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1 AN ACT concerning insurance.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
7 Section 5-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the
8Utilization Review and Benefit Determination Law.
9 Section 5-5. Purpose and intent. This Law establishes
10standards and criteria for the structure and operation of
11utilization review and benefit determination processes
12designed to facilitate ongoing assessment and management of
13health care services.
14 Section 5-10. Definitions. For purposes of this Act:
15 "Adverse determination" has the same meaning given that
16term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
17 "Ambulatory review" has the same meaning given that term in
18the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
19 "Authorized representative" has the same meaning given
20that term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
21 "Case management" has the same meaning given that term in

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1the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
2 "Certification" has the same meaning given that term in the
3Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
4 "Clinical peer" has the same meaning given that term in the
5Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Law.
6 "Clinical review criteria" has the same meaning given that
7term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
8 "Department" means the Department of Insurance.
9 "Director" means the Director of Insurance.
10 "Concurrent review" has the same meaning given that term in
11the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
12 "Covered benefits" or "benefits" have the same meaning
13given those terms in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure
15 "Covered person" has the same meaning given that term in
16the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
17 "Discharge planning" has the same meaning given that term
18in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
19 "Emergency medical condition" has the same meaning given
20that term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
21 "Emergency services" has the same meaning given that term
22in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
23 "Facility" has the same meaning given that term in the
24Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
25 "Health benefit plan" has the same meaning given that term
26in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.

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1 "Health care professional" has the same meaning given that
2term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
3 "Health care provider" or "provider" has the same meaning
4given that term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
5 "Health care services" has the same meaning given that term
6in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
7 "Health carrier" has the same meaning given that term in
8the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
9 "Managed care plan" has the same meaning given that term in
10the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
11 "Network" has the same meaning given that term in the
12Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
13 "Participating provider" means a provider who, under a
14contract with the health carrier or with its contractor or
15subcontractor, has agreed to provide health care services to
16covered persons with an expectation of receiving payment, other
17than coinsurance, copayments, or deductibles, directly or
18indirectly from the health carrier.
19 "Person" has the same meaning given that term in the Health
20Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
21 "Prospective review" has the same meaning given that term
22in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
23 "Rescission" has the same meaning given that term in the
24Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
25 "Retrospective review" has the same meaning given that term
26in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.

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1 "Second opinion" has the same meaning given that term in
2the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
3 "Stabilization" has the same meaning given that term in the
4Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act.
5 "Urgent care request" has the same meaning given that term
6in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
7 "Utilization review" has the same meaning given that term
8in the Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act.
9 "Utilization review organization" means a utilization
10review program as defined in the Managed Care Reform and
11Patient Rights Act.
12 Section 5-15. Applicability and scope. This Law shall apply
13to a health carrier offering a health benefit plan that
14provides or performs utilization review services. The
15requirements of this Law also shall apply to any designee of
16the health carrier or utilization review organization that
17performs utilization review functions on the carrier's behalf.
18This Law also shall apply to a health carrier or its designee
19utilization review organization that provides or performs
20concurrent review, prospective review, or retrospective review
21benefit determinations.
22 Section 5-20. Corporate oversight of utilization review
23program. A health carrier shall be responsible for monitoring
24all utilization review activities carried out by, or on behalf

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1of, the health carrier and for ensuring that all requirements
2of this Law and applicable regulations are met. The health
3carrier also shall ensure that appropriate personnel have
4operational responsibility for the conduct of the health
5carrier's utilization review program.
6 Section 5-25. Contracting. Whenever a health carrier
7contracts to have a utilization review organization or other
8entity perform the utilization review functions required by
9this Law or applicable regulations, the Director shall hold the
10health carrier responsible for monitoring the activities of the
11utilization review organization or entity with which the health
12carrier contracts and for ensuring that the requirements of
13this Law and applicable regulations are met.
14 Section 5-30. Scope and content of utilization review
16 (a) A health carrier that requires a request for benefits
17under the covered person's health benefit plan to be subjected
18to utilization review shall implement a written utilization
19review program that describes all review activities and
20procedures, both delegated and non-delegated, for the
22 (1) the filing of benefit requests;
23 (2) the notification of utilization review and benefit
24 determinations; and

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1 (3) the review of adverse determinations in accordance
2 with the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
3 (b) The program document shall describe the following:
4 (1) procedures to evaluate the medical necessity,
5 appropriateness, efficacy, or efficiency of health care
6 services;
7 (2) data sources and clinical review criteria used in
8 decision-making;
9 (3) mechanisms to ensure consistent application of
10 clinical review criteria and compatible decisions;
11 (4) data collection processes and analytical methods
12 used in assessing utilization of health care services;
13 (5) provisions for assuring confidentiality of
14 clinical and proprietary information;
15 (6) the organizational structure, including, but not
16 limited to, utilization review committee, quality
17 assurance committee, or other committee that periodically
18 assesses utilization review activities and reports to the
19 health carrier's governing body; and
20 (7) the staff position functionally responsible for
21 day-to-day program management.
22 (c) A health carrier shall file an annual summary report of
23its utilization review program activities with the Director in
24the format specified by the Director.
25 (d) A health carrier shall maintain records for a minimum
26of 6 years of all benefit requests and claims and notices

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1associated with utilization review and benefit determinations
2made in accordance with Sections 5-40 and 5-45 of this Law. The
3health carrier shall make the records available for examination
4by covered persons and the Department upon request.
5 Section 5-35. Operational requirements.
6 (a) A utilization review program shall use documented
7clinical review criteria that are based on sound clinical
8evidence and are evaluated periodically to assure ongoing
9efficacy. A health carrier may develop its own clinical review
10criteria or it may purchase or license clinical review criteria
11from qualified vendors. A health carrier shall make available
12its clinical review criteria upon request to the Department.
13 (b) Qualified health care professionals shall administer
14the utilization review program and oversee utilization review
15decisions. A clinical peer shall evaluate the clinical
16appropriateness of adverse determinations.
17 (c) A health carrier shall issue utilization review and
18benefit determinations in a timely manner pursuant to the
19requirements of Sections 5-40 and 5-45 of this Law.
20 (d) The following provisions shall apply:
21 (1) Whenever a health carrier fails to strictly adhere
22 to the requirements of Sections 5-40 or 5-45 of this Law
23 with respect to making utilization review and benefit
24 determinations of a benefit request or claim, the covered
25 person shall be deemed to have exhausted the provisions of

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1 this Law and may take action under paragraph (2) of this
2 subsection (d) regardless of whether the health carrier
3 asserts that it substantially complied with the
4 requirements of Sections 5-40 or 5-45 of this Law, as
5 applicable, or that any error it committed was de minimus.
6 (2) A covered person may file a request for external
7 review in accordance with the procedures outlined in the
8 Health Carrier External Review Act. In addition, a covered
9 person is entitled to pursue any available remedies under
10 State or federal law on the basis that the health carrier
11 failed to provide a reasonable internal claims and appeals
12 process that would yield a decision on the merits of the
13 claim.
14 (e) A health carrier shall have a process to ensure that
15utilization reviewers apply clinical review criteria in
16conducting utilization review consistently.
17 (f) A health carrier shall routinely assess the
18effectiveness and efficiency of its utilization review
20 (g) A health carrier's data systems shall be sufficient to
21support utilization review program activities and to generate
22management reports to enable the health carrier to monitor and
23manage health care services effectively.
24 (h) If a health carrier delegates any utilization review
25activities to a utilization review organization, then the
26health carrier shall maintain adequate oversight, which shall

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2 (1) a written description of the utilization review
3 organization's activities and responsibilities, including
4 reporting requirements;
5 (2) evidence of formal approval of the utilization
6 review organization program by the health carrier; and
7 (3) a process by which the health carrier evaluates the
8 performance of the utilization review organization.
9 (i) The health carrier shall coordinate the utilization
10review program with other medical management activity
11conducted by the carrier, such as quality assurance,
12credentialing, provider contracting, data reporting, grievance
13procedures, processes for assessing member satisfaction, and
14risk management.
15 (j) A health carrier shall provide covered persons and
16participating providers with access to its review staff by a
17toll-free number or collect-call telephone line.
18 (k) When conducting utilization review, the health carrier
19shall collect only the information necessary, including
20pertinent clinical information, to make the utilization review
21or benefit determination.
22 (l) In conducting utilization review, the health carrier
23shall ensure that the review is conducted in a manner to ensure
24the independence and impartiality of the individuals involved
25in making the utilization review or benefit determination. In
26ensuring the independence and impartially of individuals

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1involved in making the utilization review or benefit
2determination, the health carrier shall not make decisions
3regarding hiring, compensation, termination, promotion, or
4other similar matters based upon the likelihood that the
5individual will support the denial of benefits.
6 Section 5-40. Procedures for standard utilization review
7and benefit determinations.
8 (a) A health carrier shall maintain written procedures
9pursuant to this Section for making standard utilization review
10and benefit determinations on requests submitted to the health
11carrier by covered persons or their authorized representatives
12for benefits and for notifying covered persons and their
13authorized representatives of its determinations with respect
14to these requests within the specified time frames required
15under this Section.
16 (b) Subject to subsection (d) of this Section, for
17prospective review determinations, a health carrier shall make
18the determination and notify the covered person or, if
19applicable, the covered person's authorized representative of
20the determination, whether the carrier certifies the provision
21of the benefit or not, within a reasonable period of time
22appropriate to the covered person's medical condition, but in
23no event later than 15 days after the date the health carrier
24receives the request.
25 (c) Whenever the determination is an adverse

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1determination, the health carrier shall make the notification
2of the adverse determination in accordance with subsection (q)
3of this Section.
4 (d) The time period for making a determination and
5notifying the covered person or, if applicable, the covered
6person's authorized representative of the determination
7pursuant to subsections (b) and (c) of this Section may be
8extended one time by the health carrier for up to 15 days,
9provided the health carrier:
10 (1) determines that an extension is necessary due to
11 matters beyond the health carrier's control; and
12 (2) notifies the covered person or, if applicable, the
13 covered person's authorized representative, prior to the
14 expiration of the initial 15-day time period, of the
15 circumstances requiring the extension of time and the date
16 by which the health carrier expects to make a
17 determination.
18 (e) If the extension under subsection (d) of this Section
19is necessary due to the failure of the covered person or the
20covered person's authorized representative to submit
21information necessary to reach a determination on the request,
22then the notice of extension shall:
23 (1) specifically describe the required information
24 necessary to complete the request; and
25 (2) give the covered person or, if applicable, the
26 covered person's authorized representative at least 45

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1 days from the date of receipt of the notice to provide the
2 specified information.
3 (f) Whenever the health carrier receives a prospective
4review request from a covered person or the covered person's
5authorized representative that fails to meet the health
6carrier's filing procedures, the health carrier shall notify
7the covered person or, if applicable, the covered person's
8authorized representative of this failure and provide in the
9notice information on the proper procedures to be followed for
10filing a request.
11 (g) The notice required under subsection (f) of this
12Section shall be provided, as soon as possible, but in no event
13later than 5 days following the date of the failure. The health
14carrier may provide the notice orally or, if requested by the
15covered person or the covered person's authorized
16representative, in writing.
17 (h) The provisions of subsections (f) and (g) shall apply
18only in the case of a failure that:
19 (1) is a communication by a covered person or the
20 covered person's authorized representative that is
21 received by a person or organizational unit of the health
22 carrier responsible for handling benefit matters; and
23 (2) is a communication that refers to a specific
24 covered person, a specific medical condition or symptom,
25 and a specific health care service, treatment, or provider
26 for which certification is being requested.

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1 (i) For concurrent review determinations, if a health
2carrier has certified an ongoing course of treatment to be
3provided over a period of time or number of treatments, then
4the following provisions shall apply:
5 (1) any reduction or termination by the health carrier
6 during the course of treatment before the end of the period
7 or number treatments, other than by a health benefit plan
8 amendment or termination of the health benefit plan, shall
9 constitute an adverse determination;
10 (2) the health carrier shall notify the covered person
11 of the adverse determination in accordance with subsection
12 (q) of this Section at a time sufficiently in advance of
13 the reduction or termination to allow the covered person
14 or, if applicable, the covered person's authorized
15 representative to file a grievance to request a review of
16 the adverse determination pursuant to the Health Carrier
17 Grievance Procedure Law and obtain a determination with
18 respect to that review of the adverse determination before
19 the benefit is reduced or terminated; and
20 (3) the health care service or treatment that is the
21 subject of the adverse determination shall be continued
22 without liability to the covered person with respect to the
23 internal review request made pursuant to Health Carrier
24 Grievance Procedure Law.
25 (j) For retrospective review determinations, a health
26carrier shall make the determination within a reasonable period

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1of time, but in no event later than 30 days after the date of
2receiving the benefit request.
3 (k) If the determination is an adverse determination, then
4the health carrier shall provide notice of the adverse
5determination to the covered person or, if applicable, the
6covered person's authorized representative in accordance with
7subsection (q) of this Section.
8 (l) The time period for making a determination and
9notifying the covered person or, if applicable, the covered
10person's authorized representative of the determination
11pursuant to subsections (j) and (k) of this Section may be
12extended one time by the health carrier for up to 15 days,
13provided the health carrier:
14 (1) determines that an extension is necessary due to
15 matters beyond the health carrier's control; and
16 (2) notifies the covered person or, if applicable, the
17 covered person's authorized representative, prior to the
18 expiration of the initial 30-day time period, of the
19 circumstances requiring the extension of time and the date
20 by which the health carrier expects to make a
21 determination.
22 (m) If the extension under subsection (l) of this Section
23is necessary due to the failure of the covered person or, if
24applicable, the covered person's authorized representative to
25submit information necessary to reach a determination on the
26request, the notice of extension shall:

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1 (1) specifically describe the required information
2 necessary to complete the request; and
3 (2) give the covered person or, if applicable, the
4 covered person's authorized representative at least 45
5 days after the date of receipt of the notice to provide the
6 specified information.
7 (n) For purposes of calculating the time periods within
8which a determination is required to be made under this
9Section, the time period within which the determination is
10required to be made shall begin on the date the request is
11received by the health carrier in accordance with the health
12carrier's procedures established pursuant to Section 5-30 of
13this Law for filing a request without regard to whether all of
14the information necessary to make the determination
15accompanies the filing.
16 (o) If the time period for making the determination under
17this Section is extended due to the covered person's or, if
18applicable, the covered person's authorized representative's
19failure to submit the information necessary to make the
20determination, the time period for making the determination
21shall be tolled from the date on which the health carrier sends
22the notification of the extension to the covered person or, if
23applicable, the covered person's authorized representative
24until the earlier of:
25 (1) the date on which the covered person or, if
26 applicable, the covered person's authorized representative

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1 responds to the request for additional information; or
2 (2) the date on which the specified information was to
3 have been submitted.
4 (p) If the covered person or the covered person's
5authorized representative fails to submit the information
6before the end of the period of the extension as specified in
7this Section, then the health carrier may deny the
8certification of the requested benefit.
9 (q) Notice requirements are as follows:
10 (1) A notification of an adverse determination under
11 this Section shall, in a manner calculated to be understood
12 by the covered person, set forth:
13 (A) information sufficient to identify the benefit
14 request or claim involved, including the date of
15 service, if applicable, the health care provider, the
16 claim amount, if applicable, the diagnosis code and its
17 corresponding meaning, and the treatment code and its
18 corresponding meaning;
19 (B) the specific reasons or reasons for the adverse
20 determination, including the denial code and its
21 corresponding meaning, as well as a description of the
22 health carrier's standard, if any, that was used in
23 denying the benefit request or claim;
24 (C) reference to the specific plan provisions on
25 which the determination is based;
26 (D) a description of any additional material or

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1 information necessary for the covered person to
2 perfect the benefit request, including an explanation
3 of why the material or information is necessary to
4 perfect the request;
5 (E) a description of the health carrier's
6 grievance procedures established pursuant to the
7 Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law, including any
8 time limits applicable to those procedures;
9 (F) if the health carrier relied upon an internal
10 rule, guideline, protocol, or other similar criterion
11 to make the adverse determination, either the specific
12 rule, guideline, protocol, or other similar criterion
13 or a statement that a specific rule, guideline,
14 protocol, or other similar criterion was relied upon to
15 make the adverse determination and that a copy of the
16 rule, guideline, protocol, or other similar criterion
17 will be provided free of charge to the covered person
18 upon request;
19 (G) if the adverse determination is based on a
20 medical necessity or experimental or investigational
21 treatment or similar exclusion or limit, either an
22 explanation of the scientific or clinical judgment for
23 making the determination, applying the terms of the
24 health benefit plan to the covered person's medical
25 circumstances or a statement that an explanation will
26 be provided to the covered person free of charge upon

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1 request;
2 (H) a copy of the rule, guideline, protocol, or
3 other similar criterion relied upon in making the
4 adverse determination, as provided in subparagraph (F)
5 of this paragraph (1); or
6 (I) the written statement of the scientific or
7 clinical rationale for the adverse determination, as
8 provided in subparagraph (G) of this paragraph (1); and
9 (J) a statement explaining the availability of and
10 the right of the covered person, as appropriate, to
11 contact the Department or the Office of Consumer Health
12 Insurance at any time for assistance or, upon
13 completion of the health carrier's grievance procedure
14 process as provided under the Health Carrier Grievance
15 Procedure Law, to file a civil suit in a court of
16 competent jurisdiction; the statement shall include
17 contact information for the Department and the Office
18 of Consumer Health Insurance.
19 (2) A health carrier shall provide the notice required
20 under this Section in a culturally and linguistically
21 appropriate manner if required in accordance with federal
22 regulations. If a health carrier is required to provide the
23 notice required under this Section in a culturally and
24 linguistically appropriate manner in accordance with
25 federal regulations, then the health carrier shall:
26 (A) include a statement in the English version of

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1 the notice, prominently displayed in the non-English
2 language, offering the provision of the notice in the
3 non-English language;
4 (B) once a utilization review or benefit
5 determination request has been made by a covered
6 person, provide all subsequent notices to the covered
7 person in the non-English language; and
8 (C) to the extent the health carrier maintains a
9 consumer assistance process, such as a telephone
10 hotline that answers questions or provides assistance
11 with filing claims and appeals, provide this
12 assistance in the non-English language.
13 (3) If the adverse determination is a rescission, then
14 the health carrier shall, in addition to any applicable
15 disclosures required under this subsection (q), provide:
16 (A) clear identification of the alleged fraudulent
17 act, practice, or omission or the intentional
18 misrepresentation of material fact;
19 (B) an explanation as to why the act, practice, or
20 omission was fraudulent or was an intentional
21 misrepresentation of a material fact;
22 (C) notice that the covered person or the covered
23 person's authorized representative, prior to the
24 effective date of the proposed rescission, may
25 immediately file a grievance to request a review of the
26 adverse determination to rescind coverage pursuant to

