit the
7retailer to engage in a business that is taxable under any
8ordinance or resolution enacted pursuant to this Section
9without registering separately with the Department under such
10ordinance or resolution or under this Section. The Department
11shall have full power to administer and enforce this Section;
12to collect all taxes and penalties due hereunder; to dispose of
13taxes and penalties so collected in the manner hereinafter
14provided; and to determine all rights to credit memoranda
15arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty
16hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance with, this
17Section, the Department and persons who are subject to this
18Section shall have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
19immunities, powers and duties, and be subject to the same
20conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties and
21definitions of terms, and employ the same modes of procedure,
22as are prescribed in Sections 1, 1a, 1a-1, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1i, 1j,
231k, 1m, 1n, 2 through 2-65 (in respect to all provisions
24therein other than the State rate of tax), 3 (except as to the
25disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except that
26the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on

10100SB0119ham001- 245 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use requirements
2of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133), 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c,
35d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 7, 8, 9,
410, 11, 12 and 13 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and
5Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully
6as if those provisions were set forth herein.
7 No tax may be imposed by a home rule county pursuant to
8this Section unless the county also imposes a tax at the same
9rate pursuant to Section 5-1007.
10 Persons subject to any tax imposed pursuant to the
11authority granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for
12their seller's tax liability hereunder by separately stating
13such tax as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in
14combination, in a single amount, with State tax which sellers
15are required to collect under the Use Tax Act, pursuant to such
16bracket schedules as the Department may prescribe.
17 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
18made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a
19credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
20Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
21amount specified and to the person named in the notification
22from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
23Treasurer out of the home rule county retailers' occupation tax
24fund or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as
26 Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the

10100SB0119ham001- 246 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Department shall forthwith pay over to the State Treasurer, ex
2officio, as trustee, all taxes and penalties collected
3hereunder for deposit into the Home Rule County Retailers'
4Occupation Tax Fund. Taxes and penalties collected on aviation
5fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, shall be immediately
6paid over by the Department to the State Treasurer, ex officio,
7as trustee, for deposit into the Local Government Aviation
8Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into the Local
9Government Aviation Trust Fund under this Section Act for so
10long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and
1149 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the county.
12 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
13beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department
14of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
15Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
16local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
17Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
18during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
19STAR bond district.
20 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
21on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
22Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
23disbursement of stated sums of money to named counties, the
24counties to be those from which retailers have paid taxes or
25penalties hereunder to the Department during the second
26preceding calendar month. The amount to be paid to each county

10100SB0119ham001- 247 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1shall be the amount (not including credit memoranda and not
2including taxes and penalties collected on aviation fuel sold
3on or after December 1, 2019) collected hereunder during the
4second preceding calendar month by the Department plus an
5amount the Department determines is necessary to offset any
6amounts that were erroneously paid to a different taxing body,
7and not including an amount equal to the amount of refunds made
8during the second preceding calendar month by the Department on
9behalf of such county, and not including any amount which the
10Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts which
11were payable to a different taxing body but were erroneously
12paid to the county, and not including any amounts that are
13transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, less 1.5% of the
14remainder, which the Department shall transfer into the Tax
15Compliance and Administration Fund. The Department, at the time
16of each monthly disbursement to the counties, shall prepare and
17certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be transferred
18into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund under this
19Section. Within 10 days after receipt, by the Comptroller, of
20the disbursement certification to the counties and the Tax
21Compliance and Administration Fund provided for in this Section
22to be given to the Comptroller by the Department, the
23Comptroller shall cause the orders to be drawn for the
24respective amounts in accordance with the directions contained
25in the certification.
26 In addition to the disbursement required by the preceding

10100SB0119ham001- 248 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1paragraph, an allocation shall be made in March of each year to
2each county that received more than $500,000 in disbursements
3under the preceding paragraph in the preceding calendar year.
4The allocation shall be in an amount equal to the average
5monthly distribution made to each such county under the
6preceding paragraph during the preceding calendar year
7(excluding the 2 months of highest receipts). The distribution
8made in March of each year subsequent to the year in which an
9allocation was made pursuant to this paragraph and the
10preceding paragraph shall be reduced by the amount allocated
11and disbursed under this paragraph in the preceding calendar
12year. The Department shall prepare and certify to the
13Comptroller for disbursement the allocations made in
14accordance with this paragraph.
15 For the purpose of determining the local governmental unit
16whose tax is applicable, a retail sale by a producer of coal or
17other mineral mined in Illinois is a sale at retail at the
18place where the coal or other mineral mined in Illinois is
19extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not apply to coal
20or other mineral when it is delivered or shipped by the seller
21to the purchaser at a point outside Illinois so that the sale
22is exempt under the United States Constitution as a sale in
23interstate or foreign commerce.
24 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize a
25county to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in any
26business which under the Constitution of the United States may

10100SB0119ham001- 249 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
2 An ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing a tax
3hereunder or effecting a change in the rate thereof shall be
4adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department
5on or before the first day of June, whereupon the Department
6shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the
7first day of September next following such adoption and filing.
8Beginning January 1, 1992, an ordinance or resolution imposing
9or discontinuing the tax hereunder or effecting a change in the
10rate thereof shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof
11filed with the Department on or before the first day of July,
12whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer and
13enforce this Section as of the first day of October next
14following such adoption and filing. Beginning January 1, 1993,
15an ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing the tax
16hereunder or effecting a change in the rate thereof shall be
17adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department
18on or before the first day of October, whereupon the Department
19shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the
20first day of January next following such adoption and filing.
21Beginning April 1, 1998, an ordinance or resolution imposing or
22discontinuing the tax hereunder or effecting a change in the
23rate thereof shall either (i) be adopted and a certified copy
24thereof filed with the Department on or before the first day of
25April, whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer and
26enforce this Section as of the first day of July next following

10100SB0119ham001- 250 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the adoption and filing; or (ii) be adopted and a certified
2copy thereof filed with the Department on or before the first
3day of October, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
4administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of
5January next following the adoption and filing.
6 When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to a
7county under this Section, the Department shall increase or
8decrease such amount by an amount necessary to offset any
9misallocation of previous disbursements. The offset amount
10shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the previous 6
11months from the time a misallocation is discovered.
12 This Section shall be known and may be cited as the Home
13Rule County Retailers' Occupation Tax Law.
14(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;
15100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-81, eff.
17 (55 ILCS 5/5-1006.5)
18 Sec. 5-1006.5. Special County Retailers' Occupation Tax
19For Public Safety, Public Facilities, Mental Health, Substance
20Abuse, or Transportation.
21 (a) The county board of any county may impose a tax upon
22all persons engaged in the business of selling tangible
23personal property, other than personal property titled or
24registered with an agency of this State's government, at retail
25in the county on the gross receipts from the sales made in the

10100SB0119ham001- 251 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1course of business to provide revenue to be used exclusively
2for public safety, public facility, mental health, substance
3abuse, or transportation purposes in that county (except as
4otherwise provided in this Section), if a proposition for the
5tax has been submitted to the electors of that county and
6approved by a majority of those voting on the question. If
7imposed, this tax shall be imposed only in one-quarter percent
8increments. By resolution, the county board may order the
9proposition to be submitted at any election. If the tax is
10imposed for transportation purposes for expenditures for
11public highways or as authorized under the Illinois Highway
12Code, the county board must publish notice of the existence of
13its long-range highway transportation plan as required or
14described in Section 5-301 of the Illinois Highway Code and
15must make the plan publicly available prior to approval of the
16ordinance or resolution imposing the tax. If the tax is imposed
17for transportation purposes for expenditures for passenger
18rail transportation, the county board must publish notice of
19the existence of its long-range passenger rail transportation
20plan and must make the plan publicly available prior to
21approval of the ordinance or resolution imposing the tax.
22 If a tax is imposed for public facilities purposes, then
23the name of the project may be included in the proposition at
24the discretion of the county board as determined in the
25enabling resolution. For example, the "XXX Nursing Home" or the
26"YYY Museum".

10100SB0119ham001- 252 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 The county clerk shall certify the question to the proper
2election authority, who shall submit the proposition at an
3election in accordance with the general election law.
4 (1) The proposition for public safety purposes shall be
5 in substantially the following form:
6 "To pay for public safety purposes, shall (name of
7 county) be authorized to impose an increase on its share of
8 local sales taxes by (insert rate)?"
9 As additional information on the ballot below the
10 question shall appear the following:
11 "This would mean that a consumer would pay an
12 additional (insert amount) in sales tax for every $100 of
13 tangible personal property bought at retail."
14 The county board may also opt to establish a sunset
15 provision at which time the additional sales tax would
16 cease being collected, if not terminated earlier by a vote
17 of the county board. If the county board votes to include a
18 sunset provision, the proposition for public safety
19 purposes shall be in substantially the following form:
20 "To pay for public safety purposes, shall (name of
21 county) be authorized to impose an increase on its share of
22 local sales taxes by (insert rate) for a period not to
23 exceed (insert number of years)?"
24 As additional information on the ballot below the
25 question shall appear the following:
26 "This would mean that a consumer would pay an

10100SB0119ham001- 253 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 additional (insert amount) in sales tax for every $100 of
2 tangible personal property bought at retail. If imposed,
3 the additional tax would cease being collected at the end
4 of (insert number of years), if not terminated earlier by a
5 vote of the county board."
6 For the purposes of the paragraph, "public safety
7 purposes" means crime prevention, detention, fire
8 fighting, police, medical, ambulance, or other emergency
9 services.
10 Votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
11 Beginning on the January 1 or July 1, whichever is
12 first, that occurs not less than 30 days after May 31, 2015
13 (the effective date of Public Act 99-4), Adams County may
14 impose a public safety retailers' occupation tax and
15 service occupation tax at the rate of 0.25%, as provided in
16 the referendum approved by the voters on April 7, 2015,
17 notwithstanding the omission of the additional information
18 that is otherwise required to be printed on the ballot
19 below the question pursuant to this item (1).
20 (2) The proposition for transportation purposes shall
21 be in substantially the following form:
22 "To pay for improvements to roads and other
23 transportation purposes, shall (name of county) be
24 authorized to impose an increase on its share of local
25 sales taxes by (insert rate)?"
26 As additional information on the ballot below the

10100SB0119ham001- 254 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 question shall appear the following:
2 "This would mean that a consumer would pay an
3 additional (insert amount) in sales tax for every $100 of
4 tangible personal property bought at retail."
5 The county board may also opt to establish a sunset
6 provision at which time the additional sales tax would
7 cease being collected, if not terminated earlier by a vote
8 of the county board. If the county board votes to include a
9 sunset provision, the proposition for transportation
10 purposes shall be in substantially the following form:
11 "To pay for road improvements and other transportation
12 purposes, shall (name of county) be authorized to impose an
13 increase on its share of local sales taxes by (insert rate)
14 for a period not to exceed (insert number of years)?"
15 As additional information on the ballot below the
16 question shall appear the following:
17 "This would mean that a consumer would pay an
18 additional (insert amount) in sales tax for every $100 of
19 tangible personal property bought at retail. If imposed,
20 the additional tax would cease being collected at the end
21 of (insert number of years), if not terminated earlier by a
22 vote of the county board."
23 For the purposes of this paragraph, transportation
24 purposes means construction, maintenance, operation, and
25 improvement of public highways, any other purpose for which
26 a county may expend funds under the Illinois Highway Code,

10100SB0119ham001- 255 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 and passenger rail transportation.
2 The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
3 (3) The proposition for public facilities purposes
4 shall be in substantially the following form:
5 "To pay for public facilities purposes, shall (name of
6 county) be authorized to impose an increase on its share of
7 local sales taxes by (insert rate)?"
8 As additional information on the ballot below the
9 question shall appear the following:
10 "This would mean that a consumer would pay an
11 additional (insert amount) in sales tax for every $100 of
12 tangible personal property bought at retail."
13 The county board may also opt to establish a sunset
14 provision at which time the additional sales tax would
15 cease being collected, if not terminated earlier by a vote
16 of the county board. If the county board votes to include a
17 sunset provision, the proposition for public facilities
18 purposes shall be in substantially the following form:
19 "To pay for public facilities purposes, shall (name of
20 county) be authorized to impose an increase on its share of
21 local sales taxes by (insert rate) for a period not to
22 exceed (insert number of years)?"
23 As additional information on the ballot below the
24 question shall appear the following:
25 "This would mean that a consumer would pay an
26 additional (insert amount) in sales tax for every $100 of

10100SB0119ham001- 256 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 tangible personal property bought at retail. If imposed,
2 the additional tax would cease being collected at the end
3 of (insert number of years), if not terminated earlier by a
4 vote of the county board."
5 For purposes of this Section, "public facilities
6 purposes" means the acquisition, development,
7 construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, improvement,
8 financing, architectural planning, and installation of
9 capital facilities consisting of buildings, structures,
10 and durable equipment and for the acquisition and
11 improvement of real property and interest in real property
12 required, or expected to be required, in connection with
13 the public facilities, for use by the county for the
14 furnishing of governmental services to its citizens,
15 including, but not limited to, museums and nursing homes.
16 The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
17 (4) The proposition for mental health purposes shall be
18 in substantially the following form:
19 "To pay for mental health purposes, shall (name of
20 county) be authorized to impose an increase on its share of
21 local sales taxes by (insert rate)?"
22 As additional information on the ballot below the
23 question shall appear the following:
24 "This would mean that a consumer would pay an
25 additional (insert amount) in sales tax for every $100 of
26 tangible personal property bought at retail."

10100SB0119ham001- 257 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 The county board may also opt to establish a sunset
2 provision at which time the additional sales tax would
3 cease being collected, if not terminated earlier by a vote
4 of the county board. If the county board votes to include a
5 sunset provision, the proposition for public facilities
6 purposes shall be in substantially the following form:
7 "To pay for mental health purposes, shall (name of
8 county) be authorized to impose an increase on its share of
9 local sales taxes by (insert rate) for a period not to
10 exceed (insert number of years)?"
11 As additional information on the ballot below the
12 question shall appear the following:
13 "This would mean that a consumer would pay an
14 additional (insert amount) in sales tax for every $100 of
15 tangible personal property bought at retail. If imposed,
16 the additional tax would cease being collected at the end
17 of (insert number of years), if not terminated earlier by a
18 vote of the county board."
19 The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
20 (5) The proposition for substance abuse purposes shall
21 be in substantially the following form:
22 "To pay for substance abuse purposes, shall (name of
23 county) be authorized to impose an increase on its share of
24 local sales taxes by (insert rate)?"
25 As additional information on the ballot below the
26 question shall appear the following:

10100SB0119ham001- 258 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 "This would mean that a consumer would pay an
2 additional (insert amount) in sales tax for every $100 of
3 tangible personal property bought at retail."
4 The county board may also opt to establish a sunset
5 provision at which time the additional sales tax would
6 cease being collected, if not terminated earlier by a vote
7 of the county board. If the county board votes to include a
8 sunset provision, the proposition for public facilities
9 purposes shall be in substantially the following form:
10 "To pay for substance abuse purposes, shall (name of
11 county) be authorized to impose an increase on its share of
12 local sales taxes by (insert rate) for a period not to
13 exceed (insert number of years)?"
14 As additional information on the ballot below the
15 question shall appear the following:
16 "This would mean that a consumer would pay an
17 additional (insert amount) in sales tax for every $100 of
18 tangible personal property bought at retail. If imposed,
19 the additional tax would cease being collected at the end
20 of (insert number of years), if not terminated earlier by a
21 vote of the county board."
22 The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
23 If a majority of the electors voting on the proposition
24vote in favor of it, the county may impose the tax. A county
25may not submit more than one proposition authorized by this
26Section to the electors at any one time.

10100SB0119ham001- 259 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 This additional tax may not be imposed on tangible personal
2property taxed at the 1% rate under the Retailers' Occupation
3Tax Act. Beginning December 1, 2019 and through December 31,
42020, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless
5the tax revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If
6the county does not have an airport-related purpose to which it
7dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel is
8excluded from the tax. The county must comply with the
9certification requirements for airport-related purposes under
10Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act 5-1184. For
11purposes of this Section Act, "airport-related purposes" has
12the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance
13Act. Beginning January 1, 2021, this tax is not imposed on
14sales of aviation fuel This exclusion for aviation fuel only
15applies for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
16U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the county.
17The tax imposed by a county under this Section and all civil
18penalties that may be assessed as an incident of the tax shall
19be collected and enforced by the Illinois Department of Revenue
20and deposited into a special fund created for that purpose. The
21certificate of registration that is issued by the Department to
22a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall permit
23the retailer to engage in a business that is taxable without
24registering separately with the Department under an ordinance
25or resolution under this Section. The Department has full power
26to administer and enforce this Section, to collect all taxes

10100SB0119ham001- 260 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1and penalties due under this Section, to dispose of taxes and
2penalties so collected in the manner provided in this Section,
3and to determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on
4account of the erroneous payment of a tax or penalty under this
5Section. In the administration of and compliance with this
6Section, the Department and persons who are subject to this
7Section shall (i) have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
8immunities, powers, and duties, (ii) be subject to the same
9conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, and
10definitions of terms, and (iii) employ the same modes of
11procedure as are prescribed in Sections 1, 1a, 1a-1, 1d, 1e,
121f, 1i, 1j, 1k, 1m, 1n, 2 through 2-70 (in respect to all
13provisions contained in those Sections other than the State
14rate of tax), 2a, 2b, 2c, 3 (except provisions relating to
15transaction returns and quarter monthly payments, and except
16that the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on
17aviation fuel that are deposited into the Local Government
18Aviation Trust Fund), 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i,
195j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11a, 12, and 13
20of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the
21Uniform Penalty and Interest Act as if those provisions were
22set forth in this Section.
23 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
24granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for their
25sellers' tax liability by separately stating the tax as an
26additional charge, which charge may be stated in combination,

10100SB0119ham001- 261 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1in a single amount, with State tax which sellers are required
2to collect under the Use Tax Act, pursuant to such bracketed
3schedules as the Department may prescribe.
4 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
5made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a
6credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
7Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
8amount specified and to the person named in the notification
9from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
10Treasurer out of the County Public Safety, Public Facilities,
11Mental Health, Substance Abuse, or Transportation Retailers'
12Occupation Tax Fund or the Local Government Aviation Trust
13Fund, as appropriate.
14 (b) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (a), a
15service occupation tax shall also be imposed at the same rate
16upon all persons engaged, in the county, in the business of
17making sales of service, who, as an incident to making those
18sales of service, transfer tangible personal property within
19the county as an incident to a sale of service. This tax may
20not be imposed on tangible personal property taxed at the 1%
21rate under the Service Occupation Tax Act. Beginning December
221, 2019 and through December 31, 2020, this tax is not imposed
23on sales of aviation fuel unless the tax revenue is expended
24for airport-related purposes. If the county does not have an
25airport-related purpose to which it dedicates aviation fuel tax
26revenue, then aviation fuel is excluded from the tax. The

10100SB0119ham001- 262 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1county must comply with the certification requirements for
2airport-related purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers'
3Occupation Tax Act 5-1184. For purposes of this Section Act,
4"airport-related purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section
56z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. Beginning January 1, 2021,
6this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel This
7exclusion for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the
8revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
947133 are binding on the county. The tax imposed under this
10subsection and all civil penalties that may be assessed as an
11incident thereof shall be collected and enforced by the
12Department of Revenue. The Department has full power to
13administer and enforce this subsection; to collect all taxes
14and penalties due hereunder; to dispose of taxes and penalties
15so collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and to
16determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on account of
17the erroneous payment of tax or penalty hereunder. In the
18administration of, and compliance with this subsection, the
19Department and persons who are subject to this paragraph shall
20(i) have the same rights, remedies, privileges, immunities,
21powers, and duties, (ii) be subject to the same conditions,
22restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions, exemptions,
23and definitions of terms, and (iii) employ the same modes of
24procedure as are prescribed in Sections 2 (except that the
25reference to State in the definition of supplier maintaining a
26place of business in this State shall mean the county), 2a, 2b,

10100SB0119ham001- 263 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
12c, 3 through 3-50 (in respect to all provisions therein other
2than the State rate of tax), 4 (except that the reference to
3the State shall be to the county), 5, 7, 8 (except that the
4jurisdiction to which the tax shall be a debt to the extent
5indicated in that Section 8 shall be the county), 9 (except as
6to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except
7that the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on
8aviation fuel that are deposited into the Local Government
9Aviation Trust Fund), 10, 11, 12 (except the reference therein
10to Section 2b of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except
11that any reference to the State shall mean the county), Section
1215, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 of the Service Occupation Tax Act,
13and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as
14fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
15 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
16granted in this subsection may reimburse themselves for their
17serviceman's tax liability by separately stating the tax as an
18additional charge, which charge may be stated in combination,
19in a single amount, with State tax that servicemen are
20authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax Act, in
21accordance with such bracket schedules as the Department may
23 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
24made under this subsection to a claimant instead of issuing a
25credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
26Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn for the

10100SB0119ham001- 264 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
2from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
3Treasurer out of the County Public Safety, Public Facilities,
4Mental Health, Substance Abuse, or Transportation Retailers'
5Occupation Fund or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as
7 Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize
8the county to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
9any business which under the Constitution of the United States
10may not be made the subject of taxation by the State.
11 (c) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the
12Department shall immediately pay over to the State Treasurer,
13ex officio, as trustee, all taxes and penalties collected under
14this Section to be deposited into the County Public Safety,
15Public Facilities, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, or
16Transportation Retailers' Occupation Tax Fund, which shall be
17an unappropriated trust fund held outside of the State
18treasury. Taxes and penalties collected on aviation fuel sold
19on or after December 1, 2019 and through December 31, 2020,
20shall be immediately paid over by the Department to the State
21Treasurer, ex officio, as trustee, for deposit into the Local
22Government Aviation Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay
23moneys into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund under this
24Act for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C.
2547107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the county.
26 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,

10100SB0119ham001- 265 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department
2of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
3Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
4local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
5Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
6during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
7STAR bond district.
8 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
9on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
10Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
11disbursement of stated sums of money to the counties from which
12retailers have paid taxes or penalties to the Department during
13the second preceding calendar month. The amount to be paid to
14each county, and deposited by the county into its special fund
15created for the purposes of this Section, shall be the amount
16(not including credit memoranda and not including taxes and
17penalties collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December
181, 2019 and through December 31, 2020) collected under this
19Section during the second preceding calendar month by the
20Department plus an amount the Department determines is
21necessary to offset any amounts that were erroneously paid to a
22different taxing body, and not including (i) an amount equal to
23the amount of refunds made during the second preceding calendar
24month by the Department on behalf of the county, (ii) any
25amount that the Department determines is necessary to offset
26any amounts that were payable to a different taxing body but

10100SB0119ham001- 266 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1were erroneously paid to the county, (iii) any amounts that are
2transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, and (iv) 1.5% of
3the remainder, which shall be transferred into the Tax
4Compliance and Administration Fund. The Department, at the time
5of each monthly disbursement to the counties, shall prepare and
6certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be transferred
7into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund under this
8subsection. Within 10 days after receipt by the Comptroller of
9the disbursement certification to the counties and the Tax
10Compliance and Administration Fund provided for in this Section
11to be given to the Comptroller by the Department, the
12Comptroller shall cause the orders to be drawn for the
13respective amounts in accordance with directions contained in
14the certification.
15 In addition to the disbursement required by the preceding
16paragraph, an allocation shall be made in March of each year to
17each county that received more than $500,000 in disbursements
18under the preceding paragraph in the preceding calendar year.
19The allocation shall be in an amount equal to the average
20monthly distribution made to each such county under the
21preceding paragraph during the preceding calendar year
22(excluding the 2 months of highest receipts). The distribution
23made in March of each year subsequent to the year in which an
24allocation was made pursuant to this paragraph and the
25preceding paragraph shall be reduced by the amount allocated
26and disbursed under this paragraph in the preceding calendar

10100SB0119ham001- 267 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1year. The Department shall prepare and certify to the
2Comptroller for disbursement the allocations made in
3accordance with this paragraph.
4 (d) For the purpose of determining the local governmental
5unit whose tax is applicable, a retail sale by a producer of
6coal or another mineral mined in Illinois is a sale at retail
7at the place where the coal or other mineral mined in Illinois
8is extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not apply to
9coal or another mineral when it is delivered or shipped by the
10seller to the purchaser at a point outside Illinois so that the
11sale is exempt under the United States Constitution as a sale
12in interstate or foreign commerce.
13 (e) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize
14a county to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in any
15business that under the Constitution of the United States may
16not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
17 (e-5) If a county imposes a tax under this Section, the
18county board may, by ordinance, discontinue or lower the rate
19of the tax. If the county board lowers the tax rate or
20discontinues the tax, a referendum must be held in accordance
21with subsection (a) of this Section in order to increase the
22rate of the tax or to reimpose the discontinued tax.
23 (f) Beginning April 1, 1998 and through December 31, 2013,
24the results of any election authorizing a proposition to impose
25a tax under this Section or effecting a change in the rate of
26tax, or any ordinance lowering the rate or discontinuing the

10100SB0119ham001- 268 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1tax, shall be certified by the county clerk and filed with the
2Illinois Department of Revenue either (i) on or before the
3first day of April, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
4administer and enforce the tax as of the first day of July next
5following the filing; or (ii) on or before the first day of
6October, whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer
7and enforce the tax as of the first day of January next
8following the filing.
9 Beginning January 1, 2014, the results of any election
10authorizing a proposition to impose a tax under this Section or
11effecting an increase in the rate of tax, along with the
12ordinance adopted to impose the tax or increase the rate of the
13tax, or any ordinance adopted to lower the rate or discontinue
14the tax, shall be certified by the county clerk and filed with
15the Illinois Department of Revenue either (i) on or before the
16first day of May, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
17administer and enforce the tax as of the first day of July next
18following the adoption and filing; or (ii) on or before the
19first day of October, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
20administer and enforce the tax as of the first day of January
21next following the adoption and filing.
22 (g) When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to
23a county under this Section, the Department shall increase or
24decrease the amounts by an amount necessary to offset any
25miscalculation of previous disbursements. The offset amount
26shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the previous 6

10100SB0119ham001- 269 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1months from the time a miscalculation is discovered.
2 (h) This Section may be cited as the "Special County
3Occupation Tax For Public Safety, Public Facilities, Mental
4Health, Substance Abuse, or Transportation Law".
5 (i) For purposes of this Section, "public safety" includes,
6but is not limited to, crime prevention, detention, fire
7fighting, police, medical, ambulance, or other emergency
8services. The county may share tax proceeds received under this
9Section for public safety purposes, including proceeds
10received before August 4, 2009 (the effective date of Public
11Act 96-124), with any fire protection district located in the
12county. For the purposes of this Section, "transportation"
13includes, but is not limited to, the construction, maintenance,
14operation, and improvement of public highways, any other
15purpose for which a county may expend funds under the Illinois
16Highway Code, and passenger rail transportation. For the
17purposes of this Section, "public facilities purposes"
18includes, but is not limited to, the acquisition, development,
19construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, improvement,
20financing, architectural planning, and installation of capital
21facilities consisting of buildings, structures, and durable
22equipment and for the acquisition and improvement of real
23property and interest in real property required, or expected to
24be required, in connection with the public facilities, for use
25by the county for the furnishing of governmental services to
26its citizens, including, but not limited to, museums and

10100SB0119ham001- 270 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1nursing homes.
2 (j) The Department may promulgate rules to implement Public
3Act 95-1002 only to the extent necessary to apply the existing
4rules for the Special County Retailers' Occupation Tax for
5Public Safety to this new purpose for public facilities.
6(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;
7100-1167, eff. 1-4-19; 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff.
86-5-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19; 101-275, eff. 8-9-19; revised
10 (55 ILCS 5/5-1006.7)
11 Sec. 5-1006.7. School facility and resources occupation
13 (a) In any county, a tax shall be imposed upon all persons
14engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property,
15other than personal property titled or registered with an
16agency of this State's government, at retail in the county on
17the gross receipts from the sales made in the course of
18business to provide revenue to be used exclusively (i) for (i)
19school facility purposes (except as otherwise provided in this
20Section), (ii) school resource officers and mental health
21professionals, or (iii) school facility purposes, school
22resource officers, and mental health professionals if a
23proposition for the tax has been submitted to the electors of
24that county and approved by a majority of those voting on the
25question as provided in subsection (c). The tax under this

10100SB0119ham001- 271 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Section shall be imposed only in one-quarter percent increments
2and may not exceed 1%.
3 This additional tax may not be imposed on tangible personal
4property taxed at the 1% rate under the Retailers' Occupation
5Tax Act. Beginning December 1, 2019 and through December 31,
62020, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless
7the tax revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If
8the county does not have an airport-related purpose to which it
9dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel is
10excluded from the tax. The county must comply with the
11certification requirements for airport-related purposes under
12Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act 5-1184. For
13purposes of this Section Act, "airport-related purposes" has
14the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance
15Act. Beginning January 1, 2021, this tax is not imposed on
16sales of aviation fuel This exclusion for aviation fuel only
17applies for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
18U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the county.
19The Department of Revenue has full power to administer and
20enforce this subsection, to collect all taxes and penalties due
21under this subsection, to dispose of taxes and penalties so
22collected in the manner provided in this subsection, and to
23determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on account of
24the erroneous payment of a tax or penalty under this
25subsection. The Department shall deposit all taxes and
26penalties collected under this subsection into a special fund

10100SB0119ham001- 272 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1created for that purpose.
2 In the administration of and compliance with this
3subsection, the Department and persons who are subject to this
4subsection (i) have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
5immunities, powers, and duties, (ii) are subject to the same
6conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, and
7definitions of terms, and (iii) shall employ the same modes of
8procedure as are set forth in Sections 1 through 1o, 2 through
92-70 (in respect to all provisions contained in those Sections
10other than the State rate of tax), 2a through 2h, 3 (except as
11to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except
12that the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on
13aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use requirements
14of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 that are deposited
15into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 4, 5, 5a, 5b,
165c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 7, 8,
179, 10, 11, 11a, 12, and 13 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act
18and all provisions of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act as
19if those provisions were set forth in this subsection.
20 The certificate of registration that is issued by the
21Department to a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax
22Act permits the retailer to engage in a business that is
23taxable without registering separately with the Department
24under an ordinance or resolution under this subsection.
25 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
26granted in this subsection may reimburse themselves for their

10100SB0119ham001- 273 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1seller's tax liability by separately stating that tax as an
2additional charge, which may be stated in combination, in a
3single amount, with State tax that sellers are required to
4collect under the Use Tax Act, pursuant to any bracketed
5schedules set forth by the Department.
6 (b) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (a), then a
7service occupation tax must also be imposed at the same rate
8upon all persons engaged, in the county, in the business of
9making sales of service, who, as an incident to making those
10sales of service, transfer tangible personal property within
11the county as an incident to a sale of service.
12 This tax may not be imposed on tangible personal property
13taxed at the 1% rate under the Service Occupation Tax Act.
14Beginning December 1, 2019 and through December 31, 2020, this
15tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the tax
16revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If the county
17does not have an airport-related purpose to which it dedicates
18aviation fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel is excluded from
19the tax. The county must comply with the certification
20requirements for airport-related purposes under Section 2-22
21of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act 5-1184. For purposes of
22this Section Act, "airport-related purposes" has the meaning
23ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. Beginning
24January 1, 2021, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation
25fuel This exclusion for aviation fuel only applies for so long
26as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49

10100SB0119ham001- 274 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the county.
2 The tax imposed under this subsection and all civil
3penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
4collected and enforced by the Department and deposited into a
5special fund created for that purpose. The Department has full
6power to administer and enforce this subsection, to collect all
7taxes and penalties due under this subsection, to dispose of
8taxes and penalties so collected in the manner provided in this
9subsection, and to determine all rights to credit memoranda
10arising on account of the erroneous payment of a tax or penalty
11under this subsection.
12 In the administration of and compliance with this
13subsection, the Department and persons who are subject to this
14subsection shall (i) have the same rights, remedies,
15privileges, immunities, powers and duties, (ii) be subject to
16the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties and
17definition of terms, and (iii) employ the same modes of
18procedure as are set forth in Sections 2 (except that that
19reference to State in the definition of supplier maintaining a
20place of business in this State means the county), 2a through
212d, 3 through 3-50 (in respect to all provisions contained in
22those Sections other than the State rate of tax), 4 (except
23that the reference to the State shall be to the county), 5, 7,
248 (except that the jurisdiction to which the tax is a debt to
25the extent indicated in that Section 8 is the county), 9
26(except as to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected,

10100SB0119ham001- 275 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1and except that the retailer's discount is not allowed for
2taxes paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use
3requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 that are
4deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 10,
511, 12 (except the reference therein to Section 2b of the
6Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference
7to the State means the county), Section 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and
820 of the Service Occupation Tax Act and all provisions of the
9Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as if those
10provisions were set forth herein.
11 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
12granted in this subsection may reimburse themselves for their
13serviceman's tax liability by separately stating the tax as an
14additional charge, which may be stated in combination, in a
15single amount, with State tax that servicemen are authorized to
16collect under the Service Use Tax Act, pursuant to any
17bracketed schedules set forth by the Department.
18 (c) The tax under this Section may not be imposed until the
19question of imposing the tax has been submitted to the electors
20of the county at a regular election and approved by a majority
21of the electors voting on the question. For all regular
22elections held prior to August 23, 2011 (the effective date of
23Public Act 97-542), upon a resolution by the county board or a
24resolution by school district boards that represent at least
2551% of the student enrollment within the county, the county
26board must certify the question to the proper election

10100SB0119ham001- 276 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1authority in accordance with the Election Code.
2 For all regular elections held prior to August 23, 2011
3(the effective date of Public Act 97-542), the election
4authority must submit the question in substantially the
5following form:
6 Shall (name of county) be authorized to impose a
7 retailers' occupation tax and a service occupation tax
8 (commonly referred to as a "sales tax") at a rate of
9 (insert rate) to be used exclusively for school facility
10 purposes?
11 The election authority must record the votes as "Yes" or
13 If a majority of the electors voting on the question vote
14in the affirmative, then the county may, thereafter, impose the
16 For all regular elections held on or after August 23, 2011
17(the effective date of Public Act 97-542), the regional
18superintendent of schools for the county must, upon receipt of
19a resolution or resolutions of school district boards that
20represent more than 50% of the student enrollment within the
21county, certify the question to the proper election authority
22for submission to the electors of the county at the next
23regular election at which the question lawfully may be
24submitted to the electors, all in accordance with the Election
26 For all regular elections held on or after August 23, 2011

10100SB0119ham001- 277 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1(the effective date of Public Act 97-542) and before August 23,
22019 (the effective date of Public Act 101-455) this amendatory
3Act of the 101st General Assembly, the election authority must
4submit the question in substantially the following form:
5 Shall a retailers' occupation tax and a service
6 occupation tax (commonly referred to as a "sales tax") be
7 imposed in (name of county) at a rate of (insert rate) to
8 be used exclusively for school facility purposes?
9 The election authority must record the votes as "Yes" or
11 If a majority of the electors voting on the question vote
12in the affirmative, then the tax shall be imposed at the rate
13set forth in the question.
14 For all regular elections held on or after August 23, 2019
15(the effective date of Public Act 101-455) this amendatory Act
16of the 101st General Assembly, the election authority must
17submit the question as follows:
18 (1) If the referendum is to expand the use of revenues
19 from a currently imposed tax exclusively for school
20 facility purposes to include school resource officers and
21 mental health professionals, the question shall be in
22 substantially the following form:
23 In addition to school facility purposes, shall
24 (name of county) school districts be authorized to use
25 revenues from the tax commonly referred to as the
26 school facility sales tax that is currently imposed in

10100SB0119ham001- 278 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (name of county) at a rate of (insert rate) for school
2 resource officers and mental health professionals?
3 (2) If the referendum is to increase the rate of a tax
4 currently imposed exclusively for school facility purposes
5 at less than 1% and dedicate the additional revenues for
6 school resource officers and mental health professionals,
7 the question shall be in substantially the following form:
8 Shall the tax commonly referred to as the school
9 facility sales tax that is currently imposed in (name
10 of county) at the rate of (insert rate) be increased to
11 a rate of (insert rate) with the additional revenues
12 used exclusively for school resource officers and
13 mental health professionals?
14 (3) If the referendum is to impose a tax in a county
15 that has not previously imposed a tax under this Section
16 exclusively for school facility purposes, the question
17 shall be in substantially the following form:
18 Shall a retailers' occupation tax and a service
19 occupation tax (commonly referred to as a sales tax) be
20 imposed in (name of county) at a rate of (insert rate)
21 to be used exclusively for school facility purposes?
22 (4) If the referendum is to impose a tax in a county
23 that has not previously imposed a tax under this Section
24 exclusively for school resource officers and mental health
25 professionals, the question shall be in substantially the
26 following form:

10100SB0119ham001- 279 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Shall a retailers' occupation tax and a service
2 occupation tax (commonly referred to as a sales tax) be
3 imposed in (name of county) at a rate of (insert rate)
4 to be used exclusively for school resource officers and
5 mental health professionals?
6 (5) If the referendum is to impose a tax in a county
7 that has not previously imposed a tax under this Section
8 exclusively for school facility purposes, school resource
9 officers, and mental health professionals, the question
10 shall be in substantially the following form:
11 Shall a retailers' occupation tax and a service
12 occupation tax (commonly referred to as a sales tax) be
13 imposed in (name of county) at a rate of (insert rate)
14 to be used exclusively for school facility purposes,
15 school resource officers, and mental health
16 professionals?
17 The election authority must record the votes as "Yes" or
19 If a majority of the electors voting on the question vote
20in the affirmative, then the tax shall be imposed at the rate
21set forth in the question.
22 For the purposes of this subsection (c), "enrollment" means
23the head count of the students residing in the county on the
24last school day of September of each year, which must be
25reported on the Illinois State Board of Education Public School
26Fall Enrollment/Housing Report.

