State of Illinois
2009 and 2010

Introduced 2/6/2009, by Rep. Kathleen A. Ryg

740 ILCS 14/35 new

Amends the Biometric Information Privacy Act. Creates the Biometric Information Privacy Study Committee to examine: the use of biometric identifiers, information, and technology used by the State and local governments and report on current policies, procedures, and practices used by governmental entities to protect against unauthorized disclosure of information; best practices; and issues. Provides the Committee's report and recommendations shall be submitted to the General Assembly before December 31, 2010. Provides that members of the Committee shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses.
LRB096 04446 AJO 14497 b


HB0742 LRB096 04446 AJO 14497 b
1 AN ACT concerning civil law.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Biometric Information Privacy Act is amended
5 by adding Section 35 as follows:
6 (740 ILCS 14/35 new)
7 Sec. 35. Biometric Information Privacy Study Committee.
8 (a) There is created the Biometric Information Privacy
9 Study Committee, hereafter referred to as the Committee,
10 consisting of 17 members appointed as follows:
11 (1) One member representing the Senate, appointed by
12 the President of the Senate;
13 (2) One member representing the Senate, appointed by
14 the Minority Leader of the Senate;
15 (3) One member representing the House, appointed by the
16 Speaker of the House of Representatives;
17 (4) One member representing the House, appointed by the
18 Minority Leader of the House of Representatives;
19 (5) One member representing the interests of the State
20 executive branch including, but not limited to, the
21 Department of Central Management Services, State Board of
22 Education, Illinois Commerce Commission, and Department of
23 Revenue, appointed by the Governor;

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1 (6) One member, who shall serve as the chair of the
2 Committee, representing the Office of the Attorney
3 General, appointed by the Attorney General;
4 (7) One member representing the Office of the Secretary
5 of State, appointed by the Secretary of State;
6 (8) One member representing the Department of Human
7 Services, appointed by the Secretary of the Department of
8 Human Services;
9 (9) One member representing law enforcement, appointed
10 by the Director of State Police;
11 (10) One member representing the interests of jails and
12 prisons, appointed by the Director of Corrections;
13 (11) One member representing the interests of small
14 municipalities, appointed by the chair of the Committee;
15 (12) One member representing the interests of large
16 municipalities, appointed by the chair of the Committee;
17 (13) One member representing the interests of public
18 hospitals, appointed by the chair of the Committee;
19 (14) One member representing the interests of
20 government employees, appointed by the chair of the
21 Committee;
22 (15) One member with expertise in biometric
23 technology, appointed by the chair of the Committee;
24 (16) One member with expertise in information
25 technology and privacy law, appointed by the chair of the
26 Committee; and

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1 (17) One member representing the interests of the civil
2 liberties community, appointed by the chair of the
3 Committee.
4 (b) The Committee shall examine the use of biometric
5 identifiers, biometric information, and biometric technology
6 used by State and local governments in Illinois and report to
7 the General Assembly on their use. The report shall include:
8 (1) current policies, procedures, and practices used
9 by State and local governments to protect against the
10 unauthorized disclosure of biometric identifiers and
11 biometric information held by State or local governments;
12 (2) best practices used by State or local governments
13 to protect against unauthorized disclosures of biometric
14 identifiers and biometric information held by State or
15 local governments;
16 (3) issues related to the collection, retention,
17 dissemination, destruction, cost, training, and
18 ramifications of biometric identifiers and biometric
19 information held by State and local governments; and
20 (4) recommendations on technical and procedural
21 changes necessary to implement and enforce reasonable,
22 uniform biometric safeguards by State and local
23 governments.
24 (c) The Committee may begin to conduct business upon the
25 appointment of a majority of its members. The Committee shall
26 meet at least twice and at other times at the call of the

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1 chair. The Committee may conduct meetings by telecommunication
2 where possible to minimize travel expenses. Members of the
3 Committee shall serve without compensation but remain eligible
4 for reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses.
5 (d) The Committee shall hold public hearings as it deems
6 necessary to receive testimony from the public regarding
7 biometric identifiers, biometric information, and biometric
8 technology used by State and local governments. The Committee
9 shall present a report of its findings and recommendations to
10 the General Assembly before December 31, 2010.