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1 the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law;
2 (D) a description of the health carrier's
3 grievance procedures established pursuant to the
4 Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law, including any
5 time limits applicable to those procedures; and
6 (E) the effective date of the proposed rescission
7 and the date back to which the coverage will be
8 retroactively rescinded.
9 (4) A health carrier must provide the notice required
10 under this Section in writing.
11 Section 5-45. Procedures for expedited utilization review
12and benefit determinations.
13 (a) A health carrier shall establish written procedures in
14accordance with this Section for receiving benefit requests
15from covered persons or their authorized representatives and
16for making and notifying covered persons or their authorized
17representatives of expedited utilization review and benefit
18determinations with respect to urgent care requests and
19concurrent review urgent care requests.
20 (b) As part of the procedures required under subsection (a)
21of this Section, a health carrier shall provide that, in the
22case of a failure by a covered person or the covered person's
23authorized representative to follow the health carrier's
24procedures for filing an urgent care request, the covered
25person or the covered person's authorized representative shall

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1be notified of the failure and the proper procedures to be
2followed for filing the request.
3 (c) The notice required under subsection (b) of this
5 (1) shall be provided to the covered person or the
6 covered person's authorized representative, as
7 appropriate, as soon as possible, but not later than 24
8 hours after receipt of the request; and
9 (2) may be oral, unless the covered person or the
10 covered person's authorized representative requests the
11 notice in writing.
12 (d) The provisions of subsections (b) and (c) of this
13Section apply only in the case of a failure that:
14 (1) is a communication by a covered person or, if
15 applicable, the covered person's authorized representative
16 that is received by a person or organizational unit of the
17 health carrier responsible for handling benefit matters;
18 and
19 (2) is a communication that refers to a specific
20 covered person, a specific medical condition or symptom,
21 and a specific health care service, treatment or provider
22 for which approval is being requested.
23 (e) For an urgent care request, unless the covered person
24or the covered person's authorized representative has failed to
25provide sufficient information for the health carrier to
26determine whether, or to what extent, the benefits requested

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1are covered benefits or payable under the health carrier's
2health benefit plan, the health carrier shall notify the
3covered person or, if applicable, the covered person's
4authorized representative of the health carrier's
5determination with respect to the request, whether or not the
6determination is an adverse determination, as soon as possible,
7taking into account the medical condition of the covered
8person, but in no event later than 24 hours after the receipt
9of the request by the health carrier.
10 (f) If the health carrier's determination is an adverse
11determination, then the health carrier shall provide notice of
12the adverse determination in accordance with subsection (o) of
13this Section.
14 (g) If the covered person or, if applicable, the covered
15person's authorized representative has failed to provide
16sufficient information for the health carrier to make a
17determination, then the health carrier shall notify the covered
18person or, if applicable, the covered person's authorized
19representative either orally or, if requested by the covered
20person or the covered person's authorized representative, in
21writing of this failure and state what specific information is
22needed as soon as possible, but in no event later than 24 hours
23after receipt of the request.
24 (h) The health carrier shall provide the covered person or,
25if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative
26a reasonable period of time to submit the necessary

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1information, taking into account the circumstances, but in no
2event less than 48 hours after notifying the covered person or
3the covered person's authorized representative of the failure
4to submit sufficient information, as provided in subsection (g)
5of this Section.
6 (i) The health carrier shall notify the covered person or,
7if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative
8of its determination with respect to the urgent care request as
9soon as possible, but in no event more than 48 hours after the
10earlier of:
11 (1) the health carrier's receipt of the requested
12 specified information; or
13 (2) the end of the period provided for the covered
14 person or, if applicable, the covered person's authorized
15 representative to submit the requested specified
16 information.
17 (j) If the covered person or the covered person's
18authorized representative fails to submit the information
19before the end of the period of the extension, as specified in
20subsection (h) of this Section, then the health carrier may
21deny the certification of the requested benefit.
22 (k) If the health carrier's determination is an adverse
23determination, then the health carrier shall provide notice of
24the adverse determination in accordance with subsection (o) of
25this Section.
26 (l) For concurrent review urgent care requests involving a

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1request by the covered person or the covered person's
2authorized representative to extend the course of treatment
3beyond the initial period of time or the number of treatments,
4if the request is made at least 24 hours prior to the
5expiration of the prescribed period of time or number of
6treatments, then the health carrier shall make a determination
7with respect to the request and notify the covered person or,
8if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative
9of the determination, whether it is an adverse determination or
10not, as soon as possible, taking into account the covered
11person's medical condition, but in no event more than 24 hours
12after the health carrier's receipt of the request.
13 (m) If the health carrier's determination is an adverse
14determination, then the health carrier shall provide notice of
15the adverse determination in accordance with subsection (o) of
16this Section.
17 (n) For purposes of calculating the time periods within
18which a determination is required to be made under this
19Section, the time period within which the determination is
20required to be made shall begin on the date the request is
21filed with the health carrier in accordance with the health
22carrier's procedures established pursuant to Section 5-30 of
23this Law for filing a request without regard to whether all of
24the information necessary to make the determination
25accompanies the filing.
26 (o) Notice requirements are as follows:

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1 (1) A notification of an adverse determination under
2 this Section shall, in a manner calculated to be understood
3 by the covered person, set forth:
4 (A) information sufficient to identify the benefit
5 request or claim involved, including the date of
6 service, if applicable, the health care provider, the
7 claim amount, if applicable, the diagnosis code and its
8 corresponding meaning and the treatment code and its
9 corresponding meaning;
10 (B) the specific reasons or reasons for the adverse
11 determination, including the denial code and its
12 corresponding meaning, as well as a description of the
13 health carrier's standard, if any, that was used in
14 denying the benefit request or claim;
15 (C) reference to the specific plan provisions on
16 which the determination is based;
17 (D) a description of any additional material or
18 information necessary for the covered person to
19 complete the request, including an explanation of why
20 the material or information is necessary to complete
21 the request;
22 (E) a description of the health carrier's internal
23 review procedures established pursuant to the Health
24 Carrier Grievance Procedure Law, including any time
25 limits applicable to those procedures;
26 (F) a description of the health carrier's

HB0224 Engrossed- 26 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 expedited review procedures established pursuant to
2 Section 10-40 of the Health Carrier Grievance
3 Procedure Law;
4 (G) if the health carrier relied upon an internal
5 rule, guideline, protocol, or other similar criterion
6 to make the adverse determination, either the specific
7 rule, guideline, protocol, or other similar criterion
8 or a statement that a specific rule, guideline,
9 protocol, or other similar criterion was relied upon to
10 make the adverse determination and that a copy of the
11 rule, guideline, protocol, or other similar criterion
12 will be provided free of charge to the covered person
13 upon request;
14 (H) if the adverse determination is based on a
15 medical necessity or experimental or investigational
16 treatment or similar exclusion or limit, either an
17 explanation of the scientific or clinical judgment for
18 making the determination, applying the terms of the
19 health benefit plan to the covered person's medical
20 circumstances or a statement that an explanation will
21 be provided to the covered person free of charge upon
22 request;
23 (I) if applicable, instructions for requesting:
24 (i) a copy of the rule, guideline, protocol, or
25 other similar criterion relied upon in making the
26 adverse determination in accordance with

HB0224 Engrossed- 27 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 subparagraph (G) of this paragraph (1); or
2 (ii) the written statement of the scientific
3 or clinical rationale for the adverse
4 determination in accordance with subparagraph (H)
5 of this paragraph (1); and
6 (J) a statement explaining the availability of and
7 the right of the covered person, as appropriate, to
8 contact the Department or the Office of Consumer Health
9 Insurance at any time for assistance or, upon
10 completion of the health carrier's grievance procedure
11 process as provided under the Health Carrier Grievance
12 Procedure Law, to file a civil suit in a court of
13 competent jurisdiction; the statement shall include
14 contact information for the Department and the Office
15 of Consumer Health Insurance.
16 (2) A health carrier shall provide the notice required
17 under this Section in a culturally and linguistically
18 appropriate manner if required in accordance with federal
19 regulations. If a health carrier is required to provide the
20 notice required under this Section in a culturally and
21 linguistically appropriate manner in accordance with
22 federal regulations, the health carrier shall do the
23 following:
24 (A) include a statement in the English version of
25 the notice, prominently displayed in the non-English
26 language, offering the provision of the notice in the

HB0224 Engrossed- 28 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 non-English language;
2 (B) once a utilization review or benefit
3 determination request has been made by a covered
4 person, provide all subsequent notices to the covered
5 person in the non-English language; and
6 (C) to the extent the health carrier maintains a
7 consumer assistance process, such as a telephone
8 hotline that answers questions or provides assistance
9 with filing claims and appeals, the health carrier
10 shall provide this assistance in the non-English
11 language.
12 (3) If the adverse determination is a rescission, then
13 the health carrier shall provide the following, in addition
14 to any applicable disclosures required under this
15 subsection (o):
16 (A) clear identification of the alleged fraudulent
17 act, practice or omission or the intentional
18 misrepresentation of material fact;
19 (B) an explanation as to why the act, practice or
20 omission was fraudulent or was an intentional
21 misrepresentation of a material fact;
22 (C) the date the health carrier made the decision
23 to rescind the coverage; and
24 (D) the effective date of the proposed rescission.
25 (4) A health carrier may provide the notice required
26 under this Section orally or in writing. If notice of the

HB0224 Engrossed- 29 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 adverse determination is provided orally, then the health
2 carrier shall provide written notice of the adverse
3 determination within 3 days following the oral
4 notification.
5 Section 5-50. Emergency services. For immediately required
6post-evaluation or post-stabilization services, a health
7carrier shall provide access to designated representative 24
8hours a day, 7 days a week, to facilitate review.
9 Section 5-55. Confidentiality requirements. A health
10carrier shall annually certify in writing to the Director that
11the utilization review program of the health carrier or its
12designee complies with all applicable State and federal law
13establishing confidentiality and reporting requirements.
14 Section 5-60. Disclosure requirements.
15 (a) In the certificate of coverage or member handbook
16provided to covered persons, a health carrier shall include a
17clear and comprehensive description of its utilization review
18procedures, including the procedures for obtaining review of
19adverse determinations, and a statement of rights and
20responsibilities of covered persons with respect to those
22 (b) A health carrier shall include a summary of its
23utilization review and benefit determination procedures in

HB0224 Engrossed- 30 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1materials intended for prospective covered persons.
2 (c) A health carrier shall print on its membership cards a
3toll-free telephone number to call for utilization review and
4benefit decisions.
5 Section 5-65. Administration and enforcement.
6 (a) The Director of Insurance may adopt rules necessary to
7implement the Department's responsibilities under this Law.
8 (b) The Director is authorized to make use of any of the
9powers established under the Illinois Insurance Code to enforce
10the laws of this State. This includes but is not limited to,
11the Director's administrative authority to investigate, issue
12subpoenas, conduct depositions and hearings, issue orders,
13including, without limitation, orders pursuant to Article XII
141/2 and Section 401.1 of the Illinois Insurance Code, and
15impose penalties.
17 Section 10-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the
18Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
19 Section 10-5. Purpose and intent. The purpose of this Law
20is to provide standards for the establishment and maintenance
21of procedures by health carriers to ensure that covered persons
22have the opportunity for the appropriate resolution of

HB0224 Engrossed- 31 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1grievances, as defined in this Law.
2 Section 10-10. Definitions. For purposes of this Law:
3 "Adverse determination" means:
4 (1) a determination by a health carrier or its designee
5 utilization review organization that, based upon the
6 information provided, a request for a benefit under the
7 health carrier's health benefit plan upon application of
8 any utilization review technique does not meet the health
9 carrier's requirements for medical necessity,
10 appropriateness, health care setting, level of care, or
11 effectiveness or is determined to be experimental or
12 investigational and the requested benefit is therefore
13 denied, reduced, or terminated or payment is not provided
14 or made, in whole or in part, for the benefit;
15 (2) the denial, reduction, termination or failure to
16 provide or make payment, in whole or in part, for a benefit
17 based on a determination by a health carrier or its
18 designee utilization review organization of a covered
19 person's eligibility to participate in the health
20 carrier's health benefit plan;
21 (3) any prospective review or retrospective review
22 determination that denies, reduces, or terminates or fails
23 to provide or make payment, in whole or in part, for a
24 benefit; or
25 (4) a rescission of coverage determination.

HB0224 Engrossed- 32 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 "Ambulatory review" means utilization review of health
2care services performed or provided in an outpatient setting.
3 "Authorized representative" means:
4 (1) a person to whom a covered person has given express
5 written consent to represent the covered person for
6 purposes of this Law;
7 (2) a person authorized by law to provide substituted
8 consent for a covered person;
9 (3) a family member of the covered person or the
10 covered person's treating health care professional when
11 the covered person is unable to provide consent;
12 (4) a health care provider when the covered person's
13 health benefit plan requires that a request for a benefit
14 under the plan be initiated by the health care provider; or
15 (5) in the case of an urgent care request, a health
16 care provider with knowledge of the covered person's
17 medical condition.
18 "Case management" means a coordinated set of activities
19conducted for individual patient management of serious,
20complicated, protracted, or other health conditions.
21 "Certification" means a determination by a health carrier
22or its designee utilization review organization that a request
23for a benefit under the health carrier's health benefit plan
24has been reviewed and, based on the information provided,
25satisfies the health carrier's requirements for medical
26necessity, appropriateness, health care setting, level of

HB0224 Engrossed- 33 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1care, and effectiveness.
2 "Clinical peer" has the same meaning given that term in the
3Managed Care Reform and Patients Rights Act.
4 "Clinical review criteria" means the written screening
5procedures, decision abstracts, clinical protocols, and
6practice guidelines used by a health carrier to determine the
7necessity and appropriateness of health care services.
8 "Closed plan" means a managed care plan that requires
9covered persons to use participating providers under the terms
10of the managed care plan.
11 "Director" means the Director of Insurance.
12 "Concurrent review" means a review conducted during a
13patient's stay or course of treatment in a facility, the office
14of a health care professional, or other inpatient or outpatient
15health care setting.
16 "Covered benefits" or "benefits" means those health care
17services to which a covered person is entitled under the terms
18of a health benefit plan.
19 "Covered person" means a policyholder, subscriber,
20enrollee, or other individual participating in a health benefit
22 "Discharge planning" means the formal process for
23determining, prior to discharge from a facility, the
24coordination and management of the care that a patient receives
25following discharge from a facility.
26 "Emergency medical condition" means a medical condition

HB0224 Engrossed- 34 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity,
2including severe pain, such that a prudent layperson who
3possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine could
4reasonably expect that the absence of immediate medical
5attention would result in serious impairment to bodily
6functions, serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part, or
7would place the person's health or, with respect to a pregnant
8woman, the health of the woman or her unborn child in serious
10 "Emergency services" means, with respect to an emergency
11medical condition:
12 (1) a medical screening examination that is within the
13 capability of the emergency department of a hospital,
14 including ancillary services routinely available to the
15 emergency department to evaluate such emergency medical
16 condition; and
17 (2) such further medical examination and treatment to
18 stabilize a patient, to the extent they are within the
19 capability of the staff and facilities available at a
20 hospital.
21 "Facility" means an institution providing health care
22services or a health care setting, including, but not limited
23to, hospitals and other licensed inpatient centers, ambulatory
24surgical or treatment centers, skilled nursing centers,
25residential treatment centers, diagnostic, laboratory and
26imaging centers, and rehabilitation and other therapeutic

HB0224 Engrossed- 35 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1health settings.
2 "Final adverse determination" means an adverse
3determination that has been upheld by the health carrier at the
4completion of the internal appeals process applicable under
5Section 10-30 or Section 10-40 of this Law or an adverse
6determination that with respect to which the internal appeals
7process has been deemed exhausted in accordance with subsection
8(b) or (c) of Section 10-25 of this Law.
9 "Grievance" means a written complaint or oral complaint if
10the complaint involves an urgent care request submitted by or
11on behalf of a covered person regarding:
12 (1) availability, delivery, or quality of health care
13 services, including a complaint regarding an adverse
14 determination made pursuant to utilization review;
15 (2) claims payment, handling, or reimbursement for
16 health care services; or
17 (3) matters pertaining to the contractual relationship
18 between a covered person and a health carrier.
19 "Health benefit plan" means a policy, contract,
20certificate, or agreement offered or issued by a health carrier
21to provide, deliver, arrange for, pay for, or reimburse any of
22the costs of health care services. "Health benefit plan"
23includes short-term and catastrophic health insurance
24policies, and policies that pay on a cost-incurred basis,
25except as otherwise specifically exempted in this definition.
26"Health benefit plan" does not include:

HB0224 Engrossed- 36 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (1) coverage only for accident or disability income
2 insurance or any combination thereof;
3 (2) coverage issued as a supplement to liability
4 insurance;
5 (3) liability insurance, including general liability
6 insurance and automobile liability insurance;
7 (4) workers' compensation or similar insurance;
8 (5) automobile medical payment insurance;
9 (6) credit-only insurance;
10 (7) coverage for on-site medical clinics; and
11 (8) other similar insurance coverage, specified in
12 federal regulations issued pursuant to Pub. L. No. 104-191,
13 under which benefits for medical care are secondary or
14 incidental to other insurance benefits.
15 "Health benefit plan" does not include the following
16benefits if they are provided under a separate policy,
17certificate, or contract of insurance or are otherwise not an
18integral part of the plan:
19 (1) limited scope dental or vision benefits;
20 (2) benefits for long-term care, nursing home care,
21 home health care, community-based care, or any combination
22 thereof; or
23 (3) other similar, limited benefits specified in
24 federal regulations issued pursuant to Pub. L. No. 104-191.
25 "Health benefit plan" does not include the following
26benefits if the benefits are provided under a separate policy,