10100SB0119ham001- 280 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (d) Except as otherwise provided, the Department shall
2immediately pay over to the State Treasurer, ex officio, as
3trustee, all taxes and penalties collected under this Section
4to be deposited into the School Facility Occupation Tax Fund,
5which shall be an unappropriated trust fund held outside the
6State treasury. Taxes and penalties collected on aviation fuel
7sold on or after December 1, 2019 and through December 31,
82020, shall be immediately paid over by the Department to the
9State Treasurer, ex officio, as trustee, for deposit into the
10Local Government Aviation Trust Fund. The Department shall only
11pay moneys into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund under
12this Section Act for so long as the revenue use requirements of
1349 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
15 On or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
16Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
17disbursement of stated sums of money to the regional
18superintendents of schools in counties from which retailers or
19servicemen have paid taxes or penalties to the Department
20during the second preceding calendar month. The amount to be
21paid to each regional superintendent of schools and disbursed
22to him or her in accordance with Section 3-14.31 of the School
23Code, is equal to the amount (not including credit memoranda
24and not including taxes and penalties collected on aviation
25fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019 and through December 31,
262020) collected from the county under this Section during the

10100SB0119ham001- 281 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1second preceding calendar month by the Department, (i) less 2%
2of that amount (except the amount collected on aviation fuel
3sold on or after December 1, 2019 and through December 31,
42020), which shall be deposited into the Tax Compliance and
5Administration Fund and shall be used by the Department,
6subject to appropriation, to cover the costs of the Department
7in administering and enforcing the provisions of this Section,
8on behalf of the county, (ii) plus an amount that the
9Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts that
10were erroneously paid to a different taxing body; (iii) less an
11amount equal to the amount of refunds made during the second
12preceding calendar month by the Department on behalf of the
13county; and (iv) less any amount that the Department determines
14is necessary to offset any amounts that were payable to a
15different taxing body but were erroneously paid to the county.
16When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to a
17regional superintendent of schools under this Section, the
18Department shall increase or decrease the amounts by an amount
19necessary to offset any miscalculation of previous
20disbursements within the previous 6 months from the time a
21miscalculation is discovered.
22 Within 10 days after receipt by the Comptroller from the
23Department of the disbursement certification to the regional
24superintendents of the schools provided for in this Section,
25the Comptroller shall cause the orders to be drawn for the
26respective amounts in accordance with directions contained in

10100SB0119ham001- 282 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the certification.
2 If the Department determines that a refund should be made
3under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a credit
4memorandum, then the Department shall notify the Comptroller,
5who shall cause the order to be drawn for the amount specified
6and to the person named in the notification from the
7Department. The refund shall be paid by the Treasurer out of
8the School Facility Occupation Tax Fund or the Local Government
9Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.
10 (e) For the purposes of determining the local governmental
11unit whose tax is applicable, a retail sale by a producer of
12coal or another mineral mined in Illinois is a sale at retail
13at the place where the coal or other mineral mined in Illinois
14is extracted from the earth. This subsection does not apply to
15coal or another mineral when it is delivered or shipped by the
16seller to the purchaser at a point outside Illinois so that the
17sale is exempt under the United States Constitution as a sale
18in interstate or foreign commerce.
19 (f) Nothing in this Section may be construed to authorize a
20tax to be imposed upon the privilege of engaging in any
21business that under the Constitution of the United States may
22not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
23 (g) If a county board imposes a tax under this Section
24pursuant to a referendum held before August 23, 2011 (the
25effective date of Public Act 97-542) at a rate below the rate
26set forth in the question approved by a majority of electors of

10100SB0119ham001- 283 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1that county voting on the question as provided in subsection
2(c), then the county board may, by ordinance, increase the rate
3of the tax up to the rate set forth in the question approved by
4a majority of electors of that county voting on the question as
5provided in subsection (c). If a county board imposes a tax
6under this Section pursuant to a referendum held before August
723, 2011 (the effective date of Public Act 97-542), then the
8board may, by ordinance, discontinue or reduce the rate of the
9tax. If a tax is imposed under this Section pursuant to a
10referendum held on or after August 23, 2011 (the effective date
11of Public Act 97-542) and before August 23, 2019 (the effective
12date of Public Act 101-455) this amendatory Act of the 101st
13General Assembly, then the county board may reduce or
14discontinue the tax, but only in accordance with subsection
15(h-5) of this Section. If a tax is imposed under this Section
16pursuant to a referendum held on or after August 23, 2019 (the
17effective date of Public Act 101-455) this amendatory Act of
18the 101st General Assembly, then the county board may reduce or
19discontinue the tax, but only in accordance with subsection
20(h-10). If, however, a school board issues bonds that are
21secured by the proceeds of the tax under this Section, then the
22county board may not reduce the tax rate or discontinue the tax
23if that rate reduction or discontinuance would adversely affect
24the school board's ability to pay the principal and interest on
25those bonds as they become due or necessitate the extension of
26additional property taxes to pay the principal and interest on

10100SB0119ham001- 284 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1those bonds. If the county board reduces the tax rate or
2discontinues the tax, then a referendum must be held in
3accordance with subsection (c) of this Section in order to
4increase the rate of the tax or to reimpose the discontinued
6 Until January 1, 2014, the results of any election that
7imposes, reduces, or discontinues a tax under this Section must
8be certified by the election authority, and any ordinance that
9increases or lowers the rate or discontinues the tax must be
10certified by the county clerk and, in each case, filed with the
11Illinois Department of Revenue either (i) on or before the
12first day of April, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
13administer and enforce the tax or change in the rate as of the
14first day of July next following the filing; or (ii) on or
15before the first day of October, whereupon the Department shall
16proceed to administer and enforce the tax or change in the rate
17as of the first day of January next following the filing.
18 Beginning January 1, 2014, the results of any election that
19imposes, reduces, or discontinues a tax under this Section must
20be certified by the election authority, and any ordinance that
21increases or lowers the rate or discontinues the tax must be
22certified by the county clerk and, in each case, filed with the
23Illinois Department of Revenue either (i) on or before the
24first day of May, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
25administer and enforce the tax or change in the rate as of the
26first day of July next following the filing; or (ii) on or

10100SB0119ham001- 285 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1before the first day of October, whereupon the Department shall
2proceed to administer and enforce the tax or change in the rate
3as of the first day of January next following the filing.
4 (h) For purposes of this Section, "school facility
5purposes" means (i) the acquisition, development,
6construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, improvement,
7financing, architectural planning, and installation of capital
8facilities consisting of buildings, structures, and durable
9equipment and for the acquisition and improvement of real
10property and interest in real property required, or expected to
11be required, in connection with the capital facilities and (ii)
12the payment of bonds or other obligations heretofore or
13hereafter issued, including bonds or other obligations
14heretofore or hereafter issued to refund or to continue to
15refund bonds or other obligations issued, for school facility
16purposes, provided that the taxes levied to pay those bonds are
17abated by the amount of the taxes imposed under this Section
18that are used to pay those bonds. "School facility
19School-facility purposes" also includes fire prevention,
20safety, energy conservation, accessibility, school security,
21and specified repair purposes set forth under Section 17-2.11
22of the School Code.
23 (h-5) A county board in a county where a tax has been
24imposed under this Section pursuant to a referendum held on or
25after August 23, 2011 (the effective date of Public Act 97-542)
26and before August 23, 2019 (the effective date of Public Act

10100SB0119ham001- 286 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1101-455) this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly may,
2by ordinance or resolution, submit to the voters of the county
3the question of reducing or discontinuing the tax. In the
4ordinance or resolution, the county board shall certify the
5question to the proper election authority in accordance with
6the Election Code. The election authority must submit the
7question in substantially the following form:
8 Shall the school facility retailers' occupation tax
9 and service occupation tax (commonly referred to as the
10 "school facility sales tax") currently imposed in (name of
11 county) at a rate of (insert rate) be (reduced to (insert
12 rate))(discontinued)?
13If a majority of the electors voting on the question vote in
14the affirmative, then, subject to the provisions of subsection
15(g) of this Section, the tax shall be reduced or discontinued
16as set forth in the question.
17 (h-10) A county board in a county where a tax has been
18imposed under this Section pursuant to a referendum held on or
19after August 23, 2019 (the effective date of Public Act
20101-455) this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly may,
21by ordinance or resolution, submit to the voters of the county
22the question of reducing or discontinuing the tax. In the
23ordinance or resolution, the county board shall certify the
24question to the proper election authority in accordance with
25the Election Code. The election authority must submit the
26question in substantially the following form:

10100SB0119ham001- 287 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Shall the school facility and resources retailers'
2 occupation tax and service occupation tax (commonly
3 referred to as the school facility and resources sales tax)
4 currently imposed in (name of county) at a rate of (insert
5 rate) be (reduced to (insert rate)) (discontinued)?
6 The election authority must record the votes as "Yes" or
8 If a majority of the electors voting on the question vote
9in the affirmative, then, subject to the provisions of
10subsection (g) of this Section, the tax shall be reduced or
11discontinued as set forth in the question.
12 (i) This Section does not apply to Cook County.
13 (j) This Section may be cited as the County School Facility
14and Resources Occupation Tax Law.
15(Source: P.A. 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19;
16101-455, eff. 8-23-19; revised 9-10-19.)
17 (55 ILCS 5/5-1007) (from Ch. 34, par. 5-1007)
18 Sec. 5-1007. Home Rule County Service Occupation Tax Law.
19The corporate authorities of a home rule county may impose a
20tax upon all persons engaged, in such county, in the business
21of making sales of service at the same rate of tax imposed
22pursuant to Section 5-1006 of the selling price of all tangible
23personal property transferred by such servicemen either in the
24form of tangible personal property or in the form of real
25estate as an incident to a sale of service. If imposed, such

10100SB0119ham001- 288 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1tax shall only be imposed in 1/4% increments. On and after
2September 1, 1991, this additional tax may not be imposed on
3tangible personal property taxed at the 1% rate under the
4Service Occupation Tax Act. Beginning December 1, 2019, this
5tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the tax
6revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If the county
7does not have an airport-related purpose to which it dedicates
8aviation fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel is excluded from
9the tax. The county must comply with the certification
10requirements for airport-related purposes under Section 2-22
11of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act 5-1184. For purposes of
12this Section Act, "airport-related purposes" has the meaning
13ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. This
14exclusion for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the
15revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
1647133 are binding on the county. The changes made to this
17Section by this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly
18are a denial and limitation of home rule powers and functions
19under subsection (g) of Section 6 of Article VII of the
20Illinois Constitution. The tax imposed by a home rule county
21pursuant to this Section and all civil penalties that may be
22assessed as an incident thereof shall be collected and enforced
23by the State Department of Revenue. The certificate of
24registration which is issued by the Department to a retailer
25under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under the Service
26Occupation Tax Act shall permit such registrant to engage in a

10100SB0119ham001- 289 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1business which is taxable under any ordinance or resolution
2enacted pursuant to this Section without registering
3separately with the Department under such ordinance or
4resolution or under this Section. The Department shall have
5full power to administer and enforce this Section; to collect
6all taxes and penalties due hereunder; to dispose of taxes and
7penalties so collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and
8to determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on account
9of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty hereunder. In the
10administration of, and compliance with, this Section the
11Department and persons who are subject to this Section shall
12have the same rights, remedies, privileges, immunities, powers
13and duties, and be subject to the same conditions,
14restrictions, limitations, penalties and definitions of terms,
15and employ the same modes of procedure, as are prescribed in
16Sections 1a-1, 2, 2a, 3 through 3-50 (in respect to all
17provisions therein other than the State rate of tax), 4 (except
18that the reference to the State shall be to the taxing county),
195, 7, 8 (except that the jurisdiction to which the tax shall be
20a debt to the extent indicated in that Section 8 shall be the
21taxing county), 9 (except as to the disposition of taxes and
22penalties collected, and except that the returned merchandise
23credit for this county tax may not be taken against any State
24tax, and except that the retailer's discount is not allowed for
25taxes paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use
26requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133

10100SB0119ham001- 290 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 10,
211, 12 (except the reference therein to Section 2b of the
3Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference
4to the State shall mean the taxing county), the first paragraph
5of Section 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Service Occupation
6Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest
7Act, as fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
8 No tax may be imposed by a home rule county pursuant to
9this Section unless such county also imposes a tax at the same
10rate pursuant to Section 5-1006.
11 Persons subject to any tax imposed pursuant to the
12authority granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for
13their serviceman's tax liability hereunder by separately
14stating such tax as an additional charge, which charge may be
15stated in combination, in a single amount, with State tax which
16servicemen are authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax
17Act, pursuant to such bracket schedules as the Department may
19 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
20made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing credit
21memorandum, the Department shall notify the State Comptroller,
22who shall cause the order to be drawn for the amount specified,
23and to the person named, in such notification from the
24Department. Such refund shall be paid by the State Treasurer
25out of the home rule county retailers' occupation tax fund or
26the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.

10100SB0119ham001- 291 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the
2Department shall forthwith pay over to the State Treasurer, ex
3officio, as trustee, all taxes and penalties collected
4hereunder for deposit into the Home Rule County Retailers'
5Occupation Tax Fund. Taxes and penalties collected on aviation
6fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, shall be immediately
7paid over by the Department to the State Treasurer, ex officio,
8as trustee, for deposit into the Local Government Aviation
9Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into the Local
10Government Aviation Trust Fund under this Section Act for so
11long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and
1249 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the county.
13 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
14beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department
15of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
16Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
17local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
18Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
19during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
20STAR bond district.
21 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
22on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
23Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
24disbursement of stated sums of money to named counties, the
25counties to be those from which suppliers and servicemen have
26paid taxes or penalties hereunder to the Department during the

10100SB0119ham001- 292 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1second preceding calendar month. The amount to be paid to each
2county shall be the amount (not including credit memoranda and
3not including taxes and penalties collected on aviation fuel
4sold on or after December 1, 2019) collected hereunder during
5the second preceding calendar month by the Department, and not
6including an amount equal to the amount of refunds made during
7the second preceding calendar month by the Department on behalf
8of such county, and not including any amounts that are
9transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, less 1.5% of the
10remainder, which the Department shall transfer into the Tax
11Compliance and Administration Fund. The Department, at the time
12of each monthly disbursement to the counties, shall prepare and
13certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be transferred
14into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund under this
15Section. Within 10 days after receipt, by the Comptroller, of
16the disbursement certification to the counties and the Tax
17Compliance and Administration Fund provided for in this Section
18to be given to the Comptroller by the Department, the
19Comptroller shall cause the orders to be drawn for the
20respective amounts in accordance with the directions contained
21in such certification.
22 In addition to the disbursement required by the preceding
23paragraph, an allocation shall be made in each year to each
24county which received more than $500,000 in disbursements under
25the preceding paragraph in the preceding calendar year. The
26allocation shall be in an amount equal to the average monthly

10100SB0119ham001- 293 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1distribution made to each such county under the preceding
2paragraph during the preceding calendar year (excluding the 2
3months of highest receipts). The distribution made in March of
4each year subsequent to the year in which an allocation was
5made pursuant to this paragraph and the preceding paragraph
6shall be reduced by the amount allocated and disbursed under
7this paragraph in the preceding calendar year. The Department
8shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller for disbursement
9the allocations made in accordance with this paragraph.
10 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize a
11county to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in any
12business which under the Constitution of the United States may
13not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
14 An ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing a tax
15hereunder or effecting a change in the rate thereof shall be
16adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department
17on or before the first day of June, whereupon the Department
18shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the
19first day of September next following such adoption and filing.
20Beginning January 1, 1992, an ordinance or resolution imposing
21or discontinuing the tax hereunder or effecting a change in the
22rate thereof shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof
23filed with the Department on or before the first day of July,
24whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer and
25enforce this Section as of the first day of October next
26following such adoption and filing. Beginning January 1, 1993,

10100SB0119ham001- 294 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1an ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing the tax
2hereunder or effecting a change in the rate thereof shall be
3adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department
4on or before the first day of October, whereupon the Department
5shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the
6first day of January next following such adoption and filing.
7Beginning April 1, 1998, an ordinance or resolution imposing or
8discontinuing the tax hereunder or effecting a change in the
9rate thereof shall either (i) be adopted and a certified copy
10thereof filed with the Department on or before the first day of
11April, whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer and
12enforce this Section as of the first day of July next following
13the adoption and filing; or (ii) be adopted and a certified
14copy thereof filed with the Department on or before the first
15day of October, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
16administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of
17January next following the adoption and filing.
18 This Section shall be known and may be cited as the Home
19Rule County Service Occupation Tax Law.
20(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;
21100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-81, eff.
23 (55 ILCS 5/5-1008.5)
24 Sec. 5-1008.5. Use and occupation taxes.
25 (a) The Rock Island County Board may adopt a resolution

10100SB0119ham001- 295 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1that authorizes a referendum on the question of whether the
2county shall be authorized to impose a retailers' occupation
3tax, a service occupation tax, and a use tax at a rate of 1/4 of
41% on behalf of the economic development activities of Rock
5Island County and communities located within the county. The
6county board shall certify the question to the proper election
7authorities who shall submit the question to the voters of the
8county at the next regularly scheduled election in accordance
9with the general election law. The question shall be in
10substantially the following form:
11 Shall Rock Island County be authorized to impose a
12 retailers' occupation tax, a service occupation tax, and a
13 use tax at the rate of 1/4 of 1% for the sole purpose of
14 economic development activities, including creation and
15 retention of job opportunities, support of affordable
16 housing opportunities, and enhancement of quality of life
17 improvements?
18 Votes shall be recorded as "yes" or "no". If a majority of
19all votes cast on the proposition are in favor of the
20proposition, the county is authorized to impose the tax.
21 (b) The county shall impose the retailers' occupation tax
22upon all persons engaged in the business of selling tangible
23personal property at retail in the county, at the rate approved
24by referendum, on the gross receipts from the sales made in the
25course of those businesses within the county. This additional
26tax may not be imposed on tangible personal property taxed at

10100SB0119ham001- 296 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the 1% rate under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. Beginning
2December 1, 2019, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation
3fuel unless the tax revenue is expended for airport-related
4purposes. If the county does not have an airport-related
5purpose to which it dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then
6aviation fuel is excluded from the tax. The county must comply
7with the certification requirements for airport-related
8purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax
9Act 5-1184. For purposes of this Section Act, "airport-related
10purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the
11State Finance Act. This exclusion for aviation fuel only
12applies for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
13U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the county.
14The tax imposed under this Section and all civil penalties that
15may be assessed as an incident of the tax shall be collected
16and enforced by the Department of Revenue. The Department has
17full power to administer and enforce this Section; to collect
18all taxes and penalties so collected in the manner provided in
19this Section; and to determine all rights to credit memoranda
20arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty
21under this Section. In the administration of, and compliance
22with, this Section, the Department and persons who are subject
23to this Section shall (i) have the same rights, remedies,
24privileges, immunities, powers and duties, (ii) be subject to
25the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties,
26exclusions, exemptions, and definitions of terms, and (iii)

10100SB0119ham001- 297 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1employ the same modes of procedure as are prescribed in
2Sections 1, 1a, 1a-1, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1i, 1j, 1k, 1m, 1n, 2,
32-5, 2-5.5, 2-10 (in respect to all provisions other than the
4State rate of tax), 2-15 through 2-70, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3 (except as
5to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected and
6provisions related to quarter monthly payments, and except that
7the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on
8aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use requirements
9of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 deposited into the
10Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d,
115e, 5f, 5g, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11a,
1212, and 13 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and Section 3-7
13of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as if those
14provisions were set forth in this subsection.
15 Persons subject to any tax imposed under this subsection
16may reimburse themselves for their seller's tax liability by
17separately stating the tax as an additional charge, which
18charge may be stated in combination, in a single amount, with
19State taxes that sellers are required to collect, in accordance
20with bracket schedules prescribed by the Department.
21 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
22made under this subsection to a claimant instead of issuing a
23credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
24Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn for the
25amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
26from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State

10100SB0119ham001- 298 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Treasurer out of the tax fund referenced under paragraph (g) of
2this Section or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as
4 If a tax is imposed under this subsection (b), a tax shall
5also be imposed at the same rate under subsections (c) and (d)
6of this Section.
7 For the purpose of determining whether a tax authorized
8under this Section is applicable, a retail sale, by a producer
9of coal or another mineral mined in Illinois, is a sale at
10retail at the place where the coal or other mineral mined in
11Illinois is extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not
12apply to coal or another mineral when it is delivered or
13shipped by the seller to the purchaser at a point outside
14Illinois so that the sale is exempt under the federal
15Constitution as a sale in interstate or foreign commerce.
16 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize the
17county to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in any
18business that under the Constitution of the United States may
19not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
20 (c) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a
21service occupation tax shall also be imposed at the same rate
22upon all persons engaged, in the county, in the business of
23making sales of service, who, as an incident to making those
24sales of service, transfer tangible personal property within
25the county as an incident to a sale of service. This additional
26tax may not be imposed on tangible personal property taxed at

10100SB0119ham001- 299 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the 1% rate under the Service Occupation Tax Act. Beginning
2December 1, 2019, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation
3fuel unless the tax revenue is expended for airport-related
4purposes. If the county does not have an airport-related
5purpose to which it dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then
6aviation fuel is excluded from the tax. The county must comply
7with the certification requirements for airport-related
8purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax
9Act 5-1184. For purposes of this Section Act, "airport-related
10purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the
11State Finance Act. This exclusion for aviation fuel only
12applies for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
13U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the county.
14The tax imposed under this subsection and all civil penalties
15that may be assessed as an incident of the tax shall be
16collected and enforced by the Department of Revenue. The
17Department has full power to administer and enforce this
18paragraph; to collect all taxes and penalties due under this
19Section; to dispose of taxes and penalties so collected in the
20manner provided in this Section; and to determine all rights to
21credit memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment of
22tax or penalty under this Section. In the administration of,
23and compliance with this paragraph, the Department and persons
24who are subject to this paragraph shall (i) have the same
25rights, remedies, privileges, immunities, powers, and duties,
26(ii) be subject to the same conditions, restrictions,

10100SB0119ham001- 300 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1limitations, penalties, exclusions, exemptions, and
2definitions of terms, and (iii) employ the same modes of
3procedure as are prescribed in Sections 2 (except that the
4reference to State in the definition of supplier maintaining a
5place of business in this State shall mean the county), 2a, 2b,
63 through 3-55 (in respect to all provisions other than the
7State rate of tax), 4 (except that the reference to the State
8shall be to the county), 5, 7, 8 (except that the jurisdiction
9to which the tax shall be a debt to the extent indicated in
10that Section 8 shall be the county), 9 (except as to the
11disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except that
12the returned merchandise credit for this tax may not be taken
13against any State tax, and except that the retailer's discount
14is not allowed for taxes paid on aviation fuel that are subject
15to the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49
16U.S.C. 47133 deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust
17Fund), 11, 12 (except the reference to Section 2b of the
18Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference
19to the State shall mean the county), 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20
20of the Service Occupation Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the
21Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as if those
22provisions were set forth in this subsection.
23 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
24granted in this subsection may reimburse themselves for their
25serviceman's tax liability by separately stating the tax as an
26additional charge, which charge may be stated in combination,

10100SB0119ham001- 301 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1in a single amount, with State tax that servicemen are
2authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax Act, in
3accordance with bracket schedules prescribed by the
5 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
6made under this subsection to a claimant instead of issuing a
7credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
8Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn for the
9amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
10from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
11Treasurer out of the tax fund referenced under paragraph (g) of
12this Section or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as
14 Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to authorize
15the county to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
16any business that under the Constitution of the United States
17may not be made the subject of taxation by the State.
18 (d) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a use
19tax shall also be imposed at the same rate upon the privilege
20of using, in the county, any item of tangible personal property
21that is purchased outside the county at retail from a retailer,
22and that is titled or registered at a location within the
23county with an agency of this State's government. "Selling
24price" is defined as in the Use Tax Act. The tax shall be
25collected from persons whose Illinois address for titling or
26registration purposes is given as being in the county. The tax

10100SB0119ham001- 302 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1shall be collected by the Department of Revenue for the county.
2The tax must be paid to the State, or an exemption
3determination must be obtained from the Department of Revenue,
4before the title or certificate of registration for the
5property may be issued. The tax or proof of exemption may be
6transmitted to the Department by way of the State agency with
7which, or the State officer with whom, the tangible personal
8property must be titled or registered if the Department and the
9State agency or State officer determine that this procedure
10will expedite the processing of applications for title or
12 The Department has full power to administer and enforce
13this paragraph; to collect all taxes, penalties, and interest
14due under this Section; to dispose of taxes, penalties, and
15interest so collected in the manner provided in this Section;
16and to determine all rights to credit memoranda or refunds
17arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax, penalty, or
18interest under this Section. In the administration of, and
19compliance with, this subsection, the Department and persons
20who are subject to this paragraph shall (i) have the same
21rights, remedies, privileges, immunities, powers, and duties,
22(ii) be subject to the same conditions, restrictions,
23limitations, penalties, exclusions, exemptions, and
24definitions of terms, and (iii) employ the same modes of
25procedure as are prescribed in Sections 2 (except the
26definition of "retailer maintaining a place of business in this

10100SB0119ham001- 303 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1State"), 3, 3-5, 3-10, 3-45, 3-55, 3-65, 3-70, 3-85, 3a, 4, 6,
27, 8 (except that the jurisdiction to which the tax shall be a
3debt to the extent indicated in that Section 8 shall be the
4county), 9 (except provisions relating to quarter monthly
5payments), 10, 11, 12, 12a, 12b, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, and 22
6of the Use Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and
7Interest Act, that are not inconsistent with this paragraph, as
8fully as if those provisions were set forth in this subsection.
9 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
10made under this subsection to a claimant instead of issuing a
11credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
12Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
13amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
14from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
15Treasurer out of the tax fund referenced under paragraph (g) of
16this Section.
17 (e) A certificate of registration issued by the State
18Department of Revenue to a retailer under the Retailers'
19Occupation Tax Act or under the Service Occupation Tax Act
20shall permit the registrant to engage in a business that is
21taxed under the tax imposed under paragraphs (b), (c), or (d)
22of this Section and no additional registration shall be
23required. A certificate issued under the Use Tax Act or the
24Service Use Tax Act shall be applicable with regard to any tax
25imposed under paragraph (c) of this Section.
26 (f) The results of any election authorizing a proposition

10100SB0119ham001- 304 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1to impose a tax under this Section or effecting a change in the
2rate of tax shall be certified by the proper election
3authorities and filed with the Illinois Department on or before
4the first day of October. In addition, an ordinance imposing,
5discontinuing, or effecting a change in the rate of tax under
6this Section shall be adopted and a certified copy of the
7ordinance filed with the Department on or before the first day
8of October. After proper receipt of the certifications, the
9Department shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section
10as of the first day of January next following the adoption and
12 (g) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (g-2), the
13Department of Revenue shall, upon collecting any taxes and
14penalties as provided in this Section, pay the taxes and
15penalties over to the State Treasurer as trustee for the
16county. The taxes and penalties shall be held in a trust fund
17outside the State Treasury. On or before the 25th day of each
18calendar month, the Department of Revenue shall prepare and
19certify to the Comptroller of the State of Illinois the amount
20to be paid to the county, which shall be the balance in the
21fund, less any amount determined by the Department to be
22necessary for the payment of refunds. Within 10 days after
23receipt by the Comptroller of the certification of the amount
24to be paid to the county, the Comptroller shall cause an order
25to be drawn for payment for the amount in accordance with the
26directions contained in the certification. Amounts received

10100SB0119ham001- 305 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1from the tax imposed under this Section shall be used only for
2the economic development activities of the county and
3communities located within the county.
4 (g-2) Taxes and penalties collected on aviation fuel sold
5on or after December 1, 2019, shall be immediately paid over by
6the Department to the State Treasurer, ex officio, as trustee,
7for deposit into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund. The
8Department shall only pay moneys into the Local Government
9Aviation Trust Fund under this Section Act for so long as the
10revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
1147133 are binding on the county.
12 (h) When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to
13the county under this Section, the Department shall increase or
14decrease the amounts by an amount necessary to offset any
15miscalculation of previous disbursements. The offset amount
16shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the previous 6
17months from the time a miscalculation is discovered.
18 (i) This Section may be cited as the Rock Island County Use
19and Occupation Tax Law.
20(Source: P.A. 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19.)
21 (55 ILCS 5/5-1035.1) (from Ch. 34, par. 5-1035.1)
22 Sec. 5-1035.1. County Motor Fuel Tax Law.
23 (a) The county board of the counties of DuPage, Kane, Lake,
24Will, and McHenry may, by an ordinance or resolution adopted by
25an affirmative vote of a majority of the members elected or

10100SB0119ham001- 306 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1appointed to the county board, impose a tax upon all persons
2engaged in the county in the business of selling motor fuel, as
3now or hereafter defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Law, at retail
4for the operation of motor vehicles upon public highways or for
5the operation of recreational watercraft upon waterways. The
6collection of a tax under this Section based on gallonage of
7gasoline used for the propulsion of any aircraft is prohibited,
8and the collection of a tax based on gallonage of special fuel
9used for the propulsion of any aircraft is prohibited on and
10after December 1, 2019. Kane County may exempt diesel fuel from
11the tax imposed pursuant to this Section. The initial tax rate
12may not be less than 4 cents per gallon of motor fuel sold at
13retail within the county for the purpose of use or consumption
14and not for the purpose of resale and may not exceed 8 cents
15per gallon of motor fuel sold at retail within the county for
16the purpose of use or consumption and not for the purpose of
17resale. The proceeds from the tax shall be used by the county
18solely for the purposes purpose of operating, constructing, and
19improving public highways and waterways, and acquiring real
20property and rights-of-way right-of-ways for public highways
21and waterways within the county imposing the tax.
22 (a-5) By June 1, 2020, and by June 1 of each year
23thereafter, the Department of Revenue shall determine an annual
24rate increase to take effect on July 1 of that calendar year
25and continue through June 30 of the next calendar year. Not
26later than June 1 of each year, the Department of Revenue shall

10100SB0119ham001- 307 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1publish on its website the rate that will take effect on July 1
2of that calendar year. The rate shall be equal to the product
3of the rate in effect increased by an amount equal to the
4percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for
5All Urban Consumers for all items, published by the United
6States Department of Labor for the 12 months ending in March of
7each year multiplied by the transportation fee index factor
8determined under Section 2e of the Motor Fuel Tax Law. The rate
9shall be rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a one cent. Each
10new rate may not exceed the rate in effect on June 30 of the
11previous year plus one cent.
12 (b) A tax imposed pursuant to this Section, and all civil
13penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof, shall be
14administered, collected, and enforced by the Illinois
15Department of Revenue in the same manner as the tax imposed
16under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, as now or hereafter
17amended, insofar as may be practicable; except that in the
18event of a conflict with the provisions of this Section, this
19Section shall control. The Department of Revenue shall have
20full power: to administer and enforce this Section; to collect
21all taxes and penalties due hereunder; to dispose of taxes and
22penalties so collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and
23to determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on account
24of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty hereunder.
25 (b-5) Persons subject to any tax imposed under the
26authority granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for

10100SB0119ham001- 308 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1their seller's tax liability hereunder by separately stating
2that tax as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in
3combination, in a single amount, with State tax which sellers
4are required to collect under the Use Tax Act, pursuant to such
5bracket schedules as the Department may prescribe.
6 (c) Whenever the Department determines that a refund shall
7be made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a
8credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
9Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
10amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
11from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
12Treasurer out of the County Option Motor Fuel Tax Fund.
13 (d) The Department shall forthwith pay over to the State
14Treasurer, ex officio ex-officio, as trustee, all taxes and
15penalties collected hereunder, which shall be deposited into
16the County Option Motor Fuel Tax Fund, a special fund in the
17State Treasury which is hereby created. On or before the 25th
18day of each calendar month, the Department shall prepare and
19certify to the State Comptroller the disbursement of stated
20sums of money to named counties for which taxpayers have paid
21taxes or penalties hereunder to the Department during the
22second preceding calendar month. The amount to be paid to each
23county shall be the amount (not including credit memoranda)
24collected hereunder from retailers within the county during the
25second preceding calendar month by the Department, but not
26including an amount equal to the amount of refunds made during

10100SB0119ham001- 309 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the second preceding calendar month by the Department on behalf
2of the county; less 2% of the balance, which sum shall be
3retained by the State Treasurer to cover the costs incurred by
4the Department in administering and enforcing the provisions of
5this Section. The Department, at the time of each monthly
6disbursement to the counties, shall prepare and certify to the
7Comptroller the amount so retained by the State Treasurer,
8which shall be transferred into the Tax Compliance and
9Administration Fund.
10 (e) (f) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to
11authorize a county to impose a tax upon the privilege of
12engaging in any business which under the Constitution of the
13United States may not be made the subject of taxation by this
15 (f) Until January 1, 2020, an (g) An ordinance or
16resolution imposing a tax hereunder or effecting a change in
17the rate thereof shall be effective on the first day of the
18second calendar month next following the month in which the
19ordinance or resolution is adopted and a certified copy thereof
20is filed with the Department of Revenue, whereupon the
21Department of Revenue shall proceed to administer and enforce
22this Section on behalf of the county as of the effective date
23of the ordinance or resolution.
24 On and after January 1, 2020, an ordinance or resolution
25imposing or discontinuing the tax hereunder or effecting a
26change in the rate thereof shall either: (i) be adopted and a

10100SB0119ham001- 310 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or before
2the first day of April, whereupon the Department shall proceed
3to administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of
4July next following the adoption and filing; or (ii) be adopted
5and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or
6before the first day of October, whereupon the Department shall
7proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the first
8day of January next following the adoption and filing.
9 Upon a change in rate of a tax levied hereunder, or upon
10the discontinuance of the tax, the county board of the county
11shall, on or not later than 5 days after the effective date of
12the ordinance or resolution discontinuing the tax or effecting
13a change in rate, transmit to the Department of Revenue a
14certified copy of the ordinance or resolution effecting the
15change or discontinuance.
16 (g) (h) This Section shall be known and may be cited as the
17County Motor Fuel Tax Law.
18(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-32, eff. 6-28-19;
19101-275, eff. 8-9-19; revised 9-10-19.)
20 (55 ILCS 5/5-1184 rep.)
21 Section 10-65. The Counties Code is amended by repealing
22Section 5-1184.
23 Section 10-70. The Illinois Municipal Code is amended by
24changing Sections 8-11-1, 8-11-1.3, 8-11-1.4, 8-11-1.6,

10100SB0119ham001- 311 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
18-11-1.7, 8-11-2.3, 8-11-5, 11-74.3-6, and 11-101-3 as
3 (65 ILCS 5/8-11-1) (from Ch. 24, par. 8-11-1)
4 Sec. 8-11-1. Home Rule Municipal Retailers' Occupation Tax
5Act. The corporate authorities of a home rule municipality may
6impose a tax upon all persons engaged in the business of
7selling tangible personal property, other than an item of
8tangible personal property titled or registered with an agency
9of this State's government, at retail in the municipality on
10the gross receipts from these sales made in the course of such
11business. If imposed, the tax shall only be imposed in 1/4%
12increments. On and after September 1, 1991, this additional tax
13may not be imposed on tangible personal property taxed at the
141% rate under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. Beginning
15December 1, 2019, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation
16fuel unless the tax revenue is expended for airport-related
17purposes. If a municipality does not have an airport-related
18purpose to which it dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then
19aviation fuel is excluded from the tax. Each municipality must
20comply with the certification requirements for airport-related
21purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax
22Act 8-11-22. For purposes of this Section Act, "airport-related
23purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the
24State Finance Act. This exclusion for aviation fuel only
25applies for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49

10100SB0119ham001- 312 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
2municipality. The changes made to this Section by this
3amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly are a denial and
4limitation of home rule powers and functions under subsection
5(g) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution.
6The tax imposed by a home rule municipality under this Section
7and all civil penalties that may be assessed as an incident of
8the tax shall be collected and enforced by the State Department
9of Revenue. The certificate of registration that is issued by
10the Department to a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation
11Tax Act shall permit the retailer to engage in a business that
12is taxable under any ordinance or resolution enacted pursuant
13to this Section without registering separately with the
14Department under such ordinance or resolution or under this
15Section. The Department shall have full power to administer and
16enforce this Section; to collect all taxes and penalties due
17hereunder; to dispose of taxes and penalties so collected in
18the manner hereinafter provided; and to determine all rights to
19credit memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment of
20tax or penalty hereunder. In the administration of, and
21compliance with, this Section the Department and persons who
22are subject to this Section shall have the same rights,
23remedies, privileges, immunities, powers and duties, and be
24subject to the same conditions, restrictions, limitations,
25penalties and definitions of terms, and employ the same modes
26of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 1, 1a, 1d, 1e, 1f,

10100SB0119ham001- 313 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
11i, 1j, 1k, 1m, 1n, 2 through 2-65 (in respect to all
2provisions therein other than the State rate of tax), 2c, 3
3(except as to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected,
4and except that the retailer's discount is not allowed for
5taxes paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use
6requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133
7deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 4, 5,
85a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c,
96d, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax
10Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as
11fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
12 No tax may be imposed by a home rule municipality under
13this Section unless the municipality also imposes a tax at the
14same rate under Section 8-11-5 of this Act.
15 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
16granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for their
17seller's tax liability hereunder by separately stating that tax
18as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in
19combination, in a single amount, with State tax which sellers
20are required to collect under the Use Tax Act, pursuant to such
21bracket schedules as the Department may prescribe.
22 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
23made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a
24credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
25Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
26amount specified and to the person named in the notification

10100SB0119ham001- 314 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
2Treasurer out of the home rule municipal retailers' occupation
3tax fund or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as
5 Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the
6Department shall immediately pay over to the State Treasurer,
7ex officio, as trustee, all taxes and penalties collected
8hereunder for deposit into the Home Rule Municipal Retailers'
9Occupation Tax Fund. Taxes and penalties collected on aviation
10fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, shall be immediately
11paid over by the Department to the State Treasurer, ex officio,
12as trustee, for deposit into the Local Government Aviation
13Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into the Local
14Government Aviation Trust Fund under this Section Act for so
15long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and
1649 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
17 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
18beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department
19of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
20Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
21local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
22Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
23during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
24STAR bond district.
25 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
26on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the

10100SB0119ham001- 315 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
2disbursement of stated sums of money to named municipalities,
3the municipalities to be those from which retailers have paid
4taxes or penalties hereunder to the Department during the
5second preceding calendar month. The amount to be paid to each
6municipality shall be the amount (not including credit
7memoranda and not including taxes and penalties collected on
8aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019) collected
9hereunder during the second preceding calendar month by the
10Department plus an amount the Department determines is
11necessary to offset any amounts that were erroneously paid to a
12different taxing body, and not including an amount equal to the
13amount of refunds made during the second preceding calendar
14month by the Department on behalf of such municipality, and not
15including any amount that the Department determines is
16necessary to offset any amounts that were payable to a
17different taxing body but were erroneously paid to the
18municipality, and not including any amounts that are
19transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, less 1.5% of the
20remainder, which the Department shall transfer into the Tax
21Compliance and Administration Fund. The Department, at the time
22of each monthly disbursement to the municipalities, shall
23prepare and certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be
24transferred into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
25under this Section. Within 10 days after receipt by the
26Comptroller of the disbursement certification to the

10100SB0119ham001- 316 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1municipalities and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
2provided for in this Section to be given to the Comptroller by
3the Department, the Comptroller shall cause the orders to be
4drawn for the respective amounts in accordance with the
5directions contained in the certification.
6 In addition to the disbursement required by the preceding
7paragraph and in order to mitigate delays caused by
8distribution procedures, an allocation shall, if requested, be
9made within 10 days after January 14, 1991, and in November of
101991 and each year thereafter, to each municipality that
11received more than $500,000 during the preceding fiscal year,
12(July 1 through June 30) whether collected by the municipality
13or disbursed by the Department as required by this Section.
14Within 10 days after January 14, 1991, participating
15municipalities shall notify the Department in writing of their
16intent to participate. In addition, for the initial
17distribution, participating municipalities shall certify to
18the Department the amounts collected by the municipality for
19each month under its home rule occupation and service
20occupation tax during the period July 1, 1989 through June 30,
211990. The allocation within 10 days after January 14, 1991,
22shall be in an amount equal to the monthly average of these
23amounts, excluding the 2 months of highest receipts. The
24monthly average for the period of July 1, 1990 through June 30,
251991 will be determined as follows: the amounts collected by
26the municipality under its home rule occupation and service

10100SB0119ham001- 317 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1occupation tax during the period of July 1, 1990 through
2September 30, 1990, plus amounts collected by the Department
3and paid to such municipality through June 30, 1991, excluding
4the 2 months of highest receipts. The monthly average for each
5subsequent period of July 1 through June 30 shall be an amount
6equal to the monthly distribution made to each such
7municipality under the preceding paragraph during this period,
8excluding the 2 months of highest receipts. The distribution
9made in November 1991 and each year thereafter under this
10paragraph and the preceding paragraph shall be reduced by the
11amount allocated and disbursed under this paragraph in the
12preceding period of July 1 through June 30. The Department
13shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller for disbursement
14the allocations made in accordance with this paragraph.
15 For the purpose of determining the local governmental unit
16whose tax is applicable, a retail sale by a producer of coal or
17other mineral mined in Illinois is a sale at retail at the
18place where the coal or other mineral mined in Illinois is
19extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not apply to coal
20or other mineral when it is delivered or shipped by the seller
21to the purchaser at a point outside Illinois so that the sale
22is exempt under the United States Constitution as a sale in
23interstate or foreign commerce.
24 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize a
25municipality to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
26any business which under the Constitution of the United States

10100SB0119ham001- 318 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1may not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
2 An ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing a tax
3hereunder or effecting a change in the rate thereof shall be
4adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department
5on or before the first day of June, whereupon the Department
6shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the
7first day of September next following the adoption and filing.
8Beginning January 1, 1992, an ordinance or resolution imposing
9or discontinuing the tax hereunder or effecting a change in the
10rate thereof shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof
11filed with the Department on or before the first day of July,
12whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer and
13enforce this Section as of the first day of October next
14following such adoption and filing. Beginning January 1, 1993,
15an ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing the tax
16hereunder or effecting a change in the rate thereof shall be
17adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department
18on or before the first day of October, whereupon the Department
19shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the
20first day of January next following the adoption and filing.
21However, a municipality located in a county with a population
22in excess of 3,000,000 that elected to become a home rule unit
23at the general primary election in 1994 may adopt an ordinance
24or resolution imposing the tax under this Section and file a
25certified copy of the ordinance or resolution with the
26Department on or before July 1, 1994. The Department shall then

10100SB0119ham001- 319 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of October 1,
21994. Beginning April 1, 1998, an ordinance or resolution
3imposing or discontinuing the tax hereunder or effecting a
4change in the rate thereof shall either (i) be adopted and a
5certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or before
6the first day of April, whereupon the Department shall proceed
7to administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of
8July next following the adoption and filing; or (ii) be adopted
9and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or
10before the first day of October, whereupon the Department shall
11proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the first
12day of January next following the adoption and filing.
13 When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to a
14municipality under this Section, the Department shall increase
15or decrease the amount by an amount necessary to offset any
16misallocation of previous disbursements. The offset amount
17shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the previous 6
18months from the time a misallocation is discovered.
19 Any unobligated balance remaining in the Municipal
20Retailers' Occupation Tax Fund on December 31, 1989, which fund
21was abolished by Public Act 85-1135, and all receipts of
22municipal tax as a result of audits of liability periods prior
23to January 1, 1990, shall be paid into the Local Government Tax
24Fund for distribution as provided by this Section prior to the
25enactment of Public Act 85-1135. All receipts of municipal tax
26as a result of an assessment not arising from an audit, for

10100SB0119ham001- 320 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1liability periods prior to January 1, 1990, shall be paid into
2the Local Government Tax Fund for distribution before July 1,
31990, as provided by this Section prior to the enactment of
4Public Act 85-1135; and on and after July 1, 1990, all such
5receipts shall be distributed as provided in Section 6z-18 of
6the State Finance Act.
7 As used in this Section, "municipal" and "municipality"
8means a city, village or incorporated town, including an
9incorporated town that has superseded a civil township.
10 This Section shall be known and may be cited as the Home
11Rule Municipal Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
12(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;
13100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-81, eff.
15 (65 ILCS 5/8-11-1.3) (from Ch. 24, par. 8-11-1.3)
16 Sec. 8-11-1.3. Non-Home Rule Municipal Retailers'
17Occupation Tax Act. The corporate authorities of a non-home
18rule municipality may impose a tax upon all persons engaged in
19the business of selling tangible personal property, other than
20on an item of tangible personal property which is titled and
21registered by an agency of this State's Government, at retail
22in the municipality for expenditure on public infrastructure or
23for property tax relief or both as defined in Section 8-11-1.2
24if approved by referendum as provided in Section 8-11-1.1, of
25the gross receipts from such sales made in the course of such

10100SB0119ham001- 321 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1business. If the tax is approved by referendum on or after July
214, 2010 (the effective date of Public Act 96-1057), the
3corporate authorities of a non-home rule municipality may,
4until July 1, 2030, use the proceeds of the tax for expenditure
5on municipal operations, in addition to or in lieu of any
6expenditure on public infrastructure or for property tax
7relief. The tax imposed may not be more than 1% and may be
8imposed only in 1/4% increments. The tax may not be imposed on
9tangible personal property taxed at the 1% rate under the
10Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. Beginning December 1, 2019, this
11tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the tax
12revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If a
13municipality does not have an airport-related purpose to which
14it dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel is
15excluded from the tax. Each municipality must comply with the
16certification requirements for airport-related purposes under
17Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act 8-11-22. For
18purposes of this Section Act, "airport-related purposes" has
19the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance
20Act. This exclusion for aviation fuel only applies for so long
21as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49
22U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the municipality. The tax imposed
23by a municipality pursuant to this Section and all civil
24penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
25collected and enforced by the State Department of Revenue. The
26certificate of registration which is issued by the Department

10100SB0119ham001- 322 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1to a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall
2permit such retailer to engage in a business which is taxable
3under any ordinance or resolution enacted pursuant to this
4Section without registering separately with the Department
5under such ordinance or resolution or under this Section. The
6Department shall have full power to administer and enforce this
7Section; to collect all taxes and penalties due hereunder; to
8dispose of taxes and penalties so collected in the manner
9hereinafter provided, and to determine all rights to credit
10memoranda, arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax
11or penalty hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance
12with, this Section, the Department and persons who are subject
13to this Section shall have the same rights, remedies,
14privileges, immunities, powers and duties, and be subject to
15the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties and
16definitions of terms, and employ the same modes of procedure,
17as are prescribed in Sections 1, 1a, 1a-1, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1i, 1j,
182 through 2-65 (in respect to all provisions therein other than
19the State rate of tax), 2c, 3 (except as to the disposition of
20taxes and penalties collected, and except that the retailer's
21discount is not allowed for taxes paid on aviation fuel that
22are subject to the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C.
2347107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 deposited into the Local
24Government Aviation Trust Fund), 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f,
255g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
26and 13 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and Section 3-7 of

10100SB0119ham001- 323 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act as fully as if those
2provisions were set forth herein.
3 No municipality may impose a tax under this Section unless
4the municipality also imposes a tax at the same rate under
5Section 8-11-1.4 of this Code.
6 Persons subject to any tax imposed pursuant to the
7authority granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for
8their seller's tax liability hereunder by separately stating
9such tax as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in
10combination, in a single amount, with State tax which sellers
11are required to collect under the Use Tax Act, pursuant to such
12bracket schedules as the Department may prescribe.
13 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
14made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a
15credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
16Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
17amount specified, and to the person named, in such notification
18from the Department. Such refund shall be paid by the State
19Treasurer out of the non-home rule municipal retailers'
20occupation tax fund or the Local Government Aviation Trust
21Fund, as appropriate.
22 Except as otherwise provided, the Department shall
23forthwith pay over to the State Treasurer, ex officio, as
24trustee, all taxes and penalties collected hereunder for
25deposit into the Non-Home Rule Municipal Retailers' Occupation
26Tax Fund. Taxes and penalties collected on aviation fuel sold

10100SB0119ham001- 324 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1on or after December 1, 2019, shall be immediately paid over by
2the Department to the State Treasurer, ex officio, as trustee,
3for deposit into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund. The
4Department shall only pay moneys into the Local Government
5Aviation Trust Fund under this Section Act for so long as the
6revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
747133 are binding on the municipality.
8 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
9beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department
10of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
11Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
12local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
13Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
14during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
15STAR bond district.
16 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
17on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
18Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
19disbursement of stated sums of money to named municipalities,
20the municipalities to be those from which retailers have paid
21taxes or penalties hereunder to the Department during the
22second preceding calendar month. The amount to be paid to each
23municipality shall be the amount (not including credit
24memoranda and not including taxes and penalties collected on
25aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019) collected
26hereunder during the second preceding calendar month by the

10100SB0119ham001- 325 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Department plus an amount the Department determines is
2necessary to offset any amounts which were erroneously paid to
3a different taxing body, and not including an amount equal to
4the amount of refunds made during the second preceding calendar
5month by the Department on behalf of such municipality, and not
6including any amount which the Department determines is
7necessary to offset any amounts which were payable to a
8different taxing body but were erroneously paid to the
9municipality, and not including any amounts that are
10transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, less 1.5% of the
11remainder, which the Department shall transfer into the Tax
12Compliance and Administration Fund. The Department, at the time
13of each monthly disbursement to the municipalities, shall
14prepare and certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be
15transferred into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
16under this Section. Within 10 days after receipt, by the
17Comptroller, of the disbursement certification to the
18municipalities and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
19provided for in this Section to be given to the Comptroller by
20the Department, the Comptroller shall cause the orders to be
21drawn for the respective amounts in accordance with the
22directions contained in such certification.
23 For the purpose of determining the local governmental unit
24whose tax is applicable, a retail sale, by a producer of coal
25or other mineral mined in Illinois, is a sale at retail at the
26place where the coal or other mineral mined in Illinois is

10100SB0119ham001- 326 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not apply to coal
2or other mineral when it is delivered or shipped by the seller
3to the purchaser at a point outside Illinois so that the sale
4is exempt under the Federal Constitution as a sale in
5interstate or foreign commerce.
6 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize a
7municipality to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
8any business which under the constitution of the United States
9may not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
10 When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to a
11municipality under this Section, the Department shall increase
12or decrease such amount by an amount necessary to offset any
13misallocation of previous disbursements. The offset amount
14shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the previous 6
15months from the time a misallocation is discovered.
16 The Department of Revenue shall implement Public Act 91-649
17so as to collect the tax on and after January 1, 2002.
18 As used in this Section, "municipal" and "municipality"
19mean means a city, village, or incorporated town, including an
20incorporated town which has superseded a civil township.
21 This Section shall be known and may be cited as the
22"Non-Home Rule Municipal Retailers' Occupation Tax Act".
23(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;
24100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-47, eff.
251-1-20; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19; revised 8-19-19.)

