Rep. Jay Hoffman

Filed: 8/21/2015

09900SB0373ham001LRB099 03128 AWJ 38010 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 373 on page 1, by
3replacing lines 4 and 5 with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Township Code is amended by changing
5Section 205-140 and by adding Section 200-14c as follows:"; and
6on page 2, immediately below line 1, by inserting the
8 "(60 ILCS 1/205-140)
9 Sec. 205-140. Initiating proceedings for particular
10locality; rates and charges; lien.
11 (a) A township board may initiate proceedings under
12Sections 205-130 through 205-150 in the manner provided by
13Section 205-20.
14 (b) The township board may establish the rate or charge to
15each user of the waterworks system or sewerage system, or

09900SB0373ham001- 2 -LRB099 03128 AWJ 38010 a
1combined waterworks and sewerage system, or improvement or
2extension at a rate that will be sufficient to pay the
3principal and interest of any bonds issued to pay the cost of
4the system, improvement, or extension and the maintenance and
5operation of the system, improvement, or extension and may
6provide an adequate depreciation fund for the bonds. Charges or
7rates shall be established, revised, and maintained by
8ordinance and become payable as the township board determines
9by ordinance.
10 (c) The charges or rates are liens upon the real estate
11upon or for which sewerage service is supplied whenever the
12charges or rates become delinquent as provided by the ordinance
13of the board fixing a delinquency date.
14 (d) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,
15the township shall conduct a cost study regarding the
16connection charge of the township:
17 (1) before the township increases or creates a
18 connection charge;
19 (2) upon the request of the supervisor or a majority of
20 the township board of the township;
21 (3) upon the request of a majority of the mayors or
22 village presidents of the municipalities located within or
23 substantially within the township or township's facility
24 planning area; or
25 (4) upon the filing with the township board of a
26 petition signed by 10% or more of the customers who have

09900SB0373ham001- 3 -LRB099 03128 AWJ 38010 a
1 paid connection charges to the township in the previous 5
2 calendar years.
3 The cost study shall be conducted by an independent entity
4within 6 months of an action taken under paragraphs (1), (2),
5(3), or (4) of this subsection (d). After performing a cost
6study under this subsection (d), an independent entity may not
7contract with any State agency, unit of local government, or
8non-governmental entity for goods or services within the
9township or township service area in the 24 months after
10completion of the cost study other than to perform further cost
11studies under this subsection (d). A township shall not conduct
12more than one cost study under this subsection (d) in a 60
13month period. The cost study must include, at a minimum, an
14examination of similar water main and sewer connection charges
15in neighboring units of local government or units of local
16government similar in size or population. Following the
17completion of the cost study, no increase or new connection
18charge may be imposed unless the increase or new charge is
19justified by the cost study. If the connection charge the
20township charged prior to completion of the cost study is
21higher than is justified by the cost study, the township shall
22reduce its connection charge to the amount justified by the
23cost study.
24 (e) If a cost study has been conducted pursuant to
25subsection (d) of this Section and a new cost study is
26requested under paragraph (3) or (4) of subsection (d), the

09900SB0373ham001- 4 -LRB099 03128 AWJ 38010 a
1township shall obtain a written quote from an independent
2entity detailing the cost of the requested cost study and the
3following shall occur prior to a new cost study beginning:
4 (1) each township, village, and municipality whose
5 mayor or president requested the cost study under paragraph
6 (3) of subsection (d) shall pay a proportionate share of
7 the cost of the written quote required under this
8 subsection (e); or
9 (2) the customers who signed the petition under
10 paragraph (4) of subsection (d) shall pay to the township
11 the entire cost of the written quote required under this
12 subsection (e).
13 (f) For purposes of this Section only:
14 "Connection charge" means any charge or fee, by whatever
15name, assessed to recover the cost of connecting the customer's
16water main, sewer, or water main and sewer service line to the
17township's facilities, and includes only the direct and
18indirect costs of physically tying the service line into the
19township's main.
20 "Independent entity" means an engineering firm that has not
21entered into a contract with any State agency, unit of local
22government, or non-governmental entity for goods or services
23within the township or township service area in the 24 months
24prior to being contracted to perform the cost study.
25(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)"; and