HB0224 Engrossed- 37 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1certificate, or contract of insurance, there is no coordination
2between the provision of the benefits and any exclusion of
3benefits under any group health plan maintained by the same
4plan sponsor and the benefits are paid with respect to an event
5without regard to whether benefits are provided with respect to
6such an event under any group health plan maintained by the
7same plan sponsor:
8 (1) coverage only for a specified disease or illness;
9 or
10 (2) hospital indemnity or other fixed indemnity
11 insurance.
12 "Health benefit plan" does not include the following if
13offered as a separate policy, certificate, or contract of
15 (1) medicare supplemental health insurance as defined
16 under Section 1882(g)(1) of the Social Security Act;
17 (2) coverage supplemental to the coverage provided
18 under Chapter 55 of Title 10, United States Code (Civilian
19 Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
20 (CHAMPUS)); or
21 (3) similar supplemental coverage provided to coverage
22 under a group health plan.
23 "Health care professional" means a physician or other
24health care practitioner licensed, accredited, or certified to
25perform specified health care services consistent with State

HB0224 Engrossed- 38 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 "Health care provider" or "provider" means a health care
2professional or a facility.
3 "Health care services" means services for the diagnosis,
4prevention, treatment, cure, or relief of a health condition,
5illness, injury, or disease.
6 "Health carrier" means an entity subject to the insurance
7laws and regulations of this State, or subject to the
8jurisdiction of the Director, that contracts or offers to
9contract to provide, deliver, arrange for, pay for, or
10reimburse any of the costs of health care services, including a
11sickness and accident insurance company, a health maintenance
12organization, a nonprofit hospital and health service
13corporation, or any other entity providing a plan of health
14insurance, health benefits or health care services.
15 "Health indemnity plan" means a health benefit plan that is
16not a managed care plan.
17 "Managed care plan" means a health benefit plan that
18requires a covered person to use or creates incentives,
19including financial incentives, for a covered person to use
20health care providers managed, owned, under contract with, or
21employed by the health carrier. "Managed care plan" includes:
22 (1) a closed plan, as defined in this Law; and
23 (2) an open plan, as defined in this Law.
24 "Network" means the group of participating providers
25providing services to a managed care plan.
26 "Open plan" means a managed care plan other than a closed

HB0224 Engrossed- 39 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1plan that provides incentives, including financial incentives,
2for covered persons to use participating providers under the
3terms of the managed care plan.
4 "Person" means an individual, a corporation, a
5partnership, an association, a joint venture, a joint stock
6company, a trust, an unincorporated organization, any similar
7entity, or any combination of the foregoing.
8 "Prospective review" means a review conducted prior to an
9admission or the provision of a health care service or a course
10of treatment in accordance with a health carrier's requirement
11that the health care service or course of treatment, in whole
12or in part, be approved prior to its provision.
13 "Rescission" means a cancellation or discontinuance of
14coverage under a health benefit plan that has a retroactive
15effect. "Rescission" does not include a cancellation or
16discontinuance of coverage under a health benefit plan if:
17 (1) the cancellation or discontinuance of coverage has
18 only a prospective effect; or
19 (2) the cancellation or discontinuance of coverage is
20 effective retroactively to the extent it is attributable to
21 a failure to timely pay required premiums or contributions
22 towards the cost of coverage.
23 "Retrospective review" means any review of a request for a
24benefit that is not a concurrent or prospective review request.
25"Retrospective review" does not include the review of a claim
26that is limited to veracity of documentation or accuracy of

HB0224 Engrossed- 40 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
2 "Second opinion" means an opportunity or requirement to
3obtain a clinical evaluation by a provider other than the one
4originally making a recommendation for a proposed health care
5service to assess the medical necessity and appropriateness of
6the initially proposed health care service.
7 "Stabilization" has the same meaning given that term in
8Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act.
9 "Urgent care request" means a request for a health care
10service or course of treatment with respect to which the time
11periods for making non-urgent care request determination:
12 (1) could seriously jeopardize the life or health of
13 the covered person or the ability of the covered person to
14 regain maximum function; or
15 (2) in the opinion of a physician with knowledge of the
16 covered person's medical condition, would subject the
17 covered person to severe pain that cannot be adequately
18 managed without the health care service or treatment that
19 is the subject of the request.
20 Except as provided in item (2) of this definition of
21"urgent care request", in determining whether a request is to
22be treated as an urgent care request, an individual acting on
23behalf of the health carrier shall apply the judgment of a
24prudent layperson who possesses an average knowledge of health
25and medicine.
26 Any request that a physician with knowledge of the covered

HB0224 Engrossed- 41 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1person's medical condition determines is an urgent care request
2shall be treated as an urgent care request.
3 "Utilization review" has the same meaning given that term
4in Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act.
5 "Utilization review organization" means a utilization
6review program as defined in the Managed Care Reform and
7Patient Rights Act.
8 Section 10-15. Applicability and scope. Except as
9otherwise specified, this Law shall apply to all health
10carriers offering a health benefit plan.
11 Section 10-20. Grievance reporting and record-keeping
13 (a) A health carrier shall maintain written records to
14document all grievances received, including the notices and
15claims associated with the grievances, during a calendar year.
16 (b) Notwithstanding the provisions under subsections (g)
17and (h) of this Section, a health carrier shall maintain the
18records required under subsection (a) of this Section for at
19least 6 years related to the notices provided under subsection
20(g) of Section 10-30 and subsection (h) of Section 10-40 of
21this Law.
22 (c) The health carrier shall make the records available for
23examination by covered persons and the Director upon request,
24and shall annually file a copy of the register with the

HB0224 Engrossed- 42 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1Department. The Department shall make a summary of all data
2collected available upon request and shall publish the summary
3on the World Wide Web. No Department publication or release of
4information shall identify any enrollee, health care provider,
5or individual complainant.
6 (d) A request for a review of a grievance involving an
7adverse determination shall be processed in compliance with
8Section 10-30 of this Law and shall be included in the
10 (e) For each grievance the register shall contain, at a
11minimum, the following information:
12 (1) an indication regarding whether the grievance was
13 filed by:
14 (A) a consumer or enrollee;
15 (B) a provider; or
16 (C) any other individual;
17 (2) classification of the grievance under one of the
18 following categories:
19 (A) denial of care or treatment;
20 (B) denial of a diagnostic procedure;
21 (C) denial of a referral request;
22 (D) sufficient choice and accessibility of health
23 care providers;
24 (E) underwriting;
25 (F) marketing and sales;
26 (G) claims and utilization review;

HB0224 Engrossed- 43 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (H) member services;
2 (I) provider relations; and
3 (J) miscellaneous;
4 (3) a general description of the reason for the
5 grievance;
6 (4) the date received;
7 (5) the date of each review or, if applicable, review
8 meeting;
9 (6) resolution at each level of the grievance, if
10 applicable;
11 (7) the date of resolution at each level, if
12 applicable; and
13 (8) the name of the covered person for whom the
14 grievance was filed.
15 (f) The register shall be maintained in a manner that is
16reasonably clear and accessible to the Director.
17 (g) Subject to the provisions of subsection (a) of this
18Section, a health carrier shall retain the register compiled
19for a calendar year for the longer of 3 years or until the
20Director has adopted a final report of an examination that
21contains a review of the register for that calendar year.
22 (h) A health carrier shall submit to the Director, at least
23annually, a report in the format specified by the Director. The
24report shall include for each type of health benefit plan
25offered by the health carrier:
26 (1) the certificate of compliance required by Section

HB0224 Engrossed- 44 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 10-25 of this Law;
2 (2) the number of covered lives;
3 (3) the total number of grievances;
4 (4) the number of grievances resolved at each level, if
5 applicable, and their resolution;
6 (5) the number of grievances appealed to the Director
7 of which the health carrier has been informed;
8 (6) the number of grievances referred to alternative
9 dispute resolution procedures or resulting in litigation;
10 and
11 (7) a synopsis of actions being taken to correct
12 problems identified.
13 Section 10-25. Grievance review procedures.
14 (a) Except as specified in Section 10-40 of this Law, a
15health carrier shall use written procedures for receiving and
16resolving grievances from covered persons, as provided in
17Sections 10-30 and 10-35 of this Law.
18 (b) The following provisions shall apply:
19 (1) Whenever a health carrier fails to strictly adhere
20 to the requirements of Section 10-30 or Section 10-40 of
21 this Law with respect to receiving and resolving grievances
22 involving an adverse determination, the covered person
23 shall be deemed to have exhausted the provisions of this
24 Law and may take action under paragraph (2) of this
25 subsection (b) regardless of whether the health carrier

HB0224 Engrossed- 45 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 asserts that it substantially complied with the
2 requirements of Section 10-30 or Section 10-40, as
3 applicable, or that any error it committed was de minimus.
4 (2) A covered person may file a request for external
5 review in accordance with the procedures outlined in the
6 Health Carrier External Review Act. In addition, a covered
7 person is entitled to pursue any available remedies under
8 State or federal law on the basis that the health carrier
9 failed to provide a reasonable internal claims and appeals
10 process that would yield a decision on the merits of the
11 claim.
12 (c) A health carrier shall file a copy of the procedures
13required under subsections (a) and (b) of this Section,
14including all forms used to process requests made pursuant to
15Sections 10-30 and 10-35 of this Law, with the Director. Any
16subsequent modifications to the documents also shall be filed.
17 (d) The Director may disapprove a filing received in
18accordance with subsection (c) of this Section that fails to
19comply with this Law or applicable regulations.
20 (e) A health carrier shall file annually with the Director,
21as part of its annual report required by Section 10-20 of this
22Law, a certificate of compliance stating that the health
23carrier has established and maintains, for each of its health
24benefit plans, grievance procedures that fully comply with the
25provisions of this Law.
26 (f) A description of the grievance procedures required

HB0224 Engrossed- 46 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1under this Section shall be set forth in or attached to the
2policy, certificate, membership booklet, outline of coverage
3or other evidence of coverage provided to covered persons.
4 (g) The grievance procedure documents shall include a
5statement of a covered person's right to contact the Department
6or the Office of Consumer Health Insurance for assistance at
7any time. The statement shall include the telephone number and
8address of the Department and the Office of Consumer Health
10 Section 10-30. Reviews of grievances involving an adverse
12 (a) Within 180 days after the date of receipt of a notice
13of an adverse determination sent pursuant to the Managed Care
14Reform and Patient Rights Act, a covered person or the covered
15person's authorized representative may file a grievance with
16the health carrier requesting a review of the adverse
18 (b) The health carrier shall provide the covered person
19with the name, address, and telephone number of a person or
20organizational unit designated to coordinate the review on
21behalf of the health carrier.
22 (c) In providing for a review under this Section, the
23health carrier shall ensure that the review is conducted in a
24manner under this Section to ensure the independence and
25impartiality of the individuals involved in making the review

HB0224 Engrossed- 47 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
2 (d) In ensuring the independence and impartially of
3individuals involved in making the review decision, the health
4carrier shall not make decisions related to such individuals
5regarding hiring, compensation, termination, promotion, or
6other similar matters based upon the likelihood that the
7individual will support the denial of benefits.
8 (e) In the case of an adverse determination involving
9utilization review, the health carrier shall designate an
10appropriate clinical peer or peers of the same or similar
11specialty as would typically manage the case being reviewed to
12review the adverse determination. The clinical peer shall not
13have been involved in the initial adverse determination.
14 (f) In designating an appropriate clinical peer or peers
15pursuant to subsection (e) of this Section, the health carrier
16shall ensure that, if more than one clinical peer is involved
17in the review, a majority of the individuals reviewing the
18adverse determination are health care professionals who have
19appropriate expertise.
20 (g) In conducting a review under this Section, the reviewer
21or reviewers shall take into consideration all comments,
22documents, records, and other information regarding the
23request for services submitted by the covered person or the
24covered person's authorized representative, without regard to
25whether the information was submitted or considered in making
26the initial adverse determination.

HB0224 Engrossed- 48 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (h) A covered person does not have the right to attend or
2to have a representative in attendance at the review, but the
3covered person or, if applicable, the covered person's
4authorized representative is entitled to:
5 (1) submit written comments, documents, records, and
6 other material relating to the request for benefits for the
7 reviewer or reviewers to consider when conducting the
8 review; and
9 (2) receive from the health carrier, upon request and
10 free of charge, reasonable access to and copies of all
11 documents, records, and other information relevant to the
12 covered person's request for benefits.
13 (i) For purposes of paragraph (2) of subsection (h) of this
14Section, a document, record, or other information shall be
15considered "relevant" to a covered person's request for
16benefits if the document, record, or other information:
17 (1) was relied upon in making the benefit
18 determination;
19 (2) was submitted, considered, or generated in the
20 course of making the adverse determination, without regard
21 to whether the document, record, or other information was
22 relied upon in making the benefit determination;
23 (3) demonstrates that, in making the benefit
24 determination, the health carrier or its designated
25 representatives consistently applied required
26 administrative procedures and safeguards with respect to

HB0224 Engrossed- 49 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 the covered person as other similarly situated covered
2 persons; or
3 (4) constitutes a statement of policy or guidance with
4 respect to the health benefit plan concerning the denied
5 health care service or treatment for the covered person's
6 diagnosis, without regard to whether the advice or
7 statement was relied upon in making the benefit
8 determination.
9 (j) The health carrier shall make the provisions of
10subsections (h) and (i) of this Section known to the covered
11person or, if applicable, the covered person's authorized
12representative within 3 business days after the date of receipt
13of the grievance.
14 (k) For purposes of calculating the time periods within
15which a determination is required to be made and notice
16provided under subsections (l), (m), and (n) of this Section,
17the time period shall begin on the date the grievance
18requesting the review is filed with the health carrier in
19accordance with the health carrier's procedures established
20pursuant to Section 10-25 of this Law for filing a request
21without regard to whether all of the information necessary to
22make the determination accompanies the filing.
23 (l) A health carrier shall notify and issue a decision in
24writing or electronically to the covered person or, if
25applicable, the covered person's authorized representative
26within the time frames provided in subsection (m) or (n) of

HB0224 Engrossed- 50 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1this Section.
2 (m) With respect to a grievance requesting a review of an
3adverse determination involving a prospective review request,
4the health carrier shall notify and issue a decision within a
5reasonable period of time that is appropriate given the covered
6person's medical condition, but no later than 30 days after the
7date of the health carrier's receipt of the grievance
8requesting the review made pursuant to subsection (a) of this
10 (n) With respect to a grievance requesting a review of an
11adverse determination involving a retrospective review
12request, the health carrier shall notify and issue a decision
13within a reasonable period of time, but no later than 60 days
14after the date of the health carrier's receipt of the grievance
15requesting the review made pursuant to subsection (a) of this
17 (o) Prior to issuing a decision in accordance with the
18timeframes provided in subsection (m) or (n) of this Section,
19the health carrier shall provide free of charge to the covered
20person, or the covered person's authorized representative, any
21new or additional evidence relied upon or generated by the
22health carrier or at the direction of the health carrier, in
23connection with the grievance sufficiently in advance of the
24date the decision is required to be provided to permit the
25covered person or the covered person's authorized
26representative, a reasonable opportunity to respond prior to

HB0224 Engrossed- 51 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1that date.
2 (p) Before the health carrier issues or provides notice of
3a final adverse determination in accordance with the timeframes
4provided in subsection (m) or (n) of this Section that is based
5on new or additional rationale, the health carrier shall
6provide the new or additional rationale to the covered person
7or the covered person's authorized representative free of
8charge as soon as possible and sufficiently in advance of the
9date the notice of final adverse determination is to be
10provided to permit the covered person or the covered person's
11authorized representative a reasonable opportunity to respond
12prior to that date.
13 The decision issued pursuant to subsection (m) or (n) of
14this Section shall set forth the following in a manner
15calculated to be understood by the covered person or, if
16applicable, the covered person's authorized representative:
17 (1) the titles and qualifying credentials of the person
18 or persons participating in the review process (the
19 reviewers);
20 (2) information sufficient to identify the claim
21 involved with respect to the grievance, including the date
22 of service, the health care provider, if applicable, the
23 claim amount, the diagnosis code and its corresponding
24 meaning, and the treatment code and its corresponding
25 meaning;
26 (3) a statement of the reviewers' understanding of the

HB0224 Engrossed- 52 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 covered person's grievance;
2 (4) the reviewers' decision in clear terms and the
3 contract basis or medical rationale in sufficient detail
4 for the covered person to respond further to the health
5 carrier's position;
6 (5) a reference to the evidence or documentation used
7 as the basis for the decision;
8 (6) for a decision issued pursuant to this Section that
9 upholds the grievance:
10 (A) the specific reason or reasons for the final
11 adverse determination, including the denial code and
12 its corresponding meaning, as well as a description of
13 the health carrier's standard, if any, that was used in
14 reaching the denial;
15 (B) the reference to the specific plan provisions
16 on which the determination is based;
17 (C) a statement that the covered person is entitled
18 to receive, upon request and free of charge, reasonable
19 access to and copies of all documents, records, and
20 other information relevant, as the term "relevant" is
21 defined in subsection (i) of this Section, to the
22 covered person's benefit request;
23 (D) if the health carrier relied upon an internal
24 rule, guideline, protocol, or other similar criterion
25 to make the final adverse determination, either the
26 specific rule, guideline, protocol, or other similar

HB0224 Engrossed- 53 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 criterion or a statement that a specific rule,
2 guideline, protocol, or other similar criterion was
3 relied upon to make the final adverse determination and
4 that a copy of the rule, guideline, protocol, or other
5 similar criterion will be provided free of charge to
6 the covered person upon request;
7 (E) if the final adverse determination is based on
8 a medical necessity or experimental or investigational
9 treatment or similar exclusion or limit, either an
10 explanation of the scientific or clinical judgment for
11 making the determination, applying the terms of the
12 health benefit plan to the covered person's medical
13 circumstances or a statement that an explanation will
14 be provided to the covered person free of charge upon
15 request; and
16 (F) if applicable, instructions for requesting:
17 (i) a copy of the rule, guideline, protocol or
18 other similar criterion relied upon in making the
19 final adverse determination, as provided in
20 subparagraph (D) of paragraph (6) of subsection
21 (p) of this Section; and
22 (ii) the written statement of the scientific
23 or clinical rationale for the determination, as
24 provided in subparagraph (E) of paragraph (6) of
25 subsection (p) of this Section;
26 (G) If applicable, a statement indicating:

HB0224 Engrossed- 54 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (i) a description of the procedures for
2 obtaining an independent external review of the
3 final adverse determination pursuant to the Health
4 Carrier External Review Act; and
5 (ii) the covered person's right to bring a
6 civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction;
7 and
8 (iii) notice of the covered person's right to
9 contact the Department or the Office of Consumer
10 Health Insurance for assistance with respect to
11 any claim, grievance, or appeal at any time,
12 including the telephone number and address of the
13 Department and the Office of Consumer Health
14 Insurance.
15 (q) A health carrier shall provide the notice required
16under subsection (p) of this Section in a culturally and
17linguistically appropriate manner if required in accordance
18with federal regulations. If a health carrier is required to
19provide the notice in a culturally and linguistically
20appropriate manner in accordance with federal regulations,
21then the health carrier shall:
22 (1) include a statement in the English version of the
23 notice, prominently displayed in the non-English language,
24 offering the provision of the notice in the non-English
25 language;
26 (2) once a utilization review or benefit determination

HB0224 Engrossed- 55 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 request has been made by a covered person, provide all
2 subsequent notices to the covered person in the non-English
3 language; and
4 (3) to the extent the health carrier maintains a
5 consumer assistance process, such as a telephone hotline
6 that answers questions or provides assistance with filing
7 claims and appeals, the health carrier shall provide this
8 assistance in the non-English language.
9 Section 10-35. Standard reviews of grievances not
10involving an adverse determination.
11 (a) A health carrier shall establish written procedures for
12a standard review of a grievance that does not involve an
13adverse determination.
14 (b) The procedures shall permit a covered person or the
15covered person's authorized representative to file a grievance
16that does not involve an adverse determination with the health
17carrier under this Section.
18 (c) A covered person does not have the right to attend or
19to have a representative in attendance at the standard review,
20but the covered person or the covered person's authorized
21representative is entitled to submit written material for the
22person or persons designated by the carrier pursuant to
23subsection (e) of this Section to consider when conducting the
25 (d) The health carrier shall make the provisions of

HB0224 Engrossed- 56 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1subsection (c) of this Section known to the covered person or,
2if applicable, the covered person's authorized representative
3within 3 business days after the date of receiving the
5 (e) Upon receipt of the grievance, a health carrier shall
6designate a person or persons to conduct the standard review of
7the grievance. The health carrier shall not designate the same
8person or persons to conduct the standard review of the
9grievance that denied the claim or handled the matter that is
10the subject of the grievance. The health carrier shall provide
11the covered person or, if applicable, the covered person's
12authorized representative with the name, address, and
13telephone number of a person designated to coordinate the
14standard review on behalf of the health carrier.
15 (f) The health carrier shall notify in writing the covered
16person or, if applicable, the covered person's authorized
17representative of the decision within 20 business days after
18the date of receipt of the request for a standard review of a
19grievance filed pursuant to this Section.
20 (g) Subject to subsection (h) of this Section, if, due to
21circumstances beyond the carrier's control, the health carrier
22cannot make a decision and notify the covered person or, if
23applicable, the covered person's authorized representative
24pursuant to subsection (f) of this Section within 20 business
25days, the health carrier may take up to an additional 10
26business days to issue a written decision.