10100SB0119ham001- 327 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (65 ILCS 5/8-11-1.4) (from Ch. 24, par. 8-11-1.4)
2 Sec. 8-11-1.4. Non-Home Rule Municipal Service Occupation
3Tax Act. The corporate authorities of a non-home rule
4municipality may impose a tax upon all persons engaged, in such
5municipality, in the business of making sales of service for
6expenditure on public infrastructure or for property tax relief
7or both as defined in Section 8-11-1.2 if approved by
8referendum as provided in Section 8-11-1.1, of the selling
9price of all tangible personal property transferred by such
10servicemen either in the form of tangible personal property or
11in the form of real estate as an incident to a sale of service.
12If the tax is approved by referendum on or after July 14, 2010
13(the effective date of Public Act 96-1057), the corporate
14authorities of a non-home rule municipality may, until December
1531, 2020, use the proceeds of the tax for expenditure on
16municipal operations, in addition to or in lieu of any
17expenditure on public infrastructure or for property tax
18relief. The tax imposed may not be more than 1% and may be
19imposed only in 1/4% increments. The tax may not be imposed on
20tangible personal property taxed at the 1% rate under the
21Service Occupation Tax Act. Beginning December 1, 2019, this
22tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the tax
23revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If a
24municipality does not have an airport-related purpose to which
25it dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel is
26excluded from the tax. Each municipality must comply with the

10100SB0119ham001- 328 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1certification requirements for airport-related purposes under
2Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act 8-11-22. For
3purposes of this Section Act, "airport-related purposes" has
4the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance
5Act. This exclusion for aviation fuel only applies for so long
6as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49
7U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the municipality. The tax imposed
8by a municipality pursuant to this Section and all civil
9penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
10collected and enforced by the State Department of Revenue. The
11certificate of registration which is issued by the Department
12to a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under
13the Service Occupation Tax Act shall permit such registrant to
14engage in a business which is taxable under any ordinance or
15resolution enacted pursuant to this Section without
16registering separately with the Department under such
17ordinance or resolution or under this Section. The Department
18shall have full power to administer and enforce this Section;
19to collect all taxes and penalties due hereunder; to dispose of
20taxes and penalties so collected in the manner hereinafter
21provided, and to determine all rights to credit memoranda
22arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty
23hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance with, this
24Section the Department and persons who are subject to this
25Section shall have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
26immunities, powers and duties, and be subject to the same

10100SB0119ham001- 329 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties and
2definitions of terms, and employ the same modes of procedure,
3as are prescribed in Sections 1a-1, 2, 2a, 3 through 3-50 (in
4respect to all provisions therein other than the State rate of
5tax), 4 (except that the reference to the State shall be to the
6taxing municipality), 5, 7, 8 (except that the jurisdiction to
7which the tax shall be a debt to the extent indicated in that
8Section 8 shall be the taxing municipality), 9 (except as to
9the disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except
10that the returned merchandise credit for this municipal tax may
11not be taken against any State tax, and except that the
12retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on aviation
13fuel that are subject to the revenue use requirements of 49
14U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 deposited into the Local
15Government Aviation Trust Fund), 10, 11, 12 (except the
16reference therein to Section 2b of the Retailers' Occupation
17Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference to the State shall mean
18the taxing municipality), the first paragraph of Section 15,
1916, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Service Occupation Tax Act and
20Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully
21as if those provisions were set forth herein.
22 No municipality may impose a tax under this Section unless
23the municipality also imposes a tax at the same rate under
24Section 8-11-1.3 of this Code.
25 Persons subject to any tax imposed pursuant to the
26authority granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for

10100SB0119ham001- 330 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1their serviceman's tax liability hereunder by separately
2stating such tax as an additional charge, which charge may be
3stated in combination, in a single amount, with State tax which
4servicemen are authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax
5Act, pursuant to such bracket schedules as the Department may
7 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
8made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing credit
9memorandum, the Department shall notify the State Comptroller,
10who shall cause the order to be drawn for the amount specified,
11and to the person named, in such notification from the
12Department. Such refund shall be paid by the State Treasurer
13out of the municipal retailers' occupation tax fund or the
14Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.
15 Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the
16Department shall forthwith pay over to the State Treasurer, ex
17officio, as trustee, all taxes and penalties collected
18hereunder for deposit into the municipal retailers' occupation
19tax fund. Taxes and penalties collected on aviation fuel sold
20on or after December 1, 2019, shall be immediately paid over by
21the Department to the State Treasurer, ex officio, as trustee,
22for deposit into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund. The
23Department shall only pay moneys into the Local Government
24Aviation Trust Fund under this Section Act for so long as the
25revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
2647133 are binding on the municipality.

10100SB0119ham001- 331 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
2beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department
3of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
4Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
5local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
6Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
7during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
8STAR bond district.
9 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
10on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
11Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
12disbursement of stated sums of money to named municipalities,
13the municipalities to be those from which suppliers and
14servicemen have paid taxes or penalties hereunder to the
15Department during the second preceding calendar month. The
16amount to be paid to each municipality shall be the amount (not
17including credit memoranda and not including taxes and
18penalties collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December
191, 2019) collected hereunder during the second preceding
20calendar month by the Department, and not including an amount
21equal to the amount of refunds made during the second preceding
22calendar month by the Department on behalf of such
23municipality, and not including any amounts that are
24transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, less 1.5% of the
25remainder, which the Department shall transfer into the Tax
26Compliance and Administration Fund. The Department, at the time

10100SB0119ham001- 332 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1of each monthly disbursement to the municipalities, shall
2prepare and certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be
3transferred into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
4under this Section. Within 10 days after receipt, by the
5Comptroller, of the disbursement certification to the
6municipalities, the General Revenue Fund, and the Tax
7Compliance and Administration Fund provided for in this Section
8to be given to the Comptroller by the Department, the
9Comptroller shall cause the orders to be drawn for the
10respective amounts in accordance with the directions contained
11in such certification.
12 The Department of Revenue shall implement Public Act 91-649
13so as to collect the tax on and after January 1, 2002.
14 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize a
15municipality to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
16any business which under the constitution of the United States
17may not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
18 As used in this Section, "municipal" or "municipality"
19means or refers to a city, village or incorporated town,
20including an incorporated town which has superseded a civil
22 This Section shall be known and may be cited as the
23"Non-Home Rule Municipal Service Occupation Tax Act".
24(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;
25100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-81, eff.

10100SB0119ham001- 333 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (65 ILCS 5/8-11-1.6)
2 Sec. 8-11-1.6. Non-home rule municipal retailers'
3occupation tax; municipalities between 20,000 and 25,000. The
4corporate authorities of a non-home rule municipality with a
5population of more than 20,000 but less than 25,000 that has,
6prior to January 1, 1987, established a Redevelopment Project
7Area that has been certified as a State Sales Tax Boundary and
8has issued bonds or otherwise incurred indebtedness to pay for
9costs in excess of $5,000,000, which is secured in part by a
10tax increment allocation fund, in accordance with the
11provisions of Division 11-74.4 of this Code may, by passage of
12an ordinance, impose a tax upon all persons engaged in the
13business of selling tangible personal property, other than on
14an item of tangible personal property that is titled and
15registered by an agency of this State's Government, at retail
16in the municipality. This tax may not be imposed on tangible
17personal property taxed at the 1% rate under the Retailers'
18Occupation Tax Act. Beginning December 1, 2019, this tax is not
19imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the tax revenue is
20expended for airport-related purposes. If a municipality does
21not have an airport-related purpose to which it dedicates
22aviation fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel is excluded from
23the tax. Each municipality must comply with the certification
24requirements for airport-related purposes under Section 2-22
25of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act 8-11-22. For purposes of

10100SB0119ham001- 334 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1this Section Act, "airport-related purposes" has the meaning
2ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. This
3exclusion for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the
4revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
547133 are binding on the municipality. If imposed, the tax
6shall only be imposed in .25% increments of the gross receipts
7from such sales made in the course of business. Any tax imposed
8by a municipality under this Section and all civil penalties
9that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be collected
10and enforced by the State Department of Revenue. An ordinance
11imposing a tax hereunder or effecting a change in the rate
12thereof shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof filed
13with the Department on or before the first day of October,
14whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer and
15enforce this Section as of the first day of January next
16following such adoption and filing. The certificate of
17registration that is issued by the Department to a retailer
18under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall permit the
19retailer to engage in a business that is taxable under any
20ordinance or resolution enacted under this Section without
21registering separately with the Department under the ordinance
22or resolution or under this Section. The Department shall have
23full power to administer and enforce this Section, to collect
24all taxes and penalties due hereunder, to dispose of taxes and
25penalties so collected in the manner hereinafter provided, and
26to determine all rights to credit memoranda, arising on account

10100SB0119ham001- 335 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty hereunder. In the
2administration of, and compliance with this Section, the
3Department and persons who are subject to this Section shall
4have the same rights, remedies, privileges, immunities,
5powers, and duties, and be subject to the same conditions,
6restrictions, limitations, penalties, and definitions of
7terms, and employ the same modes of procedure, as are
8prescribed in Sections 1, 1a, 1a-1, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1i, 1j, 2
9through 2-65 (in respect to all provisions therein other than
10the State rate of tax), 2c, 3 (except as to the disposition of
11taxes and penalties collected, and except that the retailer's
12discount is not allowed for taxes paid on aviation fuel that
13are subject to the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C.
1447107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 deposited into the Local
15Government Aviation Trust Fund), 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f,
165g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
17and 13 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and Section 3-7 of
18the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act as fully as if those
19provisions were set forth herein.
20 A tax may not be imposed by a municipality under this
21Section unless the municipality also imposes a tax at the same
22rate under Section 8-11-1.7 of this Act.
23 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
24granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for their
25seller's tax liability hereunder by separately stating the tax
26as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in

10100SB0119ham001- 336 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1combination, in a single amount, with State tax which sellers
2are required to collect under the Use Tax Act, pursuant to such
3bracket schedules as the Department may prescribe.
4 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
5made under this Section to a claimant, instead of issuing a
6credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
7Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
8amount specified, and to the person named in the notification
9from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
10Treasurer out of the Non-Home Rule Municipal Retailers'
11Occupation Tax Fund, which is hereby created or the Local
12Government Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.
13 Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the
14Department shall forthwith pay over to the State Treasurer, ex
15officio, as trustee, all taxes and penalties collected
16hereunder for deposit into the Non-Home Rule Municipal
17Retailers' Occupation Tax Fund. Taxes and penalties collected
18on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, shall be
19immediately paid over by the Department to the State Treasurer,
20ex officio, as trustee, for deposit into the Local Government
21Aviation Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into
22the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund under this Section Act
23for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C.
2447107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the municipality.
25 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
26beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department

10100SB0119ham001- 337 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
2Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
3local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
4Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
5during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
6STAR bond district.
7 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
8on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
9Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
10disbursement of stated sums of money to named municipalities,
11the municipalities to be those from which retailers have paid
12taxes or penalties hereunder to the Department during the
13second preceding calendar month. The amount to be paid to each
14municipality shall be the amount (not including credit
15memoranda and not including taxes and penalties collected on
16aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019) collected
17hereunder during the second preceding calendar month by the
18Department plus an amount the Department determines is
19necessary to offset any amounts that were erroneously paid to a
20different taxing body, and not including an amount equal to the
21amount of refunds made during the second preceding calendar
22month by the Department on behalf of the municipality, and not
23including any amount that the Department determines is
24necessary to offset any amounts that were payable to a
25different taxing body but were erroneously paid to the
26municipality, and not including any amounts that are

10100SB0119ham001- 338 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, less 1.5% of the
2remainder, which the Department shall transfer into the Tax
3Compliance and Administration Fund. The Department, at the time
4of each monthly disbursement to the municipalities, shall
5prepare and certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be
6transferred into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
7under this Section. Within 10 days after receipt by the
8Comptroller of the disbursement certification to the
9municipalities and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
10provided for in this Section to be given to the Comptroller by
11the Department, the Comptroller shall cause the orders to be
12drawn for the respective amounts in accordance with the
13directions contained in the certification.
14 For the purpose of determining the local governmental unit
15whose tax is applicable, a retail sale by a producer of coal or
16other mineral mined in Illinois is a sale at retail at the
17place where the coal or other mineral mined in Illinois is
18extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not apply to coal
19or other mineral when it is delivered or shipped by the seller
20to the purchaser at a point outside Illinois so that the sale
21is exempt under the federal Constitution as a sale in
22interstate or foreign commerce.
23 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize a
24municipality to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
25any business which under the constitution of the United States
26may not be made the subject of taxation by this State.

10100SB0119ham001- 339 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to a
2municipality under this Section, the Department shall increase
3or decrease the amount by an amount necessary to offset any
4misallocation of previous disbursements. The offset amount
5shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the previous 6
6months from the time a misallocation is discovered.
7 As used in this Section, "municipal" and "municipality"
8means a city, village, or incorporated town, including an
9incorporated town that has superseded a civil township.
10(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;
11100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff.
126-5-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19.)
13 (65 ILCS 5/8-11-1.7)
14 Sec. 8-11-1.7. Non-home rule municipal service occupation
15tax; municipalities between 20,000 and 25,000. The corporate
16authorities of a non-home rule municipality with a population
17of more than 20,000 but less than 25,000 as determined by the
18last preceding decennial census that has, prior to January 1,
191987, established a Redevelopment Project Area that has been
20certified as a State Sales Tax Boundary and has issued bonds or
21otherwise incurred indebtedness to pay for costs in excess of
22$5,000,000, which is secured in part by a tax increment
23allocation fund, in accordance with the provisions of Division
2411-74.4 of this Code may, by passage of an ordinance, impose a
25tax upon all persons engaged in the municipality in the

10100SB0119ham001- 340 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1business of making sales of service. If imposed, the tax shall
2only be imposed in .25% increments of the selling price of all
3tangible personal property transferred by such servicemen
4either in the form of tangible personal property or in the form
5of real estate as an incident to a sale of service. This tax
6may not be imposed on tangible personal property taxed at the
71% rate under the Service Occupation Tax Act. Beginning
8December 1, 2019, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation
9fuel unless the tax revenue is expended for airport-related
10purposes. If a municipality does not have an airport-related
11purpose to which it dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then
12aviation fuel is excluded from the tax. Each municipality must
13comply with the certification requirements for airport-related
14purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax
15Act 8-11-22. For purposes of this Section Act, "airport-related
16purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the
17State Finance Act. This exclusion for aviation fuel only
18applies for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
19U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
20municipality. The tax imposed by a municipality under this
21Section and all civil penalties that may be assessed as an
22incident thereof shall be collected and enforced by the State
23Department of Revenue. An ordinance imposing a tax hereunder or
24effecting a change in the rate thereof shall be adopted and a
25certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or before
26the first day of October, whereupon the Department shall

10100SB0119ham001- 341 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the first
2day of January next following such adoption and filing. The
3certificate of registration that is issued by the Department to
4a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under the
5Service Occupation Tax Act shall permit the registrant to
6engage in a business that is taxable under any ordinance or
7resolution enacted under this Section without registering
8separately with the Department under the ordinance or
9resolution or under this Section. The Department shall have
10full power to administer and enforce this Section, to collect
11all taxes and penalties due hereunder, to dispose of taxes and
12penalties so collected in a manner hereinafter provided, and to
13determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on account of
14the erroneous payment of tax or penalty hereunder. In the
15administration of and compliance with this Section, the
16Department and persons who are subject to this Section shall
17have the same rights, remedies, privileges, immunities,
18powers, and duties, and be subject to the same conditions,
19restrictions, limitations, penalties and definitions of terms,
20and employ the same modes of procedure, as are prescribed in
21Sections 1a-1, 2, 2a, 3 through 3-50 (in respect to all
22provisions therein other than the State rate of tax), 4 (except
23that the reference to the State shall be to the taxing
24municipality), 5, 7, 8 (except that the jurisdiction to which
25the tax shall be a debt to the extent indicated in that Section
268 shall be the taxing municipality), 9 (except as to the

10100SB0119ham001- 342 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except that
2the returned merchandise credit for this municipal tax may not
3be taken against any State tax, and except that the retailer's
4discount is not allowed for taxes paid on aviation fuel that
5are subject to the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C.
647107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 deposited into the Local
7Government Aviation Trust Fund), 10, 11, 12, (except the
8reference therein to Section 2b of the Retailers' Occupation
9Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference to the State shall mean
10the taxing municipality), the first paragraph of Sections 15,
1116, 17, 18, 19, and 20 of the Service Occupation Tax Act and
12Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully
13as if those provisions were set forth herein.
14 A tax may not be imposed by a municipality under this
15Section unless the municipality also imposes a tax at the same
16rate under Section 8-11-1.6 of this Act.
17 Person subject to any tax imposed under the authority
18granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for their
19servicemen's tax liability hereunder by separately stating the
20tax as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in
21combination, in a single amount, with State tax that servicemen
22are authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax Act, under
23such bracket schedules as the Department may prescribe.
24 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
25made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing credit
26memorandum, the Department shall notify the State Comptroller,

10100SB0119ham001- 343 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1who shall cause the order to be drawn for the amount specified,
2and to the person named, in such notification from the
3Department. The refund shall be paid by the State Treasurer out
4of the Non-Home Rule Municipal Retailers' Occupation Tax Fund
5or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.
6 Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the
7Department shall forthwith pay over to the State Treasurer, ex
8officio, as trustee, all taxes and penalties collected
9hereunder for deposit into the Non-Home Rule Municipal
10Retailers' Occupation Tax Fund. Taxes and penalties collected
11on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, shall be
12immediately paid over by the Department to the State Treasurer,
13ex officio, as trustee, for deposit into the Local Government
14Aviation Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into
15the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund under this Section Act
16for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C.
1747107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the Municipality.
18 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
19beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department
20of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
21Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
22local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
23Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
24during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
25STAR bond district.
26 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,

10100SB0119ham001- 344 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
2Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
3disbursement of stated sums of money to named municipalities,
4the municipalities to be those from which suppliers and
5servicemen have paid taxes or penalties hereunder to the
6Department during the second preceding calendar month. The
7amount to be paid to each municipality shall be the amount (not
8including credit memoranda and not including taxes and
9penalties collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December
101, 2019) collected hereunder during the second preceding
11calendar month by the Department, and not including an amount
12equal to the amount of refunds made during the second preceding
13calendar month by the Department on behalf of such
14municipality, and not including any amounts that are
15transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, less 1.5% of the
16remainder, which the Department shall transfer into the Tax
17Compliance and Administration Fund. The Department, at the time
18of each monthly disbursement to the municipalities, shall
19prepare and certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be
20transferred into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
21under this Section. Within 10 days after receipt by the
22Comptroller of the disbursement certification to the
23municipalities, the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund,
24and the General Revenue Fund, provided for in this Section to
25be given to the Comptroller by the Department, the Comptroller
26shall cause the orders to be drawn for the respective amounts

10100SB0119ham001- 345 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1in accordance with the directions contained in the
3 When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to a
4municipality under this Section, the Department shall increase
5or decrease the amount by an amount necessary to offset any
6misallocation of previous disbursements. The offset amount
7shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the previous 6
8months from the time a misallocation is discovered.
9 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize a
10municipality to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
11any business which under the constitution of the United States
12may not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
13(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;
14100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff.
156-5-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19.)
16 (65 ILCS 5/8-11-2.3)
17 Sec. 8-11-2.3. Municipal Motor Fuel Tax Law Motor fuel tax.
18Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in addition to any
19other tax that may be imposed, a municipality in a county with
20a population of over 3,000,000 inhabitants may also impose, by
21ordinance, a tax upon all persons engaged in the municipality
22in the business of selling motor fuel, as defined in the Motor
23Fuel Tax Law, at retail for the operation of motor vehicles
24upon public highways or for the operation of recreational
25watercraft upon waterways. The tax may be imposed, in one cent

10100SB0119ham001- 346 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1increments, on motor fuel at a rate not to exceed $0.03 per
2gallon of motor fuel sold at retail within the municipality for
3the purpose of use or consumption and not for the purpose of
4resale. The tax may not be imposed under this Section on
5aviation fuel, as defined in Section 3 of the Retailers'
6Occupation Tax Act.
7 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
8granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for their
9seller's tax liability hereunder by separately stating that tax
10as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in
11combination, in a single amount, with State tax which sellers
12are required to collect under the Use Tax Act, pursuant to such
13bracket schedules as the Department may prescribe.
14 A tax imposed pursuant to this Section, and all civil
15penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof, shall be
16administered, collected, and enforced by the Department of
17Revenue in the same manner as the tax imposed under the
18Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, as now or hereafter amended,
19insofar as may be practicable; except that in the event of a
20conflict with the provisions of this Section, this Section
21shall control. The Department of Revenue shall have full power
22to: administer and enforce this Section; collect all taxes and
23penalties due hereunder; dispose of taxes and penalties so
24collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and determine all
25rights to credit memoranda arising on account of the erroneous
26payment of tax or penalty hereunder.

10100SB0119ham001- 347 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Whenever the Department determines that a refund shall be
2made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a
3credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
4Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
5amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
6from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
7Treasurer out of the Municipal Motor Fuel Tax Fund.
8 A license that is issued to a distributor or a receiver
9under the Motor Fuel Tax Law shall permit that distributor or
10receiver to act as a distributor or receiver, as applicable,
11under this Section. The provisions of Sections 2b, 2d, 6, 6a,
1212, 12a, 13, 13a.2, 13a.7, 13a.8, 15.1, and 21 of the Motor
13Fuel Tax Law that are not inconsistent with this Section shall
14apply as far as practicable to the subject matter of this
15Section to the same extent as if those provisions were included
16in this Section.
17 The Department shall immediately pay over to the State
18Treasurer, ex officio, as trustee, all taxes and penalties
19collected under this Section. Those taxes and penalties shall
20be deposited into the Municipal Motor Fuel Tax Fund, a trust
21fund created in the State treasury. Moneys in the Municipal
22Motor Fuel Tax Fund shall be used to make payments to
23municipalities and for the payment of refunds under this
25 On or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
26Department shall prepare and certify to the State Comptroller

10100SB0119ham001- 348 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the disbursement of stated sums of money to named
2municipalities for which taxpayers have paid taxes or penalties
3hereunder to the Department during the second preceding
4calendar month. The amount to be paid to each municipality
5shall be the amount (not including credit memoranda) collected
6under this Section from retailers within the municipality
7during the second preceding calendar month by the Department
8from the tax imposed by that municipality under this Section
9during the second preceding calendar month, plus an amount the
10Department determines is necessary to offset amounts that were
11erroneously paid to a different municipality, and not including
12an amount equal to the amount of refunds made during the second
13preceding calendar month by the Department on behalf of the
14municipality, and not including any amount that the Department
15determines is necessary to offset any amounts that were payable
16to a different municipality but were erroneously paid to the
17municipality, less 1.5% of the remainder, which the Department
18shall transfer into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund.
19The Department, at the time of each monthly disbursement, shall
20prepare and certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be
21transferred into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
22under this Section. Within 10 days after receipt by the
23Comptroller of the disbursement certification to the
24municipalities and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
25provided for in this Section to be given to the Comptroller by
26the Department, the Comptroller shall cause the orders to be

10100SB0119ham001- 349 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1drawn for the respective amounts in accordance with the
2directions contained in the certification.
3 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize a
4municipality to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
5any business which under the Constitution of the United States
6may not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
7 An ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing the
8tax under this Section or effecting a change in the rate
9thereof shall either: (i) be adopted and a certified copy
10thereof filed with the Department on or before the first day of
11April, whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer and
12enforce this Section as of the first day of July next following
13the adoption and filing; or (ii) be adopted and a certified
14copy thereof filed with the Department on or before the first
15day of October, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
16administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of
17January next following the adoption and filing.
18 An ordinance adopted in accordance with the provisions of
19this Section in effect before the effective date of this
20amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly shall be deemed to
21impose the tax in accordance with the provisions of this
22Section as amended by this amendatory Act of the 101st General
23Assembly and shall be administered by the Department of Revenue
24in accordance with the provisions of this Section as amended by
25this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly; provided
26that, on or before October 1, 2020, the municipality adopts and

10100SB0119ham001- 350 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1files a certified copy of a superseding ordinance that imposes
2the tax in accordance with the provisions of this Section as
3amended by this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly.
4If a superseding ordinance is not so adopted and filed, then
5the tax imposed in accordance with the provisions of this
6Section in effect before the effective date of this amendatory
7Act of the 101st General Assembly shall be discontinued on
8January 1, 2021.
9 This Section shall be known and may be cited as the
10Municipal Motor Fuel Tax Law.
11(Source: P.A. 101-32, eff. 6-28-19.)
12 (65 ILCS 5/8-11-5) (from Ch. 24, par. 8-11-5)
13 Sec. 8-11-5. Home Rule Municipal Service Occupation Tax
14Act. The corporate authorities of a home rule municipality may
15impose a tax upon all persons engaged, in such municipality, in
16the business of making sales of service at the same rate of tax
17imposed pursuant to Section 8-11-1, of the selling price of all
18tangible personal property transferred by such servicemen
19either in the form of tangible personal property or in the form
20of real estate as an incident to a sale of service. If imposed,
21such tax shall only be imposed in 1/4% increments. On and after
22September 1, 1991, this additional tax may not be imposed on
23tangible personal property taxed at the 1% rate under the
24Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. Beginning December 1, 2019, this
25tax may not be imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the tax

10100SB0119ham001- 351 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If a
2municipality does not have an airport-related purpose to which
3it dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel
4shall be excluded from tax. Each municipality must comply with
5the certification requirements for airport-related purposes
6under Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act
78-11-22. For purposes of this Section Act, "airport-related
8purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the
9State Finance Act. This exception for aviation fuel only
10applies for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
11U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
12The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the
13101st General Assembly are a denial and limitation of home rule
14powers and functions under subsection (g) of Section 6 of
15Article VII of the Illinois Constitution. The tax imposed by a
16home rule municipality pursuant to this Section and all civil
17penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
18collected and enforced by the State Department of Revenue. The
19certificate of registration which is issued by the Department
20to a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under
21the Service Occupation Tax Act shall permit such registrant to
22engage in a business which is taxable under any ordinance or
23resolution enacted pursuant to this Section without
24registering separately with the Department under such
25ordinance or resolution or under this Section. The Department
26shall have full power to administer and enforce this Section;

10100SB0119ham001- 352 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1to collect all taxes and penalties due hereunder; to dispose of
2taxes and penalties so collected in the manner hereinafter
3provided, and to determine all rights to credit memoranda
4arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty
5hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance with, this
6Section the Department and persons who are subject to this
7Section shall have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
8immunities, powers and duties, and be subject to the same
9conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties and
10definitions of terms, and employ the same modes of procedure,
11as are prescribed in Sections 1a-1, 2, 2a, 3 through 3-50 (in
12respect to all provisions therein other than the State rate of
13tax), 4 (except that the reference to the State shall be to the
14taxing municipality), 5, 7, 8 (except that the jurisdiction to
15which the tax shall be a debt to the extent indicated in that
16Section 8 shall be the taxing municipality), 9 (except as to
17the disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except
18that the returned merchandise credit for this municipal tax may
19not be taken against any State tax, and except that the
20retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on aviation
21fuel that are subject to the revenue use requirements of 49
22U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133), 10, 11, 12 (except the
23reference therein to Section 2b of the Retailers' Occupation
24Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference to the State shall mean
25the taxing municipality), the first paragraph of Section 15,
2616, 17 (except that credit memoranda issued hereunder may not

10100SB0119ham001- 353 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1be used to discharge any State tax liability), 18, 19 and 20 of
2the Service Occupation Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform
3Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as if those provisions were
4set forth herein.
5 No tax may be imposed by a home rule municipality pursuant
6to this Section unless such municipality also imposes a tax at
7the same rate pursuant to Section 8-11-1 of this Act.
8 Persons subject to any tax imposed pursuant to the
9authority granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for
10their serviceman's tax liability hereunder by separately
11stating such tax as an additional charge, which charge may be
12stated in combination, in a single amount, with State tax which
13servicemen are authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax
14Act, pursuant to such bracket schedules as the Department may
16 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
17made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing credit
18memorandum, the Department shall notify the State Comptroller,
19who shall cause the order to be drawn for the amount specified,
20and to the person named, in such notification from the
21Department. Such refund shall be paid by the State Treasurer
22out of the home rule municipal retailers' occupation tax fund
23or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.
24 Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the
25Department shall forthwith pay over to the State Treasurer, ex
26officio, as trustee, all taxes and penalties collected

10100SB0119ham001- 354 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1hereunder for deposit into the Home Rule Municipal Retailers'
2Occupation Tax Fund. Taxes and penalties collected on aviation
3fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, shall be immediately
4paid over by the Department to the State Treasurer, ex officio,
5as trustee, for deposit into the Local Government Aviation
6Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into the Local
7Government State Aviation Trust Program Fund under this Section
8Act for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C.
947107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the municipality.
10 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
11beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department
12of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
13Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
14local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
15Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
16during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
17STAR bond district.
18 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
19on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
20Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
21disbursement of stated sums of money to named municipalities,
22the municipalities to be those from which suppliers and
23servicemen have paid taxes or penalties hereunder to the
24Department during the second preceding calendar month. The
25amount to be paid to each municipality shall be the amount (not
26including credit memoranda and not including taxes and

10100SB0119ham001- 355 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1penalties collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December
21, 2019) collected hereunder during the second preceding
3calendar month by the Department, and not including an amount
4equal to the amount of refunds made during the second preceding
5calendar month by the Department on behalf of such
6municipality, and not including any amounts that are
7transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, less 1.5% of the
8remainder, which the Department shall transfer into the Tax
9Compliance and Administration Fund. The Department, at the time
10of each monthly disbursement to the municipalities, shall
11prepare and certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be
12transferred into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
13under this Section. Within 10 days after receipt, by the
14Comptroller, of the disbursement certification to the
15municipalities and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
16provided for in this Section to be given to the Comptroller by
17the Department, the Comptroller shall cause the orders to be
18drawn for the respective amounts in accordance with the
19directions contained in such certification.
20 In addition to the disbursement required by the preceding
21paragraph and in order to mitigate delays caused by
22distribution procedures, an allocation shall, if requested, be
23made within 10 days after January 14, 1991, and in November of
241991 and each year thereafter, to each municipality that
25received more than $500,000 during the preceding fiscal year,
26(July 1 through June 30) whether collected by the municipality

10100SB0119ham001- 356 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1or disbursed by the Department as required by this Section.
2Within 10 days after January 14, 1991, participating
3municipalities shall notify the Department in writing of their
4intent to participate. In addition, for the initial
5distribution, participating municipalities shall certify to
6the Department the amounts collected by the municipality for
7each month under its home rule occupation and service
8occupation tax during the period July 1, 1989 through June 30,
91990. The allocation within 10 days after January 14, 1991,
10shall be in an amount equal to the monthly average of these
11amounts, excluding the 2 months of highest receipts. Monthly
12average for the period of July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1991
13will be determined as follows: the amounts collected by the
14municipality under its home rule occupation and service
15occupation tax during the period of July 1, 1990 through
16September 30, 1990, plus amounts collected by the Department
17and paid to such municipality through June 30, 1991, excluding
18the 2 months of highest receipts. The monthly average for each
19subsequent period of July 1 through June 30 shall be an amount
20equal to the monthly distribution made to each such
21municipality under the preceding paragraph during this period,
22excluding the 2 months of highest receipts. The distribution
23made in November 1991 and each year thereafter under this
24paragraph and the preceding paragraph shall be reduced by the
25amount allocated and disbursed under this paragraph in the
26preceding period of July 1 through June 30. The Department

10100SB0119ham001- 357 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller for disbursement
2the allocations made in accordance with this paragraph.
3 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize a
4municipality to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
5any business which under the constitution of the United States
6may not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
7 An ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing a tax
8hereunder or effecting a change in the rate thereof shall be
9adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department
10on or before the first day of June, whereupon the Department
11shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the
12first day of September next following such adoption and filing.
13Beginning January 1, 1992, an ordinance or resolution imposing
14or discontinuing the tax hereunder or effecting a change in the
15rate thereof shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof
16filed with the Department on or before the first day of July,
17whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer and
18enforce this Section as of the first day of October next
19following such adoption and filing. Beginning January 1, 1993,
20an ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing the tax
21hereunder or effecting a change in the rate thereof shall be
22adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department
23on or before the first day of October, whereupon the Department
24shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the
25first day of January next following such adoption and filing.
26However, a municipality located in a county with a population

10100SB0119ham001- 358 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1in excess of 3,000,000 that elected to become a home rule unit
2at the general primary election in 1994 may adopt an ordinance
3or resolution imposing the tax under this Section and file a
4certified copy of the ordinance or resolution with the
5Department on or before July 1, 1994. The Department shall then
6proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of October 1,
71994. Beginning April 1, 1998, an ordinance or resolution
8imposing or discontinuing the tax hereunder or effecting a
9change in the rate thereof shall either (i) be adopted and a
10certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or before
11the first day of April, whereupon the Department shall proceed
12to administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of
13July next following the adoption and filing; or (ii) be adopted
14and a certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or
15before the first day of October, whereupon the Department shall
16proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the first
17day of January next following the adoption and filing.
18 Any unobligated balance remaining in the Municipal
19Retailers' Occupation Tax Fund on December 31, 1989, which fund
20was abolished by Public Act 85-1135, and all receipts of
21municipal tax as a result of audits of liability periods prior
22to January 1, 1990, shall be paid into the Local Government Tax
23Fund, for distribution as provided by this Section prior to the
24enactment of Public Act 85-1135. All receipts of municipal tax
25as a result of an assessment not arising from an audit, for
26liability periods prior to January 1, 1990, shall be paid into

10100SB0119ham001- 359 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the Local Government Tax Fund for distribution before July 1,
21990, as provided by this Section prior to the enactment of
3Public Act 85-1135, and on and after July 1, 1990, all such
4receipts shall be distributed as provided in Section 6z-18 of
5the State Finance Act.
6 As used in this Section, "municipal" and "municipality"
7means a city, village or incorporated town, including an
8incorporated town which has superseded a civil township.
9 This Section shall be known and may be cited as the Home
10Rule Municipal Service Occupation Tax Act.
11(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;
12100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-81, eff.
14 (65 ILCS 5/11-74.3-6)
15 Sec. 11-74.3-6. Business district revenue and obligations;
16business district tax allocation fund.
17 (a) If the corporate authorities of a municipality have
18approved a business district plan, have designated a business
19district, and have elected to impose a tax by ordinance
20pursuant to subsection (10) or (11) of Section 11-74.3-3, then
21each year after the date of the approval of the ordinance but
22terminating upon the date all business district project costs
23and all obligations paying or reimbursing business district
24project costs, if any, have been paid, but in no event later
25than the dissolution date, all amounts generated by the

10100SB0119ham001- 360 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1retailers' occupation tax and service occupation tax shall be
2collected and the tax shall be enforced by the Department of
3Revenue in the same manner as all retailers' occupation taxes
4and service occupation taxes imposed in the municipality
5imposing the tax and all amounts generated by the hotel
6operators' occupation tax shall be collected and the tax shall
7be enforced by the municipality in the same manner as all hotel
8operators' occupation taxes imposed in the municipality
9imposing the tax. The corporate authorities of the municipality
10shall deposit the proceeds of the taxes imposed under
11subsections (10) and (11) of Section 11-74.3-3 into a special
12fund of the municipality called the "[Name of] Business
13District Tax Allocation Fund" for the purpose of paying or
14reimbursing business district project costs and obligations
15incurred in the payment of those costs.
16 (b) The corporate authorities of a municipality that has
17designated a business district under this Law may, by
18ordinance, impose a Business District Retailers' Occupation
19Tax upon all persons engaged in the business of selling
20tangible personal property, other than an item of tangible
21personal property titled or registered with an agency of this
22State's government, at retail in the business district at a
23rate not to exceed 1% of the gross receipts from the sales made
24in the course of such business, to be imposed only in 0.25%
25increments. The tax may not be imposed on tangible personal
26property taxed at the rate of 1% under the Retailers'

10100SB0119ham001- 361 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Occupation Tax Act. Beginning December 1, 2019 and through
2December 31, 2020, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation
3fuel unless the tax revenue is expended for airport-related
4purposes. If the District does not have an airport-related
5purpose to which it dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then
6aviation fuel is excluded from the tax. Each municipality must
7comply with the certification requirements for airport-related
8purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax
9Act 8-11-22. For purposes of this Section Act, "airport-related
10purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the
11State Finance Act. Beginning January 1, 2021, this tax is not
12imposed on sales of aviation fuel This exclusion for aviation
13fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use requirements
14of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
16 The tax imposed under this subsection and all civil
17penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
18collected and enforced by the Department of Revenue. The
19certificate of registration that is issued by the Department to
20a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall permit
21the retailer to engage in a business that is taxable under any
22ordinance or resolution enacted pursuant to this subsection
23without registering separately with the Department under such
24ordinance or resolution or under this subsection. The
25Department of Revenue shall have full power to administer and
26enforce this subsection; to collect all taxes and penalties due

10100SB0119ham001- 362 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1under this subsection in the manner hereinafter provided; and
2to determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on account
3of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty under this
4subsection. In the administration of, and compliance with, this
5subsection, the Department and persons who are subject to this
6subsection shall have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
7immunities, powers and duties, and be subject to the same
8conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions,
9exemptions, and definitions of terms and employ the same modes
10of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 1, 1a through 1o, 2
11through 2-65 (in respect to all provisions therein other than
12the State rate of tax), 2c through 2h, 3 (except as to the
13disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except that
14the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on
15aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use requirements
16of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 deposited into the
17Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 4, 5, 5a, 5c, 5d, 5e,
185f, 5g, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
19and 14 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and all provisions
20of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as if those
21provisions were set forth herein.
22 Persons subject to any tax imposed under this subsection
23may reimburse themselves for their seller's tax liability under
24this subsection by separately stating the tax as an additional
25charge, which charge may be stated in combination, in a single
26amount, with State taxes that sellers are required to collect

10100SB0119ham001- 363 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1under the Use Tax Act, in accordance with such bracket
2schedules as the Department may prescribe.
3 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
4made under this subsection to a claimant instead of issuing a
5credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
6Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
7amount specified and to the person named in the notification
8from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
9Treasurer out of the business district retailers' occupation
10tax fund or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as
12 Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the
13Department shall immediately pay over to the State Treasurer,
14ex officio, as trustee, all taxes, penalties, and interest
15collected under this subsection for deposit into the business
16district retailers' occupation tax fund. Taxes and penalties
17collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019,
18shall be immediately paid over by the Department to the State
19Treasurer, ex officio, as trustee, for deposit into the Local
20Government Aviation Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay
21moneys into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund under this
22Section Act for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
23U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
25 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
26beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department