09900SB0373ham001- 5 -LRB099 03128 AWJ 38010 a
1on page 3, immediately below line 20, by inserting the
3 "Section 20. The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
4Act is amended by changing Sections 4.3, 4.11, 4.12, and 4.14
5as follows:
6 (70 ILCS 2605/4.3) (from Ch. 42, par. 323.3)
7 Sec. 4.3. Classification of positions. The Director shall,
8with the consent and approval of said civil service board,
9classify within 90 days after the effective date of this
10amendatory Act of 1997, all positions in said sanitary district
11with reference to the duties thereof for the purpose of
12establishing job classifications, and of fixing and
13maintaining standards of examinations hereinafter provided
14for. The positions so classified shall constitute the
15classified civil service of such sanitary district and no
16appointments, promotions, transfers, demotions, reductions in
17grade or pay or removal therefrom shall be made except under
18and according to the provisions of this Act and of the rules
19hereinafter mentioned. As a part of such classified civil
20service all employees under said Director, except special
21examiners, shall be included. The Director shall ascertain and
22record the duties of each position in the classified civil
23service and designate the classification of each position. Each
24classification shall comprise positions having substantially

09900SB0373ham001- 6 -LRB099 03128 AWJ 38010 a
1similar duties. He shall also record the lines of promotion
2from each lower classification to a higher classification
3wherever the experience derived in the performance of the
4duties of such lower classification tends to qualify for
5performance of duty in such higher classification. The
6director, subject to the disapproval of the civil service board
7as hereinafter provided, shall by rule prescribe standards of
8efficiency for each classification and for examinations of
9candidates for appointment thereto. Such rule or any amendment
10thereof shall take effect 30 days after written notice thereof
11is given to the civil service board, unless within such period
12the board files with the Director a written notice of its
13disapproval thereof.
14 For the purpose of establishing uniformity of pay and title
15for all positions similarly classified, it shall be the duty of
16the Director to prescribe by rule which shall become effective
17when approved by the trustees, the maximum and minimum pay for
18each classification and the title thereof and to report to the
19trustees annually and at such other times as they may direct
20the name and address of each officer and employee paid more or
21less than the pay prescribed for his classification or
22designated by a title other than that prescribed for his
23classification by the board of trustees. It shall be the duty
24of the trustees not later than the beginning of the next fiscal
25year after receiving such report to change the pay or title of
26any position or employee so reported out of classification to

09900SB0373ham001- 7 -LRB099 03128 AWJ 38010 a
1conform to the title and pay prescribed by the Director for the
2classification in which the position held by the employee is
3classified. The Director shall standardize employment in each
4classification and make and keep a record of the relative
5efficiency of each employee in the classified civil service.
6The Director shall provide by rule methods for ascertaining and
7verifying the facts from which such records of relative
8efficiency shall be made which shall be uniform for each
9classification in the classified civil service.
10(Source: P.A. 90-316, eff. 1-1-98.)
11 (70 ILCS 2605/4.11) (from Ch. 42, par. 323.11)
12 Sec. 4.11. Appointments. Whenever a position classified
13under this Act is to be filled, except the positions of deputy
14director of engineering, deputy director of monitoring and
15research, deputy director of maintenance and operations,
16assistant director of engineering, assistant director of
17maintenance and operations, deputy general counsel, head
18assistant attorneys, assistant director of monitoring and
19research, assistant director of information technology,
20comptroller, assistant treasurer, assistant director of
21procurement and materials management, assistant director of
22human resources, and laborers, the Executive Director shall
23make requisition upon the Director, and the Director shall
24certify to him or her from the register of eligibles for the
25position the names (a) of the five candidates standing highest