HB0224 Engrossed- 57 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (h) A health carrier may extend the time for making and
2notifying the covered person or, if applicable, the covered
3person's authorized representative in accordance with
4subsection (g) of this Section, if, on or before the 20th
5business day after the date of receiving the request for a
6standard review of a grievance, the health carrier provides
7written notice to the covered person or, if applicable, the
8covered person's authorized representative of the extension
9and the reasons for the delay.
10 (i) The written decision issued pursuant to this Section
11shall contain all of the following:
12 (1) The titles and qualifying credentials of the person
13 or persons participating in the standard review process
14 (the reviewers).
15 (2) A statement of the reviewers' understanding of the
16 covered person's grievance.
17 (3) The reviewers' decision in clear terms and the
18 contract basis in sufficient detail for the covered person
19 to respond further to the health carrier's position.
20 (4) Reference to the evidence or documentation used as
21 the basis for the decision.
22 (5) Notice of the covered person's right, at any time,
23 to contact the Department or the Office of Consumer Health
24 Insurance, including the telephone number and address of
25 the Department and the Office of Consumer Health Insurance.

HB0224 Engrossed- 58 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 Section 10-40. Expedited reviews of grievances involving
2an adverse determination.
3 (a) A health carrier shall establish written procedures for
4the expedited review of urgent care requests of grievances
5involving an adverse determination.
6 (b) In addition to subsection (a) of this Section, a health
7carrier shall provide an expedited review of a grievance
8involving an adverse determination with respect to concurrent
9review urgent care requests involving an admission,
10availability of care, continued stay or health care service for
11a covered person who has received emergency services, but has
12not been discharged from a facility.
13 (c) The procedures shall allow a covered person or the
14covered person's authorized representative to request an
15expedited review under this Section orally or in writing.
16 (d) A health carrier shall appoint an appropriate clinical
17peer or peers in the same or similar specialty as would
18typically manage the case being reviewed to review the adverse
19determination. The clinical peer or peers shall not have been
20involved in making the initial adverse determination.
21 (e) In an expedited review, all necessary information,
22including the health carrier's decision, shall be transmitted
23between the health carrier and the covered person or, if
24applicable, the covered person's authorized representative by
25telephone, facsimile, or the most expeditious method

HB0224 Engrossed- 59 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (f) An expedited review decision shall be made and the
2covered person or, if applicable, the covered person's
3authorized representative shall be notified of the decision in
4accordance with this Section as expeditiously as the covered
5person's medical condition requires, but in no event more than
648 hours after the receipt of the request for the expedited
7review. If the expedited review is of a grievance involving an
8adverse determination with respect to a concurrent review
9urgent care request, the service shall be continued without
10liability to the covered person until the covered person has
11been notified of the determination.
12 (g) For purposes of calculating the time periods within
13which a decision is required to be made under subsection (f) of
14this Section, the time period within which the decision is
15required to be made shall begin on the date the request is
16filed with the health carrier in accordance with the health
17carrier's procedures established pursuant to Section 10-25 of
18this Law for filing a request without regard to whether all of
19the information necessary to make the determination
20accompanies the filing.
21 (h) A notification of a decision under this Section shall,
22in a manner calculated to be understood by the covered person
23or, if applicable, the covered person's authorized
24representative, set forth:
25 (1) the titles and qualifying credentials of the person
26 or persons participating in the expedited review process

HB0224 Engrossed- 60 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (the reviewers);
2 (2) information sufficient to identify the claim
3 involved with respect to the grievance, including the date
4 of service, the health care provider, if applicable, the
5 claim amount, the diagnosis code and its corresponding
6 meaning, and the treatment code and its corresponding
7 meaning;
8 (3) a statement of the reviewers' understanding of the
9 covered person's grievance;
10 (4) the reviewers' decision in clear terms and the
11 contract basis or medical rationale in sufficient detail
12 for the covered person to respond further to the health
13 carrier's position;
14 (5) a reference to the evidence or documentation used
15 as the basis for the decision; and
16 (6) if the decision involves a final adverse
17 determination, then the notice shall provide:
18 (A) the specific reasons or reasons for the final
19 adverse determination, including the denial code and
20 its corresponding meaning, as well as a description of
21 the health carrier's standard, if any, that was used in
22 reaching the denial;
23 (B) reference to the specific plan provisions on
24 which the determination is based;
25 (C) a description of any additional material or
26 information necessary for the covered person to

HB0224 Engrossed- 61 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 complete the request, including an explanation of why
2 the material or information is necessary to complete
3 the request;
4 (D) if the health carrier relied upon an internal
5 rule, guideline, protocol, or other similar criterion
6 to make the adverse determination, then either the
7 specific rule, guideline, protocol, or other similar
8 criterion or a statement that a specific rule,
9 guideline, protocol, or other similar criterion was
10 relied upon to make the adverse determination and that
11 a copy of the rule, guideline, protocol, or other
12 similar criterion will be provided free of charge to
13 the covered person upon request;
14 (E) if the final adverse determination is based on
15 a medical necessity or experimental or investigational
16 treatment or similar exclusion or limit, then either an
17 explanation of the scientific or clinical judgment for
18 making the determination, applying the terms of the
19 health benefit plan to the covered person's medical
20 circumstances or a statement that an explanation will
21 be provided to the covered person free of charge upon
22 request;
23 (F) If applicable, instructions for requesting:
24 (i) a copy of the rule, guideline, protocol or
25 other similar criterion relied upon in making the
26 adverse determination in accordance with

HB0224 Engrossed- 62 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 subparagraph (4) of paragraph (F) of subsection
2 (h) of this Section; or
3 (ii) the written statement of the scientific
4 or clinical rationale for the adverse
5 determination in accordance with subparagraph (5)
6 of paragraph (F) of subsection (h) of this Section;
7 (G) a statement describing the procedures for
8 obtaining an independent external review of the
9 adverse determination pursuant to the Health Carrier
10 External Review Act;
11 (H) a statement indicating the covered person's
12 right to bring a civil action in a court of competent
13 jurisdiction; and
14 (I) a notice of the covered person's right to
15 contact the Department or the Office of Consumer Health
16 Insurance for assistance with respect to the claim,
17 grievance or appeal at any time, including the
18 telephone number and address of the Department and the
19 Office of Consumer Health Insurance.
20 (i) A health carrier shall provide the notice required
21under this Section in a culturally and linguistically
22appropriate manner if required in accordance with federal
24 (j) If a health carrier is required to provide the notice
25required under this Section in a culturally and linguistically
26appropriate manner in accordance with federal regulations,

HB0224 Engrossed- 63 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1then the health carrier shall:
2 (1) include a statement in the English version of the
3 notice, prominently displayed in the non-English language,
4 offering the provision of the notice in the non- English
5 language;
6 (2) once a utilization review or benefit determination
7 request has been made by a covered person, provide all
8 subsequent notices to the covered person in the non-
9 English language; and
10 (3) to the extent the health carrier maintains a
11 consumer assistance process, such as a telephone hotline
12 that answers questions or provides assistance with filing
13 claims and appeals, the health carrier shall provide this
14 assistance in the non-English language.
15 (k) A health carrier may provide the notice required under
16this Section orally, in writing, or electronically.
17 (l) If notice of the adverse determination is provided
18orally, then the health carrier shall provide written or
19electronic notice of the adverse determination within 3 days
20following the oral notification.
21 Section 10-45. Administration and enforcement.
22 (a) The Director of Insurance may adopt rules necessary to
23implement the Department's responsibilities under this Law.
24 (b) The Director is authorized to make use of any of the
25powers established under the Illinois Insurance Code to enforce

HB0224 Engrossed- 64 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1the laws of this State. This includes but is not limited to,
2the Director's administrative authority to investigate, issue
3subpoenas, conduct depositions and hearings, issue orders,
4including, without limitation, orders pursuant to Article XII
51/2 and Section 401.1 of the Illinois Insurance Code, and
6impose penalties.
8 Section 90-5. The Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights
9Act is amended by changing Sections 10, 45, and 85 as follows:
10 (215 ILCS 134/10)
11 Sec. 10. Definitions:
12 "Adverse determination" has the same meaning given that
13term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law means a
14determination by a health care plan under Section 45 or by a
15utilization review program under Section 85 that a health care
16service is not medically necessary.
17 "Clinical peer" means a health care professional who is in
18the same profession and the same or similar specialty as the
19health care provider who typically manages the medical
20condition, procedures, or treatment under review.
21 "Covered person" has the same meaning given that term in
22the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
23 "Department" means the Department of Insurance.

HB0224 Engrossed- 65 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 "Emergency medical condition" means a medical condition
2manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity
3(including, but not limited to, severe pain) such that a
4prudent layperson, who possesses an average knowledge of health
5and medicine, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate
6medical attention to result in:
7 (1) placing the health of the individual (or, with
8 respect to a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her
9 unborn child) in serious jeopardy;
10 (2) serious impairment to bodily functions; or
11 (3) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.
12 "Emergency medical screening examination" means a medical
13screening examination and evaluation by a physician licensed to
14practice medicine in all its branches, or to the extent
15permitted by applicable laws, by other appropriately licensed
16personnel under the supervision of or in collaboration with a
17physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches to
18determine whether the need for emergency services exists.
19 "Emergency services" means, with respect to an enrollee of
20a health care plan, transportation services, including but not
21limited to ambulance services, and covered inpatient and
22outpatient hospital services furnished by a provider qualified
23to furnish those services that are needed to evaluate or
24stabilize an emergency medical condition. "Emergency services"
25does not refer to post-stabilization medical services.
26 "Enrollee" means any person and his or her dependents

HB0224 Engrossed- 66 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1enrolled in or covered by a health care plan.
2 "Health benefit plan" has the same meaning given that term
3in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
4 "Health care plan" means a plan that establishes, operates,
5or maintains a network of health care providers that has
6entered into an agreement with the plan to provide health care
7services to enrollees to whom the plan has the ultimate
8obligation to arrange for the provision of or payment for
9services through organizational arrangements for ongoing
10quality assurance, utilization review programs, or dispute
11resolution. Nothing in this definition shall be construed to
12mean that an independent practice association or a physician
13hospital organization that subcontracts with a health care plan
14is, for purposes of that subcontract, a health care plan.
15 For purposes of this definition, "health care plan" shall
16not include the following:
17 (1) indemnity health insurance policies including
18 those using a contracted provider network;
19 (2) health care plans that offer only dental or only
20 vision coverage;
21 (3) preferred provider administrators, as defined in
22 Section 370g(g) of the Illinois Insurance Code;
23 (4) employee or employer self-insured health benefit
24 plans under the federal Employee Retirement Income
25 Security Act of 1974;
26 (5) health care provided pursuant to the Workers'

HB0224 Engrossed- 67 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 Compensation Act or the Workers' Occupational Diseases
2 Act; and
3 (6) not-for-profit voluntary health services plans
4 with health maintenance organization authority in
5 existence as of January 1, 1999 that are affiliated with a
6 union and that only extend coverage to union members and
7 their dependents.
8 "Health care professional" means a physician, a registered
9professional nurse, or other individual appropriately licensed
10or registered to provide health care services.
11 "Health care provider" means any physician, hospital
12facility, or other person that is licensed or otherwise
13authorized to deliver health care services. Nothing in this Act
14shall be construed to define Independent Practice Associations
15or Physician-Hospital Organizations as health care providers.
16 "Health care services" means any services included in the
17furnishing to any individual of medical care, or the
18hospitalization incident to the furnishing of such care, as
19well as the furnishing to any person of any and all other
20services for the purpose of preventing, alleviating, curing, or
21healing human illness or injury including home health and
22pharmaceutical services and products.
23 "Health carrier" has the same meaning given that term in
24the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
25 "Medical director" means a physician licensed in any state
26to practice medicine in all its branches appointed by a health

HB0224 Engrossed- 68 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1care plan.
2 "Person" means a corporation, association, partnership,
3limited liability company, sole proprietorship, or any other
4legal entity.
5 "Physician" means a person licensed under the Medical
6Practice Act of 1987.
7 "Post-stabilization medical services" means health care
8services provided to an enrollee that are furnished in a
9licensed hospital by a provider that is qualified to furnish
10such services, and determined to be medically necessary and
11directly related to the emergency medical condition following
13 "Prospective review" has the same meaning given that term
14in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
15 "Rescission" has the same meaning given that term in the
16Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
17 "Retrospective review" has the same meaning given that term
18in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
19 "Stabilization" means, with respect to an emergency
20medical condition, to provide such medical treatment of the
21condition as may be necessary to assure, within reasonable
22medical probability, that no material deterioration of the
23condition is likely to result.
24 "Utilization review" means a set of formal techniques
25designed to monitor the use of, or evaluate the evaluation of
26the medical necessity, appropriateness, efficacy, or and

HB0224 Engrossed- 69 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1efficiency of, the use of health care services, procedures,
2settings or and facilities.
3 "Utilization review program" means a program established
4by a person to perform utilization review.
5(Source: P.A. 91-617, eff. 1-1-00.)
6 (215 ILCS 134/45)
7 Sec. 45. Appeals of external Health care services appeals,
8complaints, and external independent reviews.
9 (a) (Blank). A health care plan shall establish and
10maintain an appeals procedure as outlined in this Act.
11Compliance with this Act's appeals procedures shall satisfy a
12health care plan's obligation to provide appeal procedures
13under any other State law or rules. All appeals of a health
14care plan's administrative determinations and complaints
15regarding its administrative decisions shall be handled as
16required under Section 50.
17 (b) (Blank). When an appeal concerns a decision or action
18by a health care plan, its employees, or its subcontractors
19that relates to (i) health care services, including, but not
20limited to, procedures or treatments, for an enrollee with an
21ongoing course of treatment ordered by a health care provider,
22the denial of which could significantly increase the risk to an
23enrollee's health, or (ii) a treatment referral, service,
24procedure, or other health care service, the denial of which
25could significantly increase the risk to an enrollee's health,

HB0224 Engrossed- 70 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1the health care plan must allow for the filing of an appeal
2either orally or in writing. Upon submission of the appeal, a
3health care plan must notify the party filing the appeal, as
4soon as possible, but in no event more than 24 hours after the
5submission of the appeal, of all information that the plan
6requires to evaluate the appeal. The health care plan shall
7render a decision on the appeal within 24 hours after receipt
8of the required information. The health care plan shall notify
9the party filing the appeal and the enrollee, enrollee's
10primary care physician, and any health care provider who
11recommended the health care service involved in the appeal of
12its decision orally followed-up by a written notice of the
14 (c) (Blank). For all appeals related to health care
15services including, but not limited to, procedures or
16treatments for an enrollee and not covered by subsection (b)
17above, the health care plan shall establish a procedure for the
18filing of such appeals. Upon submission of an appeal under this
19subsection, a health care plan must notify the party filing an
20appeal, within 3 business days, of all information that the
21plan requires to evaluate the appeal. The health care plan
22shall render a decision on the appeal within 15 business days
23after receipt of the required information. The health care plan
24shall notify the party filing the appeal, the enrollee, the
25enrollee's primary care physician, and any health care provider
26who recommended the health care service involved in the appeal

HB0224 Engrossed- 71 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1orally of its decision followed-up by a written notice of the
3 (d) (Blank). An appeal under subsection (b) or (c) may be
4filed by the enrollee, the enrollee's designee or guardian, the
5enrollee's primary care physician, or the enrollee's health
6care provider. A health care plan shall designate a clinical
7peer to review appeals, because these appeals pertain to
8medical or clinical matters and such an appeal must be reviewed
9by an appropriate health care professional. No one reviewing an
10appeal may have had any involvement in the initial
11determination that is the subject of the appeal. The written
12notice of determination required under subsections (b) and (c)
13shall include (i) clear and detailed reasons for the
14determination, (ii) the medical or clinical criteria for the
15determination, which shall be based upon sound clinical
16evidence and reviewed on a periodic basis, and (iii) in the
17case of an adverse determination, the procedures for requesting
18an external independent review as provided by the Illinois
19Health Carrier External Review Act.
20 (e) (Blank). If an appeal filed under subsection (b) or (c)
21is denied for a reason including, but not limited to, the
22service, procedure, or treatment is not viewed as medically
23necessary, denial of specific tests or procedures, denial of
24referral to specialist physicians or denial of hospitalization
25requests or length of stay requests, any involved party may
26request an external independent review as provided by the

HB0224 Engrossed- 72 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1Illinois Health Carrier External Review Act.
2 (f) Until July 1, 2013, if an external independent review
3decision made pursuant to the Illinois Health Carrier External
4Review Act upholds a determination adverse to the covered
5person, the covered person has the right to appeal the final
6decision to the Department; if the external review decision is
7found by the Director to have been arbitrary and capricious,
8then the Director, with consultation from a licensed medical
9professional, may overturn the external review decision and
10require the health carrier to pay for the health care service
11or treatment; such decision, if any, shall be made solely on
12the legal or medical merits of the claim. If an external review
13decision is overturned by the Director pursuant to this Section
14and the health carrier so requests, then the Director shall
15assign a new independent review organization to reconsider the
16overturned decision. The new independent review organization
17shall follow subsection (d) of Section 40 of the Health Carrier
18External Review Act in rendering a decision.
19 (g) Future contractual or employment action by the health
20care plan regarding the patient's physician or other health
21care provider shall not be based solely on the physician's or
22other health care provider's participation in health care
23services appeals, complaints, or external independent reviews
24under the Illinois Health Carrier External Review Act.
25 (h) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to require a
26health care plan to pay for a health care service not covered

HB0224 Engrossed- 73 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1under the terms of the enrollee's certificate of coverage or
2policy, unless the terms are inconsistent with applicable law.
3(Source: P.A. 96-857, eff. 7-1-10.)
4 (215 ILCS 134/85)
5 Sec. 85. Utilization review program registration.
6 (a) No person may conduct a utilization review program in
7this State unless once every 2 years the person registers the
8utilization review program with the Department and certifies
9compliance with the Health Utilization Management Standards of
10the American Accreditation Healthcare Commission (URAC)
11sufficient to achieve American Accreditation Healthcare
12Commission (URAC) accreditation or submits evidence of
13accreditation by the American Accreditation Healthcare
14Commission (URAC) for its Health Utilization Management
15Standards. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to require a
16health carrier care plan or its subcontractors to become
17American Accreditation Healthcare Commission (URAC)
19 (b) In addition, the Director of the Department, in
20consultation with the Director of the Department of Public
21Health, may certify alternative utilization review standards
22of national accreditation organizations or entities in order
23for plans to comply with this Section. Any alternative
24utilization review standards shall meet or exceed those
25standards required under subsection (a).