10100SB0119ham001- 364 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
2Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
3local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
4Development and Economy Act, collected under this subsection
5during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
6STAR bond district.
7 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
8on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
9Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
10disbursement of stated sums of money to named municipalities
11from the business district retailers' occupation tax fund, the
12municipalities to be those from which retailers have paid taxes
13or penalties under this subsection to the Department during the
14second preceding calendar month. The amount to be paid to each
15municipality shall be the amount (not including credit
16memoranda and not including taxes and penalties collected on
17aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019) collected
18under this subsection during the second preceding calendar
19month by the Department plus an amount the Department
20determines is necessary to offset any amounts that were
21erroneously paid to a different taxing body, and not including
22an amount equal to the amount of refunds made during the second
23preceding calendar month by the Department, less 2% of that
24amount (except the amount collected on aviation fuel sold on or
25after December 1, 2019), which shall be deposited into the Tax
26Compliance and Administration Fund and shall be used by the

10100SB0119ham001- 365 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Department, subject to appropriation, to cover the costs of the
2Department in administering and enforcing the provisions of
3this subsection, on behalf of such municipality, and not
4including any amount that the Department determines is
5necessary to offset any amounts that were payable to a
6different taxing body but were erroneously paid to the
7municipality, and not including any amounts that are
8transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund. Within 10 days
9after receipt by the Comptroller of the disbursement
10certification to the municipalities provided for in this
11subsection to be given to the Comptroller by the Department,
12the Comptroller shall cause the orders to be drawn for the
13respective amounts in accordance with the directions contained
14in the certification. The proceeds of the tax paid to
15municipalities under this subsection shall be deposited into
16the Business District Tax Allocation Fund by the municipality.
17 An ordinance imposing or discontinuing the tax under this
18subsection or effecting a change in the rate thereof shall
19either (i) be adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with
20the Department on or before the first day of April, whereupon
21the Department, if all other requirements of this subsection
22are met, shall proceed to administer and enforce this
23subsection as of the first day of July next following the
24adoption and filing; or (ii) be adopted and a certified copy
25thereof filed with the Department on or before the first day of
26October, whereupon, if all other requirements of this

10100SB0119ham001- 366 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1subsection are met, the Department shall proceed to administer
2and enforce this subsection as of the first day of January next
3following the adoption and filing.
4 The Department of Revenue shall not administer or enforce
5an ordinance imposing, discontinuing, or changing the rate of
6the tax under this subsection, until the municipality also
7provides, in the manner prescribed by the Department, the
8boundaries of the business district and each address in the
9business district in such a way that the Department can
10determine by its address whether a business is located in the
11business district. The municipality must provide this boundary
12and address information to the Department on or before April 1
13for administration and enforcement of the tax under this
14subsection by the Department beginning on the following July 1
15and on or before October 1 for administration and enforcement
16of the tax under this subsection by the Department beginning on
17the following January 1. The Department of Revenue shall not
18administer or enforce any change made to the boundaries of a
19business district or address change, addition, or deletion
20until the municipality reports the boundary change or address
21change, addition, or deletion to the Department in the manner
22prescribed by the Department. The municipality must provide
23this boundary change information or address change, addition,
24or deletion to the Department on or before April 1 for
25administration and enforcement by the Department of the change
26beginning on the following July 1 and on or before October 1

10100SB0119ham001- 367 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1for administration and enforcement by the Department of the
2change beginning on the following January 1. The retailers in
3the business district shall be responsible for charging the tax
4imposed under this subsection. If a retailer is incorrectly
5included or excluded from the list of those required to collect
6the tax under this subsection, both the Department of Revenue
7and the retailer shall be held harmless if they reasonably
8relied on information provided by the municipality.
9 A municipality that imposes the tax under this subsection
10must submit to the Department of Revenue any other information
11as the Department may require for the administration and
12enforcement of the tax.
13 When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to a
14municipality under this subsection, the Department shall
15increase or decrease the amount by an amount necessary to
16offset any misallocation of previous disbursements. The offset
17amount shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the
18previous 6 months from the time a misallocation is discovered.
19 Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize
20the municipality to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging
21in any business which under the Constitution of the United
22States may not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
23 If a tax is imposed under this subsection (b), a tax shall
24also be imposed under subsection (c) of this Section.
25 (c) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a
26Business District Service Occupation Tax shall also be imposed

10100SB0119ham001- 368 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1upon all persons engaged, in the business district, in the
2business of making sales of service, who, as an incident to
3making those sales of service, transfer tangible personal
4property within the business district, either in the form of
5tangible personal property or in the form of real estate as an
6incident to a sale of service. The tax shall be imposed at the
7same rate as the tax imposed in subsection (b) and shall not
8exceed 1% of the selling price of tangible personal property so
9transferred within the business district, to be imposed only in
100.25% increments. The tax may not be imposed on tangible
11personal property taxed at the 1% rate under the Service
12Occupation Tax Act. Beginning December 1, 2019, this tax is not
13imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the tax revenue is
14expended for airport-related purposes. If the District does not
15have an airport-related purpose to which it dedicates aviation
16fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel is excluded from the tax.
17Each municipality must comply with the certification
18requirements for airport-related purposes under Section 2-22
19of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act 8-11-22. For purposes of
20this Act, "airport-related purposes" has the meaning ascribed
21in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. Beginning January
221, 2021, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel This
23exclusion for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the
24revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
2547133 are binding on the District.
26 The tax imposed under this subsection and all civil

10100SB0119ham001- 369 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
2collected and enforced by the Department of Revenue. The
3certificate of registration which is issued by the Department
4to a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under
5the Service Occupation Tax Act shall permit such registrant to
6engage in a business which is taxable under any ordinance or
7resolution enacted pursuant to this subsection without
8registering separately with the Department under such
9ordinance or resolution or under this subsection. The
10Department of Revenue shall have full power to administer and
11enforce this subsection; to collect all taxes and penalties due
12under this subsection; to dispose of taxes and penalties so
13collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and to determine
14all rights to credit memoranda arising on account of the
15erroneous payment of tax or penalty under this subsection. In
16the administration of, and compliance with this subsection, the
17Department and persons who are subject to this subsection shall
18have the same rights, remedies, privileges, immunities, powers
19and duties, and be subject to the same conditions,
20restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions, exemptions,
21and definitions of terms and employ the same modes of procedure
22as are prescribed in Sections 2, 2a through 2d, 3 through 3-50
23(in respect to all provisions therein other than the State rate
24of tax), 4 (except that the reference to the State shall be to
25the business district), 5, 7, 8 (except that the jurisdiction
26to which the tax shall be a debt to the extent indicated in

10100SB0119ham001- 370 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1that Section 8 shall be the municipality), 9 (except as to the
2disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except that
3the returned merchandise credit for this tax may not be taken
4against any State tax, and except that the retailer's discount
5is not allowed for taxes paid on aviation fuel that are subject
6to the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49
7U.S.C. 47133 deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust
8Fund), 10, 11, 12 (except the reference therein to Section 2b
9of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any
10reference to the State shall mean the municipality), the first
11paragraph of Section 15, and Sections 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of
12the Service Occupation Tax Act and all provisions of the
13Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as if those
14provisions were set forth herein.
15 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
16granted in this subsection may reimburse themselves for their
17serviceman's tax liability hereunder by separately stating the
18tax as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in
19combination, in a single amount, with State tax that servicemen
20are authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax Act, in
21accordance with such bracket schedules as the Department may
23 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
24made under this subsection to a claimant instead of issuing
25credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
26Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the

10100SB0119ham001- 371 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1amount specified, and to the person named, in such notification
2from the Department. Such refund shall be paid by the State
3Treasurer out of the business district retailers' occupation
4tax fund or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as
6 Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the
7Department shall forthwith pay over to the State Treasurer,
8ex-officio, as trustee, all taxes, penalties, and interest
9collected under this subsection for deposit into the business
10district retailers' occupation tax fund. Taxes and penalties
11collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019,
12shall be immediately paid over by the Department to the State
13Treasurer, ex officio, as trustee, for deposit into the Local
14Government Aviation Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay
15moneys into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund under this
16Section Act for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
17U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
19 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
20beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department
21of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
22Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
23local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
24Development and Economy Act, collected under this subsection
25during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
26STAR bond district.

10100SB0119ham001- 372 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
2on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
3Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
4disbursement of stated sums of money to named municipalities
5from the business district retailers' occupation tax fund, the
6municipalities to be those from which suppliers and servicemen
7have paid taxes or penalties under this subsection to the
8Department during the second preceding calendar month. The
9amount to be paid to each municipality shall be the amount (not
10including credit memoranda and not including taxes and
11penalties collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December
121, 2019) collected under this subsection during the second
13preceding calendar month by the Department, less 2% of that
14amount (except the amount collected on aviation fuel sold on or
15after December 1, 2019), which shall be deposited into the Tax
16Compliance and Administration Fund and shall be used by the
17Department, subject to appropriation, to cover the costs of the
18Department in administering and enforcing the provisions of
19this subsection, and not including an amount equal to the
20amount of refunds made during the second preceding calendar
21month by the Department on behalf of such municipality, and not
22including any amounts that are transferred to the STAR Bonds
23Revenue Fund. Within 10 days after receipt, by the Comptroller,
24of the disbursement certification to the municipalities,
25provided for in this subsection to be given to the Comptroller
26by the Department, the Comptroller shall cause the orders to be

10100SB0119ham001- 373 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1drawn for the respective amounts in accordance with the
2directions contained in such certification. The proceeds of the
3tax paid to municipalities under this subsection shall be
4deposited into the Business District Tax Allocation Fund by the
6 An ordinance imposing or discontinuing the tax under this
7subsection or effecting a change in the rate thereof shall
8either (i) be adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with
9the Department on or before the first day of April, whereupon
10the Department, if all other requirements of this subsection
11are met, shall proceed to administer and enforce this
12subsection as of the first day of July next following the
13adoption and filing; or (ii) be adopted and a certified copy
14thereof filed with the Department on or before the first day of
15October, whereupon, if all other conditions of this subsection
16are met, the Department shall proceed to administer and enforce
17this subsection as of the first day of January next following
18the adoption and filing.
19 The Department of Revenue shall not administer or enforce
20an ordinance imposing, discontinuing, or changing the rate of
21the tax under this subsection, until the municipality also
22provides, in the manner prescribed by the Department, the
23boundaries of the business district in such a way that the
24Department can determine by its address whether a business is
25located in the business district. The municipality must provide
26this boundary and address information to the Department on or

10100SB0119ham001- 374 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1before April 1 for administration and enforcement of the tax
2under this subsection by the Department beginning on the
3following July 1 and on or before October 1 for administration
4and enforcement of the tax under this subsection by the
5Department beginning on the following January 1. The Department
6of Revenue shall not administer or enforce any change made to
7the boundaries of a business district or address change,
8addition, or deletion until the municipality reports the
9boundary change or address change, addition, or deletion to the
10Department in the manner prescribed by the Department. The
11municipality must provide this boundary change information or
12address change, addition, or deletion to the Department on or
13before April 1 for administration and enforcement by the
14Department of the change beginning on the following July 1 and
15on or before October 1 for administration and enforcement by
16the Department of the change beginning on the following January
171. The retailers in the business district shall be responsible
18for charging the tax imposed under this subsection. If a
19retailer is incorrectly included or excluded from the list of
20those required to collect the tax under this subsection, both
21the Department of Revenue and the retailer shall be held
22harmless if they reasonably relied on information provided by
23the municipality.
24 A municipality that imposes the tax under this subsection
25must submit to the Department of Revenue any other information
26as the Department may require for the administration and

10100SB0119ham001- 375 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1enforcement of the tax.
2 Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize
3the municipality to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging
4in any business which under the Constitution of the United
5States may not be made the subject of taxation by the State.
6 If a tax is imposed under this subsection (c), a tax shall
7also be imposed under subsection (b) of this Section.
8 (d) By ordinance, a municipality that has designated a
9business district under this Law may impose an occupation tax
10upon all persons engaged in the business district in the
11business of renting, leasing, or letting rooms in a hotel, as
12defined in the Hotel Operators' Occupation Tax Act, at a rate
13not to exceed 1% of the gross rental receipts from the renting,
14leasing, or letting of hotel rooms within the business
15district, to be imposed only in 0.25% increments, excluding,
16however, from gross rental receipts the proceeds of renting,
17leasing, or letting to permanent residents of a hotel, as
18defined in the Hotel Operators' Occupation Tax Act, and
19proceeds from the tax imposed under subsection (c) of Section
2013 of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Act.
21 The tax imposed by the municipality under this subsection
22and all civil penalties that may be assessed as an incident to
23that tax shall be collected and enforced by the municipality
24imposing the tax. The municipality shall have full power to
25administer and enforce this subsection, to collect all taxes
26and penalties due under this subsection, to dispose of taxes

10100SB0119ham001- 376 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1and penalties so collected in the manner provided in this
2subsection, and to determine all rights to credit memoranda
3arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty
4under this subsection. In the administration of and compliance
5with this subsection, the municipality and persons who are
6subject to this subsection shall have the same rights,
7remedies, privileges, immunities, powers, and duties, shall be
8subject to the same conditions, restrictions, limitations,
9penalties, and definitions of terms, and shall employ the same
10modes of procedure as are employed with respect to a tax
11adopted by the municipality under Section 8-3-14 of this Code.
12 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
13granted in this subsection may reimburse themselves for their
14tax liability for that tax by separately stating that tax as an
15additional charge, which charge may be stated in combination,
16in a single amount, with State taxes imposed under the Hotel
17Operators' Occupation Tax Act, and with any other tax.
18 Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize
19a municipality to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging
20in any business which under the Constitution of the United
21States may not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
22 The proceeds of the tax imposed under this subsection shall
23be deposited into the Business District Tax Allocation Fund.
24 (e) Obligations secured by the Business District Tax
25Allocation Fund may be issued to provide for the payment or
26reimbursement of business district project costs. Those

10100SB0119ham001- 377 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1obligations, when so issued, shall be retired in the manner
2provided in the ordinance authorizing the issuance of those
3obligations by the receipts of taxes imposed pursuant to
4subsections (10) and (11) of Section 11-74.3-3 and by other
5revenue designated or pledged by the municipality. A
6municipality may in the ordinance pledge, for any period of
7time up to and including the dissolution date, all or any part
8of the funds in and to be deposited in the Business District
9Tax Allocation Fund to the payment of business district project
10costs and obligations. Whenever a municipality pledges all of
11the funds to the credit of a business district tax allocation
12fund to secure obligations issued or to be issued to pay or
13reimburse business district project costs, the municipality
14may specifically provide that funds remaining to the credit of
15such business district tax allocation fund after the payment of
16such obligations shall be accounted for annually and shall be
17deemed to be "surplus" funds, and such "surplus" funds shall be
18expended by the municipality for any business district project
19cost as approved in the business district plan. Whenever a
20municipality pledges less than all of the monies to the credit
21of a business district tax allocation fund to secure
22obligations issued or to be issued to pay or reimburse business
23district project costs, the municipality shall provide that
24monies to the credit of the business district tax allocation
25fund and not subject to such pledge or otherwise encumbered or
26required for payment of contractual obligations for specific

10100SB0119ham001- 378 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1business district project costs shall be calculated annually
2and shall be deemed to be "surplus" funds, and such "surplus"
3funds shall be expended by the municipality for any business
4district project cost as approved in the business district
6 No obligation issued pursuant to this Law and secured by a
7pledge of all or any portion of any revenues received or to be
8received by the municipality from the imposition of taxes
9pursuant to subsection (10) of Section 11-74.3-3, shall be
10deemed to constitute an economic incentive agreement under
11Section 8-11-20, notwithstanding the fact that such pledge
12provides for the sharing, rebate, or payment of retailers'
13occupation taxes or service occupation taxes imposed pursuant
14to subsection (10) of Section 11-74.3-3 and received or to be
15received by the municipality from the development or
16redevelopment of properties in the business district.
17 Without limiting the foregoing in this Section, the
18municipality may further secure obligations secured by the
19business district tax allocation fund with a pledge, for a
20period not greater than the term of the obligations and in any
21case not longer than the dissolution date, of any part or any
22combination of the following: (i) net revenues of all or part
23of any business district project; (ii) taxes levied or imposed
24by the municipality on any or all property in the municipality,
25including, specifically, taxes levied or imposed by the
26municipality in a special service area pursuant to the Special

10100SB0119ham001- 379 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Service Area Tax Law; (iii) the full faith and credit of the
2municipality; (iv) a mortgage on part or all of the business
3district project; or (v) any other taxes or anticipated
4receipts that the municipality may lawfully pledge.
5 Such obligations may be issued in one or more series, bear
6such date or dates, become due at such time or times as therein
7provided, but in any case not later than (i) 20 years after the
8date of issue or (ii) the dissolution date, whichever is
9earlier, bear interest payable at such intervals and at such
10rate or rates as set forth therein, except as may be limited by
11applicable law, which rate or rates may be fixed or variable,
12be in such denominations, be in such form, either coupon,
13registered, or book-entry, carry such conversion, registration
14and exchange privileges, be subject to defeasance upon such
15terms, have such rank or priority, be executed in such manner,
16be payable in such medium or payment at such place or places
17within or without the State, make provision for a corporate
18trustee within or without the State with respect to such
19obligations, prescribe the rights, powers, and duties thereof
20to be exercised for the benefit of the municipality and the
21benefit of the owners of such obligations, provide for the
22holding in trust, investment, and use of moneys, funds, and
23accounts held under an ordinance, provide for assignment of and
24direct payment of the moneys to pay such obligations or to be
25deposited into such funds or accounts directly to such trustee,
26be subject to such terms of redemption with or without premium,

10100SB0119ham001- 380 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1and be sold at such price, all as the corporate authorities
2shall determine. No referendum approval of the electors shall
3be required as a condition to the issuance of obligations
4pursuant to this Law except as provided in this Section.
5 In the event the municipality authorizes the issuance of
6obligations pursuant to the authority of this Law secured by
7the full faith and credit of the municipality, or pledges ad
8valorem taxes pursuant to this subsection, which obligations
9are other than obligations which may be issued under home rule
10powers provided by Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois
11Constitution or which ad valorem taxes are other than ad
12valorem taxes which may be pledged under home rule powers
13provided by Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois
14Constitution or which are levied in a special service area
15pursuant to the Special Service Area Tax Law, the ordinance
16authorizing the issuance of those obligations or pledging those
17taxes shall be published within 10 days after the ordinance has
18been adopted, in a newspaper having a general circulation
19within the municipality. The publication of the ordinance shall
20be accompanied by a notice of (i) the specific number of voters
21required to sign a petition requesting the question of the
22issuance of the obligations or pledging such ad valorem taxes
23to be submitted to the electors; (ii) the time within which the
24petition must be filed; and (iii) the date of the prospective
25referendum. The municipal clerk shall provide a petition form
26to any individual requesting one.

10100SB0119ham001- 381 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 If no petition is filed with the municipal clerk, as
2hereinafter provided in this Section, within 21 days after the
3publication of the ordinance, the ordinance shall be in effect.
4However, if within that 21-day period a petition is filed with
5the municipal clerk, signed by electors numbering not less than
615% of the number of electors voting for the mayor or president
7at the last general municipal election, asking that the
8question of issuing obligations using full faith and credit of
9the municipality as security for the cost of paying or
10reimbursing business district project costs, or of pledging
11such ad valorem taxes for the payment of those obligations, or
12both, be submitted to the electors of the municipality, the
13municipality shall not be authorized to issue obligations of
14the municipality using the full faith and credit of the
15municipality as security or pledging such ad valorem taxes for
16the payment of those obligations, or both, until the
17proposition has been submitted to and approved by a majority of
18the voters voting on the proposition at a regularly scheduled
19election. The municipality shall certify the proposition to the
20proper election authorities for submission in accordance with
21the general election law.
22 The ordinance authorizing the obligations may provide that
23the obligations shall contain a recital that they are issued
24pursuant to this Law, which recital shall be conclusive
25evidence of their validity and of the regularity of their

10100SB0119ham001- 382 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 In the event the municipality authorizes issuance of
2obligations pursuant to this Law secured by the full faith and
3credit of the municipality, the ordinance authorizing the
4obligations may provide for the levy and collection of a direct
5annual tax upon all taxable property within the municipality
6sufficient to pay the principal thereof and interest thereon as
7it matures, which levy may be in addition to and exclusive of
8the maximum of all other taxes authorized to be levied by the
9municipality, which levy, however, shall be abated to the
10extent that monies from other sources are available for payment
11of the obligations and the municipality certifies the amount of
12those monies available to the county clerk.
13 A certified copy of the ordinance shall be filed with the
14county clerk of each county in which any portion of the
15municipality is situated, and shall constitute the authority
16for the extension and collection of the taxes to be deposited
17in the business district tax allocation fund.
18 A municipality may also issue its obligations to refund, in
19whole or in part, obligations theretofore issued by the
20municipality under the authority of this Law, whether at or
21prior to maturity. However, the last maturity of the refunding
22obligations shall not be expressed to mature later than the
23dissolution date.
24 In the event a municipality issues obligations under home
25rule powers or other legislative authority, the proceeds of
26which are pledged to pay or reimburse business district project

10100SB0119ham001- 383 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1costs, the municipality may, if it has followed the procedures
2in conformance with this Law, retire those obligations from
3funds in the business district tax allocation fund in amounts
4and in such manner as if those obligations had been issued
5pursuant to the provisions of this Law.
6 No obligations issued pursuant to this Law shall be
7regarded as indebtedness of the municipality issuing those
8obligations or any other taxing district for the purpose of any
9limitation imposed by law.
10 Obligations issued pursuant to this Law shall not be
11subject to the provisions of the Bond Authorization Act.
12 (f) When business district project costs, including,
13without limitation, all obligations paying or reimbursing
14business district project costs have been paid, any surplus
15funds then remaining in the Business District Tax Allocation
16Fund shall be distributed to the municipal treasurer for
17deposit into the general corporate fund of the municipality.
18Upon payment of all business district project costs and
19retirement of all obligations paying or reimbursing business
20district project costs, but in no event more than 23 years
21after the date of adoption of the ordinance imposing taxes
22pursuant to subsection (10) or (11) of Section 11-74.3-3, the
23municipality shall adopt an ordinance immediately rescinding
24the taxes imposed pursuant to subsection (10) or (11) of
25Section 11-74.3-3.
26(Source: P.A. 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19.)

10100SB0119ham001- 384 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (65 ILCS 5/11-101-3)
2 Sec. 11-101-3. Noise mitigation; air quality.
3 (a) A municipality that has implemented a Residential Sound
4Insulation Program to mitigate aircraft noise shall perform
5indoor air quality monitoring and laboratory analysis of
6windows and doors installed pursuant to the Residential Sound
7Insulation Program to determine whether there are any adverse
8health impacts associated with off-gassing from such windows
9and doors. Such monitoring and analysis shall be consistent
10with applicable professional and industry standards. The
11municipality shall make any final reports resulting from such
12monitoring and analysis available to the public on the
13municipality's website. The municipality shall develop a
14science-based mitigation plan to address significant
15health-related impacts, if any, associated with such windows
16and doors as determined by the results of the monitoring and
17analysis. In a municipality that has implemented a Residential
18Sound Insulation Program to mitigate aircraft noise, if
19requested by the homeowner pursuant to a process established by
20the municipality, which process shall include, at a minimum,
21notification in a newspaper of general circulation and a mailer
22sent to every address identified as a recipient of windows and
23doors installed under the Residential Sound Insulation
24Program, the municipality shall replace all windows and doors
25installed under the Residential Sound Insulation Program in

10100SB0119ham001- 385 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1such homes where one or more windows or doors have been found
2to have caused offensive odors. Only those homeowners who
3request that the municipality perform an odor inspection as
4prescribed by the process established by the municipality
5within 6 months of notification being published and mailers
6being sent prior to March 31, 2020 shall be eligible for
7odorous window and odorous door replacement. Homes that have
8been identified by the municipality as having odorous windows
9or doors are not required to make said request to the
10municipality. The right to make a claim for replacement and
11have it considered pursuant to this Section shall not be
12affected by the fact of odor-related claims made or
13odor-related products received pursuant to the Residential
14Sound Insulation Program prior to June 5, 2019 (the effective
15date of this Section).
16 (b) An advisory committee shall be formed, composed of the
17following: (i) 2 members of the municipality who reside in
18homes that have received windows or doors pursuant to the
19Residential Sound Insulation Program and have been identified
20by the municipality as having odorous windows or doors,
21appointed by the Secretary of Transportation; (ii) one employee
22of the Aeronautics Division of the Department of
23Transportation; and (iii) 2 employees of the municipality that
24implemented the Residential Sound Insulation Program in
25question. The advisory committee shall determine by majority
26vote which homes contain windows or doors that cause offensive

10100SB0119ham001- 386 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1odors and thus are eligible for replacement, shall promulgate a
2list of such homes, and shall develop recommendations as to the
3order in which homes are to receive window replacement. The
4recommendations shall include reasonable and objective
5criteria for determining which windows or doors are odorous,
6consideration of the date of odor confirmation for
7prioritization, severity of odor, geography and individual
8hardship, and shall provide such recommendations to the
9municipality. The advisory committee shall comply with the
10requirements of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. The
11municipality shall consider the recommendations of the
12committee but shall retain final decision-making authority
13over replacement of windows and doors installed under the
14Residential Sound Insulation Program, and shall comply with all
15federal, State, and local laws involving procurement. A
16municipality administering claims pursuant to this Section
17shall provide to every address identified as having submitted a
18valid claim under this Section a quarterly report setting forth
19the municipality's activities undertaken pursuant to this
20Section for that quarter. However, the municipality shall
21replace windows and doors pursuant to this Section only if, and
22to the extent, grants are distributed to, and received by, the
23municipality from the Sound-Reducing Windows and Doors
24Replacement Fund for the costs associated with the replacement
25of sound-reducing windows and doors installed under the
26Residential Sound Insulation Program pursuant to Section

10100SB0119ham001- 387 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
16z-20.1 of the State Finance Act. In addition, the municipality
2shall revise its specifications for procurement of windows for
3the Residential Sound Insulation Program to address potential
4off-gassing from such windows in future phases of the program.
5A municipality subject to the Section shall not legislate or
6otherwise regulate with regard to indoor air quality
7monitoring, laboratory analysis or replacement requirements,
8except as provided in this Section, but the foregoing
9restriction shall not limit said municipality's taxing power.
10 (c) A home rule unit may not regulate indoor air quality
11monitoring and laboratory analysis, and related mitigation and
12mitigation plans, in a manner inconsistent with this Section.
13This Section is a limitation of home rule powers and functions
14under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the
15Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule
16units of powers and functions exercised by the State.
17 (d) This Section shall not be construed to create a private
18right of action.
19(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; revised 8-8-19.)
20 (65 ILCS 5/8-11-22 rep.)
21 Section 10-80. The Illinois Municipal Code is amended by
22repealing Section 8-11-22.
23 Section 10-85. The Civic Center Code is amended by changing
24Section 245-12 as follows:

10100SB0119ham001- 388 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (70 ILCS 200/245-12)
2 Sec. 245-12. Use and occupation taxes.
3 (a) The Authority may adopt a resolution that authorizes a
4referendum on the question of whether the Authority shall be
5authorized to impose a retailers' occupation tax, a service
6occupation tax, and a use tax in one-quarter percent increments
7at a rate not to exceed 1%. The Authority shall certify the
8question to the proper election authorities who shall submit
9the question to the voters of the metropolitan area at the next
10regularly scheduled election in accordance with the general
11election law. The question shall be in substantially the
12following form:
13 "Shall the Salem Civic Center Authority be authorized to
14 impose a retailers' occupation tax, a service occupation
15 tax, and a use tax at the rate of (rate) for the sole
16 purpose of obtaining funds for the support, construction,
17 maintenance, or financing of a facility of the Authority?"
18 Votes shall be recorded as "yes" or "no".
19 If a majority of all votes cast on the proposition are in
20favor of the proposition, the Authority is authorized to impose
21the tax.
22 (b) The Authority shall impose the retailers' occupation
23tax upon all persons engaged in the business of selling
24tangible personal property at retail in the metropolitan area,
25at the rate approved by referendum, on the gross receipts from

10100SB0119ham001- 389 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the sales made in the course of such business within the
2metropolitan area. Beginning December 1, 2019 and through
3December 31, 2020, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation
4fuel unless the tax revenue is expended for airport-related
5purposes. If the Authority does not have an airport-related
6purpose to which it dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then
7aviation fuel is excluded from the tax. The Authority must
8comply with the certification requirements for airport-related
9purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax
10Act. For purposes of this Section Act, "airport-related
11purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the
12State Finance Act. Beginning January 1, 2021, this tax is not
13imposed on sales of aviation fuel This exclusion for aviation
14fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use requirements
15of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
17 On or before September 1, 2019, and on or before each April
181 and October 1 thereafter, the Authority must certify to the
19Department of Transportation, in the form and manner required
20by the Department, whether the Authority has an airport-related
21purpose, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
22Service Occupation Tax imposed by the Authority to include tax
23on aviation fuel. On or before October 1, 2019, and on or
24before each May 1 and November 1 thereafter, the Department of
25Transportation shall provide to the Department of Revenue, a
26list of units of local government which have certified to the

10100SB0119ham001- 390 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Department of Transportation that they have airport-related
2purposes, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
3Service Occupation Tax imposed by the unit of local government
4to include tax on aviation fuel. All disputes regarding whether
5or not a unit of local government has an airport-related
6purpose shall be resolved by the Department of Transportation.
7 The tax imposed under this Section and all civil penalties
8that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be collected
9and enforced by the Department of Revenue. The Department has
10full power to administer and enforce this Section; to collect
11all taxes and penalties so collected in the manner provided in
12this Section; and to determine all rights to credit memoranda
13arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty
14hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance with, this
15Section, the Department and persons who are subject to this
16Section shall (i) have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
17immunities, powers and duties, (ii) be subject to the same
18conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions,
19exemptions, and definitions of terms, and (iii) employ the same
20modes of procedure as are prescribed in Sections 1, 1a, 1a-1,
211c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1i, 1j, 1k, 1m, 1n, 2, 2-5, 2-5.5, 2-10 (in
22respect to all provisions therein other than the State rate of
23tax), 2-12, 2-15 through 2-70, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3 (except as to the
24disposition of taxes and penalties collected and provisions
25related to quarter monthly payments, and except that the
26retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on aviation

10100SB0119ham001- 391 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1fuel that are subject to the revenue use requirements of 49
2U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 deposited into the Local
3Government Aviation Trust Fund), 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f,
45g, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11a, 12, and
513 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the
6Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as if those
7provisions were set forth in this subsection.
8 Persons subject to any tax imposed under this subsection
9may reimburse themselves for their seller's tax liability by
10separately stating the tax as an additional charge, which
11charge may be stated in combination, in a single amount, with
12State taxes that sellers are required to collect, in accordance
13with such bracket schedules as the Department may prescribe.
14 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
15made under this subsection to a claimant instead of issuing a
16credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
17Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn for the
18amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
19from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
20Treasurer out of the tax fund referenced under paragraph (g) of
21this Section or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as
23 If a tax is imposed under this subsection (b), a tax shall
24also be imposed at the same rate under subsections (c) and (d)
25of this Section.
26 For the purpose of determining whether a tax authorized

10100SB0119ham001- 392 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1under this Section is applicable, a retail sale, by a producer
2of coal or other mineral mined in Illinois, is a sale at retail
3at the place where the coal or other mineral mined in Illinois
4is extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not apply to
5coal or other mineral when it is delivered or shipped by the
6seller to the purchaser at a point outside Illinois so that the
7sale is exempt under the Federal Constitution as a sale in
8interstate or foreign commerce.
9 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize the
10Authority to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in any
11business which under the Constitution of the United States may
12not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
13 (c) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a
14service occupation tax shall also be imposed at the same rate
15upon all persons engaged, in the metropolitan area, in the
16business of making sales of service, who, as an incident to
17making those sales of service, transfer tangible personal
18property within the metropolitan area as an incident to a sale
19of service. The tax imposed under this subsection and all civil
20penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
21collected and enforced by the Department of Revenue.
22 Beginning December 1, 2019 and through December 31, 2020,
23this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the
24tax revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If the
25Authority does not have an airport-related purpose to which it
26dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel is

10100SB0119ham001- 393 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1excluded from the tax. The Authority must comply with the
2certification requirements for airport-related purposes under
3Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. Beginning
4January 1, 2021, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation
5fuel for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C.
647107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the Authority. On
7or before September 1, 2019, and on or before each April 1 and
8October 1 thereafter, the Authority must certify to the
9Department of Transportation, in the form and manner required
10by the Department, whether the Authority has an airport-related
11purpose, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
12Service Occupation Tax imposed by the Authority to include tax
13on aviation fuel. On or before October, 2019, and on or before
14each May 1 and November 1 thereafter, the Department of
15Transportation shall provide to the Department of Revenue, a
16list of units of local government which have certified to the
17Department of Transportation that they have airport-related
18purposes, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
19Service Occupation Tax imposed by the unit of local government
20to include tax on aviation fuel. All disputes regarding whether
21or not a unit of local government has an airport-related
22purpose shall be resolved by the Department of Transportation.
23 The Department has full power to administer and enforce
24this paragraph; to collect all taxes and penalties due
25hereunder; to dispose of taxes and penalties so collected in
26the manner hereinafter provided; and to determine all rights to

10100SB0119ham001- 394 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1credit memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment of
2tax or penalty hereunder. In the administration of, and
3compliance with this paragraph, the Department and persons who
4are subject to this paragraph shall (i) have the same rights,
5remedies, privileges, immunities, powers, and duties, (ii) be
6subject to the same conditions, restrictions, limitations,
7penalties, exclusions, exemptions, and definitions of terms,
8and (iii) employ the same modes of procedure as are prescribed
9in Sections 2 (except that the reference to State in the
10definition of supplier maintaining a place of business in this
11State shall mean the metropolitan area), 2a, 2b, 3 through 3-55
12(in respect to all provisions therein other than the State rate
13of tax), 4 (except that the reference to the State shall be to
14the Authority), 5, 7, 8 (except that the jurisdiction to which
15the tax shall be a debt to the extent indicated in that Section
168 shall be the Authority), 9 (except as to the disposition of
17taxes and penalties collected, and except that the returned
18merchandise credit for this tax may not be taken against any
19State tax, and except that the retailer's discount is not
20allowed for taxes paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the
21revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
2247133 deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund),
2311, 12 (except the reference therein to Section 2b of the
24Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference
25to the State shall mean the Authority), 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and
2620 of the Service Occupation Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the

10100SB0119ham001- 395 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as if those
2provisions were set forth herein.
3 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
4granted in this subsection may reimburse themselves for their
5serviceman's tax liability by separately stating the tax as an
6additional charge, which charge may be stated in combination,
7in a single amount, with State tax that servicemen are
8authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax Act, in
9accordance with such bracket schedules as the Department may
11 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
12made under this subsection to a claimant instead of issuing a
13credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
14Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn for the
15amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
16from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
17Treasurer out of the tax fund referenced under paragraph (g) of
18this Section or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as
20 Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to authorize
21the Authority to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
22any business which under the Constitution of the United States
23may not be made the subject of taxation by the State.
24 (d) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a use
25tax shall also be imposed at the same rate upon the privilege
26of using, in the metropolitan area, any item of tangible

10100SB0119ham001- 396 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1personal property that is purchased outside the metropolitan
2area at retail from a retailer, and that is titled or
3registered at a location within the metropolitan area with an
4agency of this State's government. "Selling price" is defined
5as in the Use Tax Act. The tax shall be collected from persons
6whose Illinois address for titling or registration purposes is
7given as being in the metropolitan area. The tax shall be
8collected by the Department of Revenue for the Authority. The
9tax must be paid to the State, or an exemption determination
10must be obtained from the Department of Revenue, before the
11title or certificate of registration for the property may be
12issued. The tax or proof of exemption may be transmitted to the
13Department by way of the State agency with which, or the State
14officer with whom, the tangible personal property must be
15titled or registered if the Department and the State agency or
16State officer determine that this procedure will expedite the
17processing of applications for title or registration.
18 The Department has full power to administer and enforce
19this paragraph; to collect all taxes, penalties and interest
20due hereunder; to dispose of taxes, penalties and interest so
21collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and to determine
22all rights to credit memoranda or refunds arising on account of
23the erroneous payment of tax, penalty or interest hereunder. In
24the administration of, and compliance with, this subsection,
25the Department and persons who are subject to this paragraph
26shall (i) have the same rights, remedies, privileges,

10100SB0119ham001- 397 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1immunities, powers, and duties, (ii) be subject to the same
2conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions,
3exemptions, and definitions of terms, and (iii) employ the same
4modes of procedure as are prescribed in Sections 2 (except the
5definition of "retailer maintaining a place of business in this
6State"), 3, 3-5, 3-10, 3-45, 3-55, 3-65, 3-70, 3-85, 3a, 4, 6,
77, 8 (except that the jurisdiction to which the tax shall be a
8debt to the extent indicated in that Section 8 shall be the
9Authority), 9 (except provisions relating to quarter monthly
10payments), 10, 11, 12, 12a, 12b, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, and 22
11of the Use Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and
12Interest Act, that are not inconsistent with this paragraph, as
13fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
14 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
15made under this subsection to a claimant instead of issuing a
16credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
17Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
18amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
19from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
20Treasurer out of the tax fund referenced under paragraph (g) of
21this Section.
22 (e) A certificate of registration issued by the State
23Department of Revenue to a retailer under the Retailers'
24Occupation Tax Act or under the Service Occupation Tax Act
25shall permit the registrant to engage in a business that is
26taxed under the tax imposed under paragraphs (b), (c), or (d)

10100SB0119ham001- 398 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1of this Section and no additional registration shall be
2required. A certificate issued under the Use Tax Act or the
3Service Use Tax Act shall be applicable with regard to any tax
4imposed under paragraph (c) of this Section.
5 (f) The results of any election authorizing a proposition
6to impose a tax under this Section or effecting a change in the
7rate of tax shall be certified by the proper election
8authorities and filed with the Illinois Department on or before
9the first day of April. In addition, an ordinance imposing,
10discontinuing, or effecting a change in the rate of tax under
11this Section shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof
12filed with the Department on or before the first day of April.
13After proper receipt of such certifications, the Department
14shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the
15first day of July next following such adoption and filing.
16 (g) Except as otherwise provided, the Department of Revenue
17shall, upon collecting any taxes and penalties as provided in
18this Section, pay the taxes and penalties over to the State
19Treasurer as trustee for the Authority. The taxes and penalties
20shall be held in a trust fund outside the State Treasury. Taxes
21and penalties collected on aviation fuel sold on or after
22December 1, 2019 and through December 31, 2020, shall be
23immediately paid over by the Department to the State Treasurer,
24ex officio, as trustee, for deposit into the Local Government
25Aviation Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into
26the Local Government State Aviation Trust Program Fund under

10100SB0119ham001- 399 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1this Section Act for so long as the revenue use requirements of
249 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
3District. On or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
4Department of Revenue shall prepare and certify to the
5Comptroller of the State of Illinois the amount to be paid to
6the Authority, which shall be the balance in the fund, less any
7amount determined by the Department to be necessary for the
8payment of refunds and not including taxes and penalties
9collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019.
10Within 10 days after receipt by the Comptroller of the
11certification of the amount to be paid to the Authority, the
12Comptroller shall cause an order to be drawn for payment for
13the amount in accordance with the directions contained in the
14certification. Amounts received from the tax imposed under this
15Section shall be used only for the support, construction,
16maintenance, or financing of a facility of the Authority.
17 (h) When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to
18the Authority under this Section, the Department shall increase
19or decrease the amounts by an amount necessary to offset any
20miscalculation of previous disbursements. The offset amount
21shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the previous 6
22months from the time a miscalculation is discovered.
23 (i) This Section may be cited as the Salem Civic Center Use
24and Occupation Tax Law.
25(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; revised 8-9-19.)