09900SB0373ham001- 8 -LRB099 03128 AWJ 38010 a
1upon the register of eligibles for the position, or (b) of the
2candidates within the A category upon the register of eligibles
3if the register is by categories designated as A, B, and C,
4provided, however, that any certification shall consist of at
5least 5 candidates, if available. If fewer than 5 candidates
6are in the A category, then the Director shall also certify all
7of the candidates in the B category. If fewer than 5 candidates
8are in the A and B categories combined, then the Director shall
9also certify all of the candidates in the C category. The
10Executive Director shall notify the Director of each position
11to be filled separately and shall fill the position by
12appointment of one of the certified candidates. The Executive
13Director's appointment decision shall be final and not subject
14to review. An appointed candidate shall be a probationary
15appointee on probation for a period to be fixed by the rules,
16not exceeding 250 days worked by the probationary appointee in
17the position of probationary appointment. At any time during
18the period of probation, the Executive Director with the
19approval of the Director may terminate a probationary appointee
20and shall notify the civil service board in writing of the
21termination; however, the Executive Director's termination of
22a probationary appointee shall be final and not subject to
23review. At any time during the period of probation, a
24probationary appointee may make a written request to
25voluntarily terminate a probationary appointment, and if
26approved by the Executive Director, such voluntary termination

09900SB0373ham001- 9 -LRB099 03128 AWJ 38010 a
1shall be final and not subject to review. If a probationary
2appointee is not terminated, his or her appointment shall be
3deemed complete.
4 When there is no eligible list, the Executive Director may,
5with the authority of the Director, make a temporary
6appointment to remain in force only until a permanent
7appointment from an eligible register or list can be made in
8the manner specified in the previous provisions of this
9Section, and examinations to supply an eligible list therefor
10shall be held and an eligible list established therefrom within
11one year from the making of such appointment. The acceptance or
12refusal by an eligible person of a temporary appointment does
13not affect his or her standing on the register for permanent
15 In employment of an essentially temporary and transitory
16nature, the Executive Director may, with the authority of the
17Director of Human Resources make temporary appointments. No
18temporary appointment of an essentially temporary and
19transitory nature may be granted for a period of more than 119
20consecutive or non-consecutive working days per calendar year.
21The Director must include in his or her annual report, and if
22required by the commissioners, in any special report, a
23statement of all temporary appointments made during the year or
24period specified by the commissioners, together with a
25statement of the facts in each case because of which the
26authority was granted.

09900SB0373ham001- 10 -LRB099 03128 AWJ 38010 a
1 All laborers shall be appointed by the Executive Director
2and shall be on probation for a period to be fixed by the
3rules, not exceeding 250 days worked by the laborer in the
4position of the probationary appointment. At any time during
5the period of a laborer's probation, the Executive Director
6with the approval of the Director may terminate a laborer's
7probationary appointment and shall notify the civil service
8board in writing of the termination; however, the Executive
9Director's termination of a laborer's probationary appointment
10shall be final and not subject to review. If a laborer's
11probationary appointment is not terminated, the appointment
12shall be deemed complete.
13 The positions of deputy director of engineering, deputy
14director of monitoring and research, deputy director of
15maintenance and operations, assistant director of engineering,
16assistant director of maintenance and operations, deputy
17general counsel, head assistant attorneys, assistant director
18of monitoring and research, assistant director of information
19technology, comptroller, assistant treasurer, assistant
20director of procurement and materials management, and
21assistant director of human resources shall be appointed by the
22Executive Director upon the recommendation of the respective
23department head and shall be on probation for a period to be
24fixed by the rules, not exceeding two years. At any time during
25the period of probation, the Executive Director on the
26recommendation of the department head concerned, may terminate