HB0224 Engrossed- 74 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (c) The provisions of this Section do not apply to:
2 (1) persons providing utilization review program
3 services only to the federal government;
4 (2) self-insured health plans under the federal
5 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, however,
6 this Section does apply to persons conducting a utilization
7 review program on behalf of these health plans;
8 (3) hospitals and medical groups performing
9 utilization review activities for internal purposes unless
10 the utilization review program is conducted for another
11 person.
12 Nothing in this Act prohibits a health care plan or other
13entity from contractually requiring an entity designated in
14item (3) of this subsection to adhere to the utilization review
15program requirements of this Act.
16 (d) This registration shall include submission of all of
17the following information regarding utilization review program
19 (1) The name, address, and telephone number of the
20 utilization review programs.
21 (2) The organization and governing structure of the
22 utilization review programs.
23 (3) The number of lives for which utilization review is
24 conducted by each utilization review program.
25 (4) Hours of operation of each utilization review
26 program.

HB0224 Engrossed- 75 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (5) Description of the grievance process for each
2 utilization review program.
3 (6) Number of covered lives for which utilization
4 review was conducted for the previous calendar year for
5 each utilization review program.
6 (7) Written policies and procedures for protecting
7 confidential information according to applicable State and
8 federal laws for each utilization review program.
9 (e) (1) A utilization review program shall have written
10procedures for assuring that patient-specific information
11obtained during the process of utilization review will be:
12 (A) kept confidential in accordance with applicable
13 State and federal laws; and
14 (B) shared only with the enrollee, the enrollee's
15 designee, the enrollee's health care provider, and those
16 who are authorized by law to receive the information.
17 Summary data shall not be considered confidential if it
18does not provide information to allow identification of
19individual patients or health care providers.
20 (2) Only a health care professional may make
21 determinations regarding the medical necessity of health
22 care services during the course of utilization review.
23 (3) When making retrospective reviews, utilization
24 review programs shall base reviews solely on the medical
25 information available to the attending physician or
26 ordering provider at the time the health care services were

HB0224 Engrossed- 76 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 provided.
2 (4) When making prospective, concurrent, and
3 retrospective determinations, utilization review programs
4 shall collect only information that is necessary to make
5 the determination and shall not routinely require health
6 care providers to numerically code diagnoses or procedures
7 to be considered for certification, unless required under
8 State or federal Medicare or Medicaid rules or regulations,
9 but may request such code if available, or routinely
10 request copies of medical records of all enrollees
11 reviewed. During prospective or concurrent review, copies
12 of medical records shall only be required when necessary to
13 verify that the health care services subject to review are
14 medically necessary. In these cases, only the necessary or
15 relevant sections of the medical record shall be required.
16 (f) If the Department finds that a utilization review
17program is not in compliance with this Section, the Department
18shall issue a corrective action plan and allow a reasonable
19amount of time for compliance with the plan. If the utilization
20review program does not come into compliance, the Department
21may issue a cease and desist order. Before issuing a cease and
22desist order under this Section, the Department shall provide
23the utilization review program with a written notice of the
24reasons for the order and allow a reasonable amount of time to
25supply additional information demonstrating compliance with
26requirements of this Section and to request a hearing. The

HB0224 Engrossed- 77 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1hearing notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt
2requested, and the hearing shall be conducted in accordance
3with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
4 (g) A utilization review program subject to a corrective
5action may continue to conduct business until a final decision
6has been issued by the Department.
7 (h) Any adverse determination made by a health carrier care
8plan or its subcontractors may be appealed in accordance with
9the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law subsection (f) of
10Section 45.
11 (i) The Director may by rule establish a registration fee
12for each person conducting a utilization review program. All
13fees paid to and collected by the Director under this Section
14shall be deposited into the Insurance Producer Administration
16(Source: P.A. 91-617, eff. 7-1-00.)
17 Section 90-10. The Health Carrier External Review Act is
18amended by changing Sections 10, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 55, 65,
19and 75 and by adding Sections 42 and 80 as follows:
20 (215 ILCS 180/10)
21 Sec. 10. Definitions. For the purposes of this Act:
22 "Adverse determination" has the same meaning given that
23term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law means a
24determination by a health carrier or its designee utilization

HB0224 Engrossed- 78 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1review organization that an admission, availability of care,
2continued stay, or other health care service that is a covered
3benefit has been reviewed and, based upon the information
4provided, does not meet the health carrier's requirements for
5medical necessity, appropriateness, health care setting, level
6of care, or effectiveness, and the requested service or payment
7for the service is therefore denied, reduced, or terminated.
8 "Authorized representative" has the same meaning given
9that term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law. means:
10 (1) a person to whom a covered person has given express
11 written consent to represent the covered person in an
12 external review, including the covered person's health
13 care provider;
14 (2) a person authorized by law to provide substituted
15 consent for a covered person; or
16 (3) the covered person's health care provider when the
17 covered person is unable to provide consent.
18 "Best evidence" means evidence based on:
19 (1) randomized clinical trials;
20 (2) if randomized clinical trials are not available,
21 then cohort studies or case-control studies;
22 (3) if items (1) and (2) are not available, then
23 case-series; or
24 (4) if items (1), (2), and (3) are not available, then
25 expert opinion.
26 "Case-series" means an evaluation of a series of patients

HB0224 Engrossed- 79 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1with a particular outcome, without the use of a control group.
2 "Clinical review criteria" has the same meaning given that
3term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law means the
4written screening procedures, decision abstracts, clinical
5protocols, and practice guidelines used by a health carrier to
6determine the necessity and appropriateness of health care
8 "Cohort study" means a prospective evaluation of 2 groups
9of patients with only one group of patients receiving specific
11 "Covered benefits" or "benefits" has the same meaning given
12that term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law means
13those health care services to which a covered person is
14entitled under the terms of a health benefit plan.
15 "Covered person" has the same meaning given that term in
16the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law means a
17policyholder, subscriber, enrollee, or other individual
18participating in a health benefit plan.
19 "Director" means the Director of the Department of
21 "Emergency medical condition" has the same meaning given
22that term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law. means
23a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of
24sufficient severity, including, but not limited to, severe
25pain, such that a prudent layperson who possesses an average
26knowledge of health and medicine could reasonably expect the

HB0224 Engrossed- 80 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1absence of immediate medical attention to result in:
2 (1) placing the health of the individual or, with
3 respect to a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her
4 unborn child, in serious jeopardy;
5 (2) serious impairment to bodily functions; or
6 (3) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.
7 "Emergency services" has the same meaning given that term
8in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law means health care
9items and services furnished or required to evaluate and treat
10an emergency medical condition.
11 "Evidence-based standard" means the conscientious,
12explicit, and judicious use of the current best evidence based
13on an overall systematic review of the research in making
14decisions about the care of individual patients.
15 "Expert opinion" means a belief or an interpretation by
16specialists with experience in a specific area about the
17scientific evidence pertaining to a particular service,
18intervention, or therapy.
19 "Facility" has the same meaning given that term in the
20Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law means an institution
21providing health care services or a health care setting.
22 "Final adverse determination" has the same meaning given
23that term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law means
24an adverse determination involving a covered benefit that has
25been upheld by a health carrier, or its designee utilization
26review organization, at the completion of the health carrier's

HB0224 Engrossed- 81 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1internal grievance process procedures as set forth by the
2Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act.
3 "Health benefit plan" has the same meaning given that term
4in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law means a policy,
5contract, certificate, plan, or agreement offered or issued by
6a health carrier to provide, deliver, arrange for, pay for, or
7reimburse any of the costs of health care services.
8 "Health care professional" has the same meaning given that
9term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
10 "Health care provider" or "provider" has the same meaning
11given that term in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law
12means a physician, hospital facility, or other health care
13practitioner licensed, accredited, or certified to perform
14specified health care services consistent with State law,
15responsible for recommending health care services on behalf of
16a covered person.
17 "Health care services" has the same meaning given that term
18in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law means services
19for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, cure, or relief of a
20health condition, illness, injury, or disease.
21 "Health carrier" has the same meaning given that term in
22the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law means an entity
23subject to the insurance laws and regulations of this State, or
24subject to the jurisdiction of the Director, that contracts or
25offers to contract to provide, deliver, arrange for, pay for,
26or reimburse any of the costs of health care services,

HB0224 Engrossed- 82 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1including a sickness and accident insurance company, a health
2maintenance organization, or any other entity providing a plan
3of health insurance, health benefits, or health care services.
4"Health carrier" also means Limited Health Service
5Organizations (LHSO) and Voluntary Health Service Plans.
6 "Health information" means information or data, whether
7oral or recorded in any form or medium, and personal facts or
8information about events or relationships that relate to:
9 (1) the past, present, or future physical, mental, or
10 behavioral health or condition of an individual or a member
11 of the individual's family;
12 (2) the provision of health care services to an
13 individual; or
14 (3) payment for the provision of health care services
15 to an individual.
16 "Independent review organization" means an entity that
17conducts independent external reviews of adverse
18determinations and final adverse determinations.
19 "Medical or scientific evidence" means evidence found in
20the following sources:
21 (1) peer-reviewed scientific studies published in or
22 accepted for publication by medical journals that meet
23 nationally recognized requirements for scientific
24 manuscripts and that submit most of their published
25 articles for review by experts who are not part of the
26 editorial staff;

HB0224 Engrossed- 83 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (2) peer-reviewed medical literature, including
2 literature relating to therapies reviewed and approved by a
3 qualified institutional review board, biomedical
4 compendia, and other medical literature that meet the
5 criteria of the National Institutes of Health's Library of
6 Medicine for indexing in Index Medicus (Medline) and
7 Elsevier Science Ltd. for indexing in Excerpta Medicus
9 (3) medical journals recognized by the Secretary of
10 Health and Human Services under Section 1861(t)(2) of the
11 federal Social Security Act;
12 (4) the following standard reference compendia:
13 (a) The American Hospital Formulary Service-Drug
14 Information;
15 (b) Drug Facts and Comparisons;
16 (c) The American Dental Association Accepted
17 Dental Therapeutics; and
18 (d) The United States Pharmacopoeia-Drug
19 Information;
20 (5) findings, studies, or research conducted by or
21 under the auspices of federal government agencies and
22 nationally recognized federal research institutes,
23 including:
24 (a) the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and
25 Quality;
26 (b) the National Institutes of Health;

HB0224 Engrossed- 84 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (c) the National Cancer Institute;
2 (d) the National Academy of Sciences;
3 (e) the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services;
4 (f) the federal Food and Drug Administration; and
5 (g) any national board recognized by the National
6 Institutes of Health for the purpose of evaluating the
7 medical value of health care services; or
8 (6) any other medical or scientific evidence that is
9 comparable to the sources listed in items (1) through (5).
10 "Person" has the same meaning given that term in the Health
11Carrier Grievance Procedure Law.
12 "Protected health information" means health information
13(i) that identifies an individual who is the subject of the
14information; or (ii) with respect to which there is a
15reasonable basis to believe that the information could be used
16to identify an individual.
17 "Randomized clinical trial" means a controlled prospective
18study of patients that have been randomized into an
19experimental group and a control group at the beginning of the
20study with only the experimental group of patients receiving a
21specific intervention, which includes study of the groups for
22variables and anticipated outcomes over time.
23 "Retrospective review" has the same meaning given that term
24in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law means a review of
25medical necessity conducted after services have been provided
26to a patient, but does not include the review of a claim that

HB0224 Engrossed- 85 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1is limited to an evaluation of reimbursement levels, veracity
2of documentation, accuracy of coding, or adjudication for
4 "Utilization review" has the meaning provided by the
5Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act.
6 "Utilization review organization" means a utilization
7review program as defined in the Managed Care Reform and
8Patient Rights Act.
9(Source: P.A. 96-857, eff. 7-1-10.)
10 (215 ILCS 180/20)
11 Sec. 20. Notice of right to external review.
12 (a) At the same time the health carrier sends written
13notice of a covered person's right to appeal a coverage
14decision upon an adverse determination or a final adverse
15determination as provided by the Managed Care Reform and
16Patient Rights Act, a health carrier shall notify a covered
17person, the covered person's authorized representative, if
18any, and a covered person's health care provider in writing of
19the covered person's right to request an external review as
20provided by this Act. The written notice required shall include
21the following, or substantially equivalent, language: "We have
22denied your request for the provision of or payment for a
23health care service or course of treatment. You have the right
24to have our decision reviewed by an independent review
25organization not associated with us if our decision involved

HB0224 Engrossed- 86 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1making a judgment as to the medical necessity, appropriateness,
2health care setting, level of care, or effectiveness of the
3health care service or treatment you requested by submitting a
4written request for an external review to the Department of
5Insurance, Office of Consumer Health Information, 320 West
6Washington Street, 4th Floor, Springfield, Illinois, 62767."
7us. Upon receipt of your request an independent review
8organization registered with the Department of Insurance will
9be assigned to review our decision.
10 (a-5) The Department may prescribe the form and content of
11the notice required under this Section.
12 (b) This subsection (b) shall apply to an expedited review
13prior to a final adverse determination. In addition to the
14notice required in subsection (a), for the health carrier shall
15include a notice related to an adverse determination, the
16health carrier shall include a statement informing the covered
17person of all of the following:
18 (1) If the covered person has a medical condition where
19 the timeframe for completion of (A) an expedited internal
20 review of an appeal a grievance involving an adverse
21 determination, (B) a final adverse determination as set
22 forth in the Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act, or
23 (C) a standard external review as established in this Act,
24 would seriously jeopardize the life or health of the
25 covered person or would jeopardize the covered person's
26 ability to regain maximum function, then the covered person

HB0224 Engrossed- 87 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 or the covered person's authorized representative may file
2 a request for an expedited external review.
3 (2) The covered person or the covered person's
4 authorized representative may file an appeal under the
5 health carrier's internal appeal process as set forth in
6 the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law, but if the
7 health carrier has not issued a written decision to the
8 covered person or the covered person's authorized
9 representative 30 days following the date the covered
10 person or the covered person's authorized representative
11 files an appeal of an adverse determination that involves a
12 prospective review request or 60 days following the date
13 the covered person or the covered person's authorized
14 representative files an appeal of an adverse determination
15 that involves a retrospective review request with the
16 health carrier and the covered person or the covered
17 person's authorized representative has not requested or
18 agreed to a delay, then the covered person or the covered
19 person's authorized representative may file a request for
20 external review and shall be considered to have exhausted
21 the health carrier's internal appeal process for purposes
22 of this Act. The covered person or the covered person's
23 authorized representative may file a request for an
24 expedited external review at the same time the covered
25 person or the covered person's authorized representative
26 files a request for an expedited internal appeal involving

HB0224 Engrossed- 88 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 an adverse determination as set forth in the Managed Care
2 Reform and Patient Rights Act if the adverse determination
3 involves a denial of coverage based on a determination that
4 the recommended or requested health care service or
5 treatment is experimental or investigational and the
6 covered person's health care provider certifies in writing
7 that the recommended or requested health care service or
8 treatment that is the subject of the adverse determination
9 would be significantly less effective if not promptly
10 initiated. The independent review organization assigned to
11 conduct the expedited external review will determine
12 whether the covered person shall be required to complete
13 the expedited review of the grievance prior to conducting
14 the expedited external review.
15 (3) The covered person or the covered person's
16 authorized representative filed a request for an expedited
17 internal review of an adverse determination pursuant to the
18 Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law and has not received
19 a decision on such request from the health carrier within
20 48 hours, except to the extent the covered person or the
21 covered person's authorized representative requested or
22 agreed to a delay.
23 (4) (3) If an adverse determination concerns a denial
24 of coverage based on a determination that the recommended
25 or requested health care service or treatment is
26 experimental or investigational and the covered person's