10100SB0119ham001- 400 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Section 10-90. The Flood Prevention District Act is amended
2by changing Section 25 as follows:
3 (70 ILCS 750/25)
4 Sec. 25. Flood prevention retailers' and service
5occupation taxes.
6 (a) If the Board of Commissioners of a flood prevention
7district determines that an emergency situation exists
8regarding levee repair or flood prevention, and upon an
9ordinance confirming the determination adopted by the
10affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the county
11board of the county in which the district is situated, the
12county may impose a flood prevention retailers' occupation tax
13upon all persons engaged in the business of selling tangible
14personal property at retail within the territory of the
15district to provide revenue to pay the costs of providing
16emergency levee repair and flood prevention and to secure the
17payment of bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness
18issued under this Act for a period not to exceed 25 years or as
19required to repay the bonds, notes, and other evidences of
20indebtedness issued under this Act. The tax rate shall be 0.25%
21of the gross receipts from all taxable sales made in the course
22of that business. Beginning December 1, 2019 and through
23December 31, 2020, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation
24fuel unless the tax revenue is expended for airport-related
25purposes. If the District does not have an airport-related

10100SB0119ham001- 401 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1purpose to which it dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then
2aviation fuel is excluded from the tax. The County must comply
3with the certification requirements for airport-related
4purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax
5Act 5-1184 of the Counties Code. The tax imposed under this
6Section and all civil penalties that may be assessed as an
7incident thereof shall be collected and enforced by the State
8Department of Revenue. The Department shall have full power to
9administer and enforce this Section; to collect all taxes and
10penalties so collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and
11to determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on account
12of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty hereunder.
13 For purposes of this Act, "airport-related purposes" has
14the meaning ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance
15Act. Beginning January 1, 2021, this tax is not imposed on
16sales of aviation fuel This exclusion for aviation fuel only
17applies for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49
18U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
20 In the administration of and compliance with this
21subsection, the Department and persons who are subject to this
22subsection (i) have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
23immunities, powers, and duties, (ii) are subject to the same
24conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, and
25definitions of terms, and (iii) shall employ the same modes of
26procedure as are set forth in Sections 1 through 1o, 2 through

10100SB0119ham001- 402 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
12-70 (in respect to all provisions contained in those Sections
2other than the State rate of tax), 2a through 2h, 3 (except as
3to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and except
4that the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on
5aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use requirements
6of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 deposited into the
7Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d,
85e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11a,
912, and 13 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and all
10provisions of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act as if those
11provisions were set forth in this subsection.
12 Persons subject to any tax imposed under this Section may
13reimburse themselves for their seller's tax liability
14hereunder by separately stating the tax as an additional
15charge, which charge may be stated in combination in a single
16amount with State taxes that sellers are required to collect
17under the Use Tax Act, under any bracket schedules the
18Department may prescribe.
19 If a tax is imposed under this subsection (a), a tax shall
20also be imposed under subsection (b) of this Section.
21 (b) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (a), a flood
22prevention service occupation tax shall also be imposed upon
23all persons engaged within the territory of the district in the
24business of making sales of service, who, as an incident to
25making the sales of service, transfer tangible personal
26property, either in the form of tangible personal property or

10100SB0119ham001- 403 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1in the form of real estate as an incident to a sale of service
2to provide revenue to pay the costs of providing emergency
3levee repair and flood prevention and to secure the payment of
4bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness issued under
5this Act for a period not to exceed 25 years or as required to
6repay the bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness.
7The tax rate shall be 0.25% of the selling price of all
8tangible personal property transferred. Beginning December 1,
92019 and through December 31, 2020, this tax is not imposed on
10sales of aviation fuel unless the tax revenue is expended for
11airport-related purposes. If the District does not have an
12airport-related purpose to which it dedicates aviation fuel tax
13revenue, then aviation fuel is excluded from the tax. The
14County must comply with the certification requirements for
15airport-related purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers'
16Occupation Tax Act 5-1184 of the Counties Code. For purposes of
17this Act, "airport-related purposes" has the meaning ascribed
18in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. Beginning January
191, 2021, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel This
20exclusion for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the
21revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
2247133 are binding on the District.
23 The tax imposed under this subsection and all civil
24penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
25collected and enforced by the State Department of Revenue. The
26Department shall have full power to administer and enforce this

10100SB0119ham001- 404 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1subsection; to collect all taxes and penalties due hereunder;
2to dispose of taxes and penalties collected in the manner
3hereinafter provided; and to determine all rights to credit
4memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or
5penalty hereunder.
6 In the administration of and compliance with this
7subsection, the Department and persons who are subject to this
8subsection shall (i) have the same rights, remedies,
9privileges, immunities, powers, and duties, (ii) be subject to
10the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, and
11definitions of terms, and (iii) employ the same modes of
12procedure as are set forth in Sections 2 (except that the
13reference to State in the definition of supplier maintaining a
14place of business in this State means the district), 2a through
152d, 3 through 3-50 (in respect to all provisions contained in
16those Sections other than the State rate of tax), 4 (except
17that the reference to the State shall be to the district), 5,
187, 8 (except that the jurisdiction to which the tax is a debt
19to the extent indicated in that Section 8 is the district), 9
20(except as to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected,
21and except that the retailer's discount is not allowed for
22taxes paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use
23requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133
24deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 10,
2511, 12 (except the reference therein to Section 2b of the
26Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference

10100SB0119ham001- 405 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1to the State means the district), Section 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
2and 20 of the Service Occupation Tax Act and all provisions of
3the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as if those
4provisions were set forth herein.
5 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
6granted in this subsection may reimburse themselves for their
7serviceman's tax liability hereunder by separately stating the
8tax as an additional charge, that charge may be stated in
9combination in a single amount with State tax that servicemen
10are authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax Act, under
11any bracket schedules the Department may prescribe.
12 (c) The taxes imposed in subsections (a) and (b) may not be
13imposed on personal property titled or registered with an
14agency of the State or on personal property taxed at the 1%
15rate under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and the Service
16Occupation Tax Act.
17 (d) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize
18the district to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
19any business that under the Constitution of the United States
20may not be made the subject of taxation by the State.
21 (e) The certificate of registration that is issued by the
22Department to a retailer under the Retailers' Occupation Tax
23Act or a serviceman under the Service Occupation Tax Act
24permits the retailer or serviceman to engage in a business that
25is taxable without registering separately with the Department
26under an ordinance or resolution under this Section.

10100SB0119ham001- 406 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (f) Except as otherwise provided, the Department shall
2immediately pay over to the State Treasurer, ex officio, as
3trustee, all taxes and penalties collected under this Section
4to be deposited into the Flood Prevention Occupation Tax Fund,
5which shall be an unappropriated trust fund held outside the
6State treasury. Taxes and penalties collected on aviation fuel
7sold on or after December 1, 2019 and through December 31,
82020, shall be immediately paid over by the Department to the
9State Treasurer, ex officio, as trustee, for deposit into the
10Local Government Aviation Trust Fund. The Department shall only
11pay moneys into the Local Government State Aviation Trust
12Program Fund under this Act for so long as the revenue use
13requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are
14binding on the District.
15 On or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
16Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
17disbursement of stated sums of money to the counties from which
18retailers or servicemen have paid taxes or penalties to the
19Department during the second preceding calendar month. The
20amount to be paid to each county is equal to the amount (not
21including credit memoranda and not including taxes and
22penalties collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December
231, 2019 and through December 31, 2020) collected from the
24county under this Section during the second preceding calendar
25month by the Department, (i) less 2% of that amount (except the
26amount collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1,

10100SB0119ham001- 407 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
12019 and through December 31, 2020), which shall be deposited
2into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund and shall be
3used by the Department in administering and enforcing the
4provisions of this Section on behalf of the county, (ii) plus
5an amount that the Department determines is necessary to offset
6any amounts that were erroneously paid to a different taxing
7body; (iii) less an amount equal to the amount of refunds made
8during the second preceding calendar month by the Department on
9behalf of the county; and (iv) less any amount that the
10Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts that
11were payable to a different taxing body but were erroneously
12paid to the county. When certifying the amount of a monthly
13disbursement to a county under this Section, the Department
14shall increase or decrease the amounts by an amount necessary
15to offset any miscalculation of previous disbursements within
16the previous 6 months from the time a miscalculation is
18 Within 10 days after receipt by the Comptroller from the
19Department of the disbursement certification to the counties
20provided for in this Section, the Comptroller shall cause the
21orders to be drawn for the respective amounts in accordance
22with directions contained in the certification.
23 If the Department determines that a refund should be made
24under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a credit
25memorandum, then the Department shall notify the Comptroller,
26who shall cause the order to be drawn for the amount specified

10100SB0119ham001- 408 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1and to the person named in the notification from the
2Department. The refund shall be paid by the Treasurer out of
3the Flood Prevention Occupation Tax Fund or the Local
4Government Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.
5 (g) If a county imposes a tax under this Section, then the
6county board shall, by ordinance, discontinue the tax upon the
7payment of all indebtedness of the flood prevention district.
8The tax shall not be discontinued until all indebtedness of the
9District has been paid.
10 (h) Any ordinance imposing the tax under this Section, or
11any ordinance that discontinues the tax, must be certified by
12the county clerk and filed with the Illinois Department of
13Revenue either (i) on or before the first day of April,
14whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer and
15enforce the tax or change in the rate as of the first day of
16July next following the filing; or (ii) on or before the first
17day of October, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
18administer and enforce the tax or change in the rate as of the
19first day of January next following the filing.
20 (j) County Flood Prevention Occupation Tax Fund. All
21proceeds received by a county from a tax distribution under
22this Section must be maintained in a special fund known as the
23[name of county] flood prevention occupation tax fund. The
24county shall, at the direction of the flood prevention
25district, use moneys in the fund to pay the costs of providing
26emergency levee repair and flood prevention and to pay bonds,

10100SB0119ham001- 409 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1notes, and other evidences of indebtedness issued under this
3 (k) This Section may be cited as the Flood Prevention
4Occupation Tax Law.
5(Source: P.A. 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19.)
6 Section 10-95. The Metro-East Park and Recreation District
7Act is amended by changing Section 30 as follows:
8 (70 ILCS 1605/30)
9 Sec. 30. Taxes.
10 (a) The board shall impose a tax upon all persons engaged
11in the business of selling tangible personal property, other
12than personal property titled or registered with an agency of
13this State's government, at retail in the District on the gross
14receipts from the sales made in the course of business. This
15tax shall be imposed only at the rate of one-tenth of one per
17 This additional tax may not be imposed on tangible personal
18property taxed at the 1% rate under the Retailers' Occupation
19Tax Act. Beginning December 1, 2019 and through December 31,
202020, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless
21the tax revenue is expended for airport-related purposes. If
22the District does not have an airport-related purpose to which
23it dedicates aviation fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel
24shall be excluded from tax. The board must comply with the

10100SB0119ham001- 410 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1certification requirements for airport-related purposes under
2Section 2-22 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. For purposes
3of this Act, "airport-related purposes" has the meaning
4ascribed in Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. Beginning
5January 1, 2021, this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation
6fuel This exception for aviation fuel only applies for so long
7as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49
8U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the District. The tax imposed by
9the Board under this Section and all civil penalties that may
10be assessed as an incident of the tax shall be collected and
11enforced by the Department of Revenue. The certificate of
12registration that is issued by the Department to a retailer
13under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall permit the
14retailer to engage in a business that is taxable without
15registering separately with the Department under an ordinance
16or resolution under this Section. The Department has full power
17to administer and enforce this Section, to collect all taxes
18and penalties due under this Section, to dispose of taxes and
19penalties so collected in the manner provided in this Section,
20and to determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on
21account of the erroneous payment of a tax or penalty under this
22Section. In the administration of and compliance with this
23Section, the Department and persons who are subject to this
24Section shall (i) have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
25immunities, powers, and duties, (ii) be subject to the same
26conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, and

10100SB0119ham001- 411 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1definitions of terms, and (iii) employ the same modes of
2procedure as are prescribed in Sections 1, 1a, 1a-1, 1d, 1e,
31f, 1i, 1j, 1k, 1m, 1n, 2, 2-5, 2-5.5, 2-10 (in respect to all
4provisions contained in those Sections other than the State
5rate of tax), 2-12, 2-15 through 2-70, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3 (except
6provisions relating to transaction returns and quarter monthly
7payments, and except that the retailer's discount is not
8allowed for taxes paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the
9revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
1047133 deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund),
114, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b,
126c, 6d, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11a, 12, and 13 of the Retailers'
13Occupation Tax Act and the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act as
14if those provisions were set forth in this Section.
15 On or before September 1, 2019, and on or before each April
161 and October 1 thereafter, the Board must certify to the
17Department of Transportation, in the form and manner required
18by the Department, whether the District has an airport-related
19purpose, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
20Service Occupation Tax imposed by the District to include tax
21on aviation fuel. On or before October 1, 2019, and on or
22before each May 1 and November 1 thereafter, the Department of
23Transportation shall provide to the Department of Revenue, a
24list of units of local government which have certified to the
25Department of Transportation that they have airport-related
26purposes, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and

10100SB0119ham001- 412 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Service Occupation Tax imposed by the unit of local government
2to include tax on aviation fuel. All disputes regarding whether
3or not a unit of local government has an airport-related
4purpose shall be resolved by the Department of Transportation.
5 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
6granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for their
7sellers' tax liability by separately stating the tax as an
8additional charge, which charge may be stated in combination,
9in a single amount, with State tax which sellers are required
10to collect under the Use Tax Act, pursuant to such bracketed
11schedules as the Department may prescribe.
12 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
13made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a
14credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
15Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
16amount specified and to the person named in the notification
17from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
18Treasurer out of the State Metro-East Park and Recreation
19District Fund or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as
21 (b) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (a), a
22service occupation tax shall also be imposed at the same rate
23upon all persons engaged, in the District, in the business of
24making sales of service, who, as an incident to making those
25sales of service, transfer tangible personal property within
26the District as an incident to a sale of service. This tax may

10100SB0119ham001- 413 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1not be imposed on tangible personal property taxed at the 1%
2rate under the Service Occupation Tax Act. Beginning December
31, 2019 and through December 31, 2020, this tax may not be
4imposed on sales of aviation fuel unless the tax revenue is
5expended for airport-related purposes. If the District does not
6have an airport-related purpose to which it dedicates aviation
7fuel tax revenue, then aviation fuel shall be excluded from
8tax. The board must comply with the certification requirements
9for airport-related purposes under Section 2-22 of the
10Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. For purposes of this Act,
11"airport-related purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section
126z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. Beginning January 1, 2021,
13this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel This
14exception for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the
15revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
1647133 are binding on the District. The tax imposed under this
17subsection and all civil penalties that may be assessed as an
18incident thereof shall be collected and enforced by the
19Department of Revenue. The Department has full power to
20administer and enforce this subsection; to collect all taxes
21and penalties due hereunder; to dispose of taxes and penalties
22so collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and to
23determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on account of
24the erroneous payment of tax or penalty hereunder. In the
25administration of, and compliance with this subsection, the
26Department and persons who are subject to this paragraph shall

10100SB0119ham001- 414 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1(i) have the same rights, remedies, privileges, immunities,
2powers, and duties, (ii) be subject to the same conditions,
3restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions, exemptions,
4and definitions of terms, and (iii) employ the same modes of
5procedure as are prescribed in Sections 2 (except that the
6reference to State in the definition of supplier maintaining a
7place of business in this State shall mean the District), 2a,
82b, 2c, 3 through 3-50 (in respect to all provisions therein
9other than the State rate of tax), 4 (except that the reference
10to the State shall be to the District), 5, 7, 8 (except that
11the jurisdiction to which the tax shall be a debt to the extent
12indicated in that Section 8 shall be the District), 9 (except
13as to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected, and
14except that the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes
15paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use
16requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133
17deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 10,
1811, 12 (except the reference therein to Section 2b of the
19Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference
20to the State shall mean the District), Sections 15, 16, 17, 18,
2119 and 20 of the Service Occupation Tax Act and the Uniform
22Penalty and Interest Act, as fully as if those provisions were
23set forth herein.
24 On or before September 1, 2019, and on or before each April
251 and October 1 thereafter, the Board must certify to the
26Department of Transportation, in the form and manner required

10100SB0119ham001- 415 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1by the Department, whether the District has an airport-related
2purpose, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
3Service Occupation Tax imposed by the District to include tax
4on aviation fuel. On or before October 1, 2019, and on or
5before each May 1 and November 1 thereafter, the Department of
6Transportation shall provide to the Department of Revenue, a
7list of units of local government which have certified to the
8Department of Transportation that they have airport-related
9purposes, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
10Service Occupation Tax imposed by the unit of local government
11to include tax on aviation fuel. All disputes regarding whether
12or not a unit of local government has an airport-related
13purpose shall be resolved by the Department of Transportation.
14 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
15granted in this subsection may reimburse themselves for their
16serviceman's tax liability by separately stating the tax as an
17additional charge, which charge may be stated in combination,
18in a single amount, with State tax that servicemen are
19authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax Act, in
20accordance with such bracket schedules as the Department may
22 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
23made under this subsection to a claimant instead of issuing a
24credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
25Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn for the
26amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification

10100SB0119ham001- 416 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
2Treasurer out of the State Metro-East Park and Recreation
3District Fund or the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, as
5 Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize
6the board to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in any
7business which under the Constitution of the United States may
8not be made the subject of taxation by the State.
9 (c) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the
10Department shall immediately pay over to the State Treasurer,
11ex officio, as trustee, all taxes and penalties collected under
12this Section to be deposited into the State Metro-East Park and
13Recreation District Fund, which shall be an unappropriated
14trust fund held outside of the State treasury. Taxes and
15penalties collected on aviation fuel sold on or after December
161, 2019 and through December 31, 2020, shall be immediately
17paid over by the Department to the State Treasurer, ex officio,
18as trustee, for deposit into the Local Government Aviation
19Trust Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into the Local
20Government State Aviation Trust Program Fund under this Act for
21so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b)
22and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the District.
23 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
24beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department
25of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
26Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the

10100SB0119ham001- 417 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
2Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
3during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
4STAR bond district. The Department shall make this
5certification only if the Metro East Park and Recreation
6District imposes a tax on real property as provided in the
7definition of "local sales taxes" under the Innovation
8Development and Economy Act.
9 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
10on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
11Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
12disbursement of stated sums of money pursuant to Section 35 of
13this Act to the District from which retailers have paid taxes
14or penalties to the Department during the second preceding
15calendar month. The amount to be paid to the District shall be
16the amount (not including credit memoranda and not including
17taxes and penalties collected on aviation fuel sold on or after
18December 1, 2019 and through December 31, 2020) collected under
19this Section during the second preceding calendar month by the
20Department plus an amount the Department determines is
21necessary to offset any amounts that were erroneously paid to a
22different taxing body, and not including (i) an amount equal to
23the amount of refunds made during the second preceding calendar
24month by the Department on behalf of the District, (ii) any
25amount that the Department determines is necessary to offset
26any amounts that were payable to a different taxing body but

10100SB0119ham001- 418 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1were erroneously paid to the District, (iii) any amounts that
2are transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, and (iv) 1.5%
3of the remainder, which the Department shall transfer into the
4Tax Compliance and Administration Fund. The Department, at the
5time of each monthly disbursement to the District, shall
6prepare and certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be
7transferred into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund
8under this subsection. Within 10 days after receipt by the
9Comptroller of the disbursement certification to the District
10and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund provided for in
11this Section to be given to the Comptroller by the Department,
12the Comptroller shall cause the orders to be drawn for the
13respective amounts in accordance with directions contained in
14the certification.
15 (d) For the purpose of determining whether a tax authorized
16under this Section is applicable, a retail sale by a producer
17of coal or another mineral mined in Illinois is a sale at
18retail at the place where the coal or other mineral mined in
19Illinois is extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not
20apply to coal or another mineral when it is delivered or
21shipped by the seller to the purchaser at a point outside
22Illinois so that the sale is exempt under the United States
23Constitution as a sale in interstate or foreign commerce.
24 (e) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize
25the board to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in any
26business that under the Constitution of the United States may

10100SB0119ham001- 419 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1not be made the subject of taxation by this State.
2 (f) An ordinance imposing a tax under this Section or an
3ordinance extending the imposition of a tax to an additional
4county or counties shall be certified by the board and filed
5with the Department of Revenue either (i) on or before the
6first day of April, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
7administer and enforce the tax as of the first day of July next
8following the filing; or (ii) on or before the first day of
9October, whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer
10and enforce the tax as of the first day of January next
11following the filing.
12 (g) When certifying the amount of a monthly disbursement to
13the District under this Section, the Department shall increase
14or decrease the amounts by an amount necessary to offset any
15misallocation of previous disbursements. The offset amount
16shall be the amount erroneously disbursed within the previous 6
17months from the time a misallocation is discovered.
18(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;
19100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-81, eff.
207-12-19; revised 9-12-19.)
21 Section 10-100. The Local Mass Transit District Act is
22amended by changing Section 5.01 as follows:
23 (70 ILCS 3610/5.01) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 355.01)
24 Sec. 5.01. Metro East Mass Transit District; use and

10100SB0119ham001- 420 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1occupation taxes.
2 (a) The Board of Trustees of any Metro East Mass Transit
3District may, by ordinance adopted with the concurrence of
4two-thirds of the then trustees, impose throughout the District
5any or all of the taxes and fees provided in this Section.
6Except as otherwise provided, all taxes and fees imposed under
7this Section shall be used only for public mass transportation
8systems, and the amount used to provide mass transit service to
9unserved areas of the District shall be in the same proportion
10to the total proceeds as the number of persons residing in the
11unserved areas is to the total population of the District.
12Except as otherwise provided in this Act, taxes imposed under
13this Section and civil penalties imposed incident thereto shall
14be collected and enforced by the State Department of Revenue.
15The Department shall have the power to administer and enforce
16the taxes and to determine all rights for refunds for erroneous
17payments of the taxes.
18 (b) The Board may impose a Metro East Mass Transit District
19Retailers' Occupation Tax upon all persons engaged in the
20business of selling tangible personal property at retail in the
21district at a rate of 1/4 of 1%, or as authorized under
22subsection (d-5) of this Section, of the gross receipts from
23the sales made in the course of such business within the
24district, except that the rate of tax imposed under this
25Section on sales of aviation fuel on or after December 1, 2019
26shall be 0.25% in Madison County unless the Metro-East Mass

10100SB0119ham001- 421 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Transit District in Madison County has an "airport-related
2purpose" and any additional amount authorized under subsection
3(d-5) is expended for airport-related purposes. If there is no
4airport-related purpose to which aviation fuel tax revenue is
5dedicated, then aviation fuel is excluded from any additional
6amount authorized under subsection (d-5) future increase in the
7tax. The rate in St. Clair County shall be 0.25% unless the
8Metro-East Mass Transit District in St. Clair County has an
9"airport-related purpose" and the additional 0.50% of the 0.75%
10tax on aviation fuel imposed in that County is expended for
11airport-related purposes. If there is no airport-related
12purpose to which aviation fuel tax revenue is dedicated, then
13aviation fuel is excluded from the additional 0.50% of the
140.75% tax.
15 On or before September 1, 2019, and on or before each April
161 and October 1 thereafter, each Metro-East Mass Transit
17District and Madison and St. Clair Counties must certify to the
18Department of Transportation, in the form and manner required
19by the Department, whether they have an airport-related
20purpose, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
21Service Occupation Tax imposed under this Act to include tax on
22aviation fuel. On or before October 1, 2019, and on or before
23each May 1 and November 1 thereafter, the Department of
24Transportation shall provide to the Department of Revenue, a
25list of units of local government which have certified to the
26Department of Transportation that they have airport-related

10100SB0119ham001- 422 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1purposes, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
2Service Occupation Tax imposed by the unit of local government
3to include tax on aviation fuel. All disputes regarding whether
4or not a unit of local government has an airport-related
5purpose shall be resolved by the Department of Transportation.
6 The Board must comply with the certification requirements
7for airport-related purposes under Section 2-22 of the
8Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. For purposes of this Section
9Act, "airport-related purposes" has the meaning ascribed in
10Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. This exclusion for
11aviation fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use
12requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are
13binding on the District.
14 The tax imposed under this Section and all civil penalties
15that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be collected
16and enforced by the State Department of Revenue. The Department
17shall have full power to administer and enforce this Section;
18to collect all taxes and penalties so collected in the manner
19hereinafter provided; and to determine all rights to credit
20memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or
21penalty hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance
22with, this Section, the Department and persons who are subject
23to this Section shall have the same rights, remedies,
24privileges, immunities, powers and duties, and be subject to
25the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties,
26exclusions, exemptions and definitions of terms and employ the

10100SB0119ham001- 423 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1same modes of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 1, 1a,
21a-1, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1i, 1j, 2 through 2-65 (in respect to all
3provisions therein other than the State rate of tax), 2c, 3
4(except as to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected,
5and except that the retailer's discount is not allowed for
6taxes paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use
7requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133
8deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 4, 5,
95a, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d,
107, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 of the Retailers' Occupation
11Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest
12Act, as fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
13 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the Section may
14reimburse themselves for their seller's tax liability
15hereunder by separately stating the tax as an additional
16charge, which charge may be stated in combination, in a single
17amount, with State taxes that sellers are required to collect
18under the Use Tax Act, in accordance with such bracket
19schedules as the Department may prescribe.
20 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
21made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a
22credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
23Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn for the
24amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
25from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
26Treasurer out of the Metro East Mass Transit District tax fund

10100SB0119ham001- 424 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1established under paragraph (h) of this Section or the Local
2Government Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.
3 If a tax is imposed under this subsection (b), a tax shall
4also be imposed under subsections (c) and (d) of this Section.
5 For the purpose of determining whether a tax authorized
6under this Section is applicable, a retail sale, by a producer
7of coal or other mineral mined in Illinois, is a sale at retail
8at the place where the coal or other mineral mined in Illinois
9is extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not apply to
10coal or other mineral when it is delivered or shipped by the
11seller to the purchaser at a point outside Illinois so that the
12sale is exempt under the Federal Constitution as a sale in
13interstate or foreign commerce.
14 No tax shall be imposed or collected under this subsection
15on the sale of a motor vehicle in this State to a resident of
16another state if that motor vehicle will not be titled in this
18 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize the
19Metro East Mass Transit District to impose a tax upon the
20privilege of engaging in any business which under the
21Constitution of the United States may not be made the subject
22of taxation by this State.
23 (c) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a Metro
24East Mass Transit District Service Occupation Tax shall also be
25imposed upon all persons engaged, in the district, in the
26business of making sales of service, who, as an incident to

10100SB0119ham001- 425 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1making those sales of service, transfer tangible personal
2property within the District, either in the form of tangible
3personal property or in the form of real estate as an incident
4to a sale of service. The tax rate shall be 1/4%, or as
5authorized under subsection (d-5) of this Section, of the
6selling price of tangible personal property so transferred
7within the district, except that the rate of tax imposed in
8these Counties under this Section on sales of aviation fuel on
9or after December 1, 2019 shall be 0.25% in Madison County
10unless the Metro-East Mass Transit District in Madison County
11has an "airport-related purpose" and any additional amount
12authorized under subsection (d-5) is expended for
13airport-related purposes. If there is no airport-related
14purpose to which aviation fuel tax revenue is dedicated, then
15aviation fuel is excluded from any additional amount authorized
16under subsection (d-5) future increase in the tax. The rate in
17St. Clair County shall be 0.25% unless the Metro-East Mass
18Transit District in St. Clair County has an "airport-related
19purpose" and the additional 0.50% of the 0.75% tax on aviation
20fuel is expended for airport-related purposes. If there is no
21airport-related purpose to which aviation fuel tax revenue is
22dedicated, then aviation fuel is excluded from the additional
230.50% of the 0.75% tax.
24 On or before December 1, 2019, and on or before each May 1
25and November 1 thereafter, each Metro-East Mass Transit
26District and Madison and St. Clair Counties must certify to the

10100SB0119ham001- 426 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Department of Transportation, in the form and manner required
2by the Department, whether they have an airport-related
3purpose, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
4Service Occupation Tax imposed under this Act to include tax on
5aviation fuel. On or before October 1, 2019, and on or before
6each May 1 and November 1 thereafter, the Department of
7Transportation shall provide to the Department of Revenue, a
8list of units of local government which have certified to the
9Department of Transportation that they have airport-related
10purposes, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
11Service Occupation Tax imposed by the unit of local government
12to include tax on aviation fuel. All disputes regarding whether
13or not a unit of local government has an airport-related
14purpose shall be resolved by the Department of Transportation.
15 The Board must comply with the certification requirements
16for airport-related purposes under Section 2-22 of the
17Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. For purposes of this Section
18Act, "airport-related purposes" has the meaning ascribed in
19Section 6z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. This exclusion for
20aviation fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use
21requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are
22binding on the District.
23 The tax imposed under this paragraph and all civil
24penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
25collected and enforced by the State Department of Revenue. The
26Department shall have full power to administer and enforce this

10100SB0119ham001- 427 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1paragraph; to collect all taxes and penalties due hereunder; to
2dispose of taxes and penalties so collected in the manner
3hereinafter provided; and to determine all rights to credit
4memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or
5penalty hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance
6with this paragraph, the Department and persons who are subject
7to this paragraph shall have the same rights, remedies,
8privileges, immunities, powers and duties, and be subject to
9the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties,
10exclusions, exemptions and definitions of terms and employ the
11same modes of procedure as are prescribed in Sections 1a-1, 2
12(except that the reference to State in the definition of
13supplier maintaining a place of business in this State shall
14mean the Authority), 2a, 3 through 3-50 (in respect to all
15provisions therein other than the State rate of tax), 4 (except
16that the reference to the State shall be to the Authority), 5,
177, 8 (except that the jurisdiction to which the tax shall be a
18debt to the extent indicated in that Section 8 shall be the
19District), 9 (except as to the disposition of taxes and
20penalties collected, and except that the returned merchandise
21credit for this tax may not be taken against any State tax, and
22except that the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes
23paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use
24requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133
25deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 10,
2611, 12 (except the reference therein to Section 2b of the

10100SB0119ham001- 428 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference
2to the State shall mean the District), the first paragraph of
3Section 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Service Occupation Tax
4Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as
5fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
6 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
7granted in this paragraph may reimburse themselves for their
8serviceman's tax liability hereunder by separately stating the
9tax as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in
10combination, in a single amount, with State tax that servicemen
11are authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax Act, in
12accordance with such bracket schedules as the Department may
14 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
15made under this paragraph to a claimant instead of issuing a
16credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
17Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn for the
18amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
19from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
20Treasurer out of the Metro East Mass Transit District tax fund
21established under paragraph (h) of this Section or the Local
22Government Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.
23 Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to authorize
24the District to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
25any business which under the Constitution of the United States
26may not be made the subject of taxation by the State.

10100SB0119ham001- 429 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (d) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a Metro
2East Mass Transit District Use Tax shall also be imposed upon
3the privilege of using, in the district, any item of tangible
4personal property that is purchased outside the district at
5retail from a retailer, and that is titled or registered with
6an agency of this State's government, at a rate of 1/4%, or as
7authorized under subsection (d-5) of this Section, of the
8selling price of the tangible personal property within the
9District, as "selling price" is defined in the Use Tax Act. The
10tax shall be collected from persons whose Illinois address for
11titling or registration purposes is given as being in the
12District. The tax shall be collected by the Department of
13Revenue for the Metro East Mass Transit District. The tax must
14be paid to the State, or an exemption determination must be
15obtained from the Department of Revenue, before the title or
16certificate of registration for the property may be issued. The
17tax or proof of exemption may be transmitted to the Department
18by way of the State agency with which, or the State officer
19with whom, the tangible personal property must be titled or
20registered if the Department and the State agency or State
21officer determine that this procedure will expedite the
22processing of applications for title or registration.
23 The Department shall have full power to administer and
24enforce this paragraph; to collect all taxes, penalties and
25interest due hereunder; to dispose of taxes, penalties and
26interest so collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and

10100SB0119ham001- 430 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1to determine all rights to credit memoranda or refunds arising
2on account of the erroneous payment of tax, penalty or interest
3hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance with, this
4paragraph, the Department and persons who are subject to this
5paragraph shall have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
6immunities, powers and duties, and be subject to the same
7conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions,
8exemptions and definitions of terms and employ the same modes
9of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 2 (except the
10definition of "retailer maintaining a place of business in this
11State"), 3 through 3-80 (except provisions pertaining to the
12State rate of tax, and except provisions concerning collection
13or refunding of the tax by retailers), 4, 11, 12, 12a, 14, 15,
1419 (except the portions pertaining to claims by retailers and
15except the last paragraph concerning refunds), 20, 21 and 22 of
16the Use Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and
17Interest Act, that are not inconsistent with this paragraph, as
18fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
19 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
20made under this paragraph to a claimant instead of issuing a
21credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
22Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
23amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
24from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
25Treasurer out of the Metro East Mass Transit District tax fund
26established under paragraph (h) of this Section.

10100SB0119ham001- 431 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (d-5) (A) The county board of any county participating in
2the Metro East Mass Transit District may authorize, by
3ordinance, a referendum on the question of whether the tax
4rates for the Metro East Mass Transit District Retailers'
5Occupation Tax, the Metro East Mass Transit District Service
6Occupation Tax, and the Metro East Mass Transit District Use
7Tax for the District should be increased from 0.25% to 0.75%.
8Upon adopting the ordinance, the county board shall certify the
9proposition to the proper election officials who shall submit
10the proposition to the voters of the District at the next
11election, in accordance with the general election law.
12 The proposition shall be in substantially the following
14 Shall the tax rates for the Metro East Mass Transit
15 District Retailers' Occupation Tax, the Metro East Mass
16 Transit District Service Occupation Tax, and the Metro East
17 Mass Transit District Use Tax be increased from 0.25% to
18 0.75%?
19 (B) Two thousand five hundred electors of any Metro East
20Mass Transit District may petition the Chief Judge of the
21Circuit Court, or any judge of that Circuit designated by the
22Chief Judge, in which that District is located to cause to be
23submitted to a vote of the electors the question whether the
24tax rates for the Metro East Mass Transit District Retailers'
25Occupation Tax, the Metro East Mass Transit District Service
26Occupation Tax, and the Metro East Mass Transit District Use

10100SB0119ham001- 432 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Tax for the District should be increased from 0.25% to 0.75%.
2 Upon submission of such petition the court shall set a date
3not less than 10 nor more than 30 days thereafter for a hearing
4on the sufficiency thereof. Notice of the filing of such
5petition and of such date shall be given in writing to the
6District and the County Clerk at least 7 days before the date
7of such hearing.
8 If such petition is found sufficient, the court shall enter
9an order to submit that proposition at the next election, in
10accordance with general election law.
11 The form of the petition shall be in substantially the
12following form: To the Circuit Court of the County of (name of
14 We, the undersigned electors of the (name of transit
15 district), respectfully petition your honor to submit to a
16 vote of the electors of (name of transit district) the
17 following proposition:
18 Shall the tax rates for the Metro East Mass Transit
19 District Retailers' Occupation Tax, the Metro East Mass
20 Transit District Service Occupation Tax, and the Metro East
21 Mass Transit District Use Tax be increased from 0.25% to
22 0.75%?
23 Name Address, with Street and Number.
26 (C) The votes shall be recorded as "YES" or "NO". If a

10100SB0119ham001- 433 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1majority of all votes cast on the proposition are for the
2increase in the tax rates, the Metro East Mass Transit District
3shall begin imposing the increased rates in the District, and
4the Department of Revenue shall begin collecting the increased
5amounts, as provided under this Section. An ordinance imposing
6or discontinuing a tax hereunder or effecting a change in the
7rate thereof shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof
8filed with the Department on or before the first day of
9October, whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer
10and enforce this Section as of the first day of January next
11following the adoption and filing, or on or before the first
12day of April, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
13administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of July
14next following the adoption and filing.
15 (D) If the voters have approved a referendum under this
16subsection, before November 1, 1994, to increase the tax rate
17under this subsection, the Metro East Mass Transit District
18Board of Trustees may adopt by a majority vote an ordinance at
19any time before January 1, 1995 that excludes from the rate
20increase tangible personal property that is titled or
21registered with an agency of this State's government. The
22ordinance excluding titled or registered tangible personal
23property from the rate increase must be filed with the
24Department at least 15 days before its effective date. At any
25time after adopting an ordinance excluding from the rate
26increase tangible personal property that is titled or

10100SB0119ham001- 434 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1registered with an agency of this State's government, the Metro
2East Mass Transit District Board of Trustees may adopt an
3ordinance applying the rate increase to that tangible personal
4property. The ordinance shall be adopted, and a certified copy
5of that ordinance shall be filed with the Department, on or
6before October 1, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
7administer and enforce the rate increase against tangible
8personal property titled or registered with an agency of this
9State's government as of the following January 1. After
10December 31, 1995, any reimposed rate increase in effect under
11this subsection shall no longer apply to tangible personal
12property titled or registered with an agency of this State's
13government. Beginning January 1, 1996, the Board of Trustees of
14any Metro East Mass Transit District may never reimpose a
15previously excluded tax rate increase on tangible personal
16property titled or registered with an agency of this State's
17government. After July 1, 2004, if the voters have approved a
18referendum under this subsection to increase the tax rate under
19this subsection, the Metro East Mass Transit District Board of
20Trustees may adopt by a majority vote an ordinance that
21excludes from the rate increase tangible personal property that
22is titled or registered with an agency of this State's
23government. The ordinance excluding titled or registered
24tangible personal property from the rate increase shall be
25adopted, and a certified copy of that ordinance shall be filed
26with the Department on or before October 1, whereupon the

10100SB0119ham001- 435 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Department shall administer and enforce this exclusion from the
2rate increase as of the following January 1, or on or before
3April 1, whereupon the Department shall administer and enforce
4this exclusion from the rate increase as of the following July
51. The Board of Trustees of any Metro East Mass Transit
6District may never reimpose a previously excluded tax rate
7increase on tangible personal property titled or registered
8with an agency of this State's government.
9 (d-6) If the Board of Trustees of any Metro East Mass
10Transit District has imposed a rate increase under subsection
11(d-5) and filed an ordinance with the Department of Revenue
12excluding titled property from the higher rate, then that Board
13may, by ordinance adopted with the concurrence of two-thirds of
14the then trustees, impose throughout the District a fee. The
15fee on the excluded property shall not exceed $20 per retail
16transaction or an amount equal to the amount of tax excluded,
17whichever is less, on tangible personal property that is titled
18or registered with an agency of this State's government.
19Beginning July 1, 2004, the fee shall apply only to titled
20property that is subject to either the Metro East Mass Transit
21District Retailers' Occupation Tax or the Metro East Mass
22Transit District Service Occupation Tax. No fee shall be
23imposed or collected under this subsection on the sale of a
24motor vehicle in this State to a resident of another state if
25that motor vehicle will not be titled in this State.
26 (d-7) Until June 30, 2004, if a fee has been imposed under

10100SB0119ham001- 436 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1subsection (d-6), a fee shall also be imposed upon the
2privilege of using, in the district, any item of tangible
3personal property that is titled or registered with any agency
4of this State's government, in an amount equal to the amount of
5the fee imposed under subsection (d-6).
6 (d-7.1) Beginning July 1, 2004, any fee imposed by the
7Board of Trustees of any Metro East Mass Transit District under
8subsection (d-6) and all civil penalties that may be assessed
9as an incident of the fees shall be collected and enforced by
10the State Department of Revenue. Reference to "taxes" in this
11Section shall be construed to apply to the administration,
12payment, and remittance of all fees under this Section. For
13purposes of any fee imposed under subsection (d-6), 4% of the
14fee, penalty, and interest received by the Department in the
15first 12 months that the fee is collected and enforced by the
16Department and 2% of the fee, penalty, and interest following
17the first 12 months (except the amount collected on aviation
18fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019) shall be deposited into
19the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund and shall be used by
20the Department, subject to appropriation, to cover the costs of
21the Department. No retailers' discount shall apply to any fee
22imposed under subsection (d-6).
23 (d-8) No item of titled property shall be subject to both
24the higher rate approved by referendum, as authorized under
25subsection (d-5), and any fee imposed under subsection (d-6) or

10100SB0119ham001- 437 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (d-9) (Blank).
2 (d-10) (Blank).
3 (e) A certificate of registration issued by the State
4Department of Revenue to a retailer under the Retailers'
5Occupation Tax Act or under the Service Occupation Tax Act
6shall permit the registrant to engage in a business that is
7taxed under the tax imposed under paragraphs (b), (c) or (d) of
8this Section and no additional registration shall be required
9under the tax. A certificate issued under the Use Tax Act or
10the Service Use Tax Act shall be applicable with regard to any
11tax imposed under paragraph (c) of this Section.
12 (f) (Blank).
13 (g) Any ordinance imposing or discontinuing any tax under
14this Section shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof
15filed with the Department on or before June 1, whereupon the
16Department of Revenue shall proceed to administer and enforce
17this Section on behalf of the Metro East Mass Transit District
18as of September 1 next following such adoption and filing.
19Beginning January 1, 1992, an ordinance or resolution imposing
20or discontinuing the tax hereunder shall be adopted and a
21certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or before
22the first day of July, whereupon the Department shall proceed
23to administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of
24October next following such adoption and filing. Beginning
25January 1, 1993, except as provided in subsection (d-5) of this
26Section, an ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing

10100SB0119ham001- 438 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the tax hereunder shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof
2filed with the Department on or before the first day of
3October, whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer
4and enforce this Section as of the first day of January next
5following such adoption and filing, or, beginning January 1,
62004, on or before the first day of April, whereupon the
7Department shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section
8as of the first day of July next following the adoption and
10 (h) Except as provided in subsection (d-7.1), the State
11Department of Revenue shall, upon collecting any taxes as
12provided in this Section, pay the taxes over to the State
13Treasurer as trustee for the District. The taxes shall be held
14in a trust fund outside the State Treasury. If an
15airport-related purpose has been certified, taxes Taxes and
16penalties collected in St. Clair County Counties on aviation
17fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019 from the 0.50% of the
180.75% rate shall be immediately paid over by the Department to
19the State Treasurer, ex officio, as trustee, for deposit into
20the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund. The Department shall
21only pay moneys into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund
22under this Act for so long as the revenue use requirements of
2349 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
25 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
26beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department

10100SB0119ham001- 439 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
2Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
3local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
4Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
5during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
6STAR bond district. The Department shall make this
7certification only if the local mass transit district imposes a
8tax on real property as provided in the definition of "local
9sales taxes" under the Innovation Development and Economy Act.
10 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
11on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the State
12Department of Revenue shall prepare and certify to the
13Comptroller of the State of Illinois the amount to be paid to
14the District, which shall be the amount (not including credit
15memoranda and not including taxes and penalties collected on
16aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019 that are
17deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund)
18collected under this Section during the second preceding
19calendar month by the Department plus an amount the Department
20determines is necessary to offset any amounts that were
21erroneously paid to a different taxing body, and not including
22any amount equal to the amount of refunds made during the
23second preceding calendar month by the Department on behalf of
24the District, and not including any amount that the Department
25determines is necessary to offset any amounts that were payable
26to a different taxing body but were erroneously paid to the

10100SB0119ham001- 440 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1District, and less any amounts that are transferred to the STAR
2Bonds Revenue Fund, less 1.5% of the remainder, which the
3Department shall transfer into the Tax Compliance and
4Administration Fund. The Department, at the time of each
5monthly disbursement to the District, shall prepare and certify
6to the State Comptroller the amount to be transferred into the
7Tax Compliance and Administration Fund under this subsection.
8Within 10 days after receipt by the Comptroller of the
9certification of the amount to be paid to the District and the
10Tax Compliance and Administration Fund, the Comptroller shall
11cause an order to be drawn for payment for the amount in
12accordance with the direction in the certification.
13(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;
14101-10, eff. 6-5-19.)
15 Section 10-105. The Regional Transportation Authority Act
16is amended by changing Sections 4.03 and 4.03.3 as follows:
17 (70 ILCS 3615/4.03) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 704.03)
18 Sec. 4.03. Taxes.
19 (a) In order to carry out any of the powers or purposes of
20the Authority, the Board may by ordinance adopted with the
21concurrence of 12 of the then Directors, impose throughout the
22metropolitan region any or all of the taxes provided in this
23Section. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, taxes
24imposed under this Section and civil penalties imposed incident