09900SB0373ham001- 11 -LRB099 03128 AWJ 38010 a
1any such probationary appointee and he or she shall notify the
2Civil Service Board in writing of the termination; however, the
3Executive Director's termination of a probationary appointee
4shall be final and not subject to review. If a probationary
5appointee is not terminated, his or her appointment shall be
6deemed complete under the laws governing the classified civil
8(Source: P.A. 97-124, eff. 7-14-11.)
9 (70 ILCS 2605/4.12) (from Ch. 42, par. 323.12)
10 Sec. 4.12. The Director may by his rules provide for
11transfers of officers and employees in the classified service
12from positions in one office or department to positions of the
13same class and grade in another office or department. Transfers
14which are in the nature of promotions shall be governed by
15Section 4.10 of this Act.
16 Subject to the Executive Director's approval, an employee
17in the classified civil service may make a written request for
18a voluntary demotion to the employee's most recent former
19classification, and if granted by the Executive Director, such
20voluntary demotion shall be final and not subject to review.
21(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2477.)
22 (70 ILCS 2605/4.14) (from Ch. 42, par. 323.14)
23 Sec. 4.14. No officer or employee in the classified civil
24service of the sanitary district shall be involuntarily demoted

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1removed or discharged except for cause, upon written charges,
2and after an opportunity to be heard in his own defense. For
3discharge actions, such Such charges shall be filed with the
4civil service board within 30 days from the date of suspension
5under the charges, and the charges shall be promptly
6investigated by or before the civil service board, or by or
7before some officer or officers appointed by the civil service
8board to conduct such investigation. Both involuntary demotion
9and discharge hearings The hearing shall be public and the
10employee shall be entitled to call witnesses in his or her
11defense and to have the aid of counsel. Such hearings shall
12take place within 120 days after charges are filed against the
13employee, unless the . The hearing shall be public and the
14accused shall be entitled to call witnesses in his defense and
15to have the aid of counsel. The civil service board continues
16may continue a discharge or involuntary demotion hearing for
17good cause shown and only with the consent of the employee.
18After the hearing is completed, the The civil service board
19shall enter a finding and decision. A decision shall be deemed
20to have been served either when a copy of the decision is
21personally delivered or when a copy of the decision is
22deposited in the United States mail, addressed to the employee
23at his last known address on file with the human resources
24department. The finding and decision of the civil service board
25or of such investigating officer or officers, when approved by
26said civil service board, shall be final, except for the

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1judicial review thereof as herein provided, and shall be
2certified to the appointing officer, and shall be forthwith
3enforced by such officer. Nothing in this Act shall limit the
4power of any officer to suspend a subordinate for a reasonable
5period not exceeding thirty days; however, if charges are filed
6against a suspended employee, the suspension shall be extended
7until the civil service board enters its finding and decision
8regarding the charges unless prior to this time the board
9enters an order approving an agreement between the sanitary
10district and the employee that the suspension should terminate
11at an earlier date. Every such suspension shall be without pay:
12Provided, however, that the civil service board shall have
13authority to investigate every such suspension and, in case of
14its disapproval thereof, it shall have power to restore pay to
15the employee so suspended. For discharge actions, if the civil
16service board enters a finding and decision denying discharge,
17the employee shall be returned to the classification held at
18the time charges were filed. For involuntary demotion actions,
19if the civil service board enters a finding and decision
20granting an involuntary demotion, the employee shall be demoted
21to the employee's most recent former classification. In the
22course of any investigation provided for in this Act, each
23member of the civil service board and any officer appointed by
24it shall have the power to administer oaths and shall have
25power to secure by its subpoena both the attendance and
26testimony of witnesses and the production of books and papers.

09900SB0373ham001- 14 -LRB099 03128 AWJ 38010 a
1 Either the sanitary district or the employee may file a
2written petition for rehearing of the finding and decision of
3the civil service board within 21 calendar days after the
4finding and decision are served as provided in this Section.
5The petition shall state fully the grounds upon which
6application for further investigation and hearing is based. If
7a petition is denied by the civil service board, the decision
8shall remain in full force and effect and any further appeal by
9either party shall be in accordance with the provisions of the
10Administrative Review Law.
11 The provisions of the Administrative Review Law, and all
12amendments and modifications thereof, and the rules adopted
13pursuant thereto, shall apply to and govern all proceedings for
14the judicial review of final administrative decisions of the
15civil service board hereunder. The term "administrative
16decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil
18(Source: P.A. 95-923, eff. 8-26-08.)".