HB0224 Engrossed- 89 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 health care provider certifies in writing that the
2 recommended or requested health care service or treatment
3 that is the subject of the request would be significantly
4 less effective if not promptly initiated, then the covered
5 person or the covered person's authorized representative
6 may request an expedited external review at the same time
7 the covered person or the covered person's authorized
8 representative files a request for an expedited internal
9 appeal involving an adverse determination as set forth in
10 the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law. The
11 independent review organization assigned to conduct the
12 expedited external review shall determine whether the
13 covered person is required to complete the expedited review
14 of the appeal prior to conducting the expedited external
15 review.
16 (c) This subsection (c) shall apply to an expedited review
17upon final adverse determination. In addition to the notice
18required in subsection (a), for the health carrier shall
19include a notice related to a final adverse determination, the
20health carrier shall include a statement informing the covered
21person of all of the following:
22 (1) if the covered person has a medical condition where
23 the timeframe for completion of a standard external review
24 would seriously jeopardize the life or health of the
25 covered person or would jeopardize the covered person's
26 ability to regain maximum function, then the covered person

HB0224 Engrossed- 90 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 or the covered person's authorized representative may file
2 a request for an expedited external review; or
3 (2) if a final adverse determination concerns an
4 admission, availability of care, continued stay, or health
5 care service for which the covered person received
6 emergency services, but has not been discharged from a
7 facility, then the covered person, or the covered person's
8 authorized representative, may request an expedited
9 external review; or
10 (3) if a final adverse determination concerns a denial
11 of coverage based on a determination that the recommended
12 or requested health care service or treatment is
13 experimental or investigational, and the covered person's
14 health care provider certifies in writing that the
15 recommended or requested health care service or treatment
16 that is the subject of the request would be significantly
17 less effective if not promptly initiated, then the covered
18 person or the covered person's authorized representative
19 may request an expedited external review.
20 (d) In addition to the information to be provided pursuant
21to subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this Section, the health
22carrier shall include a copy of the description of both the
23required standard and expedited external review procedures.
24The description shall highlight the external review procedures
25that give the covered person or the covered person's authorized
26representative the opportunity to submit additional

HB0224 Engrossed- 91 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1information, including any forms used to process an external
3 (e) As part of any forms provided under subsection (d) of
4this Section, the health carrier shall include an authorization
5form, or other document approved by the Director, by which the
6covered person, for purposes of conducting an external review
7under this Act, authorizes the health carrier and the covered
8person's treating health care provider to disclose protected
9health information, including medical records, concerning the
10covered person that is pertinent to the external review, as
11provided in the Illinois Insurance Code.
12(Source: P.A. 96-857, eff. 7-1-10.)
13 (215 ILCS 180/25)
14 Sec. 25. Request for external review. A covered person or
15the covered person's authorized representative may make a
16request for a standard external or expedited external review of
17an adverse determination or final adverse determination.
18Except as set forth in Sections 40 and 42 of this Act, all
19requests for external review Requests under this Section shall
20be made in writing to the Director directly to the health
21carrier that made the adverse or final adverse determination.
22All requests for external review shall be in writing except for
23requests for expedited external reviews which may me made
24orally. Health carriers must provide covered persons with forms
25to request external reviews.

HB0224 Engrossed- 92 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1(Source: P.A. 96-857, eff. 7-1-10.)
2 (215 ILCS 180/30)
3 Sec. 30. Exhaustion of internal appeal grievance process.
4 (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this Section
520, a request for an external review shall not be made until
6the covered person has exhausted the health carrier's internal
7appeal grievance process as set forth in the Health Carrier
8Grievance Procedure Law Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights
10 (b) A covered person shall also be considered to have
11exhausted the health carrier's internal appeal grievance
12process for purposes of this Section if:
13 (1) the covered person or the covered person's
14 authorized representative has filed an appeal under the
15 health carrier's internal appeal process as set forth in a
16 request for an internal review of an adverse determination
17 pursuant to the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law
18 Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act and has not
19 received a written decision on the appeal 30 days following
20 the date the covered person or the covered person's
21 authorized representative files an appeal of an adverse
22 determination that involves a prospective review request
23 or 60 days following the date the covered person or the
24 covered person's authorized representative files an appeal
25 of an adverse determination that involves a retrospective

HB0224 Engrossed- 93 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 review request request from the health carrier within 15
2 days after receipt of the required information but not more
3 than 30 days after the request was filed by the covered
4 person or the covered person's authorized representative,
5 except to the extent the covered person or the covered
6 person's authorized representative requested or agreed to
7 a delay; however, a covered person or the covered person's
8 authorized representative may not make a request for an
9 external review of an adverse determination involving a
10 retrospective review determination until the covered
11 person has exhausted the health carrier's internal
12 grievance process;
13 (2) the covered person or the covered person's
14 authorized representative filed a request for an expedited
15 internal review of an adverse determination pursuant to the
16 Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law Managed Care Reform
17 and Patient Rights Act and has not received a decision on
18 such request from the health carrier within 48 hours,
19 except to the extent the covered person or the covered
20 person's authorized representative requested or agreed to
21 a delay; or
22 (3) the health carrier agrees to waive the exhaustion
23 requirement; .
24 (4) the covered person has a medical condition in which
25 the timeframe for completion of (A) an expedited internal
26 review of a appeal involving an adverse determination, (B)

HB0224 Engrossed- 94 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 a final adverse determination, or (C) a standard external
2 review as established in this Act would seriously
3 jeopardize the life or health of the covered person or
4 would jeopardize the covered person's ability to regain
5 maximum function;
6 (5) an adverse determination concerns a denial of
7 coverage based on a determination that the recommended or
8 requested health care service or treatment is experimental
9 or investigational and the covered person's health care
10 provider certifies in writing that the recommended or
11 requested health care service or treatment that is the
12 subject of the request would be significantly less
13 effective if not promptly initiated; in such cases, the
14 covered person or the covered person's authorized
15 representative may request an expedited external review at
16 the same time the covered person or the covered person's
17 authorized representative files a request for an expedited
18 internal appeal involving an adverse determination as set
19 forth in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law; the
20 independent review organization assigned to conduct the
21 expedited external review shall determine whether the
22 covered person is required to complete the expedited review
23 of the appeal prior to conducting the expedited external
24 review; or
25 (6) the health carrier has failed to comply with
26 Section 5-40 or 5-45 of the Utilization Review and Benefit

HB0224 Engrossed- 95 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 Determination Law, as set forth in subsection (d) of
2 Section 5-35 of that Law, or Section 10-30 or 10-40 of the
3 Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law, as set forth in
4 subsection (b) of Section 10-25 of that Law.
5(Source: P.A. 96-857, eff. 7-1-10.)
6 (215 ILCS 180/35)
7 Sec. 35. Standard external review.
8 (a) Within 4 months after the date of receipt of a notice
9of an adverse determination or final adverse determination, a
10covered person or the covered person's authorized
11representative may file a request for an external review with
12the Director. Within one business day after the date of receipt
13of a request for external review, the Director shall send a
14copy of the request to the health carrier.
15 (b) Within 5 business days following the date of receipt of
16the external review request, the health carrier shall complete
17a preliminary review of the request to determine whether:
18 (1) the individual is or was a covered person in the
19 health benefit plan at the time the health care service was
20 requested or at the time the health care service was
21 provided;
22 (2) the health care service that is the subject of the
23 adverse determination or the final adverse determination
24 is a covered service under the covered person's health
25 benefit plan, but the health carrier has determined that

HB0224 Engrossed- 96 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 the health care service is not covered because it does not
2 meet the health carrier's requirements for medical
3 necessity, appropriateness, health care setting, level of
4 care, or effectiveness;
5 (3) the covered person has exhausted the health
6 carrier's internal appeal grievance process as set forth in
7 the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Act unless the
8 covered person is not required to exhaust the health
9 carrier's internal appeal process pursuant to this Act;
10 (4) (blank); and for appeals relating to a
11 determination based on treatment being experimental or
12 investigational, the requested health care service or
13 treatment that is the subject of the adverse determination
14 or final adverse determination is a covered benefit under
15 the covered person's health benefit plan except for the
16 health carrier's determination that the service or
17 treatment is experimental or investigational for a
18 particular medical condition and is not explicitly listed
19 as an excluded benefit under the covered person's health
20 benefit plan with the health carrier and that the covered
21 person's health care provider, who ordered or provided the
22 services in question and who is licensed under the Medical
23 Practice Act of 1987, has certified that one of the
24 following situations is applicable:
25 (A) standard health care services or treatments
26 have not been effective in improving the condition of

HB0224 Engrossed- 97 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 the covered person;
2 (B) standard health care services or treatments
3 are not medically appropriate for the covered person;
4 (C) there is no available standard health care
5 service or treatment covered by the health carrier that
6 is more beneficial than the recommended or requested
7 health care service or treatment;
8 (D) the health care service or treatment is likely
9 to be more beneficial to the covered person, in the
10 health care provider's opinion, than any available
11 standard health care services or treatments; or
12 (E) that scientifically valid studies using
13 accepted protocols demonstrate that the health care
14 service or treatment requested is likely to be more
15 beneficial to the covered person than any available
16 standard health care services or treatments; and
17 (5) the covered person has provided all the information
18 and forms required to process an external review, as
19 specified in this Act.
20 (c) Within one business day after completion of the
21preliminary review, the health carrier shall notify the
22Director and covered person and, if applicable, the covered
23person's authorized representative in writing whether the
24request is complete and eligible for external review. If the
26 (1) is not complete, the health carrier shall inform

HB0224 Engrossed- 98 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 the Director and covered person and, if applicable, the
2 covered person's authorized representative in writing and
3 include in the notice what information or materials are
4 required by this Act to make the request complete; or
5 (2) is not eligible for external review, the health
6 carrier shall inform the Director and covered person and,
7 if applicable, the covered person's authorized
8 representative in writing and include in the notice the
9 reasons for its ineligibility.
10 The Department may specify the form for the health
11carrier's notice of initial determination under this
12subsection (c) and any supporting information to be included in
13the notice.
14 The notice of initial determination of ineligibility shall
15include a statement informing the covered person and, if
16applicable, the covered person's authorized representative
17that a health carrier's initial determination that the external
18review request is ineligible for review may be appealed to the
19Director by filing a complaint with the Director.
20 Notwithstanding a health carrier's initial determination
21that the request is ineligible for external review, the
22Director may determine that a request is eligible for external
23review and require that it be referred for external review. In
24making such determination, the Director's decision shall be in
25accordance with the terms of the covered person's health
26benefit plan, unless such terms are inconsistent with

HB0224 Engrossed- 99 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1applicable law, and shall be subject to all applicable
2provisions of this Act.
3 (d) Whenever the Director receives notice that a request is
4eligible for external review following the preliminary review
5conducted pursuant to this Section the health carrier shall,
6within one 5 business day after the date of receipt of the
7notice, the Director shall days:
8 (1) assign an independent review organization from the
9 list of approved independent review organizations compiled
10 and maintained by the Director pursuant to this Act and
11 notify the health carrier of the name of the assigned
12 independent review organization; and
13 (2) notify in writing the covered person and, if
14 applicable, the covered person's authorized representative
15 of the request's eligibility and acceptance for external
16 review and the name of the independent review organization.
17 The Director health carrier shall include in the notice
18provided to the covered person and, if applicable, the covered
19person's authorized representative a statement that the
20covered person or the covered person's authorized
21representative may, within 5 business days following the date
22of receipt of the notice provided pursuant to item (2) of this
23subsection (d), submit in writing to the assigned independent
24review organization additional information that the
25independent review organization shall consider when conducting
26the external review. The independent review organization is not

HB0224 Engrossed- 100 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1required to, but may, accept and consider additional
2information submitted after 5 business days.
3 (e) The assignment by the Director of an approved
4independent review organization to conduct an external review
5in accordance with this Section shall be done on a random basis
6among those independent review organizations approved by the
7Director pursuant to this Act. The assignment of an approved
8independent review organization to conduct an external review
9in accordance with this Section shall be made from those
10approved independent review organizations qualified to conduct
11external review as required by Sections 50 and 55 of this Act.
12 (f) Within Upon assignment of an independent review
13organization, the health carrier or its designee utilization
14review organization shall, within 5 business days after the
15date of receipt of the notice provided pursuant to item (1) of
16subsection (d) of this Section, the health carrier or its
17designee utilization review organization shall provide to the
18assigned independent review organization the documents and any
19information considered in making the adverse determination or
20final adverse determination; in such cases, the following
21provisions shall apply:
22 (1) Except as provided in item (2) of this subsection
23 (f), failure by the health carrier or its utilization
24 review organization to provide the documents and
25 information within the specified time frame shall not delay
26 the conduct of the external review.

HB0224 Engrossed- 101 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (2) If the health carrier or its utilization review
2 organization fails to provide the documents and
3 information within the specified time frame, the assigned
4 independent review organization may terminate the external
5 review and make a decision to reverse the adverse
6 determination or final adverse determination.
7 (3) Within one business day after making the decision
8 to terminate the external review and make a decision to
9 reverse the adverse determination or final adverse
10 determination under item (2) of this subsection (f), the
11 independent review organization shall notify the Director,
12 the health carrier, the covered person and, if applicable,
13 the covered person's authorized representative, of its
14 decision to reverse the adverse determination.
15 (g) Upon receipt of the information from the health carrier
16or its utilization review organization, the assigned
17independent review organization shall review all of the
18information and documents and any other information submitted
19in writing to the independent review organization by the
20covered person and the covered person's authorized
22 (h) Upon receipt of any information submitted by the
23covered person or the covered person's authorized
24representative, the independent review organization shall
25forward the information to the health carrier within 1 business

HB0224 Engrossed- 102 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (1) Upon receipt of the information, if any, the health
2 carrier may reconsider its adverse determination or final
3 adverse determination that is the subject of the external
4 review.
5 (2) Reconsideration by the health carrier of its
6 adverse determination or final adverse determination shall
7 not delay or terminate the external review.
8 (3) The external review may only be terminated if the
9 health carrier decides, upon completion of its
10 reconsideration, to reverse its adverse determination or
11 final adverse determination and provide coverage or
12 payment for the health care service that is the subject of
13 the adverse determination or final adverse determination.
14 In such cases, the following provisions shall apply:
15 (A) Within one business day after making the
16 decision to reverse its adverse determination or final
17 adverse determination, the health carrier shall notify
18 the Director, the covered person and, if applicable,
19 the covered person's authorized representative, and
20 the assigned independent review organization in
21 writing of its decision.
22 (B) Upon notice from the health carrier that the
23 health carrier has made a decision to reverse its
24 adverse determination or final adverse determination,
25 the assigned independent review organization shall
26 terminate the external review.

HB0224 Engrossed- 103 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (i) In addition to the documents and information provided
2by the health carrier or its utilization review organization
3and the covered person and the covered person's authorized
4representative, if any, the independent review organization,
5to the extent the information or documents are available and
6the independent review organization considers them
7appropriate, shall consider the following in reaching a
9 (1) the covered person's pertinent medical records;
10 (2) the covered person's health care provider's
11 recommendation;
12 (3) consulting reports from appropriate health care
13 providers and other documents submitted by the health
14 carrier or its designee utilization review organization,
15 the covered person, the covered person's authorized
16 representative, or the covered person's treating provider;
17 (4) the terms of coverage under the covered person's
18 health benefit plan with the health carrier to ensure that
19 the independent review organization's decision is not
20 contrary to the terms of coverage under the covered
21 person's health benefit plan with the health carrier,
22 unless the terms are inconsistent with applicable law;
23 (5) the most appropriate practice guidelines, which
24 shall include applicable evidence-based standards and may
25 include any other practice guidelines developed by the
26 federal government, national or professional medical

HB0224 Engrossed- 104 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 societies, boards, and associations;
2 (6) any applicable clinical review criteria developed
3 and used by the health carrier or its designee utilization
4 review organization; and
5 (7) the opinion of the independent review
6 organization's clinical reviewer or reviewers after
7 considering items (1) through (6) of this subsection (i) to
8 the extent the information or documents are available and
9 the clinical reviewer or reviewers considers the
10 information or documents appropriate; and
11 (8) (blank). for a denial of coverage based on a
12 determination that the health care service or treatment
13 recommended or requested is experimental or
14 investigational, whether and to what extent:
15 (A) the recommended or requested health care
16 service or treatment has been approved by the federal
17 Food and Drug Administration, if applicable, for the
18 condition;
19 (B) medical or scientific evidence or
20 evidence-based standards demonstrate that the expected
21 benefits of the recommended or requested health care
22 service or treatment is more likely than not to be
23 beneficial to the covered person than any available
24 standard health care service or treatment and the
25 adverse risks of the recommended or requested health
26 care service or treatment would not be substantially

HB0224 Engrossed- 105 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 increased over those of available standard health care
2 services or treatments; or
3 (C) the terms of coverage under the covered
4 person's health benefit plan with the health carrier to
5 ensure that the health care service or treatment that
6 is the subject of the opinion is experimental or
7 investigational would otherwise be covered under the
8 terms of coverage of the covered person's health
9 benefit plan with the health carrier.
10 (j) Within 5 days after the date of receipt of all
11necessary information, but in no event more than 45 days after
12the date of receipt of the request for an external review, the
13assigned independent review organization shall provide written
14notice of its decision to uphold or reverse the adverse
15determination or the final adverse determination to the
16Director, the health carrier, the covered person, and, if
17applicable, the covered person's authorized representative. In
18reaching a decision, the assigned independent review
19organization is not bound by any claim determinations reached
20prior to the submission of information to the independent
21review organization. In such cases, the following provisions
22shall apply:
23 (1) The independent review organization shall include
24 in the notice:
25 (A) a general description of the reason for the
26 request for external review;

HB0224 Engrossed- 106 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (B) the date the independent review organization
2 received the assignment from the Director health
3 carrier to conduct the external review;
4 (C) the time period during which the external
5 review was conducted;
6 (D) references to the evidence or documentation,
7 including the evidence-based standards, considered in
8 reaching its decision;
9 (E) the date of its decision; and
10 (F) the principal reason or reasons for its
11 decision, including what applicable, if any,
12 evidence-based standards that were a basis for its
13 decision; and .
14 (G) the rationale for its decision.
15 (2) (Blank). For reviews of experimental or
16 investigational treatments, the notice shall include the
17 following information:
18 (A) a description of the covered person's medical
19 condition;
20 (B) a description of the indicators relevant to
21 whether there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate
22 that the recommended or requested health care service
23 or treatment is more likely than not to be more
24 beneficial to the covered person than any available
25 standard health care services or treatments and the
26 adverse risks of the recommended or requested health