10100SB0119ham001- 441 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1thereto shall be collected and enforced by the State Department
2of Revenue. The Department shall have the power to administer
3and enforce the taxes and to determine all rights for refunds
4for erroneous payments of the taxes. Nothing in Public Act
595-708 is intended to invalidate any taxes currently imposed by
6the Authority. The increased vote requirements to impose a tax
7shall only apply to actions taken after January 1, 2008 (the
8effective date of Public Act 95-708).
9 (b) The Board may impose a public transportation tax upon
10all persons engaged in the metropolitan region in the business
11of selling at retail motor fuel for operation of motor vehicles
12upon public highways. The tax shall be at a rate not to exceed
135% of the gross receipts from the sales of motor fuel in the
14course of the business. As used in this Act, the term "motor
15fuel" shall have the same meaning as in the Motor Fuel Tax Law.
16The Board may provide for details of the tax. The provisions of
17any tax shall conform, as closely as may be practicable, to the
18provisions of the Municipal Retailers Occupation Tax Act,
19including without limitation, conformity to penalties with
20respect to the tax imposed and as to the powers of the State
21Department of Revenue to promulgate and enforce rules and
22regulations relating to the administration and enforcement of
23the provisions of the tax imposed, except that reference in the
24Act to any municipality shall refer to the Authority and the
25tax shall be imposed only with regard to receipts from sales of
26motor fuel in the metropolitan region, at rates as limited by

10100SB0119ham001- 442 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1this Section.
2 (c) In connection with the tax imposed under paragraph (b)
3of this Section, the Board may impose a tax upon the privilege
4of using in the metropolitan region motor fuel for the
5operation of a motor vehicle upon public highways, the tax to
6be at a rate not in excess of the rate of tax imposed under
7paragraph (b) of this Section. The Board may provide for
8details of the tax.
9 (d) The Board may impose a motor vehicle parking tax upon
10the privilege of parking motor vehicles at off-street parking
11facilities in the metropolitan region at which a fee is
12charged, and may provide for reasonable classifications in and
13exemptions to the tax, for administration and enforcement
14thereof and for civil penalties and refunds thereunder and may
15provide criminal penalties thereunder, the maximum penalties
16not to exceed the maximum criminal penalties provided in the
17Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. The Authority may collect and
18enforce the tax itself or by contract with any unit of local
19government. The State Department of Revenue shall have no
20responsibility for the collection and enforcement unless the
21Department agrees with the Authority to undertake the
22collection and enforcement. As used in this paragraph, the term
23"parking facility" means a parking area or structure having
24parking spaces for more than 2 vehicles at which motor vehicles
25are permitted to park in return for an hourly, daily, or other
26periodic fee, whether publicly or privately owned, but does not

10100SB0119ham001- 443 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1include parking spaces on a public street, the use of which is
2regulated by parking meters.
3 (e) The Board may impose a Regional Transportation
4Authority Retailers' Occupation Tax upon all persons engaged in
5the business of selling tangible personal property at retail in
6the metropolitan region. In Cook County, the tax rate shall be
71.25% of the gross receipts from sales of tangible personal
8property taxed at the 1% rate under the Retailers' Occupation
9Tax Act, and 1% of the gross receipts from other taxable sales
10made in the course of that business. In DuPage, Kane, Lake,
11McHenry, and Will counties, the tax rate shall be 0.75% of the
12gross receipts from all taxable sales made in the course of
13that business. The Except that the rate of tax imposed in
14DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will these counties under this
15Section on sales of aviation fuel on or after December 1, 2019
16shall, however, be 0.25% unless the Regional Transportation
17Authority in DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties has
18an "airport-related purpose" and the additional 0.50% of the
190.75% tax on aviation fuel is expended for airport-related
20purposes. If there is no airport-related purpose to which
21aviation fuel tax revenue is dedicated, then aviation fuel is
22excluded from the additional 0.50% of the 0.75% tax. The tax
23imposed under this Section and all civil penalties that may be
24assessed as an incident thereof shall be collected and enforced
25by the State Department of Revenue. The Department shall have
26full power to administer and enforce this Section; to collect

10100SB0119ham001- 444 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1all taxes and penalties so collected in the manner hereinafter
2provided; and to determine all rights to credit memoranda
3arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or penalty
4hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance with this
5Section, the Department and persons who are subject to this
6Section shall have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
7immunities, powers, and duties, and be subject to the same
8conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions,
9exemptions, and definitions of terms, and employ the same modes
10of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 1, 1a, 1a-1, 1c,
111d, 1e, 1f, 1i, 1j, 2 through 2-65 (in respect to all
12provisions therein other than the State rate of tax), 2c, 3
13(except as to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected,
14and except that the retailer's discount is not allowed for
15taxes paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use
16requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133
17deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 4, 5,
185a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c,
196d, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 of the Retailers' Occupation
20Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest
21Act, as fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
22 On or before September 1, 2019, and on or before each April
231 and October 1 thereafter, the Authority and Cook, DuPage,
24Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties must certify to the
25Department of Transportation, in the form and manner required
26by the Department, whether they have an airport-related

10100SB0119ham001- 445 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1purpose, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
2Service Occupation Tax imposed under this Act to include tax on
3aviation fuel. On or before October 1, 2019, and on or before
4each May 1 and November 1 thereafter, the Department of
5Transportation shall provide to the Department of Revenue, a
6list of units of local government which have certified to the
7Department of Transportation that they have airport-related
8purposes, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
9Service Occupation Tax imposed by the unit of local government
10to include tax on aviation fuel. All disputes regarding whether
11or not a unit of local government has an airport-related
12purpose shall be resolved by the Department of Transportation.
13 The Board and DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will
14counties must comply with the certification requirements for
15airport-related purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers'
16Occupation Tax Act. For purposes of this Section Act,
17"airport-related purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section
186z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. This exclusion for aviation
19fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use requirements
20of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
22 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
23granted in this Section may reimburse themselves for their
24seller's tax liability hereunder by separately stating the tax
25as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in
26combination in a single amount with State taxes that sellers

10100SB0119ham001- 446 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1are required to collect under the Use Tax Act, under any
2bracket schedules the Department may prescribe.
3 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
4made under this Section to a claimant instead of issuing a
5credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
6Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn for the
7amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
8from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
9Treasurer out of the Regional Transportation Authority tax fund
10established under paragraph (n) of this Section or the Local
11Government Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.
12 If a tax is imposed under this subsection (e), a tax shall
13also be imposed under subsections (f) and (g) of this Section.
14 For the purpose of determining whether a tax authorized
15under this Section is applicable, a retail sale by a producer
16of coal or other mineral mined in Illinois, is a sale at retail
17at the place where the coal or other mineral mined in Illinois
18is extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not apply to
19coal or other mineral when it is delivered or shipped by the
20seller to the purchaser at a point outside Illinois so that the
21sale is exempt under the Federal Constitution as a sale in
22interstate or foreign commerce.
23 No tax shall be imposed or collected under this subsection
24on the sale of a motor vehicle in this State to a resident of
25another state if that motor vehicle will not be titled in this

10100SB0119ham001- 447 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize the
2Regional Transportation Authority to impose a tax upon the
3privilege of engaging in any business that under the
4Constitution of the United States may not be made the subject
5of taxation by this State.
6 (f) If a tax has been imposed under paragraph (e), a
7Regional Transportation Authority Service Occupation Tax shall
8also be imposed upon all persons engaged, in the metropolitan
9region in the business of making sales of service, who as an
10incident to making the sales of service, transfer tangible
11personal property within the metropolitan region, either in the
12form of tangible personal property or in the form of real
13estate as an incident to a sale of service. In Cook County, the
14tax rate shall be: (1) 1.25% of the serviceman's cost price of
15food prepared for immediate consumption and transferred
16incident to a sale of service subject to the service occupation
17tax by an entity licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act, the
18Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health
19Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or
20the MC/DD Act that is located in the metropolitan region; (2)
211.25% of the selling price of tangible personal property taxed
22at the 1% rate under the Service Occupation Tax Act; and (3) 1%
23of the selling price from other taxable sales of tangible
24personal property transferred. In DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry,
25and Will counties, the rate shall be 0.75% of the selling price
26of all tangible personal property transferred. The except that

10100SB0119ham001- 448 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the rate of tax imposed in DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and
2Will these counties under this Section on sales of aviation
3fuel on or after December 1, 2019 shall, however, be 0.25%
4unless the Regional Transportation Authority in DuPage, Kane,
5Lake, McHenry, and Will counties has an "airport-related
6purpose" and the additional 0.50% of the 0.75% tax on aviation
7fuel is expended for airport-related purposes. If there is no
8airport-related purpose to which aviation fuel tax revenue is
9dedicated, then aviation fuel is excluded from the additional
100.5% of the 0.75% tax.
11 On or before September 1, 2019, and on or before each April
121 and October 1 thereafter, the Authority and Cook, DuPage,
13Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties must certify to the
14Department of Transportation, in the form and manner required
15by the Department, whether they have an airport-related
16purpose, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
17Service Occupation Tax imposed under this Act to include tax on
18aviation fuel. On or before October 1, 2019, and on or before
19each May 1 and November 1 thereafter, the Department of
20Transportation shall provide to the Department of Revenue, a
21list of units of local government which have certified to the
22Department of Transportation that they have airport-related
23purposes, which would allow any Retailers' Occupation Tax and
24Service Occupation Tax imposed by the unit of local government
25to include tax on aviation fuel. All disputes regarding whether
26or not a unit of local government has an airport-related

10100SB0119ham001- 449 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1purpose shall be resolved by the Department of Transportation.
2 The Board and DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will
3counties must comply with the certification requirements for
4airport-related purposes under Section 2-22 of the Retailers'
5Occupation Tax Act. For purposes of this Section Act,
6"airport-related purposes" has the meaning ascribed in Section
76z-20.2 of the State Finance Act. This exclusion for aviation
8fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use requirements
9of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the
11 The tax imposed under this paragraph and all civil
12penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
13collected and enforced by the State Department of Revenue. The
14Department shall have full power to administer and enforce this
15paragraph; to collect all taxes and penalties due hereunder; to
16dispose of taxes and penalties collected in the manner
17hereinafter provided; and to determine all rights to credit
18memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or
19penalty hereunder. In the administration of and compliance with
20this paragraph, the Department and persons who are subject to
21this paragraph shall have the same rights, remedies,
22privileges, immunities, powers, and duties, and be subject to
23the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties,
24exclusions, exemptions, and definitions of terms, and employ
25the same modes of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections
261a-1, 2, 2a, 3 through 3-50 (in respect to all provisions

10100SB0119ham001- 450 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1therein other than the State rate of tax), 4 (except that the
2reference to the State shall be to the Authority), 5, 7, 8
3(except that the jurisdiction to which the tax shall be a debt
4to the extent indicated in that Section 8 shall be the
5Authority), 9 (except as to the disposition of taxes and
6penalties collected, and except that the returned merchandise
7credit for this tax may not be taken against any State tax, and
8except that the retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes
9paid on aviation fuel that are subject to the revenue use
10requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133
11deposited into the Local Government Aviation Trust Fund), 10,
1211, 12 (except the reference therein to Section 2b of the
13Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any reference
14to the State shall mean the Authority), the first paragraph of
15Section 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 of the Service Occupation
16Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest
17Act, as fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
18 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
19granted in this paragraph may reimburse themselves for their
20serviceman's tax liability hereunder by separately stating the
21tax as an additional charge, that charge may be stated in
22combination in a single amount with State tax that servicemen
23are authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax Act, under
24any bracket schedules the Department may prescribe.
25 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
26made under this paragraph to a claimant instead of issuing a

10100SB0119ham001- 451 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
2Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn for the
3amount specified, and to the person named in the notification
4from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
5Treasurer out of the Regional Transportation Authority tax fund
6established under paragraph (n) of this Section or the Local
7Government Aviation Trust Fund, as appropriate.
8 Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to authorize
9the Authority to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in
10any business that under the Constitution of the United States
11may not be made the subject of taxation by the State.
12 (g) If a tax has been imposed under paragraph (e), a tax
13shall also be imposed upon the privilege of using in the
14metropolitan region, any item of tangible personal property
15that is purchased outside the metropolitan region at retail
16from a retailer, and that is titled or registered with an
17agency of this State's government. In Cook County, the tax rate
18shall be 1% of the selling price of the tangible personal
19property, as "selling price" is defined in the Use Tax Act. In
20DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties, the tax rate
21shall be 0.75% of the selling price of the tangible personal
22property, as "selling price" is defined in the Use Tax Act. The
23tax shall be collected from persons whose Illinois address for
24titling or registration purposes is given as being in the
25metropolitan region. The tax shall be collected by the
26Department of Revenue for the Regional Transportation

10100SB0119ham001- 452 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Authority. The tax must be paid to the State, or an exemption
2determination must be obtained from the Department of Revenue,
3before the title or certificate of registration for the
4property may be issued. The tax or proof of exemption may be
5transmitted to the Department by way of the State agency with
6which, or the State officer with whom, the tangible personal
7property must be titled or registered if the Department and the
8State agency or State officer determine that this procedure
9will expedite the processing of applications for title or
11 The Department shall have full power to administer and
12enforce this paragraph; to collect all taxes, penalties, and
13interest due hereunder; to dispose of taxes, penalties, and
14interest collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and to
15determine all rights to credit memoranda or refunds arising on
16account of the erroneous payment of tax, penalty, or interest
17hereunder. In the administration of and compliance with this
18paragraph, the Department and persons who are subject to this
19paragraph shall have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
20immunities, powers, and duties, and be subject to the same
21conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions,
22exemptions, and definitions of terms and employ the same modes
23of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 2 (except the
24definition of "retailer maintaining a place of business in this
25State"), 3 through 3-80 (except provisions pertaining to the
26State rate of tax, and except provisions concerning collection

10100SB0119ham001- 453 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1or refunding of the tax by retailers), 4, 11, 12, 12a, 14, 15,
219 (except the portions pertaining to claims by retailers and
3except the last paragraph concerning refunds), 20, 21, and 22
4of the Use Tax Act, and are not inconsistent with this
5paragraph, as fully as if those provisions were set forth
7 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
8made under this paragraph to a claimant instead of issuing a
9credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
10Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
11amount specified, and to the person named in the notification
12from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
13Treasurer out of the Regional Transportation Authority tax fund
14established under paragraph (n) of this Section.
15 (h) The Authority may impose a replacement vehicle tax of
16$50 on any passenger car as defined in Section 1-157 of the
17Illinois Vehicle Code purchased within the metropolitan region
18by or on behalf of an insurance company to replace a passenger
19car of an insured person in settlement of a total loss claim.
20The tax imposed may not become effective before the first day
21of the month following the passage of the ordinance imposing
22the tax and receipt of a certified copy of the ordinance by the
23Department of Revenue. The Department of Revenue shall collect
24the tax for the Authority in accordance with Sections 3-2002
25and 3-2003 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
26 The Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the

10100SB0119ham001- 454 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Department shall immediately pay over to the State Treasurer,
2ex officio, as trustee, all taxes collected hereunder. Taxes
3and penalties collected in DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will
4counties on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019
5from the 0.50% of the 0.75% rate shall be immediately paid over
6by the Department to the State Treasurer, ex officio, as
7trustee, for deposit into the Local Government Aviation Trust
8Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into the Local
9Government Aviation Trust Fund under this Act for so long as
10the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49
11U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the Authority.
12 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
13beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department
14of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the
15Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
16local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
17Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
18during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
19STAR bond district.
20 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
21on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
22Department shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller the
23disbursement of stated sums of money to the Authority. The
24amount to be paid to the Authority shall be the amount
25collected hereunder during the second preceding calendar month
26by the Department, less any amount determined by the Department

10100SB0119ham001- 455 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1to be necessary for the payment of refunds, and less any
2amounts that are transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund.
3Within 10 days after receipt by the Comptroller of the
4disbursement certification to the Authority provided for in
5this Section to be given to the Comptroller by the Department,
6the Comptroller shall cause the orders to be drawn for that
7amount in accordance with the directions contained in the
9 (i) The Board may not impose any other taxes except as it
10may from time to time be authorized by law to impose.
11 (j) A certificate of registration issued by the State
12Department of Revenue to a retailer under the Retailers'
13Occupation Tax Act or under the Service Occupation Tax Act
14shall permit the registrant to engage in a business that is
15taxed under the tax imposed under paragraphs (b), (e), (f) or
16(g) of this Section and no additional registration shall be
17required under the tax. A certificate issued under the Use Tax
18Act or the Service Use Tax Act shall be applicable with regard
19to any tax imposed under paragraph (c) of this Section.
20 (k) The provisions of any tax imposed under paragraph (c)
21of this Section shall conform as closely as may be practicable
22to the provisions of the Use Tax Act, including without
23limitation conformity as to penalties with respect to the tax
24imposed and as to the powers of the State Department of Revenue
25to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations relating to the
26administration and enforcement of the provisions of the tax

10100SB0119ham001- 456 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1imposed. The taxes shall be imposed only on use within the
2metropolitan region and at rates as provided in the paragraph.
3 (l) The Board in imposing any tax as provided in paragraphs
4(b) and (c) of this Section, shall, after seeking the advice of
5the State Department of Revenue, provide means for retailers,
6users or purchasers of motor fuel for purposes other than those
7with regard to which the taxes may be imposed as provided in
8those paragraphs to receive refunds of taxes improperly paid,
9which provisions may be at variance with the refund provisions
10as applicable under the Municipal Retailers Occupation Tax Act.
11The State Department of Revenue may provide for certificates of
12registration for users or purchasers of motor fuel for purposes
13other than those with regard to which taxes may be imposed as
14provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Section to
15facilitate the reporting and nontaxability of the exempt sales
16or uses.
17 (m) Any ordinance imposing or discontinuing any tax under
18this Section shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof
19filed with the Department on or before June 1, whereupon the
20Department of Revenue shall proceed to administer and enforce
21this Section on behalf of the Regional Transportation Authority
22as of September 1 next following such adoption and filing.
23Beginning January 1, 1992, an ordinance or resolution imposing
24or discontinuing the tax hereunder shall be adopted and a
25certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or before
26the first day of July, whereupon the Department shall proceed

10100SB0119ham001- 457 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1to administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of
2October next following such adoption and filing. Beginning
3January 1, 1993, an ordinance or resolution imposing,
4increasing, decreasing, or discontinuing the tax hereunder
5shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof filed with the
6Department, whereupon the Department shall proceed to
7administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of the
8first month to occur not less than 60 days following such
9adoption and filing. Any ordinance or resolution of the
10Authority imposing a tax under this Section and in effect on
11August 1, 2007 shall remain in full force and effect and shall
12be administered by the Department of Revenue under the terms
13and conditions and rates of tax established by such ordinance
14or resolution until the Department begins administering and
15enforcing an increased tax under this Section as authorized by
16Public Act 95-708. The tax rates authorized by Public Act
1795-708 are effective only if imposed by ordinance of the
19 (n) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (n),
20the State Department of Revenue shall, upon collecting any
21taxes as provided in this Section, pay the taxes over to the
22State Treasurer as trustee for the Authority. The taxes shall
23be held in a trust fund outside the State Treasury. If an
24airport-related purpose has been certified, taxes and
25penalties collected in DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will
26counties on aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019

10100SB0119ham001- 458 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1from the 0.50% of the 0.75% rate shall be immediately paid over
2by the Department to the State Treasurer, ex officio, as
3trustee, for deposit into the Local Government Aviation Trust
4Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into the Local
5Government Aviation Trust Fund under this Act for so long as
6the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49
7U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the Authority. On or before the
825th day of each calendar month, the State Department of
9Revenue shall prepare and certify to the Comptroller of the
10State of Illinois and to the Authority (i) the amount of taxes
11collected in each county other than Cook County in the
12metropolitan region, (not including, if an airport-related
13purpose has been certified, the taxes and penalties collected
14from the 0.50% of the 0.75% rate on aviation fuel sold on or
15after December 1, 2019 that are deposited into the Local
16Government Aviation Trust Fund) (ii) the amount of taxes
17collected within the City of Chicago, and (iii) the amount
18collected in that portion of Cook County outside of Chicago,
19each amount less the amount necessary for the payment of
20refunds to taxpayers located in those areas described in items
21(i), (ii), and (iii), and less 1.5% of the remainder, which
22shall be transferred from the trust fund into the Tax
23Compliance and Administration Fund. The Department, at the time
24of each monthly disbursement to the Authority, shall prepare
25and certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be
26transferred into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund

10100SB0119ham001- 459 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1under this subsection. Within 10 days after receipt by the
2Comptroller of the certification of the amounts, the
3Comptroller shall cause an order to be drawn for the transfer
4of the amount certified into the Tax Compliance and
5Administration Fund and the payment of two-thirds of the
6amounts certified in item (i) of this subsection to the
7Authority and one-third of the amounts certified in item (i) of
8this subsection to the respective counties other than Cook
9County and the amount certified in items (ii) and (iii) of this
10subsection to the Authority.
11 In addition to the disbursement required by the preceding
12paragraph, an allocation shall be made in July 1991 and each
13year thereafter to the Regional Transportation Authority. The
14allocation shall be made in an amount equal to the average
15monthly distribution during the preceding calendar year
16(excluding the 2 months of lowest receipts) and the allocation
17shall include the amount of average monthly distribution from
18the Regional Transportation Authority Occupation and Use Tax
19Replacement Fund. The distribution made in July 1992 and each
20year thereafter under this paragraph and the preceding
21paragraph shall be reduced by the amount allocated and
22disbursed under this paragraph in the preceding calendar year.
23The Department of Revenue shall prepare and certify to the
24Comptroller for disbursement the allocations made in
25accordance with this paragraph.
26 (o) Failure to adopt a budget ordinance or otherwise to

10100SB0119ham001- 460 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1comply with Section 4.01 of this Act or to adopt a Five-year
2Capital Program or otherwise to comply with paragraph (b) of
3Section 2.01 of this Act shall not affect the validity of any
4tax imposed by the Authority otherwise in conformity with law.
5 (p) At no time shall a public transportation tax or motor
6vehicle parking tax authorized under paragraphs (b), (c), and
7(d) of this Section be in effect at the same time as any
8retailers' occupation, use or service occupation tax
9authorized under paragraphs (e), (f), and (g) of this Section
10is in effect.
11 Any taxes imposed under the authority provided in
12paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) shall remain in effect only until
13the time as any tax authorized by paragraph (e), (f), or (g) of
14this Section are imposed and becomes effective. Once any tax
15authorized by paragraph (e), (f), or (g) is imposed the Board
16may not reimpose taxes as authorized in paragraphs (b), (c),
17and (d) of the Section unless any tax authorized by paragraph
18(e), (f), or (g) of this Section becomes ineffective by means
19other than an ordinance of the Board.
20 (q) Any existing rights, remedies and obligations
21(including enforcement by the Regional Transportation
22Authority) arising under any tax imposed under paragraph (b),
23(c), or (d) of this Section shall not be affected by the
24imposition of a tax under paragraph (e), (f), or (g) of this
26(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;

10100SB0119ham001- 461 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-81, eff.
27-12-19; revised 9-19-19.)
3 (70 ILCS 3615/4.03.3)
4 Sec. 4.03.3. Distribution of Revenues. This Section
5applies only after the Department begins administering and
6enforcing an increased tax under Section 4.03(m) as authorized
7by this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly. After
8providing for payment of its obligations with respect to bonds
9and notes issued under the provisions of Section 4.04 and
10obligations related to those bonds and notes and separately
11accounting for the tax on aviation fuel deposited into the
12Local Government Aviation Trust Fund, the Authority shall
13disburse the remaining proceeds from taxes it has received from
14the Department of Revenue under this Article IV and the
15remaining proceeds it has received from the State under Section
164.09(a) as follows:
17 (a) With respect to taxes imposed by the Authority under
18Section 4.03, after withholding 15% of 80% of the receipts from
19those taxes collected in Cook County at a rate of 1.25%, 15% of
2075% of the receipts from those taxes collected in Cook County
21at the rate of 1%, 15% of one-half of the receipts from those
22taxes collected in DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will
23Counties, and 15% of money received by the Authority from the
24Regional Transportation Authority Occupation and Use Tax
25Replacement Fund or from the Regional Transportation Authority

10100SB0119ham001- 462 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1tax fund created in Section 4.03(n), the Board shall allocate
2the proceeds and money remaining to the Service Boards as
4 (1) an amount equal to (i) 85% of 80% of the receipts
5 from those taxes collected within the City of Chicago at a
6 rate of 1.25%, (ii) 85% of 75% of the receipts from those
7 taxes collected in the City of Chicago at the rate of 1%,
8 and (iii) 85% of the money received by the Authority on
9 account of transfers to the Regional Transportation
10 Authority Occupation and Use Tax Replacement Fund or to the
11 Regional Transportation Authority tax fund created in
12 Section 4.03(n) from the County and Mass Transit District
13 Fund attributable to retail sales within the City of
14 Chicago shall be allocated to the Chicago Transit
15 Authority;
16 (2) an amount equal to (i) 85% of 80% of the receipts
17 from those taxes collected within Cook County outside of
18 the City of Chicago at a rate of 1.25%, (ii) 85% of 75% of
19 the receipts from those taxes collected within Cook County
20 outside the City of Chicago at a rate of 1%, and (iii) 85%
21 of the money received by the Authority on account of
22 transfers to the Regional Transportation Authority
23 Occupation and Use Tax Replacement Fund or to the Regional
24 Transportation Authority tax fund created in Section
25 4.03(n) from the County and Mass Transit District Fund
26 attributable to retail sales within Cook County outside of

10100SB0119ham001- 463 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 the City of Chicago shall be allocated 30% to the Chicago
2 Transit Authority, 55% to the Commuter Rail Board, and 15%
3 to the Suburban Bus Board; and
4 (3) an amount equal to 85% of one-half of the receipts
5 from the taxes collected within the Counties of DuPage,
6 Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will shall be allocated 70% to the
7 Commuter Rail Board and 30% to the Suburban Bus Board.
8 (b) Moneys received by the Authority on account of
9transfers to the Regional Transportation Authority Occupation
10and Use Tax Replacement Fund from the State and Local Sales Tax
11Reform Fund shall be allocated among the Authority and the
12Service Boards as follows: 15% of such moneys shall be retained
13by the Authority and the remaining 85% shall be transferred to
14the Service Boards as soon as may be practicable after the
15Authority receives payment. Moneys which are distributable to
16the Service Boards pursuant to the preceding sentence shall be
17allocated among the Service Boards on the basis of each Service
18Board's distribution ratio. The term "distribution ratio"
19means, for purposes of this subsection (b), the ratio of the
20total amount distributed to a Service Board pursuant to
21subsection (a) of Section 4.03.3 for the immediately preceding
22calendar year to the total amount distributed to all of the
23Service Boards pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 4.03.3 for
24the immediately preceding calendar year.
25 (c)(i) 20% of the receipts from those taxes collected in
26Cook County under Section 4.03 at the rate of 1.25%, (ii) 25%

10100SB0119ham001- 464 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1of the receipts from those taxes collected in Cook County under
2Section 4.03 at the rate of 1%, (iii) 50% of the receipts from
3those taxes collected in DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will
4Counties under Section 4.03, and (iv) amounts received from the
5State under Section 4.09 (a)(2) and items (i), (ii), and (iii)
6of Section 4.09 (a)(3) shall be allocated as follows: the
7amount required to be deposited into the ADA Paratransit Fund
8described in Section 2.01d, the amount required to be deposited
9into the Suburban Community Mobility Fund described in Section
102.01e, and the amount required to be deposited into the
11Innovation, Coordination and Enhancement Fund described in
12Section 2.01c, and the balance shall be allocated 48% to the
13Chicago Transit Authority, 39% to the Commuter Rail Board, and
1413% to the Suburban Bus Board.
15 (d) Amounts received from the State under Section 4.09
16(a)(3)(iv) shall be distributed 100% to the Chicago Transit
18 (e) With respect to those taxes collected in DuPage, Kane,
19Lake, McHenry, and Will Counties and paid directly to the
20counties under Section 4.03, the County Board of each county
21shall use those amounts to fund operating and capital costs of
22public safety and public transportation services or facilities
23or to fund operating, capital, right-of-way, construction, and
24maintenance costs of other transportation purposes, including
25road, bridge, public safety, and transit purposes intended to
26improve mobility or reduce congestion in the county. The

10100SB0119ham001- 465 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1receipt of funding by such counties pursuant to this paragraph
2shall not be used as the basis for reducing any funds that such
3counties would otherwise have received from the State of
4Illinois, any agency or instrumentality thereof, the
5Authority, or the Service Boards.
6 (f) The Authority by ordinance adopted by 12 of its then
7Directors shall apportion to the Service Boards funds provided
8by the State of Illinois under Section 4.09(a)(1) as it shall
9determine and shall make payment of the amounts to each Service
10Board as soon as may be practicable upon their receipt provided
11the Authority has adopted a balanced budget as required by
12Section 4.01 and further provided the Service Board is in
13compliance with the requirements in Section 4.11.
14 (g) Beginning January 1, 2009, before making any payments,
15transfers, or expenditures under this Section to a Service
16Board, the Authority must first comply with Section 4.02a or
174.02b of this Act, whichever may be applicable.
18 (h) Moneys may be appropriated from the Public
19Transportation Fund to the Office of the Executive Inspector
20General for the costs incurred by the Executive Inspector
21General while serving as the inspector general for the
22Authority and each of the Service Boards. Beginning December
2331, 2012, and each year thereafter, the Office of the Executive
24Inspector General shall annually report to the General Assembly
25the expenses incurred while serving as the inspector general
26for the Authority and each of the Service Boards.

10100SB0119ham001- 466 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1(Source: P.A. 97-399, eff. 8-16-11; 97-641, eff. 12-19-11.)
2 Section 10-110. The Water Commission Act of 1985 is amended
3by changing Section 4 as follows:
4 (70 ILCS 3720/4) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 254)
5 Sec. 4. Taxes.
6 (a) The board of commissioners of any county water
7commission may, by ordinance, impose throughout the territory
8of the commission any or all of the taxes provided in this
9Section for its corporate purposes. However, no county water
10commission may impose any such tax unless the commission
11certifies the proposition of imposing the tax to the proper
12election officials, who shall submit the proposition to the
13voters residing in the territory at an election in accordance
14with the general election law, and the proposition has been
15approved by a majority of those voting on the proposition.
16 The proposition shall be in the form provided in Section 5
17or shall be substantially in the following form:
19 Shall the (insert corporate
20name of county water commission) YES
21impose (state type of tax or ------------------------
22taxes to be imposed) at the NO
23rate of 1/4%?

10100SB0119ham001- 467 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Taxes imposed under this Section and civil penalties
2imposed incident thereto shall be collected and enforced by the
3State Department of Revenue. The Department shall have the
4power to administer and enforce the taxes and to determine all
5rights for refunds for erroneous payments of the taxes.
6 (b) The board of commissioners may impose a County Water
7Commission Retailers' Occupation Tax upon all persons engaged
8in the business of selling tangible personal property at retail
9in the territory of the commission at a rate of 1/4% of the
10gross receipts from the sales made in the course of such
11business within the territory. Beginning January 1, 2021, this
12tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel for so long as the
13revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
1447133 are binding on the District.
15 The tax imposed under this paragraph and all civil
16penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
17collected and enforced by the State Department of Revenue. The
18Department shall have full power to administer and enforce this
19paragraph; to collect all taxes and penalties due hereunder; to
20dispose of taxes and penalties so collected in the manner
21hereinafter provided; and to determine all rights to credit
22memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or
23penalty hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance
24with, this paragraph, the Department and persons who are
25subject to this paragraph shall have the same rights, remedies,
26privileges, immunities, powers and duties, and be subject to

10100SB0119ham001- 468 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties,
2exclusions, exemptions and definitions of terms, and employ the
3same modes of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 1, 1a,
41a-1, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1i, 1j, 2 through 2-65 (in respect to all
5provisions therein other than the State rate of tax except that
6tangible personal property taxed at the 1% rate under the
7Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall not be subject to tax
8hereunder), 2c, 3 (except as to the disposition of taxes and
9penalties collected, and except that the retailer's discount is
10not allowed for taxes paid on aviation fuel sold on or after
11December 1, 2019 and through December 31, 2020), 4, 5, 5a, 5b,
125c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 7, 8,
139, 10, 11, 12, and 13 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and
14Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act, as fully
15as if those provisions were set forth herein.
16 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
17granted in this paragraph may reimburse themselves for their
18seller's tax liability hereunder by separately stating the tax
19as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in
20combination, in a single amount, with State taxes that sellers
21are required to collect under the Use Tax Act and under
22subsection (e) of Section 4.03 of the Regional Transportation
23Authority Act, in accordance with such bracket schedules as the
24Department may prescribe.
25 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
26made under this paragraph to a claimant instead of issuing a

10100SB0119ham001- 469 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
2Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn for the
3amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
4from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
5Treasurer out of a county water commission tax fund established
6under subsection (g) of this Section.
7 For the purpose of determining whether a tax authorized
8under this paragraph is applicable, a retail sale by a producer
9of coal or other mineral mined in Illinois is a sale at retail
10at the place where the coal or other mineral mined in Illinois
11is extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not apply to
12coal or other mineral when it is delivered or shipped by the
13seller to the purchaser at a point outside Illinois so that the
14sale is exempt under the Federal Constitution as a sale in
15interstate or foreign commerce.
16 If a tax is imposed under this subsection (b), a tax shall
17also be imposed under subsections (c) and (d) of this Section.
18 No tax shall be imposed or collected under this subsection
19on the sale of a motor vehicle in this State to a resident of
20another state if that motor vehicle will not be titled in this
22 Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to authorize a
23county water commission to impose a tax upon the privilege of
24engaging in any business which under the Constitution of the
25United States may not be made the subject of taxation by this

10100SB0119ham001- 470 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (c) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a
2County Water Commission Service Occupation Tax shall also be
3imposed upon all persons engaged, in the territory of the
4commission, in the business of making sales of service, who, as
5an incident to making the sales of service, transfer tangible
6personal property within the territory. The tax rate shall be
71/4% of the selling price of tangible personal property so
8transferred within the territory. Beginning January 1, 2021,
9this tax is not imposed on sales of aviation fuel for so long
10as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49
11U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the District.
12 The tax imposed under this paragraph and all civil
13penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be
14collected and enforced by the State Department of Revenue. The
15Department shall have full power to administer and enforce this
16paragraph; to collect all taxes and penalties due hereunder; to
17dispose of taxes and penalties so collected in the manner
18hereinafter provided; and to determine all rights to credit
19memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax or
20penalty hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance
21with, this paragraph, the Department and persons who are
22subject to this paragraph shall have the same rights, remedies,
23privileges, immunities, powers and duties, and be subject to
24the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties,
25exclusions, exemptions and definitions of terms, and employ the
26same modes of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 1a-1, 2

10100SB0119ham001- 471 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1(except that the reference to State in the definition of
2supplier maintaining a place of business in this State shall
3mean the territory of the commission), 2a, 3 through 3-50 (in
4respect to all provisions therein other than the State rate of
5tax except that tangible personal property taxed at the 1% rate
6under the Service Occupation Tax Act shall not be subject to
7tax hereunder), 4 (except that the reference to the State shall
8be to the territory of the commission), 5, 7, 8 (except that
9the jurisdiction to which the tax shall be a debt to the extent
10indicated in that Section 8 shall be the commission), 9 (except
11as to the disposition of taxes and penalties collected and
12except that the returned merchandise credit for this tax may
13not be taken against any State tax, and except that the
14retailer's discount is not allowed for taxes paid on aviation
15fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019 and through December 31,
162020), 10, 11, 12 (except the reference therein to Section 2b
17of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any
18reference to the State shall mean the territory of the
19commission), the first paragraph of Section 15, 15.5, 16, 17,
2018, 19, and 20 of the Service Occupation Tax Act as fully as if
21those provisions were set forth herein.
22 Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority
23granted in this paragraph may reimburse themselves for their
24serviceman's tax liability hereunder by separately stating the
25tax as an additional charge, which charge may be stated in
26combination, in a single amount, with State tax that servicemen

10100SB0119ham001- 472 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1are authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax Act, and
2any tax for which servicemen may be liable under subsection (f)
3of Section 4.03 of the Regional Transportation Authority Act,
4in accordance with such bracket schedules as the Department may
6 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
7made under this paragraph to a claimant instead of issuing a
8credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
9Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn for the
10amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
11from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
12Treasurer out of a county water commission tax fund established
13under subsection (g) of this Section.
14 Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to authorize a
15county water commission to impose a tax upon the privilege of
16engaging in any business which under the Constitution of the
17United States may not be made the subject of taxation by the
19 (d) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a tax
20shall also be imposed upon the privilege of using, in the
21territory of the commission, any item of tangible personal
22property that is purchased outside the territory at retail from
23a retailer, and that is titled or registered with an agency of
24this State's government, at a rate of 1/4% of the selling price
25of the tangible personal property within the territory, as
26"selling price" is defined in the Use Tax Act. The tax shall be

10100SB0119ham001- 473 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1collected from persons whose Illinois address for titling or
2registration purposes is given as being in the territory. The
3tax shall be collected by the Department of Revenue for a
4county water commission. The tax must be paid to the State, or
5an exemption determination must be obtained from the Department
6of Revenue, before the title or certificate of registration for
7the property may be issued. The tax or proof of exemption may
8be transmitted to the Department by way of the State agency
9with which, or the State officer with whom, the tangible
10personal property must be titled or registered if the
11Department and the State agency or State officer determine that
12this procedure will expedite the processing of applications for
13title or registration.
14 The Department shall have full power to administer and
15enforce this paragraph; to collect all taxes, penalties, and
16interest due hereunder; to dispose of taxes, penalties, and
17interest so collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and
18to determine all rights to credit memoranda or refunds arising
19on account of the erroneous payment of tax, penalty, or
20interest hereunder. In the administration of and compliance
21with this paragraph, the Department and persons who are subject
22to this paragraph shall have the same rights, remedies,
23privileges, immunities, powers, and duties, and be subject to
24the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, penalties,
25exclusions, exemptions, and definitions of terms and employ the
26same modes of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 2

10100SB0119ham001- 474 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1(except the definition of "retailer maintaining a place of
2business in this State"), 3 through 3-80 (except provisions
3pertaining to the State rate of tax, and except provisions
4concerning collection or refunding of the tax by retailers), 4,
511, 12, 12a, 14, 15, 19 (except the portions pertaining to
6claims by retailers and except the last paragraph concerning
7refunds), 20, 21, and 22 of the Use Tax Act and Section 3-7 of
8the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act that are not inconsistent
9with this paragraph, as fully as if those provisions were set
10forth herein.
11 Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be
12made under this paragraph to a claimant instead of issuing a
13credit memorandum, the Department shall notify the State
14Comptroller, who shall cause the order to be drawn for the
15amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
16from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
17Treasurer out of a county water commission tax fund established
18under subsection (g) of this Section.
19 (e) A certificate of registration issued by the State
20Department of Revenue to a retailer under the Retailers'
21Occupation Tax Act or under the Service Occupation Tax Act
22shall permit the registrant to engage in a business that is
23taxed under the tax imposed under subsection (b), (c), or (d)
24of this Section and no additional registration shall be
25required under the tax. A certificate issued under the Use Tax
26Act or the Service Use Tax Act shall be applicable with regard

10100SB0119ham001- 475 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1to any tax imposed under subsection (c) of this Section.
2 (f) Any ordinance imposing or discontinuing any tax under
3this Section shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof
4filed with the Department on or before June 1, whereupon the
5Department of Revenue shall proceed to administer and enforce
6this Section on behalf of the county water commission as of
7September 1 next following the adoption and filing. Beginning
8January 1, 1992, an ordinance or resolution imposing or
9discontinuing the tax hereunder shall be adopted and a
10certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or before
11the first day of July, whereupon the Department shall proceed
12to administer and enforce this Section as of the first day of
13October next following such adoption and filing. Beginning
14January 1, 1993, an ordinance or resolution imposing or
15discontinuing the tax hereunder shall be adopted and a
16certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or before
17the first day of October, whereupon the Department shall
18proceed to administer and enforce this Section as of the first
19day of January next following such adoption and filing.
20 (g) The State Department of Revenue shall, upon collecting
21any taxes as provided in this Section, pay the taxes over to
22the State Treasurer as trustee for the commission. The taxes
23shall be held in a trust fund outside the State Treasury.
24 As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
25beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department
26of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the

10100SB0119ham001- 476 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the
2local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation
3Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section
4during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a
5STAR bond district.
6 After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund,
7on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the State
8Department of Revenue shall prepare and certify to the
9Comptroller of the State of Illinois the amount to be paid to
10the commission, which shall be the amount (not including credit
11memoranda) collected under this Section during the second
12preceding calendar month by the Department plus an amount the
13Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts that
14were erroneously paid to a different taxing body, and not
15including any amount equal to the amount of refunds made during
16the second preceding calendar month by the Department on behalf
17of the commission, and not including any amount that the
18Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts that
19were payable to a different taxing body but were erroneously
20paid to the commission, and less any amounts that are
21transferred to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, less 1.5% of the
22remainder, which shall be transferred into the Tax Compliance
23and Administration Fund. The Department, at the time of each
24monthly disbursement to the commission, shall prepare and
25certify to the State Comptroller the amount to be transferred
26into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund under this

10100SB0119ham001- 477 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1subsection. Within 10 days after receipt by the Comptroller of
2the certification of the amount to be paid to the commission
3and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund, the Comptroller
4shall cause an order to be drawn for the payment for the amount
5in accordance with the direction in the certification.
6 (h) Beginning June 1, 2016, any tax imposed pursuant to
7this Section may no longer be imposed or collected, unless a
8continuation of the tax is approved by the voters at a
9referendum as set forth in this Section.
10(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-587, eff. 6-4-18;
11100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff.
126-5-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19.)
13 Section 10-130. The Environmental Impact Fee Law is amended
14by changing Sections 310, 315, and 320 as follows:
15 (415 ILCS 125/310)
16 (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
17 Sec. 310. Environmental impact fee; imposition. Beginning
18January 1, 1996, all receivers of fuel are subject to an
19environmental impact fee of $60 per 7,500 gallons of fuel, or
20an equivalent amount per fraction thereof, that is sold or used
21in Illinois. The fee shall be paid by the receiver in this
22State who first sells or uses the fuel. The environmental
23impact fee imposed by this Law replaces the fee imposed under
24the corresponding provisions of Article 3 of Public Act 89-428.

10100SB0119ham001- 478 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Environmental impact fees paid under that Article 3 shall
2satisfy the receiver's corresponding liability under this Law.
3 A receiver of fuels is subject to the fee without regard to
4whether the fuel is intended to be used for operation of motor
5vehicles on the public highways and waters. However, no fee
6shall be imposed upon the importation or receipt of aviation
7fuels and kerosene at airports with over 170,000 operations per
8year, located in a city of more than 1,000,000 inhabitants, for
9sale to or use by holders of certificates of public convenience
10and necessity or foreign air carrier permits, issued by the
11United States Department of Transportation, and their air
12carrier affiliates, or upon the importation or receipt of
13aviation fuels and kerosene at facilities owned or leased by
14those certificate or permit holders and used in their
15activities at an airport described above. In addition, no fee
16may be imposed upon the importation or receipt of diesel fuel
17or liquefied natural gas sold to or used by a rail carrier
18registered under Section 18c-7201 of the Illinois Vehicle Code
19or otherwise recognized by the Illinois Commerce Commission as
20a rail carrier, to the extent used directly in railroad
21operations. In addition, no fee may be imposed when the sale is
22made with delivery to a purchaser outside this State or when
23the sale is made to a person holding a valid license as a
24receiver. In addition, no fee shall be imposed upon diesel fuel
25or liquefied natural gas consumed or used in the operation of
26ships, barges, or vessels, that are used primarily in or for

10100SB0119ham001- 479 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1the transportation of property in interstate commerce for hire
2on rivers bordering on this State, if the diesel fuel or
3liquefied natural gas is delivered by a licensed receiver to
4the purchaser's barge, ship, or vessel while it is afloat upon
5that bordering river. A specific notation thereof shall be made
6on the invoices or sales slips covering each sale. Beginning
7January 1, 2021 no fee shall be imposed under this Section on
8receivers of aviation fuel for sale or use for so long as the
9revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C.
1047133 are binding on the State.
11(Source: P.A. 100-9, eff. 7-1-17.)
12 (415 ILCS 125/315)
13 (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
14 Sec. 315. Fee on receivers of fuel for sale or use;
15collection and reporting. A person that is required to pay the
16fee imposed by this Law shall pay the fee to the Department by
17return showing all fuel purchased, acquired, or received and
18sold, distributed or used during the preceding calendar month,
19including losses of fuel as the result of evaporation or
20shrinkage due to temperature variations, and such other
21reasonable information as the Department may require. Losses of
22fuel as the result of evaporation or shrinkage due to
23temperature variations may not exceed 1% of the total gallons
24in storage at the beginning of the month, plus the receipts of
25gallonage during the month, minus the gallonage remaining in

10100SB0119ham001- 480 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1storage at the end of the month. Any loss reported that is in
2excess of this amount shall be subject to the fee imposed by
3Section 310 of this Law. On and after July 1, 2001, for each
46-month period January through June, net losses of fuel (for
5each category of fuel that is required to be reported on a
6return) as the result of evaporation or shrinkage due to
7temperature variations may not exceed 1% of the total gallons
8in storage at the beginning of each January, plus the receipts
9of gallonage each January through June, minus the gallonage
10remaining in storage at the end of each June. On and after July
111, 2001, for each 6-month period July through December, net
12losses of fuel (for each category of fuel that is required to
13be reported on a return) as the result of evaporation or
14shrinkage due to temperature variations may not exceed 1% of
15the total gallons in storage at the beginning of each July,
16plus the receipts of gallonage each July through December,
17minus the gallonage remaining in storage at the end of each
18December. Any net loss reported that is in excess of this
19amount shall be subject to the fee imposed by Section 310 of
20this Law. For purposes of this Section, "net loss" means the
21number of gallons gained through temperature variations minus
22the number of gallons lost through temperature variations or
23evaporation for each of the respective 6-month periods.
24 The return shall be prescribed by the Department and shall
25be filed between the 1st and 20th days of each calendar month.
26The Department may, in its discretion, combine the return filed

10100SB0119ham001- 481 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1under this Law with the return filed under Section 2b of the
2Motor Fuel Tax Law. If the return is timely filed, the receiver
3may take a discount of 2% through June 30, 2003 and 1.75%
4thereafter to reimburse himself for the expenses incurred in
5keeping records, preparing and filing returns, collecting and
6remitting the fee, and supplying data to the Department on
7request. However, the discount applies only to the amount of
8the fee payment that accompanies a return that is timely filed
9in accordance with this Section. The discount is not permitted
10on fees paid on aviation fuel sold or used on and after
11December 1, 2019 and through December 31, 2020. This exception
12for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use
13requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47017(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are
14binding on the State.
15 Beginning with returns due on January 20, 2019 and ending
16with returns due on January 20, 2021 January 1, 2018, each
17retailer required or authorized to collect the fee imposed by
18this Act on aviation fuel at retail in this State during the
19preceding calendar month shall, instead of reporting and paying
20tax on aviation fuel as otherwise required by this Section,
21report and pay such tax on a separate file an aviation fuel tax
22return, or on a separate line on the return with the
23Department, on or before the twentieth day of each calendar
24month. The requirements related to the return shall be as
25otherwise provided in this Section. Notwithstanding any other
26provisions of this Act to the contrary, retailers collecting

10100SB0119ham001- 482 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1fees on aviation fuel shall file all aviation fuel tax returns
2and shall make all aviation fuel fee payments by electronic
3means in the manner and form required by the Department. For
4purposes of this paragraph, "aviation fuel" means jet fuel and
5aviation gasoline a product that is intended for use or offered
6for sale as fuel for an aircraft.
7 If any payment provided for in this Section exceeds the
8receiver's liabilities under this Act, as shown on an original
9return, the Department may authorize the receiver to credit
10such excess payment against liability subsequently to be
11remitted to the Department under this Act, in accordance with
12reasonable rules adopted by the Department. If the Department
13subsequently determines that all or any part of the credit
14taken was not actually due to the receiver, the receiver's
15discount shall be reduced by an amount equal to the difference
16between the discount as applied to the credit taken and that
17actually due, and that receiver shall be liable for penalties
18and interest on such difference.
19(Source: P.A. 100-1171, eff. 1-4-19; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19;
20revised 7-16-19.)
21 (415 ILCS 125/320)
22 (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
23 Sec. 320. Deposit of fee receipts. Except as otherwise
24provided in this paragraph, all money received by the
25Department under this Law shall be deposited in the Underground

10100SB0119ham001- 483 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Storage Tank Fund created by Section 57.11 of the Environmental
2Protection Act. All money received for aviation fuel by the
3Department under this Law on or after December 1, 2019 and
4ending with returns due on January 20, 2021, shall be
5immediately paid over by the Department to the State Aviation
6Program Fund. The Department shall only pay such moneys into
7the State Aviation Program Fund under this Act for so long as
8the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49
9U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State. For purposes of this
10Section, "aviation fuel" means jet fuel and aviation gasoline a
11product that is intended for use or offered for sale as fuel
12for an aircraft.
13(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19.)
14 Section 10-135. The Franchise Tax and License Fee Amnesty
15Act of 2007 is amended by changing Section 5-10 as follows:
16 (805 ILCS 8/5-10)
17 Sec. 5-10. Amnesty program. The Secretary shall establish
18an amnesty program for all taxpayers owing any franchise tax or
19license fee imposed by Article XV of the Business Corporation
20Act of 1983. The amnesty program shall be for a period from
21February 1, 2008 through March 15, 2008. The amnesty program
22shall also be for a period between October 1, 2019 and November
2315, 2019, and shall apply to franchise tax or license fee
24liabilities for any tax period ending after March 15, 2008 and

10100SB0119ham001- 484 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1on or before June 30, 2019. The amnesty program shall provide
2that, upon payment by a taxpayer of all franchise taxes and
3license fees due from that taxpayer to the State of Illinois
4for any taxable period, the Secretary shall abate and not seek
5to collect any interest or penalties that may be applicable,
6and the Secretary shall not seek civil or criminal prosecution
7for any taxpayer for the period of time for which amnesty has
8been granted to the taxpayer. Failure to pay all taxes due to
9the State for a taxable period shall not invalidate any amnesty
10granted under this Act with respect to the taxes paid pursuant
11to the amnesty program. Amnesty shall be granted only if all
12amnesty conditions are satisfied by the taxpayer. Amnesty shall
13not be granted to taxpayers who are a party to any criminal
14investigation or to any civil or criminal litigation that is
15pending in any circuit court or appellate court or the Supreme
16Court of this State for nonpayment, delinquency, or fraud in
17relation to any franchise tax or license fee imposed by Article
18XV of the Business Corporation Act of 1983. Voluntary payments
19made under this Act shall be made by check, guaranteed
20remittance, or ACH debit. The Secretary shall adopt rules as
21necessary to implement the provisions of this Act. Except as
22otherwise provided in this Section, all money collected under
23this Act that would otherwise be deposited into the General
24Revenue Fund shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
25Two percent of all money collected under this Act shall be
26deposited by the State Treasurer into the Business Services

10100SB0119ham001- 485 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Special Operations Fund Franchise Tax and License Fee Amnesty
2Administration Fund and, subject to appropriation, shall be
3used by the Secretary to cover costs associated with the
4administration of this Act.
5(Source: P.A. 101-9, eff. 6-5-19.)
7 Section 15-5. The State Comptroller Act is amended by
8changing Section 16 as follows:
9 (15 ILCS 405/16) (from Ch. 15, par. 216)
10 Sec. 16. Reports from State agencies. The comptroller shall
11prescribe the form and require the filing of quarterly fiscal
12reports by each State agency. Within 30 days after the end of
13each quarter, or at such earlier time as the comptroller by
14rule requires, each State agency shall file with the
15comptroller the report of activity for funds held outside of
16the State Treasury. The report shall include receipts and
17collections during the preceding quarter, including receipts
18and collections of taxes and fees, bond proceeds, gifts, grants
19and donations, and income from revenue producing activities.
20The report shall specify the nature, source and fair market
21value of any assets received, any increase or decrease in its
22security holdings, and such other related information as the
23comptroller, by rule, requires. The report shall, consistent

10100SB0119ham001- 486 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1with the uniform State accounting system, account for all
2disbursements and transfers by the State agency. This Section
3does not require the duplication of reports concerning security
4holdings and investment income of the State Treasurer which are
5issued by the Treasurer pursuant to law.
6 In addition to the quarterly reports required by this
7Section, each agency shall on an annual basis file a report
8giving that agency's best estimate of the cost of each tax
9expenditure related to each of the revenue sources administered
10by the agency. This annual report shall include the agency's
11best estimate of the cost of each tax expenditure including:
12(a) a citation of the legal authority for the tax expenditure,
13the year it was enacted, the fiscal year in which it first took
14effect, and any subsequent amendments; (b) to the extent that
15it can be determined, the total cost of the tax expenditure for
16the preceding fiscal year together with an estimate of the
17projected cost for the next succeeding fiscal year along with a
18description of the methodology used to determine or estimate
19the cost of the tax expenditure; and (c) an assessment of the
20impact of the tax expenditure on the incidence of the tax in
21terms of the relative shares of revenue received under the
22provisions of the tax expenditure and the revenue that would
23have been received had the tax expenditure not been in effect.
24For purposes of this Act, the term "tax expenditure" means any
25tax incentive authorized by law that by exemption, exclusion,
26deduction, allowance, credit, preferential tax rate,

10100SB0119ham001- 487 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1abatement, or other device reduces the amount of tax revenues
2that would otherwise accrue to the State, but shall not include
3reimbursements for services provided to the State by any person
4collecting and remitting tax under the Retailers' Occupation
5Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, or
6the Service Use Tax Act.
7(Source: P.A. 101-34, eff. 6-28-19.)
8 Section 15-10. The Use Tax Act is amended by changing
9Sections 2 and 2d as follows:
10 (35 ILCS 105/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.2)
11 Sec. 2. Definitions.
12 "Use" means the exercise by any person of any right or
13power over tangible personal property incident to the ownership
14of that property, except that it does not include the sale of
15such property in any form as tangible personal property in the
16regular course of business to the extent that such property is
17not first subjected to a use for which it was purchased, and
18does not include the use of such property by its owner for
19demonstration purposes: Provided that the property purchased
20is deemed to be purchased for the purpose of resale, despite
21first being used, to the extent to which it is resold as an
22ingredient of an intentionally produced product or by-product
23of manufacturing. "Use" does not mean the demonstration use or
24interim use of tangible personal property by a retailer before

10100SB0119ham001- 488 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1he sells that tangible personal property. For watercraft or
2aircraft, if the period of demonstration use or interim use by
3the retailer exceeds 18 months, the retailer shall pay on the
4retailers' original cost price the tax imposed by this Act, and
5no credit for that tax is permitted if the watercraft or
6aircraft is subsequently sold by the retailer. "Use" does not
7mean the physical incorporation of tangible personal property,
8to the extent not first subjected to a use for which it was
9purchased, as an ingredient or constituent, into other tangible
10personal property (a) which is sold in the regular course of
11business or (b) which the person incorporating such ingredient
12or constituent therein has undertaken at the time of such
13purchase to cause to be transported in interstate commerce to
14destinations outside the State of Illinois: Provided that the
15property purchased is deemed to be purchased for the purpose of
16resale, despite first being used, to the extent to which it is
17resold as an ingredient of an intentionally produced product or
18by-product of manufacturing.
19 "Watercraft" means a Class 2, Class 3, or Class 4
20watercraft as defined in Section 3-2 of the Boat Registration
21and Safety Act, a personal watercraft, or any boat equipped
22with an inboard motor.
23 "Purchase at retail" means the acquisition of the ownership
24of or title to tangible personal property through a sale at
26 "Purchaser" means anyone who, through a sale at retail,

10100SB0119ham001- 489 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1acquires the ownership of tangible personal property for a
2valuable consideration.
3 "Sale at retail" means any transfer of the ownership of or
4title to tangible personal property to a purchaser, for the
5purpose of use, and not for the purpose of resale in any form
6as tangible personal property to the extent not first subjected
7to a use for which it was purchased, for a valuable
8consideration: Provided that the property purchased is deemed
9to be purchased for the purpose of resale, despite first being
10used, to the extent to which it is resold as an ingredient of
11an intentionally produced product or by-product of
12manufacturing. For this purpose, slag produced as an incident
13to manufacturing pig iron or steel and sold is considered to be
14an intentionally produced by-product of manufacturing. "Sale
15at retail" includes any such transfer made for resale unless
16made in compliance with Section 2c of the Retailers' Occupation
17Tax Act, as incorporated by reference into Section 12 of this
18Act. Transactions whereby the possession of the property is
19transferred but the seller retains the title as security for
20payment of the selling price are sales.
21 "Sale at retail" shall also be construed to include any
22Illinois florist's sales transaction in which the purchase
23order is received in Illinois by a florist and the sale is for
24use or consumption, but the Illinois florist has a florist in
25another state deliver the property to the purchaser or the
26purchaser's donee in such other state.

10100SB0119ham001- 490 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Nonreusable tangible personal property that is used by
2persons engaged in the business of operating a restaurant,
3cafeteria, or drive-in is a sale for resale when it is
4transferred to customers in the ordinary course of business as
5part of the sale of food or beverages and is used to deliver,
6package, or consume food or beverages, regardless of where
7consumption of the food or beverages occurs. Examples of those
8items include, but are not limited to nonreusable, paper and
9plastic cups, plates, baskets, boxes, sleeves, buckets or other
10containers, utensils, straws, placemats, napkins, doggie bags,
11and wrapping or packaging materials that are transferred to
12customers as part of the sale of food or beverages in the
13ordinary course of business.
14 The purchase, employment and transfer of such tangible
15personal property as newsprint and ink for the primary purpose
16of conveying news (with or without other information) is not a
17purchase, use or sale of tangible personal property.
18 "Selling price" means the consideration for a sale valued
19in money whether received in money or otherwise, including
20cash, credits, property other than as hereinafter provided, and
21services, but, prior to January 1, 2020, not including the
22value of or credit given for traded-in tangible personal
23property where the item that is traded-in is of like kind and
24character as that which is being sold; beginning January 1,
252020, "selling price" includes the portion of the value of or
26credit given for traded-in motor vehicles of the First Division

10100SB0119ham001- 491 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1as defined in Section 1-146 of the Illinois Vehicle Code of
2like kind and character as that which is being sold that
3exceeds $10,000. "Selling price" shall be determined without
4any deduction on account of the cost of the property sold, the
5cost of materials used, labor or service cost or any other
6expense whatsoever, but does not include interest or finance
7charges which appear as separate items on the bill of sale or
8sales contract nor charges that are added to prices by sellers
9on account of the seller's tax liability under the "Retailers'
10Occupation Tax Act", or on account of the seller's duty to
11collect, from the purchaser, the tax that is imposed by this
12Act, or, except as otherwise provided with respect to any
13cigarette tax imposed by a home rule unit, on account of the
14seller's tax liability under any local occupation tax
15administered by the Department, or, except as otherwise
16provided with respect to any cigarette tax imposed by a home
17rule unit on account of the seller's duty to collect, from the
18purchasers, the tax that is imposed under any local use tax
19administered by the Department. Effective December 1, 1985,
20"selling price" shall include charges that are added to prices
21by sellers on account of the seller's tax liability under the
22Cigarette Tax Act, on account of the seller's duty to collect,
23from the purchaser, the tax imposed under the Cigarette Use Tax
24Act, and on account of the seller's duty to collect, from the
25purchaser, any cigarette tax imposed by a home rule unit.
26 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, for any motor

10100SB0119ham001- 492 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1vehicle, as defined in Section 1-146 of the Vehicle Code, that
2is sold on or after January 1, 2015 for the purpose of leasing
3the vehicle for a defined period that is longer than one year
4and (1) is a motor vehicle of the second division that: (A) is
5a self-contained motor vehicle designed or permanently
6converted to provide living quarters for recreational,
7camping, or travel use, with direct walk through access to the
8living quarters from the driver's seat; (B) is of the van
9configuration designed for the transportation of not less than
107 nor more than 16 passengers; or (C) has a gross vehicle
11weight rating of 8,000 pounds or less or (2) is a motor vehicle
12of the first division, "selling price" or "amount of sale"
13means the consideration received by the lessor pursuant to the
14lease contract, including amounts due at lease signing and all
15monthly or other regular payments charged over the term of the
16lease. Also included in the selling price is any amount
17received by the lessor from the lessee for the leased vehicle
18that is not calculated at the time the lease is executed,
19including, but not limited to, excess mileage charges and
20charges for excess wear and tear. For sales that occur in
21Illinois, with respect to any amount received by the lessor
22from the lessee for the leased vehicle that is not calculated
23at the time the lease is executed, the lessor who purchased the
24motor vehicle does not incur the tax imposed by the Use Tax Act
25on those amounts, and the retailer who makes the retail sale of
26the motor vehicle to the lessor is not required to collect the

10100SB0119ham001- 493 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1tax imposed by this Act or to pay the tax imposed by the
2Retailers' Occupation Tax Act on those amounts. However, the
3lessor who purchased the motor vehicle assumes the liability
4for reporting and paying the tax on those amounts directly to
5the Department in the same form (Illinois Retailers' Occupation
6Tax, and local retailers' occupation taxes, if applicable) in
7which the retailer would have reported and paid such tax if the
8retailer had accounted for the tax to the Department. For
9amounts received by the lessor from the lessee that are not
10calculated at the time the lease is executed, the lessor must
11file the return and pay the tax to the Department by the due
12date otherwise required by this Act for returns other than
13transaction returns. If the retailer is entitled under this Act
14to a discount for collecting and remitting the tax imposed
15under this Act to the Department with respect to the sale of
16the motor vehicle to the lessor, then the right to the discount
17provided in this Act shall be transferred to the lessor with
18respect to the tax paid by the lessor for any amount received
19by the lessor from the lessee for the leased vehicle that is
20not calculated at the time the lease is executed; provided that
21the discount is only allowed if the return is timely filed and
22for amounts timely paid. The "selling price" of a motor vehicle
23that is sold on or after January 1, 2015 for the purpose of
24leasing for a defined period of longer than one year shall not
25be reduced by the value of or credit given for traded-in
26tangible personal property owned by the lessor, nor shall it be

10100SB0119ham001- 494 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1reduced by the value of or credit given for traded-in tangible
2personal property owned by the lessee, regardless of whether
3the trade-in value thereof is assigned by the lessee to the
4lessor. In the case of a motor vehicle that is sold for the
5purpose of leasing for a defined period of longer than one
6year, the sale occurs at the time of the delivery of the
7vehicle, regardless of the due date of any lease payments. A
8lessor who incurs a Retailers' Occupation Tax liability on the
9sale of a motor vehicle coming off lease may not take a credit
10against that liability for the Use Tax the lessor paid upon the
11purchase of the motor vehicle (or for any tax the lessor paid
12with respect to any amount received by the lessor from the
13lessee for the leased vehicle that was not calculated at the
14time the lease was executed) if the selling price of the motor
15vehicle at the time of purchase was calculated using the
16definition of "selling price" as defined in this paragraph.
17Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the
18contrary, lessors shall file all returns and make all payments
19required under this paragraph to the Department by electronic
20means in the manner and form as required by the Department.
21This paragraph does not apply to leases of motor vehicles for
22which, at the time the lease is entered into, the term of the
23lease is not a defined period, including leases with a defined
24initial period with the option to continue the lease on a
25month-to-month or other basis beyond the initial defined

10100SB0119ham001- 495 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 The phrase "like kind and character" shall be liberally
2construed (including but not limited to any form of motor
3vehicle for any form of motor vehicle, or any kind of farm or
4agricultural implement for any other kind of farm or
5agricultural implement), while not including a kind of item
6which, if sold at retail by that retailer, would be exempt from
7retailers' occupation tax and use tax as an isolated or
8occasional sale.
9 "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
10 "Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership,
11association, joint stock company, joint adventure, public or
12private corporation, limited liability company, or a receiver,
13executor, trustee, guardian or other representative appointed
14by order of any court.
15 "Retailer" means and includes every person engaged in the
16business of making sales at retail as defined in this Section.
17 A person who holds himself or herself out as being engaged
18(or who habitually engages) in selling tangible personal
19property at retail is a retailer hereunder with respect to such
20sales (and not primarily in a service occupation)
21notwithstanding the fact that such person designs and produces
22such tangible personal property on special order for the
23purchaser and in such a way as to render the property of value
24only to such purchaser, if such tangible personal property so
25produced on special order serves substantially the same
26function as stock or standard items of tangible personal

10100SB0119ham001- 496 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1property that are sold at retail.
2 A person whose activities are organized and conducted
3primarily as a not-for-profit service enterprise, and who
4engages in selling tangible personal property at retail
5(whether to the public or merely to members and their guests)
6is a retailer with respect to such transactions, excepting only
7a person organized and operated exclusively for charitable,
8religious or educational purposes either (1), to the extent of
9sales by such person to its members, students, patients or
10inmates of tangible personal property to be used primarily for
11the purposes of such person, or (2), to the extent of sales by
12such person of tangible personal property which is not sold or
13offered for sale by persons organized for profit. The selling
14of school books and school supplies by schools at retail to
15students is not "primarily for the purposes of" the school
16which does such selling. This paragraph does not apply to nor
17subject to taxation occasional dinners, social or similar
18activities of a person organized and operated exclusively for
19charitable, religious or educational purposes, whether or not
20such activities are open to the public.
21 A person who is the recipient of a grant or contract under
22Title VII of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (P.L. 92-258) and
23serves meals to participants in the federal Nutrition Program
24for the Elderly in return for contributions established in
25amount by the individual participant pursuant to a schedule of
26suggested fees as provided for in the federal Act is not a

10100SB0119ham001- 497 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1retailer under this Act with respect to such transactions.
2 Persons who engage in the business of transferring tangible
3personal property upon the redemption of trading stamps are
4retailers hereunder when engaged in such business.
5 The isolated or occasional sale of tangible personal
6property at retail by a person who does not hold himself out as
7being engaged (or who does not habitually engage) in selling
8such tangible personal property at retail or a sale through a
9bulk vending machine does not make such person a retailer
10hereunder. However, any person who is engaged in a business
11which is not subject to the tax imposed by the "Retailers'
12Occupation Tax Act" because of involving the sale of or a
13contract to sell real estate or a construction contract to
14improve real estate, but who, in the course of conducting such
15business, transfers tangible personal property to users or
16consumers in the finished form in which it was purchased, and
17which does not become real estate, under any provision of a
18construction contract or real estate sale or real estate sales
19agreement entered into with some other person arising out of or
20because of such nontaxable business, is a retailer to the
21extent of the value of the tangible personal property so
22transferred. If, in such transaction, a separate charge is made
23for the tangible personal property so transferred, the value of
24such property, for the purposes of this Act, is the amount so
25separately charged, but not less than the cost of such property
26to the transferor; if no separate charge is made, the value of

10100SB0119ham001- 498 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1such property, for the purposes of this Act, is the cost to the
2transferor of such tangible personal property.
3 "Retailer maintaining a place of business in this State",
4or any like term, means and includes any of the following
6 (1) A retailer having or maintaining within this State,
7 directly or by a subsidiary, an office, distribution house,
8 sales house, warehouse or other place of business, or any
9 agent or other representative operating within this State
10 under the authority of the retailer or its subsidiary,
11 irrespective of whether such place of business or agent or
12 other representative is located here permanently or
13 temporarily, or whether such retailer or subsidiary is
14 licensed to do business in this State. However, the
15 ownership of property that is located at the premises of a
16 printer with which the retailer has contracted for printing
17 and that consists of the final printed product, property
18 that becomes a part of the final printed product, or copy
19 from which the printed product is produced shall not result
20 in the retailer being deemed to have or maintain an office,
21 distribution house, sales house, warehouse, or other place
22 of business within this State.
23 (1.1) A retailer having a contract with a person
24 located in this State under which the person, for a
25 commission or other consideration based upon the sale of
26 tangible personal property by the retailer, directly or

10100SB0119ham001- 499 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 indirectly refers potential customers to the retailer by
2 providing to the potential customers a promotional code or
3 other mechanism that allows the retailer to track purchases
4 referred by such persons. Examples of mechanisms that allow
5 the retailer to track purchases referred by such persons
6 include but are not limited to the use of a link on the
7 person's Internet website, promotional codes distributed
8 through the person's hand-delivered or mailed material,
9 and promotional codes distributed by the person through
10 radio or other broadcast media. The provisions of this
11 paragraph (1.1) shall apply only if the cumulative gross
12 receipts from sales of tangible personal property by the
13 retailer to customers who are referred to the retailer by
14 all persons in this State under such contracts exceed
15 $10,000 during the preceding 4 quarterly periods ending on
16 the last day of March, June, September, and December. A
17 retailer meeting the requirements of this paragraph (1.1)
18 shall be presumed to be maintaining a place of business in
19 this State but may rebut this presumption by submitting
20 proof that the referrals or other activities pursued within
21 this State by such persons were not sufficient to meet the
22 nexus standards of the United States Constitution during
23 the preceding 4 quarterly periods. (Blank).
24 (1.2) Beginning July 1, 2011, a retailer having a
25 contract with a person located in this State under which:
26 (A) the retailer sells the same or substantially

10100SB0119ham001- 500 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 similar line of products as the person located in this
2 State and does so using an identical or substantially
3 similar name, trade name, or trademark as the person
4 located in this State; and
5 (B) the retailer provides a commission or other
6 consideration to the person located in this State based
7 upon the sale of tangible personal property by the
8 retailer.
9 The provisions of this paragraph (1.2) shall apply only
10 if the cumulative gross receipts from sales of tangible
11 personal property by the retailer to customers in this
12 State under all such contracts exceed $10,000 during the
13 preceding 4 quarterly periods ending on the last day of
14 March, June, September, and December. (Blank).
15 (2) (Blank).
16 (3) (Blank).
17 (4) (Blank).
18 (5) (Blank).
19 (6) (Blank).
20 (7) (Blank).
21 (8) (Blank).
22 (9) Beginning October 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020, a
23 retailer making sales of tangible personal property to
24 purchasers in Illinois from outside of Illinois if:
25 (A) the cumulative gross receipts from sales of
26 tangible personal property to purchasers in Illinois

10100SB0119ham001- 501 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 are $100,000 or more; or
2 (B) the retailer enters into 200 or more separate
3 transactions for the sale of tangible personal
4 property to purchasers in Illinois.
5 The retailer shall determine on a quarterly basis,
6 ending on the last day of March, June, September, and
7 December, whether he or she meets the criteria of either
8 subparagraph (A) or (B) of this paragraph (9) for the
9 preceding 12-month period. If the retailer meets the
10 threshold criteria of either subparagraph (A) or (B) for a
11 12-month period, he or she is considered a retailer
12 maintaining a place of business in this State and is
13 required to collect and remit the tax imposed under this
14 Act and file returns for one year. At the end of that
15 one-year period, the retailer shall determine whether he or
16 she the retailer met the threshold criteria of either
17 subparagraph (A) or (B) during the preceding 12-month
18 period. If the retailer met the criteria in either
19 subparagraph (A) or (B) for the preceding 12-month period,
20 he or she is considered a retailer maintaining a place of
21 business in this State and is required to collect and remit
22 the tax imposed under this Act and file returns for the
23 subsequent year. If at the end of a one-year period a
24 retailer that was required to collect and remit the tax
25 imposed under this Act determines that he or she did not
26 meet the threshold criteria in either subparagraph (A) or

10100SB0119ham001- 502 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (B) during the preceding 12-month period, the retailer
2 shall subsequently determine on a quarterly basis, ending
3 on the last day of March, June, September, and December,
4 whether he or she meets the threshold criteria of either
5 subparagraph (A) or (B) for the preceding 12-month period.
6 Beginning January 1, 2020, neither the gross receipts
7 from nor the number of separate transactions for sales of
8 tangible personal property to purchasers in Illinois that a
9 retailer makes through a marketplace facilitator and for
10 which the retailer has received a certification from the
11 marketplace facilitator pursuant to Section 2d of this Act
12 shall be included for purposes of determining whether he or
13 she has met the thresholds of this paragraph (9).
14 (10) Beginning January 1, 2020, a marketplace
15 facilitator that meets a threshold set forth in subsection
16 (b) of , as defined in Section 2d of this Act.
17 "Bulk vending machine" means a vending machine, containing
18unsorted confections, nuts, toys, or other items designed
19primarily to be used or played with by children which, when a
20coin or coins of a denomination not larger than $0.50 are
21inserted, are dispensed in equal portions, at random and
22without selection by the customer.
23(Source: P.A. 100-587, eff. 6-4-18; 101-9, eff. 6-5-19; 101-31,
24eff. 1-1-20; revised 7-11-19.)
25 (35 ILCS 105/2d)

10100SB0119ham001- 503 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Sec. 2d. Marketplace facilitators and marketplace sellers.
2 (a) As used in this Section:
3 "Affiliate" means a person that, with respect to another
4person: (i) has a direct or indirect ownership interest of more
5than 5 percent in the other person; or (ii) is related to the
6other person because a third person, or a group of third
7persons who are affiliated with each other as defined in this
8subsection, holds a direct or indirect ownership interest of
9more than 5% in the related person.
10 "Marketplace" means a physical or electronic place, forum,
11platform, application, or other method by which a marketplace
12seller sells or offers to sell items.
13 "Marketplace facilitator" means a person who, pursuant to
14an agreement with an unrelated third-party marketplace seller,
15directly or indirectly through one or more affiliates
16facilitates a retail sale by an unrelated third party
17marketplace seller by:
18 (1) listing or advertising for sale by the marketplace
19 seller in a marketplace, tangible personal property that is
20 subject to tax under this Act; and
21 (2) either directly or indirectly, through agreements
22 or arrangements with third parties, collecting payment
23 from the customer and transmitting that payment to the
24 marketplace seller regardless of whether the marketplace
25 facilitator receives compensation or other consideration
26 in exchange for its services.

10100SB0119ham001- 504 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 "Marketplace facilitator" means a person who, pursuant to
2an agreement with a marketplace seller, facilitates sales of
3tangible personal property by that marketplace seller. A person
4facilitates a sale of tangible personal property by, directly
5or indirectly through one or more affiliates, doing both of the
6following: (i) listing or otherwise making available for sale
7the tangible personal property of the marketplace seller
8through a marketplace owned or operated by the marketplace
9facilitator; and (ii) processing sales or payments for
10marketplace sellers.
11 "Marketplace seller" means a person that sells or offers to
12sell tangible personal property through a marketplace operated
13by an unrelated third-party marketplace facilitator.
14 (b) Beginning on January 1, 2020, a marketplace facilitator
15who meets either of the following thresholds criteria is
16considered the retailer for of each sale of tangible personal
17property made through its on the marketplace:
18 (1) the cumulative gross receipts from sales of
19 tangible personal property to purchasers in Illinois by the
20 marketplace facilitator and by marketplace sellers selling
21 through the marketplace are $100,000 or more; or
22 (2) the marketplace facilitator and marketplace
23 sellers selling through the marketplace cumulatively enter
24 into 200 or more separate transactions for the sale of
25 tangible personal property to purchasers in Illinois.
26 A marketplace facilitator shall determine on a quarterly

10100SB0119ham001- 505 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1basis, ending on the last day of March, June, September, and
2December, whether he or she meets the threshold criteria of
3either paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection (b) for the
4preceding 12-month period. If the marketplace facilitator
5meets the threshold criteria of either paragraph (1) or (2) for
6a 12-month period, he or she is considered a retailer
7maintaining a place of business in this State and is required
8to collect and remit the tax imposed under this Act and file
9returns for one year. At the end of that one-year period, the
10marketplace facilitator shall determine whether the
11marketplace facilitator met the threshold criteria of either
12paragraph (1) or (2) during the preceding 12-month period. If
13the marketplace facilitator met the threshold criteria in
14either paragraph (1) or (2) for the preceding 12-month period,
15he or she is considered a retailer maintaining a place of
16business in this State and is required to collect and remit the
17tax imposed under this Act and file returns for the subsequent
18year. If at the end of a one-year period a marketplace
19facilitator that was required to collect and remit the tax
20imposed under this Act determines that he or she did not meet
21the threshold criteria in either paragraph (1) or (2) during
22the preceding 12-month period, the marketplace facilitator
23shall subsequently determine on a quarterly basis, ending on
24the last day of March, June, September, and December, whether
25he or she meets the threshold criteria of either paragraph (1)
26or (2) for the preceding 12-month period.

10100SB0119ham001- 506 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (c) Beginning on January 1, 2020 a A marketplace
2facilitator considered to be the retailer pursuant to that
3meets either of the thresholds in subsection (b) of this
4Section is considered the retailer with respect to of each sale
5made through its marketplace and is liable for collecting and
6remitting the tax under this Act on all such sales. The
7marketplace facilitator who is considered to be the retailer
8under subsection (b) for sales made through its marketplace has
9all the rights and duties, and is required to comply with the
10same requirements and procedures, as all other retailers
11maintaining a place of business in this State who are
12registered or who are required to be registered to collect and
13remit the tax imposed by this Act with respect to such sales.
14 (d) A marketplace facilitator shall:
15 (1) certify to each marketplace seller that the
16 marketplace facilitator assumes the rights and duties of a
17 retailer under this Act with respect to sales made by the
18 marketplace seller through the marketplace; and
19 (2) collect taxes imposed by this Act as required by
20 Section 3-45 of this Act for sales made through the
21 marketplace.
22 (e) A marketplace seller shall retain books and records for
23all sales made through a marketplace in accordance with the
24requirements of Section 11.
25 (f) A marketplace seller shall furnish to the marketplace
26facilitator information that is necessary for the marketplace

10100SB0119ham001- 507 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1facilitator to correctly collect and remit taxes for a retail
2sale. The information may include a certification that an item
3being sold is taxable, not taxable, exempt from taxation, or
4taxable at a specified rate. A marketplace seller shall be held
5harmless for liability for the tax imposed under this Act when
6a marketplace facilitator fails to correctly collect and remit
7tax after having been provided with information by a
8marketplace seller to correctly collect and remit taxes imposed
9under this Act.
10 (g) If Except as provided in subsection (h), if the
11marketplace facilitator demonstrates to the satisfaction of
12the Department that its failure to correctly collect and remit
13tax on a retail sale resulted from the marketplace
14facilitator's good faith reliance on incorrect or insufficient
15information provided by a marketplace seller, it shall be
16relieved of liability for the tax on that retail sale. In this
17case, a marketplace seller is liable for any resulting tax due.
18 (h) (Blank). A marketplace facilitator and marketplace
19seller that are affiliates, as defined by subsection (a), are
20jointly and severally liable for tax liability resulting from a
21sale made by the affiliated marketplace seller through the
23 (i) This Section does not affect the tax liability of a
24purchaser under this Act.
25 (j) (Blank). The Department may adopt rules for the
26administration and enforcement of the provisions of this

10100SB0119ham001- 508 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
2 (k) A marketplace facilitator required to collect taxes
3imposed under this Section and this Act on retail sales made
4through its marketplace shall be liable to the Department for
5such taxes, except when the marketplace facilitator is relieved
6of the duty to remit such taxes by virtue of having paid to the
7Department taxes imposed by the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act
8upon his or her gross receipts from the same transactions.
9 (l) If, for any reason, the Department is prohibited from
10enforcing the marketplace facilitator's duty under this Act to
11collect and remit taxes pursuant to this Section, the duty to
12collect and remit such taxes reverts to the marketplace seller
13that is a retailer maintaining a place of business in this
14State pursuant to Section 2.
15(Source: P.A. 101-9, eff. 6-5-19.)
16 Section 15-15. The Retailers' Occupation Tax Act is amended
17by changing Sections 1, 2, and 2-12 as follows:
18 (35 ILCS 120/1) (from Ch. 120, par. 440)
19 Sec. 1. Definitions. "Sale at retail" means any transfer of
20the ownership of or title to tangible personal property to a
21purchaser, for the purpose of use or consumption, and not for
22the purpose of resale in any form as tangible personal property
23to the extent not first subjected to a use for which it was
24purchased, for a valuable consideration: Provided that the

10100SB0119ham001- 509 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1property purchased is deemed to be purchased for the purpose of
2resale, despite first being used, to the extent to which it is
3resold as an ingredient of an intentionally produced product or
4byproduct of manufacturing. For this purpose, slag produced as
5an incident to manufacturing pig iron or steel and sold is
6considered to be an intentionally produced byproduct of
7manufacturing. Transactions whereby the possession of the
8property is transferred but the seller retains the title as
9security for payment of the selling price shall be deemed to be
11 "Sale at retail" shall be construed to include any transfer
12of the ownership of or title to tangible personal property to a
13purchaser, for use or consumption by any other person to whom
14such purchaser may transfer the tangible personal property
15without a valuable consideration, and to include any transfer,
16whether made for or without a valuable consideration, for
17resale in any form as tangible personal property unless made in
18compliance with Section 2c of this Act.
19 Sales of tangible personal property, which property, to the
20extent not first subjected to a use for which it was purchased,
21as an ingredient or constituent, goes into and forms a part of
22tangible personal property subsequently the subject of a "Sale
23at retail", are not sales at retail as defined in this Act:
24Provided that the property purchased is deemed to be purchased
25for the purpose of resale, despite first being used, to the
26extent to which it is resold as an ingredient of an

10100SB0119ham001- 510 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1intentionally produced product or byproduct of manufacturing.
2 "Sale at retail" shall be construed to include any Illinois
3florist's sales transaction in which the purchase order is
4received in Illinois by a florist and the sale is for use or
5consumption, but the Illinois florist has a florist in another
6state deliver the property to the purchaser or the purchaser's
7donee in such other state.
8 Nonreusable tangible personal property that is used by
9persons engaged in the business of operating a restaurant,
10cafeteria, or drive-in is a sale for resale when it is
11transferred to customers in the ordinary course of business as
12part of the sale of food or beverages and is used to deliver,
13package, or consume food or beverages, regardless of where
14consumption of the food or beverages occurs. Examples of those
15items include, but are not limited to nonreusable, paper and
16plastic cups, plates, baskets, boxes, sleeves, buckets or other
17containers, utensils, straws, placemats, napkins, doggie bags,
18and wrapping or packaging materials that are transferred to
19customers as part of the sale of food or beverages in the
20ordinary course of business.
21 The purchase, employment and transfer of such tangible
22personal property as newsprint and ink for the primary purpose
23of conveying news (with or without other information) is not a
24purchase, use or sale of tangible personal property.
25 A person whose activities are organized and conducted
26primarily as a not-for-profit service enterprise, and who

10100SB0119ham001- 511 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1engages in selling tangible personal property at retail
2(whether to the public or merely to members and their guests)
3is engaged in the business of selling tangible personal
4property at retail with respect to such transactions, excepting
5only a person organized and operated exclusively for
6charitable, religious or educational purposes either (1), to
7the extent of sales by such person to its members, students,
8patients or inmates of tangible personal property to be used
9primarily for the purposes of such person, or (2), to the
10extent of sales by such person of tangible personal property
11which is not sold or offered for sale by persons organized for
12profit. The selling of school books and school supplies by
13schools at retail to students is not "primarily for the
14purposes of" the school which does such selling. The provisions
15of this paragraph shall not apply to nor subject to taxation
16occasional dinners, socials or similar activities of a person
17organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious
18or educational purposes, whether or not such activities are
19open to the public.
20 A person who is the recipient of a grant or contract under
21Title VII of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (P.L. 92-258) and
22serves meals to participants in the federal Nutrition Program
23for the Elderly in return for contributions established in
24amount by the individual participant pursuant to a schedule of
25suggested fees as provided for in the federal Act is not
26engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property

10100SB0119ham001- 512 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1at retail with respect to such transactions.
2 "Purchaser" means anyone who, through a sale at retail,
3acquires the ownership of or title to tangible personal
4property for a valuable consideration.
5 "Reseller of motor fuel" means any person engaged in the
6business of selling or delivering or transferring title of
7motor fuel to another person other than for use or consumption.
8No person shall act as a reseller of motor fuel within this
9State without first being registered as a reseller pursuant to
10Section 2c or a retailer pursuant to Section 2a.
11 "Selling price" or the "amount of sale" means the
12consideration for a sale valued in money whether received in
13money or otherwise, including cash, credits, property, other
14than as hereinafter provided, and services, but, prior to
15January 1, 2020, not including the value of or credit given for
16traded-in tangible personal property where the item that is
17traded-in is of like kind and character as that which is being
18sold; beginning January 1, 2020, "selling price" includes the
19portion of the value of or credit given for traded-in motor
20vehicles of the First Division as defined in Section 1-146 of
21the Illinois Vehicle Code of like kind and character as that
22which is being sold that exceeds $10,000. "Selling price" shall
23be determined without any deduction on account of the cost of
24the property sold, the cost of materials used, labor or service
25cost or any other expense whatsoever, but does not include
26charges that are added to prices by sellers on account of the