HB0224 Engrossed- 107 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 care service or treatment would not be substantially
2 increased over those of available standard health care
3 services or treatments;
4 (C) a description and analysis of any medical or
5 scientific evidence considered in reaching the
6 opinion;
7 (D) a description and analysis of any
8 evidence-based standards;
9 (E) whether the recommended or requested health
10 care service or treatment has been approved by the
11 federal Food and Drug Administration, for the
12 condition;
13 (F) whether medical or scientific evidence or
14 evidence-based standards demonstrate that the expected
15 benefits of the recommended or requested health care
16 service or treatment is more likely than not to be more
17 beneficial to the covered person than any available
18 standard health care service or treatment and the
19 adverse risks of the recommended or requested health
20 care service or treatment would not be substantially
21 increased over those of available standard health care
22 services or treatments; and
23 (G) the written opinion of the clinical reviewer,
24 including the reviewer's recommendation as to whether
25 the recommended or requested health care service or
26 treatment should be covered and the rationale for the

HB0224 Engrossed- 108 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 reviewer's recommendation.
2 (3) (Blank). In reaching a decision, the assigned
3 independent review organization is not bound by any
4 decisions or conclusions reached during the health
5 carrier's utilization review process or the health
6 carrier's internal grievance or appeals process.
7 (4) Upon receipt of a notice of a decision reversing
8 the adverse determination or final adverse determination,
9 the health carrier immediately shall approve the coverage
10 that was the subject of the adverse determination or final
11 adverse determination.
12(Source: P.A. 96-857, eff. 7-1-10; 96-967, eff. 1-1-11.)
13 (215 ILCS 180/40)
14 Sec. 40. Expedited external review.
15 (a) A covered person or a covered person's authorized
16representative may file a request for an expedited external
17review with the Director health carrier either orally or in
19 (1) immediately after the date of receipt of a notice
20 prior to a final adverse determination as provided by
21 subsection (b) of Section 20 of this Act;
22 (2) immediately after the date of receipt of a notice
23 upon a final adverse determination as provided by
24 subsection (c) of Section 20 of this Act; or
25 (3) if a health carrier fails to provide a decision on

HB0224 Engrossed- 109 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 request for an expedited internal appeal within 48 hours as
2 provided by item (2) of Section 30 of this Act.
3 (b) Upon receipt of a request for an expedited external
4review, the Director shall immediately send a copy of the
5request to the health carrier. Immediately upon receipt of the
6request for an expedited external review as provided under
7subsections (b) and (c) of Section 20, the health carrier shall
8determine whether the request meets the reviewability
9requirements set forth in items (1), (2), and (4) of subsection
10(b) of Section 35. In such cases, the following provisions
11shall apply:
12 (1) The health carrier shall immediately notify the
13 Director, the covered person, and, if applicable, the
14 covered person's authorized representative of its
15 eligibility determination.
16 (2) The notice of initial determination shall include a
17 statement informing the covered person and, if applicable,
18 the covered person's authorized representative that a
19 health carrier's initial determination that an external
20 review request is ineligible for review may be appealed to
21 the Director.
22 (3) The Director may determine that a request is
23 eligible for expedited external review notwithstanding a
24 health carrier's initial determination that the request is
25 ineligible and require that it be referred for external
26 review.

HB0224 Engrossed- 110 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (4) In making a determination under item (3) of this
2 subsection (b), the Director's decision shall be made in
3 accordance with the terms of the covered person's health
4 benefit plan, unless such terms are inconsistent with
5 applicable law, and shall be subject to all applicable
6 provisions of this Act.
7 (5) The Director may specify the form for the health
8 carrier's notice of initial determination under this
9 subsection (b) and any supporting information to be
10 included in the notice.
11 (c) Upon receipt of the notice that the request meets the
12reviewability requirements, determining that a request meets
13the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of Section 20, the
14Director health carrier shall immediately assign an
15independent review organization from the list of approved
16independent review organizations compiled and maintained by
17the Director to conduct the expedited review. In such cases,
18the following provisions shall apply:
19 (1) The assignment of an approved independent review
20 organization to conduct an external review in accordance
21 with this Section shall be made from those approved
22 independent review organizations qualified to conduct
23 external review as required by Sections 50 and 55 of this
24 Act.
25 (2) The Director shall immediately notify the health
26 carrier of the name of the assigned independent review

HB0224 Engrossed- 111 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 organization. Immediately upon receipt from the Director
2 of the name of the independent review organization assigned
3 to conduct the external review assigning an independent
4 review organization to perform an expedited external
5 review, but in no case more than 24 hours after receiving
6 such notice assigning the independent review organization,
7 the health carrier or its designee utilization review
8 organization shall provide or transmit all necessary
9 documents and information considered in making the adverse
10 determination or final adverse determination to the
11 assigned independent review organization electronically or
12 by telephone or facsimile or any other available
13 expeditious method.
14 (3) If the health carrier or its utilization review
15 organization fails to provide the documents and
16 information within the specified timeframe, the assigned
17 independent review organization may terminate the external
18 review and make a decision to reverse the adverse
19 determination or final adverse determination.
20 (4) Within one business day after making the decision
21 to terminate the external review and make a decision to
22 reverse the adverse determination or final adverse
23 determination under item (3) of this subsection (c), the
24 independent review organization shall notify the Director,
25 the health carrier, the covered person, and, if applicable,
26 the covered person's authorized representative of its

HB0224 Engrossed- 112 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 decision to reverse the adverse determination or final
2 adverse determination.
3 (d) In addition to the documents and information provided
4by the health carrier or its utilization review organization
5and any documents and information provided by the covered
6person and the covered person's authorized representative, the
7independent review organization, to the extent the information
8or documents are available and the independent review
9organization considers them appropriate, shall consider
10information as required by subsection (i) of Section 35 of this
11Act in reaching a decision.
12 (e) As expeditiously as the covered person's medical
13condition or circumstances requires, but in no event more than
1472 hours after the date of receipt of the request for an
15expedited external review 2 business days after the receipt of
16all pertinent information, the assigned independent review
17organization shall:
18 (1) make a decision to uphold or reverse the final
19 adverse determination; and
20 (2) notify the Director, the health carrier, the
21 covered person, the covered person's health care provider,
22 and, if applicable, the covered person's authorized
23 representative, of the decision.
24 (f) In reaching a decision, the assigned independent review
25organization is not bound by any decisions or conclusions
26reached during the health carrier's utilization review process

HB0224 Engrossed- 113 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1or the health carrier's internal appeal grievance process as
2set forth in the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law Managed
3Care Reform and Patient Rights Act.
4 (g) Upon receipt of notice of a decision reversing the
5adverse determination or final adverse determination, the
6health carrier shall immediately approve the coverage that was
7the subject of the adverse determination or final adverse
9 (h) If the notice provided pursuant to subsection (e) of
10this Section was not in writing, then within Within 48 hours
11after the date of providing that the notice required in item
12(2) of subsection (e), the assigned independent review
13organization shall provide written confirmation of the
14decision to the Director, the health carrier, the covered
15person, and, if applicable, the covered person's authorized
16representative including the information set forth in
17subsection (j) of Section 35 of this Act as applicable.
18 (i) An expedited external review may not be provided for
19retrospective adverse or final adverse determinations.
20 (j) The assignment by the Director of an approved
21independent review organization to conduct an external review
22in accordance with this Section shall be done on a random basis
23among those independent review organizations approved by the
24Director pursuant to this Act.
25(Source: P.A. 96-857, eff. 7-1-10; revised 9-16-10.)

HB0224 Engrossed- 114 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (215 ILCS 180/42 new)
2 Sec. 42. External review of experimental or
3investigational treatment adverse determinations.
4 (a) Within 4 months after the date of receipt of a notice
5of an adverse determination or final adverse determination that
6involves a denial of coverage based on a determination that the
7health care service or treatment recommended or requested is
8experimental or investigational, a covered person or the
9covered person's authorized representative may file a request
10for an external review with the Director.
11 (b) The following provisions apply to cases concerning
12expedited external reviews:
13 (1) A covered person or the covered person's authorized
14 representative may make an oral request for an expedited
15 external review of the adverse determination or final
16 adverse determination pursuant to subsection (a) of this
17 Section if the covered person's treating physician
18 certifies, in writing, that the recommended or requested
19 health care service or treatment that is the subject of the
20 request would be significantly less effective if not
21 promptly initiated.
22 (2) Upon receipt of a request for an expedited external
23 review, the Director shall immediately notify the health
24 carrier.
25 (3) The following provisions apply concerning notice:
26 (A) Upon notice of the request for an expedited

HB0224 Engrossed- 115 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 external review, the health carrier shall immediately
2 determine whether the request meets the reviewability
3 requirements of subsection (d) of this Section. The
4 health carrier shall immediately notify the Director
5 and the covered person and, if applicable, the covered
6 person's authorized representative of its eligibility
7 determination.
8 (B) The Director may specify the form for the
9 health carrier's notice of initial determination under
10 subdivision (A) of this item (3) and any supporting
11 information to be included in the notice.
12 (C) The notice of initial determination under
13 subdivision (A) of this item (3) shall include a
14 statement informing the covered person and, if
15 applicable, the covered person's authorized
16 representative that a health carrier's initial
17 determination that the external review request is
18 ineligible for review may be appealed to the Director.
19 (4) The following provisions apply concerning the
20 Director's determination:
21 (A) The Director may determine that a request is
22 eligible for external review under subsection (d) of
23 this Section notwithstanding a health carrier's
24 initial determination that the request is ineligible
25 and require that it be referred for external review.
26 (B) In making a determination under subdivision

HB0224 Engrossed- 116 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (A) of this item (4), the Director's decision shall be
2 made in accordance with the terms of the covered
3 person's health benefit plan, unless such terms are
4 inconsistent with applicable law, and shall be subject
5 to all applicable provisions of this Act.
6 (5) Upon receipt of the notice that the expedited
7 external review request meets the reviewability
8 requirements of subsection (d) of this Section, the
9 Director shall immediately assign an independent review
10 organization to review the expedited request from the list
11 of approved independent review organizations compiled and
12 maintained by the Director and notify the health carrier of
13 the name of the assigned independent review organization.
14 (6) At the time the health carrier receives the notice
15 of the assigned independent review organization, the
16 health carrier or its designee utilization review
17 organization shall provide or transmit all necessary
18 documents and information considered in making the adverse
19 determination or final adverse determination to the
20 assigned independent review organization electronically or
21 by telephone or facsimile or any other available
22 expeditious method.
23 (c) Except for a request for an expedited external review
24made pursuant to subsection (b) of this Section, within one
25business day after the date of receipt of a request for
26external review, the Director shall send a copy of the request

HB0224 Engrossed- 117 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1to the health carrier.
2 (d) Within 5 business days following the date of receipt of
3the external review request, the health carrier shall complete
4a preliminary review of the request to determine whether:
5 (1) the individual is or was a covered person in the
6 health benefit plan at the time the health care service was
7 recommended or requested or, in the case of a retrospective
8 review, at the time the health care service was provided;
9 (2) the recommended or requested health care service or
10 treatment that is the subject of the adverse determination
11 or final adverse determination is a covered benefit under
12 the covered person's health benefit plan except for the
13 health carrier's determination that the service or
14 treatment is experimental or investigational for a
15 particular medical condition and is not explicitly listed
16 as an excluded benefit under the covered person's health
17 benefit plan with the health carrier;
18 (3) the covered person's health care provider has
19 certified that one of the following situations is
20 applicable:
21 (A) standard health care services or treatments
22 have not been effective in improving the condition of
23 the covered person;
24 (B) standard health care services or treatments
25 are not medically appropriate for the covered person;
26 or

HB0224 Engrossed- 118 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (C) there is no available standard health care
2 service or treatment covered by the health carrier that
3 is more beneficial than the recommended or requested
4 health care service or treatment;
5 (4) the covered person's health care provider:
6 (A) has recommended a health care service or
7 treatment that the physician certifies, in writing, is
8 likely to be more beneficial to the covered person, in
9 the physician's opinion, than any available standard
10 health care services or treatments; or
11 (B) who is a licensed, board certified or board
12 eligible physician qualified to practice in the area of
13 medicine appropriate to treat the covered person's
14 condition, has certified in writing that
15 scientifically valid studies using accepted protocols
16 demonstrate that the health care service or treatment
17 requested by the covered person that is the subject of
18 the adverse determination or final adverse
19 determination is likely to be more beneficial to the
20 covered person than any available standard health care
21 services or treatments;
22 (5) the covered person has exhausted the health
23 carrier's internal appeal process as set forth in the
24 Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Act, unless the covered
25 person is not required to exhaust the health carrier's
26 internal appeal process pursuant to Section 30 of this Act;

HB0224 Engrossed- 119 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 and
2 (6) the covered person has provided all the information
3 and forms required to process an external review, as
4 specified in this Act.
5 (e) The following provisions apply concerning requests:
6 (1) Within one business day after completion of the
7 preliminary review, the health carrier shall notify the
8 Director and covered person and, if applicable, the covered
9 person's authorized representative in writing whether the
10 request is complete and eligible for external review.
11 (2) If the request:
12 (A) is not complete, then the health carrier shall
13 inform the Director and the covered person and, if
14 applicable, the covered person's authorized
15 representative in writing and include in the notice
16 what information or materials are required by this Act
17 to make the request complete; or
18 (B) is not eligible for external review, then the
19 health carrier shall inform the Director and the
20 covered person and, if applicable, the covered
21 person's authorized representative in writing and
22 include in the notice the reasons for its
23 ineligibility.
24 (3) The Department may specify the form for the health
25 carrier's notice of initial determination under this
26 subsection (e) and any supporting information to be

HB0224 Engrossed- 120 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 included in the notice.
2 (4) The notice of initial determination of
3 ineligibility shall include a statement informing the
4 covered person and, if applicable, the covered person's
5 authorized representative that a health carrier's initial
6 determination that the external review request is
7 ineligible for review may be appealed to the Director by
8 filing a complaint with the Director.
9 (5) Notwithstanding a health carrier's initial
10 determination that the request is ineligible for external
11 review, the Director may determine that a request is
12 eligible for external review and require that it be
13 referred for external review. In making such
14 determination, the Director's decision shall be in
15 accordance with the terms of the covered person's health
16 benefit plan, unless such terms are inconsistent with
17 applicable law, and shall be subject to all applicable
18 provisions of this Act.
19 (f) Whenever a request for external review is determined
20eligible for external review, the health carrier shall notify
21the Director and the covered person and, if applicable, the
22covered person's authorized representative.
23 (g) Whenever the Director receives notice that a request is
24eligible for external review following the preliminary review
25conducted pursuant to this Section, within one business day
26after the date of receipt of the notice, the Director shall:

HB0224 Engrossed- 121 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (1) assign an independent review organization from the
2 list of approved independent review organizations compiled
3 and maintained by the Director pursuant to this Act and
4 notify the health carrier of the name of the assigned
5 independent review organization; and
6 (2) notify in writing the covered person and, if
7 applicable, the covered person's authorized representative
8 of the request's eligibility and acceptance for external
9 review and the name of the independent review organization.
10 The Director shall include in the notice provided to the
11covered person and, if applicable, the covered person's
12authorized representative a statement that the covered person
13or the covered person's authorized representative may, within 5
14business days following the date of receipt of the notice
15provided pursuant to item (2) of this subsection (g), submit in
16writing to the assigned independent review organization
17additional information that the independent review
18organization shall consider when conducting the external
19review. The independent review organization is not required to,
20but may, accept and consider additional information submitted
21after 5 business days.
22 (h) The following provisions apply concerning assignments
23and clinical reviews:
24 (1) Within one business day after the receipt of the
25 notice of assignment to conduct the external review
26 pursuant to subsection (g) of this Section, the assigned

HB0224 Engrossed- 122 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 independent review organization shall select one or more
2 clinical reviewers, as it determines is appropriate,
3 pursuant to item (2) of this subsection (h) to conduct the
4 external review.
5 (2) The provisions of this item (2) apply concerning
6 the selection of reviewers:
7 (A) In selecting clinical reviewers pursuant to
8 item (1) of this subsection (h), the assigned
9 independent review organization shall select
10 physicians or other health care professionals who meet
11 the minimum qualifications described in Section 55 of
12 this Act and, through clinical experience in the past 3
13 years, are experts in the treatment of the covered
14 person's condition and knowledgeable about the
15 recommended or requested health care service or
16 treatment.
17 (B) Neither the covered person, the covered
18 person's authorized representative, if applicable, nor
19 the health carrier shall choose or control the choice
20 of the physicians or other health care professionals to
21 be selected to conduct the external review.
22 (3) In accordance with subsection (l) of this Section,
23 each clinical reviewer shall provide a written opinion to
24 the assigned independent review organization on whether
25 the recommended or requested health care service or
26 treatment should be covered.

HB0224 Engrossed- 123 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (4) In reaching an opinion, clinical reviewers are not
2 bound by any decisions or conclusions reached during the
3 health carrier's utilization review process or the health
4 carrier's internal appeal process.
5 (i) Within 5 business days after the date of receipt of the
6notice provided pursuant to subsection (g) of this Section, the
7health carrier or its designee utilization review organization
8shall provide to the assigned independent review organization
9the documents and any information considered in making the
10adverse determination or final adverse determination; in such
11cases, the following provisions shall apply:
12 (1) Except as provided in item (2) of this subsection
13 (i), failure by the health carrier or its utilization
14 review organization to provide the documents and
15 information within the specified time frame shall not delay
16 the conduct of the external review.
17 (2) If the health carrier or its utilization review
18 organization fails to provide the documents and
19 information within the specified time frame, the assigned
20 independent review organization may terminate the external
21 review and make a decision to reverse the adverse
22 determination or final adverse determination.
23 (3) Immediately upon making the decision to terminate
24 the external review and make a decision to reverse the
25 adverse determination or final adverse determination under
26 item (2) of this subsection (i), the independent review

HB0224 Engrossed- 124 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 organization shall notify the Director, the health
2 carrier, the covered person, and, if applicable, the
3 covered person's authorized representative of its decision
4 to reverse the adverse determination.
5 (j) Upon receipt of the information from the health carrier
6or its utilization review organization, each clinical reviewer
7selected pursuant to subsection (h) of this Section shall
8review all of the information and documents and any other
9information submitted in writing to the independent review
10organization by the covered person and the covered person's
11authorized representative.
12 (k) Upon receipt of any information submitted by the
13covered person or the covered person's authorized
14representative, the independent review organization shall
15forward the information to the health carrier within one
16business day. In such cases, the following provisions shall
18 (1) Upon receipt of the information, if any, the health
19 carrier may reconsider its adverse determination or final
20 adverse determination that is the subject of the external
21 review.
22 (2) Reconsideration by the health carrier of its
23 adverse determination or final adverse determination shall
24 not delay or terminate the external review.
25 (3) The external review may be terminated only if the
26 health carrier decides, upon completion of its

HB0224 Engrossed- 125 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 reconsideration, to reverse its adverse determination or
2 final adverse determination and provide coverage or
3 payment for the health care service that is the subject of
4 the adverse determination or final adverse determination.
5 In such cases, the following provisions shall apply:
6 (A) Immediately upon making its decision to
7 reverse its adverse determination or final adverse
8 determination, the health carrier shall notify the
9 Director, the covered person and, if applicable, the
10 covered person's authorized representative, and the
11 assigned independent review organization in writing of
12 its decision.
13 (B) Upon notice from the health carrier that the
14 health carrier has made a decision to reverse its
15 adverse determination or final adverse determination,
16 the assigned independent review organization shall
17 terminate the external review.
18 (l) The following provisions apply concerning clinical
19review opinions:
20 (1) Except as provided in item (3) of this subsection
21 (l), within 20 days after being selected in accordance with
22 subsection (h) of this Section to conduct the external
23 review, each clinical reviewer shall provide an opinion to
24 the assigned independent review organization on whether
25 the recommended or requested health care service or
26 treatment should be covered.

HB0224 Engrossed- 126 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (2) Except for an opinion provided pursuant to item (3)
2 of this subsection (l), each clinical reviewer's opinion
3 shall be in writing and include the following information:
4 (A) a description of the covered person's medical
5 condition;
6 (B) a description of the indicators relevant to
7 determining whether there is sufficient evidence to
8 demonstrate that the recommended or requested health
9 care service or treatment is more likely than not to be
10 beneficial to the covered person than any available
11 standard health care services or treatments and the
12 adverse risks of the recommended or requested health
13 care service or treatment would not be substantially
14 increased over those of available standard health care
15 services or treatments;
16 (C) a description and analysis of any medical or
17 scientific evidence considered in reaching the
18 opinion;
19 (D) a description and analysis of any
20 evidence-based standard; and
21 (E) information on whether the reviewer's
22 rationale for the opinion is based on clause (A) or (B)
23 of item (5) of subsection (m) of this Section.
24 (3) The provisions of this item (3) apply concerning
25 the timing of opinions:
26 (A) For an expedited external review, each

HB0224 Engrossed- 127 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 clinical reviewer shall provide an opinion orally or in
2 writing to the assigned independent review
3 organization as expeditiously as the covered person's
4 medical condition or circumstances requires, but in no
5 event more than 5 calendar days after being selected in
6 accordance with subsection (h) of this Section.
7 (B) If the opinion provided pursuant to
8 subdivision (A) of this item (3) was not in writing,
9 then within 48 hours following the date the opinion was
10 provided, the clinical reviewer shall provide written
11 confirmation of the opinion to the assigned
12 independent review organization and include the
13 information required under item (2) of this subsection
14 (l).
15 (m) In addition to the documents and information provided
16by the health carrier or its utilization review organization
17and the covered person and the covered person's authorized
18representative, if any, each clinical reviewer selected
19pursuant to subsection (h) of this Section, to the extent the
20information or documents are available and the clinical
21reviewer considers appropriate, shall consider the following
22in reaching a decision:
23 (1) the covered person's pertinent medical records;
24 (2) the covered person's health care provider's
25 recommendation;
26 (3) consulting reports from appropriate health care

HB0224 Engrossed- 128 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 providers and other documents submitted by the health
2 carrier or its designee utilization review organization,
3 the covered person, the covered person's authorized
4 representative, or the covered person's treating physician
5 or health care professional;
6 (4) the terms of coverage under the covered person's
7 health benefit plan with the health carrier to ensure that,
8 but for the health carrier's determination that the
9 recommended or requested health care service or treatment
10 that is the subject of the opinion is experimental or
11 investigational, the reviewer's opinion is not contrary to
12 the terms of coverage under the covered person's health
13 benefit plan with the health carrier; and
14 (5) whether (A) the recommended or requested health
15 care service or treatment has been approved by the federal
16 Food and Drug Administration, if applicable, for the
17 condition or (B) medical or scientific evidence or
18 evidence-based standards demonstrate that the expected
19 benefits of the recommended or requested health care
20 service or treatment is more likely than not to be
21 beneficial to the covered person than any available
22 standard health care service or treatment and the adverse
23 risks of the recommended or requested health care service
24 or treatment would not be substantially increased over
25 those of available standard health care services or
26 treatments.

HB0224 Engrossed- 129 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (n) The following provisions apply concerning decisions,
2notices, and recommendations:
3 (1) The provisions of this item (1) apply concerning
4 decisions and notices:
5 (A) Except as provided in subdivision (B) of this
6 item (1), within 20 days after the date it receives the
7 opinion of each clinical reviewer, the assigned
8 independent review organization, in accordance with
9 item (2) of this subsection (n), shall make a decision
10 and provide written notice of the decision to the
11 Director, the health carrier, the covered person, and
12 the covered person's authorized representative, if
13 applicable.
14 (B) For an expedited external review, within 48
15 hours after the date it receives the opinion of each
16 clinical reviewer, the assigned independent review
17 organization, in accordance with item (2) of this
18 subsection (n), shall make a decision and provide
19 notice of the decision orally or in writing to the
20 Director, the health carrier, the covered person, and
21 the covered person's authorized representative, if
22 applicable. If such notice is not in writing, within 48
23 hours after the date of providing that notice, the
24 assigned independent review organization shall provide
25 written confirmation of the decision to the Director,
26 the health carrier, the covered person, and the covered

HB0224 Engrossed- 130 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 person's authorized representative, if applicable.
2 (2) The provisions of this item (2) apply concerning
3 recommendations:
4 (A) If a majority of the clinical reviewers
5 recommend that the recommended or requested health
6 care service or treatment should be covered, then the
7 independent review organization shall make a decision
8 to reverse the health carrier's adverse determination
9 or final adverse determination.
10 (B) If a majority of the clinical reviewers
11 recommend that the recommended or requested health
12 care service or treatment should not be covered, the
13 independent review organization shall make a decision
14 to uphold the health carrier's adverse determination
15 or final adverse determination.
16 (C) The provisions of this subdivision (C) apply to
17 cases in which the clinical reviewers are evenly split:
18 (i) If the clinical reviewers are evenly split
19 as to whether the recommended or requested health
20 care service or treatment should be covered, then
21 the independent review organization shall obtain
22 the opinion of an additional clinical reviewer in
23 order for the independent review organization to
24 make a decision based on the opinions of a majority
25 of the clinical reviewers pursuant to subdivision
26 (A) or (B) of this item (2).

HB0224 Engrossed- 131 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (ii) The additional clinical reviewer selected
2 under clause (i) of this subdivision (C) shall use
3 the same information to reach an opinion as the
4 clinical reviewers who have already submitted
5 their opinions.
6 (iii) The selection of the additional clinical
7 reviewer under this subdivision (C) shall not
8 extend the time within which the assigned
9 independent review organization is required to
10 make a decision based on the opinions of the
11 clinical reviewers.
12 (o) The independent review organization shall include in
13the notice provided pursuant to subsection (n) of this Section:
14 (1) a general description of the reason for the request
15 for external review;
16 (2) the written opinion of each clinical reviewer,
17 including the recommendation of each clinical reviewer as
18 to whether the recommended or requested health care service
19 or treatment should be covered and the rationale for the
20 reviewer's recommendation;
21 (3) the date the independent review organization
22 received the assignment from the Director to conduct the
23 external review;
24 (4) the time period during which the external review
25 was conducted;
26 (5) the date of its decision;

HB0224 Engrossed- 132 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (6) the principal reason or reasons for its decision;
2 and
3 (7) the rationale for its decision.
4 (p) Upon receipt of a notice of a decision reversing the
5adverse determination or final adverse determination, the
6health carrier shall immediately approve the coverage that was
7the subject of the adverse determination or final adverse
9 (q) The assignment by the Director of an approved
10independent review organization to conduct an external review
11in accordance with this Section shall be done on a random basis
12among those independent review organizations approved by the
13Director pursuant to this Act.
14 (215 ILCS 180/55)
15 Sec. 55. Minimum qualifications for independent review
17 (a) To be approved to conduct external reviews, an
18independent review organization shall have and maintain
19written policies and procedures that govern all aspects of both
20the standard external review process and the expedited external
21review process set forth in this Act that include, at a
23 (1) a quality assurance mechanism that ensures that:
24 (A) external reviews are conducted within the
25 specified timeframes and required notices are provided

HB0224 Engrossed- 133 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 in a timely manner;
2 (B) selection of qualified and impartial clinical
3 reviewers to conduct external reviews on behalf of the
4 independent review organization and suitable matching
5 of reviewers to specific cases and that the independent
6 review organization employs or contracts with an
7 adequate number of clinical reviewers to meet this
8 objective;
9 (C) for adverse determinations involving
10 experimental or investigational treatments, in
11 assigning clinical reviewers, the independent review
12 organization selects physicians or other health care
13 professionals who, through clinical experience in the
14 past 3 years, are experts in the treatment of the
15 covered person's condition and knowledgeable about the
16 recommended or requested health care service or
17 treatment;
18 (D) the health carrier, the covered person, and the
19 covered person's authorized representative shall not
20 choose or control the choice of the physicians or other
21 health care professionals to be selected to conduct the
22 external review;
23 (E) confidentiality of medical and treatment
24 records and clinical review criteria; and
25 (F) any person employed by or under contract with
26 the independent review organization adheres to the

HB0224 Engrossed- 134 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 requirements of this Act;
2 (2) a toll-free telephone service operating on a
3 24-hour-day, 7-day-a-week basis that accepts, receives,
4 and records information related to external reviews and
5 provides appropriate instructions; and
6 (3) an agreement to maintain and provide to the
7 Director the information set out in Section 70 of this Act.
8 (b) All clinical reviewers assigned by an independent
9review organization to conduct external reviews shall be
10physicians or other appropriate health care providers who meet
11the following minimum qualifications:
12 (1) be an expert in the treatment of the covered
13 person's medical condition that is the subject of the
14 external review;
15 (2) be knowledgeable about the recommended health care
16 service or treatment through recent or current actual
17 clinical experience treating patients with the same or
18 similar medical condition of the covered person;
19 (3) hold a non-restricted license in a state of the
20 United States and, for physicians, a current certification
21 by a recognized American medical specialty board in the
22 area or areas appropriate to the subject of the external
23 review; and
24 (4) have no history of disciplinary actions or
25 sanctions, including loss of staff privileges or
26 participation restrictions, that have been taken or are

HB0224 Engrossed- 135 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 pending by any hospital, governmental agency or unit, or
2 regulatory body that raise a substantial question as to the
3 clinical reviewer's physical, mental, or professional
4 competence or moral character.
5 (c) In addition to the requirements set forth in subsection
6(a), an independent review organization may not own or control,
7be a subsidiary of, or in any way be owned, or controlled by,
8or exercise control with a health benefit plan, a national,
9State, or local trade association of health benefit plans, or a
10national, State, or local trade association of health care
12 (d) Conflicts of interest prohibited. In addition to the
13requirements set forth in subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this
14Section, to be approved pursuant to this Act to conduct an
15external review of a specified case, neither the independent
16review organization selected to conduct the external review nor
17any clinical reviewer assigned by the independent organization
18to conduct the external review may have a material
19professional, familial or financial conflict of interest with
20any of the following:
21 (1) the health carrier that is the subject of the
22 external review;
23 (2) the covered person whose treatment is the subject
24 of the external review or the covered person's authorized
25 representative;
26 (3) any officer, director or management employee of the

HB0224 Engrossed- 136 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 health carrier that is the subject of the external review;
2 (4) the health care provider, the health care
3 provider's medical group or independent practice
4 association recommending the health care service or
5 treatment that is the subject of the external review;
6 (5) the facility at which the recommended health care
7 service or treatment would be provided; or
8 (6) the developer or manufacturer of the principal
9 drug, device, procedure, or other therapy being
10 recommended for the covered person whose treatment is the
11 subject of the external review.
12 (e) An independent review organization that is accredited
13by a nationally recognized private accrediting entity that has
14independent review accreditation standards that the Director
15has determined are equivalent to or exceed the minimum
16qualifications of this Section shall be presumed to be in
17compliance with this Section and shall be eligible for approval
18under this Act.
19 (f) An independent review organization shall be unbiased.
20An independent review organization shall establish and
21maintain written procedures to ensure that it is unbiased in
22addition to any other procedures required under this Section.
23 (g) Nothing in this Act precludes or shall be interpreted
24to preclude a health carrier from contracting with approved
25independent review organizations to conduct external reviews
26assigned to it from such health carrier.

HB0224 Engrossed- 137 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1(Source: P.A. 96-857, eff. 7-1-10.)
2 (215 ILCS 180/65)
3 Sec. 65. External review reporting requirements.
4 (a) Each health carrier shall maintain written records in
5the aggregate, by state, and for each type of health benefit
6plan offered by the health carrier on all requests for external
7review that the health carrier received notice from the
8Director for each calendar year and submit a report to the
9Director in the format specified by the Director by March 1 of
10each year.
11 (a-5) An independent review organization assigned pursuant
12to this Act to conduct an external review shall maintain
13written records in the aggregate by state and by health carrier
14on all requests for external review for which it conducted an
15external review during a calendar year and submit a report in
16the format specified by the Director by March 1 of each year.
17 (a-10) The report required by subsection (a-5) shall
18include in the aggregate by state, and for each health carrier:
19 (1) the total number of requests for external review;
20 (2) the number of requests for external review resolved
21 and, of those resolved, the number resolved upholding the
22 adverse determination or final adverse determination and
23 the number resolved reversing the adverse determination or
24 final adverse determination;
25 (3) the average length of time for resolution;

HB0224 Engrossed- 138 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 (4) a summary of the types of coverages or cases for
2 which an external review was sought, as provided in the
3 format required by the Director;
4 (5) the number of external reviews pursuant to Section
5 8G of this Act that were terminated as the result of a
6 reconsideration by the health carrier of its adverse
7 determination or final adverse determination after the
8 receipt of additional information from the covered person
9 or the covered person's authorized representative; and
10 (6) any other information the Director may request or
11 require.
12 (a-15) The independent review organization shall retain
13the written records required pursuant to this Section for at
14least 3 years.
15 (b) The report required under subsection (a) of this
16Section shall include in the aggregate, by state, and by type
17of health benefit plan:
18 (1) the total number of requests for external review;
19 (2) the total number of requests for expedited external
20 review;
21 (3) the total number of requests for external review
22 denied;
23 (4) the number of requests for external review
24 resolved, including:
25 (A) the number of requests for external review
26 resolved upholding the adverse determination or final

HB0224 Engrossed- 139 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 adverse determination;
2 (B) the number of requests for external review
3 resolved reversing the adverse determination or final
4 adverse determination;
5 (C) the number of requests for expedited external
6 review resolved upholding the adverse determination or
7 final adverse determination; and
8 (D) the number of requests for expedited external
9 review resolved reversing the adverse determination or
10 final adverse determination;
11 (5) the average length of time for resolution for an
12 external review;
13 (6) the average length of time for resolution for an
14 expedited external review;
15 (7) a summary of the types of coverages or cases for
16 which an external review was sought, as specified below:
17 (A) denial of care or treatment (dissatisfaction
18 regarding prospective non-authorization of a request
19 for care or treatment recommended by a provider
20 excluding diagnostic procedures and referral requests;
21 partial approvals and care terminations are also
22 considered to be denials);
23 (B) denial of diagnostic procedure
24 (dissatisfaction regarding prospective
25 non-authorization of a request for a diagnostic
26 procedure recommended by a provider; partial approvals

HB0224 Engrossed- 140 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1 are also considered to be denials);
2 (C) denial of referral request (dissatisfaction
3 regarding non-authorization of a request for a
4 referral to another provider recommended by a PCP);
5 (D) claims and utilization review (dissatisfaction
6 regarding the concurrent or retrospective evaluation
7 of the coverage, medical necessity, efficiency or
8 appropriateness of health care services or treatment
9 plans; prospective "Denials of care or treatment",
10 "Denials of diagnostic procedures" and "Denials of
11 referral requests" should not be classified in this
12 category, but the appropriate one above);
13 (8) the number of external reviews that were terminated
14 as the result of a reconsideration by the health carrier of
15 its adverse determination or final adverse determination
16 after the receipt of additional information from the
17 covered person or the covered person's authorized
18 representative; and
19 (9) any other information the Director may request or
20 require.
21(Source: P.A. 96-857, eff. 7-1-10.)
22 (215 ILCS 180/75)
23 Sec. 75. Disclosure requirements.
24 (a) Each health carrier shall include a description of the
25external review procedures in, or attached to, the policy,

HB0224 Engrossed- 141 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
1certificate, membership booklet, and outline of coverage or
2other evidence of coverage it provides to covered persons.
3 (b) The description required under subsection (a) of this
4Section shall include a statement that informs the covered
5person of the right of the covered person to file a request for
6an external review of an adverse determination or final adverse
7determination with the Director health carrier. The statement
8shall explain that external review is available when the
9adverse determination or final adverse determination involves
10an issue of medical necessity, appropriateness, health care
11setting, level of care, or effectiveness. The statement shall
12include the toll-free telephone number and address of the
13Office of Consumer Health Insurance within the Department of
15(Source: P.A. 96-857, eff. 7-1-10.)
16 (215 ILCS 180/80 new)
17 Sec. 80. Administration and enforcement.
18 (a) The Director of Insurance may adopt rules necessary to
19implement the Department's responsibilities under this Act.
20 (b) The Director is authorized to make use of any of the
21powers established under the Illinois Insurance Code to enforce
22the laws of this State. This includes but is not limited to,
23the Director's administrative authority to investigate, issue
24subpoenas, conduct depositions and hearings, issue orders,
25including, without limitation, orders pursuant to Article XII

HB0224 Engrossed- 142 -LRB097 05693 RPM 45756 b
11/2 and Section 401.1 of the Illinois Insurance Code, and
2impose penalties.
3 (215 ILCS 134/50 rep.)
4 Section 90-15. The Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights
5Act is amended by repealing Section 50.
8 Section 99-99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
9becoming law.