10100SB0119ham001- 513 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1seller's tax liability under this Act, or on account of the
2seller's duty to collect, from the purchaser, the tax that is
3imposed by the Use Tax Act, or, except as otherwise provided
4with respect to any cigarette tax imposed by a home rule unit,
5on account of the seller's tax liability under any local
6occupation tax administered by the Department, or, except as
7otherwise provided with respect to any cigarette tax imposed by
8a home rule unit on account of the seller's duty to collect,
9from the purchasers, the tax that is imposed under any local
10use tax administered by the Department. Effective December 1,
111985, "selling price" shall include charges that are added to
12prices by sellers on account of the seller's tax liability
13under the Cigarette Tax Act, on account of the sellers' duty to
14collect, from the purchaser, the tax imposed under the
15Cigarette Use Tax Act, and on account of the seller's duty to
16collect, from the purchaser, any cigarette tax imposed by a
17home rule unit.
18 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, for any motor
19vehicle, as defined in Section 1-146 of the Vehicle Code, that
20is sold on or after January 1, 2015 for the purpose of leasing
21the vehicle for a defined period that is longer than one year
22and (1) is a motor vehicle of the second division that: (A) is
23a self-contained motor vehicle designed or permanently
24converted to provide living quarters for recreational,
25camping, or travel use, with direct walk through access to the
26living quarters from the driver's seat; (B) is of the van

10100SB0119ham001- 514 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1configuration designed for the transportation of not less than
27 nor more than 16 passengers; or (C) has a gross vehicle
3weight rating of 8,000 pounds or less or (2) is a motor vehicle
4of the first division, "selling price" or "amount of sale"
5means the consideration received by the lessor pursuant to the
6lease contract, including amounts due at lease signing and all
7monthly or other regular payments charged over the term of the
8lease. Also included in the selling price is any amount
9received by the lessor from the lessee for the leased vehicle
10that is not calculated at the time the lease is executed,
11including, but not limited to, excess mileage charges and
12charges for excess wear and tear. For sales that occur in
13Illinois, with respect to any amount received by the lessor
14from the lessee for the leased vehicle that is not calculated
15at the time the lease is executed, the lessor who purchased the
16motor vehicle does not incur the tax imposed by the Use Tax Act
17on those amounts, and the retailer who makes the retail sale of
18the motor vehicle to the lessor is not required to collect the
19tax imposed by the Use Tax Act or to pay the tax imposed by this
20Act on those amounts. However, the lessor who purchased the
21motor vehicle assumes the liability for reporting and paying
22the tax on those amounts directly to the Department in the same
23form (Illinois Retailers' Occupation Tax, and local retailers'
24occupation taxes, if applicable) in which the retailer would
25have reported and paid such tax if the retailer had accounted
26for the tax to the Department. For amounts received by the

10100SB0119ham001- 515 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1lessor from the lessee that are not calculated at the time the
2lease is executed, the lessor must file the return and pay the
3tax to the Department by the due date otherwise required by
4this Act for returns other than transaction returns. If the
5retailer is entitled under this Act to a discount for
6collecting and remitting the tax imposed under this Act to the
7Department with respect to the sale of the motor vehicle to the
8lessor, then the right to the discount provided in this Act
9shall be transferred to the lessor with respect to the tax paid
10by the lessor for any amount received by the lessor from the
11lessee for the leased vehicle that is not calculated at the
12time the lease is executed; provided that the discount is only
13allowed if the return is timely filed and for amounts timely
14paid. The "selling price" of a motor vehicle that is sold on or
15after January 1, 2015 for the purpose of leasing for a defined
16period of longer than one year shall not be reduced by the
17value of or credit given for traded-in tangible personal
18property owned by the lessor, nor shall it be reduced by the
19value of or credit given for traded-in tangible personal
20property owned by the lessee, regardless of whether the
21trade-in value thereof is assigned by the lessee to the lessor.
22In the case of a motor vehicle that is sold for the purpose of
23leasing for a defined period of longer than one year, the sale
24occurs at the time of the delivery of the vehicle, regardless
25of the due date of any lease payments. A lessor who incurs a
26Retailers' Occupation Tax liability on the sale of a motor

10100SB0119ham001- 516 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1vehicle coming off lease may not take a credit against that
2liability for the Use Tax the lessor paid upon the purchase of
3the motor vehicle (or for any tax the lessor paid with respect
4to any amount received by the lessor from the lessee for the
5leased vehicle that was not calculated at the time the lease
6was executed) if the selling price of the motor vehicle at the
7time of purchase was calculated using the definition of
8"selling price" as defined in this paragraph. Notwithstanding
9any other provision of this Act to the contrary, lessors shall
10file all returns and make all payments required under this
11paragraph to the Department by electronic means in the manner
12and form as required by the Department. This paragraph does not
13apply to leases of motor vehicles for which, at the time the
14lease is entered into, the term of the lease is not a defined
15period, including leases with a defined initial period with the
16option to continue the lease on a month-to-month or other basis
17beyond the initial defined period.
18 The phrase "like kind and character" shall be liberally
19construed (including but not limited to any form of motor
20vehicle for any form of motor vehicle, or any kind of farm or
21agricultural implement for any other kind of farm or
22agricultural implement), while not including a kind of item
23which, if sold at retail by that retailer, would be exempt from
24retailers' occupation tax and use tax as an isolated or
25occasional sale.
26 "Gross receipts" from the sales of tangible personal

10100SB0119ham001- 517 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1property at retail means the total selling price or the amount
2of such sales, as hereinbefore defined. In the case of charge
3and time sales, the amount thereof shall be included only as
4and when payments are received by the seller. Receipts or other
5consideration derived by a seller from the sale, transfer or
6assignment of accounts receivable to a wholly owned subsidiary
7will not be deemed payments prior to the time the purchaser
8makes payment on such accounts.
9 "Department" means the Department of Revenue.
10 "Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership,
11association, joint stock company, joint adventure, public or
12private corporation, limited liability company, or a receiver,
13executor, trustee, guardian or other representative appointed
14by order of any court.
15 The isolated or occasional sale of tangible personal
16property at retail by a person who does not hold himself out as
17being engaged (or who does not habitually engage) in selling
18such tangible personal property at retail, or a sale through a
19bulk vending machine, does not constitute engaging in a
20business of selling such tangible personal property at retail
21within the meaning of this Act; provided that any person who is
22engaged in a business which is not subject to the tax imposed
23by this Act because of involving the sale of or a contract to
24sell real estate or a construction contract to improve real
25estate or a construction contract to engineer, install, and
26maintain an integrated system of products, but who, in the

10100SB0119ham001- 518 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1course of conducting such business, transfers tangible
2personal property to users or consumers in the finished form in
3which it was purchased, and which does not become real estate
4or was not engineered and installed, under any provision of a
5construction contract or real estate sale or real estate sales
6agreement entered into with some other person arising out of or
7because of such nontaxable business, is engaged in the business
8of selling tangible personal property at retail to the extent
9of the value of the tangible personal property so transferred.
10If, in such a transaction, a separate charge is made for the
11tangible personal property so transferred, the value of such
12property, for the purpose of this Act, shall be the amount so
13separately charged, but not less than the cost of such property
14to the transferor; if no separate charge is made, the value of
15such property, for the purposes of this Act, is the cost to the
16transferor of such tangible personal property. Construction
17contracts for the improvement of real estate consisting of
18engineering, installation, and maintenance of voice, data,
19video, security, and all telecommunication systems do not
20constitute engaging in a business of selling tangible personal
21property at retail within the meaning of this Act if they are
22sold at one specified contract price.
23 A person who holds himself or herself out as being engaged
24(or who habitually engages) in selling tangible personal
25property at retail is a person engaged in the business of
26selling tangible personal property at retail hereunder with

10100SB0119ham001- 519 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1respect to such sales (and not primarily in a service
2occupation) notwithstanding the fact that such person designs
3and produces such tangible personal property on special order
4for the purchaser and in such a way as to render the property
5of value only to such purchaser, if such tangible personal
6property so produced on special order serves substantially the
7same function as stock or standard items of tangible personal
8property that are sold at retail.
9 Persons who engage in the business of transferring tangible
10personal property upon the redemption of trading stamps are
11engaged in the business of selling such property at retail and
12shall be liable for and shall pay the tax imposed by this Act
13on the basis of the retail value of the property transferred
14upon redemption of such stamps.
15 "Bulk vending machine" means a vending machine, containing
16unsorted confections, nuts, toys, or other items designed
17primarily to be used or played with by children which, when a
18coin or coins of a denomination not larger than $0.50 are
19inserted, are dispensed in equal portions, at random and
20without selection by the customer.
21 "Remote retailer" means a retailer located outside of this
22State that does not maintain within this State, directly or by
23a subsidiary, an office, distribution house, sales house,
24warehouse or other place of business, or any agent or other
25representative operating within this State under the authority
26of the retailer or its subsidiary, irrespective of whether such

10100SB0119ham001- 520 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1place of business or agent is located here permanently or
2temporarily or whether such retailer or subsidiary is licensed
3to do business in this State.
4 "Marketplace" means a physical or electronic place, forum,
5platform, application, or other method by which a marketplace
6seller sells or offers to sell items.
7 "Marketplace facilitator" means a person who, pursuant to
8an agreement with an unrelated third-party marketplace seller,
9directly or indirectly through one or more affiliates
10facilitates a retail sale by an unrelated third party
11marketplace seller by:
12 (1) listing or advertising for sale by the marketplace
13 seller in a marketplace, tangible personal property that is
14 subject to tax under this Act; and
15 (2) either directly or indirectly, through agreements
16 or arrangements with third parties, collecting payment
17 from the customer and transmitting that payment to the
18 marketplace seller regardless of whether the marketplace
19 facilitator receives compensation or other consideration
20 in exchange for its services.
21 A person who provides advertising services, including
22listing products for sale, is not considered a marketplace
23facilitator, so long as the advertising service platform or
24forum does not engage, directly or indirectly through one or
25more affiliated persons, in the activities described in
26paragraph (2) of this definition of "marketplace facilitator".

10100SB0119ham001- 521 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 "Marketplace seller" means a person that makes sales
2through a marketplace operated by an unrelated third party
3marketplace facilitator.
4(Source: P.A. 101-31, eff. 6-28-19.)
5 (35 ILCS 120/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 441)
6 Sec. 2. Tax imposed.
7 (a) A tax is imposed upon persons engaged in the business
8of selling at retail tangible personal property, including
9computer software, and including photographs, negatives, and
10positives that are the product of photoprocessing, but not
11including products of photoprocessing produced for use in
12motion pictures for public commercial exhibition. Beginning
13January 1, 2001, prepaid telephone calling arrangements shall
14be considered tangible personal property subject to the tax
15imposed under this Act regardless of the form in which those
16arrangements may be embodied, transmitted, or fixed by any
17method now known or hereafter developed. Sales of (1)
18electricity delivered to customers by wire; (2) natural or
19artificial gas that is delivered to customers through pipes,
20pipelines, or mains; and (3) water that is delivered to
21customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains are not subject to
22tax under this Act. The provisions of this amendatory Act of
23the 98th General Assembly are declaratory of existing law as to
24the meaning and scope of this Act.
25 (b) Beginning on January 1, 2021 July 1, 2020, a remote

10100SB0119ham001- 522 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1retailer is engaged in the occupation of selling at retail in
2Illinois for purposes of this Act, if:
3 (1) the cumulative gross receipts from sales of
4 tangible personal property to purchasers in Illinois are
5 $100,000 or more; or
6 (2) the retailer enters into 200 or more separate
7 transactions for the sale of tangible personal property to
8 purchasers in Illinois.
9 Remote retailers that meet or exceed the threshold in
10either paragraph (1) or (2) above shall be liable for all
11applicable State retailers' and locally imposed retailers'
12occupation taxes administered by the Department on all retail
13sales to Illinois purchasers.
14 The remote retailer shall determine on a quarterly basis,
15ending on the last day of March, June, September, and December,
16whether he or she meets the criteria of either paragraph (1) or
17(2) of this subsection for the preceding 12-month period. If
18the retailer meets the criteria of either paragraph (1) or (2)
19for a 12-month period, he or she is considered a retailer
20maintaining a place of business in this State and is required
21to collect and remit the tax imposed under this Act and all
22retailers' occupation tax imposed by local taxing
23jurisdictions in Illinois, provided such local taxes are
24administered by the Department, and to file all applicable
25returns for one year. At the end of that one-year period, the
26retailer shall determine whether the retailer met the criteria

10100SB0119ham001- 523 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1of either paragraph (1) or (2) for the preceding 12-month
2period. If the retailer met the criteria in either paragraph
3(1) or (2) for the preceding 12-month period, he or she is
4considered a retailer maintaining a place of business in this
5State and is required to collect and remit all applicable State
6and local retailers' occupation taxes and file returns for the
7subsequent year. If, at the end of a one-year period, a
8retailer that was required to collect and remit the tax imposed
9under this Act determines that he or she did not meet the
10criteria in either paragraph (1) or (2) during the preceding
1112-month period, then the retailer shall subsequently
12determine on a quarterly basis, ending on the last day of
13March, June, September, and December, whether he or she meets
14the criteria of either paragraph (1) or (2) for the preceding
1512-month period.
16 (b-5) For the purposes of this Section, neither the gross
17receipts from nor the number of separate transactions for sales
18of tangible personal property to purchasers in Illinois that a
19remote retailer makes through a marketplace facilitator shall
20be included for the purposes of determining whether he or she
21has met the thresholds of subsection (b) of this Section so
22long as the remote retailer has received certification from the
23marketplace facilitator that the marketplace facilitator is
24legally responsible for payment of tax on such sales.
25 (b-10) A remote retailer required to collect taxes imposed
26under the Use Tax Act on retail sales made to Illinois

10100SB0119ham001- 524 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1purchasers shall be liable to the Department for such taxes,
2except when the remote retailer is relieved of the duty to
3remit such taxes by virtue of having paid to the Department
4taxes imposed by this Act in accordance with this Section upon
5his or her gross receipts from such sales.
6 (c) Marketplace facilitators engaged in the business of
7selling at retail tangible personal property in Illinois.
8Beginning January 1, 2021, a marketplace facilitator is engaged
9in the occupation of selling at retail tangible personal
10property in Illinois for purposes of this Act if, during the
11previous 12-month period:
12 (1) the cumulative gross receipts from sales of
13 tangible personal property on its own behalf or on behalf
14 of marketplace sellers to purchasers in Illinois equals
15 $100,000 or more; or
16 (2) the marketplace facilitator enters into 200 or more
17 separate transactions on its own behalf or on behalf of
18 marketplace sellers for the sale of tangible personal
19 property to purchasers in Illinois, regardless of whether
20 the marketplace facilitator or marketplace sellers for
21 whom such sales are facilitated are registered as retailers
22 in this State.
23 A marketplace facilitator who meets either paragraph (1) or
24(2) of this subsection is required to remit the applicable
25State retailers' occupation taxes under this Act and local
26retailers' occupation taxes administered by the Department on

10100SB0119ham001- 525 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1all taxable sales of tangible personal property made by the
2marketplace facilitator or facilitated for marketplace sellers
3to customers in this State. A marketplace facilitator selling
4or facilitating the sale of tangible personal property to
5customers in this State is subject to all applicable procedures
6and requirements of this Act.
7 The marketplace facilitator shall determine on a quarterly
8basis, ending on the last day of March, June, September, and
9December, whether he or she meets the criteria of either
10paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection for the preceding
1112-month period. If the marketplace facilitator meets the
12criteria of either paragraph (1) or (2) for a 12-month period,
13he or she is considered a retailer maintaining a place of
14business in this State and is required to remit the tax imposed
15under this Act and all retailers' occupation tax imposed by
16local taxing jurisdictions in Illinois, provided such local
17taxes are administered by the Department, and to file all
18applicable returns for one year. At the end of that one-year
19period, the marketplace facilitator shall determine whether it
20met the criteria of either paragraph (1) or (2) for the
21preceding 12-month period. If the marketplace facilitator met
22the criteria in either paragraph (1) or (2) for the preceding
2312-month period, it is considered a retailer maintaining a
24place of business in this State and is required to collect and
25remit all applicable State and local retailers' occupation
26taxes and file returns for the subsequent year. If at the end

10100SB0119ham001- 526 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1of a one-year period a marketplace facilitator that was
2required to collect and remit the tax imposed under this Act
3determines that he or she did not meet the criteria in either
4paragraph (1) or (2) during the preceding 12-month period, the
5marketplace facilitator shall subsequently determine on a
6quarterly basis, ending on the last day of March, June,
7September, and December, whether he or she meets the criteria
8of either paragraph (1) or (2) for the preceding 12-month
10 A marketplace facilitator shall be entitled to any credits,
11deductions, or adjustments to the sales price otherwise
12provided to the marketplace seller, in addition to any such
13adjustments provided directly to the marketplace facilitator.
14This Section pertains to, but is not limited to, adjustments
15such as discounts, coupons, and rebates. In addition, a
16marketplace facilitator shall be entitled to the retailers'
17discount provided in Section 3 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax
18Act on all marketplace sales, and the marketplace seller shall
19not include sales made through a marketplace facilitator when
20computing any retailers' discount on remaining sales.
21Marketplace facilitators shall report and remit the applicable
22State and local retailers' occupation taxes on sales
23facilitated for marketplace sellers separately from any sales
24or use tax collected on taxable retail sales made directly by
25the marketplace facilitator or its affiliates.
26 The marketplace facilitator is liable for the remittance of

10100SB0119ham001- 527 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1all applicable State retailers' occupation taxes under this Act
2and local retailers' occupation taxes administered by the
3Department on sales through the marketplace and is subject to
4audit on all such sales. The Department shall not audit
5marketplace sellers for their marketplace sales where a
6marketplace facilitator remitted the applicable State and
7local retailers' occupation taxes unless the marketplace
8facilitator seeks relief as a result of incorrect information
9provided to the marketplace facilitator by a marketplace seller
10as set forth in this Section. The marketplace facilitator shall
11not be held liable for tax on any sales made by a marketplace
12seller that take place outside of the marketplace and which are
13not a part of any agreement between a marketplace facilitator
14and a marketplace seller. In addition, marketplace
15facilitators shall not be held liable to State and local
16governments of Illinois for having charged and remitted an
17incorrect amount of State and local retailers' occupation tax
18if, at the time of the sale, the tax is computed based on
19erroneous data provided by the State in database files on tax
20rates, boundaries, or taxing jurisdictions or incorrect
21information provided to the marketplace facilitator by the
22marketplace seller.
23 (d) A marketplace facilitator shall:
24 (1) certify to each marketplace seller that the
25 marketplace facilitator assumes the rights and duties of a
26 retailer under this Act with respect to sales made by the

10100SB0119ham001- 528 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 marketplace seller through the marketplace; and
2 (2) remit taxes imposed by this Act as required by this
3 Act for sales made through the marketplace.
4 (e) A marketplace seller shall retain books and records for
5all sales made through a marketplace in accordance with the
6requirements of this Act.
7 (f) A marketplace facilitator is subject to audit on all
8marketplace sales for which it is considered to be the
9retailer, but shall not be liable for tax or subject to audit
10on sales made by marketplace sellers outside of the
12 (g) A marketplace facilitator required to collect taxes
13imposed under the Use Tax Act on marketplace sales made to
14Illinois purchasers shall be liable to the Department for such
15taxes, except when the marketplace facilitator is relieved of
16the duty to remit such taxes by virtue of having paid to the
17Department taxes imposed by this Act in accordance with this
18Section upon his or her gross receipts from such sales.
19 (h) Nothing in this Section shall allow the Department to
20collect retailers' occupation taxes from both the marketplace
21facilitator and marketplace seller on the same transaction.
22 (i) If, for any reason, the Department is prohibited from
23enforcing the marketplace facilitator's duty under this Act to
24remit taxes pursuant to this Section, the duty to remit such
25taxes remains with the marketplace seller.
26 (j) Nothing in this Section affects the obligation of any

10100SB0119ham001- 529 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1consumer to remit use tax for any taxable transaction for which
2a certified service provider acting on behalf of a remote
3retailer or a marketplace facilitator does not collect and
4remit the appropriate tax.
5 (k) Nothing in this Section shall allow the Department to
6collect the retailers' occupation tax from both the marketplace
7facilitator and the marketplace seller.
8(Source: P.A. 101-31, eff. 6-28-19.)
9 (35 ILCS 120/2-12)
10 Sec. 2-12. Location where retailer is deemed to be engaged
11in the business of selling. The purpose of this Section is to
12specify where a retailer is deemed to be engaged in the
13business of selling tangible personal property for the purposes
14of this Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, and the
15Service Occupation Tax Act, and for the purpose of collecting
16any other local retailers' occupation tax administered by the
17Department. This Section applies only with respect to the
18particular selling activities described in the following
19paragraphs. The provisions of this Section are not intended to,
20and shall not be interpreted to, affect where a retailer is
21deemed to be engaged in the business of selling with respect to
22any activity that is not specifically described in the
23following paragraphs.
24 (1) If a purchaser who is present at the retailer's
25 place of business, having no prior commitment to the

10100SB0119ham001- 530 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 retailer, agrees to purchase and makes payment for tangible
2 personal property at the retailer's place of business, then
3 the transaction shall be deemed an over-the-counter sale
4 occurring at the retailer's same place of business where
5 the purchaser was present and made payment for that
6 tangible personal property if the retailer regularly
7 stocks the purchased tangible personal property or similar
8 tangible personal property in the quantity, or similar
9 quantity, for sale at the retailer's same place of business
10 and then either (i) the purchaser takes possession of the
11 tangible personal property at the same place of business or
12 (ii) the retailer delivers or arranges for the tangible
13 personal property to be delivered to the purchaser.
14 (2) If a purchaser, having no prior commitment to the
15 retailer, agrees to purchase tangible personal property
16 and makes payment over the phone, in writing, or via the
17 Internet and takes possession of the tangible personal
18 property at the retailer's place of business, then the sale
19 shall be deemed to have occurred at the retailer's place of
20 business where the purchaser takes possession of the
21 property if the retailer regularly stocks the item or
22 similar items in the quantity, or similar quantities,
23 purchased by the purchaser.
24 (3) A retailer is deemed to be engaged in the business
25 of selling food, beverages, or other tangible personal
26 property through a vending machine at the location where

10100SB0119ham001- 531 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 the vending machine is located at the time the sale is made
2 if (i) the vending machine is a device operated by coin,
3 currency, credit card, token, coupon or similar device; (2)
4 the food, beverage or other tangible personal property is
5 contained within the vending machine and dispensed from the
6 vending machine; and (3) the purchaser takes possession of
7 the purchased food, beverage or other tangible personal
8 property immediately.
9 (4) Minerals. A producer of coal or other mineral mined
10 in Illinois is deemed to be engaged in the business of
11 selling at the place where the coal or other mineral mined
12 in Illinois is extracted from the earth. With respect to
13 minerals (i) the term "extracted from the earth" means the
14 location at which the coal or other mineral is extracted
15 from the mouth of the mine, and (ii) a "mineral" includes
16 not only coal, but also oil, sand, stone taken from a
17 quarry, gravel and any other thing commonly regarded as a
18 mineral and extracted from the earth. This paragraph does
19 not apply to coal or another mineral when it is delivered
20 or shipped by the seller to the purchaser at a point
21 outside Illinois so that the sale is exempt under the
22 United States Constitution as a sale in interstate or
23 foreign commerce.
24 (5) A retailer selling tangible personal property to a
25 nominal lessee or bailee pursuant to a lease with a dollar
26 or other nominal option to purchase is engaged in the

10100SB0119ham001- 532 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 business of selling at the location where the property is
2 first delivered to the lessee or bailee for its intended
3 use.
4 (6) Beginning on January 1, 2021, a remote retailer
5 making retail sales of tangible personal property that meet
6 or exceed the thresholds established in paragraph (1) or
7 (2) of subsection (b) of Section 2 of this Act is engaged
8 in the business of selling at the Illinois location to
9 which the tangible personal property is shipped or
10 delivered or at which possession is taken by the purchaser.
11 July 1, 2020, for the purposes of determining the correct
12 local retailers' occupation tax rate, retail sales made by
13 a remote retailer that meet or exceed the thresholds
14 established in paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (b) of
15 Section 2 of this Act shall be deemed to be made at the
16 Illinois location to which the tangible personal property
17 is shipped or delivered or at which possession is taken by
18 the purchaser.
19 (7) Beginning January 1, 2021, a marketplace
20 facilitator facilitating sales of tangible personal
21 property that meet or exceed one of the thresholds
22 established in paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (c) of
23 Section 2 of this Act is deemed to be engaged in the
24 business of selling at the Illinois location to which the
25 tangible personal property is shipped or delivered or at
26 which possession is taken by the purchaser when the sale is

10100SB0119ham001- 533 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 made by a marketplace seller on the marketplace
2 facilitator's marketplace.
3(Source: P.A. 101-31, eff. 6-28-19.)
4 Section 15-20. The Leveling the Playing Field for Illinois
5Retail Act is amended by changing Sections 5-5, 5-15, 5-20,
65-25, and 5-30 and by adding Section 5-27 as follows:
7 (35 ILCS 185/5-5)
8 Sec. 5-5. Findings. The General Assembly finds that
9certified service providers and certified automated systems
10simplify use and occupation tax compliance for remote retailers
11out-of-state sellers, which fosters higher levels of accurate
12tax collection and remittance and generates administrative
13savings and new marginal tax revenue for both State and local
14taxing jurisdictions. By making the services of certified
15service providers and certified automated systems available to
16remote retailers without charge, other than their retailer
17customer's retail discount, as provided in this Act, the State
18will substantially eliminate the burden on those remote
19retailers to collect and remit both State and local taxing
20jurisdiction use and occupation taxes. While providing a means
21for remote retailers to collect and remit tax on an even basis
22with Illinois retailers, this Act also protects existing local
23tax revenue streams by retaining origin sourcing for all
24transactions by retailers maintaining a physical presence in

10100SB0119ham001- 534 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
2(Source: P.A. 101-31, eff. 6-28-19.)
3 (35 ILCS 185/5-15)
4 Sec. 5-15. Certification of certified service providers.
5The Department shall, no later than December 31, 2019,
6establish standards for the certification of certified service
7providers and certified automated systems and may act jointly
8with other states to accomplish these ends.
9 The Department may take other actions reasonably required
10to implement the provisions of this Act, including the adoption
11of rules and emergency rules and the procurement of goods and
12services, which also may be coordinated jointly with other
14(Source: P.A. 101-31, eff. 6-28-19.)
15 (35 ILCS 185/5-20)
16 Sec. 5-20. Provision of databases. The Department shall, no
17later than July 1, 2020:
18 (1) provide and maintain an electronic, downloadable
19 database of defined product categories that identifies the
20 taxability of each category;
21 (2) provide and maintain an electronic, downloadable
22 database of all retailers' occupation tax rates for the
23 jurisdictions in this State that levy a retailers'
24 occupation tax; and

10100SB0119ham001- 535 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (3) provide and maintain an electronic, downloadable
2 database that assigns delivery addresses in this State to
3 the applicable taxing jurisdictions.
4(Source: P.A. 101-31, eff. 6-28-19.)
5 (35 ILCS 185/5-25)
6 Sec. 5-25. Certification.
7 (a) The Department shall, no later than July 1, 2020:
8 (1) establish provide uniform minimum standards that
9 companies wishing to be designated as a certified service
10 provider in this State must meet; those minimum standards
11 must include an expedited certification process for
12 companies that have been certified in at least 5 other
13 states;
14 (2) establish provide uniform minimum standards that
15 certified automated systems must meet; those minimum
16 standards may include an expedited certification process
17 for automated systems that have been certified in at least
18 5 other states;
19 (3) establish a certification process to review the
20 systems of companies wishing to be designated as a
21 certified service provider in this State or of companies
22 wishing to use a certified automated process; this
23 certification process shall provide that companies that
24 meet all required standards and whose systems have been
25 tested and approved by the Department for properly

10100SB0119ham001- 536 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 determining the taxability of items to be sold, the correct
2 tax rate to apply to a transaction, and the appropriate
3 jurisdictions to which the tax shall be remitted, shall be
4 certified;
5 (4) enter into a contractual relationship with each
6 company that qualifies as a certified service provider or
7 that will be using a certified automated system; those
8 contracts shall, at a minimum, provide:
9 (A) that the certified service provider shall be
10 held liable for the tax imposed under this Act and the
11 Use Tax Act and all applicable local occupation taxes
12 administered by the Department if the certified
13 service provider fails to correctly remit the tax after
14 having been provided with the tax and information by a
15 remote retailer to correctly remit the taxes imposed
16 under this Act and the Use Tax Act and all applicable
17 local occupation taxes administered by the Department;
18 if the certified service provider demonstrates to the
19 satisfaction of the Department that its failure to
20 correctly remit tax on a retail sale resulted from the
21 certified service provider's good faith reliance on
22 incorrect or insufficient information provided by the
23 remote retailer, the certified service provider shall
24 be relieved of liability for the tax on that retail
25 sale; in that case, the remote retailer is liable for
26 any resulting tax due the responsibilities of the

10100SB0119ham001- 537 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 certified service provider and the remote retailers
2 that contract with the certified service provider or
3 the user of a certified automated system related to
4 liability for proper collection and remittance of use
5 and occupation taxes;
6 (B) the responsibilities of the certified service
7 provider and the remote retailers that contract with
8 the certified service provider or the user of a
9 certified automated system service provider related to
10 record keeping and auditing consistent with
11 requirements imposed under the Retailers' Occupation
12 Tax Act and the Use Tax Act;
13 (C) for the protection and confidentiality of tax
14 information consistent with requirements imposed under
15 the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and the Use Tax Act;
16 and
17 (D) compensation equal to 1.75% of the tax dollars
18 collected and remitted to the State by a certified
19 service provider on a timely basis, along with a return
20 that has been timely filed, on behalf of remote
21 retailers; remote retailers using a certified service
22 provider may not claim the vendor's discount allowed
23 under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or the Service
24 Occupation Tax Act; and .
25 (E) that the certified service provider shall file
26 a separate return for each remote retailer with which

10100SB0119ham001- 538 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 it has a Tax Remittance Agreement.
2 The provisions of this Section shall supersede the
3provisions of the Illinois Procurement Code.
4 (b) The Department may act jointly with other states to
5establish the minimum standards and process for certification
6required by paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a).
7 (c) When the systems of a certified service provider or
8certified automated systems are updated or upgraded, they must
9be recertified by the Department. Notification of changes shall
10be provided to the Department prior to implementation. Upon
11receipt of such notification, the Department shall review and
12test the changes to assess whether the updated system of the
13certified service provider or the updated certified automated
14system can properly determine the taxability of items to be
15sold, the correct tax rate to apply to a transaction, and the
16appropriate jurisdictions to which the tax shall be remitted.
17The Department shall recertify updated systems that meet these
18requirements. The certified service provider or retailer using
19a certified automated system shall be liable for any tax
20resulting from errors caused by use of an updated or upgraded
21system prior to recertification by the Department. In addition
22to these procedures, the Department may periodically review the
23system of a certified service provider or the certified
24automated system used by a retailer to ensure that the system
25can properly determine the taxability of items to be sold, the
26correct tax rate to apply to a transaction, and the appropriate

10100SB0119ham001- 539 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1jurisdictions to which the tax shall be remitted.
2(Source: P.A. 101-31, eff. 6-28-19.)
3 (35 ILCS 185/5-27 new)
4 Sec. 5-27. Tax remittance agreement.
5 (a) Before using the services of a certified service
6provider to remit taxes, remote retailers using a certified
7service provider shall enter into a tax remittance agreement
8with that certified service provider under which the certified
9service provider agrees to remit all State retailers'
10occupation taxes under this Act, use tax, and local occupation
11taxes administered by the Department for sales made by the
12remote retailer. A copy of the tax remittance agreement shall
13be electronically filed with the Department by the certified
14service provider no later than 30 days prior to its effective
16 (b) A certified service provider that has entered into a
17tax remittance agreement with a remote retailer is required to
18file all returns and remit all taxes required under the tax
19remittance agreement, including all local occupation taxes
20administered by the Department, with respect to all sales for
21which there is not otherwise an exemption.
22 (35 ILCS 185/5-30)
23 Sec. 5-30. Database; relief Relief from liability; annual
24verification; refunds.

10100SB0119ham001- 540 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 (a) The Department shall, to the best of its ability,
2utilize an electronic database to provide information
3assigning purchaser addresses to the proper local taxing
5 (b) Remote Beginning January 1, 2020, remote retailers
6using certified service providers or certified automated
7systems and their certified service providers or certified
8automated systems providers are relieved from liability to the
9State for having remitted charged and collected the incorrect
10amount of use or occupation tax resulting from a certified
11service provider or certified automated system relying, at the
12time of the sale, on: (1) erroneous data provided by the State
13in database files on tax rates, boundaries, or taxing
14jurisdictions; or (2) erroneous data provided by the State
15concerning the taxability of products and services.
16 (c) Beginning February 1, 2022 and on or before February 1
17of each year thereafter, the Department shall make available to
18each local taxing jurisdiction the taxing jurisdiction's
19boundaries, determined by the Department, for its
20verification. Jurisdictions shall verify these taxing
21jurisdiction boundaries and notify the Department of any
22changes, additions, or deletions by April 1 of each year in the
23form and manner required by the Department. The Department
24shall use its best judgment and information to confirm the
25information provided by the taxing jurisdictions and update its
26database. The Department shall administer and enforce such

10100SB0119ham001- 541 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1changes on the first day of the next following July. The
2Department shall, to the best of its ability, assign addresses
3to the proper local taxing jurisdiction using a 9-digit zip
4code identifier. On an annual basis, the Department shall make
5available to local taxing jurisdictions the taxing
6jurisdiction boundaries determined by the Department for their
7verification. If a jurisdiction fails to verify their taxing
8jurisdiction boundaries to the Department in any given year,
9the Department shall assign retailers' occupation tax revenue
10from remote retail sales based on its best information. In that
11case, tax revenues from remote retail sales remitted to a
12taxing jurisdiction based on erroneous local tax boundary
13information will be assigned to the correct taxing jurisdiction
14on a prospective basis upon notice of the boundary error from a
15local taxing jurisdiction.
16 (d) The clerk of any municipality or county from which
17territory has been annexed or disconnected shall notify the
18Department of Revenue of that annexation or disconnection in
19the form and manner required by the Department. Required
20documentation shall include a certified copy of the plat of
21annexation or, in the case of disconnection, the ordinance,
22final judgment, or resolution of disconnection together with an
23accurate depiction of the territory disconnected. Notification
24shall be provided to the Department either (i) on or before the
25first day of April, whereupon the Department shall confirm the
26information provided by the municipality or county and update

10100SB0119ham001- 542 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1its database and proceed to administer and enforce the
2confirmed changes on the first day of July next following the
3proper notification; or (ii) on or before the first day of
4October, whereupon the Department shall confirm the
5information provided by the municipality or county and update
6its database and proceed to administer and enforce the
7confirmed changes on the first day of January next following
8proper notification.
9No certified service provider or remote retailer using a
10certified automated system shall be subject to a class action
11brought on behalf of customers and arising from, or in any way
12related to, an overpayment of retailers' occupation tax
13collected by the certified service provider if, at the time of
14the sale, they relied on information provided by the
15Department, regardless of whether that claim is characterized
16as a tax refund claim.
17 (e) Nothing in this Section affects a customer's right to
18seek a refund from the remote retailer as provided in this Act.
19(Source: P.A. 101-31, eff. 6-28-19.)
20 Section 15-97. Severability. The provisions of this
21Article are severable under Section 1.31 of the Statute on

10100SB0119ham001- 543 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Section 20-5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by
2changing Section 3-821 as follows:
3 (625 ILCS 5/3-821) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-821)
4 Sec. 3-821. Miscellaneous registration and title fees.
5 (a) Except as provided under subsection (h), the fee to be
6paid to the Secretary of State for the following certificates,
7registrations or evidences of proper registration, or for
8corrected or duplicate documents shall be in accordance with
9the following schedule:
10 Certificate of Title, except for an all-terrain
11vehicle or off-highway motorcycle, prior to July 1,
122019 $95
13 Certificate of Title, except for an all-terrain
14vehicle, off-highway motorcycle, or motor home, mini
15motor home or van camper, on and after July 1, 2019 $150
16 Certificate of Title for a motor home, mini motor
17home, or van camper, on and after July 1,2019 $250
18 Certificate of Title for an all-terrain vehicle
19or off-highway motorcycle$30
20 Certificate of Title for an all-terrain vehicle
21or off-highway motorcycle used for production
22agriculture, or accepted by a dealer in trade$13
23 Certificate of Title for a low-speed vehicle$30
24 Transfer of Registration or any evidence of
25proper registration $25

10100SB0119ham001- 544 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 Duplicate Registration Card for plates or other
2evidence of proper registration$3
3 Duplicate Registration Sticker or Stickers, each$20
4 Duplicate Certificate of Title, prior to July 1,
52019 $95
6 Duplicate Certificate of Title, on and after July
71, 2019 $50
8 Corrected Registration Card or Card for other
9evidence of proper registration$3
10 Corrected Certificate of Title$95
11 Salvage Certificate, prior to July 1, 2019 $4
12 Salvage Certificate, on and after July 1, 2019 $20
13 Fleet Reciprocity Permit$15
14 Prorate Decal$1
15 Prorate Backing Plate$3
16 Special Corrected Certificate of Title$15
17 Expedited Title Service (to be charged in addition
18to other applicable fees)$30
19 Dealer Lien Release Certificate of Title$20
20 Junking Certificate, on and after July 1, 2019 $10
21 A special corrected certificate of title shall be issued
22(i) to remove a co-owner's name due to the death of the
23co-owner, to transfer title to a spouse if the decedent-spouse
24was the sole owner on the title, or due to a divorce; (ii) to
25change a co-owner's name due to a marriage; or (iii) due to a
26name change under Article XXI of the Code of Civil Procedure.

10100SB0119ham001- 545 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1 There shall be no fee paid for a Junking Certificate prior
2to July 1, 2019.
3 There shall be no fee paid for a certificate of title
4issued to a county when the vehicle is forfeited to the county
5under Article 36 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
6 (a-5) The Secretary of State may revoke a certificate of
7title and registration card and issue a corrected certificate
8of title and registration card, at no fee to the vehicle owner
9or lienholder, if there is proof that the vehicle
10identification number is erroneously shown on the original
11certificate of title.
12 (a-10) The Secretary of State may issue, in connection with
13the sale of a motor vehicle, a corrected title to a motor
14vehicle dealer upon application and submittal of a lien release
15letter from the lienholder listed in the files of the
16Secretary. In the case of a title issued by another state, the
17dealer must submit proof from the state that issued the last
18title. The corrected title, which shall be known as a dealer
19lien release certificate of title, shall be issued in the name
20of the vehicle owner without the named lienholder. If the motor
21vehicle is currently titled in a state other than Illinois, the
22applicant must submit either (i) a letter from the current
23lienholder releasing the lien and stating that the lienholder
24has possession of the title; or (ii) a letter from the current
25lienholder releasing the lien and a copy of the records of the
26department of motor vehicles for the state in which the vehicle

10100SB0119ham001- 546 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1is titled, showing that the vehicle is titled in the name of
2the applicant and that no liens are recorded other than the
3lien for which a release has been submitted. The fee for the
4dealer lien release certificate of title is $20.
5 (b) The Secretary may prescribe the maximum service charge
6to be imposed upon an applicant for renewal of a registration
7by any person authorized by law to receive and remit or
8transmit to the Secretary such renewal application and fees
10 (c) If payment is delivered to the Office of the Secretary
11of State as payment of any fee or tax under this Code, and such
12payment is not honored for any reason, the registrant or other
13person tendering the payment remains liable for the payment of
14such fee or tax. The Secretary of State may assess a service
15charge of $25 in addition to the fee or tax due and owing for
16all dishonored payments.
17 If the total amount then due and owing exceeds the sum of
18$100 and has not been paid in full within 60 days from the date
19the dishonored payment was first delivered to the Secretary of
20State, the Secretary of State shall assess a penalty of 25% of
21such amount remaining unpaid.
22 All amounts payable under this Section shall be computed to
23the nearest dollar. Out of each fee collected for dishonored
24payments, $5 shall be deposited in the Secretary of State
25Special Services Fund.
26 (d) The minimum fee and tax to be paid by any applicant for

10100SB0119ham001- 547 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1apportionment of a fleet of vehicles under this Code shall be
2$15 if the application was filed on or before the date
3specified by the Secretary together with fees and taxes due. If
4an application and the fees or taxes due are filed after the
5date specified by the Secretary, the Secretary may prescribe
6the payment of interest at the rate of 1/2 of 1% per month or
7fraction thereof after such due date and a minimum of $8.
8 (e) Trucks, truck tractors, truck tractors with loads, and
9motor buses, any one of which having a combined total weight in
10excess of 12,000 lbs. shall file an application for a Fleet
11Reciprocity Permit issued by the Secretary of State. This
12permit shall be in the possession of any driver operating a
13vehicle on Illinois highways. Any foreign licensed vehicle of
14the second division operating at any time in Illinois without a
15Fleet Reciprocity Permit or other proper Illinois
16registration, shall subject the operator to the penalties
17provided in Section 3-834 of this Code. For the purposes of
18this Code, "Fleet Reciprocity Permit" means any second division
19motor vehicle with a foreign license and used only in
20interstate transportation of goods. The fee for such permit
21shall be $15 per fleet which shall include all vehicles of the
22fleet being registered.
23 (f) For purposes of this Section, "all-terrain vehicle or
24off-highway motorcycle used for production agriculture" means
25any all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle used in the
26raising of or the propagation of livestock, crops for sale for

10100SB0119ham001- 548 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1human consumption, crops for livestock consumption, and
2production seed stock grown for the propagation of feed grains
3and the husbandry of animals or for the purpose of providing a
4food product, including the husbandry of blood stock as a main
5source of providing a food product. "All-terrain vehicle or
6off-highway motorcycle used in production agriculture" also
7means any all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle used in
8animal husbandry, floriculture, aquaculture, horticulture, and
10 (g) All of the proceeds of the additional fees imposed by
11Public Act 96-34 shall be deposited into the Capital Projects
13 (h) The fee for a duplicate registration sticker or
14stickers shall be the amount required under subsection (a) or
15the vehicle's annual registration fee amount, whichever is
17 (i) All of the proceeds of the additional fees imposed by
18this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly shall be
19deposited into the Road Fund.
20(Source: P.A. 100-956, eff. 1-1-19; 101-32, eff. 6-28-19.)
22 Section 95-995. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act
23makes changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by
24text that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a

10100SB0119ham001- 549 -LRB101 06854 HLH 64635 a
1Section represented by multiple versions), the use of that text
2does not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) the
3changes made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from any
4other Public Act.
6 Section 99-999. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
7becoming law, except that the provisions of Article 15 take
8effect January 1, 2